Secular Citizen Vol.22 No.48 dated 2nd December 2013

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2 December 2013


Blessed Vaz’s Canonization Reaches Crucial Stage

St Mary's School, Mazgaon, Mumbai 150th year celebrations. Maharashtra Governor K Sankaranarayanan is seen with Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Principal Kenneth Misquitta and Post Master General of Maharashtra Col K C Mishra at the School premises in Mumbai on (RONIDA) Saturday 23 Nov 2013

Panaji: Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao of Goa, Daman and Diu has said that the process for canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz has reached a crucial stage as one of the miracles submitted for his cause has been accepted as worthy of study by the Vatican. The archbishop conveyed the good news to the small gathering during the Eucharistic service celebrated outside the Archbishop's House at Altinho on Monday evening. Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio was present and blessed the statues of Blessed Vaz and Blessed John Paul II that were installed in the compound. The church in Goa has a reason to believe that the canonization of Blezzed Vaz may not be far and Archbishop Ferrao expressed the hope that it may happen shortly. Bishop Vianney Fernando of Kandy (Sri Lanka) has communicated to the Goa church regarding the recent development in the canonization process. Blessed Vaz, a saintly Goan priest who lived over 300 years ago traveled to Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) ministering to the Catholics in that country. A group has petitioned for the expedition of his canonization as a native saint of India and Sri Lanka. Archbishop Ferrao urged the faithful to pray for the canonization of Blessed Vaz, referring to him as a stalwart of the Catholic faith. The process to sainthood has different stages. "A candidate for sainthood is first declared servant of God, then venerable and then blessed. In the final process, he or she is declared a saint and is numbered as a saint of the universal church," a church leader said. Following his beatification in 1995, Blessed Vaz was made the patron of the archdiocese of Goa and Daman. The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka has also been petitioning the Vatican for Blessed Vaz's canonization through the national secretariat of the cause for his canonization.


Nanson & Valina Mascarenhas

united in the Sacrament of Matrimony on 16th of November 2013 (Nanson, son of Angeline & Paul Mascarenhas) (Valina, daughter of Vinnibold & late Jacintha Coelho)

2 December 2013

Advt. T ariff Tariff


Vol.22 No.48 December 2, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO


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‘Thought for the week’

Sometimes you don’t think you are progressing until you step back and see how high you’ve really gone.


pg. 3 - Out Of Good Comes Evil pg. 5 - Views on News pg. 7 - Reader's Views pg 8 - Film Review: Lootera pg 9 - Emerging Christian Leadership in Central India pg 11 - Church 'needs to speak language of digital world' pg 14 - Love At Christmas pg 15 - The Son Of Man IS Coming pg 17 - German Bishops Set To Defy Vatican pg 18 - Common Words That lCreate Failure pg 19 - Inspiration pg 20 - Matrimonials pg 22 - How To Be A Great Guest At A Wedding

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Out Of Good Comes Evil

by Francis Lobo A crusading journalist, who held promise for the middle class of leading India out of the clutches of the corrupt, Tarun Jeet Tejpal, founder and editor of Tehelka, has fallen from grace for sexual harassment. I am shaken that I am learning stuff I was ignorant of even though I have spent more than three quarters of a century in this wicked world. Tejpal shocked us Goans when he declared to the delegates on the opening day of a conference in Goa, “You are in Goa. Eat, drink and be merry and sleep with whomever you want”. I spent two years in Goa but was unaware that this is what I was expected to do. Instead I spent sleepless nights agonizing over how to revive a sick company. Tehelka became famous when through a STING Operation it exposed the corruption involved in defense deals. A Sting Operation is only possible with substantial temptation in the form of sleaze and sex. I have been brought up in the school which teaches that we must resist temptation because God is watching us. To those that don’t believe in God, the new message should be that behind every temptation there may be a camera, a tape and a witness. So be careful. Conferences in five star hotels are SILIVILIZATION PART XVI meant to train those who will carry out such operations in the art and techniques of temptation. In my innocence I attended conferences taking copious notes and keeping awake late into the night doing the homework that was given. When you are brought up in a God fearing family you learn to listen to those who are in charge. Another characteristic of such upbringing is that you shun talking evil about others leave alone snooping around to get some sensational gossip. You are innocent and ignorant to know that money can be made by exposing the wrong doings of others. One can be rich and successful by exposing scandals. Even before Pope Francis made “Option for the Poor” a virtue my family had chosen this path. I have tried to live by principles and not to become rich and famous the smart and fast way. I now learn that crime can come from the most unexpected persons — a respected editor, a learned judge, a priest, an uncle. The criminal mind can identify who will give you a good story if you listen to their conversation and their intellectual slug fest where every sentence has a hidden meaning. The hierarchical organization structure has made us believe that the one at the top has to be obeyed, you are owned by her, you are there to do her

(Contd.. on p. 4)

2 December 2013


Out Of Good Comes Evil (Contd.. from p. 3)

bidding. They carry around the ultimate weapon — the letter of termination. Your wife and five children make one accept exploitation philosophically with equanimity. A complaint doesn’t go anywhere. Yes, the one you complain to promises to talk to the person you are complaining about — which doesn’t happen. She forgot what you told her, she doesn’t remember. You are advised to reach an understanding with the one who is hurting you. If your complaint is taken forward, the one complained about has a different story to tell and quite a different point of view. Your complaint has no basis. In fact there are counter complaints and there are many faults which you yourself have to correct. Your colleagues are brought in to justify what you are being charged with. You learn that you cannot take on those in authority. The system favors the rich and powerful. To prove that one is useless you are given inconsequential responsibilities, your ideas and memos are ignored, you are not invited for meetings and humiliated in innumerable other ways. Despite conventions and legislation, harassment at the work place is widely prevalent. It is a social crime calling for action by all of us, not only the police and the authorities. It is sad to see in organization after organization that the majority are silent spectators. They fail to stand up and speak out for those who are being harassed, exploited and discriminated against. Self interest ensures that evil persists and grows.



