Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.28 dated 14th July 2014

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14 July 2014


Biggest Casualty – Punctuality It is heartening to note that the NDA ministers have been conducting surprise visits to their offices to check on the punctuality levels. What they have observed is nothing new because this has been the order of the day under all the previous dispensations at the Centre and States. Obviously the erstwhile ministers thought that it is not at all important. When there is no control, employees are bound to take advantage, PSUs included. Prakash Javdekar, I & B minister gave a jolt to the late comers, most of whom must be used to home cooked hot lunch before coming to work. The minister not only cautioned them but capped it all by making them take a day’s leave. This is something all the ministers must do at least twice or thrice a week – sometimes at closing hours or immediately after the lunch break. The pressure must be kept on. Ministers must call for data on late comers every day. Without a sustained effort things will not improve. Late coming is something the government servants proudly feel that it is their right – a perk for serving the public. You go to any government department and you will find the same thing. I had the misfortune of being at the receiving end of these ‘Lords’ coming at their own sweet time. My experience with the Income Tax department has been something to write home about. I was asked to produce original tax deduction certificate. I was sent a notice to appear before a certain ITO at Parel at 10.00 a.m. Till 10.45, believe me, there was not a soul in the section – in fact the whole floor. On another occasion some rectification was involved which necessitated a visit to the Bandra [BKC] I.T. office. The official time is 10 a.m. but two floors, 2nd and 4th of building # 12 [perhaps with 100 odd desks] were deserted at 11 a m. I was there at 10 a.m. A lone sweeper looked at me in astonishment saying ‘Saab will come after 11.00. On the other floor a lady sweeper was sitting on one of the chairs having a long chat on telephone. When officers do not come on time, can they really ask their subordinates to be punctual? The department heads should be empowered to instill


VIEWS on NEWS discipline. They should be held accountable. The work culture in the government departments needs radical change and it looks like the Prime Minister is keen to instill a sense of urgency and commitment in public servants. Ministers should continue regular surprise visits and report the findings to the PMO for corrective measures. Chronic diseases call for drastic remedy. Introduce systems which make impersonation impossible. You have CCTV cameras to support you. Monitoring should be done throughout the day till the offices close. Genuine late comers can take prior permission or get it on phone. Three unauthorized ‘lates’ in a month should invite warning and pay cut and if there is no improvement, increment / promotion should be blocked. Ultimately, dismissal should be a deterrent punishment for others to be fore-warned. You see punctuality in private banks [not PSUs] and private organizations. All that is required is the will to bring in the required change. There is no substitute for discipline / commitment. *****

Generous Indian Public A few days back, post elections, Economic Times published some interesting data on donations received by political parties for the elections. Congress received 425.69 crores of which 73.35% came through ‘sale of coupons’ ostensibly to aam admi. Corporates will not buy coupons. BJP received some 324.16 crores with 83.76% coming through what has been classified as ‘voluntary donations’ which again must have come from the common man, traders etc. Interestingly, BJP spent almost 60% of its collection on Ads and won. NCP, received 26.56 crores with 80% coming from ‘sale of forms’ [obviously membership forms]. One would fancy that people had been queuing up outside all NCP offices but nobody noticed those invisibles souls. Surprisingly, the party is about to lose its election symbol. BSP got some 87.63 crores the source of which has not been published. May be Mayawati celebrated her birthday every month and all the backward class people poured in funds for the party

by Marshall Sequeira which did not get even a single seat in UP but that is another story. Even a party like CPM got 126.09 crores with 57% coming from ‘voluntary donations’, balance being equally suspect. A party which does not believe in wealth [obviously its supporters too] could get substantial donations from its followers. There are other interesting statistics as well. In the run up to the elections, the Election Commission [EC] seized 313.32 crores in hard cash with Andhra Pradesh accounting for almost 50% [153 crores]. Some 225.67 crore litres of alcohol was also seized, again AP proudly contributing the maximum. Surprisingly, the PM’s land – Gujarat [a dry state] was responsible for 11.32 lacs litres. With alcohol not much popular in the Punjab, they more than made up with some 1.85 lac kgs of drugs which were seized by the EC. That much for the political parties and their commitment to uphold democratic traditions which they keep on repeating shamelessly! It is said, in a democracy you must play the game by the rule even when the referee is not watching. Here the referee [EC] was watching throughout and yet 75306 polls related FIRs were filed during the last general elections. Wonder when we will see the end of these FIRs. For the last five years we have been facing unprecedented inflation with the middle class reeling under prohibitive prices of essential items with onions taking the centre stage. The BJP has made the aam aadmi cry over onions. Vegetables are beyond the reach of even the middle class and soon all vegetable vendors will start accepting credit / debit cards and will also hire guards for their safety. With all this, six political parties could manage to get donations, from the financially challenged common man, amounting to a whopping 1000 crores. Surprised? Well not really.

14 July 2014

Advt. T ariff Tariff


Vol.23 No.28 July 14, 2014


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 : 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO


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‘Thought for the week’

Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand like stone: Kindness in another's trouble, Courage in your own


pg 2 - Views on News pg. 3 - Legal Compliance Not Enough In Cases Of ... pg. 5 - Live An Even More Relaxed Life pg. 6 - Reader's Views pg. 7 - BJP Sarkar ... Or ... UPA-3? pg 8 - Aam Aadmi - The Wake-up Call pg 8 - A Blow To Social Action pg 10 - Latest Natinal Crime ... pg 12 - Vegans in Goa pg 13 - The Hi-tech Gujrat ... pg 15 - Why We Need To Look ... pg 16 - 5 Signs You Are Going to... pg 17 - Arrival of Goans in Bombay pg 11 - Inspiration! pg 20 - Matrimonials pg 11 - The Mystery of ...

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14 July 2014

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Legal Compliance Not Enough In Cases Of Sexual Abuse


t's been a big week for the clergy and their dealings with the police across the world. In legal matters in countries covering four continents – India, the Dominican Republic, Italy and Australia – clerics are being held to account by police and civil courts. Two priests in India have been charged with murdering the rector of a seminary in Karnataka, in southwest BY FR MICHAEL KELLY India; a former papal nuncio to the Dominican Republic has been defrocked by the Vatican for child abuse and will face criminal charges; a bishop in Australia has been charged with sexually abusing an adolescent 45 years ago, and a priest in Sicily has been charged with seeking sexual favors from refugees he was supposed to be helping. Significantly, the Vatican's Polish-born former nuncio to the Dominican Republic, Josef Wesolowski, was canonically convicted in record time last Friday. He has two months to lodge an appeal against the conviction but has still to face criminal charges that carry a jail sentence. And in Australia, where a currently serving bishop has stepped aside after he was charged on Monday with allegedly abusing an adolescent in 1969, another senior cleric will face charges following a detailed inquiry into clerical sexual abuse over many decades in the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle. The trial, conviction and proposed sentence – expulsion from the clergy – of the Polish nuncio is a sign that Pope Francis' "zero tolerance" policy towards clerics found to have abused children is at work. And the hastening speed with which the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is dealing with cases – more than 4,000 since 2008 – is in marked contrast to the approach in the Vatican that prevailed until that year. For example, it took 20 years and the efforts of two successive bishops in the Australian Diocese of Wollongong to defrock a convicted pedophile priest. While it will be a long time until trust and confidence in the canonical processes are restored, the evidence of recent times is that the Vatican is out to "make good". In fact, the Vatican has been dragged kicking and screaming to its present position. It has been shamed into action after inquiries in many countries have shown how negligent Church authorities have been in the protection provided for children in the care of Catholic institutions. The Vatican (Contd.. on p. 4)


