Secular Citizen Vol.23 No. 4 dated 27th January 2014

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27 January 2014


Feast Of Infant Jesus & Inter-religious Dialogue Held At Mira Road

Mumbai,: The lively and dynamic St Joseph Church Celebrated the Infant Jesus feast and conducted an InterReligious Dialogue session, on Sunday, January 12th at 6.30 pm on St Joseph Church Grounds. Auxilary Bishop of Bombay V. Rev. Dr. Dominic Savio Fernandes presided over the solemn festal Eucharistic celebration along with 6 Priests.

Soon after the mass the Inter-religious dialogue session began with a prayer dance by Parish youth. Bisop Dominic Savio, presided over the event with various speakers from across the religious spectrum. dignitaries like, Shree Vishwanand Mayi Devi(Shiv Kunj Ashram, Jaliya, Gujarat), Maulan Mohd. Ishaque Misbahi, Ravindra Singh Jogindar Singh sony present for the event. The Parish Priest Fr. Dominic Vas welcomed the dignitaries and felicitated them with a bouquet. There were splendid dances and skits on the theme "Save the Family life" by children and youth. This programme was conducted to bring together the members of different religions in order to have communal harmony and to build a peaceful Mira Road. This programme was organized by the civic cell under the able leadership of Mrs. Murphy Rebello. It was compered by Mr. Benedict D'souza. Mr. Francis proposed the vote of thanks to all those who made the programme a great success. The programme concluded with National anthem.


President And Principal Wins JBM Award

Sunday 12th January was the coldest day in Calcutta this winter, but the most heart-warming event was celebrated at the Chapel of Divine Mercy in the presence of men, women and youth who are the future of the Church and the AngloIndian community. Two Awards were to honor two special persons in their own field of dedicated work. The Joan Brown Memorial Award 2013 is presented annually to those in the Media, Education, the Arts, Environment and Social Sciences. This year Mr. Ian Myers, President, Calcutta branch of the All-India Anglo-Indian Association and Principal of the Frank Anthony Public School, Calcutta won the JBM Award. He was unanimously nominated “For his dynamic and exemplary efforts in the field of modern Education and for his outstanding work in Social Services.” (see photo). Miss Catherina Moss, a young teacher who does serious and extensive research in the Anglo-Indian preserve, keeping notes, documents and invaluable material to preserve the community’s history and heritage. She was nominated for “her dedication and distinguished service in the community.” (see pic). The JBM Award had been initiated by Melvyn Brown, Chronicler of the Anglo-Indian race. The Award carried a colorful Citation and a Star Trophy.

27 January 2014

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Vol.23 No.4 January 27, 2014


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 .: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO


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‘Thought for the week’

A successful man is he who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him! Learn to accept criticism proactively and with grace.

Contents pg. 3 - Should Laypeople Have A Role In Choosing Their Bishops? pg. 5 - Views on News pg. 6 - Eucharist & The Workers pg. 7 - Reader's Views pg 8 - Hounour Killings: A Growing Social Evil pg 10 - A Visit To Delhi Markets pg 14 - Sun, Moon & Clouds pg 17 - Myths About Happy Marriage pg 18 - Remembering Republic Day!! pg 19 - Inspiration! pg 19 - How To Control Anger pg 20 - Matrimonials

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Cover : Should Laypeople Have A

Role In Choosing Their Bishops? (Article on pg. 3)

27 January 2014

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Should Laypeople Have A Role In Choosing Their Bishops? United States: Pope Francis says that he wants a special kind of bishop for our church—he wants “shepherds who smell of their sheep.” Let us take our Holy Father at his word: Who knows how the sheep smell better than the sheep themselves? No one. So then why not let the sheep make a modest proposal and ask that we laypeople have a significant say in the choice of our bishops. This proposal is not as radical as it may seem. Once the office of bishop was clearly established in the early church, that office was filled by the choice of the local people and priests, and ratified by the neighboring bishops as a sign of the unity of the church. Even unbaptized persons were eligible to be chosen for bishop, as we know from the story of St. Ambrose, who was acclaimed by the clergy and people as bishop of Milan while he was still a catechumen. And the very first bishop in the United States, John Carroll, was elected by the priests of Maryland and confirmed by the pope. Today we are so used to the pope choosing our bishops for us without any input from those whom the bishop will serve that we forget it was not always that way. In fact the right of the pope to choose bishops was only finally settled by the 1917 Code of Canon Law, which clearly allocated that power to the holder of the papal office. The way bishops are chosen today arguably does have some limited lay input. When a priest is being considered for appointment as bishop, the apostolic nuncio, the pope’s representative to the United States, sends out what are called apostolic letters. These letters go to select laypeople from the diocese, asking their knowledge of the candidate’s position on some very specific issues, such as birth control, abortion, married priests, female priests, the remarriage of divorced Catholics, and same-sex marriage. These questions reveal the slant of the Vatican that has given us so many culture warrior bishops, although perhaps the questions will change under Pope Francis. Maybe the apostolic letters will begin to ask new questions: Does this man have a concern for the poor? Does he dress in the best clothes, drive a fancy car, and enjoy fine food and drink? Does he spend more time with rich people than with poor people? Even better, the letters might possibly go to different people. Right now, (Contd.. on p. 4)


(Contd.. from p. 3) the only folks who get those letters tend to be wealthy donors; the poor people of a diocese never get apostolic letters from the papal nuncio. Besides the limited input of such apostolic letters, however, there really is no lay participation regarding which men are chosen to be our bishops. So then how do bishops come to be chosen today? Dioceses in the United States are divided into what are known as “ecclesiastical provinces,” e.g. every diocese in the state of Illinois is in the province of Chicago, every diocese in the state of Pennsylvania is in the province of Philadelphia , etc. Each of these provinces has a list of potential candidates for bishop, compiled from suggestions of priests favored by the bishops of that province, which they update every so often. No laypeople are given the chance to contribute any names to that list. Supposedly, when there is a need for a diocesan bishop in the province, the papal nuncio begins the hunt by looking at the candidates on that list. And even more importantly, the papal nuncio is not bound by the list; it is only a starting point. He may place other priests’ names from around the country on the list of candidates that he prepares.

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The nuncio narrows the candidates down to a final list of three names (called a “terna”) which is sent to the Congregation for Bishops in Rome. The list is vetted, perhaps rewritten with different names, and then sent on to the pope. The pope can pick any name from the list of three that the Congregation for Bishops gives him, or he can go off-list and pick someone completely different. John Paul II, who was well-traveled both before and after becoming pope, supposedly went offlist a number of times to name as diocesan bishops men whom he knew personally. This current system can result in bishops being parachuted into dioceses by headquarters in Rome, without any knowledge of the diocese, its priests, or its people. Sometimes that works out, sometimes it doesn’t. Some bishops from outside are quick studies, and genuinely get to know their priests and people before they begin making major decisions. Others arrive thinking that they already know all they need to know and proceed from one disastrous decision to another. Usually this system gives us bishops whose only loyalty is upward—to their patrons in Rome or to the national hierarchy who campaigned for them—and not to their own priests and people. I think that this one fact alone— the way they were chosen as bishops to begin with—helps to explain a lot about the way the American bishops mishandled the clergy child sexual abuse crisis. Recall that the national bishops conference dithered for years, looking for a solution from Rome. Being afraid to act without one, they did nothing while the situation deteriorated in the United States. Bishops who were more accountable to their people would not have acted that way. What would it look like if laypeople had a real role in the choice of our bishops? In the normal course of events, before a diocese is about to fall vacant—and this is not a surprise date, since bishops must retire when they turn 75, which is right after the year they turn 74—the papal nuncio or someone from his staff should actually travel to the diocese and talk to the laypeople directly. In any given year, there are

less than a dozen dioceses that become open, so this will not require a lot of travel. The nuncio’s staff should visit parishes and ask people to stay after Mass to talk about potential bishop candidates; that way you will get those Catholics who actually participate in the life of the church (anywhere from 27 to 35 percent in most dioceses) to give their opinion. The nuncio or his staff should then hold a convocation in the diocese where folks chosen by the people of each parish, not by the pastor, would be asked to attend and discuss suitable candidates. The people know who the good priests are. They are the men who Pope Francis described in his recent talk to the episcopal conferences of Latin America (CELAM), as “pastors, close to people, fathers and brothers, and gentle, patient and merciful.” They must be simple men, devoted to poverty, and not driven by ambition. They must be “men who do not think and behave like princes,” Francis said, but “men capable of watching over the flock entrusted to them and protecting everything that keeps it together: guarding their people out of concern for the dangers which could threaten them, but above all instilling hope: so that light will shine in people’s hearts. Men capable of supporting with love and patience God’s dealings with his people.” Source: U.S.Catholic