Youth Cycle Rally

ANPUR 20th November: The youth of Kanpur came out in large numbers today to participate in a path breaking cycle rally. About 450 students from various schools, NCC cadets, Scouts and senior citizens enthusiastically cycled down the main Mall Road from the Parade ground to Mahatma Gandhi’s statue at Phoolbagh. A small group of differently abled, from the Spastics Centre, also took part. The rally was organised by the Kanpur Nagrik Manch (KNM) that is the Kanpur Citizens Forum, which espouses several civic and social issues in this city of 4.5 million, once known as the Manchester of the East, for its industrial prowess. This rally was the brainchild of chhotebhai, the Convener of the KNM, who is also the President of the Kanpur Catholic Association (KCA). It was flagged off by noted littérateur and Gandhian, Padamshree Giriraj Kishore, who said that it was the need of the hour. The rally slogan was “Cycle Chalao, Eedhan Bachao, Swasth Banao” (Keep cycling, Save fuel, Keep fit). Addressing the gathering chhotebhai said that the fuel import bill was having an adverse impact on the nation’s Current Account Deficit, and thereby the economy. It was therefore imperative that the citizens, and especially the youth, took to cycling. It would also reduce pollution and make for a healthier lifestyle. He said that Pope Francis had appealed to priests and nuns to eschew their cars and return to cycles. Lt Gen Zameeruddin Shah (Retd) the Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University cycles, as does noted scientist and environmentalist Sunita Narain. One should not be ashamed or embarrassed to cycle he said. Holland is a rich country, but it is the cycling capital of the world. Puducherry, which has a cosmopolitan culture, also has a vast number of cyclists. He asked the youth if they would like to get into

the IIT? When they said, “Yes”, he told them that they would then have to cycle, because on the IIT Kanpur campus, not just the students, but also the professors use cycles. While earlier visiting several schools to invite them for the rally, the KNM was surprised to hear the lament of school principals, that youngsters were loath to cycle, and surreptitiously came on 2 wheelers, eventhough they were underage and didn’t have a Licence. Since bringing 2 wheelers to schools is banned by the police, the students would park them in convenient places near the school premises. At the rally the KNM appealed to the traffic police to make the roads safe for cyclists. The rally ended with the singing of the National Anthem and a pledge to keep on cycling, as also to encourage others to do so. The KCA was represented by Rajveer Samuel, Cornelius Kujur, Emmanuel Premchand and Angelo Menezes. The only Catholic school to participate was St Aloysius’, led by Rohit Caleb. (Photo credits – Rajveer Samuel, attached herewith).

2 December 2013



Narendra Modi is dead right. No other State in the Union of India is as safe as Gujarat. Look at the importance the Government gives to the safety of its people. One oral request from a father and the entire police machinery [including ATS, IB] is galvanized into action. Some 60 odd personnel are put on duty duly monitored by top police officials under the direct supervision of the Home Minister who in turn keeps the ‘Sahib’ posted all the time. Can anybody ask for more? It’s worth relocating in Gandhinagar. Yes, we are talking about the famous [or infamous] story of a young woman being protected, shadowed and snooped and what not. Forget about the long delay in exposing the whole issue. Yes, it is ill-timed but does the seriousness of the case diminish anyway? Reporting something which is wrong does not fall under the law of limitation. Even the apex court has said that what is important is the substance. Precisely! The BJP which has been in the forefront in attacking the UPA for all its ills [and there are plenty] suddenly finds itself on a very shaky turf. The silence of Gujarat Government is deafening. The father of the girl, an average man, felt just telling the Government orally to look after his daughter is good enough. But when it comes to defending Modi Government, he considers it very important that he releases elaborate typed statements. He could have given an oral statement instead. He could have also called a press conference. That was carefully avoided because the reporters would have grilled and exposed him. Incidentally, when Vanzara, jailed IPS Officer, published his long letter the BJP was quick to comment that the letter was carefully drafted by some body else [implying Congress party]. The letters of the father of the girl, produced ‘by the BJP’, appear to be drafted by a professional. It could not have been written by the ‘father’. By the way, BJP has excellent legal luminaries

2 December 2013

VIEWS on NEWS with good writing skills. *****

CAMPA COLA The suo moto action by the apex court saw the demolition stayed on that fateful day which saw grand celebrations. It is not easy to see your home being demolished especially when you have paid for it through your nose. No one should face such situations. Political parties, however, took credit for nothing. Not surprising! On the same day, another building in Navi Mumbai was razed to the ground by the authorities for similar reasons. There were no political parties / media to take up their cause or interview them. Those owners too had paid the cost so whether they actually stayed in the building or not is immaterial. What made political parties in Campa Cola case take up only their case. The occupants are upper middle class people with a lot of clout. They could manage media coverage, political intervention and national attention. With the apex court making it clear that come May end next year, the illegal flats will be demolished, there is gloom in the homes of the affected families. The authorities are aware that if they decide to regularize it, they will be opening the Pandora’s Box. The families will do well to think of alternatives during the intervening period of six months. What about the poor including those in slums. They have no wherewithal to fight when their shanties are brought down or catch fire. One of the Campa Cola residents said that they were treated like ‘slum dwellers’. This statement is highly objectionable and insulting because the poor are also human beings and citizens of this country. On the contrary their plight is worse. But does anybody care? *****

‘AAP’ KA KYA HOGA? If one thing Arvind Kejrival would have learnt since he formed his politi-

by Marshall Sequeira cal outfit [much against the advice of his guru – Anna], a few months back, is that politics in India is not everybody’s cup of tea. He started with a flourish after the Anna movement and took ‘undue’ advantage of the platform set by Anna himself. No wonder he is upset today because he had trusted Kejrival and his group. Without the Anna movement Kejrival could not have attracted public support. To that extent, he has betrayed his guru who is distinctly unhappy with questions raised over funds collected during the movement. The money issue raised by Annaji is relevant. This is a body blow to the nascent party struggling against the likes of Congress and the BJP. It is easy to talk about political conspiracy. Few years down the line they will talk about Aam party’s conspiracy. The latest sting operation has actually shattered the party which is likely to have far reaching implications in the coming elections. There is no point in complaining about the timing and who is behind it. The same thing applies to the Anna video expressing utter displeasure. So long as the tapes are not doctored everything is fine. Everybody has a right to trap politicians or even corporate heads to unearth any wrong doing so long as one does not invade one’s privacy. AAP was mighty pleased with the opinion poll results. Should we have a fresh round of opinion poll now under changed circumstances? New broom normally sweeps clean but if the broom is soiled, the ‘results’ may not be flattering on the DDay. By the way you cannot give the verdict on the doctoring of the tapes especially when you said that the EC will examine the issue. What was undue hurry? Such self certification does more harm than good.


