ISSUE 111 JAN/FEB 2018
How to Use
001_SSM111 Cover-FIN.indd All Pages
To Create Better Security Outcomes
21/12/17 3:44 pm
Are you working to resolve a hostile vehicle attack risk? Ezi Security Systems has an unrivalled, extensive offering of high to extreme security products and have the expertise to design a solution to secure any critical infrastructure or extreme risk assessed site. All Ezi Security Systems Active Vehicle Barriers (AVB) and Hostile Vehicle Barriers (HVB) have been rigorously crash tested and certified to meet relevant ASTM, IWA and PAS 68 stipulations. For further information, please visit our website or call 1300 558 304 to speak to our security specialist team.
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002-003_SSM111 DPS.indd 3
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Melissa K Weinberg, PhD of Deakin University looks at the science of Choice Architecture. How can we use psychology to influence decision making with a view to achieving more desirable security outcomes?
How do you manage the risks associated with a facility being used for a heinous, criminal, public act such as the recent shootings at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas?
This new report by Anne Speckhard, PhD and Ardian Shajkovci, PhD, from the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism, raises frightening questions about women returning from the ‘caliphate’ – if they can return at all.
Juniper Research predicts the cost of cybercrime will climb to an estimated US $2.1 trillion by 2019, far exceeding the revenue generated by more traditional criminal activity. How can you keep your business safe from cybercrime?
74 THE CHANGING SECURITY LANDSCAPE We explore the security landscape of the past and compare it to the landscape we see today. How have we arrived at where we are? What are the current security service delivery trends? Where might those trends lead and what opportunities might they present for the security industry?
Jason Brown looks at the role of governance in leadership.
Jason Brown looks at the role of governance in leadership.
Dr Rita Parker looks at the socio-technical imperative of a resilient organisation.
Greg Byrne examines the obligations of employers regarding full-time employees employed under the conditions of a contract.
Dr Kevin Foster examines the potential for borrowing ideas from CPTED to consider ways that we might mitigate the threat of vehicle attacks at places of mass gathering and mass transport facilities.
Richard Kay presents the second part in his special look at the benefits of training beyond firearms qualifications.
We examine the potential of a new low cost storage method for high quality CCTV surveillance.
Company announcements from within the industry.
In the first of a four-part series, Alex Sidorenko, founder and CEO of Risk-Academy, explains how the key to managing corporate risks is often through dealing with the individual risks of decision-makers first.
Wills are an important safeguard for anyone who works in a dangerous role or owns a business. We look at the 10 most important things you need to know about wills.
What is the real value of Air Marshals?
What are the emerging trends in smart building security?
What are the benefits of going back to security basics?
A look at upcoming industry events.
004-005_SSM111 Contents.indd 4
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004-005_SSM111 Contents.indd 5
P (03) 9801 1044 P (02) 9749 1922
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20/12/17 3:46 pm
EDITOR John Bigelow EMAIL SUBEDITORS Helen Sist, Ged McMahon
Garry Barnes, Jason Brown, Greg Byrne, Kevin Foster, Richard Kay, Steve Lawson, Justin Lawrence, Scott O’Driscoll, Rita Parker, Don Williams, Lamie Saif, Anne Speckard, Alex Sidernko, Ardian Shajkovci, Ami Toben, Simeon Votier
oes Australia really take security
Australian’s do have a very relaxed attitude
seriously? Yes, Government claims
to security because they believe, rightly or
to, and some of the corporate
wrongly, that “it will never happen here”. This
sector demonstrate a passing
is a sentiment we can only hope remains true.
interest from time-to-time, but what of the
However, as the old axiom states, one should
average man and woman on the street? Do we
always expect the best but plan for the worst and
honestly take security seriously or do we, as a
prepare to be surprised. Of course, one should not have to rely upon
nation, just pay lip service to the idea
Keith Rozairo PHONE 1300 300 552 EMAIL
Jonathan Rudolph PHONE 1300 300 552 EMAIL
PHONE 1300 300 552 EMAIL $62.00 AUD inside Aust. (6 Issues) $124.00 AUD outside Aust. (6 Issues)
some form of devastating incident to occur in
of security? As we enter 2018, we should be thankful that
order to force people to take security seriously.
Australia has never suffered a major terrorist
There is a great deal that the security industry
incident the likes of 9/11, the Boston bombings,
can do to educate the business community about
the bombings of July 7, 2005 in London or the
the benefits of taking security seriously. In past
terrorist attacks of October 12, 2002 in Bali.
issues Security Solutions Editor-At-Large Rod
However, as a result, the Australian community
Cowan has written about how security can act as
has become somewhat complacent with regard
a differentiator for business and give companies
to security. I often hear many of our readers who
a competitive edge. If we have learned anything from tragic
PHONE 1300 300 552 EMAIL
are security managers within large corporations comment on the differences between attitudes
events that have occurred globally in recent
to security in Australia and America, where they
years, it must be that the world has changed –
often have to travel and work. According to many
permanently – and we cannot keep pretending
security managers, Americans understand that
that it has not. 9/11 was not an isolated incident
terrorism is a clear and present danger and a
and if groups like ISIS have their way, such
fact of daily life and thus, they treat security
attacks will become much more frequent. There
and security workers with the due respect. In
is a great deal more work to be done to ensure
contrast, they believe that Australian’s have a
that we create the kind of effective security
very blasé attitude towards security and it is this
culture within organisations and the broader
attitude that makes us much more vulnerable
community that will enable Australian’s to be
to attack.
safe and secure. And the work must begin with
ABN 56 606 919463
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In my opinion, having recently travelled
security professionals. Let’s make 2018 the year
through Egypt and Jordan, they are correct.
that Australia begins to take security seriously. n
The contents of this magazine may not be reproduced in ANY form in whole OR in part without WRITTEN permission from the publisher. Reproduction includes copying, photocopying, translation or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form.
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blue colour changed to this colour green.
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006-007_SSM111 Editors Letter.indd 6
John Bigelow Editor
20/12/17 3:54 pm
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Although not an exhaustive
(known as Basel II). The governance
improvement, and the status of
talked about the role
list, it is good governance for
arrangements and metrics
efforts to improve previously
and attributes of
any organisation to establish a
suggested in the paper would have,
identified deficiencies.
leaders, managing
framework which provides for the
if not prevented, greatly mitigated
security through metrics and
following to meet organisational
the spread of the GFC.
leaders’ self-awareness. It is time to
and community expectations. There
talk about governance –
must also be a clear definition of
out the reference to banking and
must include risk profile against
accountability, responsibility,
roles and accountabilities for all
finance measures and substituted
expectations. Reporting frequencies
delegation – from the board and
decision makers and decision-
‘security’ in the governance
may vary with the significance and
chief executive officer down.
making bodies, such as committees.
section of the report. It makes a
type of information and the level of
This is especially true for the roles
useful structure for thinking about
the recipient.
the provision of good governance.
and accountabilities of leaders,
security governance.
“The concept of governance is
particularly at an executive
not new. It is as old as human
management level, which should be
civilization. Simply put, governance
articulated and documented.
All material aspects of the
A board exists to provide
security rating and estimation
to the operational level. It is the
Every leader is responsible for
means the process of decision
I have taken the liberty to take
Corporate governance (paraphrased from Basel II, p90):
Internal ratings must be an essential part of the reporting to these parties. Reporting
In summary, security is a core component of good governance
and should have appropriate attention from the board through
making and the process by which
strategic oversight of its operations,
processes must be approved by the
job of leaders at all levels to
decisions are implemented (or
while the executive management
organisation’s board of directors
ensure good governance to achieve
not implemented). Governance
is responsible for the day-to-
or a designated committee thereof
organisational goals. n
can be used in several contexts
day operations of the business.
and senior management. These
Jason Brown is the National
Managers should be assisted in their
parties must possess a general
international governance, national
work through the establishment
understanding of the security
Security Director for Thales in
governance and local governance”
of key committees, such as an
risk rating system and detailed
Australia and New Zealand. He
(United Nations Economic and
audit and risk management which
comprehension of its associated
is responsible for security liaison
Social Commission for Asia and
may address a range of issues
management reports. Senior
with government, law enforcement
the Pacific, 2007 What is good
from financial to security risks
management must provide notice
and intelligence communities to
and compliance. Such committees
to the board of directors or a
develop cooperative arrangements
should have appropriate terms
designated committee thereof of
to minimise risk to Thales and those
ground but, most importantly, it is
of reference or charters (not
material changes or exceptions
in the community that it supports.
about making decisions and getting
just activity statements) and be
from established policies that will
He is also responsible for ensuring
things done or, in the case of
geared towards achievement
materially impact the operations of
compliance with international
security risks, getting things done
of business objectives. Such
the security system.
and Commonwealth requirements
to stop other unpleasant things
objectives and structures should be
being done!
regularly reviewed.
Senior management also must
for national security and relevant
have a good understanding of the
federal and state laws. He has served
security rating system’s design
on a number of senior boards and
Good governance has nine
It is interesting to note that
major characteristics, as follows:
many commentators suggest that
and operation, and must approve
committees, including Chair of the
• anticipatory
the global financial crisis (GFC)
material differences between
Security Professionals Australasia;
• consensus oriented
resulted from systemic failures
established procedure and actual
member of ASIS International
• accountable
of governance in the financial
practice. Management must also
Standards and Guidelines
• transparent
institutions. Ironically, in 2004, three
ensure, on an ongoing basis, that the
Commission; Chair of Australian
• responsive
years before the GFC, the Basel
rating system is operating properly.
Standards Committee for Security
• effective and efficient
Committee on Banking Supervision
Management and staff in the
and resilience. As of February 2017,
• equitable
published International Convergence
security control function must meet
Jason has been appointed Chair of the
• inclusive
of Capital Measurement and Capital
regularly to discuss the performance
International Standards Committee
• follows the rule of law
Standards - A Revised Framework
of the rating process, areas needing
for Risk Management.
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 8
such as corporate governance,
This definition covers a lot of
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008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 9
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come under attack. When one device
that requires telecommunications
determine if law enforcement
seemingly getting
is compromised, the hacker can
carriers to block users’ access to
authorities can have far-reaching
more compromised
easily overtake the whole system of
private, government unapproved
surveillance powers. Many privacy
with each passing
interconnected devices. One of the
VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) by
activists are striving to overturn
year. 2017 has witnessed some of
biggest fears is that hackers might
February 1. This would mean that
the law passed in July, which
the worst security breaches in
compromise medical IoT devices, and
lots of people in China will not be
allows government agencies to
history – such as the breach of
patients’ information can be leaked.
able to reach the global internet,
collect data from large groups of
Equifax, which impacted over 143
A connected smart home will be
as many sites – such as Google or
people at once.
million clients in the U.S. and
another popular target for hackers.
Facebook – are blocked in China.
abroad. There were also three major
What’s more, breached IoT devices
state-sponsored ransomware
can be used in vast scale DDoS
5. The EU is implementing General
How to secure your web presence in 2018
attacks, affecting hundreds of
attacks, putting down virtually any
Data Protection Regulation. GDPR,
Internet users can still take
thousands of targets around the
Internet-based service or website.
coming into force in May (2018),
matters into their own hands
is going to introduce stricter rules
and secure their own computers
2. Increase in travel data breach.
for companies on storing personal
or smart devices. It’s important
Hackers are discovering that
user data and on obtaining
not to click on strange emailed
getting increasingly dangerous,” said
travellers who book their trips
customer consent. The regulation
links, not to download from
Marty P. Kamden, CMO of NordVPN.
online share their passport and
will have global reach and force
unofficial app marketplaces, to
“Besides, system administrators are
credit card data, which can be
companies to protect user data –
always have strong passwords,
not ready to protect their networks
stolen. This marks the move
being one of the rare examples of
and to be generally cautious when
from more sophisticated breaches.
towards specific online breaches,
governments striving to actually
going online.
We believe that attacks will only
targeting groups of people – such
protect data privacy.
keep getting worse.”
as travellers, online shoppers,
world. Unfortunately, it looks like this is just the beginning. “Ransomware assaults seem to be
In addition, Internet freedom
and others.
has been on a steady decline. For
It’s also highly recommended to use online privacy tools, such
6. Digital Economy Bill in the UK.
as VPNs, which encrypt all the
The UK is planning to pass a bill
information that is being shared between the user and VPN server.
example, in the US, ISPs have the
3. New, larger ransomware attacks.
that requires age verification for
right to track customer data without
This year has shown the power of
adult site visitors. Age verification
consent and sell it to third parties,
one ransomware attack that can
is done through collecting various
security and privacy, cybersecurity
and net neutrality is under attack.
disable hundreds of thousands
data about the user, which poses
specialists will be in big demand,
Other countries are also passing
of computers around the world.
a huge risk of data leaks and
and companies will be looking
freedom-limiting laws.
Companies are not yet up to
data loss, with sensitive private
to fill new job openings for
speed with sophisticated hacker
information being stolen.
cybersecurity professionals. Those
Below are the top 7 predictions for cyber security threat in 2018.
who want to protect their own
technologies, so there is a huge risk of new, larger ransomware attacks.
1. Increase in IoT attacks. As Internet
7. Dutch referendum on
data at home need to learn simple
government surveillance
cybersecurity tricks themselves. n
of Things (IoT) devices become
4. China to ban VPNs. China’s
powers. The Netherlands will
common-use, they will continue to
government passed a regulation
hold a referendum next year to
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 10
With the decline in online
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20/12/17 4:34 pm
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20/12/17 4:34 pm
he organisational
In resilient organisations, this
also cause people to be distracted,
fundamental quality of all security
landscape has
has led to a management cultural
overly stressed and potentially
managers and professionals. Just as
changed rapidly since
revolution and, given these
isolated in their work environment.
a good manager should not allow
the start of the 21st
imperatives, effective security
Part of the daily work of security
a valuable machine or other asset
century, leading to more demands on
professionals today are those
professionals and managers is
to break down because of lack of
security professionals who need to
who no longer embrace parochial
to deal with problems which
maintenance, similarly, a security
have a high-level and overarching
practices, but rather international
occur during everyday business
professional should not allow
understanding of the complexities of
security management practices,
and organisational operations.
a valuable human contribution
the organisation. Increasingly, there
including understanding and
These daily problems can be
to be lost or become vulnerable
is a greater need for awareness of the
being equipped to address socio-
about tangible issues such as
because of lack of proper care and
demands, and limitations, of the
technical challenges.
infrastructure, communication
appropriate attention.
socio-technical interface within
Technological advances
equipment, supply chains and so
Levels of job satisfaction,
organisations. This is within the
have improved communications,
on. Other problems can be less
job involvement, organisational
context of a culturally diverse, highly
encouraged innovation and
tangible, such as informal networks,
commitment, absenteeism and
mobile workforce, operating in a
creativity and saved time within
interpersonal communications,
turnover, as well as poor or
global competitive environment
an organisation. Technological
human relations, employee
inadequate performance, can
against a background of new and
gains have also changed the
discontent and passive-aggressive
be early and critical signs and
increased risks from multiple sources.
way people engage and interact
disruptive behaviour. While some
potential indicators of inhibitors of
with each other, especially in the
of these types of problems can
resilience within an organisation.
influenced the way organisations
workplace. Recognising the need to
appear, at least to the superficial
These types of indicators can also
operate in this century. Some factors
optimise the relationship between
observer, to be time consuming
help identify potential weaknesses
are intrinsic to the organisation,
the technology system and the
and not directly security related,
in the security of the organisation.
while many others are beyond the
social system is one of the most
some can be more insidious and
direct control of organisations.
demanding areas and pressing
destructive to the overall integrity
managers and professionals today
Several notable influencing factors
imperatives for security managers.
and resilience of the organisation
understand the complexity of the
are the pace of change, which seems
Some technological advances have
and its future if they are not
inter-relationships within each
certain to continue to increase;
redefined socially appropriate
detected, monitored and mitigated
organisation and do not view
global competition; additional and
and acceptable behaviours in
as soon as possible.
people or technology in isolation
different risks and threats, including
the workplace, such as sending
With the socio-technical
of each other, but recognise each
disruptive digital technologies;
emails to the person in the next
imperative in mind, an integral
component as part of the overall
changing vectors; and the changing
office or work cubicle instead of
aspect of a resilient organisation
socio-technological system
relationship and expectations
speaking to them directly. Yet, some
today is good human resource
contributing to organisational
between employers and employees.
technological developments can
management and it should be a
resilience. n
Several critical aspects have
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 12
It is imperative that all security
20/12/17 4:34 pm
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008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 13
20/12/17 4:34 pm
have previously
of the employment, limitations on
the position title and reporting
could be a breach of contract
discussed the
the employee’s ability to compete
lines, along with restraint of trade
for an employer to fail to
National Employment
with the employer after they leave
(which protects the employer
take reasonable steps to
Standard and the
the company, specific grounds for
from an employee trading near to
ensure that employees are
rights and obligations of
termination, dispute resolution,
where they used to work) should
not exposed to bullying or
contractors, but I have not
terms of confidentiality and
also be built into the contract.
harassment, or to risk of
discussed the rights and obligations
rights to anything the employee
The management of contracts
of employers regarding full-time
produces while employed by the
of employment in Australia is not
employees employed under the
company. Employment contracts
without nuances and complexities,
work to certain categories of
conditions of a contract.
can also reference and rely on
about which employers should be
employees and/or in certain
other documents, including
aware. On the face of it, it would
policies and job descriptions.
seem quite a simple task to employ
An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and employee that sets out terms
Contracts offer benefits for
someone on contract and then
physical or mental injury • the employer’s duty to provide
circumstances • the employee’s duty of care and competence
and conditions of employment
both the employee and the
terminate them when the contract
or a professional relationship. A
employer, which is why they are
expires. This of course is true;
contract should be specific to the
becoming increasingly popular.
however, employers need to be
individual needs of the parties
For the employer, they offer the
aware that during the term of the
entering into the arrangement
advantage of engaging a worker
contract and at its end, they have
cooperate with the employer
and can be in writing or verbal, or
for a specific period of time, at
certain obligations. A longstanding
in the operation of the
partly in writing and partly verbal.
the end of which there are no
obligation was clarified in
The Fair Work Ombudsman advises
messy separation issues. For the
2014 when the High Court of
that an employment contract
employee, it guarantees (subject
Australia determined the case of
or the obligation of the
cannot provide for less than the
to performance, conduct and
Commonwealth Bank of Australia v
employee to desist from all
legal minimum set out in either the
competence issues) a set period
Barker [2014] CA 32 (10 September
actions causing commercial
National Employment Standards
of employment.
2014) and found there was no
detriment to an employer or to
implied mutual trust and confidence
have regard to the interests of
(NES), the associated award,
Awards do not cover such
• the employee’s duty to obey the lawful reasonable instructions of the employer • the employee’s duty to
employer’s business • the employee’s duty of fidelity
enterprise agreements or other
aspects as intellectual property,
automatically written into
registered agreements that may
confidential information,
employment contracts in Australia.
apply to particular workplaces. All
following employer’s policies or
Prior to this decision, it was assumed
there is no general implied
employees in Australia are covered
reasonable instructions, but these
that employers were not permitted
obligation to act in good faith;
by the NES, regardless of whether
can be written into employment
to breach the trust or confidence of
however, it can be imported
they have signed a contract,
contracts. Contracts should
employees. It has now been clarified
into a contract by express
are working under a workplace
contain clauses that protect
that this is not the case.
or implied provision to
agreement, or are casual workers.
confidential information and
A contract cannot make employees
intellectual property, state that
of law that everyone should be
It is important to understand that
worse off than their minimum legal
an employee is required to follow
aware of, including:
the requirements of these implied
entitlements (as established by
employer’s policies and that an
• the implied duty of care, which
terms will vary from one situation
the NES and an industrial award
employee is required to follow
requires that the employer
to another. Employers should seek
applicable to that industry).
the reasonable instructions of
take reasonable care for
out independent legal advice
The contract can include
the employer. Flexibility as to
the health and safety of its
if there is any doubt as to their
location of work, hours of work,
employees; for example, it
obligations. n
information regarding the duration
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 14
However, there are other areas
his employer • the duty of good faith –
that effect.
