06 Months
Table of Contents
About Securium Academy
Data Driven Enterprise 2025
AI Talent Crises
Business World Simulator
10 Reasons to Choose Securium Academy
Dedicated Career Support
Learner Profiles
Course Curriculum
Learning Outcomes
Course Projects
Capstone Projects
Tools Covered
Tuition Fee and Financing
About Securium Academy Securium Academy is a great option for those looking to enhance their Cybersecurity training and certificates knowledge and skills. With experienced instructors, practical training, and industry-recognized certifications, students can gain a competitive edge in the job market. • Interview Preparation- Securium Academy prepares you for job interviews through specialized training in cybersecurity, ethical hacking, and technical skills. Boost your career with us • Live classes every month- Securium Academy offers live online cybersecurity courses taught by industry experts covering topics such as ethical hacking, digital forensics, and incident response. Join now for hands-on training. • Expert Teachers- Securium Academy's expert teachers are highly skilled and experienced in the fields of cybersecurity and ethical hacking, offering practical and relevant knowledge to students. • 24*7 Hours Learning Facility- Securium Academy offers round-the-clock learning opportunities for cybersecurity professionals with a wide range of courses, accessible online at any time, from anywhere in the world.
Data Driven Enterprise 2025 When Nike announced a year ago that John Donahoe, a veteran technology executive - their Global CEO and President - many analysts found it rather unconventional. It was indeed a novel shift and was pronounced as a shoe company transitioning into a tech company that sells shoes and apparel. Nike is one of the hundreds of examples where more and more tech and data science veterans are stepping into the top management roles. Today Every Company Is A Data Company. Whether they know it or not. Analysts at McKinsey are calling this Data-Driven Enterprise of 2025. Their extensive report forecasts that by 2025, intelligent workflows and seamless interactions among humans and machines will likely be as standard as the corporate balance sheet. Moreover, most employees will use data to optimise nearly every aspect of their work. We have already entered the Data Era. Enterprises already see 20% of their earnings before interest and taxes because of Data.
Data is reshaping core operations, spearheading their competitive advantage and enabling completely new revenue streams. It’s only a matter of ti me before data itself will become a primary product across the global economy, and data science will form the core of every company’s business model.
Today AI is spearheading digital transformation across industries. Every CEO is acutely aware of the threat of an impending AI talent crisis. As a result, leaders scramble to secure top AI talent from a pool that’s not growing fast enough
AI is an exponential technology like the internet and electric cars and has the advantage of being highly impactful and multidisciplinary, spreading across all verticals and industries. The finance industry, medical, retail, mobility, manufacturing— all are recruiting AI professionals.
Hence, companies are setting a high market price for AI talent because they know l osing the AI war is an existential risk. So i t’ s a safer bet to stockpile talent — at almost any cost — than take the chance of losi ng competitive advantage. O’ Rei l l y’s 2021 AI Adoption in the Enterprise repor t found that the lack of ski l l ed people topped the list of challenges i n AI, wi th respondents citing it as the “bi ggest” barrier — revealing the big talent gap and unavailabil ity of AI professionals.
But, this AI worl d is ruthless, and corporate boards understand i t. New-age tech companies li ke Netfl ix, Facebook, and Googl e have destroyed traditional rivals l ike media, entertainment, and yellow pages. The corporate board is hol di ng management accountable for not avoiding the same fate with AI. The harsh truth is that AI creates opportunities and threats for every company, and most have only the next three to five years to either become AIdri ven organisations or risk goi ng out of business.
PEDAGOGY Projects Over Degrees
Experiential Learning We are big believers in the
Conventional Data Science
process of l earning through
education focuses more on
experi ence. Learners are taken
academics and research. It’s
through an i mmersi ve,
i nadequate in addressing the
partici pant-focused, participant-focused,
busi ness understanding and impact.
col laborati ve and refl ective collaborative
Our curricul um is built around
l earni ng experience. For us -
i ndustry projects that will al ways
l earni ng from the process is at
have busi ness improvement as
the heart of experi ential
their pri mary objective.
l earni ng.
This enabl es l earners to understand how data science is appl ied i n the real world.
Same Day Doubt Clearing Sessions We ensure our learners are never struck. We want our learners to make continuous progress. We have a l arge team of Subject Matter Experts, Counsellors, Coaches and Mentors who are avai l abl e throughout the business day to ensure that all queries get resolved i mmediately and a l earner' s progress never gets slowed down.