There Is An Urgent Need For A Burial Ground Between Dahisar To Khar


nited Christian Community Cen tre (UCCC), a public Trust is actively working towards uniting Christians of various Churches together and creating awareness among them of their basic human and minority rights. Christians are peace loving citizens who believe united prayer to Almighty God can bring solutions to any grave situations. The Secretary of UCCC, Simon Serrao says “Unless Christians come out of their compartments and comfort zones for united prayer and participation, they will continue to be deprived of their basic rights”. Over Six Lakh Christians residing along the western express highway between the 25 kms long stretch from Dahisar to Khar east are inconvenienced and face hardships for burying their dead as there is not a single burial ground for the community. Despite this fact, an allotted Christian burial space in 1997 at Kandivali (East) was encroached upon by another community due to the negligence of the BMC in not constructing the boundary of Christian space. After UCCC demanded the clearance of the encroachments of the other community from the allotted Christian space in 2008, BMC identified an alternate plot adjacent to it CTS 15A(Pt.) and promised its development

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in 3 months. Even after UCCC’s aggressive followup, it is November 2013 and only a mere reservation change of the plot has happened, acquisition and development of the Cemetery on it still appears a distant dream. Further land mafias who do not even spare burial grounds have set their eye on this reserved plot, have introduced ownership dispute and built illegal wall on the boundary. Most of the poor Christians however continue to suffer by travelling long distances for burial need. Though the BMC has a policy for composite Cemetery development for different communities together, it is not implementing it in principle and hence the Christians are deprived of such basic facilities while being provided for other communities. This is clearly evident from cremation and burial facilities being created for other communities at Aarey Colony at WEH, Goregaon east but Christian burial space was never earmarked or planned. Till date after UCCC’s aggressive followup, we are

still awaiting a NOC from Dairy department for change of reservation to Cemetery. Another case is at Malad east near Shantaram talao, of a BMC owned reserved Cemetery plot as per DP plan, which is being gobbled by builders under the guise of SRA development. How can BMC permit development on an existing Cemetery reserved plot, when there is acute shortage of Christian burial spaces in the same stretch? Prayer Service organized by UCCC on Sunday, November 17, 2013 at ‘Nativity of our Lord Church’, Kandivali (East) received a warm response of over 1,400 Christians from 40 Churches of various denominations (Latin, Syro Malabar, Protestants, Etc.). Besides praying for pressing need of burial grounds, every participant committed to coming out on the streets if required to demanding their rights. All Church leaders present applauded the efforts of UCCC, confirmed their support to this cause and assured all help (including legal support) needed to claim burial spaces for Christians. Participants explored the option of confronting elected representatives, marching to the sites reserved for Christian cemetery, filing a PIL against Govt., boycotting elections and coming out on the streets as next steps. The Jt. Secretary of UCCC, Joachim Colaco says that if the community is with us, UCCC will fight tooth and nail with concerned authorities to get the community their basic right for burial ground.

2 December 2013

Parish Portability Hat off to your suggestion, what a wonderful change it will be, if it happens at all. Now that your article is on the cover page of the Secular Citizen and hoping that the Cardinal, Bishops and the Parish Counsel Members of many parishes must have seen it, it should be taken up at the next A.P.C. meeting so as to move forward in the direction of portability positively. —Gabriel Fernandes

Pitfalls of Artificial Family Planning China is all set to ease its decades-old one child policy (Report in Times of India, 16 Nov 2013). A government think tank urged China’s leaders to start phasing out the policy and allow two children for every family by 2015, saying the country had paid a huge political and social cost! This had resulted in social conflict, high administrative expenses and led indirectly to a long term gender imbalance because of illegal abortions of female fetuses, and the infanticide of baby girls by parents who cling to a traditional preference for a son. We too in India are saddled by a

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2 December 2013

grossly skewed female sex ratio resulting in the Patel community of Gujarat opting to marry even orphan girls. In Haryana, parents are outsourcing brides from Kerala. Another culprit in artificial family restriction is the notorious ‘contraceptive pill’! There are over 30 adverse drug reactions on its long term use. The major distressing ones are weight

THE GIFT OF TIME Every day, God gives us all equal chance to do something worthwhile. Make the most of it. God gave us a miraculous gift of time. It cannot be seen or touched but without it, there will be no meaning in life. With the creation of the universe, God gave humankind a miraculous gift. In fact without which it would be difficult to imagine life. It is time! God being kind and just gave this to all of us in equal quantity. He knew that some of his children would be wasteful. So he gave it in such a way that they would not be able to waste all of it. He assured a continuous and fresh supply of it. Each day he gives a fresh supply of twenty four hours or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds to each of us - poor or rich, good or bad, man or woman. We may have handicaps of education, money and connections. But we are not handicapped by time. It is given equally to all. It is the most important ingredient in success. Use your time wisely and nobody can stop you from succeeding. Time management is the key to keeping your resolutions.

gain, loss of libido, deep vein thrombosis, breast cancer, mental depression, and now glaucoma leading to blindness. Condom use contributes to erectile dysfunction, rupture , dermatitis and marital discord. The alternative is the Natural family Planning (NFP) recommended by the Catholic church. No doubt it requires motivation, but it brings back the magic and magnetism of marriage. A small and happy family is the bedrock of a healthy marital relationship: “ Let marriage be held in honour by all, and let the marriage bed be kept undefiled; for God will judge fornicators and adulterers “ (Hebrews, 13:4). —Dr Trevor Colaso

AADHAR -Whom To Blame ? I visited a designated ‘Aadhar’ enrolment centre with an intension to change my address in it. However the biometric system does not accept the change of address now – I was told. Once all get registered then they will install ‘CORRECTION’ software to computer and changes to Aadhar can be done – they informed me. Is this India’s most prestigious ‘unique identification card’ ? If our computers are so dull, then whom shall we blame ? as a responsible citizen I had went to do the change. —Philomina Sequeira, Ferar

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Emerging Christian Leadership in Central India


he emerging of Chris tian leadership in Cen tral India can be better understood against the background of Anti-Christian violence in Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh. The taking over of Uma Bharati as the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh in 2003 boosted the Hindu fundamental organizations to attack Evangelists in Jhabua. The violence that began in 2003 accelerated into major anti-Christian violence with finding of the body of an eleven year old fruit vender girl in the bathroom of a mission school situated in the Church campus in Jhabua. The incident paved way for much false propaganda against the Church and Christian community as a

