Secwepemc News Jan/Feb 2014

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A monthly publication serving the people and communities of the Secwépemc Nation

Fifteen years ago, there were no provincially recognized courses focused on First Nations culture and history. Stephanie Nelson, a Connections Worker at Port Hardy Secondary School, says her students are surprised when she tells them “when I graduated from here, I didn’t have the opportunity to take English First Peoples or First Nations Studies – I had to go to university to learn this material.” That’s now changed, thanks to the efforts of educators; Jacquie Auriat, First Nations Eduction Worker at Westsyde Secondary, Lori Nelson of Norkam Secondary and Brenda Celesta, First Nations Teacher at Brock Middle School and members of Aboriginal Resource Team, Noreen Pankewich and Renee Spence. The First Nations communities are committed to integrating First Nations content and principles of learning into the provincial curricula and our classrooms. First Nations Studies 12 was launched in 2000, and English First Peoples 10, 11 and 12 were developed in the last five years in a partnership between the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and the Ministry of Education. First Nations Studies 12 meets the social studies graduation requirements, and English First Peoples 12 is equivalent to English 12. The two classes satisfy the entrance requirements of BC’s colleges and universities. However, while these classes have been growing in popularity, they still have only a fraction of the enrolment of their more traditional counterparts. In 2011-2012, 42,488 students completed Social Studies 11 compared to 2,499 students for First Nations Studies 12. Similarly, 40,537 students completed English 12 compared to only 184 students for English First Peoples 12. Educators say these courses are rigorous, interesting and relevant. They would like to see more teachers championing them, and they believe that students of all backgrounds would benefit from and enjoy taking the classes given their holistic pedagogical approach and engaging content. Resource: Raising the profile of FNS

Secwepemc NEWS


The voice of the SHUSWAP NATION






L to R: Jacquie Auriat, FNEW, Westsyde, Noreen Pankewich, Aboriginal Resoure Teacher, Lori Nelson, Norkam EFP 12 Teacher, Brenda Celesta, Teacher, Brock Middle School

STUDENTS CONNECT TO COURSE CONTENT AND PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH English First Peoples and First Nations Studies both address the rich diversity of First Nations language, culture and history. Course material in English First Peoples extends beyond written text to encompass songs, dance and oral stories. And First Nations Studies addresses the history of British Columbia and First Nations – the fur trade, colonization, the gold rush, residential schools, the Indian Act and other events. Complementing the Aboriginalfocused content, the courses also offer teachers and students a very hands-on, experiential approach to learning that builds connections and partnerships outside the school. These learning experiences often extend into “traditional territories so students learn what it means to be on the land and connected to a place, history and story, and they rely on partnerships with elders and other community members.

Noreen Pankewich says “Kamloops SD 73 and FNESC hosted the “Summer Institutes” to train the EFP12 teachers, and we had 3 summer institutes over a few years here. They were VERY well attended by teachers from all over the province -and the Yukon. Teachers attended voluntarily on their summer vacation to take part and left very enthused. Among other teachers in our district, Laura Richter teaches a “hybrid” model of EFP, in which she incorporates Aboriginal literature into her English classes at all grade levels. We have incredible support from our non-Aboriginal allies in our district and we respect them immensely for their creativity. In recent years we have passionately encouraged teachers to use as much Aboriginal content in their curriculum as they can, and preferably local content. We have such rich resources! This year, largely due to Jacquie’s drive and Westsyde Secondary teacher, Sarah Hummel, we have been able to carry this forward. Sarah and Jacquie have been instrumental in initiating meetings with their admin and the counseling dept at WSS. They have had a course counsellor and myself in to speak to classes of students in their school - to inform them about these exciting courses. Essentially, we are promoting BC FN Studies 12 and EFP 12 so we have sufficient student enrollment, or they cannot run. By introducing the students to the topics and unique delivery of these courses, we will hopefully have enough students at Westsyde Secondary to run both the courses next year (2014-2015).




continued on pg. 10

Making the Connection through History & Education


Secwepemc NEWS

JAN/FEB 2014

NEWS The voice of the Shuswap Nation Secwepemc News is published monthly OUR MISSION is to provide a forum for members of the 17 Shuswap Bands to discuss and learn more about the issues, news and events taking place in the Shuswap Nation; to promote awareness of Secwepemc language, culture and history; to recognize the individual accomplishments of community members; and to provide a vehicle for the outside community to learn more about the history, current affairs and future goals of the Secwepemc people.