(Contd.. from p. 3) now claims it has "streamlined" and sped up processes that used to take decades. The rule of law in secular societies – in the United States, Europe and Australia in particular – has forced Roman authorities to act outside their comfort zones and be subject to law enforcement and legal processes that they previously had thought themselves to be above. The Catholic Church is being held accountable in ways it has never been before. The rule of law is one thing. Police, courts of law and governments that legislate on codes of conduct and mandatory reporting procedures relate to the public accountability the Church cannot avoid where there are effective police forces and independent judicial processes. But the rule of law will flounder and eventually deliver far less than it should if there is not something else. The necessary values underpinning institutions that manage the rule of law also have to work. Without transparency, accountability and a readiness to recognize that public trust is much more important for the Church than just about anything else, the reforms of legal procedures inside the Church and a willingness to see justice done according to the rule of law will fail. All institutions forfeit the trust of the public unless they are nourished by such values. And this is where the Catholic Church still has a lot to learn about the lasting and corrupting effect of the absence of these values. In business and government where the rule of law applies, it is taken for granted that the failure to be transparent, putting obstacles in the course of justice, to declare a personal interest, failure to act on certain facts or worse, the covering up of knowledge of misdeeds, all bring with them the expectation that leaders, ministers and the corporate executives involved will resign. They may not have been guilty of any offense. But their credibility is gone and so are they. Not so in the Church. The most notorious instance is the flight of the then-archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Bernard Law, to the protection of the


Asking for forgiveness, Pope Francis told abuse survivors that "despicable actions" caused by clergy have been hidden for too long and had been "camouflaged with a complicity that cannot be explained." Vatican. If he had remained in the United States, he would have faced charges over his cover-ups of sex-abusing clerics while he was archbishop. But he was able to thrive in Rome as a person of exceptional influence and apparently credible public standing. Regrettably, the phenomenon is much wider and reaches even to the circle surrounding the present pope in the person of a member of his council of cardinals charged with reforming the Curia. Last year, Pope Francis named Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa, the most powerful defender of a child-abusing priest who was eventually convicted in a Vatican process, as one of eight cardinals on the commission advising him on Vatican reforms. Errázuriz refused to act on a victim's allegations in 2003, telling the priest not to worry, according to news accounts and legal testimony. The cardinal is yet to acknowledge and con-

fess his failure to address the sexual abuse of adolescent boys by a popular member of his diocesan clergy. His credibility, or lack of it, rests on this failure. But is anything ever done about it in the Church? And so it goes throughout the clergy where unless someone is charged with an offense, no recognition is given to those failures of vigilance that do most to undermine the confidence of even committed Catholics in the operations of the Church. Yes, by all means let us cooperate fully with civil authorities, as is now happening more. Yes, by all means fix the rusty wheel that Canon Law is. But without the values to underpin the operation of the law – without transparency, accountability and the declaration of interest – the reform will be at best half-done. Jesuit Fr Michael Kelly is executive director of

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14 July 2014

Live An Even More Relaxed Life


ou don’t need to win the lottery or retire by the beach to experi ence a life that feels slower and more relaxed. All you need to do is make sure that you’re focusing your attention on ways to enjoy life more, and find your stress much more manageable. Keep yourself active, outside, and dedicated to your own ability to take advantage of life’s abundance and you’ll ultimately see a drastic improvement in your happiness and mental health. Sometimes stress and negativity in general becomes so powerful that we almost feel like we can´t deal anymore. Finding ways to release the negative tension and stress becomes crucial to not only handle life but to live a happier and more meaningful life. We may temporarily or no so temporarily become angry, sad, depressed, apathetic over even burn-out and become unable to do what we used to do for weeks, months or even years.

Redefine your problems – Are your problems really as big as you think they are? Or are you perhaps blowing them up to scary proportions in your mind? Often we build up our problems, just like fear and anger, in our minds. And then they quickly lose all proportions compared to the problem at hand. Having a problem finding a solution to your problems? Maybe you haven´t come up with enough solutions yet. Turn Stress Into Energy – Some amount of stress in life is normal. How you respond to stress affects how easily you can control it. Many people, when they feel stressed, decide to sit down on their couch at home and try to rest away the stress. This is generally not effective, because it causes you to mope in your stress while also wasting precious time. Japanese psychology teaches a better idea. They teach that you should embrace stress like an old friend, essentially waiting for stress and using that

14 July 2014

Relaxation isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity. It’s the most significant investment you can make in your own wellbeing, and the benefits are almost too many to list. Regular, proper relaxation allows us to think more clearly, reduces stress, raises energy levels, speeds up healing and boosts our immune system. energy towards productive activities. Rather than try to fight it, accept that stress is okay, and see if you can take that energy and place it to something interesting.

Declutter your outer world – A cluttered environment can split your thoughts ten ways and make it hard to relax – or focus – as your thoughts shift all the time thanks to, for instance, constantly discovering new stuff on your desk (bills, candy, reports, mail your forgot to reply to etc.). Less clutter in your outer world creates less clutter in your mind both at work or at home.

Surrender to your feelings – Instead of fighting your feelings accept them and surrender to them. And you´ll find that the negative feelings quickly lose their power over you and fade away. Don't try to fight it or to keep it out (like many of us have learned throughout life).

Overcome or at least reduce your fears – This is of course not as easy as some of the suggestions above and can take months or years. But if you

reduce some of your fears you´ll start knocking down some of the walls in your life that are holding you back.

Find the opportunity hidden within the problem – Another thing about problems is that we often focus on the bad part of them. But there is almost always a good part too. Or at least an opportunity within the problem. Perhaps it teaches us to be more patient, how to live more frugally or become more empathic. Finding this more positive part of the problem reduces it´s negative emotional impact and you may even start to see the situation as a great opportunity for you.

Find a good listener and just talkIf you have troubles one great way to release that negative energy is to talk about to someone about it. They don´t have to come up with a solution to your problem. The point is just for you to talk about it and them mostly to listen. After you´ve poured it out it feels easier. Later, you can return the favour when they need a listener.

Fix the rest of the fundamentals – Perhaps the advice providing the largest impact on your life if applied. So, eat and sleep better. Stop or at least reduce smoking and drinking. And you´ll not only feel more relaxed but better in almost every kind of way.


Need to Popularise our National Anthem The World Cup evokes a strong sense of patriotic fervour among teams and their countrymen rarely witnessed except during war time. But while war kills, football thrills. During the BrazilChile match for instance players from both sides and their countrymen in the stadium, sang their national anthems with 'fierce patriotism'. And even though the national anthem of Chile was very long there was no let up in the gusto with which each word was literally barked out with passion. In our country deep patriotic fervour is on display when the national anthem is 'played'. But alas! we lack the gusto shown by other nationals when it comes to 'singing' the anthem. Sadly not many of us know all the words of the national anthem. Even fewer know the meaning of each and every word of the anthem. A sad but true fact. How many of us know even the first three words of the national anthem -- Jana Gana Mana? We need to come up with a plan to popularise the words and the meaning of each word in the anthem.Only then will we be able to sing it with gusto. —Prof Robert Castellino

Noble, Novel, Nurses The pathetic plight of the 46 nurses has now thankfully come to an end. Catering For Weddings, Birthdays, Communions, Christenings, and Other Functions

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Nurses remind me of Florence Nightingale who was a celebrated English social reformer, and the founder of modern Nursing. She came to prominence while serving as a nurse during the Crimean war where she tended to wounded soldiers irrespective of their nationality. She became known as the ‘Lady of the Lamp’, truly a glorious reflection of the Divine Light of Christ! According to the United Nurses

Association there are 20 lakhs registered nurses in India and 18 lakhs are from Kerala and over 90% are women. Around 5 lakhs of our sisters work abroad including the Middle East. Jobs in India pay them Rs 6000 –15000, whereas in countries like Qatar and Kuwait bring in salaries of over 1 lakh. The pay is good in Europe too. Many a parent of these nurses have taken loans to educate them and send them abroad. Thus it is distressing to see them now traumatized and jobless. It is expedient that the government provide them gainful employment and adequate compensation. Nursing, like Medicine are indeed Noble Professions. The two are complimentary and go hand-in- hand. And along with the Priest they provide holistic care to the body, mind and soul. “Strength and dignity are their clothing. Her children (patients) rise up and call them blessed. Many persons have done excellently, but you surpass them all” (cf. Proverbs 31:25,28-29). —Dr Trevor Colaso

Jesuits To Open First University Next Year

Bhubaneswar: India's first Jesuit university will be operational in Odisha state by next year, says Jesuit educationist Father Paul Fernandes, who works on the project. Four years after the idea was proposed for Xavier University, the Odisha state assembly recently passed the Xavier University Bill, 2013, paving way for the establishment of the country's first Jesuit university, Father Fernandes told Business Standard news paper. "We expect the campus to be ready by this December and operational by July 2014. We are hopeful to move the rural management program by July next year," he said. The priest, director, Xavier Institute of Management in Bhubaneswar said it will be a full-fledged university based in Odisha but they may later expand it to other states too. The university will not affect the Jesuit's highly successful management school in the state capital. "It will remain as it is and Xavier University will be a separate entity, he said.