Fr. Anand Muttungal whole leading to large scale violence against Christians from January 14 to 17 of 2004. This threw the Catholic Church and non-catholic churches off the track. The baffled Church heads realized that money and institutional power will not help much in tackling violence and vengeance of the fundamental organizations but developing Christian leadership. The visionary, Bishop George Anathil along with Archbishop Pascal Topno planned an organization and entrusted the duty to Father Denis Carnerio and me (Public Relations Office). We formed the Madhya Pradesh - Chhattisgarh Christian Forum in Archbishop House Bhopal but due to internal pull and push the organization had a natural death. After much of meditation and discussions we launched Isai Maha Sangh, the new organization. Bishop Sebastian Vadakkel played a great role in shaping the organization. This organization assimilated able Christian leaders of old organization from all districts of Madhya Pradesh. We aimed at motivating and providing a platform to Christian leaders for socio-political leader-


ship and collectively help them get into as many political parties as possible. The second aim was to develop constant dialogue with fundamental organizations regarding the teachings of Lord Jesus and the mission of Church organizations. Isai Maha Sangh from day one started to knit network of leaders in and outside of Madhya Pradesh. We motivated Christians to enter into local political parties and local body elections. On the other side we continue the dialogue process with fundamental organizations to build a confidence and trust in the society. In the assembly election 2003 only one Christian was in the election, in 2008 the number grew to 11 and in the 2013 Assembly Election we see 17 Christians fighting election from various political parties and one candidate as independent. The Christians are fighting election from almost all major political parties except BJP. We also see many candidates even BJP approaching the Christian leaders in the districts to get their support in the election. Just before election the M.P Congress Party to please a top Church official and a gang of old leaders removed a Christian leader from the post of the State Congress Secretary who was a senior leader of the Isai Maha Sangh but growing demand from various parts of Madhya Pradesh made the Congress realize the strong leadership

of Christians and they reinstated the person with same dignity. Besides the Bharatiya Janata Party has appointed one of the senior leaders of the Isai Maha Sangh as election in-charge of Christians in M.P and other Christian leaders are playing an important role in Bahujan Samajwadi Party, Samajwadi Party and Communist Party of India are signs of growing Christian political leadership in central India. We have succeeded in bring up at least one strong leader in every important District of Madhya Pradesh to deal with issues related Christians in the local level itself. The success story of Isai Maha Sangh has made Christian leaders from North Indian states to start there too. Responding to their demand we have begun in neighbouring states like Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. It is all set to be become Rashtriya Isai Maha Sangh with strong units in North Indian states. I believe that if one of the smallest communities in India, the “Sindhi Samaj� can give a Deputy Prime Minister to India and a Prime Ministerial Candidate, then why not we?, we can also; if we stand together to create platform for our upcoming Christian leaders in India.

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2 December 2013

MAHARASHTRA KONKANI KALA SANSTHA celebrates the Feast of the Patron Saint of Artistes-St. Cecilia


he Maharashtra Konkani Kala Sanstha celebrated the feast of their Patron-St. Cecelia, who also is the Patron Saint of all Artistes, on 17th November, 2013, at Our Lady's Home, Parel, Mumbai 400 014. The Holy Eucharist was celebrated at 10.15am, by the Spiritual Director & Legal Advisor of MKKS, Rev. Fr. Rui Comelo, in the Chapel of Our Lady's Home which was followed by a gettogether & lunch. Over 100 members with their families took part in the Holy Mass and joined in the celebration later. DAY-BREAKERS, the only Goan Band in Mumbai, entertained the crowd of over 140 with lovely Konkani numbers, with Carol crooning in sync with the dancing crowd. Almost everyone was on the floor enjoying themselves. Francis Fernandes de Dabul, the secretary of MKKS, was the Master of Ceremonies at the Feast Celebration. Sound by Savio Fernandes and Catering by Michael-Chris Caterers from Marol added to the flavour of the Feast. Everyone who attended the Holy Eucharist were given a BOTTLE OF


CHOCLATES. Many games were organised and prizes were given in plenty which was sponsored by M.K. SHAH & CO JEWELLERS, Chira Bazar. The winner of the MINI SUPER SINGER TROPHY, Krishangi Sandra Hegde was given a token of appreciation by the President of the MKKS, Mr. Evan Fernandes. Two artistes of MKKS, namely Mr. Saby Fernandes (actor-singerCompere) & Mr. Neves Oliveira (lyricist-singer) were felicitated by MKKS with a Shawl, a Memento & Cash prize. Fr. Rui Comelo was called upon to do the honours. Both the felicitated artistes thanked the MKKS while promising their full-fledged support to the Konkani language & MKKS always. Francis Fernandes de Dabul, called upon Ms. Ramona D'costa, wife of well-known Writer-Director-Lyricist-Actor, of the Konkani Entertainment Industry, the late PREM KUMAR, to thank her for giving the MKKS all the Props that he had used for his Tiatrs, along with Costumes, Wigs and Awards too. As she was celebrating her birthday on 18th November(the next day), the MKKS wished her a Happy Birthday while the President of MKKS presented her a bouquet of flowers. Her son, Ravi, thanked the MKKS on her behalf. The President of MKKS, Mr. Evan Fernandes, proposed the Vote of Thanks, taking the opportunity to thank everyone who was present and for making the Feast of St. Cecilia a grand

success. He thanked his Committee Members for the love & support and took the opportunity of releasing the APPEAL FORMS OF THE 12th MKKS CARNIVAL, which will be held on 2nd March,2013 at St. Paul's School Ground, Parel. He appealed to the members to remain united so that Konkani could remain alive for ages to come. The Vice-President, Mr. Kenneth Zuzarte (kenny), also took the opportunity to thank all who have contributed in some way or the other to make this Feast a grand success. He specially mentioned DAYBREAKERS & their team, Mr. Savio Fernandes for the Sound, Mr. Gable D'souza for preparing the Liturgy for the Holy Eucharist, Ms. Betty Naz for handling the Treasurers post so well & for being there when needed most, Mr. Alex Fernandes for photography, Mr. Caridade Fernandes(carrie) for the lovely gifts that he gives us year after year, the President- Mr. Evan Fernandes, for being the main foundation on which MKKS stands, Fr. Rui Comelo for his unconditional support and lastly, Mr. Francis Fernandes de Dabul, without whom no event of the MKKS could be possible. He promised that along with the President & the strong Managing Committee, MKKS would reach great heights. The celebration of the Feast of St. Cecilia ended with a thanksgiving Hymn - ARGAM TUCA SOMIA. —Jeanette Zuzaret Miranda

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2 December 2013

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SC notice on pilgrims' safety at religious places

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New Delhi: The Supreme Court Tuesday issued notice to the centre and state governments on a PIL seeking directions to put in place "appropriate statutory" provisions and rules for crowd control and disaster management in the country.