27 January 2014

Drowning’ Glory ? Rahul Gandhi [RaGa] delivered a speech which he might have saved for his coronation as the PM candidate. Others too thought he would be named but it did not happen. I said this many months ago. There was no way the party could play its ace and be dammed for a long time. The young man [is he?] would have had to vie possibly for third spot on the podium. With Kumar Viswas of AAP challenging him, his election looks doubtful forcing him to contest from another constituency as well. This speaks a lot about confidence. This election will re-write India’s political history. If Modi with his baggage of 2002 does not form the government, BJP will and stay put for a long time and drown the glory of the Congress Party and its leadership. Interestingly, Priyanka Gandhi [PG] once again gets active only during the elections. This time around, she chaired some important ‘secret’ meeting with top Congress leaders. In what capacity she did so is unclear. Equally important is to note that she has declined to contest the elections and prefers to don the mantle of a strategist. She has done this before. Is it possible that she impressed upon those present the futility of anointing RaGa as PM candidate? She too possibly foresees a disaster for the party. The whole strategy seems to have been worked very carefully for a bigger role for her. It could also mean that should RaGa fail to make a significant impact, Priyanka could be projected as a new face in his place for the next election. It is also possible that keeping the health of Sonia Gandhi in mind, there could be an important role for PG in the bigger scheme of things. Should Soniaji continue to show signs of ill health, there will be a clamour from 10 Janpath loyalists to hand over the President-ship of the party to Priyanka to ensure continued and long term hold on the party by the first family. *****

27 January 2014

VIEWS on NEWS Junket ?, Junk It ! Suddenly the country is incensed with our beloved leaders which include Ministers, Parliamentarians and Legislators [not forgetting City Fathers] having free joy rides at the cost of the exchequer – all as a part of service to their constituents whose welfare and well being are two important missions in their lives. Poor chaps, they work so hard and they also walk a lot [in and out of Parliament and Assembly]. They are so tired shouting one another down and sometimes indulging in fist fights also. All this saps their valuable energy and we must be a little considerate towards them. These guys certainly need some sort of diversion, some entertainment so that they come back refreshed to serve the nation better. In fact, these junkets spanning over 15-18 days are too short. Actually they should cover the entire period between two sessions of Parliament or Assembly because, when in session, these poor guys have to slog. On a more serious note, this nonsense must stop and stop forthwith. How farcical can such study tours be is beyond imagination. There was a case when Mayor of Mumbai who went to some exotic orient countries to study how those countries managed those cities beautifully and possibly to take a leaf out of their efforts. All this was done, when the Mayor was just about to demit office. How ridiculous can one be! More recently, we are hearing about the study tours by Karnataka and UP legislators – a national shame for all of us. They loot rations meant for those stranded due to floods etc. Can there be anything worse than this? Corporates give a free international holiday for star performers with their partners. Surely, this does not apply to our MPs and MLAs, so make each of the elected representatives who enjoyed free holidays pay for the entire tour from their own pockets. Someone should file a PIL in the Court of Law. *****

by Marshall Sequeira

The Broom Effect The AAM party’s symbol – the broom has suddenly enhanced its brand image which was, hitherto, unfortunately linked to cleaning the dirt. It is important to observe that the broom selected by the party is not that usual one used to sweep the rooms in the house. They have opted for the smaller version which is hard and effective. The impact however, is driven home. To what extent the broom can affect the Lotus is hard to say but if the mood of the people is any guide to go by, surely the powerful flower is in some trouble. What is worrying the RSS and the BJP is that slowly but surely, this nascent outfit is attracting people who enjoy public respect. AAP can spoil the party [pun intended]. If reports are to be believed, there are closed door meetings to rework the strategy to blunt the growing popularity of the AAP. This shows desperation and the attack on the party office following the comments of Prashant Bushan, is just the beginning. The Parivar, having thrown its weight behind Modi, views it as a prestige issue. Should Modi not be able to become the PM, it will reflect badly on the umbrella organization. Goa CM says the AAP is what the BJP was in the initial stages. He indirectly admits that the party has strayed very badly. Whether AAP, can have a long time impact on the Indian polity it is too early to say. Kejrival should show more maturity and also rein in his over-enthusiastic ministers. But in the meanwhile, like potatoes and AAM’s popularity, the prices of brooms have started rising. *****


Delhi Goan Cultural Club Celebrates St. Francis Xavier


ecember 1st 2013 was a grand day in the history of Goan Sports and Cultural Club, Delhi (Regd.). Not only the 10th anniversary of GSCC was celebrated with gust but also the Holy Eucharist was offered by His Grace Most Rev. Anil J.T. Couto, Archbishop of Delhi and con-celebrated by Fr. Norbert Lewis, parish priest of Church of Divine Mercy, Pitampura, Fr. Furtado, parish priest of Kherakud and Fr. Praseed, Asst. General of IMS. The liturgy well prepared in advance both in English and Konkani and well delivered, inspired the entire gathering and the Vidya Jyoti Choir – Brother Densil and Brother Solon greatly assisted by Fr. Furtado, Neha Sharma, Elvis Kuttickal and Paro Salema rendered soul stirring music elevating the soul of the gathering to the divine. Immediately after the Holy Mass concluded, a personal testimony to the great name of St. Francis Xavior was rendered by Mr. S. Santiago who narrated briefly as to how the glorious name of St. Francis Xavior has spiritually, socially and joyfully impacted the baptismal names of his family members, the places of the studies and training, the places of their residing and living et al. Mr, Bennet Pinto, the M.C. of the evening conducted a mind boggling quiz programme on the life of St. Francis Xavior. The blessed statue of St. Francis Xavier was passed around and devotedly kissed by all the participants. About 200 strong gathering of Goans and their friends and well wishers went in ecstacy dancing particularly to the Pop - Konkani tunes for quite some time. The presence and participation of His Grace Archbishop Anil JT Couto throughout the function was a source of great encouragement and blessings to the organizers. The two live-wires behind the gala event were Parbati Poddor (Vice President) and Eugene Salema (Jt. Secretary) who were experts in communicating, inter-acting and spreading the fascinating news to those who dare to hope: “And the message is: God still loves the world. God still, still loves the world. So throw your life into His hands, day by day discern His plans, God is passionately busy loving you and me”. —S. Santiago President Catholic Association, Pitampura.


Eucharist & The Workers


he churchs contribution to workers goes way behind the year 1891, when Pope Leo XIII released the first encyclical of the Catholic Church, Rerum Novarum, when he made us aware of the rights and dignity of labour. Rerum Novarum focused on the workers contribution to the Catholic Church. Thus the Eucharist played a vital role in empowering the workers. The founder of the Christian Workers Movement, - a Catholic based Workers Apostolate, Joseph Cardinal Cardijn said, Without work, there is no host, no wine& thus work and workers contribute to make the Eucharist meaningful and becomes a sign of empowerment to all workers. The Eucharist is a combination of human dignity & labour. It enhances workers to build a new world through their efforts and contributions. The sweat, blood, tears and toils if workers when brought to the altar of God becomes holistic and attributes in building Gods kingdom at our places of work. Thus our places of work become a place where God helps us to bring out ourselves as his apostles and challenge situations that threaten humanity. The Eucharist helps to challenge ourselves to stand for truth & righteousness; justice & peace; for understanding & injustice. The Eucharist takes workers through the journey of Calvary where Christ was first condemned to death and as the journey continues, Christs encounter with various people the good & the bad; the Tax Collectors and the Pharisees; we find that many of us are all wrapped up in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The first Eucharist that was celebrated on Maundy Thursday, still today live through the sweat, tears, toil and bread of the worker, empowering the workers. It is encouraging to see many workers have taken refuge in Christ & the Eucharist when they are struck with unpleasant movement of their lives and this empowerment helps workers stand upright during those times when they have to face hardships in their lives. The Eucharist empowers and encourages workers to be considerate towards those workers who are suffering for the sake of other workers and participate in their mission of building a Just & sustainable world for workers. The Eucharist in a very special way encounters the sufferings of workers as Jesus Christ is broken as His Body in the form of host & Cup of wine drunk in the form of his blood. The empowerment of workers begins at the Eucharist and this Eucharist is later taken to workers of all faith when we consolidate with their joys & sorrows, their hopes & struggles. When we help our fellow workers gain dignity, we bring empowerment of the Eucharist in that worker. This work later transforms into a wonderful ministry through the empowerment and then into a meaningful Apostolate that goes to empower workers in the light of the Holy Gospel, with human and gospel values. The Eucharist also invites Catholics to participate in the mission of Jesus Christ of building Gods kingdom at their places of work, Church & society. It empowers workers to be Christs apostles and transform their lives and their work. The Eucharist empowers workers to stand for Christ and the (Contd.. on p. 7)