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008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 15
20/12/17 4:34 pm
n a previous article I
are sometimes used to reduce
outside a sports stadium, concert
state of CPTED might have a harder
wrote about the
the relative ‘capability’ of the
hall or convention centre.
edge, but with careful design the
‘wicked problem’ of
attacker to achieve his goal while
hostile vehicle (HV)
also achieving some degree of
designers are now considering
the intent of the attacker instead of
attacks and some of the relevant
psychological deterrent. However,
the use of hard security measures
trying to physically stop them in all
standards that might assist with the
as a general rule, the harder
like bollards and concrete blocks.
places at all times.
choice of bollards and other
the security measures the more
However, barriers that are rated to
barriers. In this article, I want to
expensive the security becomes
stop a car or a truck travelling at
designers to put forward creative
discuss the potential of borrowing
and often the uglier the built
a significant velocity can be very
ideas to solve this very dynamic
ideas from Crime Prevention
environment becomes. Perhaps it
expensive, especially if the barriers
design problem. Furthermore, risk
Through Environmental Design
is also important not to over-react
are required over significant
and security policy needs to be
(CPTED) to consider ways that we
to the terrorist threat in places
distances (e.g. around the entire
developed to encourage creative
might mitigate this threat at places
where the likelihood of an incident
perimeter of a sports stadium or
security infrastructure solutions
of mass gathering and mass
is relatively low and no greater
along the length of a purpose built
in order to subtly but effectively
transport facilities.
than at other similar places. It has
bicycle path).
protect our people as they go about
CPTED provides valuable
to be remembered that a ‘probable’
It is not surprising that many
Therefore, maybe we need
emphasis can still be on mitigating
I would like to challenge all
their business and leisure in public
design principles that can have a
threat at the national level does
to reframe CPTED to deter or
places. This security should not
mitigation effect on the ‘intent’ of
not equate to a ‘probable’ threat at
demotivate the hostile vehicle
change or hinder our way of life; it
a potential offender. These design
every place in Australia.
attacker. Sadly we might simply
should be designed to enhance it. n
principles usually emphasise ideas
However, the apparent increase
change the means that the Dr Kevin J. Foster is the
about territoriality (ownership
in the frequency of hostile vehicle
attacker uses to achieve his deadly
of the space), surveillance, and
attacks targeting pedestrians,
goals. However, we need to keep
managing director of Foster Risk
access control. CPTED designers
requires us to rethink what we
improving our security, in dynamic
Management Pty Ltd, an Australian
typically focus on softer ‘natural’
can do to protect people where
or agile ways, to counter these
company that provides independent
mitigation measures rather than
vehicles can come into close
evolving threats.
research aimed at finding better
hard structural barriers and
proximity with very large numbers
electronic security.
of people. This might be at a
could be modified to embrace ideas
public safety, and improving our
transport facility like a train or bus
of Terrorism Prevention Through
understanding of emerging threats
station, or it might be in an area
Environmental Design. This evolved
from ‘intelligent’ technologies.
Hard measures like bollards and other types of vehicle barriers
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 16
Perhaps the CPTED approach
ways to manage risk for security and
20/12/17 4:34 pm
25 – 27 JULY 2018
SECURING INNOVATION The 2018 Security Exhibition + Conference: Powered by ingenuity and invention, showcasing the latest technology and cutting edge thinking. From physical and electronic solutions to biometrics and AI, Australia’s largest security event offers unparalleled opportunities. Limited stand space still available, contact the team to find out more: or call 03 9261 4500.
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 17
20/12/17 4:34 pm
ecently, I went to one
Take the mobile phone industry
do any of this, you have a genuine
and brand identity stack up? Does
of the world’s biggest
as an example. Nokia and Motorola
opportunity to make your service
it shout, “Look at us, we’re really
markets. Over 2,500
were both making quite good
really shine, and thereby greatly
special!” Or does it whisper, “Hey,
vendors sell their
mobile phones. Then Apple came
increase both your sales and the
don’t take any notice of us, we’re
wares every week at the Rose Bowl
along with the iPhone, something
percentage of customers who
pretty much the same as everyone
Flea Market in Pasadena, California.
that not only transformed the entire
come back.
else”? If you don’t say something
You can buy almost anything, all of
mobile phone industry, but also
it old or used. My wife and I went
revolutionised how mobile phone
did at the last company I owned, an
remarkable, why on earth should
there expecting to walk away with a
software was developed.
advertising agency:
anyone call you?
mountain of bargains. Instead, we left with nothing. Why? Because, despite the fact there
Here are some of the things we
remarkable, or at least look
Pretend for a moment that you
How could you make your
• When clients came into our
product profoundly different from
office for meetings, they
are not the owner of your business.
that produced by your competitors?
weren’t just offered coffee or
Take a look at it as an outsider.
were over 50,000 items available
Rather than just slightly better,
tea. They were given an actual
When you peruse your website,
to buy, there was a dire shortage
as it probably now is. What could
menu of numerous coffees and
your ads, your brochures and sales
of stuff that was actually special or
you add to it, or subtract from it, to
six different teas they could
materials, do they startle you with
unique. If we are not careful, our
make it really stand out from the
choose from.
their freshness, energy, relevance
businesses will end up with the
sea of sameness in your industry?
same problem of offering plenty
Take a few minutes now to have
‘60-Second Monthly Review’,
of stuff, but nothing extraordinary;
a think about this. It will be time
where they ranked us in five
selling goods that aren’t that good;
exceedingly well spent.
different quality areas.
and presenting services that serve
• Every 30 days, they filled out a
• They were invited to boardroom
and uniqueness? No? Well maybe you should change them. Appearances count. Branding matters. Advertising can be the crucial point of difference if your
lunches where interesting
product or service doesn’t stand
research was presented and, at
apart from your competition.
need another okay business.
What if, no matter how hard you
night, to concerts and movies.
Almost every industry is vastly
try, you cannot think of a way
over-catered for already. If we
to differentiate your product or
recently-published books about
to stand out from the pack. If you
are to thrive in this overcrowded
service? No matter, all is not lost.
business and marketing.
aspire to business greatness, they
marketplace, we must do
Just make amazing service your
something, anything, to stand out
point of differentiation. It is easy
beautiful cards with written
from the pack. There are three
to do – just look at every point the
messages from our team.
fundamental ways to do this:
customer comes into contact with
Were we the best advertising agency
you, and conjure up some way to
in the city? Maybe, maybe not, but
Australia’s foremost marketing
make it special.
we certainly offered the finest, most
experts and coaches entrepreneurs
memorable service. And so can you.
from all over the world, increasing
Right now I’m betting you are
phone that would charm their socks
producing a reasonable product
off? How could you make their
at a reasonable price. But that is
nobody brilliantly. The truth is, the world doesn’t
What could you say on the
• They were sent important,
• On their birthdays, they received
So folks, they are the three areas to look at when evaluating how
are not just ‘nice-to-haves’, they are ‘must-haves’. n Siimon Reynolds is one of
their sales, improving their profits and helping them work more
experience at your office or store
a dangerous place to be. The past
really great? What about after sales
Like it or not, potential customers Siimon
10 years have shown us forcefully
service? How could you make that a
often choose who they buy from,
also offers online courses on business
that reasonably good does not cut
little more unusual and remarkable?
based on image. That being the
through The Fortune Institute. Find out
it anymore.
In a world where few companies
case, how does your marketing
more at
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 18
effectively. To learn more, visit www.
20/12/17 4:34 pm
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 19
20/12/17 4:34 pm
ccasionally, there is
Additional questions:
assessment, risk assessment,
and technical terminology, but it
benefit in returning to
• What is really important to
security surveys, access control,
should not be used to befuddle
alarm monitoring and response,
the audience or to hide a lack of
cost benefit analysis, media
fundamental awareness.
the absolute basics of our knowledge set.
There are a number of reasons why this is of value: sometimes we have become so entrapped by the detail that we forget the basics, sometimes we become expert in a field and lose
our business? • Can we make it hard for villains to get to the assets? • Can we make it hard for them to move or damage the assets? • Can we know if they are doing it?
sight of the underlying principles,
• Can we record them doing it?
and sometimes we have come into
• Can we do this without
management, image protection,
Knowing the fundamentals
equipment selection, policies,
also provides a solid foundation
procedures, training, monitoring,
upon which to build our security
assurance reviews, risk transfer,
plans, processes and capabilities.
emergency and crisis management,
Without such a solid basis for what
business continuity and so on.
we do and why, there is the real
Understanding the basics not
likelihood, indeed probability,
security from another discipline and
damaging the image of
only reminds us of what we do,
that the organisation’s protective
never really comprehended the
our business?
how and why, but also allows
security will be flawed.
foundation on which protective security is built. Remember back to See Spot run? The building blocks of
• What measures do we have in place? • Is it costing, or going to cost,
us to present our case to other
Ours is a complex and multi-
managers and the executive in
faceted management discipline
simple terms. It was Einstein who
that overlaps and integrates with
the language of Shakespeare and
more to protect the asset than it
said, “If you can’t explain it to a
so many other aspects of providing
Dickens is in those books. So, if we
is worth?
six-year-old, you don’t understand
a safe and secure environment
it yourself.” While not suggesting
in which we can work, live and
that the executives are six-
play. Given the complexity and
year-olds, the principle applies.
importance of the role of the
Occasionally, there is a perception
security professional, perhaps
that the use of small words and
sometimes we should revisit the
simple concepts is somehow
basics. That way we know why Spot
• How do we recover
demeaning or uninspiring. On
is running. n
our reputation?
the other hand, the ability to
are all sitting comfortably, let us try to recapture the fundamentals. Basic questions: • Do we own anything? • Do we do anything? • Is there anyone who would want to take or damage what we have or do? (Really, is there?)
• Do we know how to respond appropriately? • Should something happen, can we repair or replace the asset? • If our functions are harmed, how do we look after our clients?
Don Williams CPP RSecP ASecM
• How could they do it?
The above are really simple
present a logical argument that
• What can we do to protect our
questions, but they reflect
is not bound up in jargon can be
is a recognised thought leader in the
everything we do: asset and
both refreshing and informative.
field of security. He can be contacted
function identification, threat
Certainly, there is a place for
at donwilliams@dswconsulting.
assessment, vulnerability
detailed, specialist knowledge
assets and functions? • How do we know the (security) measures are (really) working?
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 20
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008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 21
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20/12/17 4:34 pm
Co Fo
ISC West
moved to the ISC West show
Held annually between
11–13 April 2018
floor in 2017! As the digital
Sydney and Melbourne, TFX is
Sands Expo Convention Center,
and physical worlds collide,
Australia’s largest learning and
Las Vegas
it is increasingly important
networking event for facilities
ISC West is the largest security
for industry professionals to
and workplace management
industry trade show in the US.
protect their organisations and
professions seeking solutions for
At ISC West you will have the
clients from both physical and
creating more efficient, sustainable
chance to meet with technical
cyber threats. CSE provides
and productive facilities
multidisciplinary professions
representatives from 1,000+
holistic solutions for today’s
and workplaces.
to have a voice and achieve
exhibitors and brands in the
connected organisations.
Total Facilities is
• bring new and leading solutions in operational efficiency to the market • deliver forefront trends for running more sustainable facilities and workplaces • foster a community of
security industry and network with
Working with SIA, ISC West also
comprehensive and efficient in
over 28,000 security professionals.
features world-class education
its delivery and provides real
industry and challenge
to learn about every facet of the
solutions to everyday operational
traditional perceptions of
security industry.
challenges by connecting buyers
In 2018, ISC West will offer attendees a host of attractions including: • new products and technologies,
Visit for more information.
encompassing everything
• redefine the future of the
facility management.
and sellers to source innovation,
Visit for
debate current issues, share
more information.
insights and create opportunities
from access control to
Total Facilities
for an invaluable community
CivSec 2018
unmanned vehicles.
18–19 April 2018
of professionals.
1–3 May 2018
• Unmanned Security Expo,
Melbourne Convention and
Melbourne Convention and
introduced in 2017, is an event
Exhibition Centre, Melbourne
Our vision
Exhibition Centre, Melbourne
within ISC West focusing on
Returning to Melbourne with
We champion professionals
Security, Safety and Sovereignty for
unmanned aerial vehicles
an exciting new proposition,
who support the built and work
the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region
(UAVs), unmanned ground
Total Facilities now unites
environment with a sense of
Building on the success of the
robotics and vehicles (UGVs),
both facilities and workplace
belonging and advocacy – the
inaugural CivSec event, 2018
and the various software and
professionals in the ultimate
unsung heroes and behind-the-
will bring together leaders and
applications that support them.
industry destination for the built
scenes forces. We will evolve and
decision makers, policy makers
and work environment.
grow our offer year on year to:
and advisers, managers and
• Connected Security Expo (CSE)
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 22
20/12/17 4:34 pm
Contact us on 1300 364 864 Follow us on
Delivering Proven Solutions for Security & Safety We Protect People & Assets 008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 23
20/12/17 4:34 pm
EVENTS officials, operational professionals,
through developing a integrated
technical specialists, strategists
strategic focus. In particular, the
and academics, researchers and
conference will look at breaching
consultants, technology developers
the gap for sharing of information/
and industry suppliers.
intelligence, policy, tactics and
While focusing on the Indo-
capability. Recognising modern-
Asia-Pacific region, CivSec 2018
day thought in breaking down
will address issues of global
self-imposed barriers, allowing us
significance. The sovereignty,
to sufficiently structure to better
safety, prosperity and cohesion
secure Australia.
of societies and communities
Safeguarding Australia 2018
everywhere are threatened by
will draw on the knowledge of
natural disasters and emergencies,
domestic and international experts
by human catastrophe and civil
to contextualise the current
disorder, by criminal activity and
threat environment and look at
terrorism and by the movement
the development of Security and
of distressed populations across
Emergency Management structures.
porous frontiers.
The conference will culminate in a
This international congress
strategic snapshot looking at our
and exposition will zero-in on key
future direction and our ability to
themes, which will include:
evolve in-line with the threat posed
• human security and safety
to our way of living.
• public security, policing and protection • infrastructure, resource and environmental security
The approach of the conference
manufacturers, distributors, security
The OSPAs recognise and
is to engage and inform Security
professionals and end-users to
reward companies and individuals
and Emergency Management
connect and create unparalleled
across the security sector. They are
Leaders, Practitioners and Policy
business opportunities.
designed to be both independent
The entire team is looking
and inclusive, providing an
• cybersecurity and social media
makers at all levels of Government
• borders and sovereignty
and Industry on best practice today
forward to once again reuniting
opportunity for outstanding
• homeland security
and their thoughts for the future, so
more than 4,500 security
performers, whether buyers or
• community resilience
we may develop our shared vision
professionals with over 150
suppliers, to be recognised and for
• emergencies and disaster
and capacity to best Safeguard
leading suppliers. The 2018 show
their success to be celebrated.
Australia for our collective future.
is set to see some interesting new
management • catastrophes and humanitarian response
For more information, visit www.
are based on extensive research
new attractions.
on key factors that contribute
Make sure you put the dates
• innovation and technology.
to and characterise outstanding
in your diary. We look forward to
performance. (This research can be
Comprising an exposition of
seeing you again in Melbourne in
found at https://perpetuityresearch.
equipment, technology and
25–27 July 2018
2018 for the Security Exhibition &
services and a congress of
Melbourne Convention and
ASIAL Conference!
specialist conferences, CivSec
Exhibition Centre, Melbourne
2018 will confront the complex
In 2018, the Security Exhibition
and increasingly interconnected
& Conference is heading back
security and environmental
to Melbourne.
more information.
The OSPAs are being set-up in collaboration with security associations and groups across
The 2018 Australian OSPAs
many countries.
Conference is the industry’s annual
18 October 2018
standardising the award categories
opportunity to reunite for three
Doltone House,
and criteria, the OSPAs scheme
days of quality networking and
Hyde Park, Sydney
provides an opportunity for
Safeguarding Australia 2018
unrivalled education alongside a
The Outstanding Security
countries to run their own
showcase of the most innovative
Performance Awards (OSPAs) are
evidence-based OSPAs schemes
9–10 May 2018
solutions to the Australian market.
pleased to announce the dates
while maintaining an ability to
For over three decades, it has been
for the 2018 Australian awards.
compete on an international level
This year’s summit will address
the largest and most established
They will be working for the fourth
in the future – World OSPAs.
developments of contemporary
commercial event for the security
year in a row with the prestigious
interagency operations and focus
industry in Australia, bringing
Australian Security Industry
more information or to make a
on the friction points created
together the entire supply chain of
Association Limited (ASIAL).
nomination. n
challenges facing modern societies. Visit for more information.
008-025_SSM111 Regulars.indd 24
The Security Exhibition &
Security Exhibition & Conference 2018
Visit for
The criteria for these awards
innovations, as well as a host of
By researching and
Visit for
20/12/17 4:34 pm
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With the new IP interface module, our intelligent PB- series Quad Beams are as easy as IP cameras to install and integrate with leading VMS solutions.
Most intruder detection systems rely on legacy technologies which require a number of third-party products and man-hours to install. The INT-QUADIP module utilises infrastructures already in place with CCTV, Access Control, and other security systems; dramatically reducing installation costs whilst providing a fully integrated security system which can be easily expanded and configured as desired.
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20/12/17 4:34 pm
026-029_SSM111 Article 1.indd 26
20/12/17 4:39 pm
B U S I N E S S BY SIMEON VOTIER Casino operators, like insurance
manage the risks associated with
companies, make their money
their facility being used for a
from the risk business. Statistics,
heinous, criminal, public act such
probabilities and the design of
as the shootings at Mandalay
games and machines all work
Bay in Las Vegas on the 1st of
to benefit them. Fraud, theft,
October 2017?
competition, card counters,
026-029_SSM111 Article 1.indd 27
This article does not seek
damage to reputation, gambling
to analyse or criticise the
software and disruptors – these
preparedness or response of
are negative risks that casino
Mandalay Bay, its owner MGM,
operators recognise, analyse
or any of the local, state and
and treat in various ways, such
federal authorities involved;
as through surveillance, rules,
however, this terrible incident
market intelligence, acceptance
should serve as a reminder to
and pricing. But how do they
businesses to comprehensively
20/12/17 4:39 pm
FEATURE consider all risks, even those so outrageous so as to defy prediction and definition. Many will be familiar with ISO 31000:2009 Risk management – Principles and guidelines or the COSO Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework or other frameworks. Fundamentally, they are similar in that they contain steps or processes to: • consider the context • identify the risks • analyse the risks • evaluate the risks • treat the risks • monitor and review. All enterprises and industries face comprehensive risks. While there are some risks peculiar to individual enterprises, there is much more in common between similar businesses, industries or activities. So, in the generic framework outlined above, the context is largely shared and the risks to business as usual are common, for a given industry in a particular location. For Mandalay Bay and its competitors, their shared context is that their revenue is a function
types of risks to their business on
exploited to perpetrate a mass
risk analysis. Alternatively, the
of their venue being accessible,
a daily basis.
casualty attack on the public’.
impact may be estimated using
At some point in time, the
Assume that this risk had been
some indirect metric, such as
People go to Las Vegas for positive
owners of all similar enterprises
expressed sometime previously
consumer confidence or visitor
experiences and businesses thrive
in a location have made a decision
in a risk management context.
numbers, or something like
on their positive appeal. Of the
on a business case to build, own
Having identified the risk, it
damage to a brand or reputation.
hazards, the amount of money
and/or operate them, having
should be analysed in terms of
The likelihood is ideally expressed
floating around Las Vegas and the
considered that the potential
its likelihood and impact. The
as a probability, but this is not as
tendency for the visiting public
risks are manageable given
goal is to understand the risk
easy as calculating the payoff for
to behave with less caution are
the expected return on their
and its components which might
a roulette wheel, nor is it always
a magnet for crime. Gun laws
investment. Where one enterprise
make it increase or decrease.
possible. Often a crude descriptive
in Nevada are not strict. Mass
then becomes distinguishable
In business, the impact is
scale is all that can be applied. The
shootings occur in the US often
from another is whether and how
usually measured in financial
point here is not to be exact, but to
enough. The terrorist threat level
risks are analysed and evaluated,
terms – this may be estimated
be as consistent as possible when
in the US is ‘elevated’ – there is a
the risk appetite of its leadership,
using analogous situations. For
analysing each risk.
significant risk of terrorist attacks
its values, how risk is treated, how
example, MGM Chief Executive
– and symbols of capitalism and
effectively it monitors risks and
Officer Jim Murren has openly
account the severity of the risk,
indulgence are appealing targets
reviews and adjusts its response,
reported the impact on its
what control a business might
for would-be terrorists. Some
and its resilience should a risk
business in Las Vegas and several
have over the risk, the cost of
parts of the US are more prone
event occur.
hundred of Mandalay Bay’s 7,400
any control, potential losses and
employees will be affected. Other
potential benefits or opportunities.
visible and well patronised.
to natural disaster than others.
The Las Vegas shootings were
Evaluating the risk takes into
But, as noted at the opening of
the manifestation of a risk to
similar businesses could use
Regardless of the methods used
this article, enterprises face other
Mandalay Bay that ‘the venue is
this information for their future
to analyse and evaluate the risks,
026-029_SSM111 Article 1.indd 28
20/12/17 4:39 pm
evaluated such that the owner decides to do something about it and treat the risk: Can they avoid the activity? No, as it would be inconsistent with the business objectives to not operate the facility. Can they reduce the likelihood? Yes, as the operator of private premises, they have the right to decide who and what is permitted on the premises. The operator could introduce a
policy whereby firearms are not allowed to be brought on their
Practiced engagement and
must be accepted when there are
premises by members of the
cooperation with local law
no viable treatment options, but
public. This could be backed up
enforcement authorities shares
where the likelihood or impact are
by incentives or disincentives,
the burden of mitigation, as does
still substantial. It is critical for
or by a comprehensive security
the development and adherence to
contingency plans to be in place
checking regime, surveillance
industry codes and standardised
for such risks and for adequate
and weapons detection
policies in cooperation with
resources to be available to
equipment. Unenforced policy
other venues that make all of
implement those plans.
is inexpensive, but ineffectual.
them less appealing as a target
Strictly enforced security policy
or attack platform. In Australia,
response arrangements may not
is complex and obviously more
government seeks to transfer to
remain appropriate. Following
expensive to implement. Executed
the private sector some of the costs
the Las Vegas attack, one would
thoughtlessly, the policy could
and obligations arising from some
expect operators of hotels and
generate a new risk that the
terrorist risk through the recently
casinos in Las Vegas, as well as
‘positive experience’ that the
released document Australia’s
analogous operations elsewhere,
operator wants the guests to have
Strategy for Protecting Crowded
to have re-assessed this type of
is diminished. There is nothing
Places from Terrorism, which
risk and to have reviewed their
that a business could do to prevent
states, “Owners and operators of
response arrangements. It is the
the result is a list of risks which
a disturbed individual or terrorist
crowded places have the primary
cost of doing business, whether
can be ranked and a decision
group from deciding to carry out
responsibility for protecting their
for profit or otherwise, that
made on any treatment of the
an attack, but it is feasible that
sites, including a duty of care to
such monitoring and reviews
risks. The goal is to be able to
they could reduce the likelihood of
take steps to protect people that
be ongoing. So, while the Las
decide whether to do anything
them using their venue.
work, use, or visit their site from
Vegas tragedy reminds everyone
a range of foreseeable threats,
to comprehensively consider
about a risk and, if so, what to do?
