Secular Citizen Vol.26 No.11 dated 13th March 2017

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Meet Your Bank :

Citizencredit’s Customer Friendly Initiative


itizencredit Co-operative Bank Ltd. organized a customer / member meet on February 23, 2017 at Hotel Kohinoor Elite, Kurla West, Mumbai. The event was attended by 80 customer/ members of the Bank, mainly from the branches at Kurla, Vikhroli, Thane, Vashi, Chembur and Mulund. Mrs. Priscilla Buthello, Director, personally welcomed each of the guests as they arrived. The Bank’s Corporate Video was then screened,

which offered a look into its history from inception and showed how far CITIZENCREDIT has come. The Managing Director & C.E.O, Mrs. Geeta Andrades, then addressed the customers / members and expressed appreciation for their constant support in the growth of the Bank over the years. The customers were kept abreast of the new technological de-

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velopments adopted by the Bank, for example, the newly launched Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) which enables transfer of funds via cell phones. Mr. Anthony D’Souza, Chairman, also addressed the guests and took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of Customer Satisfaction which is one of the outstanding features of the Bank’s operations. Customers were urged to approach the Bank with suggestions / issues faced by them with regard to services and products so as to improve the performance of the Bank. The customers / members were then invited to interact with a panel comprising Mr. Anthony D’Souza, Mr. Donald Creado (Vice-Chairman), Mrs. Priscilla Buthello and Mrs. Geeta Andrades . The event concluded with a Vote of Thanks followed by lunch. The Secular Citizen subscribers are requested to provide us their Email ID and Mobile no. for communication. send it to secular@vsnl. com or sms to 9820473103. Remember to mention your name and subscription no.

13 March 2017

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A National family WEEKLY

Vol.26 No.11 March 13, 2017


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel:022 - 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : Lawrence Coelho


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Our rational minds can never understand what has happened, but our hearts - if we can keep them open to God, will find their own intuitive way.

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Contents pg. 3 - Late Marriage pg. 5 - Voice of the People pg. 6 - Poem: My mother pg. 7 - BJP Sex Racket Rocks Gujarat pg. 8 - Today: Fifteen years ago pg. 10 - World Water Day pg. 11 - Views on News pg. 12 - Hero of the Community: pg. 15 - Transfigured before winesses for God's glory pg 16 - ICPA Award for Fr. Varghese Paul, SJ pg. 17 - News in Brief pg. 18 - Women Strike pg 19 - Inspiration! pg 20 - Matrimonials

Late Marriage by Don Aguiar Marriage is one of the important events in life; the definition of marriage is changed in modern era owning to various lifestyle, different cultures, attitudes and outlook of human and moral values. The modern era seems to be an age of meetings and discussions, of comment and criticism. There is no shortage of advisers on how and when the harvest should be reaped but few seem ready to cut the hay. With so much talk and advice in the air it is easy to become confused and dispirited. This is as true in marital affairs as in the thinking of the youth and young adults. One of the most common problems faced in marriage is actually not being able to find the right match and getting delayed for marriage. Marriage is bliss if it happened at a proper timing. But then, it becomes a curse if not done at a suitable age or with a correct match. Providing access to "secure match making channels" — secure paths for confidentiality - is crucial in helping people who are interested in getting married at the appropriate age, but are often met with rejection and indifference from society. Late marriages in the Christian community are causing the shrinking of the community in India. Coupled with widespread use of modern family planning methods, late marriage of men and women has led to a decline in the Christian population across the Country.

Subscriptions Rate:

The postponement of marriage claiming job insecurity and material things caused a rise in the number of unmarried young men. A vast majority of them are forced to remain single all their lives and this is indeed a serious cause for concern

One year (outside India) Rs. 2500

The reasons for delay in marriage are relative. There are people who are not freakish about getting married. Their interest in it is low perhaps due to bad relationships/bad choices in partners/bad marriages surrounding them or bad experiences such as a dysfunctional family.

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Cover : Late Marriage: (Article on p. 3)

13 March 2017

There are people who are not meant to get married. Their understanding of marriage is low. Their understanding of the opposite sex is low, they have wrong mentality of the opposite sex. They could be abusive verbally, physically and emotionally. If these ones get married, their spouses will suffer or even die. This is why you don’t force/pressurize people to get married. So when some people come across these ones, they stay away from them and wait to find a better partner. There are people who are not fortunate to get good partners. Their relationships are from (Contd.. on p. 4)


(Contd.. from p. 3) one wrong person to another. Therefore, such people decide to wait, stay away from relationships and leave it to God until a good partner shows up. There are people who are ready to marry but are not financial capable of getting married or do not have good jobs to sustain the marriage. We all know how money is of great importance in marriage. There are people who are not realistic in their choices. They are rigid and feel that their specs of partners exist when they do not. Ladies who love rich men at all cost are included. Men who are looking for perfect wives when they are not perfect. Some have very horrible attitudes. But i don’t like to concentrate on this because i have seen men marry women with terrible attitude while the good women remain at home. It seems those with such attitudes are winning and getting married faster. To confront this challenge, the church and civil society must have a "shared response" of welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating the young adults into getting married at the appropriate age Civil law fixed the marriageable age as 21 for male and 18 for female. “A decade back marriages were solemnised around this age, but keeping the present situation in mind, young men should marry by the age 25 and women by 23. Previously once woman hit a certain age, the societal pressure was sickening. Women were made to feel that if they don’t hurry, they will wake up one day, older, single and there would be no more “good men” left, leaving them to start hunting for husbands.. Interestingly, many men have also had been feeling the heat and pressure to be married at a certain age; so it’s not something that’s exclusive to women. Although the pressure can never be the same for men, because they don’t have their biological clock working against them. Today, unmarried girls in between 25-35 years old are living life with quite a self respect in society. Nobody frowns upon them. Their marriage neither forms a subject of discussion nor is any frowning eye- brow raised upon their funny and joyous life style. In one recently held survey, majority of the city girls are not in a hurry of marrying. They have to deck up their career. No matter,


their parents do worry for their marriages, but these girls are neither worrying over the score of their marriages nor are they feeling any sense of guilt about it. They are enjoying their being single to the hilt. They want to ponder over every aspect of married life before stepping into the canopy of marriage. For them, the only aim of womanhood doesn't at all mean the consummation into marriages. Parents too, possibly have become consenting to this outlook of their well educated wards. And slowly but steadily, the society too, has begun accepting this norm of late marriage. Today’s parents have full confidence over their children and pressure from their side on children is almost non existent. Parents exhort children in the matter of studies. Parents never discuss the matter of the marriage of their daughter until they complete their education fully.

a hurry. Breaking up relationships: Today's generation do not believe in the old dictum, Chatt Mangani, Patt Vivah. The ever flashing headline news of divorces too has compelled them to give a second thought to this matter. Nuclear family: In smaller families, where daughters are single in number, they don't want to take the decision of marrying too early on in their age, rather their search are focused on such a life partner who could understand well their responsibilities to their parents. Fear of commitment: Young generation is afraid of commitment and shy away from any kind of binding. They have values of their own, their liking of their own, hence do not wish to hurry up the matter of marriage.

During family functions, questions like “When the marriage is going to be held” are no more asked now. This question has been replaced with, “What is your daughter doing?” Parents feel proud to talk of the achievements and success attained by their daughters. From this, the daughters too feel encouraged and bold and their attitude too changes.

Normal child birth in older ages too: It was formerly said that the girls should conceive within the ages of 25-30 so that the child born is healthy. Abnormal child births were considered to be a high possibility in case of older girls. Therefore marriage on the right time was considered to be sacrosanct. This problem has disappeared after the progress made into the field of medical science.

According to social scientists, if attention towards the outlook of the daughter is paid, there are several reasons which could be accounted for of their delayed up marriages:

Western effects are one reason for late marriages: The world of TV and internet has turned the cultures of the entire countries of world in one single colour. Of late, we have started on exchanging cultures as well. Marriage is now not associated with age. Marriages are now being solemnised in the ages of 35-40-45-50 years also.

Education: The chief reason is the girls being well educated. Education not only has lent a change of an immense magnitude in the outlooks of girls but in the mindset of society as well. Self dependency: Education has brought about thorough metamorphosis in the thought process of the girls. Their confidence has got boosted up enormously stoking the fire in them to be self dependent. Economic independence: This has readied up the girls independent financially. They feel it more important to focus on their career first than on their marriages. Several girls are supporting their family financially. In such a whirlwind of a condition, thought of marriage doesn't flash in mind. Mismatch marriages: The mismatched marriages solemnised in family and society has also played a greater role in changing their outlook in the matter of their marriages. They think it's better to be late in marriage to find a suitable match with whom to live a quality life than landing in a hot soup in

Friendships of the young boys and girls: Today, emotional support is being gotten in the young ages itself, For what the life partner formerly used to be the auxiliaries to the emotions are now there the girl friends and boy friends. Search of an ideal life partner: Maturity in girls have enhanced up aplenty. Emotional feelings like forgo and sacrifice are stranger to them. She wants such a companion who could understand them (to hell with their understanding to them), should have money, position, power and above all emotionally supportive too. Apart from these reasons, there could be some personal reasons too for late marriages. On the other hand, outlook of parents too have changed as for examples: When a mother could not have fulfilled her (Contd.. on p. 5)

13 March 2017

with her mind and she has no capacity to think on her own.