You can reach our Editorial Office by phone: (778) 471-5789 by fax: (778) 471-5792 by e-mail:; or by mail: c/o Secwepemc Cultural Education Society 274A Halston Connector Road, Kamloops, BC V2H 1J9 We appreciate and rely on the Shuswap communities for their stories and activity reports. Kukwstep-kucw

Editor Louise Alphonse Language Page Kathy Manuel Contributors Dolly Thomas Brenda Celesta Jacquie Auriat Noreen Pankewich Loren Nelson Grace Howse Loretta Eustache Lenore Starr

Secwepemctsín Wel me7 yews “Preserving Our Language”

NATIVE HOROSCOPE.......... Goose: Dec 22 – Jan 19
 If you want something done – give it to the Goose. Persevering, dogged, and ambitious to a fault, the Goose sets goals for accomplishment, and always obtains them. The goose is determined to succeed at all cost – not for the approval of other – but those with this Native American animal symbol competes with his/her own internal foe. Driven is the watchword for the Goose’s dominating personality trait – which makes them excellent in business and competitive sports. When tempered with supportive, nurturing family and friends, the Goose excels in all things he/she attempts. In a loving environment the Goose can be very passionate, humorous, gregarious, and even sensual. However, lead to his/her own devises, the Goose may fall into obsessive or addictive behaviors that will inevitably be his/her demise. Otter: Jan 20 - Feb 18
 A little quirky, and unorthodox, the Otter is a hard one to figure sometimes. Perceived as unconventional, the Otter methods aren’t the first ones chosen to get the job done. This is a big mistake on the part of others – because although unconventional, the Otter’s methods are usually quite effective. Yes, the Otter has unusual way of looking at things, but he/she is equipped with a brilliant imagination and intelligence, allowing him/her an edge over every one else. Often very perceptive and intuitive, the Otter makes a very good friend, and can be very attentive. In a nurturing environment the Otter is sensitive, sympathetic, courageous, and honest. Left to his/her own devices, the Otter can be unscrupulous, lewd, rebellious, and isolated.

Calendar of Community EVENTS

All are welcome to list any upcoming meetings and events in this space. Please give us a call at (778) 471-5789 or fax us at (778) 471-5792 or E-mail us at After School Aboriginal Girls Mentors Group The Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Society, Kamloops School District, First Nations Education Council, and TRU would like to introduce the group. It is intended to give extra support to Aboriginal girls in such areas as: moccasin making, birch bark baskets, traditional teachings and working on various self empowerment tools. There will be two groups of ten girls ranging from ages 9-13, working with Aboriginal female mentors. Transportation arrangements may be available. Call Renee Narcisse, facilitator @ 250-376-1296 for more information. Group 1 is on Tuesdays 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm Group 2 is Wednesdays 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm Cknúcwentn Court – First Nations Court 2013/2014 Kamloops Courthouse – Courtroom 3C Court commences at 9:30 am, Friday, February 7 - Friday, March 7 - Friday, April 4 - Friday, May 2 Friday, June 6 For assistance or further information please contact: Cknúcwentn Duty Counsel, Raymond Phillips at 250-­-455--2471 or Toll free at 1-­855-­355-­2471or Native Courtworker, Rae-­Anne Sasakamoose at 1-­877-­811-­1190 or Kamloops Legal Aid at 250-­314-­1900

I would like to add this to the newspaper....i want to first of all say a huge thank you to all the community of Alkali for the love guidance care and raising of my son who is and has lived up there since the Robbins family words can never express my gratitude and heart for all of your many blessings of care and love to all of the elders in the community you all are so totally awesome and I am so happy i have gotten to be a part of your lives as many of you know my family adopted Grampa Jim and Granny Josie Johnson from there and I love and miss them so much. The family gave them such a beautiful send off to the spirit world words can never express the gratitude I feel in my heart for all of you his children who allowed me to be a part of your family....they were the very first couple I met when i first started on the powwow trail and I always looked out for them thank you so very much ...and I would also like to say that the first time I went to Alkali I was so amazed at the many blessings of all the elders. You are surrounded with and still have so many take care of them all they are precious and hard to come by its these elders who inspire and guide our children and grandchildren in a good way ....prayers of love kindness gratefulness and humility come from me to all of you. Thank You, Love Hugs, Laughter Dolly Thomas Native Arts is moving the store in Chase back to the Pritchard community. The Ph# there is 250 577-3610 or long distance 866 614-8309. There will be a lot of items for sale due to the move. We will also be selling household items as well (sofa w/ chair, dishes etc.) Ask & we will give you the price & if it is for sale. Thank you, Carolyn Kendall

“The ME in Dementia: Increasing Understanding Along the Dementia Journey”: Mar. 28, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Want to know more about brain health, dementia, personal planning and research? Join the Alzheimer Society of B.C. at the Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre, with special guest Dr. Howard Feldman of UBC. Registration is $20 and includes lunch. Call 1-855-742-4803 for more information and to register. Many thanks! Jan Robson, Provincial Coordinator, Programs & Services Alzheimer Society of B.C. 300 – 828 West 8th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1E2 Ph: 604-742-4935 NEXT EDITION: write up on MI’KMAQ Speaking Tour visits Neskonlith MI’KMAQ SPEAKING TOUR ON JANUARY 27, 2014 NESKONLITH HALL 4 PM - 8 PM HAND DRUMMING AND HONORING Speical Guests: Mi’kmaq Delegation from the Mi’kmaq Nation and Elsipogtog fracking land dispute on the east coast touring BC and visiting Neskonlith to raise awareness about their struggle against fracking, their ongoing assertion and exercise of nationhood and the repression they face from police, courts, government and corporations. Giibwanisi Dizhnikaaz, Annishnabek, will also be presenting on his Peoples reclamatiion of their territory and forming of Oshkimaadizing Unity Camp in Awenda Ontario Prvincial Park. He is the co-founder of ACTION (Anishnabek Confederacy To Invoke Our Nationhood).

