Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.16 dated 21 April 2014

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21 April 2014


Looking for Answers?

Let a thousand suns blaze in this country...


hat do the first time voters, facing the vests to expose their true colours, you can glimpse fast approaching Lok sabha elections their naked desire to capture power. The tall have to say- whom will they vote to claims or attempts to discredit one another have power? The answer to this question assumes always been there but during these elections the right to shape the India of our youth, our they are offensive, bordering on crude and crass generation next. A major chunk of these younglanguage and behaviour. Desperate measures sters have come up the hard way, with stars in to appeal to one section of voters have ended up their eyes and a spring in their steps they now BY VERA ALVARES alienating another section driving it into the arms venture to build an ideal country of their dreams! of opponents. Polarising the population is ramMany have burnt the midnight oil to claim a degree or pant and to think that these will rule us for the next five two while some have gladly carried the burden of working years! SP takes the cake and the bakery too as one of its day-night shifts though weighed down by family responsi- leaders attributes the Kargil victory to soldiers of his own bilities. Driven by high ambition, some from economically community and another justifies rape and encourages “ weak backgrounds have risen to positions of power by boys will be boys and make mistakes” of committing a sheer dint of hard work and determination. At the end of it rape or two! Not to be left behind in the race to the crown all they walk with their heads held high with their aspira- of the MCP, another one wants to hang all women who tions and dreams fashioning their future. Tomorrow’s India have sex outside marriage. Just as my personal opinion has to be the India of their dreams where peace and that free sex is wrong, so does this extreme stand by a prosperity reign supreme, where the walls of division, built hypocrite! Would our youth not foresee the consequences for personal gains would have been demolished to make of such loose talk snowballing into a decayed criminal way for equal opportunities and a level playing ground for society? all contenders. In our own backyard, we hear that one candidate; a Where is the India they look for? They would like to restaurant- owner threatened the police and dared them to see a modern India take shape under the capable leader- act against his MLA ‘friend’ accused of an SRA scam. Will ship of honest, clean, selfless, enlightened leaders, elected he totally scrap the police force if he is voted to power? by an equally enlightened citizenry. But a look at the Another elegant lady who has never travelled by Indian election scene today shatters any such hopes. Many of railways or ventured near any of Mumbai’s filthy train them in the fray are a motley crowd, risen from the ranks stations equates the chaotic terminus of Konkan Railway to through ruthless manipulation of power an ‘international airport’! Threats of and people. Neither their past record taking ‘revenge’ on the people have nor the country’s welfare but purchasbeen issued as an attempt to subjuing power alone seems to have dicgate a community. An old veteran of 3 tated the norms for nominating such seasons in the sun under his belt is candidates by various parties. Candidesperately seeking power once again dates with the prospect of a definite maybe to let his nephew have a free run victory despite court cases hanging of his Ministry once again. The ‘clean above them like the sword of Damocles chits’ being flaunted by tainted Netas have been chosen to contest. Some of are direct slaps on the face of Democthose campaigning brazenly for anracy, that much abused word lost in the other chance at governance in order to graveyard of dead promises and brocarry out their nefarious activities have ken assurances! So avoid making the treated India like their personal fiefdom. costly ‘mistake’ of sending any of these Dreaming of capturing power the poto the seat of Legislative power, the litical parties have pressed into service Parliament. And don’t ask me if I find it even dream-girls who refuse to get out difficult to choose the right one……… of the vehicle for fear of dirtying their Let a thousand suns blaze in this dainty dancing shoes! Untrue facts, country once again, may the cool statistics that cannot be proven, basebreezes of peace and prosperity bring less allegations thrown at each other back the memory of martyrs who have leave the citizens red-faced and out in laid down their lives for this country and the cold without much of a choice. So let the dignity of every Indian be prewho will gain your vote? served and valued. Is this the only Watching from the sidelines as answer, I don’t know! the media strips the Netas of their Khadi


21 April 2014

Advt. T ariff Tariff


Vol.23 No.16 April 21, 2014


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‘Thought for the week’

"If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world."


pg 2 - Looking for Answers? pg. 3 - The Crucifixion In Modern Times. pg. 5 - Views on News pg. 6 - When Love Was Crucified... pg. 7 - Who Deserves Our Vote? pg 8 - Now I See pg 10 - Whom Do We Vote... pg 11 - "Peace On Earth" At FiftyOne! pg 12 - Over 40 Pairs ... pg 13 - Why A First Double Papal Canonization pg 15 - Is The Internet Killing Religion? pg 17 - A Psalm of Thanksgiving pg 18 - Be Compassionate pg 20 - Matrimonials

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The Crucifixion In Modern Times


by Francis Lobo

s I heard the Passion of Christ on Palm Sunday I felt that it was a commentary on the 21st Century told in parable form. Christ was being crucified for curing the sick and the suffering, for raising the dead to life, for spreading the good news, for feeding the hungry. Today we condemn those who advocate free medical treatment and education, food subsidies, empowering the down trodden and fighting for the rights of the working class. The plot is hatched by those with power and authority — the high ups, the elders and of course, the priests. Religion has to be involved to give legitimacy to what is going to be done — God must be on our side. Soft targets must be identified — The tribals who are clinging on to the forests and the land preventing mining and much needed development, the minorities with their institutions to lure the poor and the helpless, the whistle-blowers and those who stand up for the exploited. Jesus is the symbol for these groups that are targeted. But it cannot be made obvious who is doing all this, a traitor, a Judas, has to be found. It has got to be an inside job, by some one close to the seats of power. The cancer has to start by corrupting and destroying the good cells. Who are in a better position to do this than the politicians and the bureaucrats? Did the other apostles not know what Judas was to do? Very unlikely. But like corruption in the educational institutions, government and the corporate arena in the modern world, the majority couldn’t be bothered. They keep silent and turn a blind eye. In fact the approach that is taken by most good people is reflected in the report that Jesus found them sleeping when He came back after praying — not once but three times. If it happened two thousand years ago it is happening again today, people are asleep and not vigilant to what is going on around them. Criminal instincts are inherent in Man. These can be excited by mass hysteria when one realizes that her face is hidden in the crowd and that she can do what she wants without being caught and held responsible. Those in power use this to their advantage to start fights, riots and wars. “He who is not with us (Contd.. on p. 4)

21 April 2014


The Crucifixion In Modern Times (Contd.. from p. 3) is against us.” “This is our country. Those who do not subscribe to our values and beliefs have no place here”. To arrest Jesus, those in power stayed behind while they sent the rabble with the soldiers. So that they could say later, “It was a spontaneous uprising by the people. We had nothing to do with it.” The power of the media, the slogan shouting, and the mass hysteria was known two thousand years ago. Shout with one voice “Kill the traitor”. “CRUCIFY HIM”. Simon, an outsider, in no way connected with what was going on, was asked to carry the cross on his shoulder. Don’t we see it today, shots being fired from someone else’s shoulder? Then there is Herod, the typical person in authority whose mind is made up and knows exactly what is right and what is wrong. He has only to find the loop-hole — and he found it. “What need do we have to find witnesses? Jesus has said it Himself” Pilot on the other hand symbolizes the weak leader, who cannot take a stand, washing hands of all responsibility, doesn’t listen to his wife because he is afraid of the crowd and a riot. We are sympathetic to Peter in the denials of his relationship with Jesus. We all do the same, go into denial when it is discovered that we have said or done something or had a relationship which embarrasses us in certain situations Jesus with the crown of thorns and the reed in His hand represents those who are shocked when those they trusted, thought were their friends and admirers turn against them, spit on them and slap them when they are in trouble, call them names, say they always knew that they had a hidden agenda and are deceitful, etc. etc. Haven’t we seen those educated in our Christian institutions turning against us, torching our churches and our institutions and accusing us of a hidden agenda? But Jesus had the harshest words