On Fulfilling Easter Duties We have just entered the holy season of Lent with the signing of the forehead with ash on Ash Wednesday. For Catholics, notwithstanding the moral obligation of confessing one’s sins once a year around Easter time, there are many who would like to undertake the Lenten journey by keeping it holy with the unburdening of one’s sins at confession and the daily reception of Holy Communion. Unfortunately, unlike in the past , it is difficult to find a priest in the confessional these days. Confessing one’s sins is therefore put off till the last week of Lent. To overcome this last- minute rush which every church finds difficult to cope with, even with the help of outside priests, it would be ideal if our priests sit in the confessional on every day of the Lenten season. If this is difficult during other times of the year , then the Lenten season is the best time to encourage people and make them experience the gift of God’s mercy in the sacrament of reconciliation (Penance). (Contd.. from p. 4) ambitions of life, she wants her daughter to fulfil it for which they support their daughters fully. Today’s parents don’t deem it fit to stoop low in society for the happiness of their daughters. For them, the happiness of their daughters reigns supreme. But, they certainly do worry and wish that their daughters get a suitable match as long as they are alive because who else shall support their daughters after they are no more there to support? How will she live alone in her old age? But these sorts of worries are wrapped beneath the carpet in front of happiness of their daughters. They leave the final decision about marriage to be taken by their daughters. All in all, delay may be dangerous in some cases but may also be necessary so that

13 March 2017


F. Nazareth, Alto Porvorim

What We The Citizens Have To Say On Hounding Of Gurmeher Kaur WHO KILLED MY LOVING FATHER? The news papers and tvs are full of a 20 year young, fiesty and intellectual college student Gurmehar Kaur, a daughter of a Kargil martyr, that should make the nation proud, but is being criticised, hounded, trolled and called anti national. A girl that has lived through a personal trauma of loosing her father when she was a 2 years old child, has only supported the free speech movement in her college. In retaliation her earlier face book statement that a war and not Pakistanis, killed her father, a statement she made to improve India Pakistan ties, is being used to try and prove, that there is something wrong those who take marriage seriously can sit down and make a good choice and so that those who don’t understand marriage can understand it before marrying. There are people who were so fortunate to get God's intervention to show them who their partners really are few weeks to their weddings. This is why you hear postponement/ cancellation of wedding ceremonies every now and then. God almighty saves a lot of people from horrible marriages by delaying them. Do you know that? Marriage isn’t about wedding, showing off ring, answering Mrs and getting approval from society. It’s about WORK. If you know the kind of work in it then, you will slow down and enjoy your single status until you find the right person for you and are mentally ready for it. I think people should create threads that talk about how to stay married more than how to get married.

The world today is full of children like her, who are asking the same question. WHO KILLED MY LOVING FATHER? They are aware like Gurmehar that a WAR killed their fathers, a person whom they deeply loved. A war of hatred that made no sense to their own small world. As they, like many children worldwide have done in the past, realise their own loved fathers, lost their life fighting in a wars of hatred, that were not created by their fathers, but unknown forces. Many a time their fathers fought for their nations that did not even exit a few centuries ago. At times they fought for one part of the same nation that had been bifurcated into two, by a more powerful nation. So who over the decades, if not centuries, killed the fathers of these small children ?Were they Germans, Americans, British, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Pakistanis or even Indians? Were they Christians, Islamists, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Sunnis, Shias, or any of the different religions or their sects, who profess true brother hood and love, but are ready to kill someone who differs on their views and thinking. Who should the children of million of Jews who were killed during 2nd world war blame, the Germans or Hitler and his henchmen? Who should the children of Vietnamis who were killed by chemical bombs in an unequal war between north and south Vietnam, created by the French and then carried on for years by the Americans?Should the children who lost their loving fathers in those wars, still continue to hate the Germans and Americans ? One can go on giving such examples. Coming back to Gurmehar, as she grew up, we can be certain that she has heard hate mongers continuously speak ill of Pakistan. She knows by now from her mother, that it was Pakistan soldiers that killed her father at (Contd.. on p. 6)


(Contd.. from p. 5)

My Mother Mother, to me you are my life’s sunshine, My heart beats for you each time. How in my life, you bring bliss, For which I’m sure, God will always bless! You are a precious drop in the world’s deepest ocean, God’s most wonderful creation! When I wake up each sunny morning, I hear you call to me, “My sweet darling”! My eyes picturize a Garden of beauty, Don’t be astonished! Come along and look, There she is-- My Mother, An Epitome of Tranquility and Eternity!!!

—Preema D’Souza

a remote place called Kargil, where no human beings live and not by all Pakistanis. She is aware that there are many young kids like herself even in India, who have lost their fathers in a war in Kashmir, Jammu, Ladakh, Chatisghar, Nagaland, Sri Lanka etc. Whom will they continue to hate? At the same time over the years she has seen on tv, India and Pakistani PMs, ministers and officials meet each other in cordial atmosphere. The growing trade between the countries and people from from both countries visiting each other. Cricketers and hockey teams of India and Pakistan play friendly matches and end of it, even hug each other. She has seen in IPL cricket matches, where Pakistan coaches and commentators interacting in a friendly way with INDIAN people. Many a time she may have heard that it is the Pakistan army and not its Government and people who are waging a proxy war on India. She has seen many Pakistani children like herself loose their fathers in some sudden terrorist attacks. More importantly just a year ago she has seen her own PM stop over in Pakistan to hug the PM of Pakistan on his birthday. Hence, what is wrong in Gurmehar to state her father was killed by a war and not Pakistanis? May be it is a way she can make a closure of a painful past, without continuing to keep hatred against Pakistanis in general, a hatred that will never end. Why are people wanting to rape her for making that statement to prove their own nationalism. Is the GOI so helpless not to lock up these guys for a few months in a prison? Are we a Nation as we claim, of cultured peace loving people ora country of brain less goons ? Let's leave this brave and well educated girl to live a life of her own. She has already suffered enough trauma and pain. —Eric D'Sa


13 March 2017

BJP Sex Racket Rocks Gujarat BJP top notches in Gandhi’s Gujarat are named to be involved in Maliya (Kutchh) circuit house sex scandal. Every newspaper on its first page came out with all its gory details of the victims’ painful press conference. “It is very shameful” says chairperson of “Mahila Ayog”... .


ever in the past such a shocking, scandalous sex racket has been unearthed as the ‘Naliya Sex Scandal ‘ as it is named. This is a very pathetic incident where a helpless woman was sexually assaulted and gang-raped by Bhartiya Janata Party’s leaders.

complaint was ‘naam ke vaaste’ written. The police was not willing to take any action in the case. The ex-CM (Congress) said that he had a CD of the entire case which created quite a stir in the media.

Thousands of Congressmen on February 20, 2017 took out a ‘beti bachao’ rally, marching to the State Secretariat in Gandhinagar. In her press conference on A big number of women February 9, 2017 the vicand “Mahila Samitis” suptim said that she had apported the march. The BJP proached a BJP sate-level rulers sensing the trouble, leader to get an ID Card. The said leader asked by Ignatius Dabhi cordoned Gandhinaghar. AAP workers too rallied and her to come to the Circuit Sr. Journalist strongly protested the inacHouse. The BJP man intion of the rulers. “Instead vited four of his associates who gang-raped the woman in the of protecting women, the BJP was all State Ciruit House of Naliya in Kitchh. out to hide the criminals” said 79-year old Janak Patel, an AAP worker. “BJP The satanic gang went on with its workers have become so fearless that shameful activities, victimising the they go to any extent to satisfy their woman for eight endless months. lust”, said 58-year old Santaben, a When the agony was unbearable, the social worker. “We will not allow the woman approached the local police House to function if no justice is done who just pooh poohed her and sent to the Naliya woman” said the State her away without registering any com- Congress leader, Mr Shaktisinh Gohil. plaint. The police were well aware of the people involved in the case. She was Meanwhile, the Court has sent a strict directed to the judiciary and a weak order to the State Home Department

13 March 2017

and asked to police to act promptly. According to a police record cases of molestation of women are on the rise in Gujarat. “There were 126 cases of rape in one calendar year, last year” said a senior policeman. Gujarat has become “unsafe for women. Modi’s tall claims of “beti bachao” have become a lip service. “Empty promises have misguided millions” says an editorial of a Gujarat daily. The Gujarat Assembly virtually became a battlefield where the BJP MLA’s shouted at the Congressmen “Chor, Chor”. The Congressmen called the BJP men “Rapists, womanisers”. Gujarat CM, Mr Rupani, assured the Budget Session Assembly that every criminal of the Naliya Sex Scandal, no matter whosoever he is, will be dealt with. Seeing the temper and anger of people and Congress party he gave the assurance on February22, 2017, Incidentally, PM Modi is arriving to Gujarat on March 9, 2017.