27 January 2014

Annulment--Church Tribunal The reasons for seeking annulment are stated to be more education of women, career mind of women, assertive mentality of women and some kind of fraud like concealing some facts by one of the spouses.( Vincent Bagul letter in Secular Citizen 6--January ) If more education is there, they are supposed to have knowledge about the Church teaching about the sacredness and indissolubility of Catholic marriage. If one plays fraud, it is sheer cheating and it is proof that the party has least care about the teachings of the Church. Such parties believe the marriage is just a social event and so not much concerned about its sacredness. The main reason according to me is ignorance about Christ, about natural law and about Church Catechism. With a view to overcome some difficulty, the Church has prescribed a three day premarital course for every intending couple throughout the world. Many of the modern youth do not know much about the Church. They see all permissiveness around, even abuse by highly placed people and priests. Marriage is considered by some as a solution for lust,instead of as a great Sacrament instituted by God for unitive and procreative purpose. The tremendous scale of family break up, divorces,infidelity etc. in Western countries is due to their abandonment of faith in God and Church. We too seem to follow them. Only faith in God and all teachings including the need to bear one,s cross can save marriage .The Tribunal may not be able to

Eucharist & The Workers (Contd.. from p. 6) greater glory of God. Hence Catholic workers must fulfill their vocation as workers and enroll themselves as members of the Christian Workers Movement the Church amongst workers and participate in Christs mission of building Gods kingdom at their places of work.

—Cajetan Peter DSouza

27 January 2014

quest for a marriage partner. Then life together becomes an adventure. —Nileema Pereira

Why Catholics Pray To Saints

take the right decision in short time. They need time to study the case, to converse with the parties. It is good if a reconciliation is achieved. However if they could find that a marriage as per all the rules and requirements has not occured, annulment is easy to be granted.

Funny & Misleading Captions This has reference to A.F.Nazareth,s letter with the caption " Homosexuality in the Church "( The Secular Citizen 6--1--2014 ) There may be homosexuals in a community,like thieves,aduterers,sex addicts etc. Do we say "" thieves in the Church "" if there are some thieves in our community ? It is felt that such captions may not be given for articles as well as letters as the heading represents the essence of write up. —K.C. Thomas

Bachelors & Spinsters Get-together It is indeed a brilliant idea to arrange such a meet. Many in various communities are unable to find a suitable partner for their sons. We have to go across castes, religion, and communities, to another caste to find an equal partner. This is the nature and result of development - economic and social. Lucky are those who find a different culture, a different language in thier

Prayer is raising our hearts and minds to God, so we Catholic actually do not pray to saints. However, we know that saints are people who lived lives of extraordinary virtue on earth and are rewarded by being in heaven with God. So we ask for their intercession when we need it or for their help to get into heaven, too. Timothy Cardinal Dolan of New York put it this way, “In prayer, we always go to Jesus. Sometimes, we bring friends with us too.” — Jubel D’Cruz, Dombivili

Religion In Politics The role of religion in Indian politics cannot be denied, even though we swear by our secular Constitution. We have seen its disastrous effects time and again when politicians and political parties misuse it to divide the people for personal gains. Religion being a personal matter between man and God should therefore be kept out of politics .However, for Gandhiji, religion cannot be divorced from politics, since it is a moral order that transcends all religions and harmonises them to give them reality. One’s spiritual life can only be fulfilled by identifying oneself with humanity which is achieved when one takes part in politics. Those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is. Gandhiji’s religion- based politics was inextricably bound up with non-violence and truth. I wonder how many of us will subscribe to Gandhiji’s philosophy of religion in politics. Nevertheless, it is food for thought for our greedy and power-hungry politicians to make our country one large family of ‘Bharat Mata’ without feelings of belonging to a majority or minority community. —A. F. Nazareth, Alto Porvorim


“Thou shall not kill,” warns the Holy Bible [Exodus 20:13]. At the very outset it may be said that no religion whatsoever either orders or permits killing another human being, regardless of the reasons and circumstances. It is indeed ironical that while India is in the news for being one of the fastest growing economies in the world, honour killings are steadily increasing. This barbaric practice has prevailed for

tradesmen Vaisyas. Hence the members were bound by location and profession, not by blood relations. It is thought that same gotra marriages were prohibited during Vedic times in order to promote amity with other tribes and gotra through marriage. Strangely there is a way of eluding the ban on sagotra marriages. A bride is formally ‘adopted by a family of another gotra, often the maternal uncle.

A Growing Social Evil hundreds of years in the northern States of Bihar, UP and Haryana. These heinous crimes, until not very long ago, highlighted by the media, are today being relegated to the back pages of newspapers, the sad truth being that such crimes are no more news, going as they do unpunished. Young lives full of potential are sacrificed because of the medieval notion of honour when they have dared to marry outside the accepted norms of the rural society they live in. Wikipedia’s definition: “An honour killing is the murder of a family or clan member by one or more fellow family members, where the murderers (and potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonour upon the family, clan or community. Manoj Banwala and Babli, 23 and 19 years of age respectively, were members of the same gotra who eloped and married in June 2007. However, despite police protection on court orders, they were kidnapped and brutally killed and their mutilated bodies were found a week later. What emotional turmoil these hapless youngsters must have gone through in their final moments to find their families turning against them! All one can say is that they were brave martyrs on the altar of social change who dared to take on the khap or caste panchayat at the cost of their own lives. Why this heinous crime was committed Social pressures due to a medieval mindset that refuses to change with the times - Caste still remains one of the most important factors govern-


ing the lives of a largely patriarchal society and inter-caste marriages are frowned upon. Marriages within the same gotra or sub-caste are perceived to be incestuous, and hence there is a

by Monica Fernandes

Monica Fernandes is a freelance writer for whom writing is a satisfying hobby. She has written for several years for various magazines such as Woman’s Era, Harmony, Alive, The Teenager, The Examiner and Together. She has authored a book for teenagers entitled Towards a Fuller Life published by Better Yourself Books. She lives in Mumbai and assists her husband, Nelson, in running an export business.

fear that future generations may turn out to be mentally or physically challenged if such marriages do occur. Ignorance - Are such same gotra marriages really incestuous? Not at all. However, the villagers are ignorant of this fact. The word “gotra” is a Sanskrit term initially used centuries ago by the people during Vedic times and means Cow pen. Tribes who cared for one herd were considered to be of one gotra. Each of these gotras had a Guru or eminent person who they considered their progenitor and the gotras were named after these sages and rishis (Brahmins), warriors and administrators (Kshatriyas) and ancestral

The ‘father’ then gives away the bride as if she belonged to his gotra. Since northern Indian society is strictly patrilineal, this type of union is not considered to be incestuous. Such murders take place ostensibly in order to save the honour of the caste, community or family. In this feudal society, the upper castes are usually members of the khap panchayat and as such, their word is law. Nonadherence to the diktats of the khap panchayats is considered a family and community issue. Women have no status - As individuals, women are considered to be chattels owned by their husbands and sons after marriage and by their father and brothers before marriage. This viewpoint is being challenged by the younger generation who are educated and have access to the media, especially TV. They believe that men and women have equal rights including the right to choose their future life partners. The legalization of property rights for women in 1956 upset the status quo. (Contd.. on p. 9)