SHUSWAP NATION TRIBAL COUNCIL MTGS: * Elders Council Mtg is the last Thursday of each month, the next mtg will be announced. * Youth Meeting is Feb. 17, 2014 at 5:30 pm at the SNTC building. For more information you can contact Reanna Leonard. * Unity Meeting (will be announced) Little Shuswap Indian Band will hold nominations for one Council position Feb 23, 2014 at the Band Hall from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Elections will follow on February 28, 2014 at LSIB Hall and Tappen Hall for more info. contact George K. at 1-778-471-5789

Le7 te sitg’t te Sesyi


Secwepemc NEWS 3 3 Secwepemc NEWS

Pell7emetmín/Pellkwet̕mín - “stay at home month” Yi7éne te mégcen m-k̓iyéyes re tmicw. Yirí7 re m-tá7ews put k s7estp̓en̓lléxws re Secwépemc te c7es7ístkten̓s. This is the month it was freezing on the land. The Secwépemc did not go out of their winter homes.

Tsq̓wmus Vocabulary


le q̓7éses long ago Le q̓7éses, qelmúcw lu7 xwexwéyt e stem xwexwéyt everything Long ago, everything was similar to man ne7élye at this place Re tsq̓wmus kwemtús re sweswísentsút.s tmicw world/land The suckerfish was always showing off. tsʼílem similar Cucw! W7ec re tsʼentsútes ne séwllkwe kwemtús re tsq̓wmus qelmúcw people Oh! The suckerfish was always looking at himself in the water. qwel7ey̓entwécw conversing M-llwilc-ekwe te séwllkwe tem tsut-k stsúkwes newí7s k le7 méte together with t̕ucw k stsexténs tsq̓wmús sucker fish He jumped in the water thinking he was the best looking. kwemtús all the time W7ec t̕ri7 wel q̓7es, yerí7 sllwícs ne setétkwe well weswísentsut showing off estpúll, For along time he was jumping and splashing in llgwilc jump the river. welík̓t glitter t̕én̓wen fish skin Ne7éne put ne scenc re estk̓é7es wel m-estllíqw le tsq̓wmus, tsúntem he was told Suddenly suckerfish smashed up stemét friend againt this rock, tá7us do not Xwexweyt ne7éne le qweq̓ú7lls xylem behave in similar fashion m-llnitst̕ ne scencénc. xéne hurt his bones were splattered all over the rocks. Tqeltkúkwpi7 Creator Qwenqwént! Le tsq̓wmus. Ta7 k sxenwéllenʼs e xíllems t̕hen! k̓élnem obey Poor suckerfish. There was nothing that he could do. xlítentem he/they were Yerí7 s kectém te qweq̓ú7ll te stemtemét.s. summoned His friends gave him their bones. s7i7llcw others Re teníye, re tsʼi7, re kenkéknem, xwexwéyt nerí7 pyin me7 wiktc te xenwéllen̓ able to do qweq̓ú7lls ne tsq̓wmus pyin. Now everyone seeinstitutions, the bonesbeliefs, of thevalues moose, the deer the abear in something/learn “Culture is the whole complex of relationships, knowledge, languages,will social and ethical rules and that bind people suckerfish. a collective and its individual memers a sense of who they are and where they belong” Leenaar, A et al, 1999 tsʼexítctogether and give look at his/her


Secwepemc NEWS In Loving Memory

Jimmy Daniel Johnson Nov. 24, 1929 - Dec. 30, 2013

JAN/FEB 2014 Jim Johnson was laid to rest in his community of Alkali Lake, BC. on January 7, 2014. He was the proud father of 11 children, 16 Grandchildren, 6 Great-Great Grandchildren, 2 God children and many many extended family on the pow wow circuit. Eulogy given by Lena Paul, Jim and Josephine adopted me as part of their family in the 90’s when I was doing workshops. We often travelled together doing workshops and trainings in communities across the country. As a humble, proud, wise, knowledgeable, clean and sober role model, I found Jim to be a valuable resource for the training. Jim shared how hard it was for him to sober up. He always shared how proud he was of his family. I remember that he would often tell a family story in a funny way; but within that story were important teachings about fathers and sons and daughters and about other life journeys and relationships. Whenever we travelled, Jim showed how proud he was of Esk’et. I always had to give Jim lots of notice for him to agree to come on trainings with me because the work he did with his horses came first. Jim was proud, confident, and strong cowboy. He played a vital role gathering other cowboys and cowgirls to move the horses at appropriate times. He knew the land and the stock very well. Jim did his best to protect the land from overgrazing. He was willing to teach horsemanship and care of the land to anyone willing to help out. It was only through volunteering and helping Jim that the younger ones could learn from his vast knowledge. Jim was widely known as a skilled traditional dancer. Again in this role, he was willing to teach younger people the roles and responsibilities of being a dancer. At modern dances, Jim and

Josie would often be the first couple on the dance floor and the last couple to be rock’n and roll’n. Jim loved to dance and he loved his music. He played the fiddle and harmonica. Jim spoke directly and honestly and often times in a gruff manner. Neither, he nor Josephine, let people easily into their hearts; which was why I was so moved one day when I was visiting Josie at their home. Josie and I were joking and laughing while Jim sat quietly in his chair. As I got ready to leave, Jim stood up with his hands on his hips and said, “I never thought I would see the day that you would be sitting in my house like this. I always thought you were too “high tone” for us, Jim’s comment meant so much to me because it meant that he accepted me. I could always go to Jim and Josie’s for good talks; for hard talks; for sad talks; an I would leave uplifted. We lost a good friend when Jim died. He was known far and wide as a cowboy and a well respected traditional dancer, and male role model, but he always remained a humble teacher. Jim leaves behind a legacy of so much wisdom and knowledge about people, horses and the land.