French Jesuit Peter Faber to be canonized Vatican City: Pierre Faber, a “Reformed” Jesuit priest whom Francis sees as a model figure, is to be proclaimed as saint before Christmas, Stefania Falasca reports in an article for Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire. The process for his cause in the Congregation for the Causes of Saints is complete and now all that remains is for Francis to issue the Bull of Canonization that will proclaim the first companion of St. Ignatius a saint, extending the cult of the soon-to-be-saint to the universal Church.

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The Mumbai Musicians Annual Mass was held at St. Anne’s Church, Pali Hill, Bandra on Friday 22nd November the feast of St. Cecilia the patron saint of musicians. Fr Gavin D’Souza celebrated the Eucharist and gave a very meaningful homily apt for musicians. The Grace Notes and The Soul Trybe the choirs for the mass lead the congregation in praise and worship with uplifting singing and playing. In addition , the choirs were accompanied by a number of musicians playing on guitars, trumpets, saxophones and drums from the pews. We invite input from musicians for making our association more inter active. Please send your suggestions to Felix Flor at (<> or Ernest Flanagan at <>>.


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Impel yourself for good actions Share wealth with poor and needy Thank GOD for His love and mercy Meet Mary and Baby in the manger Adore JESUS!

He is the Power

Spread this message of blissful wonder. —Dr. Trevor Colaso 2 December 2013

Assamese wins ‘Teen of the Year 2013’ Title

by Verus Ferreira he 18th season of the very popu lar Teen of the Year event held on Saturday, 16 November, Suzzanne Zerin of Carmel School, Jorhat (Assam), was adjudged Teen of the Year 2013. Shree Krishnamoorthy, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Chennai, bagged the First Runner-Up title while Maria Rangwala from St Raphael’s Higher Secondary School, Indore, was adjudged Second Runner-Up. When questioned by the judges as to what she would portray if she were to be the Ambassador of India, Suzzanne, clad in a milky white dress answered confidently. “Our country is blessed with so many things that we are proud of. The three things I like to tell the world would be that we have a great culture, a very vibrant and soaked in history, second: ours is the only country in the world that has over 260 languages, and lastly I would project my people, who are so different from all others.” Suzzanne received a standing ovation and in no time she was the darling of the audience, who stole their hearts. The pageant began with a prayer dance by the Postulants of the PDDM Sisters. Fr Alfonso Elengikal, the national coordinator, TOY 2013, welcomed the gathering, and pointed out that this year’s celebration also coincides with the Centenary of the Pauline Family, and the Golden Jubilee of The


2 December 2013

Teenager, founded in 1963 at Allahabad.. Group Captain Achchyut Kumar, Indian Air Force, who has been associated with The Teenager for over 47 years, paid glowing tributes to the founding fathers of the magazine: Fr J. Maurus and Fr Aloysius G. Rego. Thereafter, Fr Michael Raj, Provincial of the Society of St Paul, felicitated four former editors of The Teenager: Fr Mark Fonseca, Fr Sebastian Puthupallil, Fr Joe Eruppakkatt and Fr Alfonso Elengikal, the longest-serving editor. However, the day really belonged to the 19 young and lively finalists who put up a variety of talents, mesmerizing the audience. The three judges, Lara Pinto of Sony Music, Naresh Karmalkar, a Social Activist and Sarita Manchanda of SPICE, had a hard time choosing the best. The Chief Guest Dr Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India, spoke volumes about The Teenager, from her very long association with the magazine that began with her school days at St Mary’s College, Allahabad, which was the highlight of the entire event. Towards the end, the 19 finalists keeping with the theme Harbingers of a Media Revolution, resolved that “we won’t henceforth blindly believe the media, rather be critical consumers of it.”

Church 'needs to speak language of digital world'


visiting Vatican official has told a gathering of Church leaders and Catholic social media practitioners in the Philippines to speak in a language understandable to the digital world in order to be effective evangelizers. "If we are to share the Good News with our brothers and sisters in the digital continent, we must speak a language they can understand," said Monsignor Paul Tighe, secretary of the Vatican's Pontifical Commission on Social Communication. Speaking ahead of the two-day Catholic Social Media Summit in Manila at the weekend, Tighe said the challenge now confronting the Church is how to communicate effectively the word of God to today’s social media generation. He said the language of digital and social communication is appropriate for evangelization because it is "conversational, interactive and dialogical." To become good citizens of the digital world, one must be open to dialogue and live a life that is "consistent with the Gospel," he said. Archbishop Jose S. Palma, outgoing president of the country's bishops' conference said in his message that the social media summit was inspired by the declaration of Pope Paul VI in his encyclical letter Evangelii Nuntiandi, which states "the Church would feel guilty before the Lord if it failed to use the media for evangelization."



2 December 2013

2 December 2013


Love At Christmas by Leon Bent he festive season of Christmas is already upon us! The brilliantly decorated Tree, exotic sweets, melting moments, melodious carols and nostalgic jingles combine to celebrate “Christ’s coming” delightfully. One invariably finds oneself in a mosaic of personal closeness, why even cosmic embrace and oneness, while love rents the crisp, cool air!