Meet Your Candidate


Mumbai South Central Constituency

he Bombay Catholic Sabha to gether with various citizens groups held the “Meet Your Candidate” event for the Mumbai South Central Constituency on Sunday 13 April 2014 at Our Lady of Victories Church Quadrangle, Mahim. Three candidates, Eknath Gaikwad of INC (sittting MP), Sundar Balakrishnan of AAP and Clifford Martis, Independent responded to the invitation and were present to introduce themselves to the 500+ citizens who had come from various parts of the constituency from Chembur, Sion, Dadar, Wadala, Dharavi and Mahim. The crowd comprised of people from various communities and many of them were leaders and civic activists in their own areas. Fr. Edward D’Souza, the Ecclesiastical Advisor of the Bombay Catholic Sabha and Fr. Savio deSales of Victoria Church, also added to the support system by being present throughout the meeting. The representatives of the Election Commission were also present, which was much appreciated by all. Besides, the local police had deputed a team of policemen to look after the security. Two other candidates – Rahul Shewale of Shiv Sena and Aditya Shirodkar of MNS, had earlier confirmed their attendance but did not make it. The meeting began with the National Anthem and a presentation of the People’s Manifesto to the candidates. Each candidate briefly gave a profile of themselves and their views

for the corrupt, the middle men. Judas was bought for 30 pieces of silver. He was a nobody making money on a relationship. In my opinion Judas represents those who use their positions wrongly — the corrupt bureaucrats and the politicians and those in positions of power and authority. Jesus condemns those, who for a petty gain, sell off the lives and interests of others and even of the country and its people. Jesus said in unmistakable words, “IT IS BETTER THAT THEY HAD NOT BEEN BORN”

on the manifesto presented. They also gave an insight into what their personal vision was and their party’s manifesto. Each of the candidates were asked questions pertaining to national issues, policies and programmes. Their views were sought on the various Bills pending legislation in Parliament (16 of them) and a commitment was taken from all of them that they would regularly meet their constituents every three months and consult them for the use of their MPLAD funds and the development works of the constituency. All the 3 candidates agreed to the political parties being covered under RTI. All the candidates signed the People’s Manifesto and pledged to meet the constituents every 3 months, with Mr. Eknath Gaikwad even committing to meet monthly if elected. It was also impressed on all the candidates that if not elected they should perform the role of shadow MPs and join hands with citizen groups to work in the constituency and also hold the MP accountable. The meeting concluded with the vote of thanks and an appeal to all the citizens to exercise their franchise judiciously on 24 April 2014 and to get all their family members, neighbours and friends to positively come out and vote as there was no excuse now as the NOTA (None of the above) option is made possible on the voting machine for use if no candidates are found suitable to them. —Anand Castelino



21 April 2014

The Christian Churches How magnificent and imposing should our Churches be? By compulsion or by design, of late, we have been seeing new structures which are elegant but simple in architecture without the glamour quotient. Some Catholics have been complaining that the authorities hesitate when it comes to giving permission to build Churches and insist on Prayer Halls with multiple uses. Well, if it applies to Christians only, it is unfair. Be that as it may, from a different perspective, such a restriction could actually be a blessing in disguise. That augurs well for the community which is made of middle class. Not many families are affluent. Actually the House of God must be simple and not opulent. With 5 star types of Churches, Christians who come from the lower strata of society, feel out of place and insecure. The place of worship must be such that every segment of the congregation feels comfortable. We do not need tourists but the faithful who come primarily to pray. At the height of Christianity, massive Churches were built all over Europe. They felt that over the years the religion will spread far and wide within Europe and beyond. On the contrary, there has been a marked decline in the Church-going Christians there. Today, Churches are empty. During last Maundy Thursday, a Church in Germany could not find 12 Apostles for the washing of the feet. It took some effort to get 12 [men & women]. Those massive edifices are very expensive to maintain with no contributions coming in. Where will then the funds come from? The reality is that Christianity has shifted from the affluent West to developing African / Asian countries. This again is a transitional phase. By the turn of the century, the focus will gradually shift to under-developed countries. We read with revulsion that Churches in Europe [and USA as well] are going through hard times forcing the Church Officials to make them available for commercial purposes. A Church in North London is all about pop music and barrels of Guinness. Others house a variety of commercial activities like car showroom, school, supermarket etc. Un-

21 April 2014

VIEWS on NEWS fortunately, over the centuries, it is the ‘fear’ of God rather than God’s ‘love’ that held things together thus far. The fear factor no longer works with the present generation. Perhaps a new approach is called for in our indoctrination of the youth. Have we ever pondered why there is so much of ‘religious passion’ in Islamic youth even in the 21st century? Forget about the fanatics – they are not real Muslims anyway. Only Pope Francis can change things. *****

DAVIDs & GOLIATHs It is said “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” but the political parties, at crucial times, think otherwise. We all agree that fighting an election is all about winning or they say there is no point in contesting. Political parties are broadly divided in groups – one opposing the UPA [read Congress] for all the mess that has been their single best achievement. The other group – the so called anti-communal parties are dead against the BJP with Narendra Modi at its helm. The third group with no real ideology is concentrating on snatching the prime ministership from both the main parties while pretending to be anti-Congress or believe that they are truly secular. There are some big names in the fray. Narendra Modi from Varansi / Baroda, Rahul Gandhi from Amethi, Sonia Gandhi from Rae Bareili, Arun Jaitley from Chandigarh, Rajnath Singh from Lucknow and so on. The opponents of these VIP candidates have little chance against any of them if each one thinks that he or she can trounce the stalwarts on his / her horse-power. All that they have to do is to unite and fight the common target collectively. Parties can co-operate constituency-wise selectively. There is no possibility of anything of this type happening so the VIP candidates are happy to be in multi-cornered contests. With vote distribution, the strongest of the lot – Goliath, will automatically win. No party wants to be subservient to another since each one thinks it can challenge the main contestant. Parties in their quest for success, welcome rejected candidates seeking greener

by Marshall Sequeira pastures. Only people like Muthaliks and Sabir Alis get booted out within hours after being actually ‘admitted’. If there was no hue and cry, they would have been resettled by now and even rewarded with tickets. BJP is divided at the top tier itself. There is a strong undercurrent of discontent in the old guard which has been overtly side-lined. Advani was given the unique opportunity of selecting his own constituency with a toss of a coin which had ‘Gandhinagar’ written on both sides like the coin in the famous Sholay movie. Why was the entire Gujarat cabinet present when he filed his nomination? Strange isn’t it? Varun Gandhi praises Rahul Gandhi – refuses to chant NaMo, V.K.Singh praises A.K.Anthony, Navjot Singh Sidhu refuses to canvass for Jaitley. Hema Malini is being ignored. Jaswant Singh defies the party and is expelled. Advani says Modi is only a good event manager. Dr Joshi says there is no NaMo wave. The sting operation on Babri Masjid demolatin and Amit Shah’s call for revenge, give different picture. The party is in a denial mode. Incidentally, there is a Hindutwa touch in the belated manifesto. Ram temple, however diluted, revives old scars. Mention of ‘persecuted Hindus’ [not Indians] being welcome to India is a ‘loaded’ statement. If Hindutwa is only a concept why not call it ‘Bharatwa’? This, make or break election for the BJP, centres around just one man - Narendra Modi, [I, me and myself man] not the BJP / NDA. But ultimately, come May 16th, who will succeed Manmohan Singh [an accidental PM who failed badly] and occupy 7 RCR, only time will tell. With so many contenders in the field, we may have Rakhi Sawant, a self proclaimed illiterate, as our next PM, since not many people have actually seen the Gujarat ‘Model’. How does she look anyway?


When Love Was Crucified . . .


umerous are the believers and non-believers alike who ask: “Why is GOOD FRIDAY so called when it marks the day a very dastardly thing took place, viz. the killing of God’s own Son as it were?” One of the most beautiful crosses I have ever seen is the one gifted to me by friar Arokiasunder, former Minister Provincial of the Friars Minor in India. It’s a metal item some six inches in height done in filigree, imitation stones and red laminate and suspended from a crozier like stand. But the piece de resistance of the cross is the word LOVE emblazoned across its centre! It is to this Cross that the article owes its title! And indeed it was in the first instant of beholding it that it struck me as significant that love essentially consti- have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan tutes one-way traffic on a one-way route inwardly while we wait for adoption, the on which lies the goodness of that redemption of our bodies” [Rom 8:22fateful Friday when, with the crucifixion 23]. We see God putting his creature before his Son, the need for of the Lord of love, love itself the redemption of mortal man was slain. before the glory of the sec“God is love,” says saond person of the Trinity. cred scripture [1 Jn 4:8]. In a That’s the cause and effect of way, Good Friday 2014 could the crucifixion of love. John is be said to mark the 2014th aneven more explicit – “This is niversary of the day love was how the love of God was restruck down and buried in the soil of the earth. A Pastor was by Ladislaus L vealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world that confronted by a worshipper D’Souza we might have life through who asked angrily, “Where the hell was that God whose loving you him. In this is love, not that we loved preached about when my only son was God but that he loved us and sent his knocked dead in a horrific accident?” Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” The Pastor, who only in the previous [1 Jn 4:9-10]. The Evangelist does not week had lost his own and only son to leave the believer pondering over this that most dreaded of diseases, Can- beautiful mystery but leads us to take a cer, replied in a calm yet faith-filled step that enables us to retrace the onemanner: “Exactly where he was when way path of love the Lord took, sughis own Son was being tortured and gesting, “Let us love, then, since he crucified on Calvary.” There’s no know- loved us first” [1 Jn 4:19]. Year after year, the very obsering whether the Father grieved the passing of Jesus by an act of man He vance of Good Friday and the subsehimself permitted if only for the sake of quent celebration of Easter throws us a the redemption of the crown of his mighty challenge, goading us on to creation per se. But Paul puts it very take the issue of ‘forgiveness’ seriously succinctly when he says, “We know – “Father, forgive them for they know that the whole creation has been groan- not what they do” [Lk 23:34]. While ing in labour pains until now; and not love is one-way, forgiveness is essenonly creation, but we ourselves, who tially a two-sided coin: FORGIVING and