Four years since the idea was proposed, the cost of the project has escalated from 330 million to 400 million rupees. In the first phase, the cost of developing 200,000 square foot built up area will be around 400 million rupees, he said. The priest said they plans for the university's second, third and fourth phase with each phase plan to add one or two schools to the University. The vision is "an innovative and of great quality" university and they expect financial support from alumni, friends, donors and "anyone whoever wants to support our venture." The university will focus on subjects of science and humanities. "Looking at the state's needs, we need to strengthen arts, science, cultural and media education. This, however, would be at a later stage," the priest said. The university has reserved 50 percent of its seats to students from Odisha because of "our commitment to the state," the priest said adding that this "is a unique feature" which "no other private university in the country has."

14 July 2014

BJP (Modi) Sarkar…… Or…… UPA-3 ? A month has passed and one begins to wonder whether we have a new government (NDA) in power or is it a continuation of the previous UPA government as UPA-3. A couple of measures spelled out by the new government during the past one month seem to suggest just that. Acche Din Aane Wale Hai …….. Part I : Massive increase in Railway Fares – passenger fares/freight/ suburban. Yes, we now begin to wonder, is this the ‘Good Days’ they were talking about at Election time ? – did we understand right – was it ‘Good Days’ for them or for us, the common man ? Now wait & watch for the Next Part ! According to newspaper reports, the NDA government claims that the decision to raise Railway Fares was taken by the previous (UPA) government, and that they (NDA) were ONLY IMPLEMENTING THAT DECISION ! If that be so, then why is the NDA sitting in the seat of power ? So, is the UPA still governing the country ? Secondly, it seems there was a circular asking officials to use Hindi on social media for official communication. When there was a hue & cry over this, the government claims that the circular in question was in fact issued by the UPA government and that, they were ONLY “RE-ISSUING” the circular. So, once again, is the UPA government still governing the country ? Do we have a BJP (Modi) Sarkar at the Centre or is it UPA-3 ? We have also been seeing increase in price of essential goods in recent time; increase in price of fuel, etc. So, what are we heading for – More Acche Din ???

—Melville X. D’Souza

14 July 2014


AAM AADMI — The Wake-up Call Francis Lobo POST ELECTION RESPONSPONSIBILITIES The time has arrived for the Aam Aadmi to swing into action with mass organization and local action. The Aam Aadmi Achievement is that it was able to high-light the incompetence and corruption of the UPA Government and thus swing votes away from the UPA allies. The flawed electoral arithmetic enabled the BJP and its allies to come to power with a massive majority securing nearly 2 / 3 seats in Parliament. Was it the Modi Magic? The facts speak for themselves — The NDA got only 31 % of the votes polled, which works out to 20 % of the potential vote — clearly a minority vote. Electoral reforms must be a top priority for Aam Aadmi. The election rhetoric trumpeted the Gujarat Model of Development to be replicated across India to realize the economic miracle of meteoric progress. The Truth is there is no strategy or action plan to control inflation, reduce the deficit, eliminate wastage — nothing whatsoever. The new government blindly implemented the rail price hike proposed by the UPA government. Monsoon failure was predicted. To tackle this should have been the first priority of the new government. Onion price hike is a warning signal. Economic forecasts should be made and changes can and should be predicted. However, the Government sees a silver lining in a failed monsoon — Delayed Monsoons may help reduce fertilizer imports. The Iraq crisis cannot be blamed for failure in ability to control prices and achieve economic growth and


development. We the people have to take the initiative and not leave it to corrupt politicians to find the answers. The elected politicians, with criminal records, are no less than in the earlier regimes.

THE POWER OF BAD IDEAS There is a rush to India of those who see the Promised Land, with a new government, where fortunes can be made. Who are these? The armament suppliers, with their spokesman, John McCain, the real estate developers, with the vision of a 100 new cities, the lobbies for extraction and exploitation of natural resources. Who has stopped them in the past? Those sowing sedition must be eliminated. They are the NGOs like Greenpeace. The Intelligence Bureau’s report on NGOs, being a threat to security and development, is acted upon with speed. The IB report creates a false sense of objectivity by quantifying the damage of NGOs as being 2-3 % of GDP. NGOs do the humanitarian and social work that governments cannot or will not do. However, they point out the dangers of reckless development and the dangers of uncontrolled technology like nuclear energy, coal fired plants, genetically modified organisms, extraction activities which displace the marginalized and create refugees on their own land more than those created by wars. NGOs are trustees of the future and protect local interests. The bad ideas that are becom-

ing doctrine are that dissent is antidevelopment and must be crushed, look at the Big Picture, ignore local interests, there is a foreign hand behind the agitation to stir up trouble at the grass-root level, India’s security and development are at risk.

AAM AADMI AND THE WINDS OF CHANGE The new government is doing exactly what the earlier government did but now they have less opposition and no constraints of a coalition government. There is no innovation and emphasis on knowledge. They have no answers to the financial deficits and high interest rates. They take their encouragement from rising share prices, ignoring the economic melt-downs of the past and not trying to understand that some of these indices only cater to the animal instincts and greed. Aam Aadmi has to take the lead in coping with “The March of Events”

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14 July 2014

A Blow To Social Action ... a major move to take the infamous Foreign Contributions Regulation Act to new levels of strictness and harshness, and a fresh bout of police and political action – ...


he Church in India – Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical and Pen tecostal – may in future confine itself to just worship and running Colleges, schools, hospitals and some charity activities, if current political trends play out their expected course. The church’s ‘preferential action for the poor,’ its track record in giving a voice to the voiceless and activities in the training and empowerment of Tribals, the Dalits and other marginalised groups, would invite close government scrutiny in the future. And in a worst case scenario, its resources could be cut off and its personnel find their activities restrained under the twin onslaught of a major move to take the infamous Foreign Contributions Regulation Act to new levels of strictness and harshness, and a fresh bout of police and political action – including by self styled ‘social-cultural’ groups such as the right wing Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh and its branches such as Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram which works in central India’s vast Chhotanagpur Tribal belt. The Church will not be alone in being impacted in this doomsday scenario of something horribly gone wrong in India’s political discourse and its development landscape. Keeping it company will be major Non Governmental Organisations, NGOs, funded by international organisations involved in rights-based campaigns against the denudation of forests and ravaging of rivers, and supporting people’s protests and movements against genetically modified crops such as cotton and brinjal, the dangers of suspect nuclear power plans in the post

14 July 2014

impacted. Some of its clergy and religious were also subjected to police scrutiny, and action.


Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan on 11 March 2011, or the resistance of Orissa Tribals to the attempts of Korean giant Posco to mine their sacred hills and forests. This seemingly alarmist projection is born of the enthusiastic support of the new government in New Delhi led by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party to a report by the Intelligence Bureau [IB], leaked to select media, on what it says is the loss to the national exchequer, and to the country’s development, by the work of organisations receiving foreign funding through the FCRA. The report, which hogged Television News headlines for days, specifically focused on a short list of NGOs and some of the country’s most well known rights activists. Highlighted were the activities of such organisations as Greenpeace, and such people as the late Fr Tom Kotcherry of the Fisherman’s movement, Vandana Shiva working on food and crop issues and S P Udaykumar of Tamil Nadu who was involved in the struggle of sea coast dwellers who were afraid the nuclear power plant being built by Russian assistance in Koodmakulam in Trinalvelli district of Tamil Nadu was not safe and would poison the coastal waters. The government had already blacklisted the European finding agency Cordaid. It went on to now put severe restrictions on the FCRA licence of Greenpeace, saying it would have to take prior permission before it could receive funding in future for its projects. The Church of the region was in the past dragged into the controversy, and the FCRA of a Catholic diocese was

