Secular Citizen Vol.23 No.30 Dated 28th July 2014

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28 July 2014



28 July 2014

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Vol.23 No.30 July 28, 2014


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 : 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO


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‘Thought for the week’

Begin each day by being good to yourself. When you are the best you can be, that's when you have the most to give.


pg. 3 - I am with the persecuted Christians of Mosul ... pg. 5 - Is Rape A Minor Issue? pg. 6 - Reader's Views pg. 8 - Status, Guide-lines and ... pg 9 - Richness In Diversity pg 10 - Prayer... pg 11 - Views on News pg 12 - Christians Pay The Price When West Mis-steps in Mideast pg 13 - Western Cardinals Active in Twitter, Asians Lag Behind pg 15 - Jesus Mission Never Dies pg 17 - Parents Day pg 18 - Real Life Version of David ... pg 13 - Inspiration! pg 20 - Matrimonials pg 22 - Miracles Happen Even In ...

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Cover : Christians Pay The Price

When West Mis-steps in Mid-east (Article on pg. 13)

28 July 2014

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I am with the persecuted Christians of Mosul and the Middle East — Pope

Vatican City: Last Sunday at the Angelus, Pope Francis invited all to pray for "situations of tension and conflict that persist in different parts of the world especially in the Middle East and Ukraine". The Pope said he had learned with "concern the news coming from the Christian communities in Mosul (Iraq) and in other parts of the Middle East, where, from the very beginning of Christianity, they have lived with their fellow citizens, providing a significant contribution the good of society". "Today - he continued - they are our persecuted brothers and sisters. They are being forced to leave their homes and leave everything behind. I assure these families and these people that I am close to them. I am with you who are persecuted, I know how you suffer I know you are stripped of everything, I am with you in faith in the One who has conquered evil. To all of you here in the square and those who follow us I invite you to continue in prayer. May the God of peace inspire in all a genuine desire for dialogue and of reconciliation. Violence is never defeated with violence. Violence is defeated with peace ". The Pope was referring to the situation of persecution that the patriarch of the Syro-Catholic Church, Ignace Joseph III Younan described when he reported that "the archbishopric in Mosul was totally burnt, all of the manuscripts, the library," while the few remaining Christians were forced to convert to 'Islam, pay the jizya, the heavy tax levied on infidels, or be killed. Before the Marian prayer, the Pope spoke of the parable of the wheat and the weeds" commenting on how in Hebrew the term has the same root as the name Satan and invokes the concept of division. We know that the devil is a 'weed' who wants to divide the people. The servants want to pluck the weeds, but the Master prevents this reasoning: " No, if you pull up the weeds you might uproot the wheat along with them " (Mt 13, 29) ". "The scene - the Pope said - takes place in a field where the master sows wheat, but one night the enemy comes and sows weeds in the dark. The lesson of the parable is twofold. Firstly it says that the evil in the world is not God's work, (Contd.. on p. 4)


(Contd.. from p. 3) but that of his enemy, the devil. This enemy is cunning: he sowed evil in the middle of good, so that it is impossible to clearly separate them, but God, in the end, can". "And here we come to the second theme: the contrast between the impatience of servants and the patient waiting of the master of the field, who represents God. We sometimes are in a hurry to judge, classify, put the good to one side, the bad to another... But remember the prayer of the proud man, thank you God because I am so good ... but God knows how to wait. He looks at the 'field' of the life of every person with patience and mercy: He sees filth and evil much better than us, but He also sees the seeds of good and waits with confidence for them to mature. God is patient and waits. Our God is a patient father waiting for us to forgive us. He always forgives us if we go to Him ..The master's attitude is that of hope founded on the certainty that evil has neither the first nor the last word. And it is thanks to this patient hope of God that the same weeds in the end, can become good wheat. But beware: patience is not evangelical indifference to evil you cannot confuse good and evil! In front of the weeds present in the world, the disciples of the Lord are called to imitate the patience of God, nourish the hope with the support of an unshakable faith in the ultimate victory of good, that is of God, In fact, in the end evil will be removed and disposed of at the time of the harvest, that is, the judgment, the reapers will execute the master's order and separate the tares to be burned (cf. Mt 13:30). " "On that harvest day Jesus will be the final judge, the One who sowed good seeds in the world and who himself became a 'grain of wheat', who died and rose again. Eventually we will all be judged by the same standard with which we judged: the mercy that we had towards others will also be used toward us. Let us ask the Blessed Virgin, our Mother, to help us to grow in patience, hope and mercy". (AsiaNews)


Archbishop Condemn The Assault Of A Minor Girl Undergoing Religious Formation On behalf of the entire Christian Community and the General Public, I am greatly shocked and deeply pained to know about the cowardly act of some miscreants who had sexually assaulted a candidate who is preparing to become a nun in the Holy Nativity Convent, Hennur Bande, which is located within Bangalore City limits. We are deeply disturbed to see that the incidents of rape and assault on women are continually on the increase with no sign of abatement despite a wave of public outcry, condemnation and demonstrations. What is shocking for us is that even the young girls who have dedicated their lives to God are not spared and are becoming the victims of such a heinous crime. Along with the whole Christian community, I condemn the rape of this innocent young girl, and convey my sympathies and prayerful support to the members of her family and religious community. While being sad and shocked by this monstrous crime, we pray that all those who are drawn to evil may realize the damage that they are causing to the innocent victims in particular and to the society in general. May they experience a change of heart and imbibed with basic human qualities. We, on our part, should have respect for each other, especially for women, and also ensure for their safe and secure living in our society. May all of us strive to uphold spiritual, social and ethical values, always keeping in mind the deepest spiritual tradition of our Motherland. This case has been referred to the concerned authorities to investigate and to take the necessary action. +Bernard Moras Archbishop of Bangalore, President – Karnataka Region Catholic Bishops’ Council, and President - All Karnataka United Forum for Human Rights

Dying With Dignity


he Supreme court’s decision to open up euthanasia for debate will be welcomed by many who feel that if it is their right to live with dignity, it is all their right to terminate it at will and with dignity. Such a misplaced sense of dying with dignity arises out of a conviction that human life has value to the extent that it remains productive , after which a person becomes useless and a burden to others. Ending a person’s life without suffering in such circumstances therefore seems to be the only answer for such a miserable existence. It is ironical that doctors under the Hippocratic oath to heal and save life should now be pressing for legislation to end a person’s life in the name of ‘mercy killing’, leading to what has been described as the ‘culture of death’. True compassion is all about sharing in another’s pain and suffering and keeping the terminally ill happy, cheerful and free of suffering, till death, as practised in all hospices----not killing the patient. Human life is sacred and we need to protect and look after it well, as recipients, and not owners of this gift of the creator, keeping also in mind that human dignity does not diminish even in the vegetative state. —A. F. Nazareth, Alto Porvorim.

28 July 2014

Is Rape A MINOR Issue ? Far too many rapists escape scot free on the grounds that they were minors at the time the( heinous) crime was committed. They are consequently judged and sentenced by Juvenile Justice Courts, in accordance with the prevailing laws applicable to such ‘ juvenile‘ offenders who are often also guilty of the brutal murders of their, oft times , underage / child victims. What of the rights of their (juvenile ) victims ,the cries of the victims ‘ families for justice and the imperative need to send to all current and potential offenders ,minor and major, a strong message of zero tolerance for any kind of violence/crime in our Society ? Invariably, the juvenile criminals are set free after a cursory trial because they have already served the maximum 3 year sentence such Courts can impose on the guilty, while they were in custody ,and once released ,they become repeat offenders and a menace to society. Despite the loud protests of

28 July 2014

Bernie Tellis Human and Child Rights Activists, who seem to be heavily biased in favour of offenders not victims , the records will show that those released on bail ,abscond , and those released by due process of law,rarely reform. It is ridiculous ,when you come to think of it ,that an offender is considered not mature enough to know the seriousness ,the enormity of his crime just because he is under 18. Surely, if he was old enough to rape/murder,then he is or should be considered old enough to receive the maximum punishment for it applicable to others. Under this unjust,unrealistic law ,people could commission juveniles to do their ‘dirty work ‘ for them, and any offender can be assured of some measure of immunity until the age of 17 yrs,364 days,23 hours,59 minutes and 59 seconds ! The Law must be suitably

amended at the earliest to ensure justice for ALL – criminal offenders and their victims. This will only happen if Crime and Punishment concerns itself with the Gravity and Frequency of crimes committed by the offender/s, NOT with their Age . Will this happen ? Not likely, so long as so many of our Law-makers are (serial ) Law-breakers. Now comes the good news that Maneka Gandhi,Minister in the Department of Women,Children etc. in the Modi Government, has readied an amendment to the more stringent Law in the IPC that was enacted after the horrific December 2012 Nirbhaya rape and murder case ( following national/ international outrage) to consider only those below the age of 16 yrs as juveniles.This will be tabled in Parliament in its winter session. The time has come for all people of good will who swear by justice for all,especially for (Contd.. on p. 16)


Rise And Fall Of Engineering Colleges Setting up of a new engineering college in the country, was until a decade ago, the safest bet, and the easiest way to earn a fast buck. No wonder even our politicians lost no opportunity in jumping into this lucrative business by setting up their own engineering colleges. Goa was not far behind with 5 degree colleges coming up in quick succession. The going was good, and soon the demand for seats far outstripped the numbers available as the admission criteria became more difficult, even as a few seats were on sale for a premium. Today, with the glut of engineering colleges in the country , the tide has reversed , leaving a record 100 seats vacant in Goa , halfway before the close of admissions. The number is expected to double with some students opting out for the IITs and NITs. It may therefore not be long before a few engineering colleges will either be forced to shut down or lower their admission criteria to survive, which will soon spell the doom for quality education. With these ominous signs on the horizon, the proposed setting up of an IIT in Goa as a status symbol for quality education becomes questionable.