SEEKING TO BE FORGIVEN – the one incomplete without the other. Human as we all are, we are far perfect, perfection being God’s chief attribute. But our striving after perfection as desired by Jesus—“Be ye perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect” [Mt 5:48]—must needs include a firm desire to turn our mistakes and faults into occasions for seeking to be forgiven, and this, not merely in the Confessional but specifically by those we’ve wronged one way or another: those we’ve hurt by actions of deceit and bad-mouthing; those whom we’ve cheated in the name of ‘family’ or robbed under the guise of friendship; our spouse whom we may have repeatedly given the silent treatment for frivolous reasons, even denying the conjugal right; our children whom we may have lavished with all the money they ask for, simultaneously denying them a word or a touch of love; our ageing parents whom we may have deprived of a sense of belonging by shunting them out of their own homes…. As for the other side of the coin, we’d do well to forgive the offender. Indeed, why rot in the muck along with the other! The lovelessness on our part constitutes a rebuff to the Lord’s own love for us. Saint Francis d’Assisi’s reflection on this vis-à-vis his love for Jesus, the Father’s love incarnate, led him to run out on the streets crying, “O! Love is not loved! Love is not loved!” Saint Augustine of Hippo, one of the greatest sinners-turned-saints, once wrote that the will to love is already love. Obviously then, it is with the will to love alone that we experience the joy that comes with hearing the Gospel proclamation “HE IS RISEN!” For, if truth be told, LOVE crucified that Good Friday noon did not remain buried in the soil of untruth but rose to glory that all too beautiful Easter Spring morn, bringing much cheer to the broken hearted disciples and miles of smiles to their countenances making them erupt in the Alleluia chorus that is waiting to echo itself in our Easter!

21 April 2014

Who Deserves Our Vote? by Don Aguiar


hom do we choose in the forthcoming Parliamentary election – is the question rankling the Community? We need leadership that will protect the Constitution and safeguard equally the fundamental rights of its citizens irrespective of their caste, creed or religion. We need to have the vision of one united and peaceful India. So - In this elections one must note that it is not the local candidate that matters BUT the party who gets the maximum votes. But we Catholics are still confusing the line between addressing social issues and active participation in party politics. We Catholics, naïve in the intricacies of politics have compromised our integrity as most parties have failed to nominate Christians. This is perhaps the real index of how little minority Christians matter in India’s political discourse. Who will be the losers and gainers in the elections? Who deserves our vote? With corruption being the common factor of all political parties we then need to look at other factors that would make them eligible for our vote. We see three major political parties in the fray – one communal (BJP/ SS) the other in between (AAP) and the last non communal (Congress/NCP). For this reason - Meet your candidates programs are organized in each of the respective Mumbai constituencies to enable the voters in the respective constituencies to get to know their candidate and more important their party’s stand on our country/trade/community/ etc. However the Catholic attendance at these gatherings leaves much to be desired. Their logic - leave it to you to decide - why waste your time there when you can either pray, play or enjoy with this time and leave the rest to God. The South Mumbai Constituent due to its diverse population and candidates could be taken as bench mark. Two meetings of meet your candidate were organized in South Mumbai on a

21 April 2014

Sunday one in the morning downhill at CP Tank and the other in the evening uphill at Altamont Road All the candidates – the Congress, AAP, MNS & SS were present at both these sessions and came on time. While the morning session saw the candidates just being pleasant, with the Congress Candidate who is the present MP giving his brief and leaving the AAP, MNS & SS candidates who had not come prepared pointing out inconsistencies of the present Congress MP and the audience taunting them resulted in being hilarious and the Congress MP giving an even hilarious response, For the evening session the candidates came prepared which brought out the candidate and what their party stands for in true colors as they had got the material from the morning session to hit back at one another to the extent of the MNS & SS candidates going personal and hitting the Congress Candidate and to some extent the AAP candidate below the belt as topics as diverse from economic & financial policy/wellbeing & growth, FDI, foreign policy, minority stand to homosexuality were put to the candidates for their party stand. It would have been chaos had it not been for the skill and tact of the chair to rein in decorum, decency and discipline, during this session to which we salute the chair It was noted from the response of the respective candidates that the SS/ BJP mentioned “Modi” their alliance partner and announced that the nation is riding on a “Modi” wave As expected they were against homosexuality, FDI as well as quotas/reservations for minorities and much more but would build the Ram temple While the MNS was not at all equipped to respond to these issues, had nothing to offer as it is more a local outfit, dealing in local issues and was not averse to take the law into their hands and “goondagiri” and as expected took every opportunity to down

play their arch rival SS/BJP with the AAP and the Congress not far behind. They pointed out the recent developments including the Parivar’s highly communal campaign in Uttar Pradesh and Amit Shah’s inflammatory rhetoric addressing a Jat audience, and said that these are intimations that the BJP, “the most prominent member” of the family of Hindutva organizations, is not about to change its spots but getting more communal. The case of the BJP demolishing the Babri Masjid by their kar sevaks belonging to the Bajrang Dal and VHP where their core team wanted some of the kar savaks to die in order to create an atmosphere of sympathy for the justification of their demolition of the Masjid and the likeliness of it recurring to other minority religious places of worship if this party is voted to power is very strong. Even their brutal attacks on the minorities wherein they justify the same irrespective of the guarantee in our Constitution of safeguarding the fundamental rights of the citizens are of great concern. The projection of this one person “Modi” who has been described as a divisive personality despite his reformist credentials and whose campaign machine has done everything in its power to obfuscate or draw attention away from the past, 2002 and all that instead of projecting his party is on the horizon and the country faces threat from communal forces as it is feared that in this regime the minorities and vulnerable groups will be crushed and communal violence and terrorism will be on the rise. The MNS, SS/BJP & Congress pointed out the failure AAP experiment in Delhi – and the party stepping down after seven weeks of governance because they were unable to keep their promises to the electorate and their Chief Minister from their party sitting in”Dahrna” which proves that it has experience only in “Dharnas” and lacks political will and governance experi(Contd.. on p. 12)


Now I See


by Francis Lobo

he gospel reading was about Jesus giving sight to a blind man. Fortunately, I have had good eye sight since birth, despite my bifocals and occasional short-sightedness. I had come to Delhi on an important assignment, and as I looked out of my hotel window I was filled with a sense of importance and pride. However, as I saw the rush of thousands of people going about their daily chores and heard the roar of the vehicular traffic my eyes suddenly opened — I realized that I was just a speck in this mighty universe. Three scenarios opened in front of me — Of the Elite, on the coming Elections and the message of Easter. On The Elite What about the powerful people who dominated this capital city of India? They are remembered just to score a point in a competitive examination for the correct answer to questions like, “Who was the first Prime Minister of India?” OR “Who was the last Viceroy of this country?”. I am reading Ian Kershaw’s book “Hitler” a person who dominated the world scene for more than a decade. That decade is not even a blip on the Cosmic Calendar which covers billions of years. Whether we are billionaires, dictators or celebrities we are like grains of sand on the sea shore, like the drops of water in the ocean. But the ocean wouldn’t exist without the drops or the sea shore without each grain of sand playing its part. I realized that my own body is made up of billions of cells each with a unique role and each having within it enough energy stored up to drive a large city. Why should I feel useless and helpless before the hollow suits of those who pose as the rich and the powerful? On The Elections Max Weber coined a phrase “Charismatic Authority” for a phenomenon where people in humiliating, chaotic and crisis situations find unique and heroic qualities in individuals, which probably even they don’t know that they possess, and confer on them the authority with “a Mission of Salva-


tion”. The human race unfortunately does not learn from history and has repeatedly put undesirable people into positions of power. Because we are not prepared to do our part, we take the easy path and hand over charge to those who will exploit the situation, amass wealth, destroy the economy and the environment and possibly, like Hitler, send millions to an ugly and untimely death. Easter Reflections The Cosmic Calendar spans billions of years. Nothing appears to have been destroyed in this period only there has been change and evolution. I appreciate why some people are atheists. How is it possible for someone to know what is happening in this vast universe with control over the tiniest particle [I don’t use the term atom as it has lost its position as the tiniest thing in this universe] to the mighty stars that dominate the sky. Advertisers advise us “Think Big”. How much bigger can I think? Easter gives me the message that I am made for eternity. Yet this eternal life will depend on what I do in the present, the choices I make. How I handle each moment that comes to me. What a powerful thought! I don’t have to worry about the future if I am doing the right thing now. Happiness, peace of mind, satisfaction come from doing what we are expected to do from moment to moment. Give us this day our daily bread whether it is in the form of food, responsibility, choices to be made, troubles and tasks to be handled. We got to learn to praise and thank God for whatever comes our way. Despite my age, infirmities, weaknesses I see that I have a place in this universe and a role to play. Life is easy if I realize that all I am expected to do is live moment to moment, making the right choices, doing what I have to do without fear or favor and working to my full potential and the best of my abilities. The opportunities to learn and to do good are overwhelming. Is the message of Easter that this life is only training for another life?