Multiple Bootcamps & Hackathons Year-round, students are engaged i n boot camps, workshops and hackathons in addition to regular cl asses. This ensure the l earning journey is engagi ng, col l aborative
Business World Simulator With roots in experiential l earning, we have developed the first of i ts kind, a Business World Simulator envi ronment inspired by flight
and fun.
Online Learning Management System (LMS)
simul ators. Al l l earners are provi ded with a This al lows our students to
worl d-i n-cl ass Learning
experi ence aspects of working in a
Management System (LMS) that
real -worl d business environment
has over 4000+ videos and 350+
duri ng the program.
hours of content. The learni ng content i s created i n a professional studio wi th hi gh producti on val ues. In additi on to vi deo content, ebooks and study notes are also provided so that every learner can l earn with their style and pace.
Experience first of its kind, a Business World Simulator environment inspired from flight simulators for pilot training. Our unique pedagogy allows students to experience working in a realworld business environment.
Our training is delivered through this Business World Simulator that fast-track
For example, students are divided
talent by exposing them to
into small tribes and groups, adopting Agile
realistic real-world
methodologies including scrum and Kanban.
simulations. The simulations
Project Planning, team coordination, daily
have been designed using
and weekly standups, checkins, agile
the knowledge of the most high-performing and experienced Subject Matter
ceremonies, business dashboards, team KPIs, and more are conducted with a strong emphasis on learning by doing.
Experts from various
Our Business World Simulator
provides a big picture view of operations, meaning that learners can quickly grasp a wide range of business and technical concepts and materials.
The outcome is that students are job-ready as soon they finish the program since they develop hard and soft business management skills in addition to Data Science Specialization.
T O C H O O SE Securium Academy LI V E C LA S S E S F R O M P R A C T I S I NG
D A T A SC IE NC E INST R U C T O R Each of the Instructors have great exposure to the real-world Data Science Proj ects and have worked with Tech Giants such as Microsoft, Amazon, TCS, Infosys etc.
L E A R NING Learning by doing i s our motto. We have designed practi cal sessions wi th hands-on proj ects for each module so that the student can understand the Impl ementati on of theori es.
C O U R SE C U R R IC U L U M Up-to-date content rel evant to the latest evol vi ng technologies, with 50+ Courses, 30+ Proj ects, and 20+ case studies are provi ded through our LMS.
I ND U S T R Y R E L E V A NT P R O JE C T S A ND C A SE ST U D IE S Each learner gets to work on Industry approved projects and al so prepare business case studi es for various enterprises to understand the day to day rol e of a Data Sci entist.
M A NA G E M E NT (SSM ) T E A M A dedicated SSM (Student Success Management) Team looks after each and every probl em faced by a Learner. A SSM team has multipl e departments i ncl udi ng Subject Matter Experts, Career Coaches, Personal Brandi ng Professional s, Training & Pl acement Offi cers wi th mandatory office hours for al l students.
SO F T SK IL L S A ND INT E R V IE W P R E P A R A T IO N T R A INING Soft Skill s Training along wi th I nterview Preparation by Industry Experts is provided throughout the program so that Learner is able to face the Real world Interviews boldl y and confidently.
P ROGRESS M O NI T O R I NG Weekl y Assignments and Monthly Test Series targeting various skil l s incl uding soft ski lls, coding, etc. designed to evaluate every learner’s learning progress and provide valuable feedbacks continuousl y for i mprovement.
S T R O NG A L U M NI NE T W O R K Connect with Top Industry Experts, AI Leaders, and Veteran Data Scientists to gain their valuable experience and benefit from thei r Network.
Coaches and mentors assi gned to students hel p them buil d a strong presence on various onl ine platforms such as Kaggl e, Gi thub, Hackerrank, Codechef etc. , to bui l d an I ndustry accepted Data Science Project Portfol i o.
H A C K A T H O NS Students are encouraged to participate i n smal l groups to participate in Hackathons happening throughout the program. Thi s helps them l earn to work in a collaborative environment while working on Industry recognized projects
Dedicated Career Support Build Amazing Social Profile & Resume You will be assigned dedicated faculty to design an unique and attractive World-class Resume which can be presented to HRs from Top Firms. In addition to Resume, you will get support in building your Social Profiles on Kaggle, LinkedIn and GitHub so that you always stand out.
