Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.22 dated 2nd June 2014

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2 June 2014


India gets NaMo Congress NoMore Tremors were felt in Delhi, Odisha, Norther-Eastern States and even Chennai soon after the President appointed Narendra Modi as the next Prime Minister of India. Does it mean something? Did it herald a radical change? No matter what one may say Narendrabhai has migrated from Gujarat armed with a long term visa and is no hurry to return home. He has proved that one can still score in an election handsomely if you make the right noises, if your vocal cords are sound and you have one of the most organized set ups - the RSS to back up. A real leader takes his followers where they have never been before. He has done it by winning more than 280 seats. He has dwarfed all BJP stalwarts. Narendrabhai, with this massive victory, you have a huge responsibility of delivering and delivery quickly, what you have promised in the manifesto and at the public rallies. People listened to you attentively [you asked them to] and remember every promise that you made. When you give hope, you must have the wherewithal to translate that into fruition. If your illustrious background of administrative skill is any guide, you have all the capabilities and with the type of mandate, you will find it difficult to proffer any lame excuses for not being able to deliver. Perhaps the only excuse that is plausible is that the UPA has left behind a messy economy. But you knew that before, you highlighted it and yet you have promised the moon. Your time starts now! By your own admission, you have 60 months to show your report card. If you pass the prelims, you get promoted to the next term. The ball is in your court. Time for fiery speeches is over. Why did Modi give a call to other parties to join the NDA when he does not really need them? The reasons could be many. Firstly, as he said he needs 272 to form a government but 543 plus State Governments to run the nation. Secondly, he knows that the numbers in the Rajya Sabha are not flattering and will have to depend on other parties for support till 2016 which may not be coming forth easily. Finally, issues like the Uniform Civil code, Ar-


VIEWS on NEWS ticle 370 and [at the insistence of the old guard in the BJP], Ram Mandir etc have appeared in the manifesto. These are highly controversial subjects. Additional allies on board, especially from the ‘secular’ brand will actually insulate the government. Modi can always say that unless all the allies agree, it will be near impossible to rush through these issues. Vajpaijee too did the same thing at the fag end of the last century and succeeded in putting the Ram mandir issue on the back-burner. There are reports though, that the new government may resort to ‘joint sittings of both the Houses’ to push through the important legislations which need the approval of the Upper House. Of course, technically the Government can do so. Hostile political parties may pay the BJP in the same coin and disrupt the House or even boycott it. It will be good to remember that when the authors of the constitution decided on a bicameral set up, it was meant as a check on the Lower House. Misusing that will be against the spirit of the constitution. Running a State efficiently is quite different from running a country as big as India with diverse interests. The invitation to the Sri Lankan President has raised a storm already. Shiv Sena is upset about inviting Nawab Sharif. This is only the trailer ‘picture abhi to bakhi hai, Narendrabhai’. Ruling India is not ruling Gujarat. You will learn. All said and done, round one goes to Modi and round two to the Indian fishermen. *****

Shattered Congress? The mother and son walked towards the waiting media and ‘admitted’ that they were responsible for the defeat and they accept the verdict of the people – a familiar statement coming from losing parties. A staged managed drama of offering to resign, again a familiar thing, was on expected lines leaving it to the loyal soldiers to give the duo a clean chit saying ‘it is the collective responsibility’ of the entire Congress hierarchy. They did not show grace to congratulate Modi for his spectacular success. It came four days later after the media highlighted

by Marshall Sequeira the issue. Not to be embarrassed further, they promptly accepted the invitation for the swearing-in ceremony. This theory of collective responsibility applies to the Gandhi family only if the party loses under their leadership. But if they come successful, the credit goes only to them and that is the only tradition that has stood the test of time. When it comes to losing, others are responsible. Remember in 1998 under the leadership of Sitaram Kesri the party won 141 seats [not 44 mind you] and he was summarily thrown out for poor performance. Sonia Gandhi was brought in. In 1996 she could manage only 140 and everybody applauded her. In 2014 she brought 44 down 70%. The problem is there is no man in the Congress set-up who can stand up and make a point. The likes of Deoras, Dutts and Scindias must be more forthright. Beating round the bush will not do. They must demand radical changes. Rahul Gandhi should take a sabbatical. He had too many opportunities in Bihar, Gujarat, the five states in December and now the general elections. If you persist withy him, next time you may lose your national party status. As it is you are one of the regional parties as of now. For the next general elections, the party should now start afresh. If Congressmen cannot and will not do without the Gandhis, they may as well go with them. Bring Priyanka Gandhi as the new face of the party. Give her a chance. In the longer run, Rahul Gandhi can take over from the mother as party President and leave the sister to be projected as the future PM. If anyone can salvage the party, it is her – the last ace. This strategy is a win-win formula for the Gandhi parivar. With this, the Gandhis can continue in the age-old family business. Priyanka’s kids [the next Gandhi generation] will grow up by then to take it forward.

2 June 2014

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Vol.23 No.22 June 2, 2014


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 : 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO


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‘Thought for the week’

The real lessons in the life are not found in the victory, but in the struggle.


pg 2 - Views on News pg. 3 - Challenges On World Communications Day pg. 5 - Why Rahul Should Quit? pg. 6 - Reader's Views pg. 7 - 7 Leadership Lessons To Be Learnt From Narendra Modi pg 8 - Root Cause of India's Ailments pg 10 - Unleash Power of Your Pen! pg 12 - Right Place, Wrong Time? pg 16 - Contribution of Coastal ... pg 17 - How To Browse the Web Anonymously pg 18 - How to Increase Your ... pg 19 - Inspiration! pg 20 - Matrimonials pg 22 - Sacred Heart of Jesus, Unmitigated Compassion

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Cover : Narendra Modi - His Time Starts Now...

2 June 2014

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Challenges On World Communications Day

T “

(June 1st, 2014)

oday we are living in a world which is growing ever “smaller” and where, as a result, it would seem to be easier for all of us to be neighbours. Developments in travel and communications technology are bringing us closer together and making us more connected, even as globalization makes us increasingly interdependent. Nonetheless, divisions, which are sometimes quite deep, continue to exist within our human family. On the global level we see a scandalous gap between the opulence of the wealthy and the utter destitution of the poor. Often we need only walk the streets of a city to see the contrast between people living on the street and the brilliant lights of the store windows. We have become so accustomed to these things that they no longer unsettle us. Our world suffers from many forms of exclusion, marginalization and poverty, to say nothing of conflicts born of a combination of economic, political, ideological, and, sadly, even religious motives.” A powerful opening paragraph indeed from our Holy Father Pope Francis for the 48th World Communications Day which the Universal Church observes on Sunday 1st June, 2014!

The theme this year is ‘Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter’. The mes- BY FR. CEDRIC PRAKASH SJ sage of the Pope is not merely inspiring but also challenging “the walls which divide us can be broken down only if we are prepared to listen and learn from one another”. “A culture of encounter demands that we be ready not only to give but also to receive”. It is very symbolic that a new Government in India takes charge in the very week that World Communications Sunday is being observed. The run-up to the elections, the campaigning, the advertisements, the media onslaught for several months were truly on a high. The paid media in the country became “cheer leaders” and “flag bearers” for a particular school of thought. The big corporates of the country justified this with terminology like ‘market savvy’, ‘branding’, ‘hard-sell’, etc. They did triumph in their aggressiveness and a fairly large portion of the credit has surely to go to the print, electronic and (Contd.. on p. 4)


(Contd.. from p. 3) to social media! It is in this context that Pope Francis minces no words when he says “whenever communication is primarily aimed at promoting consumption or manipulating others, we are dealing with a form of violent aggression like that suffered by the man in the parable who was beaten by robbers and left abandoned on the road”. Pope Francis poses challenges to the Christians: to be a bruised Church which goes out to the streets “where people live and where they can be reached both effectively and affectively”. “The digital highway” he says “is one of them, a street teeming with people, who are often hurting, men and women looking for salvation or hope.” He questions whether the Church is capable of communicating that it is the ‘home of all’. “We need a Church”, he emphasizes “capable of bringing warmth and of stirring hearts”. “We are challenged”, he continues, “to be people of depth, attentive to what is happening around us and spiritually alert.” In the context of the increasing divide that is taking place all over the world, Pope Francis hopes and prays that “our communication be a balm which relieves pain and a fine wine that gladdens hearts”. He encourages all Christians “not to be mere passer-bys on the digital highways” but to ensure that our authentic encounters help in every possible way to create a more loving, just and truthful world. “The revolution taking place in communications media and in information technologies represent a great and thrilling challenge; may we respond to that challenge with fresh energy and imagination as we seek to share with others the beauty of God”. As we in India observe ‘Communications Day’, let us truly commit ourselves to ensure that our communication too is at the service of an authentic culture of encounter. (* Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is the Director of PRASHANT, the Ahmedabad-based Jesuit Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace and the Secretary for Social Communications of the Western Region Catholic Bishops Council)