27 January 2014

(Contd.. from p. 8) According to sociologist Prem Chowdhry, the elite castes felt threatened as daughters living close to home could in theory claim a part of the family land. In many villages, the leader of the self-appointed court has so much power that the police are kept away from village politics, many deaths thus going unrecorded. Also, since the police are themselves part and parcel of the social structure, they often turn a blind eye to such happenings. Lack of political will - The khap panchayats dictate to their subjects whom to vote for. According to Professor Javeed Alam, politicians do not renounce the practice because if they did, “they would not win elections”. This was evident when the MP, Naveen Jindal, who was educated abroad, was interviewed on TV. Using typical political doublespeak, he gave every indication that he supported the gotra system (after all the upper castes voted for him!) though not the death sentence meted out by the khap panchayats. Why honour killing is wrong Sin - All religions agree that murder is a grievous sin. Christians believe that every human being is specially crafted by God in His own image and likeness. Each individual is unique. Only God has the right to create life and take it. Who are we, mere mortals with feet of clay, to try to play God and indulge in what the police call ‘moral vigilantism’? Father Prax Pereira of Mumbaii once wrote a very thoughtprovoking article on stewardship, the contents of which set me thinking. A steward is a “person entrusted with the management of another’s property.” God has entrusted us with the awesome responsibility and privilege of looking after His property comprising of members of the weaker sections of society. The family is a microcosm of society and hence this responsibility extends to the family as well. Parents per se have the duty to protect their children, not kill them for non-adherence to societal norms. Forgiveness is an integral part of most religions. However, if the parents and family members find it hard to

27 January 2014


‘Erangal-cha Sann’

ver six lakh Catholics and people of other faiths and communities from all over Mumbai embarked on a pilgrimage to celebrate the annual feast of St. Bonaventure at the historic Portuguese church at Erangal beach at Madh Island in Malad, Mumbai on January 12, 2014. The feast of St. Bonaventure is celebrated on the second Sunday in January every year. The St. Bonaventure Church is in the ruins of an Old Portuguese fort. Currently there are very few East Indian Catholic families residing near this church. East Indians speak Marathi, which is a mixture of pure Marathi and Portuguese. The modern generation has started speaking English too. Every year thousands of visitors arrive to pray at the church during this annual event. After that they make their way to the local fair where scores of people sell local produce and other goodies like specialty foods, musical instruments and music CDs. — Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili forgive their adult children for making their own decisions, they are free to disown them, but not kill them! Social angle - Once individuals are permitted to take the law into their own hands, there is no end to exterminating weaker sections or those who are in disagreement with the power mongers. There would be chaos and society would cease to function. Fascism would prevail like it did under Hitler’s regime. Constitutional rights - Our constitution is very progressive. It enshrines the rights of each individual to live his/ her own life in the way he/she would like to, provided he/she does not impinge on the rights of others. It has abolished castes and regards men and women as equal. Appropriate action to tackle this menace Both UNICEF and the UN Development Fund for Women have programmes in place to address the issue. Amnesty International launched a worldwide campaign to halt violence against women in 2003. Nearer home, a leading Indian women’s group, the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) has called for a ban on all decisions of caste panchayats that violate the Indian Constitution. It has also called for changing the law to allow courts to intervene in all crimes where violence is committed in the name of so-called “honour”. In 1990, the National Commission for Women set up a statutory body in

order to address the issues of honour killings among some ethnic groups in northern India. This body reviewed the constitutional, legal and other provisions as well as challenges faced by women. Further, its activism contributed significantly towards the reduction of honour killings in rural areas of northern India. A lot, however, remains to be done at the local level. Police officers and prosecutors need to be convinced – even prevailed upon - to treat these crimes seriously. In a landmark judgement, in March 2010, the Karnal district court ordered the execution of the five perpetrators and gave the life sentence to the khap head who ordered the killings of Manoj and Babli. Educating people - There have been no honour killings in West Bengal in over 100 years, thanks to the influence and activism of reformists, viz. Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramakrishna and Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Rigid mindsets are difficult but not impossible to change. Reform can and will occur when education spreads to every nook and cranny of the country. Spreading the message - Last but not least the aam aadmi of the country, i.e. you and me, need to write at length (and repeatedly so) as regards the repeated enactment of such tragedies. Street plays on the theme are the need of the hour, ensuring the spread of the message that honour killings are absolutely wrong and will always be. Perhaps a mass movement would be an effective way to create proper awareness and change society.


A Visit To Delhi Markets


The vibrant and exotic atmosphere of Delhi markets can make shopping lots of fun.

n fact, Delhi has the best markets in India, with handicrafts from all over the country. These top markets in Delhi are a treasure trove of goods waiting to be discovered.

Dilli Haat This huge Delhi market has been deliberately made to feel like a traditional weekly village market, called a haat. Small thatched roof cottages with a village atmosphere give it great ambiance. The market offers an exciting blend of handicrafts from all over India, food, and cultural and music performances. The entry fee is 15 rupees (35 cents). Don't miss it! Location: Sri Aurobindo Marg (opposite INA Market). Also at Netaji Subash Place (adjacent to Netaji Subash Place Metro Station), and Pitampura. Opening Hours: Daily from 10.30 a.m. to 10 p.m., including national holidays. What to Buy: Indian handcrafts and artifacts.

Janpath and Tibetan Market This very popular and lively Delhi market, which was recently given a makeover, has something for everyone. You'll find goods from everywhere in India and Tibet here, and it's a great place to shop for things to take back home. However, you'll need all your bargaining skills to get a really decent price. Location: Janpath, just off Connaught Place, in central New Delhi. Opening Hours: Daily. What to Buy: Handicrafts, hippy clothing, shoes, paintings, brassware, Indian artifacts, leather work, and cheap jewelry.

Khan Market Khan Market is a small, U-shaped, well established market that's one of Delhi's classiest. Bargain hunters are likely to be disappointed at this market. It's got a loyal following who go there to shop at its branded outlets. One of the best things about this market is its interest-


ing book shops. It's also got some excellent tailors who will make you a suit in less than a week. For Ayurvedic food, medicine and skin care check out Biotique, and Khadi. Hidden away, you'll find some great lounges to relax in, many with balconies overlooking the street. Location: South New Delhi, not far from India Gate. Opening Hours: Daily except Sundays. What to Buy: Books, music, branded and tailored clothes, Ayurvedic food and cosmetics, and lamps.

Paharganj Some of the best bargain shopping in Delhi can be found in the crumbling and chaotic Main Bazaar of the Paharganj traveler ghetto. Many of the shops in Paharganj also deal in wholesale and export to foreign countries, making it a good place to come and hunt out unique and inexpensive goods to import back home. Location: Paharganj Main Bazaar, opposite the New Delhi Railway Station. Opening Hours: Daily until around 9 p.m. What to Buy: Clothes, shoes, jewelry, books, music, textiles, handicrafts, hookah pipes, incense.

Chandni Chowk The shopping district of Chandni Chowk

has been in existence for hundreds of years and an exploration of its winding, narrow alleyways is certainly an adventure. The lanes of Chandni Chowk are divided into bazaars with different areas of specialization. For fabrics, head to Katra Neel. In the Bhagirath Palace area, you'll find a huge range of electronics. Dariba Kalan is Old Delhi's ancient silver market full of silver jewelry. Food vendors in Chandni Chowk also serve up a delicious assortment of Delhi street food. Location: Old Delhi. Opening Hours: Daily except Sundays. What to Buy: Fabrics, jewelry, and electronic goods.

Sarojini Nagar Sarojini Nagar is most famous for its really cheap designer clothes and reputable brands that have been rejected from export, either because of surplus quantity or small manufacturing defects. Shops and stalls, selling all kinds of clothes and fashion accessories, sprawl onto the streets. There's also a sweet market (Babu Market) and vegetable market (Subzi Mundi) in the area. Location: South West Delhi, near Safdarjung Airport. Opening Hours: Daily except Mondays. What to Buy: Designer clothes, Indian clothes, fashion accessories, shoes.