This reporter has an e-copy of the photocopy of the IB report, which was leaked on TV and is now going viral on the Internet. The document says the NGOs’ activities are “contributing to the negative impact on India’s GDP growth assessed to be 2 – 3 % p.a. The IB did not indicate how it reached this conclusion or the data on which it was based. Circumstantial evidence suggests that this targetting of NGOs would benefit international companies such as Vedanta and Posco, and some of the Indian corporate giants whose projects have faced popular protest. It is important to quote the TimesNow reportage on the IB report as it was the first news channel to which the intelligence agency gave its secret document. For more details visit our website:

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Latest National Crime Records Bureau [NCRB] Data Says

Maharashtra Tops 2013 Crime Chart


he response to rising crime has to be better policing. But the recently passed Maharashtra Police (Amendment) Bill 2014 will lead to policing run by politicians. The Bill has to be overhauled completely through a participatory process. The latest crime figures released by the NCRB have Mumbai and Maharashtra at the top for 2013:

* Highest number of custodial deaths in Maharashtra

* Mumbai ranks second in crimes against minors, while Maharashtra has most minors who fall foul of the law

* Highest number of railways crimes in Maharashtra

* Highest number of crimes against women in Maharashtra tops in crimes

* Mumbai is the second most unsafe city in India for women. To meet these challenges, the state’s response must be better policing – policing which is unbiased, responsive

and lawful. The state government will meet this by saying we are working towards this by pushing through the Maharashtra Police (Amendment) Bill 2014 to bring in long awaited changes. The Bill was passed by both Houses of the legislature in the last session, and is now with the Governor for his assent. Police Reforms Watch Mumbai and the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) forcefully state that this Bill is a fraud on the people and the process of police reform. The objective of the Bill is to amend the Maharashtra Police Act, 1951 to incorporate six directives on police reform laid down by the Supreme Court in 2006. But every directive has been systematically diluted or subverted in the Bill which formalizes excessive political interference in the day to day management of the police. The Bill was passed with hardly any discussion both in the Assembly and the Council. There was zero consultation with the people of Maharashtra, and all indications are that the police leadership was either not consulted or ignored. The police rank and file across the state do not figure at all in the reform of their organization.


Dolphy D’ Souza, Convenor of Police Reforms Watch Mumbai, states, “While the blame for this Bill stops at the ruling party dispensation of [Congress and

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NCP], we fail to understand why the Opposition did not put a spirited fight against such an obnoxious Bill. While the State and the City President of the BJP including the Leader of the Opposition [BJP] did raise some objections, they failed to build pressure to defeat the Bill’s passage or have it referred to a Select Committee”. Maja Daruwala, Director of CHRI, says, “Police reform in the public interest cannot happen in isolation or haste. Maharashtra is in serious need of police reform, but reform which is done in consultation with both the police and the public.The process of drafting a new law must be given the widest publicity. It is our hope the Governor returns the Bill to the legislature and it is then referred to a Select Committee that can facilitate a consultation process”. A citizen’s campaign, led by PRW and CHRI, has been launched to urge the Governor to invoke his powers under Article 200 of the Constitution of India to withhold his assent to the Bill and send it back to the State Legislature for reconsideration and send recommended changes for both Houses to consider. We appeal to the people of the state to support our campaign for better policing for a safer Maharashtra.

—Dolphy D’Souza Convenor

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14 July 2014

22 Girls Join ‘Come

And See’ Program Tinsukia, (Kaini Martha) – A group of 22 class twelve girls, from Northeast, who had a live-in experience at Auxilium, from May 10 –July 13, 2014, under the leadership of Sr. Kaini Martha and the community are all set to begin the aspirantate at Maligaon, on 18 July. “Young friends, your stay here is an important phase of your formation. The package specially designed is to help you to discern your vocation,” said superior of the community Sr. Kaini at the inaugural of the ‘Come and See’ program. ‘Come and See’ program is an annual feature of the two months live-in experience for young girls at Tinsukia to recruit candidates for the Salesian Sisters of Guwahati Province. It is organized for girls who are awaiting class 12 results and desiring to join the Order. “The candidates are the biggest resource of the province”, said Sr. Kathleen Taylor, Visiting Councilor from Rome, to the Superiors at the concluding gathering of her canonical visit to the Province, May 27. At the two months experience,

Come, make the best choice of your life-Partner

besides input sessions in Catechism, lives of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, Bible, English Fluency and Relationship skills, there were co-curricular activities like music, computer, embroidery, debate, quiz, singing, dancing etc, which kept the girls enthusiastic and motivated. This year, two girls dropped out as they did not feel comfortable to go ahead. Resource persons for the program included Sr. Pasqualina Susngi, Sr. Scolastica Kerketta, Sr. Jemella Jo-

seph, Sr. Eliza Minj, Sr. Veronica Duithuiliu, Sr. Grace Pemmila, Sr. Kaini and Fr. Theotimus Lakra, sdb, Director, Don Bosco Youth Services, Dimapur. Sr. Grace of Auxilium, Itanagar did the yeoman job, animating and accompanying the girls all 24 hours of the day. The girls expressed their joy for the rich experience and for inspiring them to discern their vocation during the orientation program. —cmpaul

Royal Christian Family happy to announce the next


Places are limited! Book Your Seat Early !!

of Brides and Grooms will be held in June 2014 from 10 A. M. to 4 P.M. at, an AC Hall in Mumbai A grand gathering to get acquainted with boys and girls of matching age group who are in search of a suitable Life-Partner of their choice with an ultimate view to matrimony. O Participants list and other details will be sent 15 days prior to the get-together. O Lunch, snacks, etc, will be provided at the Get-together. O Royal Christian Family is having the experience of organising over 60 get-togethers O The meet covers good family boys and girls

in the past.

Royal Christian Family 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Near GPO., Fort, Mumbai 400001 Tel.: 022 - 22693578, 22654924 Email:,

14 July 2014


Vegans in Goa!


ice Roti, the subject turned the spotlight on of my last episode, this dish in the TV show seems to be just the certainly did a great beginning! For the foodies, service to people of there is a whole list of simiother communities who larities in the cuisine of variappreciate good food. ous places on the Konkan After Kumquat, this is Coast waiting to be discov- BY VERA ALVARES the second feather in ered. On Khanna’s show the Chef Khanna’s capother day, emerged in all its refined Khatkhate! glory a gem of a dish in the form of ‘khatkhate’, the Goan vegetable curry! Khatkhate Curry is prepared with or The RSS was shocked- ‘ Vegetables in without lentils and at least five vegGoa…..? etables such as radish , potato, sweet As a result of the powerful influ- potato, arum root, carrots, corn on ence of the former rulers, the Portu- the cob, green beans, yellow pumpkin, guese, Goan food evolved mainly as a drumsticks and any other seasonal non-vegetarian fare, focusing on the vegetables. No two curries taste the local ingredients such as pork and same, but the use of Kokum and Teppal fish. The so-called ‘Goan Food Festi- ( Sichuan pepper) an essential ingredivals’ conducted to attract tourists fail ent, adds a unique flavour to the thick to go beyond the standard ‘Xit-Kodi, colourful dish of vegetables, tempting sarpotel, chorize, cafreal and xacuti’ to the eye and palate. Though Kokum with hardly any vegetarian dishes worth is extensively used in other preparathe salt of this beautiful land, on dis- tions too, teppal with its strong aroma play But if you skip the beaten track may need getting used to by people and snoop around the tiny restaurants preferring subtle spices! without any name or fame or if you are fortunate to have friends living there, Now we pick up one more comyou will get to know the true essence of mon thread that runs through the Goan vegetarian fare. Apart from the colourful fabric of the Konkan cuisinedelicious turmeric leaves ‘patoleo’ pre- mixed vegetable curry! These coconut pared and exchanged on occasions based preparations of mixed veglike ‘Naag Panchami’, a wide variety of etables are regularly cooked in various classic dishes like chana tondak and forms, mostly to accompany steamed khatkhate are cooked in Hindu Goan rice- Avial/ koottu in Kerala, Sambar/ homes. Senseless promotion of tour- kolambu in Karnataka, kharkhate in ism has effectively taken a toll of the Goa and Amti/fugad in Maharashtra. Goan recipes meticulously preserved This is the visible tip of the iceberg of till today in the kitchens of ethnic house- traditional recipes and there must be scores of others and their variations holds. beneath the surface, safely hidden from Khatkhate (?????) is a well-known public view. I am neither an archaeololast name in Saraswat Brahmin (GSB) gist to dig deep nor an authority on community hailing from Konkan prov- culinary art to bite more than I can ince, the coastal region of Goa and chew! also the Canara coast. It is an exotic mixed vegetable stew usually preSambar, that coconut based lentil pared for weddings, pujas and other vegetable curry is prepared differently celebrations. It is highly valued in in various Southern States and by difKonkani areas, wherever the GSB com- ferent communities. What is passed off munity resides. Recently whoever as ‘Sambhar’ in commercial establish-