Mock Interviews with Expert Industry Veterans Experience Virtual Interviews with real world practitioners to get a realistic interview experience and take valuable feedback on cracking interviews, negotiating salaries, positions and projects.
Experience a Data Scientist Work Life From day one, learn to work in a professional environment by fulfilling the tasks, assignments and projects.. You will be a part of weekly standups, project planning, and various agile ceremonies, the way it happens in real world
Personalised Job Assistance TPM (Training and Placement Management) is an integral part of the program. You will be assigned a dedicated placement coordinator within in few months, who will tirelessly work with you so that you get placed in a company of your dream.
Alumni Support and Network Get access to an engaged, supportive and constantly growing our alumni network. Build long lasting relationships with individuals who work within your field or share common interests and can help you climb your career ladder faster.
Learners Profile W O R K E X P E R IE NC E
24 %
0-1 years
1-3 years
3-5 years
5+ years
D O M A IN B R E A K U P Marketing & Sales Operations Human Resources Finance Quality Analyst Civil / Mechanical Others 0%
30% 11
I n thi s Program, we wi l l cover si x maj or modul es: Python, Stati sti cs and Hypothesi s Testi ng, Data Anal ysi s and Vi sual i zation, Data Cl eani ng and preparati on, I ntroducti on to Machi ne l earni ng and AI . The Students wi l l understand the basi cs of Stati sti cs an d get i nto data anal ysi s and vi sual i zati on
Learners wil l understand the
concepts. Each modul e wi l l end wi th Monthl y Test, Weekl y Assi gnments, gui ded proj ect, and Home Work
Operati ons.
Proj ect.
Regression Analysis, Classifi cation
theoreti cal part and working of essenti al Machine Learni ng al gori thms used i n real world scenari os. Learners wil l be abl e to process different types of Datasets for performing Machine Learning
Learners wil l be abl e to perform Analysis & Cl usteri ng Anal ysis using
Training Materials Learners wi l l get access to speci a l proj ect sessi ons desi gned for begi nners to work on end-to-end Machi ne Learning probl ems. Learners wi l l work on case studi es, arti cl es, j ournal s, research papers speci f i c to Machi ne Learni ng al gori thms and appl i cati ons.
Software Requirement
Machi ne Learni ng Algorithms. Learners wil l be abl e to create full fledged ML sol uti ons catering to wi de variety of solutions with well defi ned data pi peli nes. Learners wil l understand the process of model evaluation using vari ous machine l earni ng metrices. Learners wil l understand how to sol ve AI probl ems usi ng the cutting
Operating System: Any, Preferred:
edge technology of NLP and Deep
MacOS, Wi ndows, Li nux. Li brari es: Tensorfl ow, Numpy,
Learni ng.
Pandas, Seaborn, Matpl otl i b, Sci ki t-Learn Processor: i ntel i 3 5th Gen or above. RAM: 4 GB or above.
Module 1:
Variabl es Data Types and Operators Strings and Regul ar Expressions Loops and Conditional s Lists, Tupl es, and Sets Dictionaries, Stacks and Queues Searching Sorting and Time Compl exity Python Functions Introduction to OOPs
Module 2:
Data Analysis and Visualization
Introduction to Numpy Introduction to Pandas Data Anal ysis and Manipul ation using Pandas Introduction to Data Viz using Matpl otl ib and Seaborn Introduction to Tabl eau Basics Data Cl eaning and preparation using Tabl eau Data Visual ization using Tabl eau Dash Boarding and Story Tel l ing using Tabl eau
Module 3:
Data Cleaning, Preparation, and Processing
Data Cl eaning and Missing Val ues Outl iers Treatment Data Manipul ation Functions Data Cl eaning on Real Wol d Dataset Deal ing with Categorical Data Data Transformation and Dimensional ity Reduction Data Spl itting and Feature Scal ing Confusion Matrix
Module 4 :
Machine Learning and Auto ML using Google Vertex
Types of Machine Learning Modelling with Linear regression Regularisation Techniques Modelling with Logistic Regression Introduction to Clustering and K-means Introduction to Auto ML Introduction to Vertex AI Training, Evaluating and Deploying Auto ML models
Module 5:
Natural Language Processing
NLP fundamentals Feature Engineering in NLP Data Cleaning for NLP Feature Extraction for NLP Introduction to Text Classification ML models using Text Classification Using Deep Learning for Text classification More about advanced NLP
Module 6:
Deep Learning and Computer Vision
Introduction to Tensorflow 2.0 Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks Introduction to transfer learning Introduction to RNN and LSTM Introduction to computer vision Transfer Learning for Vision Implementing Transfer Learning for ML Implementing Transfer Learning for Vision
Learning Outcomes This an Outcome-focusses program to help Data Science aspirants get a jump-start in their data science career
Perform Data Wrangling across wide range of datasets
Clean and Process dirty datasets for Modelling
Data Mining & Manipulation for Information Retrieval
Analyse and Visualise Data for finding Trends and Patterns
Building ML Models and using Data Pipelines
Solving AI Problems using NLP and Deep Learning Algorithms. Understand Business Impacts & Outcomes of Data Science Projects. Confidently able to articulate and present the project findings to Management.