Ordination Of Women Bishops The approval of the church of England’s highest governing body to ordain women clergy as bishops was on expected lines after the church’s breakaway with Apostolic tradition by permitting the ordination of women to the priesthood, way back in 1992.Although the move to ordain women as bishops is welcomed by feminists in the church as one more step in accepting women as equal in spiritual authority as well as in leadership qualities in society, it is bound to prove detrimental to the ecumenical movement set in motion to unite all Christian churches. However, it is unlikely to have any impact on the growing demand in the Catholic church for the ordination of


of 1869, in the year 2001. 4. Amendments to the India Succession Act, which adversely impacted Christians were made because of the suit filed by Advocate Hillary Pais of Mangalore. An amendment was the made through the intervention of the Union Minister, George Fernandes, thouch I cannot quote the year off hand.

Pope and Mafia women to the priesthood, because of the stern warning by Pope John Paul II that women’s fight for equal rights and position in the church were unacceptable, and would not be tolerated since these rights differ widely from human rights in civil society, and have to be viewed only in the light of the church’s past tradition and Apostolic succession of male clergy. —A. F. Nazareth, Alto Porvorim

The Modi Factor Bernie Tellis (SC 7th July) in her letter to the editor in defence of Modi seems to have got her facts wrong. I will only refer to facts and not opinions, like the definition of Secularism. 1.The Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act (Act No 4 of 1978) was not the first of its kind, and it was not enacted by a Congress Government. This enactment was done when Morarji Desai was Prime MInister of the Janata Party Government. 2. It is not the first such Act. The first one was in Madhya Pradesh, sometime in the 1960's, in response to the infamous Nyogi Commission, which the then Catholic Union of India (now AICU) strongly refuted through its book "Truth shall Prevail". Undoubtedly Madhya Pradesh was the Congress ruled State. 3. It is correct that Arun Jaitley, the Law Minister, brought about equitbale amendments in the Indian Divorce Act

I congratulate Bp Francesco Militi of the Calabrian Diocese in Italy for defying the diktat of the mafia don Pepe Mazzagatti, and refusing to conduct the Marian Procession on 2nd July, because the statue would have to "bow" before the Don. I agree with the bishop's observation that such processions have now become a "show of strength" for the mafiosi. I also salute our beloved Pope Francis for taking the Mafia head on and declaring that such persons involved in drug and human traffiking, prostitution and violent crime, are indeed a scourge on both society and the church and should be ex-communicated. I also pray that our Pope may not be assasinated for his views, as happended in the case of Abp Oscar Romero and Dom Hilde Camara. I myslef have stopped attending religious preocessions like the annual fanfare of "Corpus Christi", because I see such events as nothing more than a game of one upmanship - be it among Christians, Hindus, Muslims or Sikhs. Often such processions ignite communal tensions. All such processions on public thoroughfares should be banned. I am also a strong opponent of the Barats in North India, where the Baratis dance wildly on the roads, bursting fire crackers and even indulge in "celebraty firing" with weapons. If people want to dance or booze let them do so in private, not on public roads. I also fail to understand the logic behind Corpus Christi processions in a non-Christian country like India. This practice began a few centuries ago in Europe to counter act the Berengerius heresy that denied the Real Presence

28 July 2014

of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It also resulted in various pious devotions to the Blessed Sacrament. This makes no sense, and has zero faith witness value in a non-Christian country like India where the "public" to whom we are purpotedly "witnessing" don't even know Jesus, let alone the sacraments. besides it runs counter to Indian culture. For the Hindus the rath is in front, for the Muslims it is the Nishan, and for the Sikhs it is the Panch Pyaras. But in our processions we have the Lord bringing up the rear! Unfortunately the clergy and the hierarchy believe in perpetuating "pious devotions" like novenas, pilgrimages and processions, because they have nothing else to offer, and this is the easiest way to keep the "devotees" happy. Where is Jesus in all this ? It makes me sick. —chhotebhai Former National President, All India Catholic Union

Mumbai Needs A New Ministry What Mumbai needs is Holistic Development and not piecemeal look. What Mumbai needs is a NEW MINISTRY FOR MUMBAI - not namesake Palak Mantri, but total in command Minister in Charge of Mumbai's Holistic Development as an International City, better than New York, London, Hongkong, Shanghai, Dubai or Singapore. All authorities including Mayor of Mumbai, Sheriff of Mumbai, BMC Commissioner, MMRDA Commissioner, Bombay Port Trust Chairman, MHADA CEO, Western and Central Railway General Managers, Police Commissioner, Transport Commissioner, should network with him. Because too many cooks have spoilt My Mumbai.. I was born here and I know Mumbai like the back of my hand and to the political parties who will consider my this comprehensive suggestion and make me the First Mumbai City Minister, I am ready to work with them. I have ideas, vision and since I have traveled all over the world in 65 countries, I am ready to save my Urbs Prima in Indis.

28 July 2014

Otherwise, I will have to think of migrating out of Mumbai as Mumbai is sinking. —Dr. Leo Rebello

Pro-life Lobby Euthanasia and the Catholic Church The Supreme Court has called for a debate on Euthanasia or mercy killing, saying that it was a matter of public policy, and that Parliament and the Legislature were competent to decide it. Terminal illness, no doubt has become a source of unbearable physical and mental pain and grief for a patient, and a drain and strain on the limited family financial resources. So people want answers and assurances. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) gives us consoling directives. “Discontinuing medical procedures that are burdensome, dangerous, extraordinary or disproportionate to the expected outcome can be legitimate; it is a refusal of ‘over -zealous’ treatment. Here one does not will to cause death; one’s inability to impede it is merely accepted. The decisions should be made by the patient if he or she is competent and able, if not, by those legally entitled to act for the patient whose reasonable will and legitimate interest must always be respected” (2278). For an enlightened discussion, please read paras 2276-2279 of the CCC. In the final analysis, let us put our full faith and trust in Jesus the Divine Mercy who conquers disease and demise: “ O Death, where is your victory? O Death, where is your sting? But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians, 15 :55,57). —Dr Trevor Colaso, Bandra

Under Fire A F.Nazareth asks (secular citizen june16) why the Church -run orphanage in Ireland dumped hundreds of babies in the septic tanks when the Church taught that human life was precious and had to be protected from conception . Does he mean that the Church had wanted this cruelty to be perpetrated? There are cruel people or who are disregarding rules in every country,in every diocese,in every parish and even in a family. It is not the fault of heads of these institutions or the deficiency of any moral rules. Of course we expect institutions to be model and corruption free,but it is not so. Those who commit these crimes have gone from our families only. Do all parents inculcate human values and Church teachings in our younger generation?Do our parishes train our younger generation to behave as followers of Jesus Christ in the truest sense? We have lot to tell about the behaviour of many bishops and priests,but unless they have mind to listen and bring about change ,there cannot be appreciable improvement in all fields. We can pray for God's mercy on all. —K.C.Thomas, Navi Mumbai

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Status, Guide-lines and Dress Code for Lay Ministers

xtraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) and Lec tors perform a sacred duty and they do it with commendable zeal. They are now here to stay and hence a comprehensive set of guidelines needs to be issued for these ministries as the present guidelines do not cover them adequately. These ministries also need to be given some standing so as to add stature to their ministries. A dress code would add to their stature and distinguish their ministries.Clothing bestows status on the user. The cassock for example is respected virtually everywhere in the country and not just by Catholics. In Goa for instance, priests are rarely seen without cassocks be it on church ground or the football ground, where they are usually invited as chief guests. And they wear the cassock with understandable pride. Clothing for lay ministers should be such that it should in no way distract the attention of the congregation. Tshirts with words on it, for instance, distract attention. Clothing must be decent and appropriate. For instance, three-quarter length pants worn sometimes by women may be acceptable but not appropriate to the occasion. Same is the case with slippers worn by men.Use of jeans and pants by women is accepted almost everywhere but on the altar it may be a wee bit inappropriate, unless it is covered with a long top. It is a matter of perception. Moreover, different cultures have different prefer-