Today: Fifteen Years Ago!


t’s fifteen years today! How soon the years fly by. Some things however, are never forgotten. The memories are still fresh. The pain, the suffering, the trauma – though not visible – still lingers on. Only those who have gone through it know deep down, what it means to lose a loved one. That too through such inhuman brutality. Rupa and Dara Mody still wait for their only son Azhar, who went missing on February 28th 2002, to come home. The nightmare for many continue. The masterminds: the main culprits still roam with impunity and immunity. It was, indeed one of truth. The the bloodiest chapters of post-independent India. Certainly, the only one presided over and engineered by those responsible for protecting the lives and property of ordinary citizens. Sadly, it is still not a closed chapter. It was no by fr. cedric Prakash ordinary riot: it was the Gusj jarat Genocide of 2002! Today after fifteen years, many may agree that there must be healing; but for that to take place, the victim-survivors have to experience the triumph of truth and justice. A painful reality can never be swept under the carpet. The wheels of justice have moved in some cases but the judiciary has still to prove that it serves the cause of justice alone; a good section of the media in India has been bought up and compromised and can no longer be impartial and objective. Fatigue does set.Moreover, (as we see in Delhi University today), the fascist and fundamentalist forces responsible for what happened in 2002 and are still blatantly at work in the country. True there have been several convictions, thanks to the dogged determination of human rights stalwarts like Teesta Setalvad and others. Very ironically, the one who presided over the Gujarat Genocide, ‘rules’ the country today. That is a sad and bitter


mayhem and murder of innocent men, women and children; rapes, arson, loot, displacement and denigration of thousands of Muslims- just does not seem to have mattered. It all seemed part of a game in which one scores brownie points. Your dastardly deeds gain legitimacy through the ballot box. After all, Hitler succeeded immensely because of the lies, myths and half-truths dished out by Goebbels, his Propaganda Minister. Tragically, a similar story here! It was certainly very unfortunate that fifty-nine persons lost their lives when the S-G coach of the Sabarmati Express caught fire on February 27th 2002, just outside the Godhra Railway Station. The whole truth on what caused the fire is still not out. Nothing else happened for more than twentyfour hours after that; not in Gujarat, not anywhere else in India. Sadly, enough from the afternoon of February 28th, began those dark and violent days, which would make any human being to squirm and to hang one’s head down in shame. In December 2003, the then Chief Justice of India V.N. Khare presiding over a Divisional Bench of the Supreme Court criticized the Government of Gujarat saying, “I have no faith left in

the prosecution and the Gujarat Government. I am not saying Article 356. You have to protect people and punish the guilty. What else is raj dharma? You quit if you cannot prosecute the guilty. “Some years later in February 2012 in a landmark ruling, the Acting Chief Justice of Gujarat Bhaskar Bhattacharya, very emphatically stated, “Gujarat government’s inadequate response and inaction (to contain the riots) resulted in an anarchic situation which continued unabated for days on…the state cannot shirk from its responsibilities”. In the context of the many cases and the fact that several fingers were pointing to the connivance of the Modi Government, the Supreme Court of India appointed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to look into certain cases, very specially a complaint made by Zakia Jafri with regard to the murder of her husband, the former Member of Parliament Ehsan Jafri and several others. It is common knowledge that the SIT played a very dubious and partisan role in key cases. The SITs Final Report was also challenged. It had just too many grey areas with gaping loopholes. It went all out to protect the masterminds of this carnage. Whatever that Report said or did not say, the complicity and the culpability of the powerful and of certain vested interests, has never ever been doubted. (Contd.. on p. 9)

13 March 2017

(Contd.. from p. 8) There have been numerous efforts to consign Gujarat 2002 to the fires of history. Efforts have been made, by the most powerful in the land to buy up people and to coopt others, to denigrate those who fought relentlessly for justice on behalf of the victim survivors.There are certainly the loud, shrill voices, who try to legitimize what happened in those bloody days. They provide all kinds of justification (however, weak) “2002 was just an aberration in fact a distraction”; “look at the way, we have progressed since; the roads, the shopping malls, the riverfront, the flyovers... in fact all the industrialists want to come only to Gujarat”; “didn’t they deserve it, after all, they are but terrorists”; “why is the same importance not being given to the massacre of the Sikhs in 1984 and for that matter, to the Hindu pundits in Kashmir?”; “We Muslims need to move on…” The rationalisations are typical. They come from the unaffected, the ‘educated’ elite and from those who are afraid to deal with the past. Statements like these are often enveloped in a fear, which stills rules the roost. There are reprisals, there is revenge, and the powers stop at nothing. Remember the murder of former minister Haren Pandya, who testified before the ‘Citizens Tribunal’? A sizeable section of the population is terribly afraid of the plain truth. Many also suffer from selective amnesia! However, Gujarat 2002 is not forgotten Human Rights Defenders, who have taken up cudgels on behalf of the victim-survivors and take a stand for truth and justice – have been hounded and harassed no end. What is still happening to Teesta Setalvad and her husband Javed Anand is a case in point. False cases are foisted; all kinds of lies and half-truths are fabricated. Teesta however, has been relentless. Last month her memoirs, ‘Foot Solider of the Constitution’- was published. It makes compelling reading: of how one woman in the pursuit of justice and truth has taken on the might of the State. It is a must-read for all wish to preserve and promote the sanctity of our Constitution

13 March 2017

Lenten Resolutions! Traditionally, Christians used to make Lenten resolutions like stopping alcohol, no smoking for 40 days, more prayers and attending more masses etc. However, Bishop Allwyn D'Silva, the Coordinator of Environment Office, Bombay Archdiocese has proposed another idea for this Lent CARBON FAST. Following are a few concrete and achievable eco-friendly resolutions which we all can make in tune with the CARBON FAST FOR LENT, AND BEYOND in tune with the idea of CARBON FAST proposed by Bishop Allwyn, in the form of resolutions. 1] I will use reusable cloth/jute bag for all marketing purpose and avoid plastic bags. 2] I will carry water bottle from home wherever I go, and avoid buying mineral In New Delhi today several concerned citizens gathered together as a REMEMBERANCE of 15 Years of the Gujarat Genocide. Zakia Jafri and her daughter Nishrin were there –reliving painful memories; Teesta Setalvad and Shabnam Hashmi; Harsh Mander and Apoorvanand; Manoj Jha and several others who have stood resolute in their struggle for justice. One thing is clear, that the resilience of several victim-survivors and the heartaches and cries of strong women like Zakiaben and Rupaben will never go unheard! They will be vindicated! Fifteen years to date; but history has proved that however slow things are, truth, is always a non-negotiable! Above all, it is not for nothing our national motto is ‘Satyameva Jayate!’ Truth will triumph! * (Fr Cedric Prakash sj is a human rights activist. He is currently based in Lebanon, engaged with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in the Middle East on advocacy and communications. Contact: cedricprakash@

water bottles. 3] I will stop drinking pesticide ridden cola drinks and drink healthy natural drinks, especially water. 4] I will minimise, or totally avoid junk food and use wholesome homemade food. 5] I will stop using throw away glasses/ plates etc during our SCC, parish or family celebrations and start using reusable items. 6] I will avoid, or at least minimise the use of A/C, washing machines and other high energy consuming domestic appliances. 7] I will switch off electrical appliances light, water heaters, fans, TV, computer etc when not in use, and save electricity. 8] I will give a lift to others (car pool) whenever possible, like going for Sunday Mass, school, work, meetings etc. 9] I will use my private vehicle only if it is a must. Instead, I will walk for short distances, or use public transport. 10] I will keep two bins to segregate my kitchen waste, and propagate its importance to others. 11] I will donate unused things lying at my home which are not needed for me, but useful for others. 12] I will use water consciously fully aware that, water is a rare and precious commodity for millions. 13] I will use stationary including papers sparingly, and creatively like using both sides, or avoid using paper altogether if online communication is suffice. 14] I will plant trees or at least some potted plants wherever I can, and cultivate the habit of appreciating nature. 15] I will try to join the environmental protection movements or at least show concern when environment is destroyed to fulfill human greed. 16) If I am a priest or religious, I will carry minimum luggage of bear necessities, when I move from one parish to another when I am transferred.