IRONHORSE (Lloyd Gregory Arnouse) April 15, 1940 - December 21, 2013

Ex-foster kids in B.C. can draw on new $200,000 fund for non-tuition expenses B.C. Children’s Advocate Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond says youth who have been in government care deserve the same opportunities as others to attend university or college, but many face financial obstacles. Former foster children in B.C. will soon have access to a $200,000 fund that will help pay for non-tuition expenses if they cannot afford to attend post-secondary institutions. The project is being launched by Coast Capital Savings and will cover costs such as rent, utilities, food and transportation. Children’s advocate Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond told a news conference Wednesday that youth who have been in government care deserve the same opportunities as others to attend university or college, but many face significant financial obstacles. Last year, Turpel-Lafond challenged B.C.’s post-secondary schools to waive tuition fees for former youth in care. Vancouver Island University became the first in the country to do so this year, while the University of B.C. will begin to waive fees in September. Jesse Anderson, 26, a former foster kid who paid for his first year of tuition at Vancouver Island University, said he could not believe it when he found out his tuition would be waived for his second year. “I thought it was too good to be true,” Anderson told a group of business, education and non-profit leaders in Vancouver on Wednesday.

He said having his tuition waived gives him hope for humanity. “This is such a great thing,” Anderson said. “I encourage every university to do this, because without an education our future might not look so good.” Coast Capital Savings president and CEO Tracy Redies challenged other businesses to join her credit union in supporting the fund. “We can tackle this problem at the root and make the changes to stop the cycle of nearly half of our youth in care depending on social assistance after they leave government care,” Redies said. Children’s Minister Stephanie Cadieux said the government already offers programs to help youth formerly in care get into post-secondary schools, but the province can’t take on the task alone and needs support from other organizations. The fund will be managed by the Vancouver Foundation, and is expected to be available to eligible students in the fall.

Lloyd passed away peacefully in Kamloops on December 21, 2013 at the age of 73 years. He was predeceased by his father Frederick Arnouse, his sisters Freda, Caroline and Jane and his brother Doug. Survived by his mother Regina Arnouse, daughter Grace Howse, his sister Donna Jules (John), his brothers Mike Arnouse, Cliff Arnouse (Gladys), Don Arnouse (Theresa), Billy Arnouse & Hub Arnouse. He also leaves behind his nieces, nephews as well as many friends. Following the wake, a Funeral Service was held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 24, 2013 at the Family’s Home on the Adams Lake Indian Band. A Memorial Service for Lloyd was held at the ALIB Spiritual Center on December 28, 2013 at 10:30AM. With respect and admiration,Grace, Gypsi & Jordan

Secwepemc NEWS


Seven Sacred Teachings

The Aboriginal Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Partners Council (Partners Council) is pleased to announce the Coaching Staff and details of the Player Selection Camp for Team BC’s participation in the 2014 National Aboriginal Hockey Championships (NAHC). The 2014 NAHC will return to Kahnawake, Quebec, April 27th to May 3rd, 2014. COACHING STAFF After an exciting 2013 season, returning to the Team BC Coaching staff for 2014 NAHC are the following leaders: Team BC - Male Head Coach: Joe Quewezance (Merritt, BC) Assistant Coach: Shane Gottfriedson (Kamloops, BC) Assistant Coach: Josh Hepditch (Creston, BC) Manager: VACANT Team BC - Female Head Coach: Chris Luke, Jr. (Creston, BC) Assistant Coach: Sonya Sneyd-Glover (Squamish, BC) Assistant Coach: VACANT Manager: VACANT Michelle Beland (2012 and 2013 NAHC season Assistant Coach) will return to Team BC in the capacity of Team Trainer. Applications for the vacant Female Team Assistant Coach position and the Manager positions for each team are now being accepted. For the coach position, only female coaches of Aboriginal ancestry that possess a minimum of Coach Level and/or Coach Stream NCCP Certification are eligible to apply. For an application form or more information regarding these volunteer coaching staff opportunities, please email Deadline to apply is Wednesday, January 29, 2014.