Parishioners’ March To Bishop’s House Turns Violent In Kerala

Kollam – Ten persons were injured in a clash between policemen and members of a local Catholic parish, who had taken out a march to the Bishops House protesting against transfer of a vicar. Police resorted to lathi charge and lobbed tear gas shells after irate protesters allegedly pelted stones after they were stopped by the police in front of the Bishop’s House. The protest was organised by members of Kurippuzha, a parish in the suburbs of the town, demanding cancellation of the transfer orders of the vicar serving them. Police said ten persons suffered “minor” injuries and had been hospitalised. The parishioners wanted the vicar

to be retained in the parish till the ongoing renovation of the church building was completed. Talks held between the bishop’s representatives and parish council on the issue had failed and the transfer order was read out in the midst of the Sunday service today, which sparked instant protest. Bishop’s House sources, however, said as per the church rules appointment and transfer of vicars were the prerogative of the bishop. In this case, the transfer order was issued in normal circumstances as it had been the policy of the diocese to move vicars who had served three years in a parish, a church spokesperson said.

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2 June 2014

Why Rahul Should Quit?


his is not a case of kicking a guy when he is down. It could infact be a “pick me up”. My concern is not for the Congress Party per se, but for the nation. I write as a concerned citizen. Readers will have seen my previous articles under this column, wherein I had expressed reservations about Rahul Gandhi’s leadership. The recent elections have confirmed my worst fears. I am not particularly worried about the Congress getting decimated, but I am genuinely concerned that there is no Opposition worth the name; to take on Modi, who reportedly has a dictatorial streak. This is bad for the future of the country. Rahul had rather bravely stated that he was ready to sit in the opposition, but now he is actually standing out in the cold! Now let me go back a bit in time. When Indira Gandhi was assassinated in 1984, greenhorn Rajiv Gandhi was thrust into pole position. At that time Pranab Mukherji had staked his claim to be the Prime Minister. But family sycophants would have none of it, and the family’s distrust of Mukherji has continued down the years. That year Rajiv won a landslide 80% majority in parliament (no doubt due to a sympathy wave); which he squandered in the Bofors imbroglio. After his tragic assassination in1991, his widow, Sonia, withdrew into solitude. But after a period of introspection she came back in strength, to lead the party. I had reservations about her leadership qualities as well. But in 2004, she was both humble and gracious in victory, wisely choosing Manmohan Singh as her Prime Minister. In a way she was also accepting her own limitations. Cut to the Presidential elections in 2012. As a citizen I had written to both Sonia and Rahul to elevate the scholarly Manmohan to the Presidency, and to make the politically astute Pranab

2 June 2014

BY CHHOTEBHAI lem is that he thinks in English and then tries to speak in Hindi. So there is a disconnect, as he is grossly lacking in Hindi idiomatic usage. But that is no excuse. Look at Naveen Patnaik in Orissa. He cannot speak in Oriya, yet is able to communicate with his people, and get re-elected umpteen times. Mukherji the Prime Minister. We know what happened. Till 2012 the UPA 2 was sailing along pretty well. But in the absence of Mukherji, the Govt and the party floundered. They had nobody of his caliber to manage parliament or the Opposition. Kamal Nath was but a pale shadow of Mukherji. Both Sonia and Rahul were at sea tackling Anna, Kejriwal and the Delhi gang rape case. They just kept losing the plot. Until then Rahul had remained in denial mode, saying that he was just working for the organization. Come 2014, and suddenly Rahul became the face of the Congress Party, not just on billboards. His ad campaign was a washout. His war room was no match for Modi’s slick and focused campaign. He repeatedly fell into the traps set by Modi. His slogan of empowerment (sashaktikaran in Hindi) cut no ice with the voters, and became the butt of numerous jokes. His interview to Arnab Goswami on Times Now was an unmitigated disaster. He had beads of sweat on his brow, and had gone pink behind the ears, signs of acute discomfort. I caught a snippet of another interview of his, where he talked of the poor needing a farsh (floor). He subsequently clarified that what he really meant was a base, a launching pad! Earlier, addressing students in Allahabad, he had referred to poverty as a “soch”, which the media gleefully translated into, “poverty is a thought”. What he probably meant was that poverty was a state of mind. Rahul’s prob-

In 2009 columnist Shobhaa De called Rahul the dimpled darling of gennext. What epithet would suit him today – crumpled kurta, scruffy beard or paper shredder? Then on 17th May, at his press conference, while accepting “moral responsibility” for the election debacle, Rahul had a snigger on his face, devoid of any sense of remorse or regret. I shudder. Rahul may be a good guy at heart, who means well. But he just doesn’t have the wherewithal to lead the Congress or the country. As a well-wisher, I would humbly suggest to him that he take an extended break, a sabbatical, from politics. He should make up for lost time and meet up with his girl friend. Better still, he should get married. In India he will be hounded wherever he is, so it would be better if he went abroad for a couple of years. Priyanka could well nurse his Amethi constituency in his absence. It would be in his own interests, as also of the Congress and the nation. I am here reminded of the words of Caiphas the High Priest who rather prophetically said of Jesus, “It is better for one man to die for the people” (Jn 18:14). This is indeed one of those circumstances that demand a sacrifice or submission. Will Rahul have the courage and humility of others like Nitish Kumar and Tarun Gogoi, who have accepted moral responsibility for their respective defeats, and resigned? I wish him well, and he could always pick up the pieces later. * The writer is a Kanpur based civic activist.


Congress In Need Of Remote Control

Defence bills. This brings to mind the admonition of Jesus Christ: “For all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matthew 26:52). Yours in the Development and dialogue of Christ

The rout of the Congress at the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections was nothing surprising. The countdown in fact began the moment the party found itself unable to project its prime ministerial candidate. There was however little doubt that the only person left to fill the void was none other than hand-picked and well groomed Rahul Gandhi. Unfortunately during campaigning it was sister Priyanka who was in the limelight and stole the honours , leaving a section of the party to believe that she would have been the better choice than her brother Rahul--- the proverbial last straw for a drowning party. What a shame. Now, after the debacle, the Congress finds itself unable to exist without the crutches and remote control of their beloved Party president Sonia Gandhi. After all, how can one forget how she led the party to victory for 2 successive terms and called the shots for a decade when it was said ‘The prime minister presides, but madam decides’. What better honour then, but to re-christen the party Congress Sonia instead of Congress Indira.

—A. F. Nazareth, Alto Porvorim.

Defence versus Development and Dialogue It is preposterous to think that the Defence ministry has sought an almost 25% hike in its budget, pointing to ‘operational gaps’ in manpower, machines, and infrastructure, in the action plan prepared for the Narendra Modi government. (Sunday Times of India, May 25th 2014). The

—Dr Trevor Colaso

“Fundamental Flaws in the Synod on the Family" (Secular Citizen, March 17, 2014)

defence budget of Rs 224,000 crores (around $36 billion) covers Revenue expenditure of Rs 134,412 crores (for dayto-day costs and salaries), and Rs 86,588 crores as capital expenditure (for new acquisitions). Come to think of it this huge amount or part of it would have been better utilized for poverty eradication, providing jobs and mid-day meals, creating better infrastructure and controlling the runaway inflation and price rise. Our borders are now well secured in the north and north-east. Further dialogue between Pakistan and China to make a permanent border on the actual lines of control with a give and take between all parties are much more feasible options. Besides we must also note that all 3 countries possess nuclear weapons and pulling the nuclear trigger would spell disaster, destruction and desolation. The monies saved by downsizing the defence budget could be utilized for developmental purposes as noted already. Otherwise to remain in ‘daggers drawn’ would spell doom to the poor and downtrodden, and put a heavy burden on the middle- class to foot the vast


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The letter questions the learned writer’s views on “What are the repercussions on a woman’s psychological and physical health when X-Spam-Subject: YES X-Spam-Subject: YES a husband XSpam- Subject: YES X-Spam- Subject: YES demands sex irrespective of whether she wants it or not?” Sadly, the letter writer apparently bemoans denial X-Spam-Subject: YES X-Spam-Subject: YES of sex by the wife. The ‘denial of sex’ can be eliminated by increasing the joy in this glorious union. Recently, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, set a glorious precedent by washing the feet of a woman. On Maundy Thursday, after the washing of the feet ceremony, the celebrant encouraged us to wash and kiss the feet of our wives. Today, the wife is a supreme symbol of sacrifice, being the first to rise up in the morning and the last to go to bed after a tiring day of multi tasking and managing the two family frontiers of work and home. The feet have meridians connected to the body. There are foot spas, acupuncture centers, and fish healing therapy for the feet. Solomon was the wisest man in the world. He was also a busy husband. The queen of Sheba acknowledged that all his wives were happy. (1 Kings 10:8). Legend says that the Queen of Sheba suffered from some foot ailments. Solomon cured her with foot therapy. Her admiration and tribute to his wisdom and greatness is legendary. As recommended by the wise priest, husbands should kiss the feet of our wives every morning to deepen the dimensions of Love and Life. This practice should be recommended at Marriage Encounter, Couples for Christ and prenuptial sessions to increase spousal Love and bonding.