World Water Day



t the dawn of creation, “God gathered the waters together, and saw that it was indeed good” (Genesis :9-10). To commemorate this utility, ‘World Water Day’ - (WWD) is annually celebrated on March 22. The Day focuses attention on the importance of fresh water and advocates for the sustainable management of its resources. The Day also highlights the required improvements and commitments to WASH –((W)ater (A)ccess for (S)anitation and (H)ygiene! According to WHO, in India 97 million people do not have access to improved sources of drinking water. Symbolism: WWD’s main symbol, is the shape of a ‘water drop’ in the UN’s color blue. Background photos of water being employed, or pictures of rivers, lakes or reservoirs are widely displayed. Theme for 2017: “Why Waste Water” This slogan deals with reducing and reusing wastewater as a valuable resource to help achieve the ‘Sustainable Development Goal – No 6’; the target which is to halve the proportion of untreated waste water, and increase water recycling and its safe usage. (The theme for 2018 has just been announced : “Nature Based Solutions for Water”. The theme for 2016 was: “Better Water, Better Jobs”). Strategies to Highlight Water: These include 1. Visual art, theatrical and musical celebrations. 2. Symposia for local, national and international leaders on water security and


management. 3. Educational events on the importance of water and protecting its resources. 4. Campaigns to raise money for clean and affordable water. 5. Excursions to rivers, dams, irrigation projects and water purification plants. 6. Special broadcasts on radio, TV and Internet. 7. Water sports and competitions, etc. Vision of Dr. BR Ambedkar: The birthday (April 24) of the father of the Indian Constitution, Dr. BR Ambedkar is commemorated as ‘World Water Day’ in India. He had visualized the necessity for the value of water! He laid the foundation of the Central Waterways Irrigation and Navigation Commission (CWINC). Dr. Ambedkar advocated the River Valley Authority for the multi-purpose development of river basins. He was instrumental in the Entry 56 of List 1, and introduction of Article 262 concerning the adjudication of inter-state rivers. Pope’s Human Rights to Water: On 24 February 2017, Pope Francis addressed participants in a conference on “Human Rights to Water”’ organized by the ‘Pontifical Academy of Sciences’ – (Brief extracts): “Questions concerning the right to water are basic and pressing! Basic,

because where there is water, there is life; and pressing, because our common home needs protection. Water, a basic human right cries out for practical solutions …” “Every State is called to implement through legal instruments the UN agenda concerning the human right to clean drinking water, and for agriculture. Non-state actors are also responsible for this right which is so decisive for the future of humanity. All are called to conserve water. There should be no waste of this precious commodity!” “Every day a thousand children die from water-related diseases, and millions are affected when they consume polluted water. Thus, we must give high priority for educating future generations about the gravity of the situation. We cannot be indifferent, but rather must work to develop a culture of care, in order to make human beings live and grow in dignity!” Some Tips to Save Water: 1. Water lawns or garden early in the morning or late in the evening. 2. Don’t water on cool, windy or rainy days. 3. Use a bucket instead of a hose to wash your car or vehicle. 4. Don’t leave water running when you brush your teeth or bathe. 5. Try using sanitation paper more often. 6. When utilizing a washing machine, match the water level to the size of the load. 7. Cook food in as little water as possible. It retains nutrients. Do not over-boil. A pressure cooker is advisable. Water Spirituality: In the New Testament especially, water symbolizes the Word of Christ: “The sanctity of married life is compared to the Church, whom Christ loved and gave Himself up; in order to make her holy by cleansing her with the washing of water by the Word, so as to present her to Himself in splendor, without a spot or wrinkle – yes, so that she may be holy and without blemish” (cf. Ephesians 5:25-26). Jesus reveals this more clearly: “No one can enter the kingdom f God without being born of water and the Spirit … The water that I will give will become a spring gushing up to eternal life” (John 3:5; 4:14).

13 March 2017

Hostilities on the Campus

Campuses are seats of learning for the students who pursue their studies with a view to contribute to society and the country. It also enables the student to build his or her career and consequent betterment in life. These places were always viewed as temples of knowledge but unfortunately this has undergone radical change over the years. In the last couple of years, the situation has gone from bad to worse. Healthy and constructive debates have given way to radical and provocative speeches demanding among other things, freedom for people of a particular region. Similarly, openly challenging the judicial system, which is one of the best in the contemporary world, and taking up the cause of those who have challenged the Indian sovereignty, is undesirable. Students of today are the future political leaders of the country. Realizing this, healthy debates and seminars were not only allowed but also encouraged to bring out the best in the oratorical skills of those participating in such exercises. Intellectuals from outside the campuses were invited to make such deliberations more meaningful. Over the years this has been going on and everybody benefited from it.Unfortunately, student leaders owing allegiance to different political parties have tried to vitiate the atmosphere. This has given rise to competition and even radical elements are being called, who with their extreme views, vitiate the atmosphere. The problemarises when opposing student unions exceed their brief and brand the other side as antinational or unpatriotic. Their aggressive stance has led to law and order situation with claims and counter claims of physical harm and even molestations as well as other excesses. The recent occurrences in Ramjas are disturbing. The ABVP is alleged to have marched with their followers and objected to a certain student leader. They could have complained to the Police instead. Incensed, they pull out an old video of a young girl GurmeharKaul, who is not a ABVP sympathizer, in which she had said that her father who was martyred in Kargil died due to the war rather than the enemy. This is her perception about her father only. She has every right to have her own opinion. To say that it is an insult to all martyrs is stretching things too far. Some celebs have blamed her

13 March 2017

VIEWS on NEWS of using her dead father for personal gain when she did not even name her father. VirendraShewag tried to remind us of his triple century, lest we forget. He could have just said the ‘runs scored by him’ without mentioning the triple hundreds. These are the people who after coming into limelight lose their sense of moderation and sensitivity. They even compared her to Dawood. Political parties have taken differing stands on this issue – some for and others against. Political leaders have never tried to calm down things – they have actually aggravated matters to draw political mileage. For one full year nobody took offence about the video. Now they do. Nationalism or patriotism are not issues which are to be decided by anyone least of all by those who did not really contribute to the freedom struggle nor respected the national flag. The RSS Chief, rather belatedly, has now clarified that nobody has a right to question the patriotism or nationalism of another citizen but the BJP and the ABVP do not seem to subscribe to it. That is sad because when such emotive issues are raised they reap a huge political advantage. They say Gurmehar’s father must be weeping in his grave for her attitude and perception. Actually, he would have turned in his grave twice over, hearing about the rape threat that his daughter received. MOS for Home KirenRijiju has given some good advice to GurmeharKaur to concentrate on her studies which she has accepted. But he forgot to give the same advice to the ABVP activists who had no business to march to Ramjas college. May be he knows they will not heed to his advice. While the students must concentrate on studies, ministers must concentrate on governance. Rijiju would do well to pay more attention to the law and order situation in Delhi before giving homilies. Police need to be more sensitive.


Rickshaw Permits

The Mumbai High Court has rightly held that the State Government has got its priorities all wrong when it insisted that knowing Marathi is a pre-requisite for a rickshaw permit. While one was given to understand that a working knowledge was just good enough and that seemed reasonable. But in reality it appears that

by Marshall Sequeira the aspirant was being actually made to read four paragraphs from a written text to qualify for the permit/badge.This possibly, the learned judges felt, that the government was stretching things too far because a rickshaw driver will not be asked to read a newspaper by a passenger. All that a prospective passenger may ask the driver in Marathi to take him to a certain place. The driver is supposed to understand this. It is another matter that the intending passenger may have to face an interview by the rickshaw driver. Most of the times, he does not argue but simply drives away leaving the passenger stranded. For this, no Marathi language is necessary. He simply speeds away without even saying ‘No’.Here the language is redundant. The Court rightly advised the Government to concentrate on the finer aspects of travel. The driver is not supposed to refuse a journey especially if his meter shows ‘For Hire’. If it is half down one can give him the benefit of doubt. Some time back the government had made sustained efforts to apprehend the culprits and for some time there was some improvement. Now it is worse than before because the authorities have shown laxity in its approach. RTO officials in civil attire can catch all of them if they are really serious. Catch them and fine them on the spot say Rs 1000,Rs 2000 for second offence and impound the vehicle for 15 days for third time and finally cancel the permit / licence. Give POS machines to all traffic cops for digital payment of fines on the spot. The Marathi angle is basically to keep the opposition parties like the MNS and to some extent its own ally – Shiv Sena under check who otherwise would have made Marathi Manoos an election issue. So the stipulation was more political than genuine concern for the passengers. If the public interest was their priority, there are ways and means to address their genuine problems. Perhaps, it is too much to expect. No wonder, Courts are our only hope.


Hero of the Community - John D'Silva From Banking to Classes for Civil Services to awards for academic excellence, John D'Silva has done it all for the community John D'Silva has been instrumental in the creation of four Co-oeprative Banks, some of the them converted from earlier Credit Societies. He is associated with a large number of community organisations in Mumbai and Mangalore. He is also the publisher a handbook for Co-operative Banks which is very popular. He has been decorated by the community with a number of honours and awards - the latest being the New Years Award 2017 - Jointly instituted by Manipal University, Academy of General Educatin and Syndicate Bank.


ohn Henry D’Silva was born on 16th May 1936 in Karnataka. He has made several valuable contributions towards the community in various fields. In the Banking field he has made the below mentioned contributions. After completing his graduation in 1959 in Mumbai he was unanimously elected as President of Abhyudaya Nagar LIG Tenants Association in 1960. To help the community in the area he started Abhyudaya Education Society High School with English Medium and on 16th January, 1964 registered Abhyudaya Co-op.Credit Society Ltd.

An application was made to the Registrar of Co-operative Societies to convert the society to a Bank. Abhyudaya Coop. Bank Ltd. was registered on 25th June 1965. In April 1988 Reserve Bank of India, gave scheduled bank status to 11 big Co-operative Banks. “Abhyudaya Bank”, although relatively young in age, was one of them. The bank in a short period of time, attained the third biggest position among the nearly 2000 Co-operative Banks in the country.