2014 PLAYER SELECTION CAMP Top Aboriginal male and female hockey players are invited to participate in the 2014 Team BC Player Selection Camp where players will be evaluated and selected over a three day period by the Coaching staff. The Selection Camp will be held April 4 – 6, 2014 at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre in 100 Mile House, BC (home of the KIJHL’s 100 Mile House Wranglers). The 2014 Camp Registration Fee is $115 per player and will include a Team BC Selection Camp jersey. Preregistration is mandatory as no ‘walkins’ are accepted. Online registration will open on January 27, 2014 at www. Players must meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate in the Camp: • Registered with BC Hockey or another Hockey Canada Branch • Resident of British Columbia and be of Aboriginal ancestry (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) • Male: Bantam or Midget age, as of the 2014/15 competitive season (born 1996 to 2000 inclusive) • Female: Bantam or Midget age, as of the 2014/15 competitive season (born 1996 to 2000 inclusive) and those born 1994 to 1995 inclusive (as the female team can carry a limited number of overage players). National Aboriginal Hockey Championships (NAHC) The NAHC is the premier forum for elite bantam and midget-age Aboriginal hockey players from across Canada. It is the only annual national event that showcases and celebrates the athletic abilities of Aboriginal athletes from across the country, and aids in fostering cultural unity and pride. Team BC is represented by two teams, one male and one female team, featuring the top players from across the province. Contact: Lara Mussell Savage Manager, Sport Development & Competitions Ph: 1.800.990.2432 or 250.388.5522 ext. 233

The traditional ideals of respect and sharing that form the base of the Aboriginal way of life are built around the seven sacred teachings. Each law is taught by an animal to teach the lessons that all actions and decisions made by us are done on a physical plane. The animals have taught us how to live close to the earth, and the connection that has been established between the animals and us hasinstilled a respect for all life in those who follow the traditional Aboriginal way. Wisdom ~ Beaver The building of a community is entirely dependent on gifts given to each member by the creator and how these gifts are used. The Beaver’s example of using his sharp teeth for cutting trees and branches to build his dams and lodges expresses this teaching. If he did not use his teeth, the teeth would continue to grow until they became useless, ultimately making it impossible for him to sustain himself. The same can be said for human beings. One’s spirit will grow weak if it is not fulfilling its use. When used properly however, these gifts contribute to the development of a peaceful and healthy community. Love ~ Eagle To feel true love is to know the Creator. Therefore, it is expected that one’s first love is to be the Great Spirit. He is considered the father of all children, and the giver of human life. Love given to the Great Spirit is expressed through love of oneself, and it is understood that if one cannot love oneself, it is impossible to love anyone else. The Eagle was chosen by the Great Spirit to represent this law, as the Eagle can reach the highest out of all the creatures in bringing pure vision to the seeker. Though the purveyor of the greatest and most powerful medicine, love can also be the most elusive of the teachings, as it depends upon a world that acknowledges the importance of spirituality. Respect ~ Buffalo The Buffalo, through giving it’s life and sharing every part of it’s being, showed the deep respect it had for the people. No animal was more important to the existence of Indigenous families than this animal, and it’s gift provided shelter, clothing and utensils for daily living. Native people believed themselves to be true caretakers of the great herds, and developed a sustainable relationship with the Buffalo resulting in a relationship that was a true expression of respect.


beings is a great challenge that must be met with the same vigor and intensity as a mother Bear protecting her cub. Living of the heart and living of the spirit is difficult, but the Bear’s example shows us how to face any danger to achieve these goals. Honesty ~ Sasquatch North American Aboriginal culture follows closely an animal called Sasquatch. Sasquatch walks among the people to remind them to be honest to the laws of the creator and honest to each other. The highest honor that could be bestowed upon an individual was the saying “There walks an honest man. He can be trusted.” To be truly honest was to keep the promises one made to the Creator, to others and to oneself. The Elders would say, “Never try to be someone else; live true to your spirit, be honest to yourself and accept who you are the way the Creator made you.” Humility ~ Wolf Recognizing and acknowledging that there is a higher power than man and it is known as the Creator is to be deemed truly humble. To express deference or submission to the Creator through the acceptance that all beings are equal is to capture the spirit of humility. The expression of this humility is manifested through the consideration of others before ourselves. In this way, the Wolf became the teacher of this lesson. He bows his head in the presence of others out of deference, and once hunted, will not take of the food until it can be shared with the pack. His lack of arrogance and respect for his community is a hard lesson, but integral in the Aboriginal way. Truth ~ Turtle To know truth is to know and understand all of the original laws as given by the Creator- and to remain faithful to them. It is said that in the beginning, when the Creator made man and gave him the seven sacred laws, the Grandmother Turtle was present to ensure that the laws would never be lost or forgotten. On the back of a Turtle are the 13 moon, each representing the truth of one cycle of the Earth’s rotations around the sun. The 28 markings on her back represent the cycle of the moon an of a woman’s body. The shell of the Turtle represents the body real events as created by the Higher Power, and serves as a reminder of the Creator’s will and teachings..