ments in Mumbai is a pale replica of the original, tasteless and unappetising for those well-versed in its preparation. ‘ In the land of the blind, one-eyed is the king!”, they say……But these days when Geographical boundaries can no longer be applied to the cuisine culture, classic dishes have taken wings and migrated to distant places- a good development indeed! Ever tasted the Chinese Dosa? Coming back to khatkhate, the juggler chef prepared a ‘khatkhate bread’ on the show……only a magician like him could do this – prepare a standard dough, throw in some colourful vegetable bits with the unique ‘sechuan pepper’ and bake it. The teppal must have overpowered and conquered all other flavours in the bread, making it anything but palatable. Did I imagine it or was he trying hard to maintain a straight face while chewing on his signature dish of ‘khatkhate bread? Sometimes even Michelin star chefs need to learn where to draw the line….! However, since a vegan diet seems to be a better way of life, (my opinion entirely) to cloak, disguise, mix and match the vegetables and lentils available locally is the first step towards this stairway to fitness. Next is to familiarize yourself with the preparations of other communities- remember, grass is always greener on the other side and you may end up grazing permanently there! Having converted to the Marathi culture (not to claim reservations doled out by the Congress!) by virtue of having lived (Contd.. on p. 18)

14 July 2014

The Hi-tech Gujrat Village - Punsari Punsari is a village located in Sabarkantha district in the state of Gujarat, India.[1] The village is located at about 80 km from the state capital, Gandhinagar. The village follows the Panchayati raj system. The village has undergone a transformation under the panchayat. There has been use of new and advanced technology in education. Efforts have been made for the empowerment of women and increasing security in the village. Some of the facilities provided by the panchayat include local mineral water supply,


hen we think of an Indian village it gives us an image of a filthy place with mooing cows, open drains and children playing ants and frog games. But, Punsari, a motley village in Himmatnagar, talks about wi-fi and optical fiber broadband network, its children spend best of their times in air-conditioned classrooms with CCTV cameras.The village also boasts of its own mini-bus transport system and there are 25-odd CCTVs located on important junctions to spot litterbugs which are not functioning in our metro towns. The village manages to fund the projects just through central and state sponsored developmental schemes. Not a single rupee has come from across the seven seas or via NRI kids. “The village panchayat pays an annual premium of Rs 25 lakh against insurance for each of the 6,000 villagers who have a cover of Rs 1 lakh and a mediclaim policy of Rs 25,000. Our schools have zero dropout rates, CCTV cameras in classrooms help us keep watch on teachers in classrooms. Our reverse osmosis plant supplies 20litre cans to houses for a token cost of Rs 4. These are bare essentials for a standard life today and why should our village be behind,” claims the village sarpanch Hemant Patel, 29. The village panchayat had a capital of Rs 25,000 five years ago. Today, the

14 July 2014

deposits have soared to Rs 75 lakh. “The turn-around happened when we sold part of our grazing land as plotted schemes to various communities. The money is deposited in government coffers,” says Patel. The village received rewards from the central government and the state governments recently. District development officer Ravi Arora siad, “There is not a single family in

Punsari which has an NRI family member. The village has just managed its accounts well and villagers here agreed on a co-operative approach to development.” The village even has its own portal -> http:/ / The village is sure an example for the Indian villages. With more than half of population still residing in villages if we convert each one with judicious use of resources and proper planning we could turn any village into the high-tech villages in any part of the country.

Vatican Gives Official Backing To Exorcists Vatican City: Exorcists now have an extra weapon in their fight against evil – the official backing of the Catholic church. The Vatican has formally recognised the International Association of Exorcists, a group of 250 priests in 30 countries who liberate the faithful from demons. The Vatican n e w s p a p e r L’Osservatore Romano reported this week that the Vatican’s Congregation for Clergy had approved the organisation’s statutes and recognised the group under canon law. More than his predecessors, Pope Francis speaks frequently about the devil, and last year was seen placing his hands on the head of a man supposedly possessed by four de-

mons in what exorcists said was a prayer of liberation from Satan. The head of the association, the Rev Francesco Bamonte, said the Vatican approval was cause for joy. “Exorcism is a form of charity that benefits those who suffer,” he told L’Osservatore. — the guardian


AFJ Celebrates Annual Catholic Family Day


he annual Ambassadors For Jesus Catholic Family Day (Calcutta Chapter) began on Sunday 6th July with three Eucharistic services held in the local parish churches. AFJ Founder Melvyn Brown mandated his members to attend the Holy Mass at St. Mary’s and St. Thomas’ church with their family. The AFJ Chapel of Divine Mercy is the sixth chapel in the archdiocese of Calcutta and spiritual home to Melvyn’s friends, members and wellwishers. “ So this is a good time to gather the small flock together,” said Melvyn Brown when he spoke to the gathering (see pic.). The release of a special Family Prayer card was distributed to all present. The Prayer Cards will be sent across the nation to Catholic churches and the faithful. A colorful poster had announced the event three weeks in advance. This Sunday also paid tribute to the

Catholic Family with the most children in the diocese. Mr & Mrs. Victor D’Cruze of Park lane were felicitated with the presentation of a certificate and a cash award (see pic). The mere fact that it was not easy to find a family with five children says much about the tough times we live in. In the evening under direction of their founder the poor Catholics in the neighborhood were entertained and given


food packets, soft drinks and the Prayer Cards. Family Day was a success. The challenge, said Melvyn Brown is to make His light spread in our dark world. It is indeed an ambitious effort for the AFJ and Melvyn Brown who creates and coordinates along with his associates. You can contact AFJ Founder at :

14 July 2014

Why We Need To Look Beyond FIFA And Care About Indian Football by Aritra Mukherjee


s we gear up for the quarterfinals of the world cup and hope for some nail-biting finishes like the Round of 16 gave us, it is probably a good time to ponder also on why we are not part of this world cup and what can be done to improve the scenario. A cricket crazy nation with Hockey as its national sport is the first nail on the coffin. I cannot possibly fathom how, as Indians, we celebrate a sport as our national sport even when most of us don’t even know the name of the team’s captain, whose star players or key players when searched give only 20 pages of search results and 35,000 ‘likes’ on Facebook at maximum, while a cricketer ends up having at least a lakh ‘likes’. Now, I am not into Cricket bashing but the simple fact remains that it angered us when Maria Sharapova didn’t know who ‘God’ Sachin Tendulkar is. Now, imagine the pain of that football player who works his ass off and yet people in our country would ask ‘who is he?’ And an ordinary Indian would say “who cares” yet we don’t hesitate to call Manchester United or Liverpool as our team and even start arguments regarding the same as if we were the protector of that name. Foreign teams have the highest ‘likes’ by people from India and we also wake up till midnight or till 3:30 AM in some cases to watch a UEFA Champions league match. Many people have blamed the government and deservedly so, as it reeks of nepotism and suffers from conflict of interest when it comes to national selection. However, ‘we’ are the bigger problem; the ordinary citizen of this country. Simply put, we don’t like the domestic version of this game and we can’t name even 5 players from this current squad and one can’t dare blame media coverage because, I-League (yes, there is an official Premiere League of football in India) is telecast on TenSports, and the international games

14 July 2014

are also televised on that channel. Yes people, we have a league and there are teams like Mohun Bagan, East Bengal (my favourite), Bangalore FC (current champions), Dempo FC etc. and I can carry on with the list but who gives a damn! Because that’s the issue – ‘no one cares’. We, as Indians, do not care about this sport in India and have completely given up on it. No wonder we are ranked 146th but hey, we are better than Pakistan! Isn’t that what Indians always want? Surprise! Surprise! We have a women’s team as well which is currently ranked 50th in the world and is playing really well. Here, I will try to please the media bashers as the media and sponsors truly ignore these amazing women and also, I guess now we have all heard of YUWA but they didn’t even get a great reception when they won third place at the Gasteiz Cup. This explains a lot about how we treat children who wish to pursue this sport. Parents hand over a bat and say “bat like Sachin or Kohli” but when was the last time that some parent gave a ball to a boy or a girl and said, “Play like Bhutia”?! However, I wish to hear the Indian National Anthem being played at the world cup and hope that we get to host a world cup someday too. Here is the good news, we are hosting the Under17 Men’s World Cup in 2017 and it

would serve as a huge boost for young children now. Such an event will not only get the government active but also prove to be a chance to show IOA and FIFA that we are capable of hosting events. The world cup might stir us from slumber and create an interest for the sport at home. Furthermore, India currently has a new league coming up and big money has been invested on it, it goes by the name of Indian Super League which is a month long event and will feature famous players like Crespo, Ljunberg, Saha etc. and King Kenny as manager of one of the teams. Moreover, it also promises money laden platform for the cash stripped football association of India and I wish it all the success and finally hope that we start caring about this beautiful game and its prospects in this country.