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ences. What is acceptable in one culture may not be acceptable in another . hence it will not be appropriate to go into details of what clothing may or may not be permitted as this is a sensitive issue and is likely to raise a hornets' nest particularly among women . We can resolve most of the sartorial issues for lay ministers, including use of Tshirts and jeans, by use of a chasublelike robe.(Chasuble is the loose outermost vestment worn by a priest at mass. It is a free-size sleeveless garment made of silk. It covers the back and front up to the knees and the hands up to the fore-arms.). Only a couple of such robes will be required to be kept in the church as they are free-size and fit almost everybody.Moreover, they are easy to wear.Unlike the chasubles worn by priests which change with the litur-

Prof. Robert Castellino gical seasons, the robe for lectors may be uniformly white or cream with a cross emblazoned on it . If use of the robe is found acceptable among lectors it may be extended to EMHCs who may be allowed to have their own personal robes. The use of this chasuble-like robe will give lay ministers honour, respect and status and generally do for them what the cassock does for the clergy or the habit does for nuns.This is of much significance as we are all humans and we all have our fair share of human foibles and frailties. Sometimes we see these frailties in lay ministers and are not very comfortable receiving Holy Communion from one such EMHC, or hearing the Word of God from another such lector. This prejudice is even more pronounced and gets magnified smaller towns or communities where everyone knows everyone and their frailties too, ( imagined or otherwise). The chasuble-like robe will lend stature to lay ministers and in a sense cover up all their human frailties like the cas-

sock. Generally, lectors read the text to be delivered , from their personal bibles at home. However, they should make it a point to come a couple if minutes before the start if the mass so that they may note down the relevant page number in the church bible from which the readings are done. . Very often the lector has difficulty locating the exact page and necessitating the intervention of the officiating priest. This must be avoided. So far as EMHCs are concerned, they need to be more tactful with people of other faiths who walk up to them to receive Holy Communion . Utmost care should be taken to not hurt their feelings. EMHC are generally required to dip their fingers in a bowl of water before distributing communion. This should be made mandatory.They should not be offended with this requirement. It is a common practice to bathe and most of us do so before coming to church. But along the way to church we come in contact with a lot of objects, with other people and even with animals. An animal lover for instance may touch/ pet a dog along the way to the church and think nothing of it. Hence the rule of washing the fingers in a bowl of water ,even perfunctorily, must be mandatory for 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' . It is an outward sign of inward cleanliness of the soul.

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28 July 2014

Richness In Diversity AGING IS A MYTH With each passing day I am learning new things, gaining new knowledge and learning how to learn by looking, listening and living. Learning is not only for the young. It happens throughout our existence, the older we get the more we learn — even when we don’t want to. As I am recovering in Bangalore after an illness, I find that there are a number of faculties that can still function when some are out of commission. I am also discovering the richness in diversity. In Bangalore there are different ways of greeting. When you meet in the morning it is, “Did you have your breakfast?” One person, when he was leaving, wished me a long life and many children.

RICHNESS IN DIVERSITY One thing that age teaches is to respect diversity. NaMo’s idea of a giant statue of SardarVallabh Bhai Patel at a phenomenal cost of Rs. 200 crores to symbolize one India, one people, one culture will stand out as a challenge to Nature itself. In this universe no two things are identical. No two grains of sand are the same. Every snowflake is different. No two individuals are the same. Even identical twins are not identical. One experiences the challenges and richness of diversity living in a cooperative. By definition a co-operative society is a group of like-minded people, withsimilar back-grounds and culture, who have come together for a common objective. However, this common objective soon becomes one of pulling each other down, showing that you are a cut above theothers, you have your own views and opinions.

Management Tip By keeping detailed records, you'll know where the business stands financially and what potential challenges you could be facing.

28 July 2014

Francis Lobo Profanity and verbal attack are used as punctuation.

OPPOSING OPINIONS My big learning experience living in a co-operative society is that everyone is a learner. Unlike management, engineering or medicine there is no body of knowledge that tells you how to live in a co-operative. The hierarchical structure doesn’t apply as all are equal. Arbitrary powers are given to some positions by the bye-laws but the byelaws are mostly by-passed. However, the views of the members are abundant, nourishing and enriching. But one must know how to put them in a common pool and draw on this to nurture peace and happiness and cure the many ills that come up. Diversity is a wonderful source of learning and understanding to create a Great Society.

NOTHING FAILS LIKE SUCCESS You have earned yourright to live in a co-operative society by being a Master on a ship, a General in the army or a C.E.O. of a company. Success is your credential. But, unfortunately everyone else has the same credentials. So how do you get ahead? How do you get importance? You find fault with what is being done. Everything should be done “MY WAY”. So there are arguments about pets, garbage, greenery, security, water supply and usage, children, schools, traffic, vendors, noise,

music. There is never a dull moment. The learning in a co-operative is that there is not only “My Way” or “Your Way” but “OUR WAY”. This has to emerge from the Pool of Shared Knowledge and Rich Experience. Creative ideas require different views to cometogether to produce a new level of bonding. In Buddhism this is called the “Middle Way”.

THE BREAK-WITHS Co-operative living demands a way of living which doesn’t go by the book — Act, Rules, Bye-laws — but by the SPIRIT. There are two approaches people take — Silence or Attack. Silence means I lead my own life, don’t bother or concern myself with what is going on, don’t interact with others, don’t take on any responsibility. The second is to be an Activist. Everything is rotten and needs to be changed. Those who have been in charge have done a lousy job. They had no problem solving skills, etc. etc. My learning is that life is not an either / or situation. Life is a creative process of bringing in newness at every moment, converting disadvantages to advantages and adversities into opportunities.

END POINT Yes we must have unity, unity in purpose, not sameness in personality. Unity should not crush out diversity. We don’t want a race of genetically engineered and factory produced humans. Unity must enable us to move seamlessly across differing view-points to arrive at solutions which join opposing views to take us to the pinnacle of the triangle. We must use Diversity to create a Great society.


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e often hear people say that behind every successful man is a woman. It can be modified by saying, behind every success; there is the Divine saying, “I am behind you” The Divine draws in you when you pray for grace, when you cry for it. You don’t need any special qualifications or abilities to pray. Whether a fool or a wise person, rich or poor, anybody can pray. Prayer doesn’t mean just sitting and saying some words. It’s about being in that serene, calm, meditative state. When the mind is focused, prayer becomes far more powerful. Moses was passing through a forest, and he came across a man, a shepherd, a poor man, a dirty, poor man, with rags for clothes. And he was praying; it was prayer time and he was praying. Moses, just out of curiosity, stood behind him and listened. And he could not believe what sort of prayer this was, because he was saying, "God, when I die, allow me into your paradise -- I will take care of you. If you have lice, I will remove them." HE had lice, so certainly he says, "If you have lice I will remove them. I will give you such a good bath, and I will cook food for you -- and I cook really good things. And I will take care of your sheep. And I will prepare milk for you... and this and that. And I can do good massage too!" Then it was too much. When he came to lice, then it was too much -- Moses just shook him and said, "What nonsense are you talking about! You will remove lice, so God has lice?" The poor man was disturbed. He said, "I don't know exactly because I have never seen Him. But all that I know is what I know about myself: I have lice." Moses said, "Stop! Never pray in this way! This is sacrilege -- you will fall into hell!" The man started trembling and perspiring. He said, "But I have been doing this my whole life -- whatsoever comes to my mind, I say. And I don't know -- you teach me the right way." And Moses teaches him the right way to pray, and the poor shepherd goes with his sheep. And then suddenly God thunders all over the forest, and God is very angry. He says to Moses, "You are mad! I have sent you into the world to bring people to me, and you are throwing my people away from me -- a lover. He was



a lover; he was one of the best prayers, and you have broken his heart, you have broken his trust. You GO and apologize, and take your prayer back!" And Moses goes and falls at the feet of the shepherd and says, "Excuse me, forgive me! I was wrong, you are right. God approves of you; my prayer has to be taken back."