CFDC of Central Interior First Nations

Courage/Bravery ~ Bear The Bear provides many lessons in the way it lives, but courage is the most important teaching it offers. Though gentle by nature, the ferociousness of a mother Bear when one of her cubs is approached is the true definition of courage. To have the mental and moral strength to overcome fears that prevent us from living our true spirit as human

Jackie Bandura Jordan George Dale Tomma

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Secwepemc NEWS

Uses for Coconut Oil 1. In cooking as a great oil with a high smoke point. Great for baking, stir-frys or as a dairy free replacement to butter. 2. Taken supplementally for daily energy 3. As a coffee creamer when emulsified into coffee (The only way I’ll drink coffee) 4. On the skin as a basic lotion 5. In homemade lotion bars for soft, smooth skin 6. In homemade deodorant or deodorant bars 7. As an eye-makeup remover 8. As a cloth diaper safe diaper cream (just rub on baby’s bottom) 9. In making your own Remineralizing Toothpaste 10. To lighten age spots when rubbed directly on the skin 11. To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy 12. To support healthy thyroid function 13. In homemade Mayo without the high PUFA vegetable oils 14. To help increase sun tolerance and avoid burning 15. As a naturally SPF 4 sunscreen 16. In homemade lotion recipes 17. To get rid of cradle cap on baby- just massage in to head, leave on for a few minutes and gently rinse with a warm wash cloth 18. Topically to kill yeast or yeast infections 19. As a delicious tropical massage oil 20. It’s high Lauric acid and MCFA content helps boost metaboism 21. A tiny dab rubbed on your hands and then through hair will help get rid of friz 22. As an intensive nighttime facial moisturizer 23. Mixed with equal parts sugar for a smoothing body scrub (use in the shower) 24. Rubbed on lips as a natural chap stick 25. Topically, can help skin heal faster after injury or infection 26. Directly on the perineum to help heal after birth 27. As an incredibly intensive natural conditioner- Rub into dry hair, put a shower cap on and leave for several hours 28. On feet to fight athlete’s foot or tor fungus 29. In place of Lanolin cream on nursing nipples to sooth irritation (also great for baby!) 30. Can help sooth psoriasis or eczema 31. There is some evidence that regular ingestion of coconut oil can help prevent or reverse Alzheimers 32. With apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for lice that actually works 33. In natural Homemade Sunscreen 34. In healthy brain boosting snack for kids like Coconut Clusters 35. In a filling and energy boosting Brain Powder Smoothie 36. Rub coconut oil on the inside of your nose to help alleviate allergy symptoms 37. Nursing moms can take 3-4 tablespoons a day (and Vitamin D) to increase milk supply and nutrients 38. There is some evidence that coconut oil helps digestion and may even kill intestinal parasites or yeast 39. Mix a tablespoon with a tablespoon of chia seeds for an allday energy boost (do NOT take this at night!) 40. Can help improve insulin levels 41. Oil pulling with coconut oil and a drop of oregano oil helps improve gum health 42. Can help improve cholesterol ratios 43. Blend a tablespoon into hot tea to help speed recovery from cold or flu 44. In Homemade Natural Bug-Off Lotion Bars 45. As a replacement for vegetable oils in any recipe 46. Better for high-temperature cooking than olive or vegetable oils 47. Can help reduce appearance of varicose veins 48. After initial heat is gone, can help speed healing of sunburn

JAN/FEB 2014 49. Is an immediate source of energy when eaten and isn’t stored as fat 50. As a natural personal lubricant that won’t disturb vaginal flora 51. As a naturally antibacterial skin cream 52. In natural homemade diaper cream 53. As a natural shave cream and after shave lotion 54. When used consistently on skin it can help get rid of cellulite 55. To season cast iron skillets 56. It’s anti-inflammatory properties can help lessen arthritis 57. Can reduce the itch of mosquito bites 58. Can help resolve acne when used regularly 59. Can be rubbed into scalp daily to stimulate hair growth 60. I’ve used in kids ears to help speed ear infection healing 61. On split ends to de-frizz 62. A small amount can be rubbed into real leather to soften and condition (shiny leather only… test a small area first) 63. By itself as a great tanning oil 64. Mixed with salt to remove dry skin on feet 65. Can help speed weight loss when consumed daily 66. Can help improve sleep when taken daily 67. Can be used to speed healing of fungal infections when taken internally and used externally 68. A tablespoon melted into a cup of warm tea can help sooth a sore throat 69. To help sooth the itch of chicken pox or poison ivy 70. It has been shown to increase absorption of calcium and magnesium 71. Internally as part of the protocol to help remineralize teeth 72. Some evidence shows that the beneficial fats in coconut oil can help with depression and anxiety 73. By itself as a natural deodorant 74. By itself or with baking soda as a naturally whitening toothpaste 75. For pets struggling with skin issues when used externally 76. Some evidence suggests that the beneficial fats in coconut oil are helpful for those with Autism 77. In homemade vapor rub 78. As a safe cooking oil for deep frying 79. A tablespoon taken before each meal can help improve digestion 80. Can be taken in warm ginger tea to sooth heartburn or nausea 81. As a completely natural baby lotion 82. On hands after doing dishes to avoid dry skin 83. Mixed with catnip, rosemary, or mint essential oils as a natural bug repellent 84. Can be used on mom’s nipple and baby’s mouth to help treat thrush 85. Many use it as an anti-aging facial moisturizer 86. Use to make coconut cream concentrate for a brain boosting snack 87. Can be used internally and externally to speed recovery from UTIs 88. When taken regularly, it can help fight candida 89. When taken regularly, it can boost hormone production 90. Can relieve the pain of hemorrhoids when used topically 91. Can boost circulation and help those who often feel cold 92. On cuticles to help nails grow 93. Rub into elbows daily to help alleviate dry, flaky elbows 94. Add to smoothies to give them a nutritional boost 95. Internally during pregnancy to help provide baby necessary fats for development (especially when taken with Fermented Cod Liver Oil) 96. In any recipes where vegetable oils are used 97. Whipped with shea butter for a soothing body balm 98. One reader swears by using coconut oil to treat yeast infection. She suggests soaking a tampon in it and inserting the tampon for a few hours. 99. Naturally clears up cold sores