—Denis Khan


2 June 2014

7 Leadership Lessons To Be Learnt From Narendra Modi by Anuradha Srivastava


eople may be a staunch sup porter or a hard core critic of Mr. Narendra Damodardas Modi, the next Prime Minister of India. Whatever be it, he is the talking point of the entire nation. On one hand, he is a magician who knows very well to play with words, on the other he is perfect blend of a shrewd politician and astute businessman. His making it to 7, Race Course Road is not merely by luck or a coincidence. It reflects the strategy formulated and the commitment put into the campaigns to achieve the milestone. There are various leadership lessons to be learnt from this man who pulled the nation out of indecisiveness and a phase of leadership crisis to give a clear mandate in the recently concluded elections.

1. Set clear objectives Modi’s clarity of thought makes him a self proclaimed leader. While the opposition was tip-toeing as who should be the Prime Ministerial candidate, Modi had clarity of thought that he wanted to lead the nation. He clearly stated what he wants and what he plans to achieve

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on being given this opportunity. Moreover, he set clear goal of 272+- for the entire team which brought focus in terms of what had to be achieved.

2. Stretch your targets At one point of time, the goal of winning 272+- seats seemed overambitious. But, setting of such high targets had been done to ensure that the team had no time to wither due to internal petty politics and has to rise to live up to the expectations.

3. Inclusive approach The inclusive approach taken by Modi ensured that the leader and every party worker were on the same foot front. Each karyakarta was instilled with the feeling that this is their battle and they are fighting it for their own cause. Nothing can bring the same level of motivation which was brought by this strategy.

4. The art of communication All the possible ways to connect with people and engage with them was tried and implemented by Narendra Modi. Be it twitter handles or 3D projections – Modi used it all and wooed the voters. He knew very well the topics to stress upon and how to build a connect with people. Whether it is the use of Gujarati in Gujarat or the rapturous Maa Ganga rhetoric, a leader must master the art of communication like he did.

the success of the project must plan meticulously.

6. Never expose your weakness Modi very carefully avoided questions related to 2002 riots as that was the only sin maligning his image as a future leader of the nation. His strategy of giving interviews to only friendly interviewers worked in his favour and he wasn’t caught losing his cool apart from the India Today conclave in 2013. Likewise, a leader must recognize the weakness and try his/her best to cover it up.

7. Lead by example

5. Meticulously plan

Leading from the front is something which is imbibed in Modi’s personality. He lets his work, his “good” governance model do the talking. During the months of election campaigns he worked for 20 hrs a day and addressed over 450 rallies in every corner of the country. The level of dedication and commitment he showed towards the goal inspired the team members to give their best shot.

No doubt Modi is a good orator but in spite of this, a lot went into planning his every speech. Whenever he spoke he ensured he talks about facts and figures and a lot of data crunching went in the process by his professional team for that. A specialized IT team exclusively toiled to create the social media buzz. A leader, howsoever sure about

It’s said by Jack Welch that “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others”. Let’s hope that under Modi’s leadership the nation grows by leaps and bounds. You may love him, you may hate him but you can’t ignore him.


Root Cause of India’s Ailments


uch has been said and written about what is ailing India and Indian economy or progress, but not so objectively. Here is an attempt to look at the issue more objectively, offering some thoughts to ponder on. Corruption, lack of infrastructure development, reduction in or even removal of subsidies, fiscal deficit reduction, political unwillingness to make more reforms, policy paralysis (a word which gets lakhs of claps) have remained in the fore-front of almost all discussions in the media, written and visual for almost a decade now and it is said that nothing seems to be changing for better, as things are getting worse and more reforms are needed to tackle the situation. Root causes of all these are missed out in the discussions. In the pre-independence era, JN Tata, GD Birla, KN Bajaj and other industrialists helped politicians (who were more like statesmen than politicians) in the movement for India’s independence, at the same time establishing industries for economic growth/self-sufficiency. For these persons, making profit was not the only motive to start the industries. They helped India to be on the industrial map and contributed to the economy. Then until 1991, we had license and quota raj and much of what we are experiencing today is culmination of how we developed India in these 45 years. We did well in many areas and failed miserably in others. Poor & needy babus and politicians were transformed

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B M Shah to corrupt, rich and greedy ones by a class of our society to get things done by the government for their business. Now, this phenomena is termed as “difficult or complicated� doing business in India. Since 1991, Indian policies and economy are reforming and opening up to tune up to market forces step by step. Businesses have prospered and continue to do so and so also businessmen/industrialists and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. The growth is not so inclusive and benefits of the reforms done are not reaching the poor or the large mass of Indian population. The government is held responsible for all these. Is this mainly correct? Look at how Indian Business Community (IBC), which consists of small, medium & large business houses/persons/groups (termed as India Inc. or Corporate India, SME and so on), is behaving. It seems that the reforms since 1991 have mainly benefited them immensely and they still blame the government for all the bad things that are happening or have happened until now. They want more from the government, as there is no limit to their greed to profiteering. A good, objective, dispassionate look at what IBC is doing, will tell us the truth behind India’s ailments. Let us examine. 1. Interest rates have fluctuated and so also the cost doing business on borrowed money, but a Re 1 or Rs. 10 share of many companies is fetching them 100 to 500 times its unit value through book-building route. They are able to make large investments/acquisitions using this money and yet they crib about high interest rates hurting their business and lobbying with RBI/ government to reduce interest rates. 2. Market values of many companies have soared and so also net worth of individuals (directors/CMD) who use this money extravagantly to build large

mansions, buy private jets and what not. What these individuals will do with wealth (in terms of thousands of crores of Rupees) so amassed? There is no limit to greed & selfishness of these persons/groups. Greed to expand business and greed to make huge profit are two different matters. The former is justifiable. CSR is a buzz word of IBC. Instead of charging higher price for their products and services, thereby making huge profits and then taking philanthropic path (the Bill Gate way), IBC should reduce prices, making their products affordable to larger masses. This is real CSR. 3. IBC is pressing government to reduce fiscal deficit, subsidies to farmers/on fuel prices but not to increase tax rates and at the same time control inflation. How do they expect anyone to do these? Increase in diesel price is surely going to increase inflation, because IBC immediately increase prices of their products/services, starting spiral of price rise everywhere. They want tax breaks/rebates through special concessions given to industries so that their profit margins increase. Is this not some kind of subsidy, given to IBC? This is indeed a double standard. IBC should learn to do business cost-effectively and make moderate profit, instead of begging the government to give them more concessions. 4. No one from IBC or even leading economists advises government to stop increasing emoluments to government employees through Pay Commissions without getting some things like productivity of these employees in return. Incentives, pay rises have to be based on quid pro quo. This is one way to reduce fiscal deficit. 5. IBC generally await increases in diesel price so that they can increase sale prices of their products, which are generally disproportionate to the diesel price increases and they make more profit. Has any one from IBC correlated diesel price increase with increase in