In those days only the money lenders were financing the taxi trade. To help the taximen, in December, 1967 he got registration of New India Co-op. Bank Ltd. As there was no bank for Christian Community, they requested John D’Silva to take up a project for the community. In 1920, Christians of Mumbai had registered Bombay Catholic Urban


John D’Silva

Co-op. Credit Society Ltd., John D’Silva decided to convert the said Society into a Bank. At the General Body Meeting held in August 1982, he was unanimously elected as its President with full powers. In October 1984, the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and Reserve Bank of India approved the proposal to convert the society into “Citizencredit Co-op. Bank Ltd. It was the only Bank, among the newly registered ones, which over night started functioning with seven branches all over Mumbai. The Mangalorean Catholic Co-op.Credit Society Ltd. was dormant for a long period. The Managing Committee of the society requested John D’Silva to take the leadership and convert the society into a bank. At the Society’s General

Body Meeting held in October 1993, the members unanimously elected John D’Silva as its President with full powers. In June 1998, the Reserve Bank of India and the Registrar of co-operative societies approved the proposal to convert this Society to a Bank with a changed name- “Model Co-op.Bank Ltd”. To help the Co-operative Banks to keep a track of all the important circulars issued by the Reserve Bank of India to regulate the working of Co-operative Banks, in 1976, John D’Silva decided to bring out a handbook with all the important information useful to the Co-operative Banks. Besides, the Co-operative Banking, John D’Silva has had the privilege, in organizing and working on the management of many Institutions/ organizations such as Reserve Bank of India Committee on Extension of Bombay Clearing House - Chairman, Reserve Bank of India College of Agricultural Banking (Training College for Co-operative Bankers) - Advisory Committee, Indian Banks Association - Founder Secretary, National Federation of Urban Cooperative Banks and Credit Societies Ltd, New Delhi - Member Director. In recognition of his services, he has received several awards, such as :(i) Entrepreneur of the year Award 2005 - from Rachana- Catholic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mangalore, (ii) Lifetime Achievement Award 2008 - from Federation of Konkani Catholic Associations of Karnataka, Bangalore, (iii) Distinguished Achievement Award to outstanding Konkanis 2008 - from Dr.T.M.A.Pai Foundation, Manipal, (iv)Sandesha Special Recognition Award 2012 - from Sandesha Foundation fir Culture & Education (v) George Fernandes Social Sward 2016 - for the outstainding work from jayashreekrishna Parisara

13 March 2017

Premi Samiti (R) and (vi) New Years Award 2017 - Jointly instituted by Manipal University, Academy of General Educatin and Sybndicate Bank John D’Silva has made a big contribution to Undivided South Kanara District In May 1988, he was instrumental in setting up a Typewriting Institute in Christ the King Church to help the youth of the area to learn typing which was prerequisite in those days to get employment. In 1992, at the instance of Rev. Fr. Cyprian Pinto, the then Parish Priest of St.Maria Goretti Church, Hirgan, Karkala. John D’Silva donated five new sewing machines to set up tailoring classes. To create awareness among the community about the advantages of Civil Services, John D’Silva organized coaching classes for Civil Services through Aims Management Institute of Prof. Sunny Therappan at Mangalore, from 1st October to 30th October 1996. Fr. Alwyn D’Souza and Fr.John Fernandes were of the opinion that the Institute of Education for Excellence of the Diocese could undertake the training programme for Civil Services, instead of “Aims Management Institute”. On 27th July, 1997 the project Raknno dated 31/07/1997 was inaugurated for which John D’Silva has been giving financial support.

dent, who have secured highest marks in each Parish, at SSLC with cash prizes At the instance of John D’silva the Catholic Sabha, Karkala Varoda, has been holding NTSC Classes every year since, 2004 to prepare the eligible students to compete at the National Talent Search competition exams. John D’Silva has also been instrumental in setting up to self-help groups in Karkala Varoda. Johm D’Silva is a Governing council member of Mandd Sobhann – an organization devoted to propagation of Konkani language, Literature and Culture. He has been actively involved in all its activities. In the First World Convention of Kanara Konkani Catholics, John D’Silva took active part, as their Representative at Mumbai, in mobilizing delegates and collection of contribution to the First World Convention of Kanara Konkani Catholics held at Mangalore from 26/29

December, 2004. At the concluding function, a new organization by name Fuddar Prathisttan was set up to follow up the Resolutions passed at the convention. John D’Silva was unanimously elected to its Management committee. At the First General Body Meeting of Fuddar Prathisttan held at Mangalore, although John D’Silva was from Mumbai, was unanimously elected as its First President, a post he still holds. Fuddar Prathisttan, besides its other activities, since 2010, started giving Excellence Awards to the Meritorious Student of the Diocese, who have excelled at the SSLC, PUC, Graduation and Post Graduation level. Gram Panchayat Election 2010: In 2009, to encourage and motivate our peoples to get into politics and stand for “Gram Panchayat Election 2010”, John D’Silva gave financial support to Catholic Sabha Mangalore for holding awareness programme at all the parishes of the Diocese. He also sponsored 12th and 13th zonal conference of Catholic Sabha, Moodbidri Zone, at Miyar in 2010 and at Ajekar in 2011. Since 2007, John D’Silva has been regularly donating School Uniforms to the Children of St. Joseph Higher Primary school, Sanoor, Karkala. In 1994, John D’Silva helped MCC Bank to get Banking License from Reserve Bank of India. He has been guiding the MCC Bank in its working. D’Silva is closely associated with Konkani language and Cultural Foundation of World Konkani Centre Mangalore.

Since October 2002, John D’Silva, through Catholic Sabha Karkala Varoda (Nine Parishes) has been holding functions annually to honor the talented stu-

13 March 2017



13 March 2017

Transfigured Before Witnesses For God’s Glory


Second Week in Lent

t’s time for change. Being a Christian who radiates the Word of God, forgives his enemies and does works of charity should emanate an open declaration of your Christian love. All the criteria for honest morality can be subsumed under the words found in the Gospel. (Cor.12; Eph.4; Gal.5:19-24). Am I contributing to life and society in a positive way, or to the community I live in, and to the Church? In this week of lent a person can transform and become what God desires. Lent assures us of a faith based on trust, truth and obedience. Testify, be brave and endure suffering in the name of Jesus: the Gospel is the flagship of the Christian faith. Jesus Christ has destroyed death and he has given us the gift of life and immortality in the Gospel. It is of deep spiritual value to read St. Paul’s letter to Timothy 1:8-10. Chosen by Jesus, three of the disciples were led to Mount Tabor. It was an unusual move for the Master to have picked out Peter, James and John. The others were worn out and resting, fatigued from the stress and strain of the long summer’s day. Jesus needed the three disciples to be witness to his transfiguration. He was to give them a rare privilege to see the moment of his glory; as his face shone like the sun, and his clothes turned white as radiant light.

13 March 2017

In amazement the three men focused on the grand design unfolding before their eyes. The great prophet Moses and the prophet Elijah stood in dazzling garments before Jesus ablaze in light. The prophets were talking to Jesus, when suddenly a sharp, cold rush of breeze circled the disciples, and a cloud of soft brightness shadowed them. A loud voice broke into the crisp cold air, “ This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” Peter, James and John stood petrified; paralysed with shock, emerging as it were from a trance. Only this was true. As they turned the Master said, “Rise and have no fear”. Obediently they rose, as a shudder ran through their bodies. This was a crucial time in the ministry of Jesus. Christ had wanted them to witness his glorious transfiguration, sealing the promise that he was truly the Son of God. Now, would begin the mission of his followers blessed with the spiritual strength they would need to share the knowledge of the scriptures as the true word of God and the new Christian faith; a religion of mercy, hope and salvation. In the Penitential Rite we receive a glimpse of what Jesus desired: to

By Melvyn Brown permit his chosen apostles to have an experience of him as the Son of God. This remarkable vision would enrich their dedication and determination to confront the Paschal Mystery of Jesus’ pain, his suffering and eventual death on the Cross. The Passion of Christ takes us on a journey to the Lord’s glory in the Resurrection. This was the time to fulfill the heavenly Father’s holy will. Jesus speaks to his followers of his coming Passion and eventual death. St. Matthew’s Gospel will further empower you with the details of Jesus’ agony and acceptance of his Father’s will. Read Matthew’s gospel chapters 16, 17, and 20. To feel the presence of the Lord; to have a passing glimpse of his determination to save souls by his suffering is a powerful experience for us, an awesome event for all generations to have. The outpouring of trust and faith will be a living spark for the spirit to help us transform our lives. The 40 days of lent is a memorable chapter in our Faith acknowledging the deeper motives of Christ to redeem us. Our very existence will be renewed, giving us a sense of purpose and hope. At lent we may receive the special grace to foster a missionary zeal. “This is the time to allow our hearts to be touched.” Pope Francis. Listen to the Word of God in your heart. His message comes to all, but few have the inner peace to receive the spirit and His missive. Let us ask our heavenly Father in the name of His Son Jesus, to send His light to awaken our sleeping senses. “We need constantly to contemplate… it is the wellspring of joy, serenity and peace.” Pope Francis.


ICPA Award For Fr. Varghese Paul, SJ


Worrying has benefits!