Don Aguiar Exactly that's how it should be. Let your prayer grow. Let it happen. Yes, whenever you are feeling like having a chitchat with God, wait for those moments. And there is no need to repeat it every day -- there is no need. When the feeling comes! Let it be out of your feeling; don't make a ritual out of it. A great mathematician used to pray every night with a single word: he would look at the sky and would say "Ditto." What is the point of repeating every day the same as yesterday? What are you doing when you repeat the same prayer again and again'? -- 'ditto' is better! Why bother God every day with the same repetition? Say something if you have something to say; if you don't have something to say, just say, "I don't have anything to say today." Or just be silent -what is the need of saying anything? But be true -- at least between you and God, let there be truth. That's what prayer is. Open your heart. The Jewish idea of "I" and "thou" is the basic pattern for prayer. Without "I" you cannot pray because there is nobody to pray. Without "thou" you cannot

pray, because whom to pray to? And if you are not asking for anything, then for what are you praying? Prayer means asking: it is a demand, howsoever camouflaged, howsoever subtly hidden behind beautiful garbs and masks. It is asking; you are demanding, you are saying, "Give me this! Give me that!" When you prayer there should be total involvement. If the mind is preoccupied elsewhere then that is no prayer at all. Prayer happens when you feel grateful or when you feel utterly helpless. When you feel helpless prayers happen by itself. A young child’s doll was broken. As she cried over the tiny pieces, she said to her brother, “I’m going to pray to God to put the pieces together. “Do you expect God to answer your prayer?” he asked “You will see that God will answer,” she predicted. Two hours later when the brother returned he demanded of the little girl. ”Well, has God answered?” Yes,” she replies, pointing to the pieces. ”He said, ’No.”‘ This is prayer. You can ask, but you cannot demand. If he says no, then it is perfectly okay. Finally, the decision is with him. Demanding means the decision has already been taken. Demanding means you want God to follow your will. Asking simply means, “I am putting my desire before you, but follow your will – thy will be done, thy kingdom come.” These last words of Jesus on the cross –this is prayer! Have you ever known someone who really trusts God? An atheist had a good friend who prayed often. She would tell him every week about something she was trusting God to take care of. And every week he would see God do something unusual to answer her prayer. Do you know how difficult it is for an atheist to observe this week after week? After a while, "coincidence" begins to sound like a very weak argument. So why would God answer the atheist friend's prayers? The biggest reason is that she had a relationship with God. She wanted to follow God. And she actually listened to what he said. In her mind, God had the right to direct her in life, and she welcomed him doing just that! When she prayed for things, it was a natural part of her relationship with (Contd.. on p. 15)

28 July 2014

Is Papal Apology Enough? Pope Francis has begged for forgiveness from the victims of clergy sex abuses as he met some half a dozen survivors recently. He is said to have expressed real sorrow for the sins and grave crimes which has embarrassed the Church. The Pontiff had in the past too been magnanimous enough to publicly apologize for the sins he did not commit but by those who are representatives of the Catholic Church of which he is the Head. Incidents of child abuse by the clergy have taken place universally, more in the western world though. These things have been reported for decades but the Church either looked the other way or simply shifted the accused from one Parish to another to continue their pastoral duties. This is where the Church miserably failed in its duties. Not only the immediate superiors, Bishops and even the Vatican were aware of what was happening and they all chose to sweep the matters [criminal offences] under the carpet. Pope Francis was candid enough in accepting the failure of the authorities to arrest this trend of abuse over the years. Was it really a failure or indifference? He has promised ‘not to tolerate harm done to a minor by any individual whether a cleric or not’ and that that the Bishops will be held accountable. What is preventing the Pope from initiating a thorough probe into all the cases of sex abuse not only by the priests but also perhaps Bishops and even Cardinals? I remember some years ago an American Cardinal confessed to having a 17 year old son. All these apologies have no meaning if the Pope fails to punish those who are responsible for the sins of commission and omission. Homilies alone, promising action in future, will not work. The whole issue has global ramifications. Even the United Nations had compared sex abuse by clerics with torture saying failure to probe clergy and other superiors could have broader legal implications. This was sometimes in May this year. Vatican Envoy Archbishop Silano Tomasi claimed that the Holy See was getting its house in order after decade long effort. Does it really take decades? He should have spelt

28 July 2014

VIEWS on NEWS out the steps taken. Merely saying ‘we are putting our house in order’ sounds hollow. The guilty must be brought to book. Those guilty of serious crimes against the minors should be defrocked and reported to the law enforcing authorities. The Pontiff says some 2% of the religious are pedophiles but what about those having clandestine relations with adults? Punish all of them. We can do with lesser priests. What we need is quality and not quantity. One bad priest can do more harm than a dozen good ones. Some of the things that can be tried include not allowing anybody in the rooms of the clergy. Priests should meet the visitors strictly in the Parish office which again should be open or with glass partitions. Minors should be accompanied by elders. These are some of the steps which will go a long way in assuring the faithful that the authorities are really serious about the issue of child abuse which has shamed the Christian community. The religious who are true representatives of Christ should practice what they preach to the laity. Otherwise it will be seen as a mockery. *****

A Defensive Government The Modi Government is getting into one mess after another. Ever since the BJP has assumed power [with a huge majority] we have hardly seen any smile on the faces of the party’s official spokespersons and those unofficial ones. Looking at them one is reminded of the pathetic position in which the Congress used to be on television debates. The BJP had some very capable and articulate spokespersons like Ravi Prasad, Prakash Javdekar, Nirmala Seetharaman, Piyush Goel, etc. But with their mass induction into the Union Cabinet, the party is facing embarrassing situations on television shows. Whether they were picked up as a reward for the good work done or there is a dearth of talent, one does not know. One thing is clear. The present lot is not capable of defending the government or the party effectively. They take aggressive stands and talk non-stop [a sure sign of weak-

by Marshall Sequeira ness]. No wonder, of late, even the Congress is having a go at the party. Some of the issues the party could not handle properly are 1962 war report. The party cannot say that since their predecessor did not make it public they do not have the moral right to ask for it. The railway fare hike issue is another one that exposed the government when it agreed to roll back. They used to mock the UPA when they said the oil price is a major factor that impacts prices and now they are saying the same thing. On Hindi, trying to wash its hands by blaming the Congress showed the party in poor light. Perhaps the BJP did not expect all out assault from the opposition. More recently, the Ved Prakash Vaidik who created a huge controversy by meeting the globally declared terrorist put the government in the dock. Even accepting that the party as well as the government did not have any direct connection with the whole issue, the BJP has been put in a most awkward situation. The man who boasted of his close links with the PM and the high and mighty in the BJP, was not talking through his hat. The party is not able to initiate any action lest it offends the Godman. They will have to take the call though – at least to save themselves further embarrassment. The inexperience of the Government is showing. I had said earlier that this is not Gujarat. This is India. In the past also someone from Bihar met the separatist leader in Kashmir. The separatist did say that the representative had the consent of the Government which was stoutly denied. Two such episodes in a short span, which the Government has distanced itself, leave a lurking doubt in ones mind whether this was some sort of back door channel diplomacy. The Government and the party have not come very clean on both these issues.


Christians Pay The Price When West Mis-steps In Mid-east


t the end of June I was asked to speak in Washington, DC at a Coptic Solidarity conference. I receive similar invitations quite often these days, because while I am a dreadfully inadequate spokesman for their cause, I do speak of the suffering of Arab Christians whenever I can. Islam’s war on Christianity, in fact, is the subject of my forthcoming book. It’s a complex issue, but in brief we can say that the core of the problem is that numerous Koranic verses call for Christians to be treated as, at best, secondclass citizens, and sometimes to be treated as direct enemies and threats to Islam. As such, the more authentically Muslim the state, the worse it is for Christians. Which brings us to what has happened in Iraq, which will be seen by future historians as one of the great tragedies of ethnic cleansing, and should be of lasting importance to the rest of us who follow Christ. The point about Saddam Hussein and his government was that it wasn’t especially religious, it was Arab nationalist and secular, and it saw Islamic fundamentalism as its greatest enemy. Saddam himself was a monstrous figure and his government was oppressive and offensive, but Iraq was the most literate, stable, and—if you like—civilized country in the Arab world. Saddam could and should have been removed relatively easily, but instead the Americans and their friends devastated the entire country, eliminated the governing class, caused chaos, and opened the door to the very Islamic fundamentalists that Saddam had kept down and who detest Christ, Christians, and Christianity. Like it or not, the venomous persecution and subsequent hemorrhage of Christians from Iraq is a direct consequence of American and western foreign policy, initiated by the first President Bush and completed by his son. Iraq’s instability and chaos led directly


to the Syrian uprising, which, while in its inchoate stages, was genuinely democratic but soon fell under the leadership and dominance of Islamists who want a Syria, and an entire Middle East, free of Christians. President Obama is no better than his Republican predecessors, of course, and he has flirted and is still flirting with the idea of actu-

persecutes Christians but is still not as dangerous as modern Iraq. The result is that the towns, cities, and villages where the founders of Christendom lived and prayed are or will be entirely Muslim. Forgive me if this sounds harsh, but that’s quite a battle honor for the US military. It makes me genuinely angry that so many conservative Evangelicals and right-wing Catholics in the United States and even in my homeland of Canada were so eager to fight a war in Iraq. Their naive bellicosity caused so much irreparable harm and has led to so much pain for Christians who have held on to their faith through more than a thousand years of struggle