2 June 2014

costs/prices of products and increased their product/service prices accordingly? This is an important factor to curb inflation. 6. GAAR may sound unreasonable to many, particularly when it is retrospectively. Let IBC introspect as to, how many large companies are constantly finding ways and means not to pay tax to the government, when they have earned huge profits. Should they not part with at least some of it through GAAR or even voluntarily to the government. for developing the nation. These companies contribute large sums to political parties to get goodies in return from these parties when they come to power, but not to pay the government, what is according to them “unjustified tax”. These companies employ retired government employees (Babus) to advise them to find and methods to work on loop-hopes, which these babus have left in the government policies & procedures. Why do IBC need liaison offices in Delhi? IBC tell political parties to be transparent in their donations. Why do they need to donate political parties at all? IBC donate to parties only to get favors in return. The question of transparency does not arise if donations are not given at all. 7. Many erstwhile MNC, now Indian companies with their parents overseas, have made a kill out of Indian population, by acquiring smaller home-grown consumer goods companies and have started selling the same products of daily use at 4-5 times prices and continue to do so. They make huge profits and their company shares quote at

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2 June 2014

300-1000 times their face value and much of the profit goes to the parent companies abroad. For this reason more & more MNC are pouring in India. Should they not reduce prices of their products so that Indians benefit. They can even sell more of their products if prices are reduced and still maintain the top- and bottom lines of their business. 8. A new trend of buyback/delisting of shares has started by some MNC, when their business in India has become exceedingly profitable, using initially money of Indian investors. They do not want the profit to be shared by Indian investors. This is nothing but avaricious/greedy attitude of MNC and their counterpart IBC in India. 9. The government is only being blamed for the scams, forgetting that they are possible only if there are two parties involved in these scams. Who is the party other than the government ministers & babus? Some of IBC 10. Even though inflation has reduced, milk prices, newspaper prices (whose major earning is advertisement) continue to increase. Prices of imported items like CD/DVD went up by Rs 5, as USD was at Rs 65, but now with USD at Rs 60, these item prices remain higher only. IBC is literally cheating their country men. 11. Women, who present themselves in skimpy (almost naked), provocative dresses, postures and acting, in movies, TV serials, TV and printed media ads (for example: women’s under-garment ads) and persons creating such materials are largely responsible for rape incidents, because they adversely affect immature, fickleminded males (bachelors, married ones with wives living away, adolescent students and the like) and get them into rape acts out of desperation. Even the language in movies/TV serials these days has gone nothing short of arousing kind, adding fuel to the fire (provocation) of rape incidents. Women and business persons (advertisers and ad/ movie makers) should seriously think of restraining themselves and find non-

provocative ways (with respect to dresses and acting/talking) to present women decently in ads, TV serials and movies. 12. IBC is also responsible for increasing in-discipline among Indian youth, (who is being praised in every way, certainly for their talent) by giving ads of fast car, tire ads, two-wheeler ads, which show driving at risky speed. IBC’s only objective in these ads is to beat their competition, with no concern to people on the streets. They should think of better ways in these ads, with safety of driver and people on the road, as the prime concern. 13. One of the effective ways to reduce corruption is to make IBC morally and truly committed to stopping corruption voluntarily and also visibly, because making stricter laws will only result in more corruption. A statement (like those of Mission and Vision) of Oath Moral Values, by the Chairman/ Managing Director of companies, on behalf of the company directors, managers and employees on the first page of the company brochures and annual reports and in each and every establishment (office, factory and so on) would achieve this end. Poem, “Vaisnav Jan To Tene Kahiye”, (with its translations in Hindi & English) of Narsinh Mehta, which was close to the heart of Gandhiji, should be on the first page of every company’s annual report, to remind every one in the company, values of business and life. 14. Most MNC are here to take advantage of huge market and lower material and labor costs (compared to their home countries). Even then they sell their products at more or less the same prices as in their own countries and their products are inferior to the original products. Is this fair to Indians, who earn them huge profits? They get such business ideas from their counterparts like Indian MD/CEO (mostly fresh or experienced hotshot MBAs) , whom they employ here. This is a thorough misuse of management education by IBC.

(To be contd...)


Unleash The Power Of Your Pen!


ohn Paul Carinci in his popular book The Power to Make A Differ ence writes: “I believe everyone has at least one book waiting to be written. With nothing more than a pen and a bunch of papers, one can write a book almost about anything! It is also the least expensive hobby one can think of. Your book can even become a best seller!” A bit of exaggeration, you might say. All the same, there is a lot of truth in it. Just start doing it and you will easily come to agree with what Carinci has said. Looking back, I can confidently say my favourite author is right!

by Fr Alfonso Elengikal I still vividly remember it was way back in 1969 that I started writing short feature articles on festivals like Deepavali, Holi, Desserah, Christmas, Easter, etc. for the little- known youth magazine The Teenager. From The Teenager, I moved on to the Calcuttabased Weekly, The Herald, to which I continue to contribute even today. A year or two later, I tried my luck with MIRROR, then a prestigious magazine (now extinct) published from Mumbai. To my surprise, they not only published my article on Mother Teresa as its cover story that month , but also sent me an M.O. for Rs 50/- Imagine, that was more than 42 years ago! The best was yet to come: my book You Can Make A Difference became a best seller within 2 years (first published in 2004) of its publication. In its 10th year, the book today has crossed a sale of over 55,000 copies in ten editions. Think of it if I had said to myself, “I can’t do it.”


and quit writing! A best seller would not have been born! With no special training, if I could do it, most of you can do it as well. I can think of a number of people who as youngsters reluctantly began contributing articles to The Teenager or hesitatingly took to writing, but today are authors of many books or are regularly contributing articles to many such periodicals. Nikila Srinivasan (Chennai), Dr Navniit Gandhi and Verus Ferreira from Mumbai, Dr Tresa Joseph, a Salesian Nun, Fr Adolph Washington (Bangalore) are but a just a few names that I can easily recall. If they all could it, you too can do it, for sure! I am privileged to have known closely Fr J. Maurus, the renowned author, who turned 90 on April 14 this year. Italian by birth, Maurus came to India as a Pauline Priest, at the age of 27. When he landed on our shores, he knew not a word of English! Barely had he managed to pick up some English, Maurus was sent to Allahabad in U.P. Providentially, he came across a lot of inspirational material in the books that he began reading, there. Maurus thought: “Why not share this wealth of inspirational matter with others? He thought writing was the best medium to reach out and so Maurus began to write. His first book JUST A MOMENT, PLEASE became a best seller! Later, he founded Better Yourself Books which, with its headquarters

in Mumbai, now publishes hundreds of inspirational books, every year. At 90, Maurus today holds the unique distinction of being the author of more than 120 books, many of which have also have been translated into other languages. I am sure some of you have read GITANJALI ALBUM written by a young girl named Gitanjali. Gitanjali was only 16, when she died of blood cancer. From her sick bed, she wrote inspiring poems and short notes, which after her death, came to be published with the above title in 1992; it was published again in 1995, and yet again a couple of years later! Fr Parmananda Divakar, SJ who compiled her writings into a volume wrote after the first edition of the book was completely sold out: “Many schools are using her book for their assemblies; inquiries are also pouring in from within the country and outside, asking about the possibility of translating it into other Asian and Europian languages!” I have always believed and still strongly believe that pen is mightier than the sword, and that writing is still one of the best ways of reaching out to people and touching their lives, even in this age of the electronic media! There is tremendous power in your pen! Start unleashing it today, and you will soon realize that you too can be a successful writer. Perhaps your book may even become a best seller!

2 June 2014

Pope Francis in the Holy Land: the "politics" of prayer Pope Francis has already returned from his trip to the Holy Land, but the images of left and gestures he made are seeds that could bear fruit in time. Already, Francis' invitation to Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas, to come to his "home" in the Vatican for a meeting of prayer for peace between Israel and Palestine is a milestone in this pilgrimage. And the fact that the Israeli president and his counterpart of the Palestinian Authority have already accepted immediately suggests an unexpected touch of success for this trip. Policy experts may laugh at this invitation: prayer for peace between Israel and Palestine? After so many prayers in the past? And after all the failures in political negotiations, willed by more powerful personalities than Francis, such as Clinton, Bush, Obama? On what rational basis can hopes for the resumption of dialogue be rekindled

Come, make the best choice of your life-Partner

given the fact that with each passing day obstacles accumulate on both sides, while Israeli settlements in the occupied territories and East Jerusalem multiply, and Palestinians show no willingness to ensure Israel's security? The Pope said that the idea of two States, Israel and Palestine, should not remain a dream but become a reality. But many wonder if, in reality, the hope for peace is the vain and impossible dream and whether the only option for now is to settle for short temporary truces and cease- fires before to avoid the outbreak of a blazing war that could engulf the entire region. In short, the "political" value of the prayer appears truly minimal. Yet two images from among many remain impressed on hearts and minds: Pope Francis' prayer and caress which

touched two walls: the "Wailing Wall" (the Western Wall) and the wall that separates Bethlehem from Jerusalem, the so-called "Wall of Shame". The pontiff approached the first after having carressed it in silence, he slipped the prayer of the Our Father into a crevasse between the ancient stones, close to the heart of the Holy of Holies.