27 January 2014

‘Jwala Award 2013’ Presented to Alice Johnson Therattil

Mrs. Alice Johnson Therattil Ex- Mumbai Municipal Corporator was nominated for Mumbai Vanita Ratnam – 16th Jwala Award 2013 for the exemplary social service instituted by Smitha publications. She had received the Award along with other prominent persons like Prof. Col. Dr. James Thomas – Former Vice Chancellor D.Y. Patil University, Major (Dr) Nalini & Colonel (Dr) Janardhanan, Shri S.P. Muraleedharan- International Wining Swimming on Saturday 28th December 2013.

The BCS Annual Academic Awards 2012-13 On Sunday, 12 January 2014, 135 students from 44 parishes in the Archdiocese were felicitated and awarded by The Bombay Catholic Sabha for their excellent performance in the last academic year. These students were from Std X upto Ph.D as well as from many specialized vocational courses. The Chief Guest for this occasion was Mr. Alfred Arambhan, Founder and Chairman of Arambhan Group of Companies. Mr. Arambhan, in his speech, challenged the awardees to think differently and question the choices they made about their course and career. He said that times have changed and the world is at our doorstep, bringing opportunities galore. The need of the hour is to uplift our community and make it rich by making money work for us, and not just be content working for money. He challenged the students to make choices that would make them financially independent and bring them freedom. He said that fear and greed are what drive most of us, and these need to be conquered by us in order to progress and make our community prosperous like many of the other communities. He generously offered to help any students who have any ideas and wanted to pursue them as viable business solutions. He offered his resources and expertise to the community for setting up an Incubation Centre which would make this happen and help budding entrepreneurs to establish themselves. The programme was well conducted by Prof. Lilla D’Souza who has been the Hon. Director and Convenor for this Annual function from its inception 24 years ago. She was specially thanked, felicitated and honoured at the end of the programme.

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Veteran Journalist And Freedom Fighter Flaviano Dias No More PANAJI: Veteran journalist and freedom fighter Flaviano Dias passed away after a brief illness in a private hospital in Panaji on Saturday. Dias headed the Goa bureau of the Press Trust of India for over a decade in the late 1980s and 1990s. He was also editor of the Goan news weekly Goa Post. Dias started his journalism career with the Free Press Journal in Mumbai where he resided in his early years. He was deeply involved in Goa's liberation movement and was a member of the Goa Congress formed in Mumbai to espouse the cause of Goa's liberation from the Portuguese colonial rule.

27 January 2014

He was also a close associate of the late Peter Alvares, an avid fan of Goan Nationalist Dr Tristao Braganca e Cunha and a close friend of Socialist Leader Madhu Limaye. In a condolence message, the Goa Union of Journalists (GUJ) praised Dias as a leading light in Goa's media fraternity for more than two decades. A statement by GUJ said that Dias' contribution in the field of journalism, trade unionism in the media industry and in the process of raising the professional standards of journalism in Goa were immense.



27 January 2014

27 January 2014


Royal Christian Family invites

BACHELORS & SPINSTERS for their forthcoming

GET-TOGETHER A grand gathering to get acquainted with boys and girls of matching age group who are in search of a suitable Life-Partner of their choice with an ultimate view to matrimony.

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Places are limited ! Book Your Seat Early !! Royal Christian Family 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Near GPO., Fort, Mumbai 400001 Tel.: 022 - 22693578, 22654924 Email:,


27 January 2014

Sun, Moon & Clouds


his is about the climate, the political climate. After the re cent Assembly elections in 5 States, there are many who have written the Congress’ epitaph, and also gone ga-ga (or should I say blah-blah) about AAP’s rising graph. In the midst of the media hype, especially the electronic variety, we need to sit back and put on our thinking caps.


THE SUN Other than some devotees in Eastern U.P. and Bihar, who perform Chhat Puja for the setting sun, most people worship the Rising Sun - the Surya Namaskar. So it is not unexpected that many of our country folk are making a beeline for Kejriwal, the Rising Son of India (pun intended). As a person, I salute Kejriwal for his resoluteness in fighting corruption. His unexpected debut in Delhi has rewritten all political equations. More importantly, it has shaken all other political parties out of their stupor, or comfort zones; especially of caste, creed, class and ethnicity. So far so good. But there is a yawning gap between street protests, and actually delivering on good governance. Only time will tell if Kejriwal can really deliver on his many promises. He is being projected as being something new and different. He is supposed to be simple, humble and honest. I would be happy to believe that. Is he the first, or only such political leader? Certainly not. When George Fernandes was Railway Minister, with additional charge of Jammu & Kashmir, I could walk straight into his living room. He used to wash his own clothes. Madhu Dandwate, when he was Finance Minister of India, possessed just an ordinary Black & White TV. Even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh owns just an ordinary Maruti 800. Manik Sarkar, the four times re-elected Chief Minister of Tripura, donates his salary to his party, the CPM, and lives on a monthly allowance of Rs 5000/-. On the world scenario, the man with the largest following, Pope Francis, lives in

27 January 2014

a two-room guesthouse, and uses a small car. His namesake, French President Francois Hollande reportedly uses a scooter to drive through Paris at night, albeit for quietly visiting a lady friend! So let us not get carried away by rhetoric, or media hype. As for delivery on promises, there seem to be many riders on Kejriwal’s racehorse called Bijli-Paani (pun again intended). Delhi-ites are slowly beginning to read the fine print, that “Terms & Conditions Apply”! Does India really have 545 honest, selfless leaders (one for each parliamentary constituency), who will apply to AAP for a Lok Sabha ticket? I have my reservations. In my hometown of Kanpur, there was a mad scramble for the party’s membership, including by known criminals caught on camera. Rejects or alsorans from the Congress, SP and Independents were falling over each other to join AAP. To cap it all (but not with AAP’s trademark Gandhi cap) top industrialists and wealthy nursing home owners (doctors) organised a dinner party in an upscale restaurant for the AAP observers. There was unabashed jostling for the party ticket. Since many of the top AAP functionaries in Kanpur are well known to me, I immediately phoned them, to caution them against falling prey to money bags or honey traps. Right now it is too early to say how AAP

will evolve. Much will depend on the resolve of Kejriwal and Yogendra Yadav, his trusted ideologue. This is still the honeymoon period for the sun.

THE MOON So let us move to the moon. When expectations are inordinately high we counter them by saying, “Are you asking for the moon”? India has literally gone to the moon, is on its way to Mars, and its cryogenic GSAT rocket has been successfully launched. Our missile technology is world class and our software engineers are world-beaters. Obama feels threatened by Bangalore, and British trade unionists object to India grabbing their jobs. The American Govt shut down for 15 days because of a political logjam, but the UPA coalition Govt has as good as completed 10 years in office. There have been no major communal disturbances or recurring terrorist strikes. We were able to forewarn and subsequently take adequate precautions to minimize the loss of lives in the Orissa cyclone. Yes prices went up. So did earnings, and the stock market. Lavish spending at weddings has not diminished. The Nano had to eat humble pie because we big fat Indians found it too cheap! Almost everybody, except me, (Contd.. on p. 16)


(Contd.. from p. 15) has a Smart Phone, and will soon have their Smart Cards for direct cash benefit transfers. Despite a global economic meltdown, we weathered the storm. Are we still not happy? Are we asking for the moon? It is now being bandied about that youngistan is unhappy with the current political dispensation, and is looking at AAP with great expectation. Youngistan wants jobs in MNCs and shopping in glitzy malls; forgetting that AAP is against FDI and “crony capitalism”, whatever that means. Nothing is as simple as it seems. Yet, like the pernicious Arnab Goswami, I will ask a simple question. “Given a choice, in which city in India would you like to live and work”? The answers will be obvious – Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Gurgaon and Delhi. All these are situated in States ruled by the Congress, barring Delhi, which recently slipped out of its grip. Why doesn’t youngistan opt for Modi’s Ahmedabad, Akhilesh’s Lucknow, Mamta’s Kolkata, or Jayalalithaa’s Chennai? Is there not a lesson to be learnt from this simple exercise? Belabouring the point would make me sound partisan. Suffice it to say that good governance gives good jobs, which is what youngistan wants. We talk of people’s power. That has already been provided for in the 73rd Amendment to the Constitution for Panchayati Raj, and the 74th Amendment for urban self-rule, way back in 1992. It was left to the States to implement these provisions. As for the “flawed democratic process” who are we comparing ourselves with - America and Europe? They have had a head start, but we are catching up. Look around at our neighbours, who attained Independence at about the same time that we did. Are we not better off than Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal and Myanmar? Most of Africa and the Middle East has struggled with democracy, or is under the spell of theocratic monarchies. Why do we whine all the time, eventhough we continue to wine and dine? No doubt we have many more promises to keep, before we sleep; but I would rather see the glass half full than half empty.