Can they reduce the
Risks are not static and
Emerging from this process is a
impact? Yes. Physical response
including terrorism”, while
all risks, especially those that
list of risks to be treated.
arrangements and effective
encouraging and promoting
do not promise to deliver a
training and coordination of staff,
information sharing, guidance and
tangible, positive business benefit,
as well as cooperation with law
strong partnerships between the
operators should ensure that risk
enforcement agencies, can reduce
private and public sectors.
management is built into business
Risks can be treated by: • avoiding the activity that generates the risk • mitigating the risk by reducing its impact or likelihood • transferring the risk through
the physical impact. Business
Should they accept the risk?
continuity and contingency
Risks whose severity is low, whose
processes rather than bolted on. n Simeon Votier worked in
plans can reduce the financial
likelihood is remote or where
insurance, outsourcing
and operational impact on the
the cost of mitigation or transfer
public service for over 25 years,
or sharing, such as in a
business. It may even be possible
outweighs the impact, are usually
providing risk advice on a variety
to offset the cost of mitigation
accepted. This is different from
of domestic and international
• accepting the risk.
by attracting patronage due to it
ignoring the risks altogether, as
topics affecting both the private
Looking again at a hotel/casino
being a safer facility.
some degree of monitoring and
and public sector. He has had
Can they transfer (some of)
review should be ongoing. After
posts overseas in high-risk
where the risk that the venue is
the risk? Yes. Diversification of
mitigating a risk, it probably still
countries and is a member of the
exploited to perpetrate a mass
investment is an obvious strategy.
exists at a reduced level and is
Risk Management Institution of
casualty attack on the public is
Insurance may be worthwhile.
then accepted. Sometimes a risk
Australasia (RMIA).
operator on the Las Vegas strip
026-029_SSM111 Article 1.indd 29
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030-033_SSM111 Alarms.indd 30
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believes he could get something
security systems from cyber attack
of value and get away with it.
cannot be understated. There is
Remember, he is looking for a
no system anywhere in the world
‘payday’ and not just a challenge.
that is safe from hackers. No one
He then notices a home close by is
will ever be able to completely
in the dark, has its front door open
stop attackers, but they can make
and it is obvious that nobody is
it harder.
home. Which one will the burglar
Imagine a burglar is walking
030-033_SSM111 Alarms.indd 31
enter? The point is, everyone
down a suburban street looking
should have security and it is no
for a ‘payday’ and comes across
different online and with an IP-
a standard home with lights on,
based security solution.
a high fence with a locked gate,
Security system designers,
cameras, an alarm, and so on. He
administrators and operators
could break in; he is capable and
must carefully consider and
20/12/17 4:50 pm
protect against threats to the
To protect against the
Even if the network is
as if the system is open to the
physical security network. It is
internal and external threats,
completely separate and not
conceivable that a vulnerable
some organisations are
connected to the outside world,
security system could be the
physically separating their IT
the trusted insider still has access
to consider who will have access
opening needed to breach the
infrastructure by creating a
and can facilitate remote access
to the security network, who
facility. The vulnerability could
network for physical security
through open ports or access
will administer the network
allow the perpetrator to access the
applications that is separate
points. Equipment lockdown is an
and whether it is separate or
security network to compromise
from all other network use.
important aspect of controlling
connected with other networks.
the security system or use it as the
However, this may not be
general user access to functions
Will the security installation
bridge to the corporate and other
practical because infrastructure
and software that can lead to
contractor or the end-user’s
networks. Security managers must
and workstations on alternative
unauthorised system changes or
preferred IT contractor be
ask what can be done to minimise
networks are utilised for the
interactions. Network security
authorised to access the security
the impact of a breach.
security application.
must be thoroughly implemented
network? Who is trusted and
030-033_SSM111 Alarms.indd 32
outside world. The security manager needs
20/12/17 4:50 pm
to protect the security system?
That begs the question, who was
cybersecurity and research
This form of login is single-factor
speaking about security matters
companies, discovered they had
authentication in that it only relies
at board meetings?
been under attack. They found
on something the user knows. If
It is reported that 40 million
malware in their networks
the user passes this single bit of
credit and debit card records
information to someone else, then
were stolen and over 70 million
that person is able to login. This
total records of Target shoppers
has in place a range of
policy is insufficient, particularly
stolen. Total records included
measures, including the Cyber
when protecting against the
name, address, email address and
Security Operation Centre
trusted insider.
phone number. Target suffered a
within the Defence Signals
46 percent drop in profits for the
Directorate and a dedicated
is still one of the best methods
fourth quarter of 2013 compared
cyber investigations unit
of protection – something the
with the year before as a result
within the Australian Security
user knows and something
of the breach. They also spent
Intelligence Organisation
the user has or, even better,
$100 million on upgrading their
(ASIO). The Daily Telegraph
something he is, like a biometric.
payment terminals. The estimated
reported in 2011 that the
A second factor, such as a card
cost to banks and credit unions to
Central Intelligence Agency
or biometric, greatly assists
re-issue cards was $200 million.
(CIA) and Federal Bureau of
Two-factor authentication
with the protection of the
A class action lawsuit against
designed to spy on them. The Australian Government
Investigation (FBI) advised the
security network. HID Global
Target has resulted in a further
Australian Government that
are promoting the use of tap
$10 million proposed settlement
at least 10 federal ministers’
authentication, where it is
with affected consumers.
emails had been hacked and
how do managers know they
possible to use an access control
The settlement also required
the compromise occurred over
are capable of always following
card to login to workstations and
Target to appoint a CISO and
a one-month period. Chinese
procedures? It may be better to
all other devices, such as mobiles
maintain a written information
intelligence agencies were
utilise the end-user’s existing
and tablets.
security program.
among a list of foreign hackers
IT department to conduct
Recent reports have shown
Wikipedia reports, “The Sony
that were/are under suspicion.
administrative services, including
that once in, the hacker can
Pictures Entertainment hack
security of the network, because
cause immense damage. A quick
was a release of confidential
has also documented that a
they are internal staff and are
Google search will discover
data belonging to Sony Pictures
CCTV system installed within
already responsible for securing
recent breaches at JP Morgan
Entertainment on November 24,
a significant site has suffered
the existing corporate network.
Chase, Sony, UPS, The Home
2014. The data included personal
failures in the past due to
The security applied to
Depot, Target (US), the citizens of
information about Sony Pictures
“external influences”.
the network must ensure that
New York City, Kaspersky and the
employees and their families,
perpetrators are caught before
Australian Government; the list
emails between employees,
network-based security systems
they achieve their goal. If a
goes on and on.
The Australian Government
It is very clear that all
information about executive
must be fully protected. Network
The majority of breaches
salaries at the company, copies
security must be thoroughly
security network, they must be
reported appear to be debit and
of (previously) unreleased Sony
implemented as if the system is
quarantined before they steal,
credit card data related. The news
films, and other information.”
open to the outside world. The
tamper, alter or deposit data. They
reports concentrate on breaches
must be restricted so they cannot
that impact large members of
were that the breach was a
must ensure that perpetrators
turn on/off items that could render
the general public, such as debit
super-sophisticated attack,
are caught before they
the physical and/or IT security
and credit card holders. This may
but Joseph Steinberg of Forbes
achieve their goal. Two-factor
systems useless.
give security managers of critical
magazine believes that this seems
authentication is still one of the
infrastructure a false sense of
to be an over-exaggeration. The
best methods of protection and
penetrate a network is with the
security. Further investigations
lesson from the Sony 2014 hack
should be implemented to login
use of someone’s login details.
reveal that every industry is
is that organisations without a
to the physical security system. n
The management of user details,
being breached.
security solution that can limit
perpetrator does access the
A very easy way a hacker can
including login information,
Target’s US CEO stepped down
Reports on the Sony hack
damage internally are taking
security applied to the network
Emanuel Stafilidis has worked
is a very important task. The
after the massive data breach at
remarkable risks and being
in the electronic security industry
security manager must analyse
the end of 2013. It was reported
extraordinarily naive about the
since 1988 as a security systems
his organisation’s policy and
at the time that Target did not
advanced capabilities of today’s
integrator and a security consultant.
procedures relating to logging
have either a chief information
cyber attackers.
Emanuel is an independent security
in to the network. Is entering a
security officer (CISO) or a chief
username and password sufficient
security officer (CSO) in place.
030-033_SSM111 Alarms.indd 33
In June 2015, Kaspersky, one of the world’s leading
adviser and can be contacted at
20/12/17 4:50 pm
PART2 Part 1 of this article in the
sight alignment and be prepared
who poses a threat to life whilst
previous issue of Security Solutions
to fire once a new sight picture is
moving and officers need to
Magazine introduced readers to
acquired. Looking first and then
track the firearm horizontally to
the importance of officers who
moving the firearm may be safer
maintain a sight picture.
carry a lethal force option on the
in regard to an unintentional
job receiving training in combat
discharge, but it may be
of moving the firearm up or down
shooting and began to discuss
dangerous in terms of reactive
on a vertical plane. A possible
some of the options available,
shooting to stop the threat. Quick
situation may be when the subject
beyond qualification training,
and proper assessment, accurate
has been shot, but he continues
that can assist officers in the
firing and safe handling are all
to pose a threat to life due to body
operational use of firearms. The
key aspects of tracking.
armour, enhanced physiology
discussion continues below.
034-037_SSM111 Operations.indd 34
Horizontal tracking is the
Vertical tracking is the process
(alcohol/drugs), or strong goal
process of moving the firearm
orientation despite severe trauma,
from side to side on a horizontal
such that further shots at his torso
Tracking means moving the
plane. Possible situations include
may not effectively gain control.
firearm to acquire a new sight
when engaging multiple subjects
Tracking down to the pelvic girdle
picture, most commonly vertical
who pose a threat to life and,
increases the chances of shots
or horizontal, depending on the
after firing at the most immediate
hitting and limits the subject’s
circumstances. When tracking,
threat, officers have to track to
mobility, whilst tracking up to the
move the eyes and firearm
the next most impending threat,
head is a more difficult shot but
together to maintain consistent
or when engaging a single subject
offers a high potential of control.
20/12/17 4:55 pm
034-037_SSM111 Operations.indd 35
20/12/17 4:55 pm
Another situation is when the
Static drills are important
should move only as fast as they
include turning with the whole
subject is shot and he diminishes
for marksmanship, but once
can effectively engage, with trigger
body and/or simply rotating the
in height, by bending, kneeling or
proficient, officers should
discipline until ready to shoot.
upper body only.
falling, but he continues to pose
progress to dynamic drills that
a threat to life. Vertical tracking
involve tactical decisions, such as
with balance, whilst maintaining
movement uses suppressive fire
in this case may not necessarily
movement, cover, multiple threats,
operational capability and
to decrease a subject’s ability
involve firing more rounds, but
malfunctions and officer down.
attaining accurate sight pictures,
to engage officers. It involves
may be used to cover the subject
Movement should be smooth and
is an important skill to master.
organised, coordinated movement
before taking further action.
balanced to minimise the effect
Officers may be required to
in the safety afforded by the
of body motion on the front sight.
identify and engage targets from
suppressive fire laid down on
Movement Dynamics
Keep the knees bent and posture
a variety of directions – forwards,
the subject, keeping him pinned
Movement is a critical aspect of
over the feet and transfer weight
backwards, left, right and
down and forcing him to take
operational skill development.
smoothly across the feet. Officers
diagonally. Options for turning
cover until flanking officers engage
034-037_SSM111 Operations.indd 36
The ability to turn smoothly
The concept of fire and
20/12/17 4:55 pm
him. Trigger and muzzle discipline
so suppressed that they lose sight
not likely to notice other officers
should be maintained when
of the subject. Whilst cover is the
moving off to the side where they
moving between cover positions,
best protection, officers can use
can get control. Distracting the
and officers should maintain
concealment when moving or
subject with covering fire may
good balance so they can move
taking cover to mask their actions
give officers more time to aim or
and react quickly to a threat in
from the subject.
get closer.
Tactical Options
control subjects, as they do not
disengagement, where officers
If officers come under fire, they
want to be harmed any more than
use fire and movement to cover
may all take cover until they decide
officers do. The rate of fire is also
each other and allow officers
they are not the ones being shot
important. Greater incoming fire
to tactically disengage to a safe
at. However, even once they know
is more intimidating, but if officers
distance, where they can cordon
they are not a target, they may still
run out of ammunition they are
and contain the situation and wait
be reluctant to move out of cover
not going to suppress the subject
for responding assistance.
unless required to do so. Self-
for long. By controlling the rate of
preservation is a powerful instinct
fire and firing consistently, officers
harder for the subject to track
and, under stress, officers are in
can keep from running out of
officers, giving him less of a target
pure survival mode and under
ammunition at the wrong time.
to shoot and possibly causing
control of the mid-brain.
any direction. It can also be used for tactical
Countermeasures make it
confusion. Countermeasures
Accuracy is a key factor to
Covering fire is used to
Officers should use teamwork to cooperate with each other to
do not work if officers remain
decrease subject accuracy and can
locate and suppress the subject,
stationary, so they should move
play an important role to control
make sure they do not run out
tactically in an evasive manner.
a deadly force encounter because
of ammunition at the same time
On the range, targets do not shoot
Be unpredictable. Officers should
it can deny the subject specific
and not get out-manoeuvred.
back. Shooting is a physical and
move from cover to cover and
firing requirements, such as officer
Everyone should have an area of
mental discipline that requires
return fire from a different place
location, target area and aim
responsibility they have to cover
practice in order to maintain
to where they entered. When firing
point. If the subject cannot shoot
(arcs of fire). Officers should
proficiency. Much of survival
from behind cover, change firing
accurately, it decreases the chance
know their designated arcs of fire
depends on mental preparation
positions and places. When moving
of officers getting shot. Incoming
and maintain muzzle discipline
prior to an actual situation.
under fire, zig-zag randomly.
fire tends to encourage people to
when working with other officers
Without the will to prevail,
take cover first and worry about
to ensure fellow officers are
practising tactical skills may not
accuracy second.
covered and everyone is safe from
help officers survive.
When firing around the right side of cover, brace the body on the right side, and vice versa
Preventing the subject from
indiscriminate fire. It also ensures
Firearms training should
for left, for balance and to avoid
firing is the ultimate goal of
economy of fire, as officers only
prepare officers for a critical
unnecessary body exposure. Avoid
covering fire. If the subject is
have to cover their designated
incident, but to put the odds in
creating a silhouette and look
intimidated by officer fire, then
arc, trusting that colleagues do
their favour they must prepare
around objects, not over them.
officers can move with relative
likewise. Before engaging in
properly for such an event. Train
Reload only behind full cover;
safety. Suppression means to
multiple-officer drills, officers must
beyond the simplistic qualification
if proper cover is not available,
discourage the subject from firing
learn to control their arc and rate
skills of static marksmanship and
then be mobile. If officers
accurately. It takes time to acquire
of fire.
create a plan so the event can be
remain stationary for too long,
a target and aim and, if bullets are
Combat is chaotic, so good
subjects may employ their own
hitting near him, he might not be
communication is critical. Officers
Using alternate options and simple
countermeasures, so endeavour to
willing to take that time. Accurate
should be constantly talking back
first responder guidelines can save
keep moving. Moving and firing at
fire is what prevails in a deadly
and forth, telling each other where
lives. Be prepared. n
the same time can be inaccurate
force encounter, which is why
the subject is, who is doing what,
and slow down movement whilst
marksmanship is important.
who is reloading, who is firing
being exposed. Maintain smooth,
Covering fire can force the
practiced before it even occurs.
Richard Kay is an
at who and so on. Any subject
internationally certified tactical
stable balance to give a consistent
subject to move in a certain
movement should draw counter-
instructor-trainer, Director
sight picture at all times.
way, allowing officers to deliver
fire – if the subject sticks his head
and Senior Trainer of Modern
Flanking is effective because
accurate shots, or forcing them to
up, he is shot at; if he tries to fire
Combatives, a provider of
of tunnel vision, so officers should
retreat to a position that is more
at officers, he is shot at; if he does
operational safety training for the
continue scanning all around
exposed. It can also confuse or
anything but cower, he is shot at.
public safety sector. Visit www.
to avoid this. Officers should
distract the subject from officer
maintain constant awareness of a
activity. If the subject is too busy
there may not be time for the
subject’s location and avoid getting
cowering from officer fire they are
nuances of precision shooting.
034-037_SSM111 Operations.indd 37
During a violent confrontation, for more information.
20/12/17 4:55 pm
038-041_SSM111 CCTV.indd 38
20/12/17 5:02 pm
The most difficult part in
• the scene scenario
with 3MP resolution and a
high resolution CCTV camera
• the compression level.
retention period of 30 days. The
surveillance used in critical
configuration parameters, chosen
infrastructure projects is the
The following provides examples
to provide the best monitoring
storage of incoming data from
of storage requirements when
quality, are:
cameras, especially when a long
using AXIS Design Tool and
• frame rate: 30fps
retention period is needed. The
provides a preferred design
• video encoding: H.264
size of the storage can be very high,
solution that fulfils the need
• compression: 10 percent
even for a low number of CCTV
for storage of high-quality
• recording: 24 hours per day
cameras. The storage of such data
CCTV images.
The monitoring condition for this
depends on the following factors:
The camera chosen for this
example is the Station monitoring
• the camera resolution
example is the AXIS M3106-L
scenario from AXIS Design Tool,
• the number of frames per
network camera. A total of 24
which produces the highest
cameras are used in the example,
amount of streaming data.
second (fps)
Figure 1: AXIS Design Tool – storage needed for 24 cameras at 3MP resolution and 30-day retention
038-041_SSM111 CCTV.indd 39
20/12/17 5:02 pm
CCTV According to AXIS Design Tool,
enough. The reliability can be
the required storage using 3MP
increased partially for the 24
resolution and 30-day retention is
cameras by implementing one of
one set of 3MP cameras and
another server as a safe
156TB, as shown in Figure 1. This
these arrangements:
one set of VGA cameras. The
redundant solution.
amount of data (36 hard drives
1. The cameras should be
cameras are mounted in
safe redundant solution. 2. Use two sets of cameras –
The VGA resolution data stream can be stored on
x 5TB) needs to be arranged in
configurable multi-streaming
twins and each pair consists
Using the same configuration
three RAID 5 sets, with each RAID
cameras, with one stream
of one 3MP camera and one
parameters as above, according
set consisting of 12 hard drives.
for 3MP configuration
VGA camera side by side,
to AXIS Design Tool, the required
and one stream for VGA
with the same lens and
storage for 24 cameras using
infrastructure requires a higher
configuration. The VGA
sensor characteristics so
VGA resolution and 30-day
level of reliability, so one
resolution data stream can be
the same area is monitored,
retention is 15.2TB, as shown in
CCTV data stream may not be
stored on another server as a
but at different resolutions.
Figure 2.
Dealing with critical
Figure 2: AXIS Design Tool – storage needed for 24 cameras with VGA resolution and 30-day retention
The number of hard disks
data storage. The reason for
Storage Procedure
(SSD RAID) and the tape should
required for the 156TB, 3MP
choosing SSD is the high read/
The success of this method is
be ejected and replaced with a
option is 36 (5MB) arranged in
write speeds.
related to the configuration of
new one.
• In the case of low-budget
the backup software, which
RAID 5 stores 11 x 5 = 55TB. The
conditions, one LTO-6
is the most important part in
The New Scenario
number of hard disks required for
tape drive.
implementing this method.
If the same parameters as above
The backup should start after
are used again, but the retention
conditions, one LTO-6 tape
midnight by one or two hours, but
period is changed to one day,
library that covers the
this timing can be changed after
according to AXIS Design Tool, the
retention period.
testing. It should be configured
required storage for 24 cameras
to backup only the files that have
using 3MP resolution is 5.19TB,
been created and completed
as shown in Figure 3. This is well
before the current date. For
covered by SSD hard disks 9–10TB RAID 5.
three RAID 5 sets, where each
the 15.2TB, VGA option is 5 (4MB) arranged as RAID 5, 4 x 4 = 16TB.
Preferred Method The second arrangement – using one 3MP resolution camera and
• In the case of high-budget
• The LTO-6 tape storage capacity is 6.25TB compressed.
one VGA resolution camera in each pair – is the best option for a
Required Software:
example, if the backup starts at
better redundancy level.