Wedding Invitation, Christening, First Holy Communion, Mortuary Cards & Religious Goods Contact:

David & Company Sharaf Manzil, 1st Floor, 650, J.S.S. Road, 2nd Dhobitalao Lane, Mumbai 400002

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5 Signs you’re going To

Make It Big One Day We’ve all got dreams of making it ‘big’ one day, but how many of us actually follow through with those dreams? We make excuses for our lack of success, saying things like, “Life got in the way,” or “I can’t handle anymore rejection.” But not you! You’re on the fast-track to fame and success. Or are you? Think you’ve got what it takes to make it big? Here are some signs you’re right:

1. You’ve Got A Dream (A Big One!) What’s your vision? What do you want to accomplish? What are your hopes and dreams? Having a dream – even if it’s a little vague – is crucial for success. Before you can start your journey, you need to have a goal in mind! In the words of Walt Disney, "If you can dream it, you can do it." (And before you can do it, you've got to dream it!)

2. You’ve Got A Road Map, But You're Prepared To Take Detours They say success is where preparation and opportunity meet. So, when opportunity comes ‘a knockin,’ you’re going to want to have your plan already in place. Think of it as your road map to making it big! What steps do you need to take to get where you want to be? Who do you need to know? What skills do you need to have? But, let's be real here, nothing EVER goes exactly according to plan. You need to be able to adapt to whatever life throws at you. Think of those things as detours. They're not a huge deal as long as you figure out how to get back on the main road!


Don Aguiar 3. You’re Extremely Curious You need to have an innate fascination with whatever it is you’re working toward. You've got to learn as much as you can about the industry, the people, the culture, and so on. You need to want to be consumed by it. You've got to understand the problems and be excited about finding solutions. You’ve got to be passionate, excited, and curious about all areas of the biz. When Larry King made his debut in radio, he made a point to become consumed in the biz. In addition to doing his own show, he did the weather reports, the sports updates, and the news broadcasts. He even volunteered to fill in for people who were out sick, and took on double shifts. Why? He wanted to learn all there was to know about the biz. He wanted to practice. He wanted to be good at what he did. The only way to do that was to explore and go above and beyond what was asked of him. He called it "taking extra batting practice."

4. You’re A Little Cocky (Just A Little) If you really want to make it, you’ve got to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Without confidence, you can so easily get crushed by negativity and criticism – things you will have to deal with once you hit the spotlight. You have to be confident. You have to trust yourself. And you have to have a deep understanding that you’re going to make it. For actress Jennifer Lawrence, that understanding came at a young age. “I always knew that I was going to be famous,” she told Vogue magazine. “I

honest to God don't know how else to describe it. I used to lie in bed and wonder: ‘Am I going to be a local TV person? Am I going to be a motivational speaker?’ It wasn't a vision. But as it's kind of happening, you have this buried understanding: Of course.”

5. You Realize Failure Is A Minor Setback, Not A Game Changer If you’re even thinking about making it big one day, the word “quit” can’t be in your vocabulary. In the end, you don’t succeed because you don’t fail; you succeed because you don’t give up. The second you quit, you’ve lost. Take Michael Jordan, for example. He has a famous quote, "I've failed over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed." The only reason he succeeded was because he didn't let those failures discourage him to the point of quitting. Why? Because he realized his failures were only minor setbacks - not game changers. I guarantee you that everyone you look up to has failed at one point or another, but did that stop them from picking themselves back up and moving forward? No way. And that’s why they’re successful. If you’ve got all of these qualities – congratulations I’m sure we’ll be hearing your name sometime soon!

14 July 2014


Arrival of Goans in Bombay

(now Mumbai)

n the 19th Century, a new wave of Christian populations coming from Goa – where the Portuguese Empire still kept its influence – migrated to Bombay. These Goan Christians, also called Portuguese Christians, were Portuguese subjects, contrarily to local Christians who were subjects of the British crown. Feeling threatened by this new influx which the local Christians of Bombay feared would undermine their status and privileges, they formulated a request in 1832 asking to be recognized as East Indian Christians, marking their Indo-British affiliation more pronounced. At the same time, this move helped distinguish them from the Koli fishermen Hindu populations as well. At the same time, in several localities, such as Mazagaon, Bandra and Girgaum, the Christian communities had grouped and started to live to-

Goan Clubs in Bombay


here were about 200 Goan clubs in Mumbai spread over Dhobi Talao, Chira Bazaar, Crawford Market, Dockyard, Mazgaon and Dadar. Dhobi Talao houses the maximum number. These clubs or Kuds were set up in the 1920s when Goans started coming to the city in search of a livelihood. They mostly took jobs in hotels or as seamen and were charged a nominal lodging rate. Today, although the clubs may boast 10,000 members, the number of full-time residents has dropped sharply. This, despite the fact, that the rent per day is less than a vada pav. Most clubs charge members Rs 40 a month. With dwindling numbers,old customs like the evening rosary are dying.But veterans like Cruz and Praxis say that the clubs are still a great place to catch up on the gossip over an evening drink. Even though these residents have lived in Mumbai for decades their culture, speech and mannerisms have not changed. As you talk to Praxis, Gilbert, Joel or Cruz, one thing is clear—you can take a Goan out of Goa but you can’t take Goa out of a Goan.

14 July 2014

Girgam Road in 1920 gether, Goan and East Indian alike. To this day, Khotachiwadi continues to epitomize this trend. Today, even if members of the two communities still distinguish each other, the official census does not recognize the distinction. According to a survey done on Khotachiwadi in the 1990s by the Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (MMRDA), the two communities have merged, following

their common religious affiliation. Thus Khotachiwadi’s “Christians” represent 44% of the population, “Maharastrians” 36% and “Gujaratis” 16%. Far from generating tensions, the diversity of Khotachiwadi is a source of pride for its inhabitants. They valorize the neighborhood’s special nature by presenting it as a place of openness and exchange, a place with an inspiring past and a promising future.

A Goan cultural hub, Jer Mahal accommodates 50 Goan clubs on its premises at Dhobi Talao. These clubs have been around for over a century; the oldest one can be traced back to 1857. Each floor accommodates 3 to 4 clubs, along with a single kitchen and a bathroom. Today, the clubs are characterised by broken walls, protruding cable wires Bomoicar by Reena Martins (Rs. 200)- Goanet


(Contd.. from p. 12) here for half a century, I have pursued their food habits relentlessly. Here I share with you a special Marathi recipe called Kandmul, which is usually cooked during the Monsoon and eaten with Jawar Bhakri and lots of yoghurt. Well, taste and see……. Vegetables to be used- Pumpkin, ridge gourd, sweet potato, potato, snake gourd, chawli beans, bottle gourd, small brinjals, corncobs and plenty of green leafy vegetables. A spice paste is to be prepared by grinding grated coconut, green chillies, a pinch of cumin( optional), tamarind pulp, sugar, and salt and kept ready. Cook the vegetables in stages by adding the tender ones later, in salted hot water. Once they are done, add the spice paste and boil gently. Simple and healthy, not only during Shravan, the hottest season of the year, but through the rest of the year!