Home Work
Sample Superstore Orders Data Analysis using Excel
Retail E-commerce Analysis using Excel
In this project, you will analyze the sales data and identify weak area s and opportunities for Super Store to boost business growth.
In this project, you will create interactive dashboards with the E commerce retail dataset and dive through different perspectives of E commerce industry.
Guided Project
Home Work
Building a Star Schema
Building a Snowflake Schema
In this project, you will learn how to build a star schema in SQL for use in data warehouse or business intelligence that uses a single large fac t table.
In this project, you will learn how to design and implement a snowflake schema. You will also learn the advantages of building a snowflake schema and where it can be used.
Home Work
Guided Project
Analysis of Apps on Google Play and App Store Determine the type of apps that are more likely to attract users in App Store. This analysis can be helpful in recommending an app profile that can be profitable to the business.
Exploring HackerNews Post Determine the time of the day when a post on HackerNews. The analysis is classified into two parts for posting questions and also demonstrating your work.
Guided Project
Peak Traffic Times in City This study offers an insight into vehicle flow that can be useful for traffic study and management.
Home Work
Do people enjoy movies more while eating? This project offers analysis of the amount of attention people put into eating while watching an entertaining movie.
Guided Project
Home Work
Player’s Performance Reviewer
Optmizing Crop Production
Analyze players based on their ground positions, skills, nationality, clubs, age, and understanding the major factors driving the performance of these players.
Using Precision Farming for Clustering Analysis and Classification Analysis. You will be able to Recommend best Crops to Farmers to Increase their Productivity.
CAPSTONE PROJECTS The Capstone project will give you a taste of what data scientists go Retail Industry
Manufacturing Industry
prone to making purchase decisions. customers highly satisfied and more shopping experiences that make their create hyper-personal and relevant can use big data and analytics to guided tour exploring the way retailers This capstone project takes you on a
Students will understand the importance of data science in manufacturing companies and requires predicting manufacturing volumes. You will learn how price optimization, predictive analytics, demand forecasting and inventory management and supply chain management is done in manufacturing Industry using data science.
Healthcare You will explore the way data and analytics improve the healthcare in a variety of ways. How it will help in improving care and reduce waiting times and how medical data is a great example of how providers can look at large amounts of data to find patterns and prescribe appropriate courses of action.
Supply Chain This capstone project will take you on a guided tour exploring the way data science and analytics for transportation, for people to reach their destinations on time, to forecast future demands on various levels, to perform network planning and for procurement analytics.
Banking, Finance, Insurance
Media & Entertainment
You will learn about the many different applications of data science in banking and finance for analyzing financial security, managing risk, marketing and improving trading. Students will also be able to understand how algorithms help prevent fraud by quickly identifying breaks in spending patterns, illegal transactions.
This capstone project takes you on a guided tour exploring how collecting, analyzing and utilizing consumer insights to leverage social media and mobile content and understand real-time, media content usage patterns. Students will also learn techniques, that companies can better create content for different target audiences, measure content performance and recommend on-demand content.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Here are some of the most commonly asked questions we’ve received. If you can’t find an answer to your question, feel free to reach out to us.