• A backup program, such as
2am on 20/9/17, files up to 19/9/17
Required Hardware:
• The server that is used for VGA
Arcserve from CA. • A server with 10–11 SSD (1TB) arranged in RAID 5 for
038-041_SSM111 CCTV.indd 40
should be included in the backup; any file that is still open should
resolution data storage can be
not be included. The backup files
used for the backup program.
should be deleted from the server
20/12/17 5:02 pm
Figure 3: AXIS Design Tool – storage needed for 24 cameras with 3MP resolution and 1-day retention At the beginning of the day, after
The benefits of this method:
the data has been stored in the
1. Less hard disks are required,
5. The number of CCTV cameras can easily be doubled and
backup program, process the
which means lower probability
what is required is a new SSD
backup of the stored data into the
of a hard disk crash and lower
RAID 5 set and another LTO-6
LTO-6 tape 6.25TB compressed;
power consumption.
drive with LTO-6 tape set plus
the size of this data in the SSD RAID is about 5.19TB (the daily stored data). The backup program
2. A safe copy of the tape can be created and kept in another location.
then deletes all the original files
3. It is easier to restore the data
from the SSD RAID and enough
information from any day
storage space is ready for the new
for forensic requirements
incoming data from the cameras.
without affecting the data
To cover the storing of streamed data for the whole retention period, there should
maximum frame rate and low compression. n Lamie Saif is a communication engineer, expert in CCTV
resolution server.
surveillance and computer
4. The retention period can be easily extended by increasing
retention period; in case of a 30-
the number of LTO tapes and
day retention period, 30–31 tapes
the VGA resolution server
are required.
storage capacity.
038-041_SSM111 CCTV.indd 41
data is at the highest level,
streaming into the high-end
be enough tapes to cover the
a new 5 HD x 4 TB RAID 5 set. 6. The quality of the stored
“The most difficult part in high resolution CCTV camera surveillance used in critical infrastructure projects is the storage of incoming data from cameras, especially when a long retention period is needed.”
networks and an inventor with two patents.
20/12/17 5:02 pm
042-045_SSM111 Business.indd 42
21/12/17 3:58 pm
Individual And Corporate Risks Are Not The Same In the first of a four-part series, Alex Sidorenko, founder and CEO of Risk-Academy, explains how the key to managing corporate risks is often through dealing with the individual risks of decision makers first.
042-045_SSM111 Business.indd 43
21/12/17 3:58 pm
BUSINESS If there is one thing I learned
impact the achievement of
these challenges, I aim to do
into account. This will help
in my previous role as head
strategic objectives as somewhat
the following:
to cement the message
of risk at a multibillion-dollar
remote or distant.
• Demonstrate how proactive
that risk management
sovereign investment fund, it is
The important lesson is that if
risk management can benefit
is a part of normal
that risk management is not about
risk managers want management
individuals within the firm
managing risks. It is about helping
to pay serious attention to
and solve their personal
management make strategic,
corporate risks, they should
risks. Even basic things like
corporate objectives and
operational and investment
first help them deal with their
creating a paper trail for key
KPIs are also set based on the
decisions while keeping the risks
individual or personal risks.
decisions and risks taken
outcomes of risk analysis to
in mind.
Personal risks include things
by management can protect
help make the targets more
like maintaining their area
against any future enquiries.
It sounds simple enough,
performance management. • Work with strategy to ensure
realistic and achievable.
but it is anything but. Over four
of influence, building a solid
columns, I will share four valuable
reputation, advancing their career,
policies and find out how the
roles and responsibilities
lessons about integrating risk
not losing their job and protecting
bonus payments are calculated
into existing job descriptions,
management principles and
themselves from investigations
to understand whether it
policies, procedures and
methodologies into day-to-day
or prosecution.
drives any excessively risky
committee charters to reinforce
decision making. There is a big difference
Another aspect that has a
• Review existing remuneration
behaviour and what periods
• Include risk management
ownership and accountability.
huge impact on the quality of
are particularly vulnerable. For
Risk managers need to be
between the risks that the board
decision making, and hence the
example, employees usually
prepared that some managers will
is concerned about, such as
quality of risk management,
make much riskier decisions
ignore risks and take uncalculated
corporate risks, and the risks
is remuneration policy. Many
just before bonus entitlements
risks for a reason. Therefore, it
that individual managers worry
people are driven by their
are calculated.
is critical to understand what
about – often their personal risks.
financial self-interest much
It is quite natural for humans to
more than any corporate values
resources to ensure existing
consider risks that can potentially
or best practices. This has a
individual objectives and
some practical suggestions on how
impact them personally as
huge implication on the work
key performance indicators
to overcome cognitive biases when
significant and the risks that
of risk managers. To address
(KPIs) adequately take risks
managing risks. n
042-045_SSM111 Business.indd 44
• Work with human
motivates each individual. In my next column, I will share
21/12/17 3:58 pm
042-045_SSM111 Business.indd 45
21/12/17 3:58 pm
046-051_SSM111 Cover Story.indd 46
21/12/17 3:37 pm
Economist Richard Thaler and
Tversky, flipped this whole idea
simple changes, called “nudges”,
that the motivation to avoid loss
psychology professor Daniel
on its head. Through a series of
can make huge differences when
is often twice as strong as the
Kahneman have something very
research studies, they showed
it comes to purchasing behaviour.
motivation to gain a reward.
unique in common. Besides both
that consumers are mere humans,
They cited an example from a
In the new method, exercisers
being authors of best-selling
who do not always behave in ways
school canteen seeking to address
commit to hand over a sum
books, they are both recipients
that reflect a rational, considered
the unhealthy food choices
of money (for example, $100)
of the Nobel Prize in Economic
decision-making process. Rather,
typically made by students.
if they do not adhere to their
Sciences, reflecting their
they often make decisions that are
contributions to the advancement
specifically irrational with regard
their customers to make better
specified amount of weight. Since
of the field. It makes sense that
to their longer term economic,
meal choices for the sake of their
the motivation to avoid losing
an esteemed economist could be
financial or security interests.
longer term health, a hard sell
the money is so strong, people
recognised in this way, but how on
They are susceptible to making
to hungry teenagers in any case,
are more likely to comply with
earth does a psychology professor
errors based on cognitive or
canteen staff took a different
their exercise programs under
win a Nobel prize in economics
emotional responses. The good
approach. They made subtle
these conditions.
and what could either of these
news is that we are not just stupid
changes to the way the food
From the Nudge Unit that
people have to do with security?
when it comes to decision making;
options were presented, like
was initially set up as part of
we are predictably stupid.
varying the order of the menu, or
the Cabinet Office in the UK
rearranging the display so that
government, to creative marketing
Their contribution to the field of economics comes down, most
It was Kahneman and Tversky
Rather than trying to convince
exercise regime and lose a
simply, to consumer decision
who introduced us to the term
healthier options were positioned
agencies applying the principles
making. Traditionally, economists
“behavioural economics”, setting
at eye level, to nudge customers
of behavioural economics to sell
went about their field of study
the stage for a huge paradigm shift
toward making healthier choices.
more products, nudge tactics
working to the theoretical
and changing the way economists
In another example, Thaler
assumption that consumers make
thought about economics. Thaler
and Sunstein applied Kahneman
to affect the way that people
decisions by carefully weighing
took the concept a step further
and Tversky’s concept of loss
make decisions.
the pros and cons, the costs
and coined the term “choice
aversion (described later)
and benefits of each decision,
architecture” to describe the
to propose a better solution
architecture is fancy and you
and choosing to maximise their
process by which designers can
for weight loss than positive
are looking for extra titles to add
chances of success. Decision
influence decision makers by
reinforcement. Rather than
to your CV, you too can quite
making was thought to be a
manipulating the way that choices
rewarding exercisers for
easily become a choice architect.
rational, considered process.
are presented to them.
adherence to their routine and
According to Thaler, “If anything
kilograms lost per week, they
you do influences the way people
And then along came Daniel
In his best-selling book Nudge,
are being used across the globe
If you think the term choice
Kahneman who, together with
Thaler, together with co-author
devised an alternate intervention
choose, then you are a choice
his late research partner Amos
Cass Sunstein, explained how
based on the understanding
046-051_SSM111 Cover Story.indd 47
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COVER STORY Why does our Brain do Dumb things? The simple answer to why our brain makes mistakes is because it is trying to help us. It is trying to make our lives easier by taking the quickest, most efficient path to finding a solution. Unfortunately, this comes at a cost of our more composed and calculated cognitive processes, so we make errors. It is the equivalent of when we say something offensive or unintentional in the heat of the moment, and then when we are calm we say, “I can’t believe I said that”. We make mistakes because we are operating on a different system, and when our slower rational system kicks in, we cannot believe how dumb we have been. In Kahneman’s 2011 book Thinking Fast and Slow, he described the two systems of decision making. System 1 is the fast, impulsive system and System 2 is the slower, more deliberative system. From a neuroscientific perspective, these systems reflect different operations of the brain. When information first enters the brain, it does so via the limbic system. The thalamus receives sensory information from the nervous system and its job is to classify it as either safe or threatening, with the help of another brain structure called the hippocampus, which has the task of applying memory and context to identify the incoming information. When the sensory information is perceived as threatening, System 1 is activated. We go into survival mode and blood flows to the parts of our brain responsible for rational thinking and problem solving; decision making is compromised. We are more susceptible to making errors because we are simply not working to our full cognitive capacity. Our brain is focused on
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COVER STORY doing what it was designed to do –
happening to us in the air are
protect us from harm. In its search
greater than they are, because it
for any information that will help
just happened it is more readily
to reach a solution as quickly as
available in our mind. If a close
possible, we resort to heuristics.
friend or colleague’s computer
These are shortcuts that our
contracts a virus, we are more
brains take to solving a problem,
likely to take action to mitigate
but they are not particularly
the risk ourselves, because we
trustworthy. The more uncertain
can easily recall an instance of a
the situation, the more likely
security breach close to home.
we are to engage in this style of thinking. On the other hand, once our
Social proof Social proof draws on our innate
hippocampus is able to apply
human desire to connect to
context and mitigate any threat,
others. We are more likely to
we are free to engage in System
make a choice if we have seen
2 thinking. Blood flows to the
all our friends do it – it is the
prefrontal cortex and we can think
herd mentality. In the absence
clearly, logically and carefully to
of adequate information about a
make smarter decisions.
product or problem, we will likely
With this knowledge, designers
default to whatever our friends,
can apply the principles and
or people like us, are doing,
theories of choice architecture
because we figure they either
to not only change the way they
must know something we do not,
present their product to the
or if it turns out we are wrong,
consumer, but also to understand
we can share the blame.
why people make decisions that are, in the term given to us by
Temporal discounting
Duke University Professor of
We tend to overvalue things that
Behavioural Economics Dan
present an immediate solution
Ariely, “predictably irrational”.
and discount the value of things that present a reward further into
How Irrational are We?
the future. Superannuation is a
In our everyday lives, we succumb
the problem of temporal
to a range of heuristics, or
discounting – it is very hard to
cognitive biases, that inform our
convince people to put money
decision-making process. The list
away for their retirement when
of heuristics is constantly growing,
they are 30 years old and they
but here are a few of the most
would really like to spend their
common ones we hear talked
money on a relaxing vacation.
about in this space.
We figure everything will be
good example that counteracts
alright when we are older, so Availability bias
we would prefer to reap the
This refers to the tendency to
benefits now even at the sacrifice
believe that the more easily we
of our future wellbeing. Anyone
can think of something happening,
who has seen the famous
the more frequent it must be.
marshmallow experiment has
After the Malaysian Airlines Flight
seen the dilemma we face when
370 went missing, airline concerns
presented with one marshmallow
and flight phobias were at an
now, or the potential to earn two
all-time high because people could
marshmallows if we can wait 15
easily recall an instance of flying
minutes. The struggle that we
gone wrong. We quickly believe
go through to choose rationally
that the chances of something
over emotionally is evidently
046-051_SSM111 Cover Story.indd 50
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displayed through this example.
Application to Security
gets plenty of media attention,
Taking shortcuts to ensure
In what may seem like a major
so it is easily recallable and
our immediate security at the
contradiction, a signal of a
prominent in our minds in
expense of our future security
healthy functioning brain is
the days that follow. That is
is common.
its ability to deceive us, or to
availability bias.
maintain what are referred to as “cognitive illusions”. These
person into your building via
This refers to the fact that even
illusions serve to motivate us by
the secret backdoor so they can
though we like to feel that we
encouraging us to believe that we
help you fix an IT issue, without
have the right to express our
are in control of things we are
considering the impact of a
freedom of choice when it comes
really not in control of, and that
possible future security breach –
to making a decision, by being
we are all generally happier than
that is temporal discounting.
exposed to every option available,
most other people.
it is actually really distressing to
Using the same password for all your accounts because you
are disproportionately affected
figure the chances of it being
up less likely to make a decision
by one major cognitive error:
uncovered and used against
and less satisfied with our
unrealistic optimism. This is
you are very slim – that is
choice if we do end up making
the belief that more good things
unrealistic optimism.
one. Consumers need to feel
are likely to happen to us in the
that they have the opportunity
future than bad, and that bad
we are humans. And we will
to see everything on offer, but
things are more likely to happen
fall victim to cognitive biases
narrowing the selection for them
to other people than to us.
and heuristics, often at the
that a decision will be made.
So, when it comes to being
We are not rational actors,
times when we are under most
robbed, having our passwords
pressure to make the ‘correct’
hacked, or having our identity
decision. So, what do you do
Loss aversion
stolen, we are all driven to do
about it? Armed with this
Even though we really like to win
little by way of prevention by
knowledge, how can you become
things, not losing is actually better.
insisting that these things will
an architect of choice to improve
This is best illustrated in a study
only happen to everyone else.
the security and wellbeing of
by Kahneman and Tversky where
Security, as essentially a fear-
those around you? n
they showed that if a person
based industry, drives us toward
loses $10, giving them back $10
making more emotional, less
Want to learn more? Download
does not equalise their emotional
rational decisions – to System
the Bad Decisions podcast from the
state, even if their bank balance is
1 thinking.
iTunes store, where Dr Weinberg
neutralised. Experiments showed
046-051_SSM111 Cover Story.indd 51
When it comes to security, we
have too much choice and we end
makes it a whole lot more likely
Letting an unauthorised
Choice paradox
Everyone thinks the likelihood
and her co-host, Dan Monheit,
that after losing $10, it took a gain
of a terrorist attack occurring is
explore why we choose what we
of $20 to recover the emotional
stronger immediately following
choose, why we think what we
loss and restore a person’s mood
another terrorist attack – it is an
think, and how to exploit this stuff
to where it was before the loss.
emotionally charged event that
for fun and commercial gains.
21/12/17 3:37 pm
Many people involved in the
only has effect or is enforceable
maker with a certificate stating
lack capacity another day due to
security industry face greater risks
upon the death of the will maker.
that it is his opinion that the will
the course of his illness, his level
maker does or does not have the
of medication, his exposure to a
requisite capacity to validly make
particular medical treatment and
seemed relevant to write an article
Point 2 – Who Cannot Make a Will?
a will.
other matters.
about how a person can plan for
Generally speaking, a will cannot
If the will maker lacks such
the distribution and allocation
be made by:
capacity, it is not lawful for him
is that the will maker has
of assets, liabilities and financial
• a minor (person under the age
to make a will. That is, if he
capacity both:
proceeded to make a will, it could
• at the time of providing
of premature death than people who work in other industries, so it
resources upon his or her death. To provide readers with a basic understanding about wills
of 18 years); or • a person who lacks the capacity to make a will.
and issues to look out for, I will address some major points of interest, as they relate to Victoria, that tend to come up in repeat enquiries from clients.
Point 3 – How is a Person’s Capacity Relevant to Making a Will?
Hence, what is important
be challenged as being invalid
instructions about how he
due to his incapacity at the time of
wishes his will to dispose of
making it.
his assets and liabilities (and
In addition to medical evidence, lawyers are required to make their own assessment as to
hence how the will should be drafted); and • at the time of signing the will
whether a will maker does or does
and hence giving effect to
Where there is some concern
not have the capacity to make
those wishes.
into two parts; part 2 will be
about a will maker’s ‘capacity’ to
a will. In some cases, a medical
published in the next issue of
provide instructions about how
certificate may be provided
Security Solutions Magazine.
his will should be drafted and to
(which states that the will maker
Let’s get started with
understand the consequences of
had capacity at the time of the
Point 4 – Signing and Witnessing Requirements
those instructions, it is prudent
medical assessment), but the
Normally, for a will to be valid
to obtain some medical evidence
lawyer nevertheless assesses the
it has to comply with various
about the will maker’s capacity to
client as lacking capacity at the
statutory requirements pertinent
validly make a will.
particular time that the client
to the state in which it is made. In
attempts to provide instructions
Victoria, it must be:
The article has been divided
discussing what a will actually is.
Point 1 – What is a Will? A will is a document that sets
The starting point should be
out instructions about how the
for the will maker to have his GP
about what he wants to happen
• in writing; and
will maker wishes to dispose of
make that assessment (if the will
with his estate.
• signed by the will maker or
his assets (items of property),
maker clearly has full capacity) or
liabilities (debts) and financial
otherwise for the GP to refer the
uncommon because there are
resources (right to receive a
person to a specialist doctor, such
various degrees of incapacity
benefit which is not yet property,
as a geriatrician, to carry out an
and degrees of capacity can also
such as superannuation, pensions
assessment. The relevant doctor
change over time. A will maker
and the like) upon his death. A will
should then provide the will
may be lucid one day and then
052-053_SSM111 Legal Q and A.indd 52
This situation is not that
someone on his behalf; and • signed by the person with the will maker’s intention of executing a will; and • signed by or on behalf of the will maker in the presence of
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two or more witnesses, who
Secondly, that same exception
must be present at the same
also applies to a clause under an
time (hence, there needs to be
existing pre-marriage will which
at least three people present at
appoints the future spouse as an
the same time, including the
executor under the existing pre-
will maker); and
marriage will. The marriage of
• attested and signed in the
the will maker and executor will
presence of the will maker by
not then revoke the clause which
at least two of the witnesses,
appointed the future spouse as
but not necessarily in the
an executor.
presence of each other.
Also, if a new will is
It is easy for any one of the
established to have been made
above requirements to be
in contemplation of marriage
or in his or her favour a power
the will, it is clear that it was the
overlooked and to result in a will
and hence in the context that the
of appointment, except where
will maker’s intention at the time
inadvertently being invalid.
will maker will be marrying a
the power of appointment can
of making his will that the act of
particular person, then the actual
be used by the divorced spouse
divorce should not affect those
marriage, in those circumstances,
in favour of children of the will
clauses of his will which relate to
would not have the effect of
maker and the divorced spouse;
his former spouse.
revoking the will.
Point 5 – What Effect does Marriage have on a Will? The general rule under Victorian
The best way of guarding
• it revokes any clause which
In the next issue, we will look at issues around the consequences
legislation is that an existing
against the risk of a pre-marriage
appoints the divorced spouse as
of an invalid will, why some wills
will is revoked by the marriage
will being revoked by marriage
an executor, trustee, advisory
get challenged, how to prevent a
of the will maker. For example,
is to include a clause in the will
trustee or guardian, except
will being challenged and why such
if the will maker (person A)
which states that the will is made
where it appoints the divorced
challeges are often settled out of
made a will prior to marriage
in contemplation of the future
spouse to be the trustee of
court. n
which appointed his siblings as
marriage of the will maker to the
property which is to be held
his executors and beneficiaries
particular person. That way, it is
upon trust for beneficiaries
under the pre-marriage will,
clear on the face of the existing
which include children
director and a lawyer from
then upon marrying his spouse
pre-marriage will that the will
of the will maker and the
Victorian Legal Solutions Pty Ltd.
(person B), the existing pre-
maker had fully considered the
divorced spouse.
She practises in commercial law,
marriage will would be revoked
consequences of marriage and had
Again, there is an exception to
including commercial litigation and
and hence not operate as a valid
made decisions about who were to
this general rule if it is clear that
other areas. Anna and Victorian
will. Therefore, if person A died
be the executors and beneficiaries
the will maker did not wish for
Legal Solutions can be contacted
after marriage but before making
under the pre-marriage will with
clauses in a pre-divorce will which
by telephone on (03) 9872 4381 or
a new will (a post-marriage or ‘in
that in mind. This removes the
related to the divorced spouse to
0419 229 142 or by email at info@
contemplation of marriage’ will),
potential argument that the will
be revoked.
then person A would potentially
maker in fact wanted to benefit
die intestate. The consequences of
other people and not those stated
the will maker (person A) intended
taken to ensure its accuracy, the
dying intestate will be discussed
in his latest will, but just failed to
to divorce person B, person A
information contained in this
later in this article.
get around to formally changing
nevertheless wished to either
article is intended to be used as a
his will.
appoint person B as an executor
general guide only and should not
and/or trustee under the will and/or
be interpreted as being specific
as a beneficiary under the will. In
advice, legal or otherwise. The
such a case, the mere act of divorce
reader should seek professional
possible. However, there are
Point 6 – What Effect does Divorce have on a Will?
would not revoke those clauses of
advice from a suitably qualified
some exceptions to that general
Generally speaking, under
the will which relate to person B.
practitioner before relying upon
rule. Firstly, if a will made prior
Victorian law, the divorce of the
However, the best way of
any of the information contained
to marriage contains a clause
will maker has the following
guarding against the risk of divorce
herein. This article and the opinions
which states that the future
consequences on a will made by
affecting clauses of an existing will
contained in it represent the
spouse is a beneficiary under the
the will maker prior to the divorce:
which relate to the will maker’s
opinions of the author and do not
existing pre-marriage will, then
• it revokes any clause which
former spouse is to state, at the
necessarily represent the views
This means that upon marrying, a person with an existing will should generally make a new will as soon as
By way of example, even though
Anna Richards is the legal
Whilst every effort has been
that particular clause will not
benefits the divorced spouse;
time of making the will, that it is
or opinions of Interactive Media
be revoked upon the will maker
contemplated at that time that
Solutions Pty Ltd or any advertiser
the will maker and spouse may
or other contributor to Security
divorce. That way, on the face of
Solutions Magazine.
and beneficiary/future spouse getting married.