THE CLOUDS They can blot out both the sun and the moon. We cannot deny that there are many clouds on the political horizon. Most of the Clouds also begin with the letter C – Corruption, Communalism, Casteism etc. They hardly need elaboration, so I will not burden you with adding my two-pice to the debate. As the adage goes, “Every cloud has a silver lining”. We need to blow the clouds away, for which we need a strong wind. That will blow firm and true if we, as mature Indians, look at the big picture that is India, our motherland. Let us look around for good candidates, no matter to which party they belong. Let us check their credentials for honesty, integrity, diligence and service to the nation. When D Day dawns let each of us ensure that we have that indelible mark on our fingers, so that we may proudly proclaim that we have participated in the world’s biggest festival – the dance of Indian democracy. Let us not be like the old lady who said “I have already made up my mind, don’t confuse me with the facts”! JAI HIND! * The writer is the Convenor of the Kanpur Nagrik Manch

Grotto Inaugurated At Titwala Archdiocese of Bombay has purchased 2 acre land at Titwala, Godse with the help of Fr. Peter D’Cunha, Parish Priest - Infant Jesus Church in the name of Archbishop of Bombay. With the help of Estate Office and Finance Office, Fr. Peter has animated to build a grotto and a gate in the land purchased. The grotto was inaugurated and blessed on 1st January, 2014. The photographs can be seen on our website: www.ijcdombivli. Asking for your prayers and best wishes to have a prayer hall for the people who are staying in Titwala who have no church. Also, I appreciate our Estate Office, Finance Office and Archbishop’s House for taking keen interest to buy land beyond Thane upto Karjat which is fast developing. —Prema Sequeira Lay contact for cells & organizations 09820171788

ALL ABOUT POWER ADAPTER Power adapters are devices that make it possible to connect different power sources to a variety of devices. In some cases, a power adapter can make it possible to use an electrical device like a laptop computer in a foreign country, with no adverse effects to the device itself. Depending on the purpose and function, power adapters can be relatively inexpensive or quite costly. Models designed for use by travellers make it possible for a businessperson to us his or her laptop computer while on a trip.

Mariage Preparation Course at Dombivli “Sahaya” – Parish Family Service Centre of Infant Jesus Church, Dombivli/ Thakurli conducted Marriage Preparation Course for Thane Deanery and for other Marriage parishes on Saturday, 11th and Sunday, 12th January, 2014. The total participants who attended were 79 in number. Out of which 32 were couples and 15 singles. The participants were from the Thane Deanery and a few came from all over Bombay. The resource persons for this marriage preparation course were from Thane (North) Deanery and were trained by Snehalaya, Family Welfare Centre, Bombay. Mr. Roque and Ms. Elian thanked the Parish Priest, Fr. Peter D’Cunha of Infant Jesus Church, Dombivli for organizing this Marriage Preparation Course on behalf of Thane (North) Deanery. For details of the Marriage Course and photos, kindly see the parish website: www.ijcdombivli The next Marriage Preparation Course will be held on 5th and 6th April, 2014. For registration contact Infant Jesus church, Dombivli/Thakurli. (Breakfast/ lunch and tea will be provided) —Prema Sequeira Lay contact for cells & organizations

27 January 2014

Myths About Happy Marriage Before getting married, each person tries to imagine the way his or her life would change after this big step, and many people get disappointed in their first years of marriage because they realize that what they imagined was far from reality. It’s not wrong to want certain things in life or from your relationship, yet, you must be aware of the fact that things often change and that people evolve and you should not be disappointed

1. The Only Ingredient for a Happy Marriage Is Love One of the most common myths about marriage refers to the fact that you only need love in order to have a long, happy married life. This statement couldn’t be more wrong! For a marriage to work, besides all the love, you also need a lot of other things, like patience, empathy, care, consideration, tact and a lot of other qualities that you either have or you either develop along the way. A marriage takes a lot of work and unfortunately, love isn’t enough to make things work out... you also need to put a little effort into it.

2. Once You Get Married, You Don’t Evolve Anymore This is another myth that influences a lot the way people perceive marriage and themselves being married. Often, many people, and especially the single ones, tend to think that married couples have certain predetermined roles and responsibilities, and all that prevents them from evolving, from having fun, from enjoying life. These things are completely false! Even if after marriage you could get a few new responsibilities, you will still be able to make time for your hobbies, for doing stuff that makes you happy. You will even share these things with the one you love; it will be more fun!

3. After Marriage Your Relationship Will Be Even Stronger

27 January 2014

In order for your marriage to work, it will take a lot of effort and a lot of compromises from both of you spouses. People tend to think that marriage will help consolidate their relationship, without them doing a thing, and that isn’t exactly true.

4. The Spouses Should Have The Same Interests Or Passions This sentence couldn’t be more wrong! Every person is unique and this also applies to couples. It would be nice if you would have a few things in common with your husband or wife, a few pleasant hobbies that you share, some common interests, but, if you don’t have them it’s still okay. It’s also good if you are a bit different in some ways because this will allow you to complete each other.

6. Your Spouse Should Be Your Best Friend This is one of the popular myths that it’s

often wrong. The thing with the spouse being also your best friend is not a rule that every married person should follow. It’s absolutely normal and necessary to get along very well with your other half, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have other friends with whom you can get along just fine or maybe, sometimes, even better. These friends can listen to you, can offer you advice, can be there to comfort you when you need it, and they can do all these things in other ways that your spouse does them.

If you want to join Aam Aadmi Party Online: or 2. Send an SMS to 07798220033 with the name, std code and the vidhan sabha name of the member During this membership drive, there is no membership fee.



Justice for Teachers

n today’s society, our youth are over flowing with untapped energy, long ing to radically fast track societal changes. Economic compulsions lead parents into multi tasking. Quality time for the infants is tackled by hiring nannies, crèches, etc. The child then emerges into the educational sphere. We have trouble in schools with students. The most defenseless and vulnerable target is the School Teacher. Teachers also have to cope with these issues on two fronts, the personal and the professional. A Teacher is the lynchpin in the Education System. Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's grandson allegedly committed suicide on Christmas Day). After Retirement, Teachers are drawing measly pensions as compared to bank peons. , or Below Poverty Line (BPL) people. Even BPL allowances ofapprox.Rs.32/- a day are Rs. 960/- per month. Their demands for extending implementation of old pension scheme to the pre 2005 Retired Teachers was summarily rejected on July 22, 2013 Incidentally, Legislators unanimously increase their own pay and perks in minutes. It is important to tackle the teachers’ pension issue. They should be compensated by their respective parishes / —Denis Khan schools.