Why is Christmas powered by such high voltage electricity? Simply because God’s unconditional, ever-faithful love for us was made flesh, so that, we may experience His love in tangible form. The Incarnation is the mystery of the incredible union of love, both, divine and human. God was made visible in Jesus that we may be caught up in His Love, whom we cannot see. The Messiah’s coming was not about people

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decked-up extravagantly as Christmas trees, but that God is love, who loved us unto excruciating death on a Cross. Love is expressed as an action and experienced as a feeling. It has a multi-faceted essence that resists definition. But, if you wish to learn the art or ‘true loving’ do so at the sublime remembrance of the Boy-Child’s birth, which is the greatest promise of the Bible, and the crux of its entire message: “God so loved the world that, he gave us his only beloved Son, that whoever believes in him may not perish, but have eternal life” (Jn. 3:16). Christmas comes with extraordinary heavenly gifts of divine revelation, timelessness, and rich blessings of love, joy, peace and hope. “The Virgin Mother bore Him in her womb, with love beyond all telling,” exclaims the Advent Liturgy. The Saviour’s coming as a ‘bundle of love’ is a time of inexpressible joy and breath-taking awe that Mary and Joseph treasured at the first Christmas. Our Christmas cannot possibly be morose and sad, “You better watch out, better not cry.” We must spontaneously delight in proclaiming joyously the Living Word, the direct and only lifeline between the God of Love and us; humans with feet of clay but hearts of gold with Christ’s bursting on the earthly horizon. The gifts he brings cannot break, do not lose their sheen and their beauty never fades away. In the truest and deepest meaning of Christmas, with the marvel of God-made-man, we have a magician inside us, who believes in offering us little miracles of love all the time, which we so badly need and most urgently desire. The Son of God and man touching our lives with bubbly tenderness, is far more exciting than a midnight visit of an imaginary Santa Claus. Truly Christmas is imbued and drenched with Christ-like love, giving and giving without a thought of receiving! Indeed, the Babe of Bethlehem offers us not just greetings on a flimsy, friable paper card, or an SMS or Email which quickly evaporates into thin air, but the absolutely reliable promise of eternal life, a ceaseless Banquet of Love. Please lodge this great and wonderful dream in your hearts forever!

2 December 2013

The Son Of Man Is Coming Sunday, December 01, 2013


1st. Sunday of Advent

he image of the Christ child wrapped in warm clothes in his mother’s arms, with Joseph beside them, is the most awesome picture in the Christian tapestry. It is the icon for peace in the world. The strategically beautiful portrait painted over the centuries conveys one dramatic message: the Lord has come to save sinful humankind, rejoice in his divine birth. Fill the networks with this blessed picture. Beam the Good News to every establishment across the earth. Today, we lay the groundwork for his arrival. St. Paul in his letter to the Romans says, “… wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers; the night is far gone, the day is near. “(Rom.13:1112). Let us remain unchanged in faith and highlight the promise of the Lord God. Prepare the welcome for the com- not know the voice of strangers.” The Bible is the word of God, ing of the Son of Man. We come from featuring every human emotion; the different experiences to unite in the mind of the faithful is underAdvent celebration for the stood, it guides us in proper Prince of Peace. acts of prayer, rituals, prepaThere are moments ration and devotion. The of unspoken thoughts; of Lord is surely on his way. hope, of vision, of incredThe grand scenario starts ible times when we underwith this first Sunday in Adstand the burden of being vent : devotedly, selfhuman, Catholic and re Melvyn Brown effacingly we praise God for sponsible. He is surely his mercy, love and arrival coming for his path had in our midst. As all Christians believe been ordained since before the crethe coming of Jesus is the true and ation of the universe. virtually most relevant credential for all In the 1960’s, the BBC London humankind to embrace. The journey to produced a drama series “No Hiding meet him begins now. Place”. This title has since intrigued The boy - scout wears a badge me. Jesus is coming. This is the first with the words ‘Be Prepared’. So must Sunday in advent and for all the wickwe, but in our hearts. We should be edness and evil in the world there is no watchful for his entrance into our lives; hiding place. It is said in scripture, John to follow his teachings, to be aware of 10:4-5, “When he has brought out all our Christian duties and responsibilihis own, he goes before them, and the ties, to change our sinful ways. The sheep follow him, for they know his birth of Jesus will culminate this month voice. A stranger they will not follow, with happiness and celebration – above but they will flee from him, for they do all, with great joy of thanksgiving for

2 December 2013

God has sent us his Son, Jesus. Like the boy-scouts we should be in readiness, not “as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man… and they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them all away …” (Mat.24:37-39). In our times his coming will be for our redemption and salvation. The present world is in a straitjacket over political confusion, greed and censorship, openly trading with the enemy ; nations craving to meet challenges made of their own creation. He comes. The good news and the cords of human rights are optimistically flowing in a direction to battle evil in the name of Jesus – the divine child who will soon arrive. The four devotional weeks of advent enables us to implement with brave new voices the faith we proclaim to one and all. Our Christian love and forgiveness must be shared among friends, for love alone conquers. Ironically, the Christian faith discovers, each decade, that the only way to address the nonbeliever is to let his own mind do the embracing in his own time. Pray, fast and believe in God’s trust and authority. It was the prophet Isaiah who preached : ‘For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” Christ Jesus will eventually render evil nations obsolete; trust in Him – He comes soon. Let us in one voice shout, “ Prepare the way of the Lord.”



2 December 2013

German Bishops Set To Defy Vatican Catholics who divorce and remarry in a civil ceremony are barred from receiving communion under Vatican doctrine that applies to the worldwide Church. Germany: Germany’s Roman Catholic bishops plan to push ahead with proposed reforms to reinstate divorced and remarried parishioners despite a warning from the Vatican’s top doctrinal official, according to a senior cleric. Stuttgart Bishop Gebhard Fürst

told a meeting of lay Catholics at the weekend that the bishops had already drafted reform guidelines and aimed to approve them at their next plenary meeting in March. Readmitting twice-married Catholics to full membership in the Church is

Mexico's exorcist priests call for reinforcements

Mexico: Does God exist? Does the Devil exist? The Catholic church believes they both do - and some priests say they are currently having an immense battle in Mexico. To some it may seem extraordinary, but priests say the country is under attack by Satan, and that more exorcists are needed to fight him. This attack, they say, is showing itself in the gruesome drug-related violence, including human sacrifice, that has engulfed the country since 2006. According to the latest official figures available, at least 70,000 people have died in this period, including gunmen, members of the security forces, and many innocent civilians. But, the priests say, it's not just the numbers. The savagery also stands out. In recent years it has not been uncommon in many parts of Mexico for children to find dismembered bod-