Certificate Course In Romi Konkani At Borim


t. Francis Xavier Parish, Borim is organizing a crash course on “ROMI LIPINT KONKNNI BROUNCHI PROMANN RIT” under the auspices of Dalgado Konknni Akademi from 15th April to 27th April 2014 (no holidays) from 9.30 am to 12.30 am at Borim church premises. Fr. Manuel Gomes, former Director of the Diocesan Centre for Biblical Apostolate and Professor of Pastoral Institute, old Goa will conduct the regular classes and will be assisted by Vincy Quadros, renowned Konkani writer. People want to learn computer, work on internet, use mobile phones. All these activities are dominated by Konkani in Roman script. Ignoring this fact, Konkani community is running away from their mother tongue. Akademi is delighted to see the people still want to learn Romi Konkani and have initiated yet another step towards the foundation of Konkani. Considering this as the need of the hour, Akademi facilitates all the requirements to the organisers in conducting the course. This is a certificate course recognized by the Akademi. Akademi intends to cater to more parishes in organizing this helpful course for their regular church readers and editorial board members of their church bulletin. Akademi provides standardized orthography book in Konkani for the learners at free of cost. More than 50 individuals have already enrolled themselves for the course. Still, those interested , please contact Fr. Manuel Gomes, Parish Priest, St. Francis Xavier Church, Borim Phone 2333520 or Vincy Quadros, Secretary of Akademi Phone 9822587498.

21 April 2014

FKCCA, Bangalore Demands Excommunication of Priests


ederation of Karnataka Catholics and Chris tians Associations (FKCCA) in a memorandum to the Archbishop of Bangalore demanded Excommunication of Priests who are creating problems by raising Kannada language in liturgy. They held demonstration in front of the Archbishop’s House on April 12 and later submitted a memorandum to the Archbishop Bernard Moras seeking excommunication of the priests involved in ''un-Christian activities." FKCA Chairperson Aida D’Cunha, alongwith former FKCA Chairman Charles Gomes and other key leaders together presented their memorandum to the archbishop listing 15-points as the grounds for seeking excommunication of the priests. Copy of the memorandum is also sent to the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI), New Delhi. The FKCCA has already received support from several diocesan and religious priests as well as sisters for this cause said Abraham. The Statement says: (They) are creating an impression that the whole episode is against the AntiKannadiga attitude of the church authorities and aimed at fighting actions/moves that are intended to suppress the demands of Kannada speaking Catho-

21 April 2014

lics in Karnataka. This is absolutely false and fabricated, only to misguide and fool the Kannada speaking Catholics’ in Karnataka and make Catholics in Karnataka feel frustrated and disgusted with the Catholic Church itself. The association further says that eyey have reliably learnt that it is a conspiracy to intentionally create an unhealthy atmosphere in the Catholic Church, AND to also to divert the attention away from the actual issue only to save the culprits in the murder case.


Whom Do We Vote For In The Coming Lokpal Elections 2014?


ery soon, we as individual citi zens of this largest democ racy in the world, will be facing the dilemma of whether we need to face the voting machine and decide which button to press. A few articles that I have read recently, provides the uncertainty people have, to do so. What is required is for us first of all to be convinced, that our vote counts and make the effort to go to the voting booth and cast our vote. It is not difficult to convince one self that a single vote among 815 million people who are voting in India this election, will not make a difference. Hence this is the first hurdle we have to overcome. After we do so, we need to draw up a list of what important problems we as an individual, a family and


Eric D'Sa country face these days. Against this list, line up the political parties you have a choice to vote for. We then have to assess what is on offer by the various political parties in their manifestoes and how they have tried to solve the problems on your list. You could against each of the political Party, put a number say between 0 to 5, the largest number being provided to the party which is offering the most effective cure to solve the problem you face and then add up the totals to see which party you should vote for. You could juggle with the following listed items as you decide on their importance and add to the number as you feel fit:

Rampant corruption that is corroding the fabric of the nation being dealt with by bringing in effective independent Lok Yuktas at the state level and Lok Pal at center. The disparity of wealth between the rich and the poor having increased effecting the poorest in the country. High Inflation that is effecting the purchasing power of the poor and middle class. Lack of assurance that the retail inflation in the Country will not be say more than 5% p.a. Threat of Communalism that may cause strife as that in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Nigeria etc and many countries, due to religious fanatics getting upper hand and have (Contd.. on p. 17)

21 April 2014

“Peace On Earth” At Fifty-one!



xactly fifty-one years ago on April 11th 1963, beloved Pope John XXIII literally shook the foundations of this earth through his Encyclical ‘Pacem in Terris’ (Peace on Earth). This was his last Encyclical that he gave to the Church and the very first one by any Pope to be addressed “to all men of goodwill”. The Encyclical was written in the midst of the turbulence and conflict which has seized several parts of the world: the Cold War, the erection of the Berlin Wall, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Pacem in Terris in fact has a more elaborate title, which is “On Establishing Universal Peace in Truth, Justice, Charity and Freedom”. The four pillars: Truth, Justice, Charity and Freedom are in a sense the sum and substance of the Encyclical. The Encyclical is divided in four broad sections: the relationship between individuals and humankind; and of human rights and moral duties the relationship between man and State, dwelling on the collective

21 April 2014

authority of the latter the need and importance for equality among nations and that of the State to be also subject to the rights and duties that an individual must abide by the need for greater relations among nations and for collective (bigger) States assisting other States Finally, Pope John XXIII reminds all men and women of goodwill (and particularly the Catholics) to be more engaged in social and political life in order that we have a more just and peaceful world. India today is in the midst of her General Elections - regarded as the biggest democratic exercise on earth. Pacem in Terris therefore serves as a great reminder of what values Indians should be looking for when they cast their vote for a particular candidate or party. Exactly a year ago, on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of this great Encyclical, Pope Francis said, “‘Peace on Earth’ remains extremely contemporary and can act as a guide to peacebuilding in today’s world”.

There is so much in this Encyclical which finds a resonance in the Indian Constitution. Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are the core values in the Preamble of our Constitution. Our country has for her motto ‘Satyamev Jayate’ (Truth alone triumphs). Charity is the core teaching of Jesus and his Gospel; for us Indians, it is meant to be a non-negotiable. What the run-up to the elections has unfolded is the fact that for several Indians, these values can be conveniently put aside and be replaced with untruth, injustice, hatred and divisiveness. All caution has been thrown to the wind for some political parties and there is a blatant attempt to destroy the fundamental rights of several groups particularly of the minorities and the marginalized. One manifesto proudly steers on the path of greater nuclearisation which is certainly not going to help in the building of a more peaceful world! Pacem in Terris serves as a reminder and a challenge: not only to Christians but to all men and women of goodwill. John XXIII while affirming that all humans are equal in dignity and are endowed with rights, also calls upon everyone, very specially those in governance to ensure that what is foundational for peace, is never destroyed. On April 27th, the Catholic Church will canonize John XXIII acknowledging him as a Saint. His contribution to us in India, this election season, is to have the courage to be communicators of justice, truth, charity and freedom. Do we have the guts to respond concretely? (* Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is the Director of PRASHANT, the Ahmedabad based Jesuit Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace)


Over 40 pairs gave each others choices at the Get-together of Royal Christian Family held on April 6th 2014 at Bandra

Ivan D'Souza, Compere

Thomas Lobo

Mr. Joe and Mrs. Jacquline D'Costa from Family Cell

Thomas Lobo, Lawrence Coelho & Ivan D'Souza Get-together of Brides and Grooms held on 6th of April 2014 at Morello Hall, Bandra West, was attended by a large number of participants. While most the participants were from Mumbai, some of them came all the way from Dubai, Canada, Bangalore, Pune, Ahmedabad and Aurangabad. Mr. Ivan D'Souza the young, dynamic compere from Amboli conducted the days activities which helped the participants get-to-know each other. It began with warm-up session. Their were groupwise games, talking one-to-one session, etc. Besides there were short talks on various issues involved in choosing a life-partner, marriage and conflicts in the family by Mr. Thomas Lobo, Dean, St. Johns Management College, Mr. Joe and Mrs. Jacquline D'Costa of ‘Family Cell’. Parents present in the hall watched the proceedings and were happy with the entire activities. At the end all participants gave their ‘Response Sheet’ for follow-up work after the get-together. While leaving the hall participants congratulated for the excellent order and arrangement.


