Secular Citizen Vol.25 No.48 dated 28th November 2016

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28 November 2016

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A National family WEEKLY

Vol.25 No.48 November 28, 2016


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‘Thought for the week’ If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again

Contents pg. 3 - Outraging Christian Beliefs pg. 5 - Voice of the People pg. 8 - Rise and prepare for His coming pg. 9 - Non surgical strike pg. 10 - Festivals and pollution pg. 11 - Views on News pg. 13 - Encourage the laity in media pg. 14 - Memories of a .... pg. 15 - Not ban: transaction options pg. 17 - News in Brief pg. 18 - Book review pg 19 - Demonetization - a surgical strike? pg 20 - Matrimonials pg. 22 - Heros Honoured

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Outraging Christian Beliefs by Don Aguiar



Outrages depiction of various saints and religious items from the Holy Bible were noticed in the pub. There were also stain pictures of saints with funny names written there under. The bar area had a backdrop of a tabernacle set up. Even the seating arrangements in this bar are that of church pews and the messages inscribed on the benches are from the Holy Bible. There was Jesus holding a leather bag, Mother Mary having a chain in her hand. Moses holding a computer tablet. A container resembling the Tabernacle with liquor bottles with inscription of the Holy Cross. When confronted by the community activists - The pub offered a complete and unconditional apology addressed to the Archdiocese of Bombay and said that the design was meant as a satirical statement against the ever growing trend of overt consumerism and the culture of advertising where people are made to feel inadequate and unhappy unless they buy more and more things. In no way was there any intent to disrespect or hurt sentiments that are sacred to any community on the contrary it is call to move away from the pursuit of material things and instead focus on the spiritual pursuits. The intended message this pub was delivering is that money and things cannot buy you happiness. Why would anyone with a good educational background, financially sound, occupying a good position in the industry and with good connections want to disrespect and hurt sentiments of the Catholic community after being educated in Catholic institutions and being fully knowledgeable of the Christian religion? Is it because they being part of a secret organization which believes in the portraying, acting and teaching in mystery and secret and deifying rationalism of the scriptures and numerous issues of Christianity, by symbols and rituals? And have worded their apology accordingly.

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One such secretive organization is a very old organization with their members occupying high positions in government, private and even in religion.

Cover : Heros Honoured:

They appear to promote belief in God. However, upon closer examination, we find that the only belief requirement is not that one must believe in the True and Living God, but rather, that one must believe in the existence of a “Supreme Being”, which includes the “gods” of Islam, Hinduism, or any other world religion. The unbiblical and anti-Christian (Contd.. on p. 4)

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(Article on p. 22)

28 November 2016


(Contd.. from p. 3) beliefs and practices of this organization are partially hidden beneath an outward appearance of a supposed compatibility with the Christian faith. The following is a comparison of what the Bible says with the "official" position of this secret organization -: The Bible’s View: Jesus became the sinner’s sacrifice before God when He shed His blood and died as the propitiation (payment) for the sins of all those who would ever believe (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:8, John 3:16). Their View: The very process of joining this organization requires Christians to ignore the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. According to this organization, a person will be saved and go to heaven as a result of his good works and personal self-improvement. (The pub’s apology was worded in similar sequence) The Bible is the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Thessalonians 2:13). Their View: The Bible is only one of several “Volume(s) of Sacred Law,” all of which are deemed to be equally important in Freemasonry. The Bible is an important book, only as far as those members who claim to be Christians are concerned, just as the Koran is important to Muslims. The Bible is not considered to be the exclusive Word of God, nor is it considered to be God’s sole revelation of himself to mankind; but only one of many religious source books. It is a good guide for morality. The Bible is used primarily as a symbol of God’s will, which can also be captured in other sacred texts, like the Koran or Rig Vedas. Their View: There is no exclusivity in Jesus Christ or the Triune God who is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; therefore there is no doctrine of the deity of Jesus Christ. It is deemed to be un-Masonic to invoke the name of Jesus when praying, or mention His name in the Lodge. Suggesting that Jesus is the only way to God contradicts the principle of tolerance. The name of Jesus has been omitted from biblical verses that are used in their rituals. Jesus is on the same level as other religious leaders. Most Christians would have no trouble accepting the Cross and the Crown symbol. After all, our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ received His Crown in Heaven after He suffered the agony of the Cross. However, their organization has just a little bit more on their minds than this; they have a whole lot of ac-


tivities that condemns the Bible and have turned the Cross & Crown of Jesus into an unholy and undignified symbol As you can see, their organization denies and contradicts the clear teaching of Scripture and numerous issues and you can see them reflected in their offices, businesses and homes. Their organization also requires people to engage in activities which the Bible condemns. As a result, a Christian should not be a member of any secret society or organization that has any connection with such an organization. Freemasonry or Masonry consists of fraternal organizations that trace their origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. The degrees of freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. These are the degrees offered by Craft (or Blue Lodge) Freemasonry. Members of these organizations are known as Freemasons or Masons. There are additional degrees, which vary with locality and jurisdiction, and are usually administered by different bodies than the craft degrees. The basic, local organizational unit of Freemasonry is the Lodge. The Lodges are usually supervised and governed at the regional level (usually coterminous with a state, province, or national border) by a Grand Lodge or Grand Orient. There is no international, worldwide Grand Lodge that supervises all of Freemasonry; each Grand Lodge is independent. Every Lodge has an altar holding a "Volume of the Sacred Law." And that is almost always a Bible. Bibles are popular gifts among Masons, frequently given to a man when he joins the lodge or at other special events. A Masonic Bible is the same book anyone thinks of as a Bible (it's usually the King James translation) with a special page in the front on which to write the name of the person who is receiving it and the occasion on which it is given. Sometimes there is a special index or information section which shows the person where in the Bible to find the passages which are quoted in the Masonic ritual. We also know from history that the Statue of Liberty was given to the Americans by Illuminist French Freemasons in 1876.

Satanists have always equated the flaming torch as a symbol of Lucifer. "Lucifer, having regained his star and his diadem, will assemble his legions for new works of creation. Attracted by his flaming torch, celestial spirits will descend ... and he will send these messengers from unknown spheres to earth. Then, the torch of Lucifer will signal 'From Heaven to Earth!' -- and the (New Age) Christ will answer, 'From Earth to Heaven'." [Occultist Edourd Schure, quoted by Texe Marrs, Mystery Mark of the New Age , p. 240] This explanation of the symbolism of the torch is the Luciferian belief that, at the Battle of Armageddon, Lucifer and his forces will defeat Jesus Christ and then conquer Heaven. Thus, the Torch signifies the belief that Lucifer will ultimately defeat Jesus Christ. Surely, you can now see that Freemasonry is most definitely NOT Christian. Secondly, you can see that Masonry is truly "identical to the Mysteries". In fact, one Masonic author had the boldness to state that Freemasonry was, indeed, a Mystery Religion. Listen: "In fact, the respect paid by Freemasons to this number [#3] goes far to suggest that their mysteries have affinities not only with the Egyptian rites and ceremonies, but with those of a good many other nations." By their own admission, Freemasonry IS a Mysteries Religion. Every Mystery Religions in all of past history have had several things in common: 1) They serve Lord Satan, most of them openly 2) They reject the One True God of the Holy Bible 3) God has brought every one of these Mystery Religions into physical judgment. Freemasonry will be no different, but will get its judgment in conjunction with Antichrist. The sexual perversions of these Masonic symbols should go far to persuading everyone that Freemasonry is not Christian. Although members of various faiths cite objections, certain Christian denominations have had high-profile negative attitudes to Masonry, banning or discouraging their members from being Freemasons. The denomination with the longest history of objection to Freemasonry is the Roman Catholic Church. The objections (Contd.. on p. 6)

28 November 2016

Pope to Business Leaders


It is the common man in queue The demonetising of currency notes of Rs 1000 and Rs 500 was badly planned and implemented by the Modi government. The intention of Modi may be good, but whose black money are we talking about? Has any minister, Member of Parliament, MLA or business tycoon been seen standing in queues outside banks and ATMs for hours together to exchange currency notes or to deposit them? The people who are seen standing outside banks and ATMs in the heat of the sun from dawn till dusk are the taxpayers and the daily wage workers. It was also in bad taste to show Modi’s mother exchanging currency notes just to gain public sympathy. In India, there are millions of senior citizens who cannot even walk or stand but yet they keep standing in long queues outside banks and ATMs to exchange, withdraw or deposit money. The Finance Minister, Narendra Modi and the Reserve Bank of India should have ensured that the size of the new currency notes are the same as the old ones so that the same slots could be used in ATMs for stocking