Royal Christian Family happy to announce the next


(Contd.. on p. 15)

Places are limited! Book Your Seat Early !!

of Brides and Grooms will be held in June 2014 from 10 A. M. to 4 P.M. at, an AC Hall in Mumbai A grand gathering to get acquainted with boys and girls of matching age group who are in search of a suitable Life-Partner of their choice with an ultimate view to matrimony. O Participants list and other details will be sent 15 days prior to the get-together. O Lunch, snacks, etc, will be provided at the Get-together. O Royal Christian Family is having the experience of organising over 60 get-togethers O The meet covers good family boys and girls

in the past.

Royal Christian Family 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Near GPO., Fort, Mumbai 400001 Tel.: 022 - 22693578, 22654924 Email:,

2 June 2014


Right Place, Wrong Time ?


Now when the BJP ‌ read Modi, has taken total, unopposed control of Parliament people ask me if I have clout in the BJP.....

go for a swim every evening, for several years now.

Of late I find people giving me strange looks. “You seem to be strutting around the pool these days, George. Looking rather superior as if you had a 56 inch chest. Have you been pumping iron or something?â€? “You are letting your imagination run riotâ€? I say “and if you, like many others, want to know if I still have clout in the BJP my answer is “have a guessâ€? I am afraid I am not on first Namo basis with Narendra Modi, although he has been kind enough to tell us not to be afraid. In order to give my swimming pool friends an answer about my clout with the BJP I have to do some ‘dĂŠjĂ vu’ and take you back to the 80s. I was like in my fifties, working for a German multinational, writing regu-

by George Menezes larly for several newspapers and living life to the full. Doing everything I was free to do. Almost every thing that was immoral, fattening, and expensive I should say. Words taken from a kind of Wlkipedia developed by my late and lovely wife.

Suddenly I discovered that from a very ordinary parishioner whom the parish council and the sacristan did not give a second look, I was some one very important to the Church.

Among the things I enjoyed doing most was using my column in the Indian Express for “Congress bashing�.

How come then I did not merit even a simple recognition? Must ask the Holy Spirit some day.

It was the era of Indira Gandhi, a continuation of the dynastic rule, an era when all our institutions were destroyed and corruption became the only institution left standing.

In the meanwhile the debate in the press continued. It was mostly vengeful, venomous, below the belt, below than even a snake’s navel and more than anything else very personal and a bundle of lies.

I unleashed my anger in all I wrote. It got noticed and I was invited by Ram Jetmalani to support his bid for the Mumbai North Central Constituency in the 1984 elections Ram Jetmalani won but the BJP got a trashing. In Jan 1985 Ram took me to Delhi and introduced me to Mr. Vajpayee and Mr. Advani leading to my being inducted into the National Executive of the Bharatiya Janata Party, The media made a big deal of it and when I got back to Mumbai all hell had broken loose in my Church and community. Cartoons and posters were pasted on Church walls, calling me a traitor, meet-


ings were called to pass no confidence in me, the local media were happy to provide space for a slanging match for and against me.

A particular owner editor of a tabloid took pains to say that I was a petty clerk in Hoechst and not a Director as was being made out to be. My wife whose pillowcase was always wet with tears shed silently at night asks me “Why George?� We don’t have any known enemies. That is true. Not even now in my 85th year of my life. The people from the Catholic Church who wrote to Pope John Paul the Second asking him to remove me from his Pontifical Council where all friends.

2 June 2014

I remembered Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’. “Ingratitude more than traitors arms quite vanquished him “

Pope Francis announces visit to Philippines and Sri Lanka

When the Vatican wrote back “Mr. Menezes is building bridges instead of building walls. Let him be” they were very perceptive So were the clergy and religious in Mumbai. And indeed I achieved a few small things. I taught the Executive Council how to run effective meetings. Pan wallas were stopped from selling pan during meetings. Agendas were sent in advance and strictly adhered to, members started to obey the chair and not take long personal breaks and although many of them slept during sessions they were not allowed to snore lest they woke up their neighbours. The most interesting assignment was my 3 hour seminars with the RSS members. I spoke about why I loved the Person of Jesus and about the thrust of our educational institutions and our orphanages and our charitable institutions including Mother Teresa’s unique work. I also learnt from the RSS. Most of them are well educated. They were all squatting on the ground 5 minutes before I arrived and left after I had gone. No toilet and coffee breaks for 3 hours. And the questions were never critical only with a desire to learn. Discipline came naturally to them. Even in the manner of the destruction of the Babri Masjid That’s when I quit. That one act of desecration not only destroyed my faith in the BJP but my self esteem as an Indian. Now when the BJP … read Modi, has taken total, unopposed control of Parliament people ask me if I have clout in the BJP I laugh. Can I have clout with and control the wind. I don’t even know what colour it is.

2 June 2014

For the first time in nearly two decades, the head of the Catholic Church will set foot in the Philippines after Pope Francis confirmed he plans to visit the Southeast Asian country in January 2015.

“We will see how that could be done. But he, I think, would want that to be a defining character of his trip,” Tagle said in the interview while he was in the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.

Francis said this in a media conference on Monday, May 26, on a flight back to Rome after his Holy Land trip, according to the Catholic News Service (CNS).

“I have said his coming will be stronger than the typhoon, but in a positive way,” Tagle added.

He will also visit Sri Lanka, Francis said. The whole trip [to the Philippines] will last for two days, the Associated Press reported, as the Pope didn't provide more details. Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle said the Pope – who stresses the need to reach out to the world's “peripheries” – wants to visit areas hit by disasters such as Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) and the magnitude-7.2 earthquake in the Visayas. “I think one purpose of the visit of the Holy Father is to come close to the people who suffered from the recent typhoon and the earthquake,” Tagle said in an interview with CNS.

Francis has long said he wants to visit the Philippines, which is Asia's most predominantly Catholic country. Once calling this Southeast Asian country his "beloved Philippines," Francis sent a video message to Filipinos in October 2013 – his first papal message in English. “Don’t get tired of bringing the mercy of the Father to the poor, the sick, the abandoned, the young people, and the family,” Francis said in his video message for the Philippine Conference on New Evangelization at the University of Santo Tomas. Shortly after he was elected Pope, Francis told Tagle he has "high hopes for the Philippines." The last time a Pope visited the Philippines was in 1995, when the late John Paul II led World Youth Day in Manila.



I offer praise and thanksgiving to Holy Family for favors granted and prayers, answered. — A. C. D'Souza, Bandra West.


2 June 2014

Pope Francis in the Holy Land: the "politics" of prayer (Contd.. from p. 11) The same thing happened in Bethlehem: a sudden and unplanned gesture, the Pope approached the barrier near Rachel's Tomb and caressed the wall that causes so many divisions, death and humiliation between the Palestinians and the Israelis. In both cases, the hand that caressed the wall awaited the coming of the Messiah, the only One who can bring peace. At the same time, this same hand urged for this to take place soon. The "political" value of prayer is this: it is leaving space for God to act and in really involving oneself with what is being asked for. In this way, the man who asks becomes the first sign that the invocation is coming to pass, starting from the heart. Herein also lies the power of the Pope's invitation to the two presidents, to welcome them to his "home": to offer one's home means making oneself available, one's time, one's life in order to foster a similar openness in others. All of this is a judgment on the way in which "political" dialogue between Israel and Pal-


Thanks to Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mother Mary for favours granted. Praying for more favours —Rosy Fernandes, Tardeo 2 June 2014

estine have been conducted thus far: saying one thing in words and doing another behind backs, exhausting mutual trust, to arrive at the paralysis and gangrene of our times. The pope's prayer - and he repeated in several speeches - says that peace is possible on condition that we become completely involved in a comprehensive way, to risk one's life and not just a political project aimed at final victory. Only on this condition can the paralysis and gangrene - which seems destined to overtake all international politics - be healed: by recognizing that the God of all - Muslims, Jews, Christians - will becoming involved in ushering His coming. Christian unity is essential in this task. The heart of this pilgrimage was the embrace between Francis and Bartholomew, between the Church of the East and West. Again, there are many "walls" posed by this or that confession, first and foremost, the Russian Orthodox Church. Some might say that the meeting at the Holy Sepulchre between the successors of Peter and Andrew was a spiritual interlude among many "political" gestures. In fact, it was in the sepulchre that the real shift occurred, the fall of the first and most important wall, that of death . As Bartholomew stated , love casts out all fear and Christians who love one another become "an example to the whole world". This was echoed by Pope Francis: " Let us not allow ourselves to be robbed of the basis of our hope! Let us not deprive the world of the joyful message of the Resurrection!."