052-053_SSM111 Legal Q and A.indd 53
• it revokes any clause which grants to the divorced spouse
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054-057_SSM111 Article 2.indd 54
20/12/17 5:23 pm
There Are Many, and They May Be More Dangerous Than the Men BY ANNE SPECKHARD, PH.D. & ARDIAN SHAJKOVCI, PH.D. / FROM DAILY BEAST
This report from the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism raises frightening questions about women returning from the ‘caliphate’ – if they can return at all.
BRUSSELS – When she was
with their male counterparts, was
Laura Passoni was abandoned
have been beheaded, and she
rooted in grave concern about al-
by the father of her young son.
would have been returned to
Assad’s sheer brutality in Syria,
Determined to deepen her
Raqqa, then forced into marriage
and in response to the political
expression of faith and in hopes of
with another fighter. Other
impasse in the country.
attracting a man who would keep
women who have tried to escape
his commitments to marital and
have been raped and in some
by ISIS’s, and before that al-
family life, Laura responded by
cases murdered by smugglers,
Qaeda’s, narrative that Islam,
putting up a more devout Facebook
according to the accounts of eye
Muslim people, and Muslim lands
profile, and very quickly she was
witnesses in our ISIS Defectors
are under attack by Western
contacted by an ISIS recruiter.
Interview Project.
powers and that a defensive jihad
Passoni’s story follows
Others were already incited
is necessary.
would never leave her, a home
patterns similar to those of
in Syria, training as a nurse, and
many women who join ISIS. The
by graphic YouTube videos of
a good school for her toddler.
path to violence almost always
real suffering and injustices
Broken-hearted and wanting to
involves the classic interaction of
perpetrated against Muslims
believe, Passoni agreed to embark
four important factors: a group,
worldwide under dictators
on a journey to the Islamic State.
its ideology, social support,
propped up by Western powers.
and personal motivations and
The psychological impact of
State was far from what she had
vulnerabilities. But there are also,
images of wars prosecuted by
envisioned, however. She ended
commonly, more specific reasons.
Westerners combined with
Her induction into the Islamic
up staying in a “sisters’ house”
One is political outrage. Many
These women were lured
civilian casualties may have
while her husband went off
Muslim women as well as men
played an important role in their
to receive sharia training and
around the globe witnessed
decision to try to help defend
become a fighter. Passoni became
the whole of Syria collapse into
the weak.
deeply disappointed as she found
anarchy and violence under
herself confined at home while
Bashar al-Assad. They grew
judgment, women and girls
her husband was away battling
furious watching al-Assad’s
often make their assessments
for the group. None of the ISIS
scorched earth policy towards
more relationally than men, and
recruitment promises materialised
not only opposing combatants
may judge what might normally
– no nurse training and no riches.
but also against Syrian civilians.
be defined as an immoral act
That these atrocities continue
to be moral if it saves a life,
to convince her husband to join
to this day and often are just as
particularly the life of someone
her in an effort to flee, and with
brutal as what ISIS does to local
to whom a woman is related to.
the help of smugglers the little
populations that defy its rule is
family of three found its way back
not lost on potential recruits. The
successful at garnering loyalties
to Belgium.
motivation for some women who
in support of a transnational
Eventually, Passoni managed
054-057_SSM111 Article 2.indd 55
joined early in the conflict, as
her husband most likely would
He promised her a man who
If they had been caught,
just 19, and a convert to Islam,
In fact, in studies of moral
ISIS and al-Qaeda have been
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FEATURE ummah (Muslim community) and building up the idea of a greater family (fictive kin, in the jargon of social science) through the formation of the so-called Islamic Caliphate. They have been successful tapping into various dimensions of populism and promote a doctrine that not only attempts to play on Muslim sentiments worldwide but also unifies Muslim demands against a common enemy – the West. Add to the mix the complex discourse on marginalisation and discrimination of Muslim women in the West. Women in Europe who want to wear headscarves or niqab (full-face covering), or a burkini for that matter, may find themselves on the wrong side of the law in some countries. They also may be sidelined in the workplace or passed over for jobs. Some may be harassed on the streets. Recruiters who are promising female empowerment and emancipation, both political and economic, can be very persuasive to women who are feeling disillusioned and distressed by living in the West. They are told of a utopian state where all Muslims are included and where being a Muslim is an advantage versus a disadvantage; where personal dignity, honour, purpose, significance, and the material benefits of free housing, job training, free health care, matchmaking and salaries are promised to all who join. For many women who join ISIS, the geographical relocation to Syria and Iraq serves as an attractive escape from personal and emotional problems – for example an overbearing, violent, and drunk father or husband – or the inability to attract a man considered a proper mate. Until very recently, when it started losing significant swaths of territories in Iraq and Syria,
054-057_SSM111 Article 2.indd 56
20/12/17 5:23 pm
ISIS claimed to embody the
her child and nurse it, for, as
actualisation of Islamic ideals.
they texted, “The baby is ours.”
Women were invited to join in
She eventually made it out with
hopes they could win forgiveness
the child.
Anne Speckhard, Ph.D.
who has seriously “sinned” could
ICSVE researchers have been
redeem him or herself by joining
able to compile, foreign women
the Islamic State and, best of all,
who join ISIS return at a much
by volunteering for a suicide
lower rate than men. It is
ISIS internet recruiters such as
Defectors: Inside Stories of the
mission. There is nothing like
unlikely that’s because they
Umm Laith and Bird of Janna
Terrorist Caliphate; Undercover
“martyrdom” to guarantee to the
want to remain with the group.
[Paradis], they likely believed
Jihadi; and Warrior Princess.
person who comes to believe in it
It probably reflects the fact that
they were embarking on a
Dr. Speckhard has interviewed
an immediate place in paradise.
it is difficult for a woman to
romantic and heroic venture
nearly 500 terrorists, their
escape ISIS with no money of
to better the world and find
family members and supporters
to be coerced, or even forced,
her own, living constantly under
unconditional love, trust and
in various parts of the world
into following their men into
the control of men, going outside
loyalty. Promises of an Islamic
including Gaza, West Bank,
Islamic State. In some cases, fears
the house only with difficulty,
life, riches, and torrid love affairs
Chechnya, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey
of abandonment, loyalty, and
then facing the depredations
are common fare among male
and many countries in Europe.
coercion do play a role.
of smugglers once they are on
and female Internet recruiters.
In 2007, she was responsible
for their sins and thus attain
Laila, fortunately, did not face
paradise when they pass into the
the fate of many women who are
next life.
smuggled alone back to safety –
According to the caliphate’s preaching, any man or woman
Women are often believed
Such is the case of a European we’ll call Laila. When her fiancé
rape and coercion by criminals. According to the statistics
their way. Women who have borne
French journalist Anna Erelle,
is Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University in the School of Medicine and Director of the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) where she heads the Breaking the ISIS Brand – ISIS Defectors Interviews Project. She is the author of: Talking to Terrorists, Bride of ISIS and coauthor of ISIS
for designing the psychological
posing as a younger vulnerable
and Islamic challenge aspects
first flew to Istanbul to join the
children inside ISIS territory
teen, was contacted by a French
of the Detainee Rehabilitation
Islamic State, she turned him
have encountered difficulties
fighter the same day she posted
Program in Iraq to be applied to
in to police. Laila thought she
escaping with their children,
his video on her fake Facebook
over 20,000 detainees and 800
had saved him from going to
who lack officially recognised
profile. Internet relationships
juveniles. Her publications are
ISIS, only to find out after her
identity documents. A Belgian
can easily provide frequent
found here:https://georgetown.
marriage that he had not given
ISIS mother, for instance,
contact and convey caring and
up his dream.
contacted her consulate in
real intimacy. Her recruiter
Turkey before attempting to
dogged her constantly, Skyping,
her with the difficult choice
escape ISIS territory, only to
texting and talking with her
the Director of Research and a
of divorce if she refused to let
be told that her husband, the
multiple times a day. To a lonely
Senior Research Fellow at the
him join ISIS, or, as he told her,
father of her babies, would
and confused young woman, this
International Center for the Study
“being a good Muslim wife who
also need to be present to
can be an intoxicating amount
of Violent Extremism (ICSVE). He
supports and follows the lead
apply for and receive papers
of attention. Internet recruiters
has been collecting interviews
of her husband.” Hoping that it
for her children. She decided
often talk to them more than
with ISIS defectors and studying
would be all he believed it could
to stay put rather than attempt
their own family members,
their trajectories into and out of
be, she followed him.
escape with no certainty of
honing in on vulnerabilities
terrorism, as well as training key
ensuring her children’s eventual
and needs.
stakeholders in law enforcement,
Laila’s husband presented
Laila’s husband was killed,
Ardian Shajkovci, Ph.D. is
leaving her pregnant and
documentation according to
fearing she would be forced,
interviews we conducted in
at some of the other motivating
countering violent extremism
like other ISIS widows, to marry
Belgium last year.
factors that lead women to join
professionals on the use of
ISIS as well as what can and
counter-narrative messaging
another fighter. Laila’s father
ISIS has managed to attract
In the next issue, we will look
intelligence, educators, and other
courageously struggled to hire a
both adults and teen girls.
should be done with returning
materials produced by ICSVE both
series of smugglers to get her out
Schoolgirls from London to
female recruits. n
locally and internationally. He is
before her baby was born inside
Scotland to the Netherlands to
the Islamic State, and she agreed.
Kyrgyzstan have run away to
The full article is available
holds a doctorate in Public Policy
But as she began her perilous
ISIS. Some were enamored of
from Daily Beast http://www.
and Administration, with a focus
road to freedom, ISIS, realising
adventure and excited by men
on Homeland Security Policy,
she was on the run, messaged
who lured them with promises
from Walden University. He is
her parents demanding that she
of romance.
also an adjunct professor teaching
counterterrorism courses.
return to the group to first bear
054-057_SSM111 Article 2.indd 57
Turning to the blog posts of
fluent in several languages. He
20/12/17 5:23 pm
058-061_SSM111 Article 3.indd 58
21/12/17 10:34 am
HELD AT RANSOM How To Keep You And Your Business Safe From A Ransomware Attack BY GARRY BARNES
cybercrime. Juniper Research
What is Cyberextortion and Ransomware?
(2015) estimates the cost of
Cyberextortion is an attack or
cybercrime will climb to an
threat that is tied to a demand
estimated US $2.1 trillion by
for money to prevent or stop the
2019, far exceeding the revenue
attack. Cybercriminals implement
generated by more traditional
ransomware that encrypts data
criminal activity, such as the drug
on files, preventing users from
trade, estimated at US $600 billion
gaining access. The ransomware
(James, 2015).
contains a demand for payment
Every day, people are bombarded with more news about
According to Kaspersky
to unlock the system. These
ransomware attacks targeting
payments are routed through
organisations tripled from
untraceable digital currencies, via
January to September 2016,
SMS, Bitcoin or simply using cash
affecting one in every five
transfer systems.
businesses worldwide. They
058-061_SSM111 Article 3.indd 59
to obtain the decryption key
Lab (2016), the number of
Surprisingly, many enterprises
estimated a ransomware attack on
and individuals pay the
businesses occurred once every
ransom, finding it cheaper and
40 seconds, and for consumers
timelier than trying to break
once every 10 seconds.
the encryption, only to find out
21/12/17 10:34 am
that payment of the ransom
Cybercriminals use a variety
does not always guarantee the
of techniques, including social
cybercriminals will provide the
engineering, email and web pop-
decryption key. The IBM X-Force
ups. The CTB-Locker, discovered
Ransomware report issued in
by McAfee in 2015, led to a rise
December 2016 found 70 percent
in attacks, using malware as a
of US businesses paid hackers
common distribution method,
to regain access to their files.
as well as enabling it to be easily
The majority of these businesses
added to phishing campaigns.
paid more than US $10,000 and
Recently, ransomware has been
20 percent paid more than US
detected in content management
systems, such as Joomla! and
Currently, ransomware
WordPress. And the SynoLocker
cybercriminals are targeting
strain of ransomware targets
the desktop and Android phone
network storage devices.
devices of both individuals and
being paid. But do not be fooled
Protecting your Business from becoming a Victim of Cyberextortion
that this is not happening on
There are a number of
Australian shores. In 2016,
requirements businesses and IT
TrendMicro reported more than
professionals should consider and
1.1 million ransomware threats
understand in order to protect
were detected in Australia from
the most valuable assets and data
January to June.
from being stolen. Education
organisations in North America and Europe, where there is a higher likelihood of the ransom
058-061_SSM111 Article 3.indd 60
21/12/17 10:34 am
and security awareness training
regularly – patch on a regular,
Keeping current with the
is also needed throughout the
organisationally defined basis.
latest threats and updating the
organisation so that employees are
8. Apply distributed denial of
incident response plan and
vigilant and cautious with links
service (DDoS) armour – invest
security awareness training is
and attachments in unsolicited
in DDoS attack protection
just as important as updating
emails, and avoid clicking on pop-
to be able to absorb DDoS
quarterly sales forecasts and
ups on websites.
attacks without significant
business plans. n
In conjunction with ISACA’s Cybercrime: Defending Your
system degradation. 9. Develop an enterprise incident
For a full list of
Enterprise white paper released
response plan – create a plan
references, email admin@
earlier this year, here is a top 10
and exercise it regularly across
list to minimise the risk:
all departments to ensure
1. Know what constitutes your
effective communication and
lead, Governance Advisory at
enterprise data – understand
maintain basic continuity
Vital Interacts (Australia). He has
the data that you own and
of operations.
more than 20 years of experience
what is at risk. 2. Back up enterprise data – then back it up again. Create
10. Use a web pop-up blocker
in information and IT security, IT
to prevent clicking on
audit and risk management and
infected ads.
governance, having worked in a number of New South Wales public
data backups regularly. After
storage device until backing
What to do if your Business has been Attacked
up again, or consider using the
Hopefully, with the processes
cloud to backup data.
and protocols in place, your
successfully backing up the data, disconnect the backup
3. Conduct re-occurring
another statistic or make headline
– implement brief quarterly
news. However, if an employee
blocks of training that focus
at your business is successfully
on preventing phishing,
targeted, a quick response is
waterholing and other social
needed by the employee, hence
engineering attacks.
the value of security awareness
4. Restrict network access
training. Your organisation will
according to the principle of
need to activate its incident
least privilege – ensure that
response plan, including alerting
administrators and employees
the service desk so it can contain
only have access and privileges
the impact and prevent others in
on the network that are
your business from falling victim.
necessary for them to perform
The IT professionals will also need
their jobs.
to initiate recovery of data from backup and restoration of the
technical tools to mitigate
operation system and applications
intrusions – ensure the use
from a reliable copy, once the
of robust firewalls, intrusion
attack has been isolated and
detection systems, end-
thoroughly cleansed.
point protection and antivirus technology. 6. Evaluate security settings
Over the last 25 years, cybercrime silently evolved from an abstract idea into tangible,
of web browsers and email
real threats to corporations. Until
software to ensure that they
global cooperation from both
provide an appropriate level
public and private sectors can
of security to meet business
adequately combat cybercrime,
requirements (e.g. auto
just as businesses capitalise
scanning of all attachments
and use technology to enhance
and whitelisting websites).
services and remain competitive,
7. Update software patches
058-061_SSM111 Article 3.indd 61
sector agencies and in banking and consulting.
organisation will not become
security awareness training
5. Employ the appropriate
Garry Barnes is practice
so too will cybercriminals.
21/12/17 10:34 am
062-065_SSM111 Aviation.indd 62
21/12/17 11:21 am
I have been in the interesting
aircraft to Tunis, but the Tunisian
position of going to both the US
authorities refused permission to
and Israeli air marshal schools,
land and the aircraft eventually
not as a student but as a member
returned to Beirut where the
of the team sent by the Australian
terrorists released the passengers
Government to assess the training
and destroyed the aircraft.
provided. It was not long after
So, why is this an interesting
September 11 and other countries
incident in a discussion about
also sent teams to look at these
air marshals? I cannot recall the
organisations, especially Israel’s
number of Jordanian air marshals
program. We met up with teams
on the aircraft, but I think there
from Europe and Asia, so I got
were about eight of them. They
quite a cross-section of the air
were quickly identified, captured
marshal community. Our hosts
and tortured to surrender the
were more than happy to show off
location of automatic weapons
their programs and facilities. I am
onboard the aircraft.
not going to give any confidential
Another incident of interest is
information, but I want to
El Al Flight 219 from Schiphol to
discuss the effectiveness of air
New York on 6 September 1970.
marshal programs.
That aircraft had armed Israeli
On 11 June 1985, Fawaz
security officers on board and
Younis, a Shiite Muslim, hijacked
an ‘interesting’ aircraft captain,
Royal Jordanian Airlines Flight
Uri Bar-Lev. Israeli airport
402 at Beirut Airport. In 1985,
security were suspicious of four
the presence of Palestinians in
passengers – two Senegalese
Lebanon was the cause of some
and two Honduran. The two
tension. At a meeting in Tunis that
Senegalese were barred from the
week, the Arab League passed a
aircraft and the two Honduran
resolution calling for a ceasefire
were to be subjected to additional
in and around Palestinian districts
inspection, but that did not
besieged by Shiite militiamen on
happen. Captain Bar-Lev was still
the outskirts of Beirut and for
suspicious and told one of the
the withdrawal of the Shiites. In
security officers that he wanted
protest, Younis intended to fly the
him on the flight deck rather
062-065_SSM111 Aviation.indd 63
21/12/17 11:21 am
than sitting in first class. The
be taken, so he told the security
his return to Israel – apart from
would have been successful even if
security officer objected that this
officer to strap himself in and put
diverging from standard operating
no security officers were present.
was contrary to normal operating
the aircraft into a negative g dive
procedures (SOPs) and disobeying
procedures, or maybe he was not
and, when he pulled out of the dive,
a direct order from Israeli
happened so long ago as
keen on giving up his comfy seat
the security officer rushed into
authorities, his diversion to London
examples? To be honest, it is
for an uncomfortable jump seat. As
the main cabin, killed the terrorist
meant that a very high-value
because there have not been
the aircraft climbed from Schiphol,
with the handgun and arrested
terrorist was surrendered to the UK
many worthy examples since
the Honduran passengers, armed
the other – Leila Khaled, a famous
authorities and they released her
then – and that is not because of
with hand grenades and a pistol,
Palestinian terrorist, who had
within days as part of their own
successful air marshal programs.
demanded access to the flight
passed out. Unfortunately, the head
hostage negotiations.
You could argue that Israel’s
deck. Standard procedure for most
flight attendant had charged the
airlines at that time was to obey
hijackers and been shot multiple
story and, on the face of it, a
there is no evidence that others
hijackers so that the pilot did not
times. Captain Bar-Lev then
successful air marshal operation.
are. The US Federal Aviation
further endanger the passengers.
disobeyed instructions from Israel
However, if you think about it,
Administration (FAA) say that
As I said, Captain Bar-Lev was an
and took his aircraft to London to
the air marshal was incidental
within the US there are about
interesting captain and he decided
save the life of his flight attendant.
to the success of the operation. It
5,000 aircraft in the sky at any
that he would not let his aircraft
Captain Bar-Lev was censured on
is arguable that Captain Bar-Lev
given time and an average of
062-065_SSM111 Aviation.indd 64
Again, reasonably interesting
Why pick incidents that
program is successful, but
21/12/17 11:21 am
that, within the US, they could
marshals are worth the effort, but
we were given quite a lot of
only cover a few hundred flights
for others I am not so sure. I am of
souvenirs, including badges. We
each day.
the school that says you should put
went to Washington and were to
all your efforts into not allowing
depart from there. My souvenirs,
arrests? Well, no. On average,
weapons onto the aircraft. A
including the FAM badge, were
US FAMs make a little over four
report by the US Transport
in my carry-on baggage and a
arrests each year – that is not each
Security Administration (TSA) on
screening agent opened my bag,
FAM makes four arrests; combined
6 December 2017 indicated that
looked inside and quickly closed
they only make four arrests!
the TSA, screening passengers
it. When I could not find my
nationwide, had found 3,733 guns
passport in my pocket and said
each year is not bad? Well, no.
this year, well above 2016’s total
to the other guy travelling with
Most of the people arrested are
of 3,391.
me that I could not find it, the
Even so, they make plenty of
Stopping four terrorist attacks
unruly passengers and one wag
Between 80 and 90 percent of
screening agent, in a voice loud
indicated that there are more
those weapons were loaded and
enough for those around me to
FAMs arrested each year for
the most common excuse was,
hear, said, “It’s next to your piece!”
various offences. According to
“Oops, I forgot it was in my bag.”
