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License to secure

Integrated Vehicle Inspection Technology

Ensuring your personnel and facility are well protected from threats requires a thorough understanding of who and what is entering your facility—before they gain access. Vehicle access control points are a key component of a comprehensive security plan, offering a physical barrier to deter bad actors from entering a defined perimeter. Today, vehicle checkpoints can provide robust security that goes well beyond traffic gates to give security personnel more information about the people and vehicles seeking entry to the facility.

Defining the ideal vehicle checkpoint requires a comprehensive review of each unique security mission. Factors such as threat level, traffic volume, site constraints, budget, personnel, and data requirements all need to be considered. When seeking a solution that fully optimises threat detection and operational efficiency, agencies employ a mix of advanced X-ray inspection, radiation detection, intelligent optical inspection, and data integration systems in conjunction with traffic management systems and sensors.

In the illustration of a vehicle checkpoint (Figure 1), several technologies are utilised to maximise threat detection and throughput. Each system provides a key piece of data about the vehicle and its occupants so that security personnel can determine with greater accuracy if it is safe to permit entry. For example, facial recognition and radio-frequency identification (RFID) technologies assist with identity verification by quickly and accurately matching the vehicle occupant’s face or unique identifier with their identity document or an existing database, while license/number plate readers assist in identifying vehicles and tracking their movement around the facility.

Various detection technologies, including X-ray scanners, radiation detection systems, and under-vehicle imaging systems are also employed to screen the vehicle to help uncover concealed threats. Under-vehicle imaging systems take a clear picture of the undercarriage of a vehicle and compare it to a reference image to identify foreign objects. X-ray scanners can leverage multiple detection technologies to screen occupied vehicles. Low-energy transmission imaging helps to uncover hidden metallic threats, such as guns, and backscatter imaging technology provides photo-like images that highlight concealed organic threats and contraband, including explosives, plastic weapons, and drugs.

A data integration platform provides a centralised hub for collecting all the information provided by the security systems and sensors and presents it in a single, comprehensive inspection record. This holistic view allows operators to make a more informed assessment of each vehicle and its occupants and enhances their ability to quickly uncover and respond to potential threats. The data integration platform can also integrate workflows into the operation based on the collected data, automating traffic management systems to improve the checkpoint’s efficiency and throughput.

Whether your checkpoint requires one or all these security technologies, selecting a provider that can define and deliver your ideal solution is essential. By working with a single supplier that can deliver the full range of solutions and has a proven track record of successful deployments, installations, and support, customers benefit from receiving the right solution for their mission, the ease of working with one supplier throughout the entire process, and a trusted resource for support post-installation. www.rapiscan-ase.com

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