100. Ingesting coconut oil daily can help with allergy symptoms 101. Ingesting coconut oil daily can increase mental alertness

Amazing Youth contest Dear BC First Nations, My name is Tysun Tallman and I work for Provincial Health Services Authority in Aboriginal Health. Our team is asking for your help in promoting a new contest and encourage submissions from your community! Please read below. Please distribute widely Are you an Aboriginal youth between the ages of 16 and 24? Do you have something on your mind you want to share? Video submissions should be 20 to 45 seconds long and be on one of the following topics: 1.Our Land, Our Environment 2.What does it mean to be decolonized? 3.What does it mean to be an Aboriginal Warrior today? 4.Racism 5.Celebrating Our Cultures 6.Other ‹ What else is important to you? Winners of each category will receive an iPad mini. Deadline to submit March 7th, 2014 The winning videos will be announced and played at the PHSA Cuystwi booth at Gathering Our Voices Youth Conference 2014. Disclaimer: This contest is not sponsored or endorsed by The BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centers or Provincial Aboriginal Youth Council and the Gathering Our Voices organizers are not part of the selection process or contest announcement Questions? Contact Tysun Tallman, Project Assistant PHSA Aboriginal Health Program Provincial Health Services Authority Suite 201-601 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V5Z 4C2 Office: 604-707-6377

Secwepemc NEWS


Completed revenue-sharing agreements with two First Nations in Williams Lake


Vanessa’s Fitness Corner.........SHOULDERS

Shoulders are one of favorite body parts to work. If you want to strengthen your shoulders and back, here are some great exercises that target the muscle area in your shoulders. Using proper posture during each exercise is very important. Squeeze your abdominals in during each workout to aid in good posture. You can injure yourself if you don’t do the exercises properly. Please practice doing each workout to the best of your ability. The Quality of how you do each exercise is more important then number of reps you do.

Workout 1: Wide Pushup Since everyone is different, Measure the distance you need to do a wide push up by placing your forearms on the floor with your hands over lapped. Your hands during the wide push up should go where your elbows are during measurement.

The B.C. government has completed revenue-sharing agreements with two First Nations in Williams Lake. The deal will allow the Williams Lake Indian Band and Xatsull First Nation (also known as the Soda Creek Indian Band) to get a cut of tax money the province collects from an expansion of the Mount Polley mine, located east of Willams Lake. Williams Lake will receive 18.5% of the tax revenue, while Xatsull will get 16.5%. On Tuesday, April 9, the government announced a similar agreement with two First Nations near Princeton, B.C.

Under that arrangement, the Similkameen Indian Band and Lower Similkameen Indian Band will get 35% of the taxes the B.C. government collects on the Copper Mountain mine, which went into operation in June 2011. The Mount Polley mine is operated by Imperial Metals. The company received a permit to expand the mine in 2011. The agreements are part of the B.C. government’s plan to make economic development agreements with First Nations outside of the lengthy treaty process. Since 2011, the government has made 15 such agreements with B.C. First Nations.

Get into plank position and hold your abdominals in and tuck your hips to support your lower back and hold. Lower slowly to the floor and stop when your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Do as many pushups as you can, doing the exercise properly. For moderation drop to knees. Workout 2: Shoulder Press Hold your weights up straight above your head. Beginner: 3-5lbs, Intermediate: 5-8lbs. Advanced: 10-25lbs. Bring the weights down slowly to either side of your head and stop when your arms are at a 90 degree angle. Repeat for 10 reps.

First Nations to get cut of Copper Mountain Mine By Nelson Bennett

Two First Nations near Princeton, B.C. will get a share of the taxes the B.C. government collects from the new Copper Mountain Mine. Under a new economic and community development agreement signed with the B.C. government, the Similkameen Indian Band and Lower Similkameen Indian Band will get 35% of the taxes the B.C. government collects on the new mine, which went into operation in June 2011. The B.C. government was unable

to provide information on how much it collects from the new mine. The agreement also provides commitment by the government to work with the bands on other future mining activities in their territory. “Our Smelqmix and Syilx chiefs and councils have been petitioning the province to share the wealth of the resources in our territories for a long time,” said Upper Similkameen Chief Charlotte Mitchell. “We see this agreement as a small step in the right direction.