Now apart from not carrying a
US Homeland Security, the only
My view is that taking a weapon
‘piece’, if I were trying to be covert
time FAMs have fired weapons
on the aircraft is to provide a
that certainly ended!
was to shoot Rigoberto Alpizar, a
resource for potential terrorists
Costa Rican born US citizen, in an
(remember the Royal Jordanian
that I am not a fan of air marshal
aerobridge at Miami International
example). But, I hear you say,
programs. I am a fan of the people
Airport. The FAM agents said that
“Training and procedures will
involved and their training,
Alpizar stated he was carrying
mitigate that.” If training and SOPs
but I do not see it as either cost
a bomb and he was shot when
were followed, I wonder how my
effective or operationally effective,
he refused to put his bag down
second example, El Al, would have
although it is a nice policy concept
and made a movement towards
fared? Remember, I did not use the
that resonates with the public.
it. Subsequently, no explosives
singular when I said there were
were found.
armed security on the aircraft;
Do other countries have
I guess readers can tell by now
As a final observation, it is also the most boring job in the world! n
there were two officers – one was Steve Lawson has over 20
successful air marshal programs?
at the rear of the aircraft and
Well, no. There are professional,
nothing much is mentioned about
years’ experience in aviation
well-meaning air marshal
that officer. Yes, he was at the back
security. As a Security Executive
programs, but I would argue
of the aircraft and it went into a
with Qantas Airways, Steve
they are not successful. There is
dive and from beginning to end
held a number of senior
not much in the way of publicly
the whole incident took about two
management roles covering all
available information about any
minutes 30 seconds so, by the time
aspects of aviation security from
incidents involving air marshals,
he got to the front, the incident
policy development to airport
but you would expect that the
would have been over. But I
operations. He was sent to New
42,700 flights handled per day.
involvement of air marshals would
think it would have been quite a
York immediately following
I would suggest that between
be included in court records and,
different result if Captain Bar-Lev
the 9/11 attacks to manage the
a third and half of those flights
given the interest in air marshals,
had not been so unorthodox.
Qantas response and undertook
are US registered and not all are
any court attendances would be
passenger aircraft but, even so,
reported in the media – and those
cover. Well, not really. Yes,
Bali Bombings. On his return
it is rather a large number. At a
reports just do not exist.
passengers are not supposed to
to Australia, he was appointed
know, and some countries only tell
Security Manager Freight for
guess, it would be between 5,000
None of this is to say that any
But, air marshals fly under
a similar role following the 2002
and 10,000 each day and that does
air marshal is not well trained
the captain that there are armed
the Qantas Group. Since 2007
not include US-registered aircraft
or professional. The training
security officers on the aircraft
he has been a Director of AvSec
outside of the US.
that I am aware of is very good.
but do not provide any further
Consulting in partnership with
Israel’s training and processes
information. For others, the
Bill Dent, a fellow former Qantas
air marshal (FAM) on each of
especially are pragmatic, but are
security officers provide briefings
Security Exec. Today Avsec
those aircraft? Well, no. There are
air marshals worth the effort?
to crew before they board. But
Consulting provides consultants
about 4,000 FAMs and, according
Well, no.
many crew become quite good at
from the US, NZ, ME, Israel and
picking out air marshals.
Europe. Steve can be contacted
So, should there be a federal
to open source information,
If you are an Israeli and your
they operate in teams of two to
national airline only has about
Then there is the terminal.
four, so at best I would suggest
44 aircraft, then yes, armed air
When we left the US FAM school
062-065_SSM111 Aviation.indd 65
on 0404 685 103 or slawson@
21/12/17 11:21 am
066-069_SSM111 Access Control B.indd 66
16/2/18 10:30 am
to security professionals. A
all about integration, and how a
the liveability, security, safety and
in Sydney’s Darling Harbour in
consensus was formed that while
flexible security solution blends
general functionality of a building
June, HID Global conducted a
smart buildings as a separate
seamlessly across all levels of an
or space.
high-level roundtable discussion
entity was a fairly recent term,
automated, connected building.
with some of Australia’s top
intelligent buildings has been
security consultants, in an effort
around since the 1990s when the
in order to achieve a seamless
better manage their business,
to better understand the top-line
need arose for greater levels of
integration, Levi Chayboub of WSP
better manage their building,
issues facing our rapidly-evolving
automation - and the subsequent
manage their tenants. All those
industry. Hosted by John Bigelow
means to achieve it.
from Security Solutions, the forum
Shane Norton from ARUP
On what needs to take place
“What we need to see is
“That information is seen as an asset to help building owners
things come from having that
systems being able to integrate
information available within those
covered a wide range of current
states: “Now we are using that
with other systems, being open
systems out there. Probably in
topics in an attempt to harness the
term ‘Smart’ ubiquitously with
and being at the cutting edge of
the past it didn’t really interrelate
group’s critical thinking on pain
most buildings that we’re coming
integration. They have to be able
in any way, so we find it’s just a
points, solutions and proactive
across. The design requirements
to provide whatever security
natural evolution of the systems
approaches to cutting-edge issues
that we see these days requested
events occur in a format that is
being able to interoperate.”
in the security world.
by clients are all smart and
clear and understandable to a
innovative ideas, and it’s just a
building management system that
highlights the issue of open
discussion points, talk kept
matter of how do we actually
is also capable of achieving those
platforms not being adopted by
coming back to the drive towards
progress that thinking further in
energy reductions.”
customers due to members of the
smart buildings and cities, and
this day and age.”
Among a host of valuable
the need to be proactive rather
As to what is driving the
This in turn plays into the
Paul Graves from Jacobs
security industry being locked into
hands of the Internet of Things
proprietary systems which need
than reactive towards emerging
growth of the modern smart
(IoT) as Chayboub explains, with
to be maintained and serviced by
technologies driven by big data.
building, the equation turns to
a rapidly increasing number
their own company.
environmental factors, such as
of elements in building design
of Smart Buildings, discussion
a reduced energy requirement
able to ‘talk’ to one another,
the operation of smart, integrated,
focused initially on the definition
and smaller environmental
share data across platforms and
truly open platform buildings
of the term “Smart Building”, and
footprint. From the perspective of
departments, and build up a much
and systems,” suggests Graves.
what this phenomenon means
a security professional, the role is
larger, more focused picture on
“Customers want to implement
Looking first at the emergence
066-069_SSM111 Access Control B.indd 67
“This has been a roadblock for
16/2/18 10:30 am
need this? Because people are
systems being interconnected,
we’re discussing about security
looking for a service. And why
providing that benefit to the asset
needing to integrate with itself
do we need service? Because the
with different subsystems, and
building owners have realised
Looking back to the nineteen
needing to integrate with other
that they could get more out of
nineties when the concept of
building management systems.
the building rather than just
smart buildings first began to
It will already be intrinsic to the
having the building and renting
emerge as a biproduct of the
design that we embark upon,”
it out. Can I get more asset
telecommunications industry,
said Chayboub.
value out of what I have, and be
Shane Norton from ARUP recalls
more attractive to my tenants
that circumstances, including the
that increased profits are not
because I have a connected
Global Financial Crisis, conspired
necessarily driving the rise of
system that can work for them,
to transform the smart building
connected buildings: “I also think
like booking their parking place,
into a smart city, then focus in
that with security, it’s difficult
booking their room, finding out
more detail on the smart occupant
to put a figure on what it can
if they are able to order food or
concept instead.
save you sometimes because it’s
Afiz Jabbar of NDY agrees
whatever in advance. Now we
“My observation is that the
basically an essential business
see new people coming in with
vendors that were able to keep up
function for some businesses. I
their applications, plugging into
with it saw some benefit, but as
think that’s where some of the
building management systems
the market continued to develop
change is coming through. We’ve
with services around that.”
you now have a scenario where
seen security as a service through
those vendors must become a
cloud, where we start moving
an interesting challenge to the
vendor that sits halfway between
away from cap ex investment to
security industry however, which
telecommunications and the
security becoming op ex expense.
is really still a long way behind
security space. I think the ones
I do see security as something
the IT industry in terms of its
that can breach that are the
that does pay for itself over time.
new innovative platforms that can
evolution. Security is still very
ones that are going to be around
It reduces risk, and if you put a
do things that their old systems
much working off proprietary
in the next ten years. The ones
dollar figure on the risk that it
can’t do, but they have to make
systems, which makes a truly
that don’t breach that and react
reduces then, depending on the
a big decision financially to
smart building difficult to
to what’s happening in the
organisation’s protocols, security
basically rip out those existing
achieve. Unless the lift controls
telecommunications industry will
has a finite value.”
systems and put in open platform
are talking to the security system,
probably be left behind.”
systems, which is where us, as
which in turn is talking to the
independent consultants, can say,
environmental HVAC system,
to a building – whether that is
contributing to the sophistication
‘well here are the advantages of
which is talking to the access
by reducing the environmental
and complexity of a security
maintaining a fully proprietary
control system, functionality is
footprint, monetising certain parts
design brief, there is still an
system, and on the other hand
going to be impaired. An open
of the building’s functionality
overriding understanding that
here are the advantages of
platform is necessary, one that
or by saving money through
security’s role is to act as the
opening it up, and here’s a list
allows other diverse systems
predictive maintenance and
buffer between a building’s
of products which you can get
to not just connect, but really
so forth, is not new. Saving
integrity and the business
multiple companies to install,
work in as part of a sophisticated
money on certain aspects of a
objectives of the management and
service, and maintain’.”
technology stack with each piece
tenant’s occupancy or simply by
tenants within.
of the solution working in tandem,
streamlining essential services
Shane Norton concludes:
the ways in which systems
sharing data and driving proper
can increase the profit margins
“Security remains an ingredient
can call on statistics and learn
‘smart’, connected outcomes.
that a building is able to provide.
in the bigger business resilience
However, there are more complex
and business continuity that we
issues at play as well.
contribute to in a small part. It’s
Big data continues to expand
from the various hardware
Interoperability remains
Levi Chayboub of WSP agrees:
The concept of adding value
While IoT, connected devices and smart buildings are
touchpoints inside a building
“The data, especially in the past,
to draw out better, safer, more
has generally been more reactive,
environmentally efficient ways of
then as things have evolved it
in an intelligent building or
security. It’s about ensuring that
managing a building. As described
allows us to become proactive.
a smart building, whatever
those organisations that are
by Serra Luck from HID Global,
And I think with more data you
you’d like to call it, will just
carrying out business legitimately
having a connected building adds
can actually become predictive
become an integrated piece of
are able to do so and continue
value for the building owner as
and really get a feel for what
the architecture - of the systems
under a whole range of different
well as the tenants.
might be happening in the future
that are embedded throughout
disruptions, not just from security
based on trends for data. I think
the building core. It won’t be
threats, but a number of different
that’s where you’ll see those
talked about in this way where
threat sources.” n
“Now what we are looking for is connection. Why do we
066-069_SSM111 Access Control B.indd 68
“I think the security function
not just about providing protective
16/2/18 10:30 am
066-069_SSM111 Access Control B.indd 69
16/2/18 10:30 am
Tips And Suggestions For
070-073_SSM111 Professional Development.indd 70
21/12/17 4:00 pm
BY AMI TOBIN The intention of this two-part
start with a good cover, and
movement attracts more attention
article is to give some tips and
then work your way towards a
than non-movement; standing
The two main advantages that
suggestions for covert operators
good cover story. This order is
attracts more attention than
sitting down will give you are
and to point out some of the
important because the main idea
sitting. Bland and lazy are your
a less noticeable appearance,
more common, and therefore
is to visually embed yourself into
best friends here.
combined with the ability to
predictable – and therefore
the environment in such a bland
In my experience, most
see and notice more yourself.
detectable – indicators and
and boring way that no one ever
people who gravitate towards
That sitting will make you less
mistakes that many operators
pays any attention to you, much
covert operations tend to have
noticeable was already mentioned
tend to make. These indicators
less tries to question or talk to you.
backgrounds in military, law
in the category above, but I cannot
and mistakes apply to most types
A common mistake I have seen
enforcement, security or all of the
tell you how many times I have
of covert operations, from hostile
many people make when trying
above. The reason why I mention
heard myself repeat this simple
surveillance to surveillance
to establish a cover is to invest
this is because serious people
instruction during trainings. And
detection, covert security and
too much energy in appearing
with these types of backgrounds
though it might seem strange
protective surveillance. This
as harmless as they can, while
naturally move and posture
that such a basic idea would
article will cover many of the
forgetting that a cover that is
themselves in ways that are the
be so difficult to follow, this is
problems and mistakes you will
interesting, fun or attractive is
opposite of bland and lazy. For
precisely why field exercises
want to look for in others, while
almost always a bad one, since it
the exact same reasons that
are so crucial – to show you that
avoiding yourself. Though these
fails the boring test.
standing and moving around are
simple ideas in theory feel very
good military, law enforcement
different and are much more
insights come from my own
I have also seen many people
operational and instructional
spin elaborate stories about what
and security habits (allowing
difficult in practice. There are
experience, I want to make it clear
their cover story is, and then fail
the officer to project more of
relatively few reasons for being
that I am in no way an absolute
to fit a boring enough cover to go
a deterring presence, while
in a fixed position without sitting
authority on the subject (mostly
with it. Again, start with a cover
extending visual control), they are
down, and most of those reasons
because there is no such thing).
– make it boring – and then add a
bad habits for covert operations.
not only fail the boring cover
cover story to it. As for the cover
The tendency to maintain a
test, but keep you from being as
1. Cover and cover story
story itself, keep it simple, try to
command presence, and to want to
observant as you could otherwise
keep it within the boundaries of
visually control your environment,
be. Find somewhere to sit down,
Let us go over the basics first.
things you actually know from
will usually make you stick out;
get comfortable and relax.
A cover is the visual projection
experience (so you can talk about
as will any sudden movements,
of what a covert operator wants
it naturally and even elaborate, if
abrupt stops and quick head turns.
people to see, and therefore think
– and only if – you are asked to do
At the very least, these actions
4. No changing fixed positions
of him/her. For example, if you
so), while staying far enough away
will make you look interesting,
So you sat down. Great. Now, stay
want people to think you are a
from information that can actually
suggesting that there is something
there! It is often the case that only
homeless person, you dress and
lead to who you really are. Do
going on. As a covert operator, you
after you have already assumed
look the part, so that even from a
not volunteer too many details,
should want the exact opposite –
a vantage point (hopefully sitting
distance anyone looking your way
and keep it bland and boring so
bland, lazy and boring. You should
down), you notice an even better
should conclude – just by sight –
that the person you are talking to
also keep in mind that it will be
vantage point you could have
that you are a homeless person. A
will forget you as soon as he/she
difficult to look bland and lazy
picked. There is nothing ironic
cover story, as its name suggests,
walks away.
if you do not look comfortable.
about this – you will always be
And since it is hard to look
able to see and understand more
comfortable if you are not, make
after you stop moving and sit
what and how you might have
2. Posture and movement
sure you actually get physically
down (which is one of the main
to verbally explain who you are
There is a celebrated quote by
comfortable. A person that is
reasons you sit down in the first
and/or what you are doing. For
Winston Churchill who, after
physically uncomfortable probably
place). But as tempting as it is to
obvious reasons, the cover story
being asked to what he attributed
looks uncomfortable, and looking
move to that other position, do
has to fit, and even strengthen,
his success in life, answered,
uncomfortable can attract interest,
not do it. There might be many
the cover, otherwise it would
“Economy of effort. Never stand
curiosity and suspicion.
legitimate reasons for normal
seem suspicious or curious if
up when you can sit down, and
the person who looks homeless,
never sit down when you can
useful expression here is, “If
spot to another, but even in the
for example, talks like a law
lie down.” This little tongue-in-
you’re bored, you’re boring.” Sit
best-case scenario, doing this will
enforcement officer.
cheek answer does actually make
down, calm down, get comfortable
make you stick out more than if
a good point when applied to
and try to get bored. Which leads
you just stay at your original spot,
covert operations. In most cases,
us to the next point.
and in the worst-case scenario,
is the verbal representation of your cover. In other words,
One of the keys to the cover / cover story dynamic is to always
070-073_SSM111 Professional Development.indd 71
As for looking boring, another
people to move from one nearby
21/12/17 4:00 pm
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT your movement from one vantage
on a bus. Either spending a long
point to a better one will be
period of time at a bus stop, or
picked up as a classic surveillance
walking away from a bus stop
indicator/mistake by someone
without having boarded a bus, can
who knows what to look for. You
get you detected by someone who
have made your bed, now lie in
knows what to look for.
it. Next time, try to find the better
Finally, if you absolutely
vantage point to begin with, but
have to use a bus stop (for a
for now – stay put.
relatively short amount of time, until you actually get on a bus),
5. The bus stop
pay attention to where the bus is
This one comes up a lot. You get
coming from. The other people
to a new location and quickly
at the bus stop will almost always
is facing away from the target) is
look for a good vantage point. As
look that way, and you do not
jotting down the information.
is often the case in urban areas,
want to enact the old surveillance
a bus stop just so happens to be
cliché of the single person looking
advantages of working together,
that is having a meal there), make
perfectly positioned for this. It
the wrong way.
let us consider what might get
sure to pay for your meal as soon
you in trouble. Perhaps the
as it arrives. You will not want to
even has a number of people
Now that we have covered the
As an aside, if you must take position in a restaurant (maybe in order to closely surveil a target
standing and sitting there – all the
6. Working with others
main thing to avoid is any type
frantically wave over your server
better for you to blend into. Good
From my experience, when most
of meeting or splitting up. If you
for the bill if your target begins
vantage point, right? Wrong! Or at
people consider what a covert
come alone, you leave alone,
to leave unexpectedly. Conversely
least almost always wrong (there
operator might look like, they
and if you come together, you
– from the SD or protective
are some exceptions, as usual).
tend to think of a single individual
leave together. Watching people
surveillance perspective – look
(usually male). When instructing
meet up or split up is much more
out for restaurant patrons who
logical justification for standing
a surveillance detection (SD)
interesting/memorable than
pay for their meals as soon as
(or hopefully sitting) in very
course, it usually takes trainees
seeing people arrive together and
they get them.
central locations, but this
a few days to come up with the
leave together. The absolute worst
justification only makes sense
idea that it might be beneficial
thing you could do – a classic
next issue of Security Solutions
if the bus stop is used for its
to work in pairs (or even groups
mistake – is arrive in the area
Magazine will continue the
intended purpose – to get on a
in some cases) – and indeed it is.
together and then split up to take
discussion of indicators and
bus. Using this vantage point for
The archetypal covert operator
different positions.
mistakes that apply to most types
an extended period of time will
is the lone male, and this should
not make sense because everyone
give you all the more reason to try
7. Coffee shops
else in the bus stop will eventually
to work together with someone
You have probably noticed how
get on a bus, leaving the covert
if possible and appropriate.
often coffee shops come up when
of the #1 Amazon best seller,
operator looking out of place. You
Few things are more innocuous
I discuss covert operations. This is
Surveillance Zone, and the
might be able to justify a good
looking than a man and a woman
because coffee shops often provide
director of consulting, training
20–30 minutes at a bus stop, but
sitting together in a coffee shop
some of the best vantage points.
and special operations for
eventually you will have to board
or walking down the street. What
For starters, there are quite a few
HighCom Security Services. He is
one of the buses that stops there.
are the man and the woman doing
of them around, and they tend to
one of the pioneer developers of
over there? They are sitting and
be even more prevalent in many
the terrorist activity prevention,
when conducting mobile
talking, right? Moreover, a couple
areas that might be of special
surveillance detection and
surveillance on foot. It is
can often take this innocuous
interest to potential surveillance
covert protection fields in Silicon
important to keep in mind that
appearance with them from one
entities. Part of what makes coffee
Valley. Trained in Israel, Japan
mobile surveillance will almost
location to another, pretty much
shops so ideal for surveillance
and the United States, Ami has
always contain stops, many of
bringing their own self-generated
and SD is that, unlike most other
over 15 years of military (IDF)
which will be short ones (traffic
covers with them.
businesses, they will let you spend
and private sector security
pretty much all day in them, more
experience. Currently based in
Bus stops do indeed provide a
The same principle applies
lights and so on). Blending into a
Yet another obvious advantage
Part two of this article in the
of covert operations. Ami Toben is the author
small group of people standing at
that working together can provide
or less unharassed. The closest
the San Francisco Bay Area,
a bus stop for some 30–40 seconds
is teamwork. Two people can sit
thing to a coffee shop situation
Ami has been providing special
until the target starts moving
facing each other, for example,
might be a restaurant, but those
protective services to Fortune
again might seem very inviting,
pretending to have a casual
usually have servers who will
500 corporations, foreign
but, once again, remember, there
conversation, as one is focusing on
keep checking on you, and who
governments, foundations,
is only one logical justification for
the target and describing what he
will eventually expect you to pay
political organisations and
standing at a bus stop – getting
sees and the other (the one who
for your meal and go on your way.
wealthy individuals.
