Human Resource Management Assignment Sample by Secure Assignment Help

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.0 Introduction Emphasizing on the need to maintain a strong workforce Harvey and Campion (2010) suggested that modern day organizations must give immense priority to develop a highly competitive recruitment and selection process that may suffice the workforce requirement of the company. Recruitment is concerned with searching for prospective candidates suitable for the job and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

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In the opinion of Beardwell and Clavdon (2009), recruiting suitable candidates possessing the required professional skill sets becomes fundamental in achieving competitive advantage on the long run. Therefore, recruitment and selection have assumed position of vital importance in SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management) Similarly Brown et al. (2009) provides a sound explanation of modern employers to adopt multiple modes of recruiting potential candidates particularly through the usage of internet. Online or E-recruitment provides multi-fold advantages particularly on the ability to reach out large number of candidates in nominal time. Similarly, Carline (2007) attributed that the deployment of e-recruitment services is a cost effective mode of accessing potential candidates. On the other hand, Chapman and Webster (2009) stated that e-recruitment alone cannot suffice the human resource requirements despite the speed with which it gives access to potential candidates. The ideal situation is achieved when e-recruitment is utilized to complement the traditional methods of recruitment. The proposed research work will concentrate on studying the Recruitment and selection process adopted in one of the stalwarts in retail industry “TESCO”.

1.1 Rational of the Study In the backdrop of stringent competition experienced by modern business organizations along with unavailability of competent professionals bringing radical changes to the recruitment procedure has gained considerable importance. Thus, Kretovics and McCambridge (2007) figures out that slack in the recruitment and selection process is one of the chief reasons that is troubling commercial organizations in the form of low employee productivity, loose employee morals, decrease in organization’s cost effectiveness resulting from frequent conduction of recruitment process due to increased rate of employee turnover. Selection of employees who don’t possess the skill set required for the job profile proves detrimental to the organization’s growth and realization of business objectives. Strategically arranging the recruitment and selection process as central functions of the human resource management presses for effectively managing the workforce requirements in cost effective manner; Faulty recruitment process leads to unprecedented increase in the associated cost involved in hiring process that eventually lowers the organization’s productivity. In the present century technological breakthroughs are occurring frequently For any kind of assignment help in Australia, email us on or visit

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not excluding the means of communication. The developments in communication technology have opened up the prospective for facilitating a makeshift in favour of the automated, convenient, time and cost saving methods of recruitment. Hence, the importance of employing information technology in the recruitment and selection process cannot be undermined in hiring people who not only possess the professional skills required to thrive in the industry but also possess the mental setup to remain in the organization. The study undertaken will help the organization in consideration the effectiveness of the current recruitment process.

1.2. Purpose of the Study The main purpose of the study is to bring into light the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process followed in TESCO by taking into consideration the E-recruitment process and its strategic utility on the backdrop of current human resource practices. The author will also try to provide a befitting explanation on the feasibility of proficiently managing the evolving nature in workforce requirements. The study will also take into consideration the utility of social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter in upgrading the recruitment process to higher level of proficiency. In this endeavour the study will take up the rational treatment of the increasing trends among big commercial enterprises to opt for online recruitment as a more comprehensive substitute of traditional recruitment process. This study will serve the cause of future research works undertaken in similar kind of topics that may provide unspeakable advantages to the delight of the commercial organizations.

1.3 Research Aims The principle aim of this study is to comprehensively analyze the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process and the underlying practices followed by modern business institutions. TESCO is the organization of choice for propelling the study towards the graceful realization of its ambition. The study will give due importance to collect primary data of significance to the human resource managers. The researcher will concentrate substantial effort in analyzing the recruitment process followed by human

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resource executives at different level within the organization. The utilization of Erecruitment process at TESCO will be a subject of examination in this study.