A woman walks past the site of a car bomb attack June 18 in Baghdad, Iraq. ally supporting the Muslim fanatics who and persecution. I am genuinely would slaughter any Christians they ashamed when I meet with my Chrisencounter. Bush tried to be a friend to tian brothers from the region, and it Christians but failed miserably, Obama humbles me that they are so forgivhas no interest at all in being friendly to ing of us in the west. Christians in the first place. I don’t know why the war in Iraq The result of all this is that around was fought, but I’m sure I will be 80 percent of the Christians of Iraq and inundated with theories and conspiraSyria have been forced to flee their cies about oil, Israel, freemasons, homeland, and the numbers are likely and the like. I don’t really care about to increase. Some have gone to Jorthat, but I do care that the grace-filled dan, but there is no guarantee that the stream of continuity from the early Hashemite royal family will remain in Christians is now coming to a halt, power. Others flee to North America now drying up in the sand and dust of and Europe. Some of them even ran Iraq and Syria. away to Iran—a repugnant regime that Source: Catholic World Report, Ucanindia

28 July 2014

Western Cardinals Active In Twitter, Asians Lag Behind


atholic leaders are quickly adapting to social media with Pope Francis leading them with more than 14 million Twitter followers. While many cardinals and other prelates in the Western world are following the Pontiff, Asians are yet to catch up with the online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read short 140character text messages called “tweets.” Although the twitteratti cardinals of the west have smaller audience compared to Pope Francis, they are making good use of this new tool, says Rome Reports. Cardinal Timonty Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, is by far the most popular prelate on the site. Despite not tweeting often, he has more than 165,000 followers. Next up is Italian Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, with more than 63,000 followers; followed by Archbishop of Sao Paulo Odilo Scherer, with 56,000. American and Italian prelates have the greatest presence online. In addi-

tion to Dolan and Ravasi, Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley and Milan Cardinal Angelo Scola have large following on Twitter, more than 30,000 each. Rounding out the list are Bogota archbishop, Cardinal Ruben Salazar, with 16,000 followers, and South African Wilfrid Napier, with 12,000. The most active, based on their number of tweets, are Cardinals Scherer, Napier, Scola, and Barcelona’s Lluis Martinez i Sistach. Among the Asians, only Cardinals Luis Tagle, the archbishop of Manila, and Telesphore Toppo, archbishop of Ranchi, have twitter accounts. Cardinal Tagle, in fact, has two accounts. One with the handle @CardinalChito has more than 5,580 followers, but the account follows only eight people, including Pope Francis. The other account @CardTagleQuotes has 1052 followers while it follows 108 twitter accounts. Cardinal Toppo, Asia’s first tribal prince of the Church, has only 25 followers and does not follow anyone. Cardinal Oswald Gracias, arch-

bishop of Bombay and a member of the Group of eight cardinals who advise the Pope, has no personal twitter accounts. However, he uses the archdiocese’s account to get his message across to people. Cardinal Toppo While the Indian cardinals remain shy of twitter, some bishops are quite active. Leading them is Bishop George Pallipparampil of Miao, the remotest diocese in the country. His account @bppkgsdb has 210 followers while it follows 337. Another bishop active on social media is Bishop Chacko Thottumarikal of Indore. The Divine Word prelate, who heads the office of Social Communication of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, has 110 followers while his account @bishopchacko follows 74 people. Bishop Thomas Dabre of Pune (@BishopTDabre) is close behind with 78 followers and 42 following.

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28 July 2014


Catholic Group Opposes Proposal For Uniform Civil Code Mumbai: A Catholic group in Mumbai has opposed a proposal to implement uniform civil code in the country, which will end Christians and Muslims having their own personal laws for marriage and inheritance. The Catholic Secular Forum (CSF) general secretary, Joseph Dias has said that Christians were against a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) foisted upon the minorities. His statement came as a reaction to a reported statement that federal law minister plans to introduce a UCC, as suggested by the Supreme Court and it

10th DEATH ANNIVERSARY In Ever Loving Memory of




being part of the BJP manifesto. According Dias, Catholic Church has a Canon Law, which is followed all over the world and regulates family issues like, divorce, marriage and inheritance, implemented by Ecclesiastical Courts. The government's move "would be ultra vires of the Constitutional right to freedom of religion and gives the impression that the BJP government would like to control especially the minorities and its property or institutions by weakening the authority of religious leadership," Dias said. "If at all, the UCC needs to be considered, then it needs to be optional or voluntary, as assured by BR Ambedkar during the Constituent Assembly debates on the subject, where he also said that the fears of the minorities need to be allayed first," his statement said. It uniform laws and secularization have "failed in the West or developed nations and we seem to be importing it from there, which has not solved, but rather created problems." Besides personal Laws "fulfill a great role" to ensure justice as governments and systems struggle with "huge backlog of legal cases and ineffective arbitration." "The BJP has made unilateral announcements, with not consensus or consultation. We do not even know what is their idea of a UCC and how would it make provisions for cultural or religious differences through various parts of the country," the statement said. Press Release


28 July 2014

Jesus’ Mission Never Dies


ope Benedict XVI just after tak ing over the Papacy reminded the Christians by saying, “You have before you the task of seeking new ways to announce Christ in situations of rapid and often profound transformation, and of emphasizing the missionary character of all pastoral activity." It has to be placed against the background of the allegation that Churches are becoming increasingly commercialized with little interest for the mission of Jesus and there is very little hope of revival of mission. My recent interactions with a few new ways of announcing Christ’s message made me to think that it is not all true that the whole Church is commercialized and mission is dead. I came across a Catholic Priest who named himself Swami Sevand. His real name is Fr. Paul Chungath (Sagar Diocese, M.P, India) with doctorate in spirituality, missiology and perusing a third doctorate in Eucharist from an Indian theological college. The (Contd.. from p. 10) God. She felt very comfortable coming to God with her needs, her concerns, and whatever issues were current in her life. Furthermore, she was convinced, from what she read in the Bible, that God wanted her to rely on him like that. She pretty much exhibited what this statement from the Bible says, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer..." Sometimes taking a bath, sitting under the shower, you suddenly feel the urge to pray -- let it be there. It is perfectly good; your bathroom is perfectly good -- there is no need to go to church. In that moment when the urge is there, your bathroom is the church. Let the prayer be there. Have a little chitchat! And you will be surprised how beautiful it is. When it comes out of the heart it is heard, it is responded to. The below example shows us how thankful & grateful we are when our

28 July 2014

bare footed saffron clad priest says, his mission started with a year long pilgrimage to 21 Christian Ashrams spread from Kanyakumari to Himalayas. He says people of all religions flock to him for blessings and seeks divine guidance. People have no fear that he has come to convert them to Catholic Church. He lives in a small hurt (Shanti Ashram, Kamradev, Sagar, M.P, India) in the midst of people in prayer, manual work and a few hours of rest. Fr. Robin Pullokaran, the Vicar General of Sagar Diocese says that the life of Swami Sevand is really inspiring. The diocese has kept open this type of options for priests and a few priests have come forward to opt for similar missions. I found some of the religious congregations using facebook to get across to youth for the purpose of vocation promotion. But here I found one of the most creative mission minds working with one of the novel ways to give word of God to youths and the elite class. He prayers are answered A bar opened opposite a Church! The Church prayed daily against the bar business... Days later the bar was struck by lightning & caught fire which destroyed it. The Bar Owner sued the Church authorities for the cause of its destruction, as it was an action because of their prayer... The Church denied all responsibility! So, the judge commented, "It's difficult to decide the case because here we have a Bar Owner who believes in the power of prayer & an entire Church that doesn't believe in it!” Is this culture of silence, courteousness and hypocrisy in the name of humility, obedience and loyalty by an entire Church unchristian? What was the rationale for an entire Church praying for a cause? If you have nothing to ask for, no cause, why should you pray? Then what is the rationale of it?

started a centre/club with many facilities including coffee, snacks, free internet, library for books, music, BY FR. ANAND videos games, MUTTUNGAL pool tables etc. He made it a good place for the youth and elite classes to spend their free time. All those who want avail these services need to take membership. The members get some services free of cost and other paid. The word of God is open to them in different forms and he says a few are getting attracted to Jesus. The person who experiment this newer method is a Lay Minister (He prefers to remain behind the scene) who runs a mission with above two hundred evangelists but still believes that God has not called him to be an ordained minister. The third worth mentioning is the mobile missions started by the Sisters of Jesus, a religious order based in Sagar Diocese with convents in different parts India. Fr. Robin Pullokaran says that two nuns (Sr. Vinaya and Sr. Rani) in their religious habit live in a small house given by the villagers (Semrahurt, Sagar, M.P, India). Their entire life is revolved around prayer, helping people and a few hours of rest. They hold common prayer every day and many people from the village join them. People do not have the fear of conversion. They freely approach them to know about Jesus. Realizing the works of the Holy Spirit they have started a new mobile mission in Mohanpur a remote village in Guna District of M.P. The nuns have named this type of evangelization as mobile missions because they plan to move out to new villages every year. I placed here a few examples of growing missions in the North India. We need to believe that Holy Spirit inspires a few at every age to spread his message. It is a fact that when the sower scatters seeds only a few falls on the good ground which brings hundred folds. The mission of Jesus will never die but will live forever through his chosen ones.