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and dispensing the new notes. And if Modi thinks he has choked out antisocial elements, it may be true. But this is only a temporary phenomenon. What was needed was choking the sources of counterfeit currency and not the circulation of it. — Jubel D’Cruz, Mumbai

Common Man Suffers In one of the most serious rail accidents in recent times the Patna-Indore Express derailed , killing 146 persons. There is a strong case for increasing expenditure on rail safety measure instead of investing heavily on extravagant projects. It is rather ironical that while the 'prestigious' Bullet Train is well on track, a regular express train jumps the tracks, killing scores of common people. The railways runs more than 1,200 express and passenger trains carrying 22 million passengers every day. At the end of 365 days the total revenue earned by the railways on passenger traffic is Rs 40, 000 cr. On the other hand the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train will cost the country Rs 97,000 cr , or more than double the passenger revenue for one full year! Obviously, the Bullet Train will only benefit the rich, while safety measures for the poor man will get heavily compromised in the process. The same injustice to the poor man is being played out by demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. Nobody is against demonetisation ; it is the implementation of the scheme that seems heavily loaded in favour of the rich who have plastic money. It is only the common man who has to stand in unending queues at banks. —Prof Robert Castellino

ope Francis on 17 November, 2016, addressed participants at a 2-day Vatican conference; its theme: “Business Leaders as Agents of Economic and SocialInclusion”. It was hosted by the ‘Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace’. He reflected with them on three challenges facing businesses. (Brief excerpts): 1.Proper Use of Money: “Money is one of the most difficult topics of moral perception; and is the dung of the devil! Businesses should not exist to merely make money, even if money serves to mediate its functioning; rather businesses must strive to serve.” 2.Honesty: “Lack of honesty breeds ‘corruption’, which is the worst social plague! It is the ‘law of the jungle’ stripped of any social reasons. It is an ‘idol’ – the god of money! Refusing to adore these idols, St. Peter and the first Christians suffered martyrdom.” 3.Solidarity: “An important element of this challenge is ‘gratuity’! Besides, the just and cordial relationships between managers and workers should be respected – a respect which should extend also to the local community. And in your midst towards migrants and refugees who are an important factor for development.” Pope Francis concluded: “May this conference be like the ‘Sycamore Tree of Jericho’ – a tree upon which all can climb, keeping in mind the vocation of Zacchaeus. His encounter with Lord Jesus changed him. May his example obtain efficacious orientations to make business activities to always promote the common good of creation and the welfare of all” (cf. Luke 19:1-10). —Dr. Trevor Colaso, (Now temporarily at Memphis, TN. USA).


Nominations For ICPA Awards 2017 The Indian Catholic Press Association (ICPA) invites nominations for three annual awards to be conferred on selected Christian journalists/ writers/publications during the Association's National Convention and General Body meeting to be held at Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre, Nagpur from February 24-25, 2017. The awards are in the following categories: 1) Fr Louis Careno Award for an outstanding journalist/institution in India in English or any other recognised Indian language except Hindi. 2) Swami Devanand Chakkungal Award for a journalist/institution in India for outstanding contribution to journalism and literature in Hindi language. 3) Award for Best reportage on SC,ST for a journalist/publication for promoting/campaigning the cause of the SC, ST. The last date for nominations is 10 January 2017. For further details, please contact Secretary, Jose Vincent.K.J. (+919746545115)


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(Contd.. from p. 4) raised by the Roman Catholic Church are based on the allegation that Masonry teaches a naturalistic deistic religion which is in conflict with Church doctrine. A number of Papal pronouncements have been issued against Freemasonry. The first was Pope Clement XII’s in eminent apostolatus , 28 April 1738; the most recent was Pope Leo XIII’s Ab apostolici, 15 October 1890. The 1917 Code of Canon Law explicitly declared that joining Freemasonry entailed automatic excommunication, and banned books favoring Freemasonry. In 1983, the Church issued a new code of cannon law. Unlike its predecessor, the 1983 Code of Canon Law did not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies it condemns. It states: "A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; one who promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict." This named omission of Masonic orders caused both Catholics and Freemasons to believe that the ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons may have been lifted, especially after the perceived liberalization of Vatican II. However, the matter was clarified when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI), as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued a Declaration on Masonic Associations, which states: "... the Church's negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion”. In contrast to Catholic allegations of rationalism and naturalism, Protestant objections are more likely to be based on allegations of mysticism, occultism, and even Satanism. While Methodists opposed on moral grounds and states that it is a “mystery” or alternate religion. The Orthodox Church of

Greece officially declared that being a Freemason constitutes an act of apostasy. This has generally been affirmed throughout the whole Eastern Orthodox Church. The Orthodox critique of Freemasonry agrees with both the Roman Catholic and Protestant versions: "Freemasonry cannot be at all compatible with Christianity as far as it is a secret organization, acting and teaching in mystery and secret and deifying rationalism”. The apology of the pub owner/CEO was accepted by the Archdiocese of Bombay according to their spokesperson Fr Nigel Barrett who said – “As far as we are concerned, the matter is closed after the pub owner removed the offensive material and tendered an apology”. But Catholic activists refuse to let the issue die down and continue to go all out against them. Many in the community ask, “Why has the unity between the clergy and laity/activists suddenly broken on this issue when it was initially moving in a very united manner?” “Why has the head of the Archdiocese of Bombay chosen to close this matter while the community activists refuse to let the issue die down and continue to go all out for them?” “Has the head of the Archdiocese of Bombay made an informed decision unilaterally to close the matter without sharing the same with the community activists/ community at large?” This sort of division will only lead to the pub owner and others accusing the community activists and Christianity at large of being intolerant and being insubordinate to the head of the Community. We need to be united, be informed and speak in one voice; hence the head of the Archdiocese of Bombay should share the reason for doing so with the community so that all in the community will be united the next time till the very end of the issue.. It would be appreciated dear readers to share your thoughts on the above – do send them at the earliest.

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Diocese encourages home visits to check sheep loss


o contain the migration of Catholics to other Christian denominations: with this explicit goal the diocese of Coimbatore, in Tamil Nadu state (southern India), one of the oldest dioceses in India, has decided to increase the pastoral visits of priests and religious to Catholic families, to live a moment of sharing of common prayer.

Even Silvester Ponnumutham, of the Malankara Orthodox Church spoke about the ecumenical commitment in various parishes, dioceses and regions of the Indian Church, underlining the necessity of sharing, and not competition, among Christians of different denominations. The Council agreed on the need to build and promote “a common vision” of the baptized in India.

Speaking to Fides, Bishop Thomas Lephonse, who leads the community of Coimbatore, said that “there are various cases of Catholic families in the diocese who are joining other Churches: it is a matter of great concern”.

In India there are about 17 million Catholics (about 1.7 percent of the population) and 11 million Protestant Christians of different denominations.

The Catholic Church has endeavored to analyze the phenomenon: “The decision was to take action, placing it as a pastoral urgency”, said the Bishop. The purpose is “to strengthen the link between the clergy and the lay faithful, to better know and understand their concerns, to guide them to grow in faith”, he remarked. Coimbatore is a diocese that is 161 years old and covers a vast area that includes five districts (Coimbatore, Tiruppur, Erode, Karur and a part of Trichy). Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada and English are spoken. Coimbatore is the second largest city in Tamil Nadu and is known as the “textile capital” of southern India. Today the city is gradually turning into a developed city with regards to new information technologies, as new colleges and engineering schools continue to rise. This also means a considerable increase of the populations who, from the surrounding areas come to town, changing the urban fabric and the social composition. In this stage of socio-economic and cultural changes, there is the Catholic community and its proclamation of the Gospel, as well

28 November 2016

in a local, national and global perspective, referring to the documents of the Church and the teaching of the Popes. “Ecumenism is a gift of God in the Holy Spirit. The unity of Christians today is closer than 500 years ago. We need to give the world a common witness”, said Mgr. Machado.