Paths Of Wisdom 1. Worry does not take away tomorrow’s troubles; it takes away today’s peace. 2. When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you. 3. Prayer is not a ‘spare wheel’ that your pull out when you are in trouble. But it is a ‘steering wheel’ that directs the right path throughout life. 4. Old friends are like gold. New friends are like diamonds. If you get a diamond, don’t forget the gold. To hold a diamond, you always need a base of gold. — Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

Book Review:

Our Faith

Want to read a book that has a captivating story which will also enlighten you? Then read Richard DeSouza’s book ‘Our Faith’. It is a love story about a young German couple and the trials and tribulations they face during the Second World War. The book is available online from,,,,,in and — Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

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Contribution Of Coastal Christians For The Growth Of Art, Architecture, Journalism And Literature 3 (Contd.. from Last Issue) Wilson Karwar, Wilson Kayyar are some of the famous artists produced by Mangalorean Christian community. Pinto brothers of Vamanjoor are famous for artistic Grotto building. Simon company Mangalore is very famous for paintings of churches, statues and carving of statues of saints.

4.2 Music and singing: Konkani Songs and music: Joseph Rego had compiled Chaltim Podam in 1920s. Lawrence Vas had written Ruchik Amrath, Fr Thomas Stephens composed Christa Puran. Wilfy Rebimbus through his 238 musical NITEs and 38 CDs and cassettes music to over 500 dramas composing music for 2800 songs has given a new trend to Konkani songs. His songs are published Vinchnar-podam in 9 volumes and Kogul Gayta in two volumes and the songs are sung by common people young and old. Mand Soban under the leadership of Eric Ozario has given a new dimension is to Konkani songs specially folk songs and old traditional songs. Songs of Henry D Souza, Wilson Olivera, Melwin Peres Presented more than 25 Nites and two volumes Suvalo Vol. 1 and 2, Jerome D'Souza, are vary famous. Prof. Banet Pinto, Joel Pereira, Jochim Pereira, Harys Braas Band and many are remembered because of their contribution to music. Fr. J.S.T. Rodrigues, Fr Walter Albuquerque, Fr. Charles Vaz, Fr. Clement Mascarenhas, Fr. Valerian Mendonca have given great contribution to Konkani devotional songs.

4.3 Drama Jeppu Natak Sabha established in the year 1926 contributed a lot to Konkani drama. Every year the Sunday before ash Wedneday is celebrated as Intrujacjo Aitar and one


drama is played. Many people have written dramas and many have acted in these dramas. Great musicians like Wilfy Rebimbus have come to light due to these dramas. He has written 8 dramas and composed music to 500 dramas. Konkani Natak Sabha Mangalore was established with the aim of spreading spiritual values through dramas in the year 1943. Even today drama competitions and regular drama shows are given by Konkani Natak Sabha. It has built Don Bosco Hall exclusively for this. Natak Sabha also conducts competitions in Drama every year. A.T Lobo has wriiten 13 dramas out of which Avnkar Avoi had 19 shows and it was adopted for Hindi film later. Among the modern drama writers Cha Pra de Costa stands out as the father of modern Konkani drama. Dolphy Cassia has written several dramas. His Di Maka Bogsane has 149 shows so far. J B Kulshekar, Edward Quadras, Mabel Kent, Simon Rasquina, Arthur Rasquina, Richi Pereira, Benna Rujai, Sanni D'Souza, Baptist Mendonca Kirem, Mick Max, Harry D'Souza, Henry D'Silva Suratkal, Dolla, Felix, Charli, Pintam Derebail, Betty Naz, Nellu Permannur, John Permannur, Walter Monteiro Udupi, Vinod Gangolli, Joe D'Souza Karkala, Fransis Fernades Cascia have enriched Konkani Drama. Francis Ferndes Cassia’s Mataro Chorbela has seen 60 shows world over. Mand Sobann’s Kalakul has presented more than 100 dramas so far. 5. Contribution of Christians in Architecture Christians of this part have enriched art, music, dance and architecture Dr. Oscar G Concesso, who has studied M S in architecture in the Uni-

By Dr Gerald Pinto versity of Oklahoma in USA has done his doctorate in modern architecture and is the recipient of Indian building congress National awards four times. He has also won Rachana award this year. 5.1 Churches With the arrival of East Indian Christians, new churches were built most of them in the Portuguese architecture. Rosario church in Mangalore was built in the year 1570. Gangolli church was built in the year 1630. Milagres Mangalore, Milagres Kallianpur, Rosary church Kundapur , Pezar Curch were built around 1680. Church at Agrar, Modankaup, Shirva, Byndoor, Hospet, Omjoor, Attur-Karkal, Mogarnad, Mulki, Barkur Panir, Kirem were built aound 1750s. All these churches have brought Portuguese architecture to Mangalore. All these churches have beautiful wooden Alters and wooden statues which have great artistic value. Modern churches in Puttur, Udupi (diamond shape), Bajpe (Aroplane shape), Infant Jesus shrine Bikkarnakatte and Bela are very artistic. St Aloysius chapel in Mangalore attracts tourists because of its paintings and architecture. CSI churches in Balmatta Mangalore, Udupi, Mulki and Malpe also have artistic value. The old houses of Christians in Kundapur, Kallianpur and Mangalore are mod-

2 June 2014

How to Browse the Web Anonymously

elled after Portuguese architecture with broad windows, verandah etc. Conclusion: Even though Christians are small in number, their contribution in education and health is significant. But with the commercialisation of education specially in medical and professional education Christians are left behind. The contribution of Christians to art, literature and journalism is slowly forgotten. There is a systematic effort to undermine the good work done by Christians in literature in coastal Karnataka. The Konkani literature developed by Christians in last 150 years in coastal Karnataka will be slowly forgotten since Kendriya Sahitya academy recognises the Konkani literature written only in Devanagri script. In journalism and mass media Christians are nowhere. Youth should be encouraged to take up courses like Journalism and mass communication since Journalism is the fourth pillar of democracy and they can highlight the contributions made by the Christians. Unfortunately Christians have the habit to destroy and rebuilt as result many monuments, churches are destroyed and concrete jungles are built. We must preserve old structures and monuments.

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2 June 2014


ooking for a job, searching for a di vorce lawyer, researching a medical condition or commenting on sensitive political issues that you don’t want anyone to know about? Or maybe you're using a public network in a hotel or coffee shop. How do you keep others from seeing your browsing history or tracking what you’re doing on the Web? When considering web "privacy," there are two pieces that matter. The first is anonymity: how to keep people from knowing what sites you're visiting. The second is privacy: how to keep people from accessing the information you send. Depending on your circumstances, you may care about protecting one or both of these pieces. Protecting your browsing history on your personal computer is easy. Each of the major browsers has a "private browsing" mode that deletes cookies, temporary Internet files and browsing history after you close the window so others with access to your PC won't be able to see what sites you visited. Chrome – Click on the wrench in the far upper right of your screen, then

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“New Incognito Window.” Firefox – Click on "Tools" then “Start Private Browsing.” Internet Explorer –Click on the tools cog in the far upper right of your screen, then “Safety” and “InPrivate Browsing.” Safari – Click on the settings cog in the upper right corner of your screen "Safari", then “Private Browsing.” Someone with particularly nefarious purposes could install a key-logger program on your PC to track everything you type, which private browsing wouldn't protect. Security software on your PC should remove any key-loggers and is a must on any PC. While these features will keep your history clean on your PC, they won’t stop your Internet Service Provider, your employer or the government from keeping track of where you go online. And the websites you visit can track your IP address, providing this information to others or using it for their own tracking purposes to serve up advertising. And if you're outside the U.S., certain countries may prevent you from visiting certain websites entirely. In situations like this you need a more stealthy way to manage your browsing. And there are solutions that offer various levels of security.