1.4 Research Objectives 1. To facilitate the understanding of important HR activities such as recruitment and selection along with its significance in organizational development for TESCO 2. To take up the endeavour of conducting a critical evaluation of the existing e-recruitment and selection strategies through a comparative study with traditional recruitment and selection procedure adopted in TESCO. 3. To bring into light the rationale behind adopting E-recruitment process and its eventual role in streamlining talent management at TESCO 4. To facilitate the identification of gaps in the current e-recruitment procedure at TESCO and recommending appropriate strategic steps

1.5 Research Questions 1. What is effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection process pursued at present in TESCO? 2. What are the potential challenges faced by the organization in pursuing its own recruitment and selection process? 3. How e-recruitment can be effectively utilized in improving the hiring process? 4. How does it improve the organizational effectiveness?

1.6 Background of the research TESCO is currently redesigning the recruitment and selection process by adopting revolutionary ideas particularly in making the hiring process automated and technology intensive. This approach pays rich dividend in facilitating the company’s reach to large number of potential candidates possessing the requisite competencies to shoulder job responsibilities. TESCO being an internationally renowned organization will lend the findings of the study a universal appeal that may be followed as guideline by budding entrepreneurs’ throughout the world. For any kind of assignment help in Australia, email us on or visit

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Recruitment and Selection 300 According to Morgan (2007), recruitment and selection in any firm may be defined as process of choosing and attracting people for employment purpose. In a large business For any kind of assignment help in Australia, email us on or visit

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organization, the personnel department will have detailed policies regarding recruitment and selection, which are required to be followed by the management responsible for the recruitment of the new employees. Panayotopoulou et al. (2007) opined that the recruitment and selection process is known as the chronological with different and inter-related stages. This process begins with the identification of the vacancy in the company and ends with the selection of a suitable candidate who performing his duties in accepted standard. It is a two-phase process. Firms are evaluating aspirants for vacancy, but on the other hand some aspirants also examine the firm as an approaching employer. Programming the process in a timely and professional manner is important for effectiveness which helping to ensure that the suitable candidate attracted to apply and accept the given position in the firm. Apart from that, the unsuccessful aspirants can accept the decision of the managements and hopefully apply for future vacancies, along with the fresh comers.

2.1.1 Identifying Vacancy Cullen and Harrison (2010) state that the identification of vacancies in an organization is first stage of the recruitment and selection process. In this stage recruitment process, the firm decide that there is any vacancy or post to be filled. The questioning and more strategic ways may be taken. For an instance, in any firm the vacancy is created by the reason of employee’s left out, the authorities should take the opportunity to re-examine the work itself and further think about that it could be undertaken in a substitute way. On the statement that the vacant position does need to be filled it will be require to formulate provision. The traditional process of formal job description and person specification or a competency focused approach is selected by the firm for recruitment of the aspirant. The consideration should also be given to how the recruiter intends to quantify and bring out information related to required skills.

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2.1.2 Prepare job description and person specification In the recruitment and selection process after identifying the vacancy, the managements are required to prepare job description and person specification. The preparation of job description and person specification must include the requirements and duties of the particular job along with the skills, knowledge, aptitudes, qualifications and experiences that are needed to perform that job in more evaluating method (Thompson et al. 2008).

2.1.3 Attracting candidates. The further step of the recruitment and selection process is the attraction of aspirants to increase an accepted number of appropriate aspirants within the rational cost constraints. The main point of concern in this stage of recruitment and selection process that selected medium of recruitment requires making sure that there is a sound quantity of preferable qualified aspirants from which ensure a recruitment without being plagued with a large numbers of inappropriate applications. For the recruitment particularly on specialist and senior scales may be made by the recruitment management, more cost-efficient. The recruitment management employ the method of advertising for grabbing the attention of the candidates. The preferable method of advertisement will generally affected by the availability of candidates.

2.1.4 Advertising the vacancy Olan and Rynes (2008) opined that in the process of recruitment and selection, the advertisement shall be given only for the approved vacancies. All vacancies, including permanent as well as temporary posts shall generally be advertised. In any organization, the vacant places shall be published externally and internally. The recruitment management are required to provide suggestion on where to place the advertisement of their particular vacancies. In such a case the Human Resources will pay the required financial help towards the recruiting management for selected medium. Under the guidance of Human Resource, the organization can create a post for a named individual or fill the vacant place by invitation if the organization’s interests will be best performed by doing so. For any kind of assignment help in Australia, email us on or visit

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2.1.5 Short listing In the recruitment and selection process, the short listing is the stage where all the aspirants for an appointment are considered against the hiring of the particular post which is described in job description and person specification (Hoye and Lievens, 2011). The candidates for interview must be short listed against the set out criteria in the job description and person specification for the generated vacant place in an organization. Apart from the given criteria in the job description and person specification, no other criteria may be accepted. The disable aspirants for the given vacancy, if meet the required criteria of person specification are ensured for an interview under the guideline of Disability scheme. In the opinion of Feldman and Klass (2007), the short listing process should be managed by two minimum members of the interview panel who follow all the criteria and obligations of short listing when shorting the applicants. In this backdrop, short listing process is apt.