21 April 2014

Why A First Double Papal Canonization


ot for the first time, when a pope is canonized – and re markably a first when two popes are made saints- in doctrinal purity at the same time. A more prosaic explanation cannot be over portrayed for the sake of theological philosophy, two vicars of Christ, enriching the faith, having reformist views and being the 20th century’s most influential popes thereby creating a continuity aimed at unifying Holy Mother the Church. On July 5, 2013, Pope Francis approved that John Paul II should be made a saint along with John XXIII as both popes shared the same views on reforms among other issues. It was a historic day in the Vatican. John Paul II’s papacy had seen the passage of a glorious success through 27 years of his reign, although there were times when his conservative ideas and opinions had alienated numbers of Catholics. John Paul II helped to topple

Come, make the best choice of your life-Partner

Communism. John XXIII is piled in several volumes for identified with the open- ing researchers and scholars – of the Second Vatican Counnot forgetting their Voices cil which drew the Catholic as well. Church into modern times. The latest informaBoth popes were closely knit tion comes from Vatican together to make a statement Radio’s pontifical archives. BY MELVYN BROWN that the Council’s role asAlmost 8000 tapes of the sisted the rejuvenation and reshaping voices of former popes have been of the Roman Church. digitized from as long back as 1884, John XXIII became the rare ex- and will now be heard by people ception to be granted canonization around the world. To this effort of glad along with John Paul II. It is interesting tidings are added the voices of John to note that the text for this solemn XXIII and John Paul II. A Vatican offievent was written by Pope Francis and cial said, “In this way, the popes rehis living predecessor Pope Benedict main among us.” XVI, stating that the two popes were a The Double Papal Canonization “common good” in matters of faith; is a welcome stride away from the asking for evangelization and dialogue shuffle of taking decades in investigawith non-believers. tion, and on “ their knees quest” to Vatican theologians insisted that ignore the “holiness” at all costs till the second miracle attributed to John the subject is proved worthy of saintPaul II would “amaze the world”. The hood. Making saints for our times is a first miracle helped John Paul to re- positive response to tackle sin in our ceive beatification. This was achieved mundane and material world. Cathoin six months after his death in 2005. lics worldwide welcome the decision The writings of both popes will be com- to have a double papal canonization.

Royal Christian Family happy to announce the next


Places are limited! Book Your Seat Early !!

of Brides and Grooms will be held in June 2014 from 10 A. M. to 4 P.M. at, an AC Hall in Mumbai A grand gathering to get acquainted with boys and girls of matching age group who are in search of a suitable Life-Partner of their choice with an ultimate view to matrimony. O Participants list and other details will be sent 15 days prior to the get-together. O Lunch, snacks, etc, will be provided at the Get-together. O Royal Christian Family is having the experience of organising over 60 get-togethers O The meet covers good family boys and girls

in the past.

Royal Christian Family 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Near GPO., Fort, Mumbai 400001 Tel.: 022 - 22693578, 22654924 Email:,

21 April 2014


Capt. Mervin & Margaret Lobo… Blessings From St. Pope John Paul II… 27TH APRIL 2014 Double Occasion We were on our way to get married in Jerusalem (Israel) on Friday May 13th 1988 at the Parish Church of Holy the Holy Sepulcher, St. Saviour. Also the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. We flew Al Pope John Paul II, blessingMargaret and Capt. Mervin Lobo Italia Mumbai Rome Tel Aviv Israel. Our stopover VVIP block, he came up to us 3 times was Rome for our connecting flight, Blessing us again and again and promso we had a great privilege for a ised to pray for us on the 13th May.. In 2009 we went on a pilgrimage special Blessing from Pope John Paul to Poland and visited Pope John Paul II II. The next day we left for Israel for our house and the Church next door where Marriage. he was Baptized at Krakow Poland. Our wedding day May 13 was a Then we proceed to St. Faustina’s very unique one for after Mass, we Convent where we stayed and prayed were given a little reception by the the Divine Mercy at with the SisFranciscan Friars in the pilgrims cofters and pilgrims at the Altar where fee Room. After that we went up to our Jesus appeared to St. Faustina, then room, knelt and prayed the 15 dewe went and prayed at her grave too. cades of the Rosary, hurried down to We then went to San Govanni have lunch, took our crosses and ran up to Ecce Homo to join the Rotondo to visit St. Padre Pio's tomb. Franciscans who conduct the Way of The hotel we stayed at, was the same the Cross every Friday for the Pil- hotel which he as Cardinal Wojtyla of grims at 3.p.m, May 13th happened Krakow Poland too had stayed, and we to be Friday. When we reached Cal- were given the same room he occuvary, we put our wedding rings and pied; so we had another privilege to our crosses in the same hole that sleep on the same bed he slept on...St. Jesus’ cross was put in standing. Af- Padre Pio prophesied to him that he ter the Way of the Cross we went and would become Pope to which he smiled had our cup of tea and rushed by car humbly in disbelief. We prayed for all our Brothers to Canna where Jesus worked His and Sisters, in Mumbai at the feet of First Miracle (the Wedding Feast at Jesus at Divine Mercy Altar where Jesus Canna, and had a sip of the Cana wine appeared to St. Faustina. too. Thus was the end of our beautiful These are our Blessings and beauspirit filled wedding day. tiful memories we cherish and would Now 25 years Later 2014 comes like to share with you to day on St. Pope the other Big Blessing, as Pope John John Paul II Canonization 27th April Paul II is canonized Saint on April 27th 2014. 2014 and it happens to be Capt. We Praise and Thank The Blessed Mervin’s Birthday. Above all he Trinity and our Blessed Mother for all Blessed our wedding rings, and since the Blessings bestowed on us and they we were given seats No.1&2 in the are many.


Strongest Papal Statement Yet On Clerical Sex Abuse

Vatican City: Pope Francis called April 11 for an “even stronger” Catholic Church response to combat sexual abuse, saying he felt compelled to “personally ask forgiveness” for priests who have sexually abused children. “The Church is aware of this damage, it is personal, moral damage carried out by men of the Church, and we will not take one step backward with regards to how we deal with this problem, and the sanctions that must be imposed,” the Pope told the International Child Bureau in an April 11 audience at the Vatican, according to Vatican Radio. He said the response to sex abuse has to be “even stronger” because “you cannot interfere with children.” The International Catholic Child Bureau is a Catholic NGO dedicated to global work on behalf of children. The Pope also discussed other issues affecting children. He stressed the importance of fighting slave labor, recruitment of children as soldiers, and “all forms of violence against children.” “On a positive note, we must reaffirm the right of children to grow up in a family with a father and a mother capable of creating a suitable environment for the child’s development and emotional maturity,” he said. Pope Francis also reflected on the need for sound formation of human rights advocates. He said that work for human rights presupposes a good understanding of the human person and “knowing how to respond to the problems and challenges posed by contemporary culture and widespread mentality propagated by the mass media.” He urged the children’s rights advocates to propose the “positive values of the human person.”

21 April 2014

Is The Internet Killing Religion?


e can blame the Internet for plenty: the proliferation of porn, our obsession with cat videos, the alleged rise of teen trends like – brace yourself – eyeball licking. But is it also a culprit in helping us lose our religion? A new study suggests it might be. Allen Downey, a computer scientist at Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts, set out to understand the national uptick in those who claim no religious affiliation. These are the “nones,” which the Pew Research Center considers the fastest-growing “religious” group in America. Since 1985, Downey says, the number of first-year college students who say they're religiously unaffiliated has grown from 8% to 25%, according to the CIRP Freshman Survey. And, he adds, stats from the General Social Survey, which has been tracking American opinions and social change since 1972, show unaffiliated Americans in the general population ballooned from 8% to 18% between 1990 and 2010. These trends jibe with what the Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project reported in 2012. It said one in five American adults, and a third of those under 30, are unaffiliated. Downey says he stepped into the ongoing debate about the rise of the "nones" not because he has a vested interest one way or the other, but because the topic fascinates him. He says it’s good fodder for study and appeals to students who are learning to crunch real data.

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21 April 2014

In his paper “Religious affiliation, education and Internet use,” which published in March on arXiv – an electronic collection of scientific papers – Downey analyzed data from GSS and discovered a correlation between increased Internet use and religious disaffiliation. Internet use among adults was essentially at zero in 1990; 20 years later, it jumped to 80%, he said. In that same two-decade period, we saw a 25 million-person spike in those who are religiously unaffiliated. People who use the Internet a few hours a week, GSS numbers showed Downey, were less likely to have a religious affiliation by about 2%. Those online more than seven hours a week were even more likely – an additional 3% more likely – to disaffiliate, he said. Now, Downey is the first to point out that correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation. But he was able to control for other factors including education, religious upbringing, rural/urban environments and income, to find a link that allowed him to “conclude, tentatively,

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that Internet use causes disaffiliation,” he said. “But a reasonable person could disagree.” The Internet, he posited, opens up new ways of thinking to those living in homogeneous environments. It also allows those with doubts to find likeminded individuals around the world. He believes decreases in religious upbringing have had the largest effect, accounting for 25% of reduced affiliation; college education covers about 5% and Internet use may account for another 20%. That leaves 50% which he attributes to “generational replacement,” meaning those born more recently are less likely to be religiously affiliated – though he doesn’t attempt to explain why that is. The Pew Research Center has offered its own theories. One explanation Pew gives is that our nation is experiencing political backlash – "that young adults, in particular, have turned away from organized religion because they perceive it as deeply entangled with conservative politics and do not want to have any association with it." More specifically, Pew explains, this brand of religion and politics is out of step with young adult views on samesex rights and abortion. Postponement of marriage and parenthood, broader social disengagement and general secularization of society may also play a part, according to Pew. Source: CNN Belief Blog