2 December 2013

ies on the streets on their way to school. Or for commuters on busy roads to drive past bridges with severely tortured corpses hanging from them. Scenes from hell. "We believe that behind all these big and structural evils there is a dark agent and his name is The Demon. That is why the Lord wants to have here a ministry of exorcism and liberation, for the fight against the Devil," says Father Carlos Triana, a priest, and an exorcist, in Mexico City. "As much as we believe that the Devil was behind Adolf Hitler, possessing and directing him, we also believe that he (the Devil) is here behind the drug cartels." Mexico's exorcists say there is unprecedented demand for their services. Some are even not taking new cases, as they are having to exorcise demons almost every day.

a pressing concern for Pope Francis, who has called a special synod of bishops next October to consider ways to do this despite Catholicism’s rejection of divorce. Fürstt was the most explicit of several German bishops to rebuff Archbishop Gerhard Mueller, head of the Vatican doctrinal office, who last month ruled out any change after Freiburg archdiocese in Germany unveiled its own reform proposals. “We want to approve new guidelines at our plenary meeting in March,” Fürst told the Central Committee of German Catholics, an influential group of lay faithful, on Saturday in Bonn. Catholics who divorce and remarry in a civil ceremony are barred from receiving communion under Vatican doctrine that applies to the worldwide Church. Many of them see this as a sign of rejection and drift away from the faith. Fürst said this complaint was one of the most frequent that German bishops have heard since they launched a broad drive to consult the faithful following a shocking wave of revelations in 2010 about sexual abuse of minors by priests. “Expectations (of reform) are great, and impatience and anger are greater still,” he said, adding that a working group of bishops has been debating the issue since then.


Common Words That Create Failure Level of success is predetermined by the words you use every day. Avoid these five "failure" words. The words that people use every day determine whether they will achieve failure or success. There are five words that, in my observation, frequently show up in the conversation of losers, much more so than in that of winners. Here they are:

1. Luck Although it's true that unforeseen events can affect outcomes, it was not luck that made the difference. It was the events. Luck had nothing to do with it. Believing in luck focuses your thoughts on an imaginary construct that neither you nor anybody else can change or affect. What's worse, luck is an excuse that explains away failure ("It was just bad luck") and devalues your successes ("It was just good luck").

2. Enemy It's true that you have competitors, and that sometimes, for you to win, they have to lose (and vice versa). Even so, there are no enemies in business. Enemies are opponents in warfare, when people are killing one an-

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other. Business is about making things better, not killing people. The moment you demonize competitors by calling them enemies, you close off your business options. Today's competitors are often tomorrow's partners.

3. Rejection Wouldn't it be nice if people always said yes to your ideas? Well, sometimes people aren't going to like your ideas, or even you personally, for that matter. You can pathologize such events by thinking of them as rejection, or you can understand that what really happened was that the other person's desires didn't match yours. Rather than using a word that automatically makes you miserable, concentrate on changing your approach or approaching somebody else.

4. Hate I cringe every time I hear somebody use this word in casual conversation. At work, it's usually something like: "I hate my boss" or "I hate my job." Hate is a sick word, and it creates sickness in your body. Every time you use that word, you might as well be sticking a cancer cell in your body. Seriously. I'm not saying that you've got to be sweetness and lovey-dovey about everything, but why pollute your brain by actually hating anything or anybody?

5. But I'm sure you know somebody who can't say anything about any idea, plan, or activity without crutching the sentence with the word but. It's always something like "Hey, that's a great idea, but..." or "I agree that we need to take action, but..." It's discouraging, and it kills momentum. There's a substitute for but that actually creates momentum: the word and. Try it next time a but is about to emerge from your mouth.

Balanced Education One definition says: Education is the discovery of one's ignorance. Since Education has no end, it is better to have a Balanced Education which helps us to 1. Read well, 2. Write clearly, and 3. To develop mentally to enable to take up the training needed for day-to-day living. Rest all is redundant in this present system of things.

—Prof. Valerian Sequeira


PUBLIC CHOICE THEORY Public choice theory has been described as 'the use of economic tools to deal with traditional problems of political science'. Its content includes the study of political behaviour. In political science, it is the subset of positive political theory that models voters, politicians and bureaucrats as mainly selfinterested. Public choice analysis is often used for normative purposes, to identify a problem or suggest how a system could be improved by changes in constitutional rules.

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2 December 2013

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Be A Great Leader

elson Mandela is a truly in spiring individual, and great leader. He has captured the attention, and hearts, of many. But what makes him so great? What are the characteristics that he and other great leaders possess that allow them to lead so well? Leadership is the ability to lead a group of people, that is obvious. But, how do you take that ability, turn it into action, and develop it into greatness? One can go from a good leader, to a great one, by being:

… an example “Practice what you preach” is an old adage, but remains true. Leading by example is critical. It shows you are true to your word, and believe in what you say which will, in turn, allow others to. This instills a sense of trust in your position, and abilities.

… humble Be modest in your skills and successes, and show appreciation for the hard work your team members put in. Remember that even though you lead a team, you are not solely responsible for its success.

… a pioneer Don't be afraid to blaze new trails. Show that you are willing to think outside the box and question the rules when appropriate, and encourage your team to do the same. This will demonstrate that you are willing to take on great challenges in order for the organization to be a success. By encouraging your team to challenge you, and being open to a challenge, the team will develop and strengthen.

… unafraid to make mistakes Never making mistakes means less learning and growth opportunities. An innovative leader will push the boundaries and set new standards, and be

2 December 2013

able to learn from situations where things do not work out as planned. Do not be afraid of failure, but rather make a mistake and learn from it, than never try and grow. It is important to show that you are willing to make mistakes and take calculated risks, so others are encouraged to do the same.

… willing to admit, and own, your mistakes Mistakes happen, but it is how you recover from them that will define you. Be honest about what has gone wrong, and take steps to rectify things and learn from the situation.

... aware of yourself and your limitations A truly great leader knows what their skills are, and where their limitations are set. Acknowledging that you are human can allow your team to connect with you, and gives them the opportunity to step up to the plate and be more involved in team activities.

… a work in progress Being aware of your limitations makes you a good leader, but constantly developing yourself and pushing your skills and limitations, will make you a great one. Complacency, and an arrogant mindset, will not.