070-073_SSM111 Professional Development.indd 72
21/12/17 4:00 pm
070-073_SSM111 Professional Development.indd 73
21/12/17 4:00 pm
074-077_SSM111 Article 4.indd 74
21/12/17 11:41 am
nightclub or pub. For most of
procedures designed to manage
those engaged in this sector of the
the risks associated with criminal
industry, security would more
activity. Now, this is great news for
than likely have been a second
the security industry, but why is
job, something they did on the
this happening?
weekends or at night to bring in some extra cash. Many of these
Perceptions of Crime
people would have been employed
Statistics tell us that incidents of
directly by the venue and paid cash
crime are, in fact, decreasing. So, is
in hand. As for physical security,
it just a matter of the general public
go back a little further and nobody
having an incorrect perception of
bothered to lock their back door.
the threat of crime? Perceptions
Windows would have been left
that are perhaps being clouded by,
wide open to let in the fresh air
to quote a not-so-popular American
and the Internet had not even been
leader who shall remain nameless,
invented, so obviously there was
“false news”.
no requirement for cybersecurity. How times have changed. Now we live in a world where the threat
by the Director of the NSW Bureau
of a terror attack is very real, albeit
of Crime Statistics and Research
very rare, for the vast majority
(BOSCAR) and Adjunct Professor,
of us, and crime and crime
School of Social Science, UNSW,
prevention are now huge revenue-
Don Weatherburn in June 2016. In
generating beasts. There now
the article, Don refers to a claim
seems to be a general acceptance
made by Pauline Hanson whilst
that no matter where you go, you
she was campaigning for a senate
are likely to be captured by some
seat in Queensland in May 2016.
form of CCTV surveillance, and
During the campaign, Ms Hanson
that security officers are a common
stated the following, “I’ve spoken
In this article I will explore the
sight in our day-to-day lives. In fact,
to a lot of Australians who don’t
security landscape of the past
if you work in a city, odds are you
believe they are safe on the streets
and compare it to the landscape
will see more than one security
anymore… We’ve had bombs
we see today. The focus of the
officer just walking from your
and stabbings, it is happening.
article will be to discuss how we
local train station or bus stop to
You see murders every night on
have arrived at where we are,
the office.
our TV. The situation is growing
and to examine current security
074-077_SSM111 Article 4.indd 75
A classic example is documented in an article penned
Doors and windows to our
worse and I know in Sydney and
service delivery trends, where
homes are secured by key-
Melbourne the police won’t go into
those trends might lead, the
operated locks and are more
certain suburbs.”
opportunities they may present for
than likely locked even when our
our industry and the challenges
homes are occupied. Now, more
showed that, statistically, Ms
associated with the changes we are
than ever before, we see homes
Hanson’s claims were unfounded.
currently experiencing.
being secured by sophisticated
The article closed with the
back-to-base monitored security
following statement, “Research
Simpler Times
systems and standalone CCTV
shows that Australians’ perceptions
Wind back the hands of time
surveillance systems. Businesses
of crime and justice aren’t always
three or four decades to simpler
and governments are engaging
in line with what crime statistics
times and you would find that
security professionals to design
show. But rather than basing
the manpower discipline of
elaborate integrated security
judgements about crime trends
the security industry primarily
systems incorporating access
on a particular incident or spate
consisted of large intimidating men
control, intruder detection and
of incidents, or on how crime
and sometimes women, standing
CCTV, all of which are enforced by
is portrayed in the news, it’s
outside the door of your favourite
detailed policies, processes and
important to look at the trends for
The article emphatically
21/12/17 11:41 am
FEATURE all crime – or, at the very least, all
effect is that these crimes are
reported crime.”
reported by the media, shared
Based on Don’s article, it would
on social media and, when
seem that the general public and
convenient, used for political
even Ms Hanson’s perception
gain by politicians, which in turn
of the occurrence of crime is
clouds the public’s perception
misguided. Is this a result of media
of the occurrence of crime. This
beat-up or false news, or is it that
is what is creating a consistent
we now, at the press of a button,
and increasing demand for
have access to information that
security, whether it be physical
was never available until the
security, manpower services
invention of the Internet and that
or cybersecurity.
this information can be rapidly
Service providers and the industry are not the only ones likely to benefit. The change also creates opportunities for security officers. More training equates to an increased skill set. An increased skill set makes an individual more employable, not only in the security industry but also in other service-related industries. It is a win/win scenario for all concerned, but there will be challenges.
disseminated via social media?
The Catalyst for Change
Whatever the reason, crime
Perhaps as a result of society’s
to be the first staff that guests and
does and will occur and must be
misguided perception of crime,
clients will interact with when
The challenge for existing
managed as would any other social
the security industry is growing
they enter premises, this approach
providers and their employees is to
condition. Which raises another
at a rate of roughly 17 percent per
makes perfect sense. The end-user
not only upskill to enable them to
question, why do people still
annum globally. Therefore, it is not
sees this as value add and are
deliver in another service industry,
engage in criminal activity when
surprising to see large national and
only too happy to engage with
but to excel and succeed in another
the odds of being caught have
multi-national companies starting
providers to assist in facilitating
service industry. To do this, there
greatly increased?
security divisions or acquiring
these services. More importantly
will be a need for research and
existing security companies in an
for the industry, it raises the profile
a deep commitment to gain an
appears that the jury is still out on
attempt to capitalise on a growth
of security officers, elevating them
understanding of service delivery
the precise reasons why people
industry. This puts pressure
to what may be better described as
requirements in an unfamiliar
commit crimes. A Crime and
on those already operating
a security service officer.
market – not an easy task, but
Justice Bulletin written in February
in the sector to try to remain
2001 and posted on the BOSCAR
competitive. In a market which
website states the following, “It is
generally operates on the business
This change opens opportunities
considerable exposure to risk,
difficult to find a succinct, broad
model of high volume – low
for existing service providers.
particularly financial, in this type
non-technical discussion of the
margin, this can prove to be very
The demand for a higher multi-
of venture. On the other hand,
causes of crime.” It would be fair
challenging. So, what can existing
faceted service delivery should
there are risks associated with
to say that there are a number
service providers offer to remain
command increased rates for
not diversifying – you may be left
of broad socio-economic factors
competitive? The simple answer
services rendered. For those with
behind in the wake of those who
which influence people to commit
is to increase service levels. This
an entrepreneurial flare, this could
did not place all their eggs in one
criminal acts. At a high level, these
is commonly referred to in the
allow them to diversify into other
basket, those that took the leap
may include, but not be restricted
industry as ‘value add’.
sectors of the service industry
of faith, committed and worked
which dovetail into the security
through the challenges. These
Please pardon the pun, but it
to, the following:
Recently, we have witnessed
Given that security are likely
certainly not unachievable. There is also likely to be
• unemployment and poverty
the industry gradually drift away
sector. This may include health
are the winners, these are the
• substance (legal or illegal)
from the typical stereotypical
safety and environment, facilities
ones who will, through their own
availability and abuse
doorman to a more customer
management, concierge and
hard work and entrepreneurial
service focused model. Customer
reception, functions and events to
enterprise, succeed and be
service has now become as
name but a few. The challenge will
remembered as those that changed
important, if not equally as
be for the providers to deliver on
the security landscape. n
willingness of society as a
important, as asset protection.
promises made in an environment
whole to enforce discipline,
Many security officers now
they would not typically be used
report offences and levy
complete customer service
to operating in. Perhaps the best
security professional with over 35
appropriate and consistent
training programs to enhance the
approach in this instance would
years’ experience in the industry. He
punishment for those who
end-user experience. Furthermore,
be to head hunt expertise from the
is a licenced security consultant and
commit crime
at least in the corporate
service sector in which they intend
private investigator. Scott currently
environment, front-line guards are
to diversify. This will have the
holds the position of Global Security
perception that they will be the
now more likely to be deployed
knock-on effect of bringing new
Operations and Risk Manager for
one to get away with it.
wearing business attire and be
blood into the security industry,
one of the world’s largest financial
Regardless of the reasons people
required to perform duties similar
which can only be beneficial for
banking institutions. Scott can be
commit criminal acts, the flow-on
to that of a building concierge.
all concerned.
contacted on 0437 618 812.
• political ideologies and or religious beliefs • a general decline in the
• greed and a misguided
074-077_SSM111 Article 4.indd 76
Scott O’Driscoll CPP, JP is a
21/12/17 11:41 am
Volvo Group Governmental Sales Oceania
At Volvo Group Governmental Sales Oceania, our core business is the manufacturing, delivery and the support of an unparalleled range of military and security vehicle platforms; a range of platforms that are backed by an experienced, reliable and global network with over one hundred years of experience
superior solutions, providing exceptional protected mobility 074-077_SSM111 Article 4.indd 77
21/12/17 11:41 am
Boon Edam
Ezi Security
LSC Security
Magnetic Access 097 PathMinder 78 // SECURITY SOLUTIONS
078-079_SSM111 Security Stuff.indd 78
21/12/17 11:46 am
078-079_SSM111 Security Stuff.indd 79
21/12/17 11:46 am
080-083_SSM111 Product Spotlight.indd 80
21/12/17 11:54 am
A Dahua Dome in Qomolangma National Park looking at Mount Everest
080-083_SSM111 Product Spotlight.indd 81
idely used in over 180 countries and regions around the world, Dahua’s
Toughness: Withstanding Most Physical Impact whether Natural or Man Made
products and solutions must be
Dahua video surveillance solutions,
able to meet the demands of tough
such as Smart City and Intelligent
environments such as snowy
Building, are widely applied
mountains, plateaus, deserts,
in many countries worldwide.
wetlands, rainforests and coastal
Installed everywhere in our life,
regions. In order to achieve robust
Dahua cameras may be exposed to
performance in the environment for
physical impact. For example, when
which they were designed, Dahua’s
installed outdoors, the cameras are
products have undergone rigorous
exposed to numerous risks, ranging
tests to meet very tough standards
from being hit by a basketball,
which in most cases exceed the
small stones blowing in strong
normal industry practice and the
wind, to getting scratched by tree
datasheet specifications. The
branches. Indoor cameras may be
purpose is to provide sufficient
damaged by daily use or people
margins to ensure the product
intentionally throwing things at
provides the utmost reliability
them. As shown by the test results,
expected of Dahua products when
Dahua vandal proof cameras
performing in the field.
withstand the challenges in these
21/12/17 11:54 am
SPOTLIGHT A Dahua Dome Camera Working Perfectly in Hobq Desert
scenarios, thereby reducing the cost of maintenance. Product Validation: Outdoor cameras have passed IK10 test (standard IEC62262) in which a steel ball weighing 5 kg is dropped from 40 cm above generating 20 joules of impact energy on five separated spots on every exposed surface (including 3 impacts to the lens). For indoor cameras, the test level ranges from IK06 to IK10 (both standard IEC62262), which covers most possible scenarios.
Vibration: Life Span is Unaffected In some cases, Dahua cameras are required to work somewhere with high frequency vibration. For instance, places near railways, bridges with fast driving cars and strong crosswinds, or construction sites with piling. Dahua cameras not only guarantee smooth operation, but are also able to maintain the same lifespan. Even in extreme circumstances such as car accidents, earthquakes or hurricanes, cameras will remain safely attached to the poles. Due to their strong structures, the possibility of accidents caused by falling cameras is eliminated. Product Validation: All cameras are tested against a frequency of up to 200 Hz with 1G acceleration from X, Y, Z axes for 4.5 hours, ensuring they can function as usual. When it comes to hanging dome cameras, in order to make sure they won’t fall down in even some extreme cases, an extra test which triples the vibration rate is conducted whereby Dahua’s cameras can endure several times longer than the standard average.
Temperature: Reliability 10 Degrees Beyond the Standard Range Inevitably, Dahua cameras are sometimes installed in extreme
080-083_SSM111 Product Spotlight.indd 82
21/12/17 11:54 am
heat and freezing environments,
not the case for Dahua cameras.
be it factories that are hot during
Even when they are installed in
processing, or chilled-storage
the most extreme environments
warehouses that are maintained
imaginable, a snow mountain like
cold, or deserts that are scorching
Mount Everest, a tropic rainforest
hot during the day and freezing
like the Amazon Rainforest, or a
cold at night. Coldness and heat
desert like the Hobq Desert, where
will cause shrinkage, which may
there are dramatic weather shifts,
very likely shorten a camera’s
exacerbating humidity issues,
lifespan. In addition to long hours
they bring along smooth and
of usage, the cameras are also
condensation-free operation.
designed to enjoy long working
Product Validation: For fully
“In some cases, Dahua cameras are required to work somewhere with high frequency vibration.”
lifespans against these tough
enclosed cameras such as PTZ
temperatures, saving the costs
cameras, Eye Ball cameras, and
of repairing and replacing. One
Bullet cameras, Alternating
case is a Dahua dome camera
Temperature and Humidity
DHI-SD6AE230F-HNI that operates
Tests (Damp heat cyclic) with
water for three minutes. It is
then a 400C and 93% damp heat
smoothly on Mount Everest 5000m
temperatures varying between
worth mentioning that Dahua
test for 166 hours per cycle for
above sea level.
250C and 550C and relative
cameras are tested for at least 10
four cycles over a period of 28
humidity reaching a maximum
minutes in the same conditions,
days, a remarkable performance
cameras have been through Low
of 100% (camera surface allow
three times tougher than the
of quadruple the International
and High Temperature continuous
condensation) were conducted
standard one.
IEC Standards. It was in an effort
operation test for no less than 16
for two cycles lasting a total of
In addition, Dahua has
hours (standard IEC62599-1) with
48 hours. For cameras not fully
developed its own standards
environment in coastal cities and
spec temperature to guarantee
enclosed, Steady Damp-heat Tests
which include tests where, 5±0.5
to identify the likelihood of a
product performance. Besides, all
at 400C and 93% humidity (no
L/min of water (equivalent of
camera falling following possible
Dahua cameras have gone through
condensation) were conducted
middle rain in plum rain season)
metal corrosion.
intensified HALT (High Accelerated
for 96 hours. Both tests have
was sprayed to cameras for 192
Life Test) and ALT (Accelerated
been developed on the basis
hours from above. On top of the
Life Test) tests, to ensure that
of International IEC Standards,
water ingress tests, every Dahua
In addition to the tests above,
the cameras can properly work
ensuring that all cameras are
camera needs to go through an
Dahua cameras have also passed
in -500C to 800C, 10 degrees
capable of working with the
airtightness test, too, to make sure
a Drop Test that decreases
beyond the standard range (-400C
humidity varying from 0 to 100%.
that it is sufficiently water-proof.
the risks of damage during
improve the weaknesses and
Working in regions and countries
Corrosion Protection: Quadruple of International IEC Standards
that promises a life of at least four
stress, helping to locate and
Waterproof, be it Natural Rain or Man Made Spray
identify potential defects of our
like northeast India, Burma and
Dahua Port Solution and airport
dust. Together, all of these tests
cameras at the earliest possible
Sierra Leone which are known for
solution require the cameras
ensure Dahua delivers lasting
stage. No less than three cold
abundant rainfall, or Asian cities
to be installed in seaports and
performance for customers all
starts were required in each of
that experience weeklong plum
airports where it’s highly likely to
over the globe. Demonstrating the
the tests. Via these unique tests,
rains, Dahua cameras are able to
be wet and salty. Salt spray and
mission to enable a Safer Society
Dahua’s cameras come out as extra
resist long time waterfall as well
electrochemical effects may result
and Smarter Living, Dahua will
tough when used in practice.
as intentional or accidental man
in serious corrosion on metal
continue to focus on “Innovation,
made sprays.
surfaces, which may cause the fall
Quality and Service” to serve
of the cameras. However, Dahua
partners and customers around the world. n
Product Validation: All Dahua
transportation; a Life-span Test
to 700C). This aims to trigger potential product failures from increased extreme environmental
to simulate the cyclic salt spray
years in normal conditions; and a Dust Resistance Test ensuring a performance undisturbed by
Humidity Isn’t a Hindrance
cameras are required to go
cameras won’t be bothered by
Extreme temperature and
through IPX6 or IPX7 tests.
this problem.
humidity are major threats to the
Standard IEC62262 IPX6 test
smooth day-to-day functioning
requires camera surface to be
solution of 5% NaCl and pH 6.5 or follow
of intricate devices. But this is
sprayed by 100±5 L/min of
to 7.2 was sprayed for two hours,
us on Facebook and LinkedIn.
080-083_SSM111 Product Spotlight.indd 83
Product Validation: Outdoor
Product Validation: A salt water
For more information visit
21/12/17 11:54 am
Over the past few decades, digital
the associated risks to an acceptable
from the enormity of a cyber breach,
technology has transformed the
level without impacting upon the
only a combination of products,
scope, scale and potential for
organisation’s objectives.
services and activities can keep
business. Organisations have moved
Australian businesses don’t have
professional services to cover this
processes online to connect, share
the scale or resources for in-house
protection will look something like
and access data. Whilst this has
cyber security management teams.
the following:
created priceless efficiencies and
Further, there is a global shortage of
opportunities, it has also exposed
these skills. As of February 2018, the
Testing infrastructure,
organisations to some major
Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data
operating systems, services
Breaches) Act 2017 will come into
and applications to identify
force where all organisations must
vulnerabilities and assess risk
intellectual property theft and
report breaches of personal data to
financial fraud are just a few threats
the individual and the Australian
we face today. Information security
Information Commissioner. Is your
Similar to penetration
is not an ‘IT’ problem, its is a
company prepared?
testing without vulnerability
business risk and all business areas
084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 84
them safe. A comprehensive suite of
their systems, information and
The proliferation of ransomware,
Ninety-five percent of all
Cyber security has progressed
through exploitation. • VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTS
exploitation. A preliminary
are part of the solution. The key is to
well beyond firewalls and
exercise to identify
identify what is important, what are
virus protection software. For
vulnerabilities without
the threats, and how you can reduce
organisations to protect themselves
confirming their exploitability.
21/12/17 4:01 pm
084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 85
21/12/17 4:01 pm
with IRAP (Information Security
people and processes by
Registered Assessors Program)
identifying staff awareness and
Assess appropriate technical
certified security assessors. IRAP
resilience to the most successful
controls and protection to
assessors (certified through
and commonly-used attack
handle information and services
the Australian Department of
vector today.
that meet current business and
Defence’s Australian Signals
regulatory requirements.
Directorate) conform to the
Australian Government’s stringent
Determine whether
protocols, are highly qualified, and
controls within a network/
Measure organisations
endorsed to make independent
communications environment
commitment to standards (e.g.
information security assessments.
are effective and appropriate
ISO 27001 and the Department
Assessments that will help you
for current business
of Defence Information
understand, identify and manage
requirements, and aligned
Security Manual), policies
information security threats and
with vendor and industry best
and procedures to review an
the associated risks.
practice recommendations.
organisation’s maturity and
ability to manage risk. • RECOVERY SOLUTIONS
Saab Australia offers comprehensive information security advisory services to help
Assess server and IT system
A workflow management
you identify risk and safeguard
configurations against industry
system to guide organisations
your business from a devastating
and vendor best practise.
through crisis or emergency
information security breach. n
Typically cover security
situations. These systems can
configuration, password
be tailored to manage your
strength testing, software
unique tasks, resources and
Marc Tapping, Security and Risk
actions to restore.
Program Manager, Saab Australia
maintenance, firewalls, network
084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 86
a few reputable organisations
Tests security controls through
For more information contact
infrastructure etc; tailored to
Do you think your organisation
(08) 8343 3800 or visit www.saab.
your needs.
is prepared? If not, there are
21/12/17 4:01 pm
084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 87
21/12/17 4:01 pm
STENTOFON Turbine Station
speakers while upgrading to
drawn from either the spare line or
Series intercoms are specifically
Vingtor-Stentofon IP Intercom
Reliable communication between
signal line. If PoE is not available,
designed to provide intelligible
Technology. Our VoIP Interface
different systems is equally
the Turbine Compact Station can
hands-free audio. Every single
kits come with six programmable
important. Vingtor-Stentofon share
be connected to a 24 VDC local
Turbine station has a powerful
IOs, a built-in relay, a Class-D
information through common
power supply.
acoustic noise reduction feature
10W amplifier and support for an
protocols or dedicated drivers
Network Connection: There is a
built-in that eliminates interfering
induction loop.
with other parts of the security
RJ-45 port located on the TKIS-2
system like access control and
that is used for PoE/LAN Ethernet
background noise. The TKIS-2 VoIP Intercom Module utilises the latest
video cameras to enable automated
connection to the network.
technology to create unparalleled
If you have a site that needs HD
processes. This makes it easier
Inputs & Outputs: There are six
audio quality, customised to
audio, this can be mounted behind
for the security team to work a
I/O connection options for the
your needs.
existing surfaces providing crystal
lot more efficiently in case of a
Turbine Compact Station. These
clear audio with no change to
critical event.
connections can be used to
The TKIS-2 VoIP Intercom Module is ideal for use in such
external aesthetics.
situations as:
interface with external I/O devices. The device includes:
The connections are typically used
Power/Relay Inputs: Programmable
as digital input (e.g. form a closing
The core need is to be understood,
relay. Max: 250VAC/220VDC, 2A,
contact), digital output (5V), or LED
Upgrade an existing Public
loud and clear. Crystal-clear audio
driving (20mA max) for connecting
Address system to IP whilst
is essential to this, especially in
I/O Interface: Interface for control
sensors, indicators or integration
utilising existing amplifiers.
a critical situation where every
inputs, control outputs and
to other systems. The TKIS-2 also
Create a Wide Area Notification
second counts.
analogue audio line out.
includes connections that can be
External Audio: Connection for
used for external audio such as a microphone or a loudspeaker. n
(WAN) system that spans multiple campuses or simply connect
microphone and loudspeaker.
zones using your existing
Efficient communication requires a
Ethernet Port: Ethernet connection
network infrastructure.
single integrated communication
with Power over Ethernet.
platform. Vingtor-Stentofon
DIN Mounting Clips: Plastic clips for
please contact STENTOFON
support open protocols such as SIP
mounting the device to a DIN rail.