The Anglican Christianity was introduced by the British Empire. Today the most Protestant denominations are in India. The country’s largest Protestant denomination is the Church of South India, created in 1947 by the union of different communities (Presbyterians, Reformed, Methodists, Anglicans, and others).

as other churches and Protestant denominations of various branches. The story of Coimbatore again puts the focus on the ecumenical journey in India. The National Ecumenical Council held in recent days in Vasai, conceived and developed by the Office for Dialogue and Ecumenism of the Episcopal Conference of India (CBCI), spoke about it. The leaders and the Bishops present reiterated that “the path of unity among Christians is essential to spread the message of God manifested in the incarnation, death and resurrection of Christ”.

All Christian Churches have found fertile ground for expansion among the Dalits, the untouchables, and tribal groups, often paving the way for development and education of these groups of disadvantaged people. (Source: Agenzia Fides)

Archbishop Felix Machado, President of the Commission for Ecumenism, spoke about the ecumenical journey


Rise And Prepare For His Coming


tay awake. This is the first Sunday in Advent. The Lord of salvation is coming soon. A fresh fragrance of Christ is in the air. The people of God are on the edge of an historic miracle: the birth of the Messiah. Awaken and delve into the mystical power of God the Creator; understand the gift we are to receive in His name, for His glory, Jesus will redeem us from darkness in sin, hate and violence. Lord, lead us into the Light of everlasting peace, happiness, mercy and love. Lead us Son of God, Master of the universe. We count the weeks of Advent in meditation and prayer. The words of the Old Testament prophets foretold His arrival. The Gospels documented His history from the birth of John the Baptist to recalling moments of those precious years in His ministry. From the annunciation, Mary’s visitation with her cousin Elizabeth, the birth of Christ Jesus, the shepherds out in the field, the three Kings from the east and so much more. Do not feel helpless and insecure in the rumble of today’s world. The power of God can put things right. Believe in Him, in the Spirit, in the Christ to change the ugly faces of evil rampant on earth. The compelling power of God needs to be drawn by our mercy and our humble acts of forgiveness for the enemy who hate us. The season of advent reminds us….

We are mortal beings. Yet immortality indwells in us. We have the image of God. He has shared His divine love with humanity. His grace abides among His people like a hidden treasure. We must focus on the eternal image of God and gain strength. Spend a few minutes each day in the coming weeks on the Virgin Mary, the humble woman chosen by God to be the Mother of Jesus. In high Mariology theologians consider the status of Mother Mary with the pontiff’s approval, as Co-Redeemer. Mary was the chosen one who said ‘Yes’ to the Lord at the Annunciation where Eve said ‘No’ in the Garden of Eden – thus Mary made salvation possible. Let us turn to Mary, to the Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception, meditating on the words “CoRedemptrix” and “Mediatrix”. It is said that the face of Mary reflects the age. A popular religious artist, the late Sister Corita Kent, once said. “The nice thing about Mary, is that her Son turned out so well.” The prophets from Israel ‘interpreted’ what God had to say of coming events which would form the chapters of a remarkable history of the Faith. There were many such men from Amos, Hosea, Micah, Jeremiah and a host of others, more importantly Isaiah, a counselor to kings in 740 – 701 B.C. He is also known for his message of

By Melvyn Brown the coming Messiah.(Is.15:1-). This was the foundation laid in preparation for the coming of Christ. In the Gospel of Matthew, we are told not to be taken by surprise when the end draws near. “Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” (Mat.24:42). St. Luke in his gospel informs us : And there will be signs in sun, moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves…(Lk.21:2-28, 34-36). Recently we saw the moon looking its largest, a very close encounter. The moon looked awesome. An earthquake close to the Vatican was disturbing. Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States of America. I watched a video of Mr. Trump as he spoke about Catholicism and the impact of good it brought and is still bringing to America. It reminded me of Luke’s statement…nations in perplexity. Stay awake. Be alert. Advent helps us in readiness to welcome the Messiah.

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28 November 2016


Non-Surgical Strike


Thanks to Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Jude for the favours May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved, glorified & praised throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come. St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us. Amen, Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. — Ms Tina A. S, Delhi


Thanks to Divine Mercy, Our Lady of Vailankani, Our Lady of perpectual Succor and St. Anthony —Ms Yiolet G. Fernandes, Mahim

28 November 2016

he Media in India, has been hailing the recent demonetising of the Rs.1000/- & Rs.500/- notes as a ‘surgical strike’. This so called ‘master stroke’ of Mr. Modi looks most non-surgical in every sense of the term. It comes with a lot of collateral damage for all to see. A surgical strike is a precise strike that is targeted at only those who are intended to be targeted with little or no collateral damage. This move of Modi to demonetise large denomination notes has hit the honest, tax paying common man the hardest. We all have been using Rs.500/- notes for our daily purchases & transactions. Suddenly to take these notes out of circulation, would certainly inconvenience all and sundry. The common man has been standing in long queues in front of Banks & ATM machines,for hours, from as early as 4.00 a.m. in the morning. Some only to be told at the end that money has run out and they will have to come the next day. We have heard heart rending stories of daily wage earners standing in long queues for 3 days and still not managing to get the low denomination notes. Their families had to go to bed hungry. Weddings had to be cancelled. Not to forget the 30 persons who lost their lives in the process.` We all know that the actual black money makers are builders, politicians, a few business men and bureaucrats & govt. servants who take big bribes. A surgical strike would mean targeting these people with systematic income tax raids. It is common knowledge that this category of people never stash their black money in cash. They invest it in gold, jewels, benami properties, shell companies & foreign exchange. They must be the ones having the last laugh at the chaos in the country which will most certainly not affect them. Modi has stated pompously that the poor are sleeping comfortably and the rich are loosing their sleep after this move.‘Mr.

by Fr. Anil Rego Parish Priest Nativity of Our Lord Church Kandivli(E) Modi, please get down from your comfortable perch and see the reality on the ground. It is the poor who are not sleeping and they will not sleep for several months. The rich are comfortable with their wealth that is not touched by you. You are truly a ‘suit boot’ Sarkar, totally out of touch with the common man.’ Many experts have questioned the printing of Rs.2000/- notes. If the purpose of rooting out black money is to be achieved by taking out high denomination notes. Why are notes of higher denomination being printed??? Many experts have also pointed out that if this whole exercise does not really succeed in unearthing or putting an end to black money in this country as Modi is promising, it will be a cruel joke on the common man. He will feel cheated and angry that he sacrificed so much for an empty promise. And then the anger against Modi & his government will have no bounds. This promise of putting an end to black money sounds like his earlier promise. The promise of getting all the black money stashed in foreign banks and depositing Rs.15 lakhs in every Indian’s account …..Only hot air.


Festivals And Pollution by George Dsouza


e have just finished celebrating big festival ‘Diwali’ with a spirit of joy and hope. But sadly the side effects of this festival is a misery to many; the birds, animals, pets and to people altogether. In other words; to the nature and environment. We proclaim that ‘Diwali’ is a festival of lights and peace, which dispels darkness and brings joy to our homes. True, but with our indifference and mindless actions of bursting the kind of deafening firecrackers- we in fact have brought dark clouds of smoke and poisoned gas around us, coupled with pain to the poor creatures of nature who cannot react! In fact the three days of mayhem – terrorizing noise and smoke has left many depressed and helpless; particularly the elderly and sick. Nature has given us clean air, flora and fauna, but we do not see their right to co-exist with us. We have lost our sensitivity, and we carelessly carry on our disturbing activities show our ugly behavior. Have we ever thought about the kind of pain and suffering; the shivers these hapless birds and animals go through-every time a high decibel cracker is burst? Have we ever given a sensitive thought to our old and sick neighbors around us? Do we ever bother to see a beautiful bird melodiously singing or showed them to our children? No? But sure-


ly, we will spend good amount for a journey and buy tickets of a sanctuary to see the caged birds and animals, but ignore beautiful birds or may be a squirrel on a tree, sitting next to our home! Our ways of living itself are noisy. Most of our festival celebrations and wedding receptions are noisy. We talk loudly in public places and welcome political leaders with a bang. We impatiently honk and yell in the traffic what seems like a cacophony. Everywhere we want noise, without which we feel isolated or maybe we want to be heard? That’s how we have despised the value of silence and diligence. Is it just that? Or is it some kind of noise therapy dose? Look at our capital’s condition! So horrible and irreversible. Schools shut, planes diverted and multiple collisions on expressway. People moving with masks what looks like an epidemic. But, this would not stop us from bursting crackers. (Also Read what BBC news has reported). Still people in other cities do not react because we have become intellectually numb. We have already polluted the soil, water and air. Our cities waiting to become fully polluted and then we ‘might’ act. Remember the famous foaming lakes of Bangalore, fish on roads-international embarrassment! Have we learnt anything? No? We call ourselves educated, really? For what? What do we teach our children? We work hard and make sure our children attend best schools and learn. They teachenvironmental science in schools, for which reason? Then why do we not learn? We defiantly ignore and harm the future of our children. What kind of environment we are leaving behind for future generation? Some kind of noisy, polluted atmosphere like gas chamber and spend our savings on breathing masks and bottled oxygen? Many a parents today cannot afford their children’s education, some decent clothing