2.1.6 Selection Selection itself is the last and final stage of the recruitment and selection process. In the opinion of Bingham and Davidson (2009), the selection process contains the selected methods by which the recruiter reduces a short-listed group concerning the stages of recruitment programme, and achieving to the decision of an employment. While recruitment can be suggested as a positive programme generating an optimal number jobseekers, on the contrary, the selection process is considering as pessimistic programme which will probably anticipate the rejection of candidates. It would be practical to say that the selection decision mainly focused on a different selection gears as some have poor analytical abilities associated with job. However, it is very inconvincible that the placement would be given or accepted without confronting each other. In the context of hiring a suitable candidate, many organizations still depend principally on the outcome of the interviews to make a sound decisions regarding selection process.

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2.1.7 Impact of Recruitment and selection on organizational performance Catalysed by the growth of competition and increasing expectation of the customer’s recruitment and selection has emerged to be regarded as the foundation pillars of organization’s success. Efficient recruitment and selection process installs the confidence amongst the managerial authority that the company has well equipped workforce to effectively see off the organization through competitive turbulence and challenges. Therefore, Chand and Katou (2007) illustrate that efficiency in recruitment and selection process helps the organization in facilitating an immaculate work culture where the desired behaviour from the respondents is derived. Thus it may be apt to say that quality recruitment and selection process helps the organization in improving overall effectiveness not only through positioning competent personnel to the vacant post but also reducing unwanted costs. Inclusion of unproductive employees for a post may produce negative results where it may be difficult for the personnel to adapt with the work load and professional culture. Moreover non-timely recruitment or conducting recruitment throughout the year is a mark of negative organizational culture where employee turnover is high and the company’s resource gets wasted in frequent conduction of employee development programs such as training of professionals. Moreover, training incompetent professionals hired through faulty recruitment and selection process taxes the organization in training poor recruits who possess least interest in the job assigned and is always on the prowl to look for suitable employment opportunities Carroll and Taylor (2009) advocated that the efficiency of the recruitment process is fundamental in enabling the organization to make giant strides in the improvement of productive efficiency, boosting employee morale, and allowing the organization in building a workforce that comprise of efficient employees holding the capacity to adopt new skill sets and adjusting to professional challenges. Thus, Carline (2007) is of the view that it is also the responsibility of the recruiters to have clear idea on the organizational requirements and making choice analogous to these requirements. Therefore, the most appropriate way of ensuring professionalism and quality in the recruitment and selection process is to establish well defined standards that should be followed in all the related activities.

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2.2 Moving forward from traditional recruitment towards E Recruitment In the opinion of Dileep and Ramesh (2009) human resource management have adapted well to the technological advancements that gets ample scope of implementation in the hiring process of employees transcending the boundaries of traditional approach. The noteworthy feature of this transition is observed in the gradual influx of Information Technology (IT) and IT enabled services replacing the traditional filing system that was cumbersome in handling and often resulted in discrepancies of information. In this regard Parry and Wilson (2009) are of the view that replacement of physical collection through internet services such as company websites and Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) have made it feasible for modern day organization to reach out large number of candidates in sneak of time. E-Recruitment allows organizations to place vacancy related information in popular social networking sites including the company’s own official website (Allen and Mahto, 2007). Collection of application over the internet generates humungous response of applications that are to be filtered as per company requirements. Hence, Beardwell and Clavdon (2009) opined that e-recruitment is unmatched in its cost effective potentials that enables it to outperform traditional methods of recruiting candidates. Contact to Secure Assignment Help for more HRM assignment help in Australia.

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