(Contd.. from p. 5) women and children, to support the bill which would provide some deterrent to offenders ,howsoever minimal, from committing ( heinous) crimes.It would also be a welcome move to establish separate courts for such crimes in every state ; for the trial to be completed within 6 months –without crafty adjournments and inclusive of appeals to the higher courts-and thereafter, rigourous life imprisonment or execution of the death sentence,as the case may be.To my mind,a life sentence without parole,is worse than the death penalty for the convicted ,besides being a burden on the state exchequer and the state security establishment. Human Rights Activists and Religious Advocates strongly oppose capital punishment pointing out that many countries have removed it from the statute books and that in countries where it still exists there has been no appreciable decline in the crime rate. Whereas this may be partly true, it‘s equally true that there has been no noticeable decrease in the number of violent crimes perpetrated on the weak and helpless in countries which have banned it ! In this connection, the practice adopted by President Pranab Mukherjee – unlike his predecessorsto speedily dispose off clemency petitions of convicts on death row – one way or the other- is commendable.The quality of mercy must be tempered with justice – for the victims who were shown none.

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28 July 2014

Parents Day Ninette D'Souza


n the 26th of July, the Church celebrates the feasts of saints Joachim & Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All over the archdiocese of Mumbai, children & youth can be seen gearing up to celebrate ‘Parents Day’ in the various parishes. Digicams, handycams & mobile phones will lovingly capture the true nuances of unbridled joy & the depth of emotion expressed through the songs, dances, skits, competitions and what have you. Every parent and grandparent present will be heard whispering either during the celebrations or after, ‘Thank You Lord for making me a parent’. Parenting is a spiritual calling and so we just cannot look upon it as one would a routine job, for it flows from an inner incentive. Through our very lives we are called to become ministers of personal and social transformation in the lives of our children , so that they are able to celebrate the mystery and wonder of just being who they are – unique creations of the Almighty, made in his own image and likeness. I am sure that all will be in agreement with the sublime truth that the family is the child’s constant school, it is the child’s world. Family life far beyond any other external influence, moulds lastingly the tastes, attitude and personality of the child. Parents therefore are not only the first but also the greatest teachers. Education is a lifelong process. It comes from the Latin word ‘educare’, which means, ‘to draw out of’. Every child comes into the world with a definite, unique potential. As parents we must discover what this potential is and help them develop along those lines. It would help to remember that children are not clay in the potter’s hand to be moulded as parents see fit. Let us not superimpose on them some preconceived image of what they should be. Allow me tosubstantiate this by saying humourouslythat a surgeon cannot insist that his son will be a better surgeon than he, when all can see that with his clumsy hands the boy would have trouble handling bricks, forget

28 July 2014

carving on human bodies. On a more serious note it will help to understand the wise words of Khalil Gibran, “Your childrenare not your children, they are God’s gift to mankind. They may have been born to you, but please don’t make them like you”. The first and perhaps most important thing that we as parents must teach our children is that they are lovable and valuable. But remember there is no love without discipline. Please let us learn to say no to our children and let’snot be under the misconception that our children should have all the things that we did not have. We talk today about the problems of the underprivileged but perhaps far greater are the problems of the over privileged, too much, too soon. It is indeed a great calling to be co-workers with God in nurturing the children, to accompany them, for being a companion is being someone who nourishes the heart, mind, soul and body of those with whom we walk, thus empowering them. The stronger and more confident our children become, the braver they are to take risks and try things they had never had the courage for. They can now begin to tap their own resources. As Catholicparents, we have the added responsibility of giving our children the knowledge and love of God. I believe this is of prime importance today, because of the deterioration of values in society and the culture we live in. All around we find extreme individualism and unbridled capitalism which has produced people who function as autonomous competitive beings. ‘Getting ahead’ is the essence of their lives and ‘profit’ the measure of their success. Freedom is guarded so closely that every commitment is seen as a threat to independence, instead of an expression of personality. Is this how we want our lovely young boys and girls to turn out to be? From philosophers and activists, to motivational

speakers and educators, all envision a society where people can make a difference by being ‘Persons of depth and substance’. We live in an exciting world of restless, pulsating, accelerating action. Scientific advances are changing not only the way we shop and travel but even learn and relax!!!!!!!!!!! In this widening stream of innovations could there be some who will begin to wonder thus? ‘God may have been able to put together mountains and trees and animals but he probably can’t keep up with things like space travel, fuel efficient cars, satellite T.V, contemporary music & dance, fantastic computer technology ,…..’ the list goes on. It is at this time that we as responsible Catholic parents must be able to open the eyes of our children to the magnificent truth that ‘The Person’ who masterminded all creation, was once breathing, sleeping and eating on this planet earth, just as we are today and we are privileged to have many opportunities to get acquainted with Him. On Parents Day let us sit as a family around the altar of the Lord and read carefully the 1st 5 verses of the gospel of John Ch. 1. Think them through in relation to all that’s going on around us. This flesh- and- blood Jesus caused the most dramatic events that ever happened on the planet. And in the Bible we have the full story. In this year dedicated to the Eucharist, let us pledge as a family to read God’s loooong love letter to us carefully and see how the contemporary Jesus relates to us. Let us all look forward to a true God experience, so that through our encounter with Christ, we will get to know Him better, in order to love Him more and serve Him totally. Happy Parents Day friends!!!!!!


Real Life Version Of David & Goliath Episode


n the one hand, youth and their proclivities can often be quite exasperating, even detrimental to the health and well-being of others as can be gauged from the following instance. On the other hand, as can be seen from the same instance, even advancing age can never come in the way of getting youth-related problems resolved! A group of youth in Bandra took sadistic delight in keeping the residents of the locality awake for the greater part of the night by means of taking turns driving around on a motorcycle at topmost speed devoid of the silencer. Complaints were made to the local police, but the thuggies dodged the law with alacrity, brazenly thundering through the lanes and by-lanes of the Queen of Mumbai’s suburbs on their two-wheeler, even as the police themselves seemed unable to do much anyway. One man, however, firsthand witness to the dangerous game the young hooligans were playing, decided that enough was enough. He not only had pity on those who were suffering acutely as a result of the unwarranted din but boldly decided to put an end to the nefarious indulgence of the wicked minded brutes. The gentleman concerned was one day kneeling in deep prayer before the Blessed Sacrament when he felt inspired to make an intervention that involved confronting the daredevils face to face. He knew the idea fast developing in his mind could prove dangerous, either to himself or to the mischief-makers. Yet, placing his full faith and trust in his Eucharistic Lord, he decided to proceed with his plan. And so it was that, late one night, he dressed himself up with heavy padding lining the inside of his garments, thick socks and heavy-duty shoes on his feet, his chest covered with layers of silvery metal foil, a black scarf covering the head and face partially and a strong