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Readymade Wedding Gowns, Christening Sets, First Holy Communion Dresses & All other Wedding Accessories and Thermocole Decoration, also Available at

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Social Media Marketing

When it comes to building online communities and interacting with customers, social networks can be a big help — especially for small businesses that can’t afford to launch their own private online communities.

Go where your customers congregate Some businesses simply start a profile on a popular social networking site and hope customers will find them there. It is smarter to join people where they already congregate. These customers have already formed the social glue that holds online relationships together, so you don’t have to create a new space.

Start listening One mistake businesses that venture into the world of online social networking often make, according to Kleiman, is that they forget to “listen” and concentrate on the “broadcast” aspect, which is sending out marketing messages. Marketers and business owners usually just scratch the surface of communicating with clients. A business can learn a lot from continuously talking with people who join them on social networking sites. Building online communities, using tools like chat rooms and discussion forums, requires the same skills as conversing over social networks. Those who are successful demonstrate their ability to listen to their communities.

Retrospect and respond quickly

A successful community depends on you being in there every day to show people that you are listening. While listening to what the people in your social networking space say is important, it is equally important to respond. Your response tells people that you listen and hear what they are saying.

Human Element People in social networks and online communities create relationships with people, not businesses. Friends don’t “pitch” friends on social networks — they converse. To get relationships started, you have to be a resource, not a sales pitch. Again, this goes back to being a good social listener and doing more in the community than just broadcasting business messages. There should be an emotional connect.

Give them a reason to show up There has to be value for people in the interaction, and there needs to be a reason for people to be a part of the social network. Use your social space to converse, to solve a problem or to educate people, versus using it to talk about your product. Make sure you provide ample opportunity for people to network and communicate with each other to grow your community. leveraging the power of content and social media marketing can help elevate your audience and customer base in a dramatic way. But getting started without any experience or insight.

14 July 2014


Powerful Prayers Work


im and Ray were very close companions. studied together, completed their graduation and worked together. They planned to enjoy a vacation and took a sea voyage to explore different places. Unfortunately, their ship wrecked in the middle of the ocean. While most of the travelers unable to secure their life, only Kim and Ray, who were able to swim, rescued their life by reaching an isolated island. They were very happy and thanked god for saving them. However, island looked like a desert island with hardly few trees, and poor atmosphere that any living organism can survive. They have no other option other than surrendering to god to save their lives. Kim and Ray sincerely prayed to god. Nothing happened even after a couple of days. They decided to split their ways into opposite ends of the island and challenged themselves about who prayer is powerful. Both divided their region in the deserted island and offered their prayers

Do you know that? 1. Abortion is a deliberate crime. It is an offence against God. It is man’s cruelty upon his own kind. 2. 60% of the men are frustrated human beings. They only crave for sex. — Jubel D’Cruz, Dombivili

14 July 2014

to god. Kim prayed god that he would need food to survive. Surprisingly, he had a pile of foods, fruits and vegetables in the sea shore. After two days, he requested for a beautiful girl as his wife, as he was very alone in the island. In a few hours, a ship wrecked again in the island near Kim’s region, where only a beautiful girl was alive! He married the girl. After few days, he requested for more food and shelter. All prayers of Kim were addressed by the God. It was almost a month after the ship wreck and Kim decided to move back to his hometown. He prayed god to send him a ship to take him home. Surprisingly, a ship came and took Kim and his wife. Just before the ship was about to move, a voice appeared! ‘Are you going alone, leaving your com-

panion of life here?’ Kim was surprised, ‘May I know who is this and whom you are referring to? I have my wife with me!’ The voice said, ‘I’m the one whom you offered your prayers!, whom you requested to save your life, whom you requested food and shelter and of course, a wife!’ Kim happily stood on his knees and said, ‘Thank you god!’ The god said, ‘But why did you leave your companion here?’ Kim was confused again! The god added, ‘Don’t get so excited my son. Your prayers are not answered and fulfilled by me. I was only fulfilling Ray’s prayers. He prayed only one thing to me! He said ‘Please fulfill all the prayers of Kim and it is my only prayer to you.’ Kim was in tears and rushed to the other side of the island. He realized that he did not even thought about his best friend Ray and was happily enjoying life with all pleasures. He could not find Ray there and asked god where is he? God replied, ‘I took him with me, the man with the golden heart should be with me! But I will fulfill all your prayers as I promised him to do so!’ Kim was completely broken and realized that his companion's prayers are more powerful!


TEL: Mob: 9029981260 19

MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5' 9”, Fair Complexion, Handsome, Edn. B.Com.,working as CEO in Family Business. Seeks a good looking, smart, stylish girl. Contacat email : O R 9821556409 (Regd. No. 6135) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 30 years, Ht. 5' 9”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as an Executive. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9833272796 (Regd. No. 6133) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 43 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 74 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, Dip. in Hotel Management, Occupation : Seaman. Seeks a simple, fun loving, sense of humour and down to earth girl. Contact email : OR 9820221964. (Regd. No. 6095) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Graduate, working as a Sr. Executive. Contact : 9224669977. (Regd. No. 6078) MUMBAI : Anglo Indian Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 67 kgs, Brownish Complexion, Edn.B.Com., working as a Sr. Executive. Contact email : saviohenry@gmail.Com OR 9820267423 (Regd. No. 6076) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 30 years, Ht. 6’ 1”, Wt. 85 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Diploma in Civil Engineering. Position : C.E.O. in family business. Contact email : OR 9225102685 (Regd. No. 6074) 6073. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 165 cms, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Extc) Working as a Software Engineer in America. Contact email : OR 9833611450 / 9930509073 (Regd. No. 6073)


MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 5’7”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com. NIIT, working as a Asso. Consul. Contact email : OR 9819883383 (Regd. No. 6069) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 37 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 70 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA., working as a Sr. Mobility Specialist International HR in Dubai. Visiting Mumbai in December. Contact immediately Email : OR 9869319466. (Regd. No. 6005) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 49 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 85 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. SSC., N.C.T.V.T., B.Com., working as a Supervisor. Seeks a good cook, simple, religious Roman catholic spinster. Contact : 9967586814 (Regd. No. 5999) MUMBAI : RC Bachelor 39/5’8”, B.E., working in Senior position reputed IT firm. Seeks alliance from R.C. spinster educated good family background Pl. reply with photograph and details to keithcardozo@ or contact 9820338755 (Regd. No. 5996) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’,4”, Wt.65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. PGDBM working as a Sr. Manager in MNC in Mumbai. Well settled, having own accommodation, looking for a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9820467452 (Regd. No. 5759) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 5’ 8’, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 10th std., working abroad as a Technican. Contact : 25945356 (Regd. No. 5708) MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catho-

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lic Divorcee, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. MBA., in Intl. Business from Newzealand. working as a Manager. Contact : email OR Mob.: 7738071111 (Regd. No. 6047) U.S.A. : Universtiy Professor, USA, Fair Complexion, 5’ 7”, age 46 years, Protestant Bachelor, Seeks a well educated, fair complexioned girl below 40 years, Contact email OR 9769061597. (Regd. No. 5978) MUMBAI : Karware Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, age 38 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 54 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 10th Std., working on Rigs as a Cruise Member. Contact Mob. 8879137735 (Regd. No. 5952) MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catholic Widower, aged 57 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 70 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Handsome, Edn. SSC, Well settled, having own accommodation. Seeks a good looking girl below 50 years, working or non working. Contact : 7506014145 (Regd. No. 6075) AHMEDABAD : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 68 kgs, fair and slim, Edn. B.Com., wellsettled. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : neillaw123@ (Regd. No. 6116) MUMBAI : Anglo Indian Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 67 kgs, Brownish Complexion, Edn.B.Com., working as a Sr. Executive. Contact email : saviohenry@gmail.Com OR 9820267423 (Regd. No. 6076) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 14 July 2014

MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : South Indian Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 160 cms, Wt. Normal, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Sc./ PGDMLT, workaing as a Pathology Lab Technician (Instructor) in KSA since 7 years, well settled, seeks a suitable match. Contct email : jehovahjireh@ OR Mathew_680@ (Regd. N o. 6136) NASHIK : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 25 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 64 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. C.A., working as a Chartered Accountant. Seeks highly qualified match, Contact email : OR 9960620677 (Regd. No. 6134) PUNE : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 82 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.A. working with MNC as HR. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9860097450 (Regd. No. 6132) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Goan Spinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, I have done my MBA in finance and am working as a research analyst and consultant in Bombay. I am a very practical and logical person. I believe in striking a balance between work and personal life. Pursuing my hobbies means luxury to me. I like learning new things and developing new hobbies. I love traveling, dancing, jogging, exercising and adventure. Looking for someone well educated, mature, sensible and jovial. If you find my profile interesting contact me on; email : OR 9594090936 (Regd. No. 6068) MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 25 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 55 kgs Fair Complexion, Beautiful, Edn. MSc (statistics), working as

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 33 Years 14 July 2014

a Sr. Marketing Executive. Seeks a well settled, understanding bachelor below 33 years. Contacat email : OR 9833989747 (Regd. No. 6117) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 31 years. Ht. 5’ 2”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, working as a Chef in Qatar. Contact email : venitadsouza1986@ / OR 9892071067 (Regd. No. 6115) INDORE : Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 39 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 53 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. M.Com., well settled. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : seema_francis@ OR 09827011122 (Regd. No. 6114) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Syrian Orthodox Christian Spinster, 33 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA, B.Com., working as a Programmer in IT Software. Contact email : / OR 9167135860 (Regd. No. 6111) NEW PANVEL : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 37 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Com., working as a Account’s Manager. Contact email : OR 9820794213 (Regd. No. 6110) NEW PANVEL : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 30 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., Working as a Sr. Accountant. Contacat email : OR 9819747847 (Regd. No. 6109) MIRAJ : Maharastrian Protestant Spinster, 30 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.D.S., (Dentist), Lecturer in Dental College. Contact email : OR 02332211495 (Regd. No. 6108) MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catholic Spinster, 25 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 45 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com.,working. Contact email: OR 9619991298 (Regd. No. 6107)

MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 66 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA in Hospital Management, working as a Asst. Manager Operations. Seeks a well settled match/\. Contact email : irenealban@ OR 022-25777199 (Regd. No. 6106) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 29 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 73 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Advisor. Seeks a well settled Mangalorean Bachelor. Contact email : (Regd. No. 6104) KOLKATA : Roman Catholic Spinster, 27 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBBS, MD (PAED), Doctor by profession. Seeks a simple, qualified, preferably Doctor, adjustable, good family background. Contact email : geraldinesawney@ OR 9331220504 (Regd. No. 6102) HYDERABAD : Anglo Indian Roman Catholic Spinster, 28 years, Ht. 5’, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Sc., Computer Science, working for a reputed Indian company. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9652464648 (Regd. No. 6101) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 28 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA (HR) working as a HR Researcher. Contact email OR 25436360 (Regd. No. 6100) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

Please renew your membership at lease a month in advance before its expiration date. 21

The Mystery Of Compassion And Self- Sacrifice


OST of the little known people who make a sacrifice or show compassion are trailblazers redefining human nature at its highest point of excellence. They are the everyday heroes we should know about. It’s pathetic sometimes being unable to find them or meet them – as they could inspire and deliver the message: Goodness is still around. Compassion and self-sacrifice are the eternal flames of God’s love. Seriously, we observe without having to delve into the confines of compassion and self-sacrifice, for both are potent and mysteriously amazing. Their courage and conviction go beyond the frontiers of the human mind. A man in dire straits turned to a close friend and asked for a loan of thirty thousand rupees. The friend helped him out, having only a small savings balance of barely forty-five thousand. The matter would have ended there. It didn’t. Three months later the friend who loaned the money won a prize contest of seventy thousand rupees. Would you call it a co-incidence? There is virtually no co-incidence to the following experience: A young man in his early twenties sat comfortably in a crowded bus on a long distance run. Suddenly, a woman, seven months pregnant boarded the bus and was compelled to stand along with the other passengers. The young man on seeing her condition and that she was expecting got up and offered her his seat. The other people turned away their heads. It was not long afterwards when the woman politely asked the youth his name. He obliged and told her. She then informed him that if the child was a boy she would give him the same name. Perhaps the biggest inspiration in selfsacrifice is when offered in righteousness. The psalmist once said, “ offer


the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.” Ps.4:5. Very often people are moved to react without the thought of the consequences. For them there is no ethnic or cultural diversity, nor time to argue or reason. The forces driving a person to selfsacrifice or compassion cannot often be computed, as in the one I have on record. She was a young unmarried woman who had come from Hillside Road in Delhi and worked as a front office executive in a small corporate house. One afternoon, suddenly she was rushed to the nearest hospital and needed blood urgently. As fate would have it her blood type was not only rare, it was not available in the hospital. At that moment, walking down the corridor was a man who overheard the voices of the hospital staff desperate to find a donar or the woman would die in the OT. He stopped and offered his blood as it was of the same group. When it was over, the man slipped away. How could this happen they quizzed. All they could remember of the man, who had given a false name and address, was that he was light complexioned with a large red birthmark on his left neck. A year later, at a fast-food corner at East Patel Nagar the woman saw a man fitting the description she had been given by the hospital staff and doctors. She took a chance, moved boldly up to the man and said, “Thank you for saving my life”. The man was startled, blushed and muttered with a half-smile: “ I’m glad I was of help. “ Two years later they were married. The fate of those who make a selfsacrifice is certainly destined to have an impact. The individual becomes well known. In today’s media-oriented society an innocent self-sacrifice or show of compassion can easily be dramatized by the press. This was not the scenario

BY MELVYN BROWN in the case of a man who made a difference in offering his life for another. The man was Maximilian Kolbe, a priest of the Franciscan order who had been imprisoned in one of the concentration camps at Auschwitz where he prepared many poor souls to meet the Lord. At regular intervals a Gestapo officer of the German army would come and call out names of those to be executed. The praying and weeping would stop. And suddenly, the barracks would be transformed into screams – it would become the epicenter of a living hell. One of the prisoners wept and cried out to be saved. He did not want to die. He begged the SS officer to spare his life as he had a family. Emotions exploded inside the derelict building. At that moment the Franciscan priest came forward and volunteered to go in place of the chosen man for execution. The Gestapo soldier agreed and took the priest, Maximilian Kolbe instead. Prisoner 16670 was killed. It was 1941. Pope Saint John Paul II canonized Fr.Kolbe on October 10, 1982, and declared him “ The Patron saint of our Difficult Century.” By volunteering to die Kolbe became a martyr of charity and a saint after forty one years. There are two portraits to the mystery of compassion and self-sacrifice : A woman refused to marry for as long as her mother lived. A man gave up his vocation to the ministry in order to support his family after his father’s passing away. A young woman dedicated her life to the care of her paralysed sister. These are the heroes of compassion and self-sacrifice. Their love will remain eternal.

14 July 2014

As A Dominican Missionary Sister And As An Advocate What Is Your Role In The Society ?


s a Dominican Missionary Sister and as an advocate I, Sr. Manjula Tuscano, want to contribute towards creating a just society, where each and every human being is respected. In our Constitution of India, Part III deals with Fundamental Rights; these Rights say that each and every citizen is allowed to live life with human dignity. The architects of our Constitution gave us this right keeping in mind Article 14 - Equality before Law and Equal Protection of Law. What it means, all should be treated as equals. In Article 21 Right to life and personal liberty, under this Article 21, we have group of Rights, among them, one is Right to live with Human dignity. Man and women all must be respected as human beings. For instance, today we still have many people living below poverty line (BPL). Do they have sufficient means to meet their basic needs? Don’t they have right to live with human dignity?

Every day in the News Papers we read women, young girls and minor girls being raped, molested and sexually harassed, don’t they have a right to live with human dignity? I want to be an activist to create a just society, with the help of the women, particularly with women ‘sangathan’ or organizations, where each person, reach or poor, man or women, young and old, must be treated with great respect, support human dignity and their Fundamental Rights are not violated. — Sr. Manjula Tuscano —BBN

Docval Lawman

Thanks-Giving On the occasion of completing 75 years on July 14, 2014 I give thanks to Almighty God YHWH through our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus.

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14 July 2014 Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001. -70/SOUTH/2014 Licenced to Post without prepayment Licence No. MR/TECH/WPP MR/TECH/WPP-70/SOUTH/2014 RNI No. 56987/92 Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 14 July 2014 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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