and nutrition. But they throw thousands of rupees to buy crackers to be turned into ash and poisonous gas to be inhaled by all. Even the rich and educated are one step ahead of them in showing their money power by bursting expensive crackers nonstop. One fails to understand as how these activities benefit mankind or nature. While we raise hue and cry for clean water, roads, drains and green cover, but conveniently overlook the clean air- which is in no one’s control or responsibility. Why are we so stupid that even at this stage we do not understand the consequences? When do we learn to live in harmony with the nature? So tomorrow, let us not complain that those beautiful birds and animals have become extinct and later to be found in history books.( So many are already extinct) Respect the rights of other living beings and species rather than thinking we humans, have exclusive rights to use and abuse the nature. Remember! The nature retaliates, and when it does- we can do nothing and it will be too late. Already it is happening many places around the world. The solution lies in thinking seriously and educating ourselves first and teaching our children about the damage we are doing to the environment. Arrange for community fireworks restricted to display only. Buy gifts and necessary things for your home and children. Donate such wasteful money to the needy and underprivileged and you will be blessed. Change yourself and correct others around you and leave behind a beautiful earth for the next generation. Together we can make difference.

28 November 2016

New Notes for [2014] Votes

Narendra Modi asked for votes in 2014 with a promise to eradicate black money from the economy. People trusted him because he has had a blemish free political career even before he was projected as a future PM. Without any offence, being technically ‘single’ he has no value for money and has therefore remained corruption free. He started with a SIT to unearth black money though it was more of a Supreme Court directive which the UPA ignored. Not long ago the Voluntary Disclosure Scheme [VDS] fetched handsome returns for the government with some 65,000 crores. This together with other disclosures has totalled to an impressive 1.25 lac crores – no mean figure. Black money menace apart, Modi was also concerned about the fake currency financing terrorism. Obviously, both these issues prompted the Modi government to go for the kill which it did. With one stroke he has demonetised the 500 and 1000 notes taking care of the hardships that some people may face. On the whole the success of this non-voluntary disclosure scheme will depend on the co-operation of the public. A good part of the demonetised notes will find its way into the hands of people who will be willing to help for a price. Outlets including temples and others which are allowed to accept high value notes will also lend a helping hand. Small traders will accept the obsolete notes and declare the notes as their legitimate sale proceeds. Law breakers are always smarter than the makers. The Indians have ‘super’ brains when it comes to evading tax. There are ways and means of doing things. Encouraging use of credit cards is important. For this the convenience charge for on-line payments must be pruned down substantially to make it attractive for the user. Right now it is a huge deterrent. If Narendra Modi is very serious about the black money, he should take two strong measures. One, make political parties declare the names of ALL donors – not just above Rs 20,000. Amend Income tax law if necessary. Also bring all the political parties under the RTI so that the general public can ask for details. Both these measures are stoutly opposed. The BJP is also known to have big money coming from unknown sourc-

28 November 2016

VIEWS on NEWS es. Since the PM’s party is also involved it will be a litmus test for Modi to show that national interest overrides party interest. Only then he can blame Congress of being more interested in the party than the nation. People will watch Modi’s next move. By the way there is no guarantee that the new notes will not be duplicated. Are adequate precautions taken to prevent this? Time will tell, though!


Traffic Cops, not riders, wear helmets

Until recently, a traffic cop had an upper hand. The offenders were literally scared that they would be caught even when the laws were not as severe as they are today. The very idea of being hounded by a traffic cop unnerved an errant driver. Every offender showed genuine remorse for his/her indiscretion offering a slew of excuses and hoping that the cop will show some leniency. Of course such offenders met a variety of cops. Some would let you off with a warning. Yet others would be unaffected and confiscated your licence and gave you a ‘pavti’ for you to collect it against payment of applicable fine. Undoubtedly, this system gave rise to corruption since nobody wanted to travel all the way to the police chowky in the area where offence was committed. Offenders in such situations preferred to ‘settle’ the issue on give and take basis. It served the interest of both though not desirable. Today the scenario has undergone a sea change. Defiance has overtaken that element of fear on being accosted by a traffic cop. Gone are the days of remorse despite the law being very stringent. This new development has created a very serious risky business for the Traffic Department. Of late, there have been a series of assaults on the traffic cops not by spoilt brats but even the ordinary auto driver. This malady has spread and we also hear of juveniles and women assaulting traffic cops on being asked to stop or show the driving licence. The cop on duty is stationed at a particular spot not only to regulate traffic but also to apprehend those who violate the rules. But this is being challenged by the offenders with impunity. Earlier this year cop in South Mumbai was punched and assaulted. A couple of

by Marshall Sequeira months many such cases were reported prompting the authorities to issue stern warnings. In September a speeding driver punched a cop and zoomed past. This was followed by a woman cop being assaulted by a lady driver. Then an auto driver drags a cop for a good 100 meters on being questioned. Another driver drove for half a kilometre with the cop on the top of the bonnet. Of course nobody can forget the assault on VikasShinde who was assaulted with rods and later succumbed to his injuries a week later. This incident in particular upset not only the authorities but also the general public. This calls for very severe punishment not only involving revocation of driving licence but deterrent prison term as well is necessary. Citizens have a duty to abide by the rules and regulations. Sometimes one does falter and for that s/he should either pay the fine or plead for indulgence and get away. But hitting a traffic cop is no way to escape from the law. There was a time when the sons and daughters of politicians or celebrities created ruckus but now it has become a routine affair on the roads. Police authorities are taking precautions. Now you see a group of cops standing together instead of a lone cop. While this is a good move, it is not the long term solution. A time has come for the traffic cops [instead of riders] to wear helmets and perhaps bullet proof jackets when on duty. This could possibly save them from life threatening injuries. The road rage which remained confined to the two drivers on the road has not shifted focus to cover the traffic cops as well. The security cameras which are installed at strategic points should go a long way in apprehending the drivers who assault the cops or simply speed away when asked to stop. The society as a whole must view this development of assaulting the policemen on duty as a very disturbing phenomenon. Social media can be used to educate people to desist from such irresponsible behaviour.



Delhi Students March For Pollution-Free Capital

ver 500 students from some of the leading schools in Greater Kailash, New Delhi, together with their Principals, teachers and other well-wishers marched through the streets of the township, holding banners and placards, and shouting slogans like “Pollutionfree Delhi is Our Dream, We will have it,” “Say No to Crackers,” “Plant Trees, Save Delhi,” “Swatch Bharat, Swasth Bharat,” “One, Two, Three, Let’s Keep Our Streets Clean,” and many more. The Cleanliness Awareness Student Rally, held on Saturday, 19 November, was part of the ongoing Book Festival, which was inaugurated at the premises of the Society of St Paul, G.K. II, on 11 November 2016. The stu(Contd.. on p. 16)

Fr Alfonso Elengikal

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28 November 2016

Encourage the laity in media by Fr. F. M. Britto


appy to hear that “The Secular Citizen” celebrates 25 years of publication. Congratulations to Mr. Lawrence Coelho and his wife Susan, who also run a similar Konkani Weekly, “Divo”, for the last 22 years. Normally most of our religious periodicals are published either by dioceses or Religious Congregations and are owned by the respective bishops or religious superiors. They face enormous problems for survival, mainly due to financial crunch and getting proper editor. They are mostly subscribed by religious persons. But this unassuming and dedicated couple, Lawrence and Susan, is running the two weeklies without interruption for a quarter century. They also serve mostly the laity, with pages in every issue to help the youth find their life partners. Instead of merely awarding religious leaders, they have been honoring lay persons like Mr. Anthony Parakal, Mr. Marshall Sequeira and encourage the laity to write. The editors keep this weekly attractive and readable with multi colous, plenty of visuals, enough free space, news and views, inspiring relevant articles on religious and secular topics. There is also another couple from Cochin, Mr. P.M. Chacko and Mrs. Valsa, who successfully run the “Family Magazine “for the last 40 years. With articles and plenty of visuals, this The Secular Citizen subscribers are requested to provide us their Email ID and Mobile no. for communication. send it to or sms to 9820473103. Remember to mention your name and subscription no.

28 November 2016

quarterly enriches marriage and family life, articles coming from the pens of married persons and even from peoples of other Faiths. The emeritus college professors, Chacko and his wife, also regularly conduct the Marriage Encounter (ME), besides having served as the national leader of the ME team. There are also a number of publications in our regional languages, spearheaded by lay persons, viewing the secular world with Christian eyes. Another veteran lay journalist is Mr. Jose Kavi from New Delhi, who runs the, after serving as the Indian editor of the www. for 25 years. We have also a host of inspiring laity in the English printed and electronic media, such as Chhotebhai, Nirmala Carvalho, Ponmala, Bernard D’Sami, John Dayal, Avarthanus L. D’Souza etc. And we have many budding and senior writers in every regional language. The Indian Church leaders need to recognize such lay publishers, editors, writers and media persons and encourage them in their apostolate. On the occasion of the World Communications Day, the regional and diocesan bishops need to publicly honour these persons and encourage

the laity, especially the youth, to make a difference through the religious and secular media. Priests and nuns need to support them by subscribing to their publications, both for their personal enrichment and for the benefit of those in their institutions. They also need to persuade their parishioners and lay associates to subscribe them. Thanks to our bishops who have started the Niscort, the media training centre. More young Catholic dedicated lay persons are to be sent for media training. Fr. F. M. Britto, Catholic Church, Parsahi (Bana), P.O. Pandaria, Akaltara Via, Dt. Raipur, Chhattisgarh – 495552 Mobile: 09826151328

Subscriptions for Renewal as well as New, can be sent through Bank Fund Transfer to any one of the following banks: Bank: HDFC Bank Branch : CST - Mumbai VT Account Name: The Secular Citizen Account No. 03552000006744 ISFC code: HDFC0000355 or Bank: Citizen Credit Co-op Bank Ltd., Branch : Colaba, Mumbai Account Name: The Secular Citizen Account No. 2090031000000489 ISFC code: CCBL0209003 Please inform us through email: secular@ or through phone: 22693578 after transferring the same.


Memories of a Mangalorean doctor of St. Teresa of Kolkota


irst hand account of a Mangalorean medico in the 1950s in Calcutta,now a septuagenarian with many accomplishments, for Secular citizen readers. V T (Valerian Thomas) D'Souza, was born in Mangalore in October 1932. Passing through St Aloysius High School and College in 1953, he earned a BA degree (Maths & English) Madras University, his gift for speaking and writing was great, the Rector of St Aloysius College Fr E J Jacques. SJ (1949-55) , grabbed him into the English faculty of the College. In 1955, destiny took him to the famed Calcutta Medical College & Hospital.

Over to Dr.V T: "I landed in Kolkata on the July 17, 1955. Soon, I happened to meet Mother Theresa, she permitted me to work in her Homeopathic Free Dispensary at Kidderpore, where the doctor was the eminent Homeopath Dr. (Major) Nicholas, an allopathic doctor while in the Army. While I learnt a lot from him, I also learnt the Urdu language from the poor Muslim patients. During one of those days Mother Theresa took me to Kalighat temple where in the

In Calcutta the study of Homeopathy was his aim, his week-ends, holidays and any spare time was spent as a medico volunteer with Mother Teresa of Kolkota in her humanitarian works, he was exposed to Allopathic Medicine in a systematic manner. When in 1980, he welcomed Mother Teresa at Fr Muller's, VT was surprised that she had never forgotten him. Dr V T D'Souza is still 'a friend, philosopher and guide' to many leading edge pioneers of Mangalore in the medical and humane spheres.

vicinity were strewn half dead bodies of destitutes, all cold and clammy and with a horrible stench. She would bend close to them, whispering words of encouragement in their ears, rousing them with a gentle tap. Her sweet words in fluent Bengalee must have brought some cheer to them. However, I felt that anyone even with the strongest resolve and utmost mortification would not venture to that awful place a second time. But Mother went there daily. She ensured that they all had a peaceful death, worthy of a human being created by Adapted by: Ivan Saldanha-Shet God.

Dr V T D’Souza in February 2006 was accorded the 'Rachana' Award for Professional excellence. The relentless crusade for the Cause of Homeopathy over half a Century, Leadership in South Kanara Homeo medical Association as it’s President from 1959 to 1985. Rare excellence in profession, valuable papers presented. The public benefits contributed through Rotary, Public speaking and Radio, Feature writing and as a toast master and more……serving wellness of humans in 8 languages. Commended for years of splendid service and personality; this doctor continues to charm the people of the region. Let us in his own words read the great doctors experiences :


As a regular activity in contrast, Mother conducted children’s parties. They were joyful and exciting occasions. Strong and sprightly that she was at that time; she would run around amongst the hundreds of children, the toddlers, the teenagers, all of them. She would be found carrying two of them at one time, one tucked against her waist, and another in her arms. It was a great occasion for all of us to collect funds for these parties. I made everyone of my college students to put both their hands in their pockets and fish out fistfuls

of money. Much reference is made to her frail shoulders. But this very frailty was her strength. She had the strongest intellect that I have ever come across. We all felt extremely happy and confident in her company, because she carried about her an aura of divine dignity. She was absolutely fearless. She would overcome any hurdle with ease. Often she was found walking straight into the Chief Minister’s chamber when things were not sorted out at the lower levels. On hearing of a baby being thrown into the gutters of Kolkata, she would search for it with the ferocity of a tigress, and once the baby was in her arms she would show all pity, sympathy and love for the baby whose future was being fully ensured from that point. Mother Theresa was to preside over the Valedictory function of our Centenary celebrations at Fr. Muller’s Hospital in Mangalore, on 28 th December 1980. This great function of 3 hour’s duration where an estimated crowd of 5,000 was expected was to be compered by me, and I knew it was a golden opportunity to make known my admiration for her. And when I was calledcccto the stage to assist her untie the Souvenir bundle, I just had time to jump back to the mike for the narrative and later for the resume of her sparkling speech. `The next day when I met her in the Hospital wards, she remembered my working in her Dispensary and while giving me news of Dr. (Major) Nicholas, she said that as he is now in U.K., I should go to Kolkata to help her. The heavenly inspiration that Mother Theresa got for all her work, not only gave us a saint, but it also gave full glory to Kolkata....the city of Joy!" It is indeed a great opportunity that the still well known Dr.VT has given use a glimpse into our very own St.Teresa of Kolkota.

28 November 2016

Note ban: Transaction options On the eve of shortage of currency due to invalidation of 500 and 1000 notes, Electronic fund transfer is one of the best options to meet daily and professional needs


ou may be helpless in today’s scenario due to limited cash available with you and ATM’s and Banks are not working to their strength, however there is no need to panic. You just need to get familiar with net banking and can easily start your transactions electronic fund transfer options. Why is electronic transfer preferred? Besides avoiding long queue in the bank, electronic transfer modes are considered to be safe, secure and make transferring money much simpler. Electronic transfers are processed immediately with the transferred amount being deducted from one other in real time, thus saving time and effort involved in physically transferring a sum of money. Opting for electronic transferring system also reduces the possibilities of any mistakes as a transaction is only authorized with complete details which include the correct account number of the beneficiary and the target bank’s specific IFSC code. Types of electronic funds transfer • NEFT or National Electronics Funds Transfer • RTGS or Real Time Gross Settlement • IMPS or Immediate Payment Service. NEFT: NEFT is a nation-wide money transfer system which allows customers with the facility to electronically transfer funds from their respective

28 November 2016

bank accounts to any other account of the same bank or of any other bank network. Not just individuals but also firms and corporate organisations may use the NEFT system to transfer funds to and fro. Any sum of money can be transferred using the NEFT system with a maximum cap of Rs 10,00,000. NEFT transactions can be ordered anytime you want, even on holidays except for Sundays which are designated bank holidays.

through SMS facility. IMPS interbank transfer service is available 24X7 and allows you to use your mobile phones to access your account and to authorize transfer of funds between accounts and banks. The IMPS service also features a secure transfer gateway and an immediate confirmation on fulfilled orders. To be able to transfer money via IMPS route you and beneficiary must first register for the immediate payment services with your bank.

RTGS: RTGS as the name suggests is a real time funds transfer system which facilitates you to transfer funds from one bank to another in real time or on a gross basis. The transaction isn’t put on a waiting list and cleared out instantly. Users such as individuals, companies or firms can transfer large sums using the RTGS system. The minimum value that can be transferred using RTGS system. The minimum value that can be transferred using RTGS is Rs two lakhs and above. However there is no upper cap on the amount that can be transacted. The remitting customer needs to add the beneficiary and his bank account details prior to transacting funds via RTGS. A beneficiary can be registered through your internet banking portal.

India is heading towards cashless and paperless transactions. The trend of paperless transactions through the Internet, cards and mobile devices is increasing among people as the ease of doing anytime payment is attracting more and more people to avoid cash transactions.

IMPS: IMPS is offered on all the cellular devices via Mobile Banking or



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Learn few lesser known laws in India


or a country as vast as India (with 29 states, seven union territories, more than 100 crore people and over 35,000 laws to be precise) it is not possible to remember each and every law by heart. But there are certain basic laws that our legal system regulates that are hardly known to us but can mean more than just words for us. Take a look at some of the lesser known laws in India that most of us do not know about • If you have adopted one male child, you cannot adopt another of the same gender. • If you are a woman you can lodge a complaint via e-mail in case you are unable to go the police station. • You can ask for free water in any restaurant and use their wash-

room for free at any time. • Live-in relationships are legal and the children born out of such relationship have inheritance rights. • You cannot be charged more than once on the same day for driving without a helmet. • Victims are entitled to Rs 40 lakh compensation in case or loss of life and property due to cylinder explosion.

Significance of source of income


ource o f money, just literally means where the money is coming from. For an individual income could be from multiple sources such as employment, investment and welfare for example. For business it’s could be from a particular markets, products, customers, investments or government grants. In tax preparation we care about the source because it can determine what tax rate is used, what expenses can be used against it, which losses can actually be taken and in some cases like tax free interest, can determine how much of another income can be taxable. But, in the event of invalidation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes people wants to finish off their stock by paying all dues right from electricity bills to municipal taxes and also wants to de-


posit remaining amount in the bank account. However, the Government of India has asked its people to produce source of income for the amount deposited above 2.5 lakh to identify or combat black money, corruption or fake money. And the word ‘source of income’ has gained it’s popularity. AMAZING FACTS To keep track of how much money has been printed or how much is floating in the market. RBI uses: • A prefix • A number (serial) and • An Inset number).

(Contd.. from p. 12) dent rally was flagged off from the Book Fest venue by advocate Sumit Chander, the dynamic Secretary of the Residents Welfare Association (RWA} of Greater Kailash II. Addressing the students he said, “The rally you are participating today is a historic one as it is the first of kind in the township, and will pave the way to many more such student initiatives in the township, involving thousands of students, in the future.” The rally took off to the main road as the differently-abled students of the Balvantray Mehta Vidya Bhavan band playing to the tune of Vande Matharam. In addition to the above school, the other well-known schools that participated in large numbers in the awareness rally included Don Bosco School, Alkananda, St John School, Masjid Moth, and other Public Schools in the vicinity. The students covered the distance of a two-km-long route within an hour, and reached the concluding point at St John School, where the Vice Principal of the School welcomed them, and invited Shri Subrata Kundu, the Principal of Balvantray Mehta Vidya Bhavan, to address the students. In his brief message to them, the Principal reminded the students of the need to be clean from within, as well. “Only those who are clean and organized within will really understand the need to protect the environment, and keep it clean and tidy.” He also promised all assistance in making the Student Rally a huge annual event. On behalf of the organizing team, Fr Alfonso Elengikal, the President of the Indian Catholic Association, profusely thanked the students and all those who made rally a big success. He then invited the students to believe in themselves and in “Possibility Thinking,“ acknowledging that it is this attitude of the organizers that made the ongoing Book Fest and the present rally a reality, which till a month ago was only a distant dream, considered impossible by many. ­ — Fr Alfonso Elengikal

The Secular Citizen Mail your articles, news, and other creations to: &

28 November 2016

Patel most common Indian surname in UK: Dictionary London: Patel has emerged as the most common Indian surname in the UK, according to a new Oxford dictionary released Thursday. The ‘Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland’ has put together the origins of nearly 50,000 surnames in one of the UK’s largest studies of its kind. “One of the most common Indian surnames, Patel, was a status name from a Hindu and Parsi name for a village herdsman. It is one of the most common Indian surnames in Britain, with over 100,000 bearers recorded in the 2011 census,” it said.

‘Dress appropriately to visit religious places’

Panaji: Implementing a dress code at the Basilica of Bom Jesus for scantilyclad tourists has run into unforeseen problems, but church authorities have changed tack to ensure sanctity within the holy precincts. Signposts requesting tourists to be suitably dressed came up three years ago, as parishioners were getting increasingly offended by the skimpy attire. The 16th century church houses the sacred relics of Spanish saint, St Francis Xavier. “Our volunteers tell tourists to find proper clothing if they turn up inappropriately dressed,” says Savio Barreto, rector of Basilica of Bom Jesus.

Vatican investigates potential saint in Goa Panaji:


28 November 2016



D’Souza is inching toward beatification now as the Vatican has started to look at a potential miracle cure attributed to his intercession, a church official said. Father Hillary Fernandes told that Venerable Agnelo, who died in 1927, helped a 35-yearold woman with a "near-impossible" birth. The woman, who has miscarried three times, delivered a premature baby during the sixth month of her pregnancy. Both mother and child are safe, the priest said. The family attributed the health of the mother and child to the intercession of Venerable Agnelo. Now his followers hope that this will be the mandatory miracle needed for Venerable Agnelo to be beatified. Father Fernandes said his office receives thousands of letters from devotees of the priest detailing favors they received though his intercession. But favors cannot be regarded as miracles, "though for lay people they may appear to be miracles," the priest said.

Iraqi Christians tell of crucifixions, torture, sex slavery

Islamic State (IS) jihadists hung Karlus, a 29-year-old cook, from the ceiling of the jail he was held in, by a rope attached to his left foot. As blood poured from his foot, they beat and kicked him, rubbing salt into his wounds. He was sexually abused in prison by three women wearing niqabs. He was told he would be shot dead; but for reasons he still does not understand, on the day his execution was due to take place, 26 September 2014, he was released.

gave Christians, as “People of the Book”, four options: leave, convert to Islam, pay a protection tax (jiyza) or be killed. The vast majority fled – an estimated 120,000 in a few short weeks that summer. But those left behind were subjected to torture, forced conversion, sexual slavery and even crucifixion, according to testimonies collected from Iraqi refugees in Jordan by the religious freedom charity ADF International. Karlus told its researchers he had been unable to flee his home in Batnaya, a village outside Mosul, because he was looking after his disabled father. When the terrorists came to his house, they destroyed a cross and a picture of Jesus.

Tamil Nadu school gets “Pride of Catholic Church” award

New Delhi: Holy Cross Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, has been conferred with the title, ‘Pride of Catholic Church.” The award was given on November 13 by Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) Office for Education and Culture, New Delhi, and Tamil Nadu Catholic Educational Association, Chennai. Sister Nirmala, the headmistress, said the school was selected on the basis of compliance with quality assessment on ‘All India Catholic Education Policy,’ The Hindu newspaper reported on November 21. The policy evaluates a school on various parameters, including educational excellence, co-curricular and extracurricular activities, student support services, faculty, infrastructure, ecofriendly environment, value-based education, faith formation strategy for Catholic students and moral instructional classes for those from other religions.

When IS seized control of Iraqi territory in the summer of 2014, they


DIVINE RENOVATION – From a Maintenance to a Missional Church


By Father James Mallon

n his encyclical on the Church's primary mission of evangelization in the modern world, Pope Francis says, “My mission of being in the heart of the people is not just a part of my life or a badge I can take off; it is not an “extra” or just another moment in life. Instead, it is something I cannot uproot from my being without destroying my very self. I am a mission on this earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world” [Evangelii Gaudium - no. 273]. Significantly, it is with this quote that Father James Mallon’s book, DIVINE RENOVATION, opens [p 11], as if to remind the reader at the very outset that the raison d’être of our existence on earth is to strive with Jesus to bring, each in our own way, the entire world to the Father in Jesus. Isn’t that what evangelization is all about? And yet, we’d be missing the wood for the tree if we were to overlook the fact that more than the need for evangelization among nonChristians, the need is the greater within the Catholic fold itself, which of course is of a piece with the Lord’s command to Francis d’Assisi, the present pope’s namesake and model: “Francis, go rebuild my house, which as you see is falling into ruin” (p 33). That’s where the sagacity of the text of DIVINE RENOVATION [pp 317 / Rs 300] comes in. Mallon’s dissertation concerns the challenges he faced as ‘Vicar’. His discovery that a frivolous social pastime such as ‘card playing’, rather than worship and catechesis, is what constituted the life of the parish he was called to pastor and that the use of Church premises for such socializing over and above the need for Catechesis-based activity was de rigueur, did give the young pastor tense moments. That he surmounted the situation with steely determination and succeeded in gaining for community-centred catechetical activity the place and importance due, redounds entirely to his credit, his initiative and innovativeness overriding gently yet firmly all odds and objections. DIVINE RENOVATION is essentially about enabling the reader – whether


clerical, religious or lay – to perceive the status of one’s Christianness as a sign of a deep understanding of the Faith as the source and means of salvation. The sub-title of the book, ‘From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish’ applies very well to India where the Church could surely take a leaf from the book whose contents challenge the reader to bear in mind that a ‘Parish’ is not a social club. Mallon enables

BOOK REVIEW by Ladislaus L D’Souza you to see at length that there is much more to being Catholic than indulging in whist drives, jam sessions and the like. Strangely, on the one hand there is Faith-based emphasis laid by certain parishes which earn for themselves the ‘missional’ tag; on the other, there is a huge pull towards the social circuit with fashion shows and dance contests that promote vulgarity being given undue prominence, and fetes and fairs taking up the lion’s share of time and activity. All this on huge grounds owned by dioceses or parishes, with non-Christians participating as contestants, judges or spectators all with little or no knowledge of Christian morals and ethics. Often festive occasions in the life of the parish and week-long events like the so-called youth week held during the Church’s major liturgical seasons like Advent and Lent send out a wrong message, stuck as such parishes are with the ‘maintenance’ tag. Written under the influence of head and heart alike, DIVINE RENOVATION is packed with stories, ideas and practical initiatives for creating healthy and vibrant parish communities. Making readers aware of their fundamental identity in Christ, the fresh vision and real-life strategies emerging from this book both inspire and challenge parish communities—pastors, co-pastors and parishioners—to rethink their culture, break free of the status quo and engage every believer in missionary dis-

cipleship. Showing the way to achieving this ideal, Mallon avers: “It has been said that Church renewal is all about the three h’s: hospitality, hymns and homilies” (p 124). Mallon sure knows his onions for he speaks from the experience of having spared no pains in devising novel ways of successfully making members of his congregation feel welcome in church, freely encouraging music of all genres in congregational participation and consciously ensuring that his homilies, well-prepared and to the point with the composition of the congregation in mind, left his listeners virtually asking for more. All in all, what Mallon proves through this book is that vibrant parish renewal, call it transformation or renovation of communities and individuals, is not merely essential but eminently possible, much of course depending on the dynamism of the Parish Priest, the cooperation of the parishioners and the support of the Ordinary of the diocese. And so it is that Patrick Lencioni, bestselling author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, makes bold to advise: “Buy a copy for yourself and another for your pastor” (p 2)! Indeed, what better time to do precisely that than when the old liturgical year is on the verge of yielding to the new, putting into effect Mallon’s DIVINE REVELATION [published by ST PAUL’S], setting the ball rolling by way of turning our respective parishes from ‘maintenance’ to ‘missional’ communities in the ensuing liturgical year itself!

28 November 2016

Demonetization – a surgical strike ? ‘Operation successful, patient dead !’ This is perhaps how one could describe the current ‘Anti-corruption’ drive launched by the most popular prime minister in the world today !


ne would concede that the intention seemed good but the implementation was not efficient. It seems the government has embarked upon a massive war without sufficient arms or back-up defence. How else does one explain the situation as it is today in our country ? The nation has been thrown into chaos. Around two weeks have passed since the demonetization came into effect and the situation does not seem too good even today. People are still struggling to get back their own money – it is being rationed from Rupees 4000/- to 4500/ then to 2000/- !!!

man !

While on the subject of Black Money, the people of this country would like to know whatever happened to the black money parked in swiss banks, which the prime minister had promised to bring back into the country, within 100 days of coming to power - the amount which is estimated to run into As we can see it is not the billions of U.S. Dollars ? politicians, whichever party BY Melville X. they may belong to, nor D’Souza A lot of people seem to be the high profile businesscheering the prime minister for men, or the CEOs or highthe demonetization drive withranking officers in the corporate sec- out understanding that somebody is tor who are affected. It is the salaried, paying a heavy price for this. Several middle class, traders and the common citizens including children have lost their lives. We hear some people say, that ‘in order to gain something you have to lose something’ – fine, but let this come from the mouths of those who have lost a loved one. It is only the wearer who knows where and how hard, the shoe pinches. I’ve just come across a post in the social media which says, “Demonetization reminds me of sheep who cheered when their leader promised them a blanket each. Till one sheep asked, where will the wool come from ? Need we say more ?

Another post appearing in the social media with regard to the demonetization drive, says the government has just conducted a ‘surgical strike in your pockets ! Yes, it may be ! But now after the sacrifices the citizens of this country have made, shall we see a ‘corruption-free’ country in the near future ? Or is that going to be a ‘far cry’ ?



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28 November 2016


6619 MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in September 1985), Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 82 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA Finance, woking as a Supervisor. Contact email : josh99.joshva@ OR 9820849449 6618 MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in December 1989), Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 56 kgs, Wheatish Com plexion, Edn. Edn. M.Sc., working as a Resource Manager. Contact email : fernandesclyde176@gmail. com OR 07738731817 6589. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in March 1987), height 5’ 8”, weight 50 kgs, wheatish complexion,, working as a Senior Analyst in a reputed MNC. Non smoker & Non drinker. Seeks alliance from RC s pinsters upto 28 years, graduate with sober habits. Open to all communities. Contact Mobile no. 9769840021 6586. MYSORE : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, (Born in January 1985), Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., LL.B., M.S.W., Advocate by profession. Contact email : advocatecastelino@yahoo. in 6584. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, (Born in October 1978), Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 79 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Electrical Engineering), MBA (Marketing), working as a Manager with an IT Technology Company. Contacat email : austin. OR 09819144993. 6581. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in July 1981), Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. S.Y.B.A., Diploma in Food Production working as a F & B Service, working on Internation Ship. Contact email : OR 9833801774 6579. MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in August 1985), Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 72 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC., & Diploma, Working as a S. Bartender. Contact email : ra-

20 OR 8424807835 6576. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in october 1966), Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 69 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. SSC., having own business. Contact email : pauld’ OR 9821865220 / 9821651505 6575. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in May 1973), Ht. 6’ 4”, Wt. 98 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC., working as a Steward in Oil Tanker - Foreign Ship. Contact email : OR 9145030628 6564. DUBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in November 1987), Ht. 179 cms, Wt. 78 kgs, Wheatish Complex ion, Edn. Mechanical Engineer, working as an Engineer. Contact email : godfreyjoelfernandes@ 6562. MANGALORE : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in November 1981), Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish Complex ion, Edn. PUC + Computer diploma, having own business in ABROAD. Contact email : OR 0546934687 6561. MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, (Born in June 1983), Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 71 kgs, Wheatish Complex ion, Edn., M.Sc., working as an Account Manager in Abu Dhabi. Contact email : proposal.ashish@gmail. com OR 9819707542 6559. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in July 1985), Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. XII, working on Cruse Ship. Contact immediately. Contact email OR 9867331248 6558. KUWAIT : Goan Roman Catho-

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lic Divorcee, (Born in January 1982), Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 80 kgs, Tan Complexion, Edn. Masters Computers in USA, working as a Manager in USA. Seeks a educated homely Goan or Mangalorean girl working in USA or India. Contact email : carmelinaf@ OR 00965-25656610 6551. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in February 1959), Ht. 5’ 7” Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. SSC., having own business. Contact email : OR 9869557072 / 8291403075 6549. MUMBAI : Tamilian RC Bachelor, (Born in December 1983), Ht. 5’ 10” Wt. 72 kgs, Tan Complexion, Edn. MBA (ICFAI), working as a AVP in Citi Group Chennai. Contact email : OR 7829388114 6547. MUMBAI : Keralite + Mangalorean RC Widow, (Born in July 1959), Ht. 5’11”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. SSC, working for Dimond Company as a Assorting Diamond. No encumberance, having own Flat. Seeks a simple and poor girl. Contact Mob: 9821078194. 6544. MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, (Born in June 1986), Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 80 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., + Diploma, working on Cruise Ship. Contact email : OR 8652883768

Address your replies to :

Regd. No. Royal Christian Family, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 or 2265 4924 28 November 2016

6337. M.P. : Protestant Christian Divorcee, (Born in July 1980), Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 52 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Computer Science), MBA (HR), working as a Senior Manager , MNC Mumbai. Seeks a match residing in Mumbai, having a decent qualification and well settled. Contact email: or 9589635540 6608. MUMBAI : East Indian RC Spinster, (Born in February 1987), Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 53 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A., working as an Executive. Contact email: rebecca23_2@hotmail. com OR 9819214459 6603. MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in 26-5-1975), Ht. 167 cms, Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A., & Diploma in Export, working as an Export Admin. Secretary, Contact email: sindhupatil75@ OR 9967587925 6602. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in 2-71981), Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A., working as a Trainer. Contact email : charlottesimpleindian@ OR 9819319016 6601. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in 29-3-1989), Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. ICWA, Working for Finance Industry. Contact email : OR 9819425214 6600. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in 15-81989), Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA, working as a HR Executive. Contact email : britto_ OR 9819518290 6599. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in 15-9-1980), Ht. 5’ 5”, slim, young and good look-

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 35 Years 28 November 2016

ing, Edn. B.A. + Music Exams, Teacher by profession. Seeks a well settled tall bachelor. Contact email : septsmile3@ OR 9819161604 6592. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in October 1989), 5’ 3”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Sc. Microbiology working for Pharmaceutical Company. Contact email : mili.ferns123@gmail. com OR 9769545791 6591. MUMBAI : Maharashtrian Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in October 1988), 5’ 4”, Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Master of Management Study, working as an Asst. Professor. Contact email : geo8747@ OR 9833194951 6582. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in October 1990), 5’ 1”, Wt. 56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as Coordinator, Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : btorres756@gmail. com OR 9920799596. 6580. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in January 1982), 5’ 2”, Wt. 56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M. Pharm, Ph.D., Seeks a well settled qualified bachelor. Contact : email : apoline_ubi@yahoo. OR Tel.: 9920283957 6578. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in May 1985), Ht. 5’ 5”, Fair Complexion, Edn. Under graduate, working as a Customer Support staff. Contct email : jasgemini2011@ OR 8806747942 6577. MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Divorcee, (Born in April 1989), Ht. 4’ 10”, Fair Complexion, Beautiful, Edn. Dip. in HM & Bakery, working as a Cashier / Ordertaker. Contact email : OR 9833845074 6574. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in September 1990), Ht. 5’ 5”, Fair Complexion, Beautiful, Edn. B.Com., MBA, PGDM, working for Multinational Company. Contact email : roshanmehra@ OR 9920730516 6570. MUMBAI : Mangalorean

Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in December 1991), Ht. 5’ 3”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. BBI, P.G.D.M. (H.R.), working as an Asst. Manager H.R. Contact email : venita.sal@gmail. com OR 8108113888 6569. DUBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in May 1985), Ht. 5’ 2”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA - Finance, working as an Accountant in a private sector firm in DUBAI. Looking for a Roman Catholic alliance preferably working in UAE. Contact email : saldanha.leena7@gmail. com OR 00971-526649919, 00919967816258 / 0091-9167361924 6568. NEWYORK : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in December 1990), Ht. 157 cms, Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. M.S. in Computer Science (USA), working as a Software Engineer. Seeks a similiar qualification, having HIB Visa and working in USA below 30 years. Contact email : joymachado312@ OR 9869064165 6566. DUBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in September 1986), Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.S. in HR, working as a Admin. Exec. (HR) seeks a Mangalorean bachelor preferably Postgrad./MBA/BE,. Contact wedd_ OR 9892656367 6565. MUMBAI : Mumbai broughtup Keralite Anglo Indian Spinster, (Born in May 1988), Ht. 5’ Wt. 48 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Computer Operator. Contact email : OR 9881422683 Address your replies to :

Regd. No. Royal Christian Family, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

Please renew your membership at lease a month in advance before its expiration date.


Heros Honoured


he 2016 Award Ceremony of Harmony Foundation was held at JW Marriot hotel on 20th November 2016 under the leadership of Dr. Abraham Mathai. The Harmony Foundation was founded in October 2005 by Dr. Abraham Mathai to establish communal harmony between various communities, castes and work towards the benefit of all the communities without any discrimination as to religion, caste, creed, gender or region. The raison d’etre of this foundation was necessitated by the fact that we are presently living in a very turbulent period in the history of mankind wherein many wicked acts are being perpetrated under the guise of political, economic, religious reasons which have long term implications on the peaceful co-existence of human society.

Mother Teresa Memorial Awards for Social Justice

The Mother Teresa Awards for Social Justice are conferred by the Harmony Foundation on persons who have taken a stand against injustice and prevented oppression of those who are voiceless and nameless in this world. As part of the award ceremony, the Harmony Foundation has organised an International Conference on Combating Terrorism, Referring to the ongoing turmoil in Indo-Pak relationship, former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah Sunday spoke about the need for the two countries to talk to each other. “War cannot bring solution, talks can,” Abdullah said. On Sunday, the family of 20-year-old Faraaz Hossain — who died in an attempt to save his two friends in a terror attack instigated by the Islamic State at a cafe in Dhaka in July this year — was felicitated with the Mother Teresa Memorial International Award for his bravery.


Speaking on the occasion, Abdullah said, “If anyone announces that this (India) is a Hindu rashtra, then how will a little Muslim or Hindu boy think? It is such things that create tragedies.” The award ceremony was attended by several bureaucrats from India, Afghanistan, Africa, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh to felicitate over 16 people and organisations for their work against terrorism and for peace. Discussing terrorism and the need to initiate peace talks among nations, former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai said that Afghanistan has suffered at the hands of terrorism for several years. “It is politics that has generated terrorism. Politics creates extremism in religion, at nation’s cost religion is created as instrument of policy,” Karzai said. Referring to Taliban atrocities in the country, he added that US-led decision to bombard villages in order to kill militants is not the solution to fight militancy. The award ceremony, organised by Harmony Foundation at JW Marriot hotel, was also attended by noted writer Dr Ravi Zacharias, director/producer Mukesh Bhatt, and Member of Parliament from Sri Lanka Eran Wickramaratne. The 2016 awards made a special mention of 26/11 terror attacks and felicitated families of police officers who died during the attacks on November 26, 2008, in Mumbai. Families of Yogesh Shivaji Patil, Arun Raghunath, PSI Bapurao Sahibrao, PSI Prakash More, Ambadas Ramchandra, and senior PSI Vijay Salaskar were felicitated. Taj manager Karambir Kang was also awarded. Other recipients were from Bangladesh, Africa, Syria and Afghanistan for humanitarian work. “The tragedy in psychiatry is that the concept, practice and research in rehabilitation, the last leg of treatment, is almost absent,” Sarada Menon, founder of Schizophrenia Research

Foundation (SCARF) said. After receiving the Mother Teresa Memorial Award 2016 for her outstanding contribution to mental health and rehabilitation services, she said, though treatment may help the patients to a great extent, they have nearly no motivation to lead a normal life if there is no rehabilitation.

Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain

Though offered a chance to escape during the terror attack, he refused to leave his friends. Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain, one of the three Bangladeshi hostages killed in the terrorist attack on the Holey Cafe in Dhaka’s Gulshan diplomatic zone on July 1, was awarded the Mother Teresa Memorial International Award for Social Justice for 2016. The award was conferred posthumously by the Harmony Foundation in Mumbai on Sunday. Faraaz’s parents received the award on his behalf at a ceremony from the Foundation’s President Abraham Mathai. Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan was awarded the prestigious Mother Teresa International Award by the Mumbai-based NGO Harmony Foundation. Shaikh Abdullah, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, was conferred with the award for his contribution in promoting peace and stability in the West Asia.


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28 November 2016

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28 November 2016



28 November 2016 Published on every Monday Dt. 28-11-2016 & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001. Licenced to Post without prepayment Licence No. MR/TECH/WPP-70/SOUTH/2016

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Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo

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