True Life Inspiring Stories helmet on his head; then with a three metre-long bamboo stick covered in shiny foil to arrest the attention of the motorcyclist, he was ready to face Goliath so to say! As a precautionary measure, he called a close friend and, after explaining carefully his entire plan, handed him a small bag containing his medicines and a few pieces of cloth, insisting that in the event of he or the bike rider getting injured, they were to be rushed to Holy Family Hospital on Hill Road. Of course, the friend tried his best to dissuade our gentleman, fearing what he thought was likely to happen, but had to be reconciled to standing in the dark sidelines and watching the happenings unfold. As was the practice, a new youth on the noisy bike zoomed through 23rd Road at roaring speed with a deafening noise. Our man waited for his return and, as the strapping youth on his bike re-entered the lane, jumped right into the middle of the road holding the bamboo stick across his chest. Spotting a silvery shiny figure from afar, the youngster instantly applied the brakes, bringing his bike to an abrupt halt barely three feet away from what he obviously perceived was a strange apparition. Then hurriedly placing the bike on its side he sprang up to the figure and, kneeling, his hands folded, clearly fearing for his life, pleaded, “Please do not hurt me, Sir! This is the first time I am doing this!” Recognizing the truthfulness of that statement, our man launched into his well rehearsed admonition: “I will not hurt you, young man! But do you realize the harm you and your fellow goons have been causing the people of this locality? My ageing uncle lies ailing on his deathbed; there are children and youth preparing

for their exams and innumerable adults who are gainfully employed and who have to go to work by Ladislaus L D’Souza every morning. They are all being rudely disturbed by your cruel game! And let me also warn you: I am one the five individuals posted around Bandra and Carter Road area to stop you rascals from continuing with this cruel game. I am going let you go unhurt today! But you are to be a messenger to your friends, informing them that a group of people is all set to resort to any nasty trick they can think of to ensure that one or maybe all of you end up seriously hurt or even maimed for life in a bid to put an end to this madness. So please stop this bloody game—okay?” The guy, frightened out of his wits, promptly promised to apprise everyone involved and convince them to stop the bike fracas instantly. In the meanwhile, the sudden stoppage of the motorbike’s deafening sound brought a number of people from the buildings around out on to the road, the first to emerge being Jane Braganza, a long retired school teacher whose husband San Anton was critically ill. But it was not until the rider had finally left posthaste that the identity of our knight in shining armour came to light! Singlehandedly slaying the proverbial Goliath, thereby restoring peace and quiet to the neighbourhood, was none other than James Uppani! The gutsy do-gooder is a member of the religious congregation of the Society of Saint Paul which is located bang opposite Little Flower 1 & 2 on 23rd Road, Bandra. Interestingly, this is merely one of the inspiring incidents he has shared with me in personal chats! There are many such other instances worth being retold! Kudos to Brother James Stephen Uppani, SSP, a staunch upholder of Faith and morals and whose penchant for hard work belies his age—all of 76 years! [and can be contacted on 9821014108]—is known for his fondness for music, singing and photography!

28 July 2014


Know The Real Wealth Generally people regard, money is a true wealth. But Happiness is the true measure of wealth. So enjoy life to the fullest and know that money is not the only real wealth. The Wise Advice: You will only begin to heal and grow when you let go of the past, forgive those who have wronged you, and learn for forgive yourself for your mistakes. So every morning think positively, and let go negativity left from yesterday’s challenges, keep doubts away and have faith that every day is a perfect new beginning.

looking for something better that we sometimes fail to realize that we already have the best we could hope for. When you get something small, you want more. When you get more, you desire even more. But when you lose everything, you realize the small things were really the big things.

Focus on the positive: – With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose. No matter how far you have traveled or how many failures you have encountered, hope and positivity can still meet you anywhere.

Cherish your relationships: Some-

you’re younger, you exhaust yourself trying to take charge of everything in your life, other people, and all situations. Then one day it dawns on you that you will never gain control until you lose the need to have it – until you can simply let it be okay, to not be perfectly okay. When you’re wearing yourself ragged trying to juggle the outcome of everything happening around you, it’s time to stop, take a breath, and remind

28 July 2014

people who do so little for you, control so much of your feelings and emotions. Never cry for those who don’t know the value of your tears. Stand your ground. It is better to let them walk away from you than all over you.

– Nobody can take away your pain, so don’t let anyone take away your happiness. If you want to be sad, no one in the world can make you happy. But if you make up your mind to be happy, no one and nothing on earth can take that happiness from you.

Realize that the small things are really the big things: We are always

Be okay with the fact that you can’t control everything: – When

Stand up for yourself: – Don’t let the

Make up your mind to be happy:

The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money. Start building real wealth today by doing the following:

times people are beautiful, not in looks, not in what they say, just in who they are and what they do. Remember, you will never fully appreciate all of the things someone does for you until you find yourself doing the same things for yourself. So be grateful for the people who make your life a little brighter.

being revealed in the right timeframe. Something you will eventually learn through all your ups and downs is that there are really no wrong decisions in life, just choices that will take your life down a totally different path. So take chances, follow your intuition, and allow yourself more moments of awe, wonder, inspiration and grace.

yourself that the only things you can truly control, are what choices you will make.

Work through your failures: – Success is not a skill; it is a persistent attitude. The difference in winning and losing is, most often, the simple act of not quitting. Before you quit, think of the reason why you held on so long, and all the progress you have made. The reason so many people give up too early is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come.

Don’t let your fears make your decisions: – Have faith that the universe has a plan for you, and it’s all

Did you know?


ormerly, only men and young boys were allowed to serve at the altar as altar boys. In the year, 1983, canon 230 of the code of Cannon Law, permitted local ordinaries to permit girls and women too to serve at the altar as altar girls. Today, 31 years later, we have not only men and young boys serving at the altar but women and young girls too. Women becoming priests is out of the question as Jesus’ 12 disciples were only men and not women. — Jubel D’Cruz, Dombivili


MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Parents Mumbai based invite proposal for their Bachelor son, aged 27 years, Ht. 5' 6”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E., Chemical working in Saudi Arabia for reputed MNC having family status (ready to relocate), Seeks a suitable educted girl. Contact email : OR 9867974086 (Regd. No. 6141) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 26 years, Ht. 6', Wheatish Complexion, Handsome, Edn. M.Sc., in Petroleum Engineering, working as an Application & Operations Manager in Engineering and Oilfield Co. in Gulf. Seeking alliance from a Roman Catholic family, with a homely, loving and caring below 26 years, educated, tall, fair and good looking girl. Kindly reply with profile with bride's picture by email : OR 9819554390 / 0096895434412 (Regd. No. 6140) MUMBAI : East Indian RC Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5' 61/2”, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., PGDBA, working as a Sap Consultant. Contact email : OR 28957760 (Regd. No. 6085) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Slim, Fair Complexion, Edn. M.B.A., B.Com., Teacher by profession. Contact email : OR 9869423500 (Regd. No. 6067) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Well Built, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., M.A. Position : Vice President. Contact email : OR 9819268548 (Regd. No. 6066) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 6’, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC working as a Sr. Executive. Contact email : OR 9930187005 (Regd. No. 6065) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. HSC., working as a


Hotel Manager. Contact email. OR 9821152347 (Regd. No. 6064) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Well built, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Sr. Executive. Contact email : OR 9820018233 (Regd. No. 6051) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Divorcee, aged 34 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Team Leader. Contact email : OR 9987317544 (Regd. No. 6050) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 37 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B.Com., Working as a T.L. Operation. Having own house. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9821952841 (Regd. No. 6035) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 64 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.E., (Comp.), working as a Software Engineer. Contact email : OR 9004500088 (Regd. No. 6034) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 70 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.E., working as a Project Engineer. Contact email : OR 9819257704 (Regd. No. 6028) HYDERABAD : RC Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA, PGDM, working as a Sales Head in Abroad. Contact Email: OR 8008001552. (Regd. No. 6024) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs,

Members are requested to inform us when they are settled, so that publication of their details can be discontinued.

Wheatish Complexion, Edn. SSC, well settled. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Mob.: 9867764737 (Regd. No. 6022) POONA : RC Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., + Certified Fumigation Operator, Having own business. Seeks a fair good looking girl willing to settle in Poona. Contact email : OR 9096466322 / 8600528122 (Regd. No. 6020) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 6’ 1”, Fair Complexion, Edn. BE and Masters in Computers (IT) from London, working in an MNC (IT) in Mumbai, Seeks an educated, simple, mangalorean girl. Contact email : OR 28618926 / 9920631575 (Regd. No. 6014) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Divorcee, aged 45 years, Ht. 6’ 1”, Wt. 87 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn P.U.C., working as a A/C Mechanic in Kuwait. Mob.: 00965-65983992 / 00965-67724704 (Regd. No. 6012) MUMBAI : RC Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.E. (I.T.), working as a Net Work Engineer abroad. Seeks a slim, fair, beautiful, educated girl below 26 years. Contact email : OR 9324312605 (Regd. No. 5963)

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Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 28 July 2014

MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Parents seek alliance for their spinster daughter, 26 years, Master of Science (Financial Mathematics), B.Sc. (Mathematics) Working in AUSTRALIA, good looking. Seeks a RC Bachelor preferably Australia Card Holder or settled anywhere abroad. Contact email : OR 9892300120 NEW DELHI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A., working as a Travel Executive. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9818729963 (Regd. No. 6143) MUMBAI : Anglo Indian Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 68 kgs, wheatish Complexion, Edn. T.Y.B.A., working for CSR, Seeks a well settled, sober habits, presentable, understanding nature, Contact email : OR 9049766964 (Regd. No. 6142) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 25 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., B.Ed., Teacher by profession. Contact email: / OR 9820448715. (Regd. No. 6119) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 32 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA (Finance) working as an Asst. Manager. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 9820233988 (Regd. No. 6098) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 31 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 56 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA (Finance) working as a Payroll Administrater. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : /

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 33 Years 28 July 2014 OR 9869771255 (Regd. No. 6097) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 29 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA (Finance) working as an Asst. Manager in Bank. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 9869765169 (Regd. No. 6096) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 49 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Sr. Research Associates. Contact email : OR 9167719433 / 8879287910 (Regd. No. 6094) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, born, brought-up and educated in Mumbai, aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 60 kgs, Edn. B.Com., completed diploma in HR, and PGDBA from Welingkar, working for a private company as executive in corporate Accounts. Seeks a well settled match. Contact email : OR 8828477980 / 0251-2449681 (Regd. No. 6093) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Edn. B.Com., working as a Fashion Designer. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9821471904 (Regd. No. 6092) DUBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, age 28 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA - Finance, working as an Accountant in MNC Syvau - UAE, Seeks alliance RC from well educated and good family background. Working preferably in UAE. Contact email : OR 9967816258 / 00971-526649919 (Regd. No. 6090) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 25 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Fair Complexion, Edn., (Accounting) GNIIT, Working as an

Accounts Executive. Seeks a Mangalorean educate and well settled boy below 30 years. Contact email : OR 26324478. (Regd. No. 6089) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.A., (Economics), working as a Purchase Manager. Contact email : OR 9967501128 (Regd. No. 6088) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. T.Y. B.A., working as a Back Office Executive. Contact email : OR 8698573064 (Regd. No. 6087) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 33 years, Ht. 4’ 5”, Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.B.A., in HR working as a HR. Contact : 9820217917 (Regd. No. 6086) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Parents seek alliance for their spinster daughter, 26 years, MBA in Marketing, Ht. 5’ 2”, Fair complexion, good looking and smart, working in Family Business as an Executive. Contact email : OR Mob.: 9820129883 6031. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 36 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, slim, Wheatish Complexion, Education Associate Degree in Business Administration from USA. Presently in Mumbai. Seeks a educated wellplaced Bachelor upto 42 years from India/Abroad. Contact email : OR 28933931 (Regd. No. 6031) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

Please renew your membership at lease a month in advance before its expiration date. 21

Miracles Happen Even In Materialistic Times


t was an arduous trek of almost two hours through the most rough path ways cut across the face of the hill. The lashing curtain of rain and the howling wind swept into every corner and crevice of the rugged landscape. The pilgrims defied every obstacle in their path determined to reach the place where it was believed a miracle had taken place. The year, 2012. Miracles have often come down the ages under strange phenomena or through extreme religious faith. Miracles, imagined, true or alleged have their power in belief. And those who believe in a miracle may never be dissuaded by any amount of evidence. The catholic writer and theologian C.S.Lewis (1898-1963) stated that a miracle is “An interference in Nature by supernatural power”. He wrote this in his book Miracles, p.5. Almost eight hundred years earlier St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica spoke of a miracle as an event which God permits outside and beyond the rules commonly determined or seen in nature. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary and the miraculous healing we know of from Knock, Lourdes and Fatima are the experiences today, happening in our materi-alistic times. With one million

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catholics living in the midst of pandemonium worldwide, it is a sure bet that despite what the sceptics think about miracles there are several times more believers.

Book of Miracles, 1996 had put it very simply : “ I hold that the true miracle requires no signs or wonders to command belief.” It would be fitting to reproduce here what the theologian C.S.Lewis remarked : “For if (miracles) are impossible, then no amount of historical evidence will convince us. If they are possible but immensely improbable, then only mathematically demonstrable evidence will convince us : and since history never provides that degree of evidence for any event, history can never convince us that a miracle occurred.”


The philosopher David Hume who lived two hundred years ago said : “A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature ; and as a firm and unalterable experience has established these laws, the proof against a miracle, from the very nature of the fact is as entire as any argument from experience can possibly be imagined..” (An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding).

Padre Pio was an Italian stigmatic priest who could cure people of their illness from great distance. He could be in two places at the same time, leaving behind a sweet scent. Today, he has been raised to the High altar of the Roman Catholic church. Saint Padre Pio was canonized by the late Pope John Paul II. The saint’s body when exhumed was seen to be fresh, and is kept in a glass coffin. Christianity, said a believer, has succeeded because of its miracles, true or false. Jesus has made a profound statement by saying that whoever believed in Him could by themselves perform miracles. Belief brings hope. The Shroud of Turin is a miracle from the 14th century. It was the burial cloth that wrapped the body of Jesus. Science has put the Shroud through many tests. Believers know better. In Deuteronomy chapter 6:16 it is written, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.” Pope Benedict XIV published a treatise on miracles, De Canonizatione. He rejected all phenomena, including clairvoyance and many other healings if they were not “directly attributed to God”. It reached a point when the miraculous and the supernatural were divided and defined as distinct from the paranormal. Stuart Gordon, in his

Charismatic sects and New Age cults are now heard of across the world – perhaps, in an effort for supernatural relief in a world of chaos. This type of solace has renewed belief in angels and spirits, also reviving the fear of death and the query on the after-life. “So disbelief without good evidence is as irrational as belief without good evidence.” Wrote Stuart Gordon. Finally, in his book A Morbid Taste for Bones, the author Ellis Peters says : “Miracles have nothing to do with reason Miracles contradict reason, overturn reason, make game of reason, they strike clean across mere human deserts, and deliver and save where they will. If they made sense, they would not be miracles.”

Girls are like an internet virus: They enter your life, Scan your pockets, Transfer your money, Edit your mind, Download their problems, and Delete your smile. — Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

28 July 2014

Theologian and Salesian Priest Fr Sebastian Karotemprel Dies


nternationally renowned theologian, author and founder of several missionary institutions in Northeast India, Salesian Father Sebastian Karotemprel passed away in Shillong, Meghalaya, July 20. He was 83. The funeral will be held in Shillong, on July 24 at 1 p.m. Fr. George Malekal sdb, Provincial Superior of the Salesian Province of Silchar to which Fr Karotemprel belonged, said Fr Sebastian has left his own indelible mark on the Church and society. Fr. Thomas Vattathara, Salesain Provincial of Guwahati, and the national president of the Catholic Religious of India (CRI) described Fr Karotemprel a legend of our times, a loyal and committed Salesian, an erudite professor, an institution builder, and an active collaborator in the major missionary works in Northeast India Fr Karotemprel served as President of the Sacred Heeart Theological College, Shillong, and Professor of Missiology at the Urban University, Rome. Spannning

some four decades of academic career, he taught in several theological faculties in India and abroad. He also wrote extensively on theology, missionology and tribal cultures. He is the founder of the mission review, Mission Today, formerly Indian Missiological Review in 1978, and the founder of Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Culture, a treasurehouse and a museum on north-eastern peoples and cultures. He established the Vendrame Institute Publications, and built a monumental library named after the pioneer Salvatorian missionary Fr Otto Hofenmuller. He was closely associated with some of the major projects like the Don Bosco Institute and the Assam Don Bosco University. Fr. Karotemprel was one of the 30 theologians in the

Come, make the best choice of your life-Partner

International Theological Commission established by Pope John Paul II, headed by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI). Oxford Encyclopedia of South Asian Christianity’ (Oxford University Press, 2011) describes him as:’An internationally known theologian, based at Sacred Heart Theological College (SHTC), Shillong. Father Sebastian’s younger brother is Bishop Gregory Karotemprel CMI, bishop Emeritus of Rajkot, and his only sister is Adoration Sister Maria Karotemprel, Provincial of SBAS, Ujjain Province. George Plathottam sdb Shillong (Bosco Information Service, BIS)

Royal Christian Family happy to announce the next


Places are limited! Book Your Seat Early !!

of Brides and Grooms will be held in September 2014 from 10 A. M. to 4 P.M. at, an AC Hall in Mumbai A grand gathering to get acquainted with boys and girls of matching age group who are in search of a suitable Life-Partner of their choice with an ultimate view to matrimony. O Participants list and other details will be sent 15 days prior to the get-together. O Lunch, snacks, etc, will be provided at the Get-together. O Royal Christian Family is having the experience of organising over 60 get-togethers O The meet covers good family boys and girls

in the past.

Royal Christian Family 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Near GPO., Fort, Mumbai 400001 Tel.: 022 - 22693578, 22654924 Email:,

July2014 2014 28 July



28 July 2014 Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001. -70/SOUTH/2014 Licenced to Post without prepayment Licence No. MR/TECH/WPP MR/TECH/WPP-70/SOUTH/2014 RNI No. 56987/92 Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 28 July 2014 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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