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Remembering Republic Day!! Today, most of the politicians in India make tall claims before the onset of elections but forget to deliver them after coming to power. This only goes on to show that they are least bothered about the welfare of the common man who takes time from his/her busy schedule to exercise his/her franchisee. Prices of all commodities, including that of food grains, petroleum and LPG have been sky-rocketing in the past few years after the Congress coming into power. As a result of this, the common man has to bear the brunt of the price rise, as his salary doesn’t increase in tandem with the surging inflation. It seems that the Gandhian ideals that inspired India’s independence struggles are no longer followed by citizens today. Every one of us in India respects Mahatma Gandhi, and proudly addresses him as the ‘Father of the Nation’, but no one is prepared to tread the path adopted by him. Although India has achieved Independence, it is one of the most corrupted and polluted nations in the world. Unemployment is at an all-time high. Majority of the states today are fighting among themselves and people, irrespective of caste, creed and religion are being persecuted for no fault of theirs, while the ministers and the politicians are misusing their power and the common man’s hard-earned money as they contribute to the nation by paying Professional Tax, Income Tax, etc. People have lost faith in their leaders. India has a great potential ahead, but unless and until we rise above our

differences and petty squabbles, it will not become a prosperous nation. Republic Day is a day for us to celebrate with the flag hoisting, recitation of our National Anthem and other patriotic songs and organising social and cultural events. As Indians, we should also keep remembering the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters who bravely fought for our country’s Independence and pay our due respect to them. But it’s a pity that after every Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations, the country’s national flag is strewn on the streets and people — irrespective of caste, creed, colour or religion — blithely walk over them. Even when the national anthem is played on the radio or telecast on television, people don’t respect it by standing to attention and singing it. They are busy talking on their mobile phones or chatting with their friends. As Indians, we should show respect for our country’s national flag, national song and national anthem. It is only through the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters that we have managed to gain independence and republic; otherwise we would still been living under the British dominion.

— Jubel D’Cruz, Dombivili

FLA T FOR SALE FLAT 1 BHK flat for sale at Citizen CHS Naigaum. Area 560, 2nd Floor, Furnished. Quiet Peaceful Surroundings. Municipal Water Supply. Low Outgoings. Immediate Possession. Expected Price 23 Lakhs Phone Owner:

7303172512, 9892810142 27 January 2014



Nick Vujicic: a man with no limbs who teaches people how to get up Nick Vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia with the rare Tetra-amelia disorder: limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, and having one small foot with two toes protruding from his left thigh. Despite the absence of limbs, he is doing surf and swimming, and playing golf and soccer. Nick graduated from college at the age of 21 with a double major in Accounting and Financial Planning. He began his travels as a motivational speaker, focusing on the topics that today's teenagers face.

Jessica Cox: became the first pilot with no arms, proving you don't need 'wings' to fly

Jessica Cox suffered a rare birth defect and was born without any arms. None of the prenatal tests her mother took showed there was anything wrong with her. And yet she was born with this rare congenital disease, but also with a great spirit. The psychology graduate can write, type, drive a car, brush her hair and talk on her phone simply using her feet. Ms Cox, from Tuscon, Arizona, USA, is also a former dancer and double black belt in Tai Kwon-Do. She has a no-restrictions driving license, she flies planes and she can type 25 words a minute. The plane she is flying is called an Ercoupe and it is one of the few airplanes to be made and certified without pedals. Without rudder pedals Jessica is free to use her feet as hands. She took three years instead of the usual six months to complete her lightweight aircraft licence, had three flying instructors and practiced 89 hours of flying, becoming the first pilot with no arms.

27 January 2014

Boss: I thought, Miss Smith, that you wanted yesterday afternoon off because you were seeing your dentist? Miss Smith: That's right, Sir. Boss: So how come I saw you coming out of the movie theatrewith a friend? Miss Smith : That was my dentist.

How To Control Anger Anger is a natural huface with cold water. It will man phenomenon. At times, help you to calm down. venting out your frustration is * Count up to 10. Counting of good, but knowing how to numbers will not only cool your control it, is equally crucial. temper, but it will also calm When you become angry, you down. your blood pressure rises up * Repeat phrases like ‘take it and your breathing becomes easy, ‘relax’, ‘stay cool’, etc. heavier, which can lead to an BY JUBEL D'CRUZ * Take a break from the perincreased risk of heart disson you are angry with for a ease. The digestive system also gets few minutes. But avoid banging affected, appetite goes down, and down doors, windows or anything there is an increased formation of acid that comes in your way. in the stomach, which can lead to * Go for a brisk walk or run a short gastritis and ulcers. Some people take distance. Physical activity provides up to drinking and smoking too. Exan outlet for your emotions. treme anger can cause stress hor- * Think twice before you say anything, mones to increase sugar levels, which otherwise you are likely to regret it is harmful for people suffering from later. diabetes. Effects on mental health in- * Express your anger only when you clude low self-esteem, disturbed incalm down. It is perfectly healthy to ner-personal relationship and constant express your frustration in a nonfighting and arguments with others. In confrontational way. women, extreme anger can affect men- * Use humour to release tensions. strual cycles and menstrual cramps. Force yourself to watch a cartoon Therefore the moment your anger serial or some humorous television starts to shoot up, close your eyes, programme. This will bring back a take a deep breath and relax. It helps smile on your face. you to stay in control. * Reading or talking to your loved Here are some other ways that ones will also help you take your can help you stay in control when you thoughts off the negative anger. get angry with someone: I've tried it out and it worked. Why * Drink a glass of water and wash your not you try it too?


MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. SSC, well settled. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Mob.: 9867764737 (Regd. No. 6022) POONA : Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA HR, working as a HR in Limited company. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR Mob.: 9623043300 (Regd. No. 6021) POONA : Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., + Certified Fumigation Operator, Having own business. Seeks a fair good looking girl willing to settle in Poona. Contact email : OR 9096466322 / 8600528122 (Regd. No. 6020) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 6’ 1”, Fair Complexion, Edn. BE and Masters in Computers (IT) from London, working in an MNC (IT) in Mumbai, Seeks an educated, simple, mangalorean girl. Contact email : OR 28618926 / 9920631575 (Regd. No. 6014) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Parents seek alliance for their Bachelor son, 28 years, Postgraduate Engineer, 5’ 11”, loving and caring with good family values, fair and handsome, working for a reputed company in Mumbai from God loving RC Mangalorean Spinster, Kindly reply with latest photgraph to Email : or 9892286077 (Regd. No. 6009) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt.57 kgs, Wheatsih Complexion, Edn. Graduate, having own business and accommodation. Only child. Seeks a understanding, honest girl.


Contact email : OR 8652878111 (Regd. No. 5989) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 69 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Mech.) working as a Mechanical Engineer. Contact email.: OR 9890892847 (Regd. No. 5985) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 59 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., D.C.A., working as an Accountant. Seeks a suitable match. Contcat email : OR 9029694973 (Regd.No. 5984) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 11”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., I.T., & Dip. in Elect. Engg., working as an Assistant Manager (Technical) Only Child. Contact email : OR 9820561856 (Regd. No. 5983) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 11”, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA, Seeks a Sales Director, Only Child. Seeks a humble, god fearing, kind, Ht. above 5’ 2”, age below 26 years. Contact email : OR 9820092761 (Regd. No. 5981) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., + Dip. in Management, working as a Manager in Private Sector. Contact email : noelpinto@hotmailcom OR 9029462583 (Regd. No. 5969) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Bachelor,

Members are requested to inform us when they are settled, so that publication of their details can be discontinued.

aged 43 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., M.A., (Diploma in Journalism from UK); working as a Freelance Journalist. Seeks a suitable & compatible match from India/Abroad, He might travel abroad for work. Contact email : / OR 9221394374 (Regd. No. 5968) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.E. (I.T.), working as a Net Work Engineer abroad. Seeks a slim, fair, beautiful, educated girl below 26 years. Contact email : OR 9324312605 (Regd. No. 5963) U.S.A. : Universtiy Professor, USA, Fair Complexion, 5’ 7”, age 46 years, Protestant Bachelor, Seeks a well educated, fair complexioned girl below 40 years, Contact email OR 9769061597. (Regd. No. 5978) BANGALORE : Mangalorean Catholic parents based in Bangalore, seek alliance for son 31/5’8”, slim, B.E. Bangalore, double Masters USA, working in USA, from God fearing, good looking, slim, Mangalorean Catholic spinster, preferably I T professional working in USA, age below 29. Contact email : Or Mob.: 9845417838. (Regd. No. 5940)

Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 27 January 2014

MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents seek alliance for their daughter 29 years, 5’ 4’, fair, good looking smart Chartered Accountant working for a reputed company in Mumbai from well settled Professionally Qualified CA or MBA or Engineers RC bachelors below 33 years good family background and values preferably from Mumbai. We would appreciate if your response includes a fulllength latest photo, contact number, relevant personal and family details. Email : (Regd. No. 5944) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 69 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA in Marketing, working as a F & B Executive. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 28816294 (Regd. No. 5939) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 35 years, Ht. 154 cms, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working in Flight Cabin Crew. Seeks a well settled graduate bachelor. Contact email : OR 9819041830 (Regd. No. 5937) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., CAIIB., working as a Officer in Private Bank. Only Child. Contact : OR 9869316408 (Regd. No. 5930) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 34 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Edn. B. Com., Dip. in Business Management, Working as an Admin Inchagre for a reputed Pharmaceutical Company. Seeks a Goan educated Bachelor upto 38 years. Contact Email : OR 9820724100 (Regd. No. 5915)

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 27 January 2014

KUWAIT : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, Ht. 155 cms, Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Office Assistant. Seeks a Goan RC Bachelor. Contact Email : OR +965-971379900 (Regd. No. 5912) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 27 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Chartered A/C., M.Com., Working as a C.A., Only Child. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : (Regd. No. 5910) MUMBAI : RC Spinster, 33 years, 5’ 4”, Post Graduate, Professional Therapist, has established personal Clinic and Hospital attachements, seeks alliance from well qualified RC bachelors from Mumbai. Kindly reply to (Regd. No. 5907) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 23 years, Ht. 150 cms, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Diploma (Prod.) working as a Jr. Engg., Seeks a Bombay based well settled bachelor. Contact Email : OR 26600774 (Regd. No. 5906) POONA : Tamilian Roman Catholic Divorcee, 1st marriage is annulled less then one year, good looking, aged 43 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, slim, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Com., working as a Asst. Executive in Dubai. Seeks a sincere, genuine, trustworthy person below 48 years. Contact Mob.: 9423003578 / (Regd. No. 5905) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 28 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA working for MNC. Seeks a well eduated and well settled match. Contact email: / OR 9819121184 (Regd. No. 5904) BANGALORE : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 24 years, beautiful, 5’ 3”, 55 kgs, Wheatish, Edn. MBA (HR)

working as a HR Consultant. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : OR 9900413499 (Regd. No. 5902) POONA : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 56 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA (Mktg & Intl Bus) working as a Lead Marketing. Contact email : / OR 9881134217 (Regd. No. 5974) BANGALORE : Anglo Indian Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, B.E., working as a Software Engineer, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 67 kgs, good looking, fair, coming from a decent family, seeks a humble, god-fearing, doctor, engineer or well settled bachelor from India or abroad. Contact email : OR 09845665529 (Regd. No. 5956) KOLHAPUR : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 25 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 52 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA (HR), MBA (System), Lecturer by profession. Seeks a well educated with good family background. Contact email : OR 9226088408 / 9226944426 (Regd. No. 5991) AHMEDABAD : Goan R.C. Spinster, Wheatish, slim, good looking, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 49 kgs, Edn. B.A., PGDMFI, Pursuing MBA, working as a Senior Officer in Bank. Seeks a educated, well settled bachelor from decent and respectable family. Contact email : / OR 07922162694 (Regd. NO. 6004) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

Please renew your membership at lease a month in advance before its expiration date. 21

MATRIMONIALS KUWAIT : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 58 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., Computer, Finance, Banking Marketing Course & Airlines Course completed, employed as a Travel Co-ordinator in Kuwait. Seeks a groom preferable working in Kuwait. Contact Email : OR 0096565686358 (Regd. No. 5488) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents of spinster daughter 1973 born, 5’ 4 1/2” tall, fair complexion with qualifications of B.Com (Mum), two Post Graduate Degrees in Management, and two diplomas in I.T. and Computer, working in good position. Looking out for a qualified and professional well settled bachelor with good family background in Mumbai or abroad upto 45 years. Kindly apply with recent photo and full details either to Email : or call mobile No. 9892700617. (Regd. No. 5441) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A.,working as a HR & Admin Exe. Seeks a educated well settled goan bachelor. Contact : Email: OR 9833951282 / 9920932427 (Regd. No. 5747) MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Spinster, aged 25 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 52 kgs, Fair Complexion, Good looking, coming from a decent family. Edn. MBA, working as a Asst. Manager. Contact : email: OR 9821800924 (Regd. No. 5781) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Fair Complex, Edn. Doctor, working as an Asst. Manager in Pharmaceutical company. Only Child. Contact: email: OR 9930550318 (Regd. No. 5786) MUMBAI : RC Spinster, East Indian, Fair Complexion, Sincere, Homely, Edn. B.A., aged 48 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Hobbies/Occupn/Profsn in Creative Art work. Seeks a suitable life Partner-Re-


liable, Sincere, Working, Sacrificing & Supportive. If interested Contact 8-30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Dial 25372060 (Regd. No. 5662) PANVEL: Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 29 years Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Graduate, working for HSBC Bank, coming from a well establish business family. Seeks a boy with good family background, he should be a businessman or a service should earn good. A good person by nature. Contact : 9821594729 OR Email: (Regd. No. 5643) MANGALORE : Mangalorean R.C. Spinster, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 58 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBBS, MD., Doctor by profession. Seeks a eduated well settled boy from Decent family. Email : lovely_lavender2012@ (Regd. No. 5619) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Educated working for MNC. Seeks a well settled educated Mangalorean boy. Contact : 28261504 (Regd. No. 5832) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 4’ 11”, Wt. 49 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. BHMS., Doctor by profession. Contact : OR 9869000687 (Regd. No. 5733) MUMBAI : RC Mangalorean Spinster, M.Com/MBA (Finance) 28 / 5’2”, talented, with strong family values & from respectable family, working for a bank in Mumbai. Seeks well qualified boy upto 32, reply with recent photo & full details to email: OR 9920424282 (Regd. No. 5962) DUBAI : Roman Catholic 27 years, graduate working in UAE, Seeks alliance from Roman Catholic based in UAE. Email details to : (Regd. No. 5955) MUMBAI : Mangalorean + Keralite parents invites alliance for their daughter

34 years, 5’ 3”, MBA (Finance) working as a Junior Manager in a Bank, Marriage annulled from qualified and suitable groom age upto 38 yrs. Contact email: OR 09966843108 (Regd. No. 5951) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA, CAIIB, Working as a Asst. Manager. Contact Email : OR 9820791410 (Regd. No. 5948) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MA, B.Ed., Advtg. dip., Lecturer by profession. Contact email : OR 9833804332 (Regd. No. 5947) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as an Executive Admin & Finance. Seeks a well settled bachelor. Contact email : OR 23826915 (Regd. No. 5946) MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catholic Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 45 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, good looking, Edn. B. Com., working ad as Deputy Manager, Seeks a suitable match. Contact email: or 28950832 (Regd. No. 5945) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC parents invite alliance for their daughter 26 years, 5’ 4”, B.Tech (Computer Engineer) Working for MNC. Seeks well qualified and well settled bachelor with good family values. Kindly reply with profile and recent photograph to email : OR 9969285680 (Regd. No. 5901) MUMBAI : Maharashtrian Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Sr. Executive. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : email: OR 28682053 (Regd. No. 5900)

27 January 2014

V. P. Lobo

Rev. (Dr.) Ronald Cutinha

Albert W. D'Souza

Dr. Gerald Pinto DIVO Konkani Weekly a sister publication of The Secular Citizen organised a seminar 'Leaders in the Making and Reaching to the Top' for the youth in Mangalore on 14th January 2014. It was attended by a large number of youth from Mangalore city. The seminar is free for the participants. The whole day programme conducted by four resource persons: Mr. Albert W. D'Souza, Chairman St. John's Group of Colleges, Mr. V. P. Lobo CMD, T3 Urban Developer Ltd., Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Ronald Cutinha and Dr. Gerald Pinto. Rev. Fr. Andrew D'Souza, Parish Priest of Bondel and Mr. Lawrence Coelho, Editor of DIVO addressed the gathering. This is the 12th seminar organised by the publication held in different parishes of Mumbai and Mangalore. Some of the earlier participants are today shining in various high posts in India and abroad. Some have also given testimonials as to how these seminars have helped them in building leadership in their own profession. The project is purely managed by the contribution from the resourceful persons of the community.

27 January 2014



RNI No. 56987/92

Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

27 January 2014

Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 27 January 2014 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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