… a good listener This ensures you are always in touch with your followers, and instills a sense of belonging in a team, as individuals feel they are being acknowledged. Being willing to listen to others’ thoughts, opinions and suggestions

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… passionate, and inspirational When you are truly passionate about what you do, and the direction of your team, it makes leading people in that direction so much easier. Your team will be able to feed off of your enthusiasm and feel passionate about working towards the same goals. Passion, when cultivated and shared, inspires. Shared passion makes successes sweeter, and renders failures as minor bumps in the road.

… confident, and decisive You may not know everything, and every day brings about a new lesson, but you know enough to get to where you are. Be confident in your skills and knowledge, and this confidence will filter down to your team.

… yourself Do not try become a different person, or drastically change who you are to emulate other great leaders. Learn to connect with people and inspire them through being who you are.


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Members are requested to inform us when they are settled, so that publication of their details can be discontinued.

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To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 2 December 2013

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Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 2 December 2013

MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 39 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 70 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.D.S. Dentist by profession. Email : Tel.: 25633474 (Regd. No. 5997) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 4’ 11”, Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. T.Y.B.A., Teacher by profession. Contact email : OR 9819126871 (Regd. No. 5995) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 37 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A., working as a LIC Officer. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9819050170 (Regd. No. 5982) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 63 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MSc. Nursing, working as a Nurse in Abudhabi - UAE. Seeks a well educated Mangalorean boy with good family values. Contact email: OR 9930076741 (Regd No. 5980) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 23 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 51 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., PGD. Event Mgt., working as Manager-client servicing, good looking. Seeks a RC bachelor below 30 years, Ht. above 5’ 8”, Preferably working abroad. Contact email : OR 9820340642 (Regd. No. 5979) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 4’ 8”, Wt. 45 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA., working as a HR. Contact email : OR 8806890197 (Regd. No. 5977) NAVIMUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed., Lecturer by profession. Contact email : OR

9833970405 (Regd. No. 5976) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Service Operation Associate. Contact email: OR 9820223696 (Regd. No. 5975) POONA : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 56 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA (Mktg & Intl Bus) working as a Lead Marketing. Contact email : / OR 9881134217 (Regd. No. 5974) MUMBAI : RC Mangalorean Spinster, M.Com/MBA (Finance) 27 / 5’2”, talented, with strong family values & from respectable family, working for a bank in Mumbai. Seeks well qualified boy upto 32, reply with recent photo & full details to email: OR 9920424282 (Regd. No. 5962) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 35 years, Ht. 154 cms, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working in Flight Cabin Crew. Seeks a well settled graduate bachelor. Contact email : OR 9819041830 (Regd. No. 5937) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Spinster aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 57 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Electronic Engg. working as a Key Account Manager in Bank. Contact email : OR 9820247177 (Regd. No. 5935) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 21

How To Be A Great Guest At A Wedding your mind as memorable, include that in your conversation. Try: “Hi Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. I’m Harry and I work with your daughter. She’s a beautiful bride. Thank you for a spectacular evening. The photo booth was a fun touch. Congratulations to you both.”

Wedding is one expensive event and your responsibility as guest is to help them make it worth all the effort. Wedding parties and receptions can be a fun time to interact with old friends and celebrate with relatives, but if you don’t know many people it can be socially uncomfortable. Even if you do know a good majority of wedding guests, there are some reception rules to follow for maximum – and appropriate – fun.

1 Mix, mingle and move around. The best way to meet people and interact at weddings is to explore the different areas of the party to see where other like-minded people might be gathering. If you are rolling solo, see if there are any other singles mixing around the bar or mingling by the buffet, and strike up a conversation. Giving someone a compliment is always a great way to initiate a dialogue. Try, “I love your dress, that color looks great on you! I’m Stacey and I used to work with the bride. What’s your name?” And try to seal it with a handshake (if your hands aren’t full with food or drinks) to make it more personal. If you know several people at the wedding and spot some singles, make the grand gesture of going up to them and introducing yourself and possibly some others you know there.

2 Reach out to relatives. Often, one of the most uncomfortable things about attending a family member’s wedding is seeing all the relatives you haven’t seen in years. Although it may be somewhat awkward, it’s important to make a point of interacting with your relatives. Sure, your great Aunt Helen won’t be able to stop talking about “how much you’ve grown,” but connecting with family members, especially ones from out of town is part of


the wedding celebration. Be prepared to tell relatives what you’ve been up to in your personal and professional life and direct similar questions to them. Before your know it, you’ll feel like family again! 3 Table talk. When seated at an assigned table, you should introduce yourself to everyone else at the table. The bride and groom put you at that table for a reason, so utilize the seating

Reach on time for the ceremony. RSVP, ASAP. As a wedding guest, it is so important to reply as soon as you can. The bride will most likely have the reply card all addressed and stamped for you — all you have to do is mark it off and put it in the mail. arrangement to get to know some of the other guests. Engage in conversation by finding out how the others know the bride and groom, where they are from and even their occupation. You could discover a love interest, new friend, or potential business contact.

4 Give thanks. As a guest at a wedding, you should make a point to introduce yourself to the bride and grooms’ families and express your thanks. If you can site a specific element of the wedding that stands out in

5 Put a cork in it. Free booze at a wedding is always tempting, but limit yourself to a few drinks. You don’t need to get completely intoxicated to be social and gregarious. And you don’t want to be “that person” who is too drunk and making a scene. That doesn’t mean you can’t linger around the bar to meet and chat with others.

6 Have fun. The point of a wedding party is to have fun and celebrate with the newlyweds. So, eat, dance, partake in group activities and enjoy talking to familiar and unfamiliar people. 7. Dance, dance, dance. If the bride and groom have a DJ or band, get on the dance floor and enjoy it! This can be one of the most fun and memorable parts of the night! 8. Sit back, relax and have a great time. While the ceremony is for the bride and the groom, the reception is for the guests. The food, the music and the decor is all for you to admire and enjoy! So, find your seat, socialize and have a good time! When the invite says no to gifts then you should respect it land not bring one. In case you still want to give do it after the wedding thwn you meet them. If you are not attending the wedding then try to send them something to congratulate them.

2 December 2013

is coming out with a Which will be out on 18th December 2013 Special articles from writers and contributors are welcome for publication in this special number. All those who wish to contribute special articles for the Christmas Issue are requested to

submit, so as to reach us by 1st of December 2013. You may send them by email to : or by Post / courier to: The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai 400001. The issue also covers Christmas greeting ads., details given below

2 December 2013



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Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

2 December 2013

Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 2 December 2013 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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