Indian Catholic Press Association (ICPA) honoured Fr. Varghese Paul, SJ with a Special Award during its 27th Convention at Nagpur on February 24, 2017. The Award acknowledges Fr. Varghese as one of the senior most members of ICPA. Bishop Salvadore Lobo, Chairman, CBCI, Social Communication Council bestowed the ICPA Torchbearer Award on Fr. Varghese Paul. The award function was attended by more than 60 ICPA members and special invitees for the convention and for its 63rd General Body Meeting. ICPA is a national organization of journalists, editors, publishers, journalism teachers and researchers. Fr. Varghese was instrumental together with the then CBCI Secretary for Social Communication Fr. Francis MacFarland, SJ in reviving ICPA in 1978. Then, with a Diploma in Journalism from London School of Journalism, London, Varghese conducted a national seminar for 36 Editors of church periodicals on editing, reporting and creative writing at Xavier Institution of Communication (XIC), Mumbai for one month in 1978. Then, Fr. Varghese has been the Founder Director and Chief Editor of the ICPA sponsored South Asian Religious New Service (SAR News) from


1979 to 1983. Fr. Varghese has been a full time journalist and writer for the past 40 years. He has Editor of DOOT, a Catholic Family Magazine in Gujarati run by Jesuit. He holds the record of being the Editor for the longest period in the history of 106 years old DOOT magazine. After leaving DOOT, Fr. Varghese has been writing for secular newspapers and literary magazines. He has now to his credit 45 books in Gujarati, 4 in English. Some of his books are translated into Malayalam and Hindi by eminent writers. On the occasion ICPA also awarded for various achievements the following eminent press media personalities. James Edayodi was bestowed ICPA-Fr. Louis Careno Award; Gengaikumar was given ICPA-CBCI SC/ BC Award; and Ignatius Gonsalves was awarded for promoting pro-life values and acts of mercy through journalism acknowledged by KCBC Pro-life Samithi. Varghese is also active in Facebook and Whatsapp. His 3 web sites are visited by 1000s of people around the world. He uploads a new article in English and in Gujarati every fortnight.

orrying brings with it all sorts of negative connotations, from stress to grief. But worrying doesn’t have to be a bad thing says a recent research. “When our bodies are in a stressed state - blood flow increases to our brain, which helps us think more clearly and our mood becomes serious, promoting increased concentration, “describes the research. The University of Rochester Medical Centre found that people who worry a lot have less of a certain type of protein which is associated with a slew of medical conditions, including heart disease. Another study showed that people who worry actually live longer. But, on the flip side, worrying has negative benefits as well. It can lead to create anxiety. So how can someone embrace a little bit of worry in their life? You might not always be able to change a situation, but you can change the way you think about it.

Thanksgiving May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Praised Adored, Glorified and Loved today and everyday throughout the world, now and forever. Amen!! Ask St. Clare for three favours two impossible and say nine Hail Mary's and the above prayer for 9 days with a lighted candle and publish on the 9th day your request will be granted no matter how impossible it is —A Devotee

13 March 2017

Kerala Church plans step to check sex abuse Kochi: Concerned over the increase in incidents of priests sexually abusing minors, the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Council (KCBC) is considering a protocol for priests and nuns who interact with students. “It is unfortunate such cases are being reported frequently. If this is the situation, the Church will have to think of framing a protocol for priests and nuns who interact with children,” said Fr Varghese Vallikkatt, KCBC deputy secretary and spokesperson. At least five major incidents of child abuse involving priests have been reported in Kerala during the last two years. Only one among the accused in these cases has been convicted. It was just two months ago Fr Edwin Figarez, who was the parish priest at Puthenvelikkara, was sentenced to double life term for raping a 14-yearold girl. In October 2016, Fr James Thekemuriyil, the rector of a seminary in Kannur district, was arrested by the police for alleged sexual assault on a 21-yearold seminarian who was undergoing training under him at the institution. Fr Raju Kokkan, parish priest of St Paul’s Church at Thaikkattusery, was arrested for abusing a 10-year-old girl. He allegedly abused the girl after inviting her to the parsonage. Allegations of sexually abusing boys were levelled against a parish priest of a famous church in Kochi city. However, the priest escaped legal action as the victims failed to approach the police. The diocese authorities

13 March 2017

shifted the priest to a home of retired priests and later entrusted him with the charge of a parish. “These priests have brought disgrace to the Catholic Church. Being an independent Church, Syro Malabar Church, in exercise of its power to take decisions, should allow priests to get married’’ said Reji Njellani, president of the Open Church Movement and an officer-bearer of the Kerala Catholic Reformation Movement. Source: New Indian Express.

Bengaluru organizes candle-light procession for abducted priest

Bengaluru: “Where is Fr Tom? India wants to know,” read several placards at a gathering of more than 1,000 priests, nuns and lay Catholics in Bengaluru, who marked on March 4 marked the first anniversary of the abduction of an Indian priest in Yemen.

The Vatican’s Clericus Cup soccer tournament returns this weekend for its 11th season. As of Saturday, 372 footballing priests and seminarians from 66 countries will take part in the competition on St. Peter’s oratory ground, a competition which has grown significantly since it was first launched in 2007, both in terms of popularity and the quality of play. The tournament’s 18 teams, most representing Pontifical Colleges in Rome, will be sporting jerseys emblazoned with Pope Francis’s words “Let’s play for it, both in sport and life”. The favourites include Marian holders Mater Ecclesiae who say they’ll be “saying our prayers” to retain the title, and the much-fancied Brazilian College, which has its own Neymar.

The Secular Citizen Mail your articles, news, and other creations to: &

The meet was organized to pray for Salesian Father Tom Uzhunnali’s release from captivity. The 58-year-old priest was abducted from a Missionaries of Charity house in Yemen. The Bengaluru gathering marked their solidarity with the priest with a Mass led by Archbishop Bernard Moras of Bangaluru and a candle-light procession. The Bengaluru unit of the Conference of Religious in India (CRI), Archdiocese of Bangalore, Inter-congregational Effort for Development and several groups jointly organized the program at St. Francis Xavier’s Cathedral.

Brazilian goalkeeper turned priest highlight of this year’s Clericus Cup

Thanksgiving Novena Started on 22nd Feb. 2017

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Praised Adored, Glorified and Loved today and everyday throughout the world, now and forever. Amen!! Ask St. Clare for three favours two impossible and say nine Hail Mary's and the above prayer for 9 days with a lighted candle and publish on the 9th day your request will be granted no matter how impossible it is —Miss. Angelina C. Dias


Women Strike! by Fr Cedric Prakash sj


arch 8th dawns every year! As the world observes International Women’s Day (IWD), there will be the usual round of cosmetic programmes, with speaker after speaker using the politically correct words and with the typically patronising attitude towards women. The sad and cruel reality is that precious little seems to change. In India and in several other parts of the world, most women continue to be condemned to live as second-class citizens in patriarchal and male-dominated societies. Gurmehar Kaur, a 20-year old peace activist and student of the Delhi University, has over the last few weeks, emerged as an icon. She has courageously and brazenly taken on the fascist forces that are doing their best to destroy the fabric of India. The message she wants to convey is simple: she wants peace in the sub-continent. Her father who was in the Indian Army was killed in the Kargil war, when she was just two years old. However, several men in India (including some so-called ‘celebrities’) are still unable to respect Gurmehar’s audacity and forthrightness. They have been trolling her, spewing hate and threatening her with violence and rape. In doing so, the men prove a point that they are still unable to accept the Gurmehars of our world! Gurmehar’s courage, finds resonance with the theme for this year’s IWD Campaign #BeBoldForChange that challenges one for “ground-breaking action that truly drives the greatest change for women. Each one of us with women, men and non-binary people joining forces - can be a leader within our own spheres of influence by taking bold pragmatic action to accelerate gender parity. Through purposeful collaboration, we can help women advance and unleash the limitless potential offered to economies the world over”. Very significantly, on March 8th, in the US and across the globe, women (supported by their allies) will find common cause and will act together for equity, justice and human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people through a one-day demonstration of economic solidarity. The plan is to remove themselves from the economy to protest societal barriers that keep all women from achieving true equality. Though two events are being


held—A Day Without a Woman (#DayWithoutAWoman), organized by the ‘Women's March’, and the International Women's Strike(#IStrikeFor), a grassroots endeavour founded by a team of activists, feminists, and scholars—organizers are working together in solidarity to create a united message that represents women from all walks of life. They want to combat decades-long socioeconomic inequality by calling for marginalized communities—working women, women of colour, Native women, immigrant women, Muslim and other minority women, disabled women, and lesbian, queer, and trans women—to come together and make their voices heard. The ‘Women’s Strike’ is intended to become the most impacting global movement. This is not an impossibility given the fact that women organised the ‘Women’s March’ on January 21st, which brought out millions of women not only in Washington, but across the United States and in several Capitals across the globe – to protest against the anti-women rhetoric of the newly- elected US President. On March 8th this year, all (particularly those women who cannot go on ‘strike’ for obvious reasons!) are encouraged to wear red, which is the colour of love, revolution energy and sacrifice- as a sign of solidarity. Since 2013, February 14th also has a newer meaning with the ‘One Billion Campaign’, which has been fighting against the sexual and physical violence against women... This year, the One Billion Rising Revolution gave sharper focus and visibility to the exploitation of women and has tried to harness even stronger global solidarity to demand an end to violence in all forms. ‘Rise! Disrupt! Connect!’ are the catchwords today for this significant campaign. The ‘Nirbhaya’ reality in India was not a once-and-for-all. It is a painful reality to which the average Indian woman is subjected to – in the private precincts of one’s home, at the work place and even in open, public places. Women, in general, continue to be demeaned and even dehumanised. A few days ago in New Delhi at a programme