Communications Australia on (03)
that makes it simple and easy to
Power Supply: The TKIS-2 supports
9729-6600 or sales@stentofon.
Keep your existing communication
do all your communication from
Power over Ethernet (PoE, IEEE, or visit us on the web at
panel, buttons, microphone and
one central console.
802.3 a-f) where power can be
084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 88
For a demonstration,
21/12/17 4:01 pm
1300 133 366 -
All the tools you need to ensure your staff are in the right place, at the right time! • Rugged Hardware • Mobile Applications • GPS Tracking • Incident Reporting • Exception Reporting • Mobile Forms • Photographic Evidence • Lone Worker • Bluetooth Beacons • KPI Tracking
What are your guards really doing?
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084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 89
21/12/17 4:01 pm
Vincent Dupart, CEO of STid
As the leader on the French market,
we experienced 30% growth on
The manufacturer is reaping
this little phenomenon is playing in
a market that grew by 4.2% ,”
the benefits of its decision to
the big leagues with record growth
says Vincent Dupart, Managing
create a department dedicated to
in 2017. STid is now establishing
Director of STid. To support this
innovation a year ago. “Our quick
itself outside France with strategic
growth, STid is expanding its
reaction to changes in the sector
partnerships and cutting-edge
teams, opening up new support
and the user experience are what
access control solutions that are
and sales positions to ensure that
make us stand out on the market,”
eliciting unanimous praise.
quality and service levels remain
explains Dupart. Organisations may
on par with the aspirations of the
see access control as a necessary
Managing Director.
evil, but STid wanted to make
A key player STid is making a name for itself on
084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 90
identification instinctive for users by creating STid Mobile ID®.
up prestigious clients, including
User-friendly innovations
the Airbus Group, Thalès Alenia
By placing innovation at the
of traditional access control, our
Space, LVMH, Caisse d’Epargne,
heart of its strategy, the French
solutions help all employees get on
Algiers Airport, the Ryadh Metro,
company has worked to respond
board with the company’s security
Umm Lulu refinery, ADECO, and
quickly on its market and offer
policy. Imagine no longer needing
CDBC in Abu Dhabi. “In 2017,
the most user-friendly solutions.
to take your telephone out of your
the international stage by racking
“By eliminating the constraints
21/12/17 4:01 pm
Sign up to our eNewsletter and receive up-to-date valuable information regarding all things Security.
084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 91
21/12/17 4:01 pm
issue, ACTU-CCI, France’s network
smartphone becomes your access
Two questions for Vincent Dupart, Managing Director of STid
key is the now the most secure
Your new strategic partnerships
security one of its priorities for
and acclaimed solution out there,
are opening up the doors to the
2017 and 2018. Each user and
garnering seven awards across
North American market…
each business has increasingly
the world.
STid is in a great position to
specific and changing needs. Our
penetrate the North American
secure solutions, the use of open
Shifting away from proprietary technologies
market with strategic partners
technologies and our user-friendly
like Genetec. Clients are looking
systems convinced the 126
One of the challenges for Chief
for secure, open, user-friendly
chambers of commerce in France
Security Officers is to maintain as
solutions… three key success
and 115 abroad to choose STid as
much independence as possible in
factors which make STid
their security consultant.
managing their company’s security.
solutions stand-out. It is also
A Snapshot of 2017
72% of the time they are dependent
important to remember that
STid performance:
on a third party, which complicates
our development isn’t limited
• €10 million in sales
the ability to manage information
to the North American market.
• 30% growth in sales
exchanges within an organisation.
We’re also making a name for
• 50 employees
“Since STid’s creation in 1996, it has
ourselves on the French, UK and
• Offices in the UK, Australia,
continued to offer open solutions
Australian markets.
pocket or bag to identify yourself,” says Dupart. This solution where your
of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, has decided to make industrial and business
Mexico and the United States. n
that enable its clients to shift away
084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 92
from proprietary technologies that
ACTU-CCI chooses STid as its
technologically and commercially
Security consultant or email
block clients,” concludes Dupart.
With security becoming a major
For more information, visit
21/12/17 4:01 pm
KeyWatcher is a reliable and extremely easy to use electronic key management system, designed to prevent mismanaged, misplaced, or stolen keys. KeyWatcher eliminates outdated metal boxes, unreliable manual logs and messy key identification tags utilising a computerised storage cabinet. The system releases keys only to the individuals with correct authorisation, recording each user transaction and providing total system accountability.
KEYWATCHER SYSTEM OFFERS l Up to 14,400 keys and 10,000 user per site l “Site” concept uses a common database l Numerous high level interfaces for access control, contractor management and vehicle fleet systems l Longer user IDs can be up to any 6 digits, plus a 4 digit PIN l Bright 7” full colour, touch screen l “Key Anywhere” allows keys to be returned to any KeyWatcher Touch within a site l On-screen guides for users, along with voice commands
Available in Australia through: AST Pty Ltd T: +61 2 8020 5555 | T: 1300 539 928 | F: +61 2 9624 7194 E: |
084-093_SSM111 Profiles.indd 93
21/12/17 4:01 pm
Altronix’s NetWaySP8WPX Hardened PoE Switch with Dual SFP (Fiber) Ports is the latest addition to the company’s recently introduced NetWay Spectrum Series. Designed for long distance applications, the NetWaySP8WP is a highly cost-effective all-in-one solution that includes an 8-Port hardened PoE switch, 115W power supply/charger with an enclosure that accommodates batteries. The unit features 2-SFP ports allowing you to connect multiple units and create a fiber ring. Each port is rated at 30W (PoE/PoE+), 2-ports are configurable for 60W (Hi-PoE) and embedded LINQ™ Network Communications Technology provides remote diagnostic monitoring, control and reporting. Proudly made in the U.S.A. and backed by a lifetime warranty. n For more information visit
Argus speed barriers and gates provide a sensor-controlled passage with automatic door elements in various configurations. They provide contactless passage, even with bags or luggage. Access is granted via the presentation of authorised media, for example, an access control card. Whether you choose
094-097_SSM111 Product Showcase.indd 94
a speed barrier or gate version will depend on how you want the door wings to open.
Argus HSB (Half-height speed barrier) The ever popular HSB speed barriers are equipped with door leaves which swing open in the
direction of passage to allow authorised access. HSB speed barriers are highly customisable, thanks to the wide range of materials and finishes. You can choose between a stainless-steel housing or transparent side walls and configure either in a slender or wide profile, ensuring a design match to your existing entrance area. Moreover, the speed barriers are available in three different lengths, depending on the system used and the level of security desired. Argus HSBs provide a high throughput rate (up to 30 per minute) while maintaining a high level of personal safety. If unauthorised access is attempted, the gate will not open and an acoustic alarm will sound.
Designed for Disabled Access
Argus HSG (Half-height speed gate)
Part of a wider system
The HSG speed gates are equipped with door leaves that retract back into the side panels of the unit. HSG speed gates come standard with a stainless steel, satin finish housing and two barrier elements made of toughened glass. During
passage, the HSG’s sliding panels move swiftly into the housing. Like the Argus HSB, the HSG provides a high throughput rate (up to 30 per minute) while maintaining a high level of personal safety and can be configured to meet the desired level of security.
Argus HSB and HSG speed barriers and gates are available in a 900mm width to suit disabled users. These additional versions allow you to match the design of the speed barriers and gates, giving a seamless appearance to the entrance, whilst maintaining a convenient and secure access point for those with a disability.
Argus HSB and HSG speed barriers and gates can be programmed onto the same card as your existing access control system, making for a truly convenient solution. n For more information visit
21/12/17 3:23 pm
SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER For the latest news, products and events in the security industry
Padlock daisy chaining is a common problem where someone cuts a link in a chain (usually securing a gate) and inserts another padlock in series, so that they can gain easy, continuous access to the property. It is often used by utilities to gain permissible entry to private property without having to bother the landholder or between different utilities, so that they each manage their own key system.
The problem comes when someone does this without permission. In of itself, a gate and chain typically does not present a high barrier to entry, gates and fences can be scaled and a determined criminal will simply angle-grind or cut the chain or padlock shackle. The issue is one of what an ordinary person might feel is ‘acceptable’ forced entry. Whereby a person feels by destroying a link and then ‘fixing’ it with their padlock to secure the chain is ‘acceptable’. A typical example of this is dirt-bike riders who wish to gain regular access to a secured parcel of land. The landowner then has to deal with all the attendant damage and liability issues this produces.
This then creates a control problem insofar as there is no sign of forced entry and confusion as to which padlocks are authorised. A simple solution would be to install a single padlock, but the logistics of key control for multiple utilities or other entities can quickly spiral out of control. The Carbine Multi Padlock Solution (CMPS) has been designed specifically to address the issue of padlock daisy chaining. While the CMPS can be designed to cater for many padlocks, the standard design accomodates seven padlocks. It is not a high security device, but is a very effective solution to counter daisy chaining. It allows the owner to control who adds a padlock. It has a simple control device to make unused
padlock eyes redundant. The chain used is high grade but not highly resistant to bolt cutters for good reason. The chain can be replaced more easily and cost effectively than a high security padlock. The idea is that attackers cut the chain and not the expensive padlocks. The owner can then see that there has been a forced entry and decide the next course of action. The CMPS is made from galvanised steel and can be welded or bolted to gates or posts. The chain is then fixed to the gate or post as required and the padlocks can be added by each authorised user. Recommended retail is $389.71 including GST. n For more information visit
SAFETYFLEX PAS68 AND IWA14 CRASH TESTED SPRING TECHNOLOGY BOLLARDS Spectacular Breakthrough in Extreme Performance Hostile Vehicle Barriers Unlike standard steel tube bollards, which require massive foundations, Safetyflex’s unique bollards are manufactured using a special composition of spring steel specifically designed to absorb extreme levels of impact energy thanks to its flex technology. On impact, the spring steel bollard can move around the five Cartesian coordinates (x, y and z axis), in addition to being able to rotate on each axis. In an attack, a large proportion of kinetic energy is transferred from the attacking vehicle into the mitigation technology; arresting the attacking vehicle.
Safetyflex’s in house testing facility provides customers with a guarantee that the product they install is the same as the product that was actually tested at MIRA engineering’s research facilities in the UK. Each and every bollard is individually load tested before leaving the factory. Key features and benefits of the SafetyFlex Barrier include: • PAS 68, 69 and IWA 14 test certifications across 30, 40 and 50mph categories, up to 7,500kg • Spectacular reduction in foundation depths necessary compared to conventional steel tube technology; 200mm and 400mm versions available • Obvious reduction in consequence to underground services / utilities • Lower cost and time expended in installation • Vast and growing range of systems, fixed, removable and retractable (horizontal, shallow mount innovation requiring no power or manual lifting – battery drill operated) • An aesthetically pleasing design • Planters, street furniture and imaginative bespoke adaptations available • Capable of sustaining an attack without needing replacement of spring assembly or foundation in many cases. n For more information visit or call 1300 558 304.
094-097_SSM111 Product Showcase.indd 95
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PRODUCT SHOWCASES FLIR FB-SERIES ID THERMAL FIXED BULLET CAMERA WITH BUILT-IN HUMAN AND VEHICLE RECOGNITION ANALYTICS FLIR Systems, Inc. recently introduced the FB-Series ID, the latest fixed bullet thermal security camera in the FB-Series family. Combining best-in-class thermal image detail and highperformance onboard analytics, the FB-Series ID is ideal for narrow to wide area perimeter detection and sterile-zone monitoring. The FB-Series ID features accurate video analytics that are capable of classifying human or vehicular intrusions. Combined with FLIR’s custom Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and Digital Detail Enhancement (DDE), the FB-Series ID provides unmatched image contrast and sharpness, which improves analytic performance, resulting in fewer false alarms.
The FB-Series ID is certified for integration with major third-party video management systems (VMS), as well as FLIR’s United VMS. Outfitted to act as a standalone security system, the FB-Series-ID can also handoff classified intrusions to FLIR pan-tilt-zoom cameras for autonomous tracking of intruders. Featuring FLIR’s superior 320x240 resolution thermal imaging sensor, the FB-Series ID can detect potential intruders in total darkness, and through sun glare, smoke, dust, and light fog. Five lens options – 93, 49, 24, 12 and 9-degree field of views – offer wide to narrow coverage and reduce the number of cameras needed to monitor fence lines, perimeters, and open areas.
“As the first FB-Series camera with built-in analytics, the FB-Series ID provides an all-in-one intrusion detection system that classifies human or vehicular intrusions with low false alarm rates,” said John Distelzweig, Vice President and General Manager of FLIR’s Security segment. “The FB-Series ID solidifies FLIRs initiative to
expand artificial intelligence and bring thermal imaging to more customers.” The FLIR FB-Series ID comes with FLIR’s industry-leading 10-year warranty on the thermal sensor and a three-year warranty on the camera. n For more information visit www.
STORE UP TO 56 DEVICES ON THE NEW K-RADIO 900 KEYPAD FROM AMC The K-Radio 900 Keypad features an integrated radio receiver operating in the 916MHz band and the ability to store up to 56 two-way radio devices onboard (32 devices such as reed switches and PIRs, 20 remote controls and four sirens). The 128-bit AES encryption (Advanced Encryption Standard) ensures maximum protection against attempts at both signal cloning and masking. Communication between the control panel and its associated devices is bi-directional for each type of transmission, which must be confirmed by the receiver, allowing users to obtain the highest levels of safety concerning the outcome of communication while also avoiding congestion of radio signals. Installation and maintenance are made easy thanks to a total lack of switches and potentiometers hardware. All devices are configurable via the control panel while learning new devices into the control panel can achieved through the use of either an automated self-learning mode or manually coded into the system. n For more information contact LSC Security Supplies on 1300 646 269 or visit
094-097_SSM111 Product Showcase.indd 96
21/12/17 3:23 pm
For the latest news, products and events in the security industry
FAAC J Series Bollard Range 1. Tested according to PAS 68:2013 and IWA 141:2013 Standards. 2. Impact resistance class N3 7.500-80 in SINGLE CONFIGURATION. 3. Able to stop a 7,500 kg lorry travelling at 80Km/h (=50M/h). 4. Raised position lock guaranteed even in the event of a power cut. 5. Also available in EFO (Emergency Fast Operation) version for very rapid rising. 6. Integrated hydraulic unit.
Increasing traffic levels and the associated lack of parking, especially in urban built up areas, lead to constant traffic management challenges. Even the protection of public, open spaces and highly accessed buildings are becoming more and more important to protect the safety of the general public. The new J Series Bollard range from
FAAC are the ideal supplement to the already extensive range of perimeter access control products available through Magnetic Automation, especially in cases where a particularly effective and preventive safety solution is required. Four models are available in different versions, including crash rated bollards tested to international
standards. Typical applications include building entrances, sports stadiums, universities, residential areas, inner cities, parking zones with restricted areas, high security perimeter areas, and so on. The FAAC J355 HA M50 is crash tested hydraulic, automatic retractable, high security bollard. Its features include:
Applications for this high security bollard include security sensitive areas such as government sites, airports, embassies, banks, port zones, prisons, industrial sites or wherever a high level of security is deemed necessary in terms of perimeter protection. n For further information visit or call 1300 364 864
PathMinder Launch The New HPJ Security Portal PathMinder are launching the HPJ Security Portal in Australia. The unique HPJ Security Portal is a half security portal designed to ‘cap’ any existing access controlled door that needs to increase its security level to stop any tailgating or unauthorised entry attempts through that doorway. The HPJ portal is an easy to deploy system that will turn any standard access controlled door into a high security door interlock. Following an authorised user through a door is known as tailgating and it is very easy to do. We have all been told that it is good manners to hold doors open for other people and often good manners win over the good security practice. Intruders may therefore be willingly let into a secure area thereby rendering the access control system redundant. PathMinder portals solves this problem by ensuring everyone who passes through a doorway must present their access control card. The HPJ Security Portal is made up of a curved set of doors that cap the
094-097_SSM111 Product Showcase.indd 97
exiting door and use the existing door to create a set of interlocking doors. The intelligent controller in the portal makes sure only one door is open at a time, thereby restricting access and a sophisticated ultra-sonic tailgate detection system to ensure access is limited to authorised people only. The HPJ140 features a 900mm opening for DDA compliance and is one of our few security portals that is fail safe in the event of power fail. The HPJ140 is the ideal solution to retrofit to an access control door where tailgating has become a problem. As standard, the units are designed to be burglary resistant and are certified as P1A. Options for each model include vandal, attack and bullet resistant solutions up to BR5 in certain models. Other customisations include metal detector to stop weapons being brought onto a premise. n For further information call 1300 750 740 or visit
21/12/17 3:23 pm
circlelock architectural revolving doors from boon edam show how high security entrances can be harmoniously elegant
An architectural revolving door that harmoniously combines elegant good looks with the highest-level security features available from global entrance specialist Royal Boon Edam is being introduced to Australia and New Zealand. The softly arched Boon Edam Circlelock series incorporates two bullet resistant curved glass sliding doors governing access to and egress from a glass portal that offers a spacious and comfortable entrance for the user, while the integrated security systems operating within it ensure only authorised people can pass through to the building or facility being protected. “Circlelock is used where it is imperative that only the right person enters an area of your building,” says Boon Edam Australia Managing Director Mr Michael Fisher. “The design blends beautifully with the décor of modern and classic buildings around the world, proving that
098-102_SSM111 Shop Talk.indd 98
beautiful form can be combined with efficient function. Because of its good looks and high security combination, it is now proven in use globally in applications such as government and diplomatic buildings, banks, airports, prestige jewellery and high value retail outlets, computer and data server rooms and corporate offices and headquarters.”
Access control • Comprising a circular portal with two curved sliding doors, Circlelock opens the outside door upon authorisation of an access control system. • Once the user has entered the portal, a weight system or StereoVision system integrated into the door determines whether the user is alone in the door, providing an efficient antipiggybanking system. • After sensing the presence of the person in the Circlelock, and if there is no alarm
situation, the first door will close and lock after which the second door will automatically open. • When the person has left the Circlelock, the second door will close and lock again. • The Circlelock is now in rest position and ready (stand by) to start a new cycle. • A red/green LED indication on the end stiles shows the status of each door wing at each side of the Circlelock. An additional biometrics identification system can match the biometric data of the user to a database to ensure the right person is entering the area. Only when both security systems give a clear signal, will the second door open and can the secured area be entered. Circlelock can optionally incorporate StereoVision time of flight camera systems to create extremely accurate 3D images of the person in the door to determine whether they
are alone. StereoVision is even capable of discerning between a person and a briefcase or bag. The Circlelock system – available in stock internal diameters from 1000-15000mm and height under canopy of 2200mm – is one of the comprehensive product groups of the global Boon Edam group, which operates in 27 countries. Circlelock is also one of a suite of security entrance and revolving doors systems already in service in Australasia. For security reasons, these companies cannot be named, but Boon Edam can arrange a private visit to demonstrate its security entrance technologies in operation locally. n For further information, please contact: Michael Fisher Managing Director T +61 1300 689 905 M: +61 (0)415671884 E: W:
21/12/17 4:17 pm
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Dahua Technology Ranked Top 3 Globally by a&s Security 50 is one of the most comprehensive and influential reports in the industry that ranks the top security manufacturers in the world. The annual Security 50 ranking is based upon product sales revenue, gross profit, and profit margin during the previous fiscal year. With a sales revenue of CNY13.33 billion (US$1.93 billion) and 32.26% annual growth from 2015, Dahua jumped to the top 3 this year and moved one position higher than last year’s ranking. “It is a great honor to be recognised once again by the 2017 Security 50 and we are delighted to become one of the top three companies in the security industry,” said Fu Liquan, chairman of Dahua Technology. “This outstanding performance demonstrates Dahua’s continuing dedication to innovation in the application of video surveillance.”
098-102_SSM111 Shop Talk.indd 100
In 2016, Dahua put forth new value propositions comprising innovation, quality and services, to create value for city management, business operations, and consumer living. Dahua’s continued high investment in R&D, which reached 10.69% of sales revenue this year, has culminated in a full series of innovative smart products based on deep learning technology, including front-end and backend products that support facial recognition, electronic police video check points, and structured video servers. The year also experienced rapid development within the security industry, which has led distributors and integrators to enhance business value by transforming their strategy from product sales to the construction of complete security systems. To meet changing and diverse customer needs around
the world, Dahua has released a series of customisable end-to-end security solutions. To better serve its customers and partners in over 180 countries and territories, Dahua has established 35 subsidiaries around the globe, covering the Asia & Pacific region, North America, South America, Europe, and Africa. To enhance localisation, Dahua overseas subsidiaries have recruited local talents to provide better sales, marketing, and technical support to local customers and partners. In 2017, the global security industry is facing an unprecedented opportunity presented by the era of AI, and Dahua has been strengthening its core capabilities, exploring adjacent technologies and business sectors, and integrating its business value
chain. Dahua is pragmatically driving the implementation of new technologies to help customers take advantage of this market transition. Dahua’s core strategy is globalisation. AI and IoT are the main themes of 2017. Dahua will continue its investment in globalisation and R&D to become a world leading video-centric smart IoT solution and service provider. With a mission of “Enabling a safer society and smarter living”, Dahua will continue to focus on “Innovation, Quality and Service”, to serve its partners and customers around the world. n Visit to learn more and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn. Media Contact: Vivid Gu, ( Tel:+86-571-28069750
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