1 What Projects will I get to Work on during this Course? F or y ou r c a ps t o n e p ro j e ct , y ou ’ l l ta ck le a real-w or ld data pro blem from end to en d. De ve l o p a p it ch a n d pr o bl e m s t at e m e nt , s ourc e an d collect r ele vant data, conduct an e x p l or at or y da ta a n a ly si s , a nd b ui l d a predi ctive model. Yo u ’ l l d oc um e nt a nd sh a r e y ou r f i ndi n gs throu gh a presentation, tech nic al report, an d n o n- t ec h n i c a l s u m m ar y. Th r o u g ho u t this Ac ce ler at or C our se you’ll als o co mpile a po r t f ol io o f p ro je c t s d e si g n e d to re in f orce what you’ve lea rn ed in each unit.
2 Will I get Assistance in Hackathons and Capstone Project? Yes, Of Course. You wil l get Ass is tance from our Teaching Assistants any time you wish. The Teaching Ass ist ants wi ll help you to complete the Capstone Project if you face any diffi cul ties. Apart from that our Mentors and Instructors will also help you to Come up wi th New and amazi ng ideas for the Capstone Project.
3 Will I get doubt resolution or mentorship, If I get stuck? You wil l get access to unl imi ted doubt resolution sessions any time as per your convenience. We have a team of high ly skilled subject matter experts who are available thr ough out the course durat ion to hel p you. You can request for doubt resolution session di rectl y through out whats App communication channel.
4 Which topics are going to be covered as part of the programme? Thi s progr amme i s designed fo r students looking to start career into the data do ma in. C onsidering th e r equi r eme nt s of different d ata roles in the industry, the c urri cu lum i s div ided in to si x modu les . These modules will cover Python, Statistics and EDA, Mac hi n e Le ar ni ng Model s, Advanced Machine Learning, Neural Networks, A dva nc ed Machi ne Learni ng , Nat ural Language P rocessin g. In each module the s tuden t s wi l l get week ly as si gnments , monthly test, guided proj ect, homework pr oje ct a nd moc k int er view fo r the ir experi en tial learning.
5 What is the time commitment expected for the programme? Yo u wi ll re qu ire to dedi cate atleast 12-15 hours per week to fully learn and u nde rsta nd the ba si c concepts cove red dur ing the course. This much time c ommi t ment is expected to b e ab le to a chieve complete learning outcomes offered from th e pr ogramme .
6 What type of learning experience should I expect? Th e cont ent wil l be a mix of interacti ve lectures from i ndustry leaders as well as Ex pe rt fa cult ies. A dditional ly, the programme comprises of live lect ures, Ebooks, S tudy No tes, Self Le ar ning Materia ls, Practice Datasets and Projects which will e nha nc e your learning experience. Case studies and group projects will also facilitate pe er -t o-peer interac tions .
7 Will I get Course completion Certificate? Ye s, Of cour se . Addi t iona lly you wil l a lso get a cert ifi cate for the completion of your Capstone Proj e ct t owar ds t he end of the Programme .
Tuition Fee and Financing The admission f ee for this A d v a n c ed Dat a Sci en ce cer ti fi ca ti on program wit h 100% Job A s s i s t a n c e i s $ 249 9 U SD. Th is f ee cov er s all t he applicable program c h a r g e s i n cl ud in g t he Men tor shi p Cal ls with Indust ry Experts.
3 Easy Step to Enroll
Career Counsel li ng Data Science Car eer Counsell or wi l l reach out for understandi ng t h e eli gi bi l it y. I f a st ude nt i s eligible for the pr o g r a m. The Stud ent wil l be shared an accept ance l etter.
Easy Registrati o n After r eceiving an a c c e ptance l et ter stu dents can book their se a t s b y payi ng the Boo ki ng amount.
S t art U ps ki l l i ng S t a r t yo u r lea r n i n g j o u r n e y w i t h Securium Academy a n d u n lo c k y o u r po t e n t i al o f r e ac h i n g gre a t e r hei gh t s i n t h e f i e l d o f D at a Sc i e n c e .
Thank You! For more queries and information please reach out to us at
support@securiumsolutions.com Visit us at:
U.S.A. 3601 Timberbridge dr, apt B, Valparaiso Indiana, U.S. - 46383
B28, 1st Cross Street, Block B, Sector 1, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301
Downtown Office 202, Saaha Office, CSoukm Al Bahar Bridge, Dubai, Po Box : 282615
+(1) 209 660 2207 l U.S.A +91 9990602449 | India +91 8368545467 | India +971 589866594 | Dubai