REMEMBERANCE – highlighting the fifteenth anniversary of the Gujarat Carnage there were several extraordinary women present. There was Zakia Jafri and Nishrin Jafri, the wife and the daughter of Eshan Jafri who was brutally murdered during that carnage. Teesta Setalvad, Shabnam Hashmi and others who have relentlessly championed the cause of the victim-survivors. Painful memories were shared. No one will easily forget the horrors and the brutalities, which several hundreds of women had to face during those terrible days of Gujarat 2002. India has several other outstanding women today in every possible field. Fresh in our memory are the eight “rocket women’ of India, who recently were responsible for the launching of 104 satellites in one go. A historic scientific feat indeed; and as if on cue, it is the male politicians of India who want to take credit for the work of these women. All of us can easily find and cite several other examples of selfless and courageous women, including our own mothers and sisters, who have helped make our country and our world a better place. Another stellar example is Savitribai Phule, widely regarded as the country’s first woman teacher. On March 10th, we observe her 120th death anniversary .She is credited with laying the foundation of education opportunities for women in India and played a major role in the struggle for women's rights in the country during the British rule. She was a poet too; her poems were against discrimination and of the need for education. For most of her life, she campaigned vigorously against untouchability, the tradition of sati, child marriage and other social evils, which affect women. In one of her poems she writes, “end misery of the oppressed and forsaken…break the chains of caste.” From Savitribai to Gurmehar , there has certainly been plenty of change.Sadly, the plain truth remains- that it is not easy for women today- in India and elsewhere. Men have first to change their mind-sets and their behaviour towards women: to treat them as equals, to give them the dignity they need. This is certainly a tall order; however, the bugle to be bold for change has been sounded: “WOMEN STRIKE!”

13 March 2017

Inspiration! Maintain lifelong friendships

the conversation with stories about how romantic your spouse is or the latest baby drama, especially if your friends aren’t in the same life stage. Your friends want to hear what’s going on, but they also want to talk to you about their lives. Sometimes you

Understanding and accepting each other’s Friendship dynamics may change after you get married, and especially after you have children. This shift is the result of decreased free time and growing priorities. onflict can arise when one person craves social interaction while the other partner desires alone time. Encouraging and supportive friends understand that your best-friend is your spouse, but no matter how close we are to our spouse and kids, we often desire to have a kinship with others. Here are a few tips for maintaining friendships outside of your relationship.


Keep in mind : Maintaining your friendships and cultivating new ones can seem like a juggling act while you try to nurture your relationship. Friendships have to be managed and grown. this is especially true after marriage and baby when your priorities and free time change. You may not have the luxury of calling up a friend and suggesting an impromptu lunch. On the other side, you may find that you don’t have much in common with old friends. With a little communication, you can keep the friendships that are important to you well into your golden years. It is important for both spouses to have other friendships. Set boundaries: Whether it is a close friend or a family member, boundaries set limits and expectations of the commitment toward your friendship. Tell your friends that you value your friendship and that you care about them. Explain that even though you

13 March 2017

won’t be able to hang out as often, they are still important to you. Accept that your friends’ lives are and will change too. Finally, don’t use your friends as a place to complain about your spouse. A good rule of thumb is not saying anything to your friend that you wouldn’t say directly to your spouse. Make time: You have mutual interests with your friends and you need to continue to make those a priority. Talk with your spouse about when you want to spend time with your friends and agree on a plan. You may not be able to do lunch twice a week but try to arrange regular phone calls and get-togethers.

may find it is difficult to connect with old friends when your priorities have changed. Make new friends: Getting married and having kids doesn’t have to mean that your friendships will end. They will change, and it will take effort on your part to keep a good friendship together. The important thing is to recognize that friendships, no matter how old or new, are important to all of us.

Hold together with friends • Be honest with them always: The situation may not always be good but be frank. • Repair misunderstanding: If you really want to be friends for Give and Take: a life time do the tough talk and When you get together with your sort things out. friends, resist the urge to monopolize • Alter your expectations and don’t make assumptions: Respect individuality and do not take people for granted. • Choose Compassion over doubt: Understand your friend when they are not around you as you need then the most. Sooner or later they will make it Thanks to Divine Mercy, Our Lady of Vailankani, Our up to you. Lady of perpectual Succor and St. Anthony


—A Devotee


6669 MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Bachelor, M.Sc., in Telecom, MBA, (Born in February 1978) Ht. 5’ 5”, Fair, good natured. Working as a Financial Analyst in New York. Contact email: OR 8698375997. 6424. MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in October 1991), Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. F.Y.B.Com., well employed. Contect email : gerardd754@, Mob:9594766322 / 9930620943 6659 MUMBAI : Sr. Citizen RC Widower, seeks educated lady, aged between 59 to 65 years, cheerful and healthy as a companion / partner. Preferably without any encumberance. Contact email : envision 277@yahoo. com 6624 MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, (Born in October 1986), Ht. 6’, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Bachelor in Hotel Management, working on Ship. Contact email : 6553. GERMANY : German Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in August 1980), Ht. 175 cms, Well built, Fair Complexion, Edn. Normal School Cheff. Working as a Cheff. Contact email : 6551. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in February 1959), Ht. 5’ 7” Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. SSC., having own business. Contact email : pearlfernandes81@ 6549. MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman

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Catholic Bachelor, (Born in December 1983), Ht. 5’ 10” Wt. 72 kgs, Tan Complexion, Edn. MBA (ICFAI), working as a AVP in Citi Group Chennai. Contact email : ponsil@rediffmail. com 6547. MUMBAI : Keralite + Mangalorean Roman Catholic Widow, (Born in July 1959), Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. SSC, working for Dimond Company as a Assorting Diamond. No encumberance, having own Flat. Seeks a simple and poor girl. Contact Mob: 9821078194. 6546. MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in December 1987), Ht. 171 cms, Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC., Diploma in Aviation, working for a Foreign Cruise line in USA as a Security Officer . Visiting India shortly. Contact immediately. Contact email : stayblessed 6544. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in June 1986), Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 80 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., + Diploma, working on Cruise Ship. Contact email : 6541. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic, (Born in January 1969), Ht. 5’ 10“, Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. SSC, having own business. Contact email : allwynsequeira@ 6540. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in July 1980), Ht. 160 cms, Wt. 59 kgs, Wheatish Complex ion, Edn. MBA Finance, working as a Asst. Manager in Bank. Contact email : h.austin.saldanha@ 6539. M U M B A I : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in February1982), Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., MBA., working for Bank in

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Dubai. Seeks a Mangalorean educated, homely girl. Ready to settled in Dubai. Contact email : 6534. MANGALORE : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in March 1980), Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 69 kgs, Handsome, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.A., Having own business and accommodation. Contact email : 6533. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in April 1983), Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 69 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., Wheatish Complexion, Working with Disney Cruise line, Well settled. Contact email : 6531. POONA : Tamilian Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in May 1975), Ht. 6’, Fair Complexion, Handsome, Edn. M.Com., Having well established business. Contact email : tony137@ 6549. MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman Catholic Bachelor, (Born in December 1983), Ht. 5’ 10” Wt. 72 kgs, Tan Complexion, Edn. MBA (ICFAI), working as a AVP in Citi Group Chennai. Contact email : 6547. MUMBAI : Keralite + Mangalorean Roman Catholic Widow, (Born in July 1959), Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. SSC, working for Dimond Company as a Assorting Diamond. No encumberance, having own Flat. Seeks a simple and poor girl. Contact Mob: 9821078194. Address your replies to :

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6671. MUMBAI: Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in July 1965), Ht. 5’, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. SSC, working as a Co-ordinator, Seeks a suitable match. Contact : 9619392879 6670. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in September 1984), Ht. 5’ 4”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A., working as a Flight supurvisor, Air Hostess. Contacat email : 6668. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in February 1986), Ht. 5’ 2”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA in HR, working as a HR Professional in a Tata Group Company. Contact email : wilfyjoy@ 6574. M U M B A I : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in September 1990), Ht. 5’ 5”, Fair Complexion, Beautiful, Edn. B.Com., MBA, PGDM, working for Multinational Company. Contact email : roshanmehra@ 6570. M U M B A I : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in December 1991), Ht. 5’ 3”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. BBI, P.G.D.M. (H.R.), working as an Asst. Manager H.R. Contact email : 6569. DUBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in May 1985), Ht. 5’ 2”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA - Finance, working as an Accountant in a private sector firm in DUBAI. Looking for a Roman Catholic alliance preferably working in UAE. Contact email : 6568. NEWYORK : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in December 1990), Ht. 157 cms, Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. M.S. in Computer Science (USA), working as a Software Engineer. Seeks a similiar qualification, having HIB Visa and working in