Congratulations to Kukpi7 Wayne Christian on his re-election. and Councillors; Jean Brown, Reno Lee, George William, Lawrence William Splatsin Indian Band

Workout 3: Shoulder Burner This workout is awesome. Your shoulders will feel like firecrackers after 10reps. Hold your weights down in front of you and simultaneously lift your arms up, one arm coming up straight and the other coming up on a 90-degree angle. Lift to shoulder height. Alternate between arms. So the other arm will come up straight and opposite arm will come to a 90-degree angle. Do 10-15 reps Once you work through each exercise, repeat for one more round. Hope you enjoyed my favorite shoulder workout routine and for more of a variety or starting an entire workout program, contact me on facebook. Vanessa Gottfriedson Email: Website: Pinterest:





Secwepemc NEWS

Carey Price’s Sister and his Community are Cheering Him On !!

Dennis Cahoose, Jeritta Cahoose and Andre Cahoose above with Stanley Cahoose to the right By Adam Williams in Hockey, Olympics, Sports

Carey was named to the Canadian hockey team heading to Sochi, Russia, for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in February. Kayla is a student at Thompson Rivers University.  It was about an hour before Hockey Canada announced the men’s Olympic-team roster and Kayla Price wasn’t sure if brother Carey would make the cut. Bleary-eyed and tired from a sleepless night, Kayla received a text message from P.K. Subban, her brother’s NHL teammate with the Montreal Canadiens and, at the time, a fellow Olympic hopeful. Subban said he had made the team. “I was like, ‘What about Carey?’ and I never got a response back,” Kayla said. After a few stressful moments, she heard the news from her sibling. A text message sent at 7 a.m. on Jan. 7 revealed the news: “I made the team, but don’t tell anyone, don’t tweet about it.” The rest of Canada wouldn’t know for another hour. “It was kind of assumed he was going to make it, but it’s so nerve-wracking. You never know. So, it was definitely a huge relief to hear it,” Kayla said. “Then, when they announced it on TV, I was so excited I wanted to cry.” Kayla, 22, is a Thompson Rivers University

communications student from Anahim Lake. She has aspirations to become a sports broadcaster, perhaps working in the same league as her big brother. She found out at a fairly young age it wouldn’t be as a goaltender. “We had an outdoor rink when we were kids and Carey decided to put me in net. I had no equipment. I had a stick,” Kayla said. “He was just taking light shots at me and I had his stick at a tilt, so the blade was aimed right for my nose . . . the puck shot off the blade and hit me straight in the nose.” After the blood stopped flowing, Kayla’s parents put an end to her career in net. “That’s when he took over,” she said with a laugh. Kayla and her parents, Lynda and Jerry, will be heading to Sochi, Russia on Feb. 9 for a two-week stint of watching 26-yearold Carey play for Canada in the Olympic Winter Games. Kayla will be taking some time to see the sights and experience the culture. She will also meet up with Jay Onrait, the Fox Sports broadcaster formerly of TSN, to shadow a variety of broadcasts and make some work connections. Kayla Price (right) is no stranger to blunt opinions on the play of her older brother, Montreal Canadiens’ netminder Carey Price.  Submitted photo But, make no mistake, the main focus of the trip will be watching Carey represent the Maple Leaf. It’s the most stressful thing in the world,” Kayla said. “I used to pretend that I didn’t care when I was younger but, now, I’m just as anxious as everyone

JAN/FEB 2014 else who’s watching.” The Price family has always followed Carey on his hockey trips. When he played for Canada’s world junior team in Sweden in 2007, the Price clan was in the stands. Carey led Canada to its third-consecutive gold medal that year and was named tournament MVP, an all-star and top goaltender. It remains to be seen whether he will have the opportunity to do the same in Russia. Roberto Luongo of the Vancouver Canucks is returning to the team after leading Canada to gold in 2010. Playing in the Olympics was a silent goal for Carey, according to Kayla, who said her brother is self-driven. Like her brother — and the rest of the nation — Kayla hopes to see a gold medal around Carey’s neck in the early-morning hours of Feb. 23, just as she did in 2007, though she’s careful not to jinx it. “It would be amazing,” Kayla said. “It’s another stepping stone in his career and you can’t help but be proud. At the end of the day, he’s still the same person and every success he has is a success for us as well. It will be amazing — hopefully.” Despite all the high moments — the gold medals and international honours, NHL contracts and awards — there have also been tough times. Having an NHL goaltender for a brother can come with a fair amount of stress when the puck drops each night. It can also force you to make some tough decisions, such as not telling people you’re one of those Prices. “ When I was younger, I was a lot more open about it, just because it was a cool thing, I guess,” Kayla said. “But, more so now, I try to make a name for myself, as opposed to living through him. “I want to attract the right attention and I want to do it for myself and not through him.” If people ask her outright, Kayla will tell them about her brother’s profession. But, when strangers in Kamloops say, “Hey! You’re Carey Price’s sister!”, it can get a little strange. And, when Carey has a bad game, she inevitably hears about it. “It’s the fans that let me know what’s going on,” Kayla said. “They’re very opinionated. They either love you or they hate you — or both at the same time. So, they’ll let me know. They’ll let me know if he’s had a good game or a bad game and they let me know exactly how they feel about it.” She tries to learn from Carey. Beginning his career in the hockey-mad city of Montreal, he has had to quickly develop a thick skin. Naturally, she feels defensive and

protective