How to Increase Your Willpower?


e've all seen people do things we like, and sometime we say to ourselves, "yeah, I could do that... if I wanted to." Sometimes the only thing missing from a person's achieving something is the willpower to do it! This article will discuss some of the causes for a lack of willpower and some suggestions to increase it, so that you may get the extra push you need to achieve what you want to! Remember your goals. If your willpower feels drained, think of the task at hand as a necessary stepping stone to help you achieve your goals. "Willpower is very easily depleted if its disconnected from your values and goals," Practice coping with stress. When you're working toward a goal, you are bound to hit tough times. To reach ambitious goals, you need to persist in stressful conditions, even when anxi-


Willingness is the key of success, you have to develop it by understanding ety, fear, or even boredom threaten to sap your willpower. Mindfulness helps you cope with stress and strengthen willpower. Try mindfulness meditation, or better yet, do hot yoga to learn to stay with discomfort and find some serenity within it. Forgive your mistakes. You are bound to make mistakes, but your willpower will be stronger if you take those errors in stride. "Forgiving yourself for your mistakes increases motivation and engagement with goals," Treat your own failure with the kindness you'd offer a

friend, but note the ways that you can do a better job next time. "That's very different than the usual self-criticism or ego-boosting," Connect with colleagues. Willpower naturally rises when we feel recognized and appreciated for our work. "We think of willpower as being so tough and individual, but the more connected people feel, the more willpower they have." When you feel unmotivated or distracted, go talk to a co-worker or invite your colleagues to lunch. The simple pleasure of working with people you care about toward a common goal is a surprisingly effective way to restore your willpower. Trust that it will get easier. We often struggle to stay engaged during difficult tasks because we imagine, sometimes unconsciously, that they will continue to be just as hard in the future. We feel defeated or hopeless and give up.

2 June 2014


Inspiring Questions In order to make your life simple and beautiful, ask yourself a few questions. High achievers think differently. They act differently. They do things differently. To find your dream and start changing your life, the first step is to take the time to answer the following questions. What beliefs do you carry? It takes guts to call yourself out and question beliefs that just don’t seem right. We’re all ingrained with a set of learned behaviors that may be holding us back. It’s okay to question them and seek a better way. That’s a true sign of growth. What’s your hobby? The things you love to do in your downtime can tell you a lot about how to find happiness in your life. Do the stuff you enjoy doing. What’s your talent? One thing that’s even more important than recognizing your hobbies is understanding your talents. What are you good at? If you asked five friends, what would they identify as your biggest assets? The answers can help you find your dream and change your life. Who do you like to work with? Think about the people who you work well with. Use your intuition to guide you toward similar people in your work environment. Where do you enjoy working? What is the work setting where you’re most productive? Perhaps in group meetings? Or alone in your office? Try spending most of your time there. If you’re stuck in a job that puts you in a setting you don’t enjoy, speak up and tell your boss.

2 June 2014

What are your passions? What makes you genuinely happy in life? Identify your passions, and then do everything in your power to spend time doing the things you love. How can you turn your passions into work? It’s one thing to pursue your passion as a hobby. It’s a whole different ballgame to do what you love and get paid for it. If you’re stuck in a job you hate, find a way to turn your passion into your career. What inspires you? Where do you find inspiration to drive you forward? Maybe it’s books, websites, friends, or family members. The point is, harness your preferred sources of inspiration every day. How do you motivate yourself? Being inspired is great. But if you don’t have a method and plan to motivate yourself to make positive change in your life, you’ll remain in the same place you’re in today. What do you dream about? Dreams expose truths about our lives we often have trouble seeing. Keep a dream journal to record your subconscious thoughts. Whenever you wake up in the middle of a dream, write down exactly what occurred. Then analyze the dream the next day and look for signs and signals from your subconscious mind. What have you overcome? Most of us have struggled mightily and overcome great obstacles. Don’t take this for granted. Thinking about the massive obstacles you’ve overcome already should convince you that you can accomplish anything you want in life.

Why are you here? Want to know how to find your dream and change your life in one simple step? Then answer this question: What do you think your purpose is? It’s a deep question. But it’s an important one. You may not know the answer right now, and that’s okay. You’ll find it when you’re ready. Who do you admire? Seek inspiration in others whom you admire. Despite all the bad things going on in the world, there are still millions of heroes, dreamers, and leaders that can inspire all of us to live better. What are your weaknesses? Nobody’s perfect. And acknowledging the things you need to get better at is a crucial step to find your dream and change your life. What are your goals? Think about what you aspire to accomplish in your life. These goals should drive your actions. How do you plan on accomplishing your goals? Goals without a plan are meaningless. Once you figure out your goals, write down action steps that will help you achieve them. Most people don’t do this, and it can mean the difference between getting what you want and failing. How can you make yourself better? We all have problems. But you can either give up and accept your circumstances or you can choose to find ways to improve. Are you unhappy with your body? Then learn how to eat better and form consistent exercise habits.


MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Chartered Accountant, working as a Chartered Accountant in a Pharmaceutical Company. Seeks a sutiable Mangalorean girl. Contact email : OR 9870248167 (Regd. No. 6105) KOLKATA : Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 23 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 57 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. BBA, GNIIT, working as a Management Trainee.Seeks a homely, adjustable, simple, working girl. Contact email : OR 9331220504 (Regd. No. 6103) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 70 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., Hotel Management, working in Mumbai in Reputed Hotel invites alliance from professionally qualified R.C. Spinsters with good family values. Contact email : OR OR 9920992660 (Regd. No. 6099) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, age 31 years, Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 82 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. HSC., working as a Cargo handling assistant in Airline in Dubai. Contact email : julmich_2001@ (Regd. No. 5957) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 43 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., M.A., (Diploma in Journalism from UK); working as a Freelance Journalist. Seeks a suitable & compatible match from India/Abroad, He might travel abroad for work. Contact email : / OR 9221394374 (Regd. No. 5968) MUMBAI : Karware Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, age 38 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 54 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.10th Std., working on Rigs as a Cruise Member. Contact Mob. 8879137735 (Regd. N. 5952)


MUMBAI : Parents of Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, DOB 1974, 5’ 9”, P.hD (U.S.A.), working in US, seeks alliance from R.C. spinster. Send details and recent full size photograph to : (Regd. No. 5950) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, age 39 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. XII Std., Working as a Gen. Steward in Ship. Seeks a Goan girl below 32 years. Contact email : OR 26671289 / 9969488673(Regd. No. 5949) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 6’ 4”, Wt.80 kgs, Wheatsih Complexion, Edn. 8th Std.,Working as an Asst. AC Technician in Dubai. Seeks a understanding and homely girl. Contact : 9022935415 / 9819257399 (Regd. No. 5992) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt.57 kgs, Wheatsih Complexion, Edn. Graduate, having own business and accommodation. Only child. Seeks a understanding, honest girl. Contact email : OR 8652878111 (Regd. No. 5989) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 69 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Mech.) working as a Mechanical Engineer. Contact email.: OR 9890892847 (Regd. No. 5985) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 59 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., D.C.A., working as an Accountant. Seeks a suitable match. Contcat email :

Members are requested to inform us when they are settled, so that publication of their details can be discontinued. OR 9029694973 (Regd. No. 5984) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 11”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., I.T., & Dip. in Elect. Engg., working as an Assistant Manager (Technical) Only Child. Contact email : OR 9820561856 (Regd. No. 5983) MUMBAI : 34 yr old mangalorean divorcee, church marriage annulled, no children, dentist by profession, own accommodation, own private clinic in mumbai, looking for spinters/divorcees upto age 32, mangalorean / goan. Contact email OR 9920059033. (Regd. No. 6008) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 64 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.E., (Comp.), working as a Software Engineer. Contact email : OR 9004500088 (Regd. No. 6034) MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catholic Widower, aged 57 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 70 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Handsome, Edn. SSC, Well settled, having own accommodation. Seeks a good looking girl below 50 years, working or non working. Contact : 7506014145 (Regd. No. 6075) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Graduate, working as a Sr. Executive. Contact : 9224669977. (Regd. No. 6078) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 2 June 2014

MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Parents seek alliance for their spinster daughter, 25 years, Post Graduation in Clinical Counseling, working in a Reputed Hospital, 5’ 3” fair and pretty, God fearing and family oriented, from professionally qualified RC Mangalorean Bachelors. Kindly reply with latest photo to email : OR Mob.: 9892286077 MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 31 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 56 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA (Finance) working as a Payroll Administrater. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : / OR 9869771255 (Regd. No. 6097) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 25 years, Ht. 5’5”, Wt. 67 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Information Technology) working as a Software Engineer. Contact email : OR 8655875558 (Regd. No. 6072) MUMBAI : East Indian R.C. Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Post Graduate HR, working as HR Executive for MNC. Contact Email : OR 9819040031 (Regd. No. 6046) MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Post Graduate, working as a Journalist. Contact email. : OR 9819027945 (Regd. No. 6052) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 29 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 73 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Advisor. Seeks a well settled Mangalorean Bachelor. Contact email : (Regd. No. 6104) KOLKATA : Roman Catholic Spinster,

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 2 June 2014

27 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBBS, MD (PAED), Doctor by profession. Seeks a simple, qualified, preferably Doctor, adjustable, good family background. Contact email : OR 9331220504 (Regd. No. 6102) HYDERABAD : Anglo Indian Roman Catholic Spinster, 28 years, Ht. 5’, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Sc., Computer Science, working for a reputed Indian company. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9652464648 (Regd. No. 6101) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, 28 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA (HR) working as a HR Researcher. Contact email OR 25436360 (Regd. No. 6100) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 54 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MA (Sociology), working as an Asst. Manager Recruitment. Good looking, smart. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : / OR 9022929041 / 9167514382 (Regd. No. 5953) MUMBAI : Mangalorean + Keralite parents invites alliance for their daughter 34 years, 5’ 3”, MBA (Finance) working as a Junior Manager in a Bank, Marriage annulled from qualified and suitable groom age upto 38 yrs. Contact email: OR 09966843108 (Regd. No. 5951) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, 24 years, Ht. 5, Wt, 55 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. C.A., working for MNC, Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9322295449 / 9769861559 (Regd. No. 5961) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, 37 years, Ht. 5 ’ 2”, Wt, 58 kgs, Wheatish complexion, looks much younger to her age, good looking, smart, Edn. M.A. M.Com., working as a Senior Journalist. Seeks a well educated and well settled bachelor. Con-

tact email : OR 9833065385 (Regd. No. 5959) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, 30 years, Ht. 5 ’ 5”, Wt, 70 kgs, Wheatish complexion, smart, B.Com., LL.B., Legal Professional, smart. Seeks a well educated, financially stable, well settled abpve 6’ 6”. Contact email : / OR 9819890592 (Regd. No. 5958) BANGALORE : Anglo Indian RC Spinster, 26 years, B.E., working as a Software Engineer, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 67 kgs, good looking, fair, coming from a decent family, seeks a humble, godfearing, doctor, engineer or well settled bachelor from India or abroad. Contact email : OR 09845665529 (Regd. No. 5956) AHMEDABAD : Goan R.C. Spinster, Wheatish, slim, good looking, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 49 kgs, Edn. B.A., PGDMFI, Pursuing MBA, working as a Senior Officer in Bank. Seeks a educated, well settled bachelor from decent and respectable family. Contact email : / OR 07922162694 (Regd. No. 6004) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R.C. Spinster, fair, good looking, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 62 kgs, Edn. Post graduate (MBA), working as a Manager in MNC, Seeks a well educated and well settled bachelor. Contact Mob.: 9930441402 / 9769678734 Email: (Regd. No. 6003)

Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

Please renew your membership at lease a month in advance before its expiration date. 21

Sacred Heart Of Jesus, Unmitigated Compassion


here are weighty challenges in the Christian Church – yet, things are not as knotty as some believers imagine. The target of the New Evangelization is gaining steam after a decade almost of compromising methods and the practical mandate tuckedin to teach the Faith. You could call this a challenge when one tries to tell the world of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially in this month of the Sacred Heart (May). The generation who grew up in the early 20’s onwards made great devotees of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, inspired by His Promises and comfort. Countless others had their favors granted and witnessed miracles through prayers and special devotions. In His Sacred Heart the Catholic Faith is abundantly blessed. The Sacred Heart of Jesus became a healing and powerful builder of bridges between the haves and have- nots. Those who trusted in the flames of His Heart, torn and bleeding in His Sacramental Body were enriched with the graces of His love. In the turbulent 30’s and 40’s around the world, the blitz of the Catholic faith illuminated His Heart, making it the torch of Hope in both World Wars. Missionaries from across Europe and America braved the odds of a still young and growing modern electronic media. The rising missionary fever, held high the Sacred Heart of Jesus, used every means and methods to teach and preach the Promises of His Sacred Heart in a race to strengthen the faith. Those were the brave men and women of the Sacred Heart. We are reminded that many of them were Jesuits and the religious of the Visitation congregation. The modern form of devotion to the Sacred Heart came from a French nun, Margaret Mary Alacoque , Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary. This humble woman was witness to the apparations of Jesus between 1673 – 1675. The


eminent ? The final result was positive.

BY MELVYN BROWN Lord taught her about devotion to His Sacred Heart which emphasizes on “ the unmitigated love, compassion and long-suffering of the heart of Christ towards humanity”. Pope Pius XI had said, “ the spirit of expiation or reparation has always had the first and foremost place in the worship given to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.” The first apparition of Jesus to Margaret Mary was on 27 December 1673, and the last one almost 18 months later. In those amazing months between Jesus had instructed her that His wish was to be honored under the figure of His Heart. Jesus asked for a devotion of love : to often receive communion, especially on every First Friday of the month, and to observe Holy Hour. On June 16, 1675, a great apparition happened. Jesus declared, “Behold the heart that has so loved men….instead of gratitude I receive from the greater part of mankind only ingratitude…” Fr. Claude de la Colombiere, was the superior of the small Jesuit home at Paray. He was also Margaret Mary’s confessor. Jesus had chosen him to propagate the new devotion with the help of the religious of the Visitation and the priests of the Society of Jesus. In the meanwhile an investigation on the lines of tradition and sacred revelation had begun. Conventional wisdom looked at the possibility of how the Roman group of theologians would decide upon their commissioned investigation working on the basis of Sacred methods. Would Pope Leo XIII be positive at the outcome of the examination ? Would a consecration to the Sacred Heart be

The encyclical letter of Pope Leo XII (Annum Sacrum), May 25, 1899 decreed ‘the consecration of the entire human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to take place on June 11, 1899.’ The letter encouraged the Roman catholic episcopate to promote First Friday Devotions. The month of June was established as the Month of the Sacred Heart. The big moment came when Pope Pius XI in his encyclical ‘Miserentissimus Redemptor’ (May 8, 1928 affirmed the Church’s position with respect to Margaret Mary’s visions of Jesus Christ. The letter stated that Jesus had “manifested Himself” to saint Margaret and had “promised her that all those who rendered this honor to His Heart would be endowed with an abundance of heavenly graces.” What comes through very closely is the refreshing account of Margaret Mary’s life, her zeal to do what Jesus had told her; she became the source for the devotion in its present form. She would spend an hour every Thursday night to meditate on Jesus’ pain in the Garden of Gethsemane. Margaret Mary told Fr. Croiset, a Jesuit, that Jesus wanted him to write a book called, The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Another Jesuit, Fr. Joseph de Gallifet promoted the devotion under the instruction of Margaret Mary. On October 17, 1690 the French nun passed away. The Promises of the Sacred Heart made to Margaret Mary was finally published by Cardinal Adolph Perraud (1890) in full with the authentic texts as found in the writings of the saint. Almost two hundred and thirty years later Margaret Mary Alacoque from the Order of the Visitation was canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920 at the Vatican.

2 June 2014

Creating future leaders in the community through the project:

‘Leaders in the Making and Reaching to the Top’ Youth are the pillars upon which a nation’s future is built. It is true that in this challenging era of globalisation, our youth must be nurtured, educated and guided towards the right path. There is a need for the youth of our community to strengthen their faith by adopting the right mindset and acquiring a wealth of knowledge. With this objectives in mind we have been conducting special youth seminars entitled ‘Leaders in the Making and Reaching to the Top’ since 10 years. So far over 8000 youth have participated and benefited in the 12 seminars which have been guided by expert resource persons. Guiding our youth as effective future leaders and shine in top positions within and outside the country is our dream which we want to turn it into reality, The Entire project is conducted absolutely Free for the participants. This appeal is an invitation specially for people who are concerned about our youth and their bright future to be a part of this project : THE SECULAR CITIZEN 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Tel.: 22693578, 22654924 Emails: /

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Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

2 June 2014

Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 2 June 2014 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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