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(Contd.. from p. 7) ence. Also in the immediate aftermath of the December 2013 assembly elections this anxiety was translated into a gush gush endorsement of the AAP. However ever since the white cap crusaders got drunk on media hype and made a series of tactical miscalculations, concern has given way to visible depression - their unpredictable behavior - is an indication that have sowed doubts in not only the politically aware sections of the electorate but also in the common man about what AAP really stands for. The AAP clarified the accusations made by the MNS, SS/BJP & Congress and mentioned that their party will play a big roll to reduce corruption and reining in the big parties and since they do not see a possibility of their party’s chance in forming a government they are not clear on FDI, financial & economic policies & growth, foreign policy, minority stand, etc. The Congress was pulled up for the poor functioning of parliament but with the Congress candidate clarifying the reason the candidates then blamed the opposition. With the aggressive behavior among the candidates in countering the accusations made on them/party as well as the audience stroking the fires with regards to their party policies as one from the audience mentioned that what is more important for the SS/ BJP is not building of the Ram Temple that will create unrest but economic and financial policy/growth as they see one God and that is “money” The Congress candidate being the sitting MP quickly mentioned all the projects he and his party had undertaken and also his party’s take on the economic and financial growth& policy, foreign policy, etc for the country and is of the view that in order to reduce corruption the layers in the government have to be reduced as done by his government using IT and gave example for the application of passport and driving license. The roots of corruption run deep in the Indian system and hence it is not easy for any party to do away with corruption immediately but eradication of corruption has to be


dealt with in a diplomatic manner slow and study. As the session was nearing the end the Congress candidate got the audience to agree that as mentioned in the Economic Times – a Congress led government is the less disturbing option as far as economic growth as well as communal well being is concerned. Therefore, Communalism is more dangerous than Corruption. Let us not be allured by the vision of development which keeps 80 percent of our people out of the benefits of such development and only a few get richer at the cost of the others. Lets us not divide the secular vote. Let the vote go to the non communal party who has the past experience to govern wherein we elect a stable non communal government, thus ensuring the preservation and protection of our Constitution, the plural ethos and the rich diversity of our great nation. However - Some community members are promoting a “Spoilers” party who is aware that they will not be voted to form a government on their own but if given a choice have shown that they prefer to join with the communal party. As they are looking for people to join/support them they will promise the moon, and also accept demand for an assembly seat in a district, as well as land for building your organization Bhavan/office if they are voted to power. This does not mean that they must be taken for their word as there seems little chance that these demands will be met. When they came to power in Delhi by promising the electorate the moon (what the other major political parties could not deliver) they had to resign in seven weeks because they were un-

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able to maintain status quo on whatever they assured the electorate they would do in a set time frame. What are the alternatives? Is there a credible alternative despite the histrionics and unconventional politics? Can there be an alternative of a party introducing a corruption and communalism-free politics? What about the fear of the ‘secular vote’ being divided? If one does decides to divide secular vote and supports the “Spoiler” and this party agrees to support the communal party, then where do we stand? The fast emerging view is that we should not back “spoilers” even if they claim to be secular but are unlikely to win A lot is at stake we cannot afford not to defeat communal forces. And hence it is important to vote in unison to stop communal forces from taking over the reins of power. Since every Vote will therefore count “None of the Above" [NOTA] should not be an option as it is a wasted vote. In this elections one must note that it is not the local candidate that matters BUT the party who gets the maximum votes. We need to elect a stable non communal government, thus ensuring the preservation and protection of our Constitution, the plural ethos and the rich diversity of our great nation.

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21 April 2014

(Contd.. from p. 10)

a larger say in governance. Lack of the required policing causing law and order problems. Police reforms requiring to be enforced as suggested by the Supreme Court Lack of swift and accessible Justice to the common man. Bring in Judicial reforms and increase the number of Judges and courts to speed up the process. Insufficient GDP growth, increase it from the present 5% to 8% p.a. and efforts made to increase jobs for youth. Keeping the criminals and goondas away from standing for election to the Lok Sabha elections Not being open to the public of their political party funding for elections. No curbs on black money generation in the Country with transparent laws. Political power not being devolved to people to have a say in how government schools, hospitals, parks, local roads etc are administered. The benefits provided to lower castes being restricted based on religion Lack of sufficient funds to increase food production, irrigation, animal husbandry etc Lack of sufficient investment to ensure required power, fuel, fresh water are provided to growing population. Reducing dynastic rule in politics and bring in inner party democracy. Efforts not being made to run the party by honest and ethical politicians. Women empowerment being neglected. The above check list and with a few more that may be of importance to you will provide the required yard stick to make a well calculated decision before you vote.

21 April 2014

A PSALM OF THANKSGIVING For The Canonisation Of Our Holy Father Pope John Paul II On 27th April 2014. O what thanks can we render thee LORD! For hastening to answer, Our prayer for Canonisation of Pope John Paul II. Do look down from above, To, see us rejoice, Hearing our beloved Pope John Paul II Has been exalted to Sainthood. Our beloved Pope-Was the tireless advocate of world peace, Bringing unity in diversity, Reconciling religions, teaching tolerance Answering the thirst for justice. Speaking up for the vulnerable, giving hope, And setting the example, Exemplifying love for our enemies. He was a global figure, Reaching Out in a special way, To the sick, elderly and children, Devoted to the weak and voiceless, Making the youth feel important, The shining example of faith That was Our Shepherd. In a magnanimous way He touched spirits and hearts, Exhorting all people, To be open to dialogue, A very wise and empathetic person, With a vision and a mission. Now Glorify your Shepherd, LORD! As he rightly deserves, Glorify your Shepherd, LORD! ONE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST HUMANISTS, OUR VERY HOLY FATHER. POPE JOHN PAUL II Once again, 'THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU LORD!' For this day of his Canonisation, 27th April 2014.

—Ella Almeida 17

Be Compassionate


he Bible often uses the word "compassion" e.g. in Mt 9:36:"He felt compassionate for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd; and Col 3:12:- "As those who have been chosen of God, put on a heart of compassion." What does compassion mean?" I believe that basic human nature is not only non-violent but actively disposed towards love and compassion, kindness and gentleness. What then of people like Hitler, or Mao or Pol Pot etc. If they are not mentally unsound, their schemes are carried out with a vision, albeit a perverted or wicked one. The imaginative faculty we are all blessed with plays a vital role. The use to which it is put determines whether the actions it conceives are positive or negative. A vision properly motivated, which recognises others' desire for, and equal right to, happiness and to be free of suffering, can lead to happiness. When divorced from this basic human feeling, the potential for destruction cannot be over-estimated. Yet even these 'monsters' have been known to show affection at times and to deeply regret their actions when too late. Compassion is more than just pity. It is triggered by the "inability to bear the sight of another's suffering". Even if, as we often read, people do not go to the assistance of those in distress, it does not mean that their capacity for empathy, which is universal, is entirely absent. Even soldiers, after a battle, will often help their enemies retrieve their dead and wounded. It follows therefore, that if we could enhance the capacity - our sensitivity towards others' suffering- the more we would be concerned to ensure that no action of ours caused harm to others. Just as we can restrain our feelings through reasoning, we can enhance them in the same way. Not only can we enhance our feelings of empathy, but we can transform them into love and compassion itself. Compassion is therefore a product of both empathy and reason.


Tony Martyris Compassion therefore in the Bible connotes love, affection, kindness, generosity of spirit and warmheartedness. It includes sympathy, endearment and connection with others, but not pity, which word has a sense of condescension about it. By sustained reflection, rehearsal and practice, we can develop our innate ability to connect with others. When we act out of concern for others, our behaviour towards them is automatically positive. We have no room for suspicion when our hearts are filled with love. Our inner door is opened, allowing us to reach out. Our feelings of shyness or insecurity are reduced. We experience a sense of liberation from our habitual pre-occupation with self. The peace that creates in our own hearts brings peace to everyone we associate with. Listen to Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium 208 -"I am interested only in helping those who are in thrall to an individualistic, indifferent and self-centred mentality to be freed from those unworthy chains and to attain a way of living and thinking which is more humane, noble and fruitful and which will bring dignity to their presence on this earth." The compassion that Christ showed was unconditional, undifferentiated and universal in scope and we are called to imitate Him. When we enhance our sensitivity to others' suffering through deliberately opening ourselves up to it we tend to have an overwhelming sense of responsibility towards those others. This causes us to dedicate ourselves to helping others overcome both their sufferings and the causes of their sufferings. It will remind us that, just as I do, so do all others desire to be happy and not to suffer; that there is little to be gained from being kind and generous because we hope to win something in return (like creating a good name for ourselves). It will also remind us that there is nothing

exceptional about acts of charity toward those we already feel close to and who meet our expectations. We need to overcome our feelings of partiality and reach a stage where we feel equally disposed to be even-handed and to offer compassionate service to all our "neighbours" as defined in the Parable of the Good Samaritan - whether rich or poor, attractive or less attractive, loved ones or enemies. Does this mean that we must abandon our own interests entirely? Not at all. In fact, sensitivity to others is the finest way to fulfill self-interest. Real freedom is the freedom to love and give ourselves fully. If love, patience, tolerance and forgiveness are what happiness consists in and if compassion is the source and fruit of these qualities, then the more we are compassionate, the more we provide for our own happiness. Compassion belongs to every sphere of activity, including the workplace. There is an unfortunate perception that compassion is either an impediment or is irrelevant to professional life. Not only is it relevant, but when compassion is lacking, our activities are in danger of being destructive. Because we ignore the question of the impact our actions have on others' wellbeing, inevitably we end up hurting them. When for example the temptation to deceive others arises, the compassion for them will prevent us from entertaining the idea. We may for example have read of some bio-scientists who have disengaged from some projects that they felt might create problems and suffering to humanity. Our work should enable us to love, to become a means to serve our family, customers, neighbours and community as a means of giving our life to God. A compassionate heart needs to be strong. Constant exposure to suffering as in the case of the caring profession, coupled with a feeling of being taken for granted, can induce feelings of helplessness and even despair. Daily (Contd.. on p. 19)

21 April 2014

Mumbai Christians Confused Over Best Candidate


s Mumbai draws closer to its polling date on April 24, confu sion reigns among members of the Christian community over who to vote for. The Lok Sabha elections found mention in the Palm Sunday mass at St Pius Church, Mulund. Father Tarsicius Fernandes prayed, “Lord, give us your guidance in voting for the right political representatives. Lord, give our political leaders strength and wisdom.”

(Contd.. from p. 18) prayer, "prayer without ceasing" and meditation on the Suffering and Risen Lord are therefore very necessary, uplifting and strengthening. Worry and despair are never a solution. They are rather the ultimate failure. Compassion and love are the source of both internal and external peace. They constitute non-violence in action. They are the source of all spiritual qualities - forgiveness, tolerance and all the virtues. They give meaning to our activities and make them constructive. Let Pope Francis have the last word. Evangelii Gaudium 180- "The Gospel is not merely about our personal relationship with God. Nor should our loving response to God be seen as simply an accumulation of small personal gestures to individuals in need, a kind of 'charity a la carte' aimed at easing our conscience. It is about the kingdom of God, about loving God who reigns in the world - of universal fraternity, justice, peace and dignity. Christian preaching and life are meant to have an impact on society." We would do well to introduce more of sharing of prayer and life experiences in our SCCs and other associations that are aimed at enhancing our compassion and love. it will help break down barriers of every kind and destroy the notion that MY interests and MY GROUP's interest is more important or independent of others' interest,

21 April 2014

Fr S M Michael, chairperson of inter-religious dialogue commission of the Bombay Archdiocese, speaking at the session on political analysis for Christians at Sacred Heart Parish in Andheri (East) on Sunday said, “The main parties do not take Christians as seriously as the Muslims because we are not perceived as lacking political awareness, and not as a significant vote bank.” According to Dolphy D’souza, former president of Bombay Catholic Sabha, Mumbai has around 1 million Christians. Of these, there were around five lakh registered voters in 2009. Around 58-60 per cent Christians voted in the last Lok Sabha elections. In veiled messages during mass and religious-social gatherings, the leaders and priests of the Catholic Church and other Christian groups, strongly urge and influence the people to vote for a “secular party”. In his letter to the community across India, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of the Bombay, emphasized that chief among the needs that must be addressed by hopeful candidates, are secularism and protection of rights of minorities, tribals, and Dalit Christians. Encapsulating the community’s concerns, Gordon Dsouza, President of the Bombay Catholic Sabha (BCS) said, “Catholics are disappointed with the Congress because of inflation and corruption. However, when we try to look at the BJP as a worthy alternative, the party does cause fear among the people because it is backed by Hindutva groups and has a tainted history with minorities.” Dsouza said, “We have been organizing ‘Meet Your Candidates’ sessions where citizens can interact with the candidates in their constituencies. We have also been trying to create awareness by sending texts and speaking in churches after the Sunday mass.” At a local-level in Mumbai, the Archbishop has sought to raise the issue of the dwindling space for cemeteries and unreasonable land acquisition from the Church for public projects that “are normally not used for the purpose the land is acquired for.”

The Joy Of Celebrating Easter


aster is a festival of the Catholic/ Christian community and is cel ebrated with great joy all over the world, as it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Christians believe that on Easter Sunday Jesus Christ rose from the grave in which He was buried and entered into heaven along with the good thief who repented for his sins. There are many customs and traditions associated with Easter. On Easter Sunday, people exchange Easter eggs. Easter eggs are sweetened eggs made out of chocolate or cashewnuts. Easter is celebrated in various ways in different parts of the world. It is celebrated either in March or April. This year, Easter falls on April 20. After Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, His body was taken down and buried in a cave tomb. The tomb was guarded by Roman soldiers and a very big stone which no one could lift, was put over the entrance so that no one could steal the body. On the following Sunday, which is called ‘Easter Sunday’, Mary Magdalene, followed later by some of Jesus' disciples, visited the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away, and that the body of Jesus had gone missing. Jesus himself was seen that day by Mary Magdalene and the other disciples and for forty days continuously by many people. His followers realised that God had raised Him up from the dead. Christians call this the Resurrection. On ‘Maundy Thursday’ (the Thursday before ‘Good Friday’), Jesus ate His last meal with His disciples. At this meal, Jesus told His disciples that they should love and serve one another. He demonstrated this by washing the feet of all His twelve disciples. On ‘Good Friday’ Christians remember Jesus' suffering and death on the cross. — Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili


MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Graduate, working as a Sr. Executive. Contact : 9224669977. (Regd. No. 6078) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 74 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. HSC, working as a Band Bld operator. Seeks a simple, home, mangalorean working girl. Contact email : OR 966447565. (Regd. No. 6091) MUMBAI : East Indian RC Divorcee, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. MBA., in Intl. Business from Newzealand. working as a Manager. Contact : email OR Mob.: 7738071111 (Regd. No. 6047) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, aged 34 years, Ht. 6’ 2”, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., & HTL Management, Working on Cruise Line as Supervisor, Seeks an educated, simple, Mangalorean girl above 5’ 5”, Email : (Regd. No. 6045) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 78 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC + 3 yrs Hotel Management working as a Sr. Rest. Manager. Contact email : OR 9920047343 (Regd. No. 6044) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as an Executive in Financial Bank. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9833574763 / 9820714172 (Regd. No. 6041) MUMBAI : Mangaloren RC Bachelor, aged 30 years, Ht. 6’, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com + IATA working as a Manager for Emirates in Dubai Seeks a humble, godfearing, educated girl. Ht. above 5’ 5”, age below 27 years. Contact email : OR


9619639323 / 26372210 (Regd. No. 6040) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Working as Marine 2nd Engineer seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 02224446040 (Regd. No. 6039) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 64 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.E., (Comp.), working as a Software Engineer. Contact email : OR 9004500088 (Regd. No. 6034) HYDERABAD : RC Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA, PGDM, working as a Sales Head in Abroad. Contact Email: OR 8008001552. (Regd. No. 6024) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. SSC, well settled. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Mob.: 9867764737 (Regd. No. 6022) POONA : RC Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., + Certified Fumigation Operator, Having own business. Seeks a fair good looking girl willing to settle in Poona. Contact email : OR 9096466322 / 8600528122 (Regd. No. 6020) MUMBAI : RC Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 6’, Wheatish Complexion, medium Built, born & brought up in Bombay. Family oriented with caring disposition. Edn. BE (Autombiles) working as an Engineer R & D. Seeks alliance with a tall, educated working

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girl with a positive attitude. Contact email : OR 9820699101 (Regd. No. 6017) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 6’ 1”, Fair Complexion, Edn. BE and Masters in Computers (IT) from London, working in an MNC (IT) in Mumbai, Seeks an educated, simple, mangalorean girl. Contact email : OR 28618926 / 9920631575 (Regd. No. 6014) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Divorcee, aged 45 years, Ht. 6’ 1”, Wt. 87 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn P.U.C., working as a A/C Mechanic in Kuwait. Mob.: 00965-65983992 (Regd. No. 6012) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Parents seek alliance for their Bachelor son, 28 years, Postgraduate Engineer, 5’ 11”, loving and caring with good family values, fair and handsome, working for a reputed company in Mumbai from God loving RC Mangalorean Spinster, Kindly reply with latest photgraph to Email : or 9892286077 (Regd. No. 6009) MUMBAI : 34 yr old Mangalorean divorcee, church marriage annulled, no children, dentist by profession, own accommodation, own private clinic in mumbai, looking for spinters/divorcees upto age 32, mangalorean / goan. Contact email OR 9920059033. (Regd. No. 6008)

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To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 21 April 2014

MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Edn. B.Com., working as a Fashion Designer. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9821471904 (Regd. No. 6092) DUBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, age 28 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA - Finance, working as an Accountant in MNC Syvau - UAE, Seeks alliance RC from well educated and good family background. Working preferably in UAE. Contact email : OR 9967816258 / 00971-526649919 (Regd. No. 6090) KUWAIT : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 58 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., Computer, Finance, Banking Marketing Course & Airlines Course completed, employed as a Travel Co-ordinator in Kuwait. Seeks a groom preferable working in Kuwait. Contact Email : OR 00965-65686358 (Regd. No. 5488) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A.,working as a HR & Admin Exe. Seeks a educated well settled goan bachelor. Contact : Email: OR 9833951282 / 9920932427 (Regd. No. 5747) MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Spinster, aged 25 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 52 kgs, Fair Complexion, Good looking, coming from a decent family. Edn. MBA, working as a Asst. Manager. Contact : email: OR 9821800924 (Regd. No. 5781) MUMBAI : RC Spinster, East Indian,

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Fair Complexion, Sincere, Homely, Edn. B.A., aged 48 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Hobbies/Occupn/Profsn in Creative Art work. Seeks a suitable life Partner-Reliable, Sincere, Working, Sacrificing & Supportive. If interested Contact 8-30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Dial 25372060 (Regd No. 5662) PANVEL: Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 29 years Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Graduate, working for HSBC Bank, coming from a well establish business family. Seeks a boy with good family background, he should be a businessman or a service should earn good. A good person by nature. Contact : 9821594729 OR Email: (Regd. No. 5643) MANGALORE : Mangalorean R.C. Spinster, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 58 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBBS, MD., Doctor by profession. Seeks a eduated well settled boy from Decent family. Email : lovely_lavender2012@ (Regd. No. 5619) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Educated working for MNC. Seeks a well settled educated Mangalorean boy. Contact : 28261504 (Regd. No. 5832) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 4’ 11”, Wt. 49 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. BHMS., Doctor by profession. Contact : OR 9869000687 (Regd. No. 5733) MUMBAI : Alliance invited for smart Mangalorean RC girl from cultured family, 1985 born 5’5”, MBA from premier B-school in Mumbai working as a Manager with India’s leading brand from postgraduate RC grooms. Reply with photographs & details to (Regd. No. 5831) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC parents seek alliance for their daughter 29 years, 5’ 4’, fair, good looking smart Chartered Accountant working for a reputed company in Mumbai from well settled Professionally Qualified CA or MBA or Engineers RC bachelors be-

low 33 years good family background and values preferably from Mumbai. We would appreciate if your response includes a full-length latest photo, contact number, relevant personal and family details. Email : (Regd. No. 5944) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 54 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MA (Sociology), working as an Asst. Manager Recruitment. Good looking, smart. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : / OR 9022929041 / 9167514382 (Regd. No. 5953) MUMBAI : Mangalorean + Keralite parents invites alliance for their daughter 34 years, 5’ 3”, MBA (Finance) working as a Junior Manager in a Bank, Marriage annulled from qualified and suitable groom age upto 38 yrs. Contact email: OR 09966843108 (Regd. No. 5951) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, 24 years, Ht. 5, Wt, 55 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. C.A., working for MNC, Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9322295449 / 9769861559 (Regd. No. 5961) MUMBAI : RC Spinster, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’2”, Wt. 55 kgs, Very Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA (HR) working as a Sr. GR Associate. Contact email : OR 9867098306 (Regd. No. 6071) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

Please renew your membership at lease a month in advance before its expiration date. 21

St. Lawrence Intl. School at Kalyan Inaugurated

Jesus Christ, Super Star!


St. Lawrence International School (CBSE) located at Kalyan West; was inaugurated on the 29th of March 2014 by His Lordship Bishop John Rodrigues, Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay. The program began with an Aarti welcoming all dignitaries and guests. Compere – Vivian D’souza gave a fitting welcome; introducing each of the dignitaries present namely; His Lordship Bishop John along with many other priests, Principal of St. Lawrence High School & Jr. College – Mrs. Ursula D’souza, Chairman of St. Lawrence Educational & Charitable Trust – Mr. Sylvester D’souza and all other Trustees. All trustees were invited for the lighting of the lamp followed by Principal Ursula D’souza inviting His Lordship Bishop John to bless the school premises. After blessing the school by the sprinkling of holy water by His Lordship Bishop John; the students of St. Lawrence High School, Thane exhibited their talents. They began with a beautifully exhibited prayer dance followed by an Adivaasi Maharashtrian cultural dance performance that won the hearts of all present. On this significant occasion the Chief Guest His Lordship spoke about theprodigious vision that the St. Lawrence Educational & Charitable Trust has of service to the community by educating the students to imbibe in them confidence, knowledge, indepen-


dence, responsibility to produce reverent citizens in a constant changing world. Later the Chairman of St. Lawrence Educational & Charitable Trust – Mr. Sylvester D’souza also addressed the gathering firstly appreciating the efforts of the staff at St. Lawrence High School & Jr. College, Thane for their relentless efforts over the last 25 years, thereby building a strong foundation & reputation as educationist. It has been this encouragement to begin with St. Lawrence International School (CBSE) all so known as ‘SLIS’. He continued by introducing the Head of school Campus at SLIS Cordelia D’souza and her team of well trained & qualified staff. The ceremony continued by Cordelia D’souza making it known to all of the level of education provided by SLIS courtesy all the latest technology being used along with the best in class teaching methodology that will include workshops, activities, field trips etc. She also mentioned how SLIS ensures both intellectual & physical development through co-curricular & sports activities. Leucodia D’souza, Admin Incharge delivered the Vote of thanks. The program came to an end with all the guests touring the facility in awe of the well-designed architecture for the children’s development.

014 years ago, a man aged 33 years, was nailed to a wooden cross in the Jewish city of Jerusalem. This man was not a movie star like John Abraham, Hrithik BY JUBEL D'CRUZ Roshan or Salman Khan. Neither was he a rock star like John Travolta, Michael Jackson or Justin Bieber, or a politician or the Prime Minister of any country. He was just a simple, honest man, who always spoke the truth. He would enchant people with a smile and heal their wounds with a touch. No one ever asked him for his autograph, nor was his picture splashed across glitzy tabloids. He was not even invited on television shows like ‘Bigg Boss’ and ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’; neither did his name appear on designer labels. Yet, he became the biggest celebrity of all time. His name is Jesus Christ, a man who was born of simple and pious parents in a little town of Bethlehem in the holy city of Nazareth. The tradition that Jesus Christ was born in a stable among cattle, is a moving incident indeed. The story of the shepherds paying homage to the infant Jesus is also a lovely one. The story of the three wise men presenting gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to Jesus cannot be historically established, but it is very pretty indeed.

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Public Felicitation to

Most Rev Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo (Bishop of Newly Erected Diocese of Udupi) On 4th May, 2014 at 4 pm at Xavier’s Institute of Engineering, Opp Raheja Hospital, Mahim, Mumbai-400 016

Holy Eucharistic at 4pm followed by felicitation and entertainment programme By Rev. Fr Dr. Charles Vas SVD. and Troupe. Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo

Chief Guest:

His Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias

His Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias

FOR FREE ENTRY PASSES CONTACT IMMEDIATELY P.S.: Free Bus service is organized from many parishes. Water/Tea-snacks and Dinner will be served free to all. For more details please contact the following persons: Vasai:Ancy Paladka– 9320733213, Bhayandar: George A Sequeira – 9867811627Mira Road: John Crasto – 9004070995, Borivli :Charles D’Cunha9867853986. George D’Souza– 9870046604, Reuben Buthello – 77738392007, Mahim:Rita D’Sa 9820769469, Malad: Harold Castelino-9871047174, Cyril Castelino – 9819922270, S. Lobo – 9004051925 Cyprian Albuquerque 9821589600, Malvani: Felix D’Souza – 9869716768, Andheri: West Benedicta Rebello 9820293817, Stanley Dias 9821414484, Andheri East: Rons Bantwal - 9820292974, Mahakali: Tressy Peris 9833893291 Victor Concessao - 9969422118 Bandra East: Gregory Sequeira – 9892423236, Bandra West: Kenny - 9820571238, Andheri Chakala : Clement Lobo9820332868, Jerimeri: Walter D’Souza- 9322211307, John Veigas-9322644157 Leo Fernandes- 9820499835, Sion:Harry Sequeira-9820497764, Kurla West: Kamani, Vidyavihar- Walter Buthello 9820051421, Babu Kamani- 9892211295, Lawrence D’Souza-Kamani 9821308750, Mulund:Peter D’Souza– 9833241529, William Sequeira – 9820093167 Sakinaka: Henry Fernandes- 9029628420 & Alex Monteiro– 9867376506 AND: Raphael Castelino-9820002463, Steven D’Souza-9867027705, Lancelot Tauro - 9820142070, Vinod Noronha -9821028277, Ivan Suvaris-9820056433, Thomas Lobo -9820025853, Raphael D’Souza- 9820179250, Anand Castelino -9821133032, Sylvan Menezes -9820681984, Robert Tauro 9892205483. Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 21 April 2014 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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