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USA below 30 years. Contact email : 6566. DUBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in September 1986), Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.S. in HR, working as a Admin. Exec. (HR) seeks a Mangalorean bachelor preferably Postgrad./MBA/BE,. Contact wedd_prop@ 6565. MUMBAI : Mumbai broughtup Keralite Anglo Indian Spinster, (Born in May 1988), Ht. 5’ Wt. 48 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Computer Operator. Contact email : 6563. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholi Spinster, (Born in August 1990), Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA Marketing, working as an Analyist, Contact email : noreen13nov@ 6560. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in December 1986), Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 79 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA in HR, working in a Reputed MNC in Mumbai. Contact email : 6557. BANGALORE : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in August 1989), Ht. 5’ 1”, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. , M.S. in California, working in California, Seeks a Post graduate working in U.S. below 31 years. Contact email : OR 6554. MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in May 1987), Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA (HR), Contact email : 6548. MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman

Catholic Spinster,(Born in December 1986), Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 66 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. PGDBM NMIMS, working as a Manager. Contact email : 6545. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in October 1989), Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA Finance, working as a Financial analysist. Contact email : 6543. MUMBAI : Maharashtrian Protestant Spinster, (Born in August 1977), looks much younger to her age, Ht. 5’, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. T.Y. B.Com., working as an Account Assistant. Contact email : 6542. Australia : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in September 1988), Ht. 159 cms, Wt. 57 kgs, Fair, good looking, Edn. Masters in Biotechnology from University of Queensland, Australia, working as Scientist (Research) in Australia, Seeks qualified and godfearing boy settled in Australia, US and Canada. Contact email : 6538. MUMBAI : God fearing Mangalorean RC Spinster, (Born in January 1980), 5’ 6”, from good family working for a MNC seeks groom. Reply with recent photo to 6536. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, (Born in April 1991), Ht. 168cms, Wt. 64 kgs, Beautiful, Fair Complexion, Edn. Master in Dental, studing PG in Doctorate, Dactor by profession. Contact email : kcmcsm@

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Nun challenges Salesians to become transforming presence in Asia Chennai: A nun theologian has urged leaders of the worldwide Salesians of Don Bosco to become a transforming presence in Asia by rediscovering their order’s mystical roots. “If we are serious about being a transforming presence in Asia, then we must embrace a lifestyle following the age-old values of true holiness, contemplation, renunciation and asceticism, detachment and simplicity,” Sister Inigo Joachim told the leaders, including Salesian rector major Father Angel Fernandez Artime. The heads of the order’s global departments dealing with mission, finance, youth, communication and formation are currently meeting at Chennai, capital of Tamil Nadu state, to plan and reshape their mission in the region for the next decade. Heads of all Salesian provinces in the region are also attending the five-day meeting that began on February 28. Sister Inigo, a former superior general of St. Anne`s Chennai, tackled the state of religious life in South Asia in the second session of the opening day. “We need the courage and the faith of our founders and saints in letting God lead us into paths we do not know, into unfamiliar territories. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom and to set our hearts on fire,” said the Franciscan nun, who is much sought after to address bishops, priests, seminarians, nuns and laity both in India and overseas. She began by interpreting religious life through the prism of the Second Vatican Council. “There were a variety of responses from the religious after the council,” she said and added that all congregations made a sincere effort to renew and update themselves after the council. Quoting from the statistics from the Conference of Religious India, Sister Inigo noted that one third of India’s more than 125,000 religious men and women have moved into social sector “with skills and competence to change society.” The nun, who chose to work among prisoners in Delhi’s Tihar Jail, South Asia’s largest prison, after leading her congregation for 12 years until 2002, stressed the need for the religious to become mystics


and God-centered people. “We are seen as good administrators and managers but not for what we are” supposed to be – mystics. According to her, mystics see God in everybody and in all things. The sari-clad nun underscored the need for good pastors and said, “Without you schools will go on, social work will go on but the sacraments are your monopoly as ordained priests.” Sister Inigo also urged the Salesian leaders to learn from the poor. “The poor have the capacity to teach us through

Sr Inigo Joachim their resilience and their faith in God,” she said and recalled Mother Teresa’s words equating love of Jesus with the love of the poor. “We need good leaders who live authentic lives and preach the Gospel values,” asserted the nun, who was the only participants from South East Asia at the Synod of Bishops in Rome in 1994. The popular feminist speaker also focused several positive trends in lives of the religious in Asia and said the growing rate of vocations gives hope to the region where Christians are a minority. These vocations now come from minority cultures, tribes and other groups bringing multiculturality to religious life in Asia. The meeting aims to evaluate the Salesian works in South Asia and reach a common vision for the region and set priorities for their work among young people. The meeting also addressed various challenges Christians in South Asia face in the current socio-political-religious scenario. Father Maria Arokiam Kanaga, general councilor of South Asia, in his introductory

message, said the meeting was an opportunity for the order’s top brass to meet for a direct dialogue and mutual listening. The meeting will also evaluate implementation of the call of the order’s 27th general congregation that urged the Salesians to become radical witnesses to the Gospel as mystics, prophets and servants. The Salesian chief asked his men to deepen their spiritual and mystical life. “The poor youngsters are the purpose of our mission and we can achieve this purpose through education and imparting the Gospel values.” He also urged his men to share their mission with lay collaborators. Renowned Jesuit theologian Father Michael Amaldoss also addressed the gathering on the challenges facing Christians in South Asia, especially in India. Although India’s economy has progressed at 7 percent, the benefits of the economic growth have not reached the poor through appropriate government programs, the Jesuit noted. India is listed 126 among 180 nations in terms of per capital income and 130 in Human Development Index. The gap between the “rich few” and the “poor many” has widened and around 350 million people, around 30 percent of the total population, still live below the poverty line, the Jesuit noted. Clarifying the difference between the Church and the Kingdom of God, the Jesuit theologian reminded the gathering that the challenge of Christian living is to build up the Kingdom of God in the whole world. “At the same time we also have to build up the Church as the symbol and servant of the Kingdom,” he added. The paradigm shift from the Church to the Kingdom encourages Christians to work for equality and justice and to open up to the challenge of pluralism. Salesian Emeritus Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil spoke about various challenges and perspectives of Salesian life and mission in the South Asia region. He urged the gathering to heed people’s sensitivities, maintain dialogue between stakeholders, serve the young at risk, highlight the dangers of commercialism and instill social responsibility among others. (Source: & mattersindia)

13 March 2017

PDDM organizes 1st Convocation in Music and Dance

Text and Photos: Verus Ferreira With much zest Divya Kala Kendra hosted their 1st ever convocation for its 100 students ranging from the age group of 7 years to 76 years on Sunday 26th February. The vision to start this event 3 years ago was seen by Sr Amita Mascarenhes, Superior of PDDM (Pious Disciples of the Divine Master), Prathnalaya and Director of Divya Kala Kendra and Sr. Sushma to express talent of not only the young, but also the elderly who wished to bring out their musical talents through the medium of art. The event started with a liturgical bhajan performed by one of the oldest students at DKK, Mrs. Kokila who played the tabla and was joined on the keyboard by Mr. Francis and Ms. Zenia on the manjira. Sr Amita added her soulful vocals to the soothing piece. This was followed by a graceful dance performance by dance students, offering floral tribute of flowers to our Creator through their dance Pushpanjali. However, the evening really belonged to the students of music and dance who either individually or in a group, performed music pieces on piano, ranging from songs like Ode to Joy, My Bonnie, Home on the Range, to the romantic Romance De

13 March 2017

Amore, to the classic La Cucaracha. A few students also performed songs played for the Trinity college examination like Ash Grove, El Condor Pasa. Other beautiful melodies performed were Oh Suzanna ending with the divine How Great Thou Art. We cannot forget to mention the spellbinding performance by Brandan Annes who sang the Indian raga Rag Bhupali, while he also played the harmonium. The performance was not nothing short of a young promising classical singer. The lively musicians put up a variety of songs, thus mesmerizing the audience that consisted of parents, friends and relatives, and even grandmothers and grandfathers. The Chief Guest Fr Gregory Arockia, SVD from Andheri Atma Darshan and Guest of honour Sr Blanche Rodrigues from the Daughters of the Cross and Principal of St Joseph’s Secondary High School, Bandra, were left speechless with this showcase of talent. Sr Rosemary Muttsheril Provincial Superior of the PDDM Sisters, Bangalore who flew down specially for the event stated: “Our founder Blessed James Alberione, had two missions, one was communication and the other fine arts, I am happy to see this become a reality. Whenever you sing a song or play an instrument or move

your hands and make gestures, you are in connectivity with God. So believe in that. Psalm 71 says, “When I sing to you, my lips shall rejoice.” Soon after the students were presented certificates of merit by the special invitees. Sharing his thoughts on the occasion, and while congratulating the grads, Fr Gregory wished everyone involved the very best and that this journey of Sr Amita, Sr. Sushma and Sr Jennifer, a labor of love, would grow manifold. He added, “In Bandra, here in Bandstand, you are sitting next to superstars, so music and dance is around you as you are surrounded by Bollywood’s vibrating energy. But more than that I wish that this institute may grow and be one of the best in Mumbai and beyond.” Addressing the audience, Sr Blanche said that from the young to the old, unity has been a great example for us in this performance. She thanked Sr Amita profusely for bringing out the best in the students and wished the institute every success. 26th February 2017 will surely remain as a red letter day in the annals of Divya Kala Kendra, a day when students came together to communicate their inner emotions and expressions.

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Royal Christian Family and The Secular Citizen has been serving the community for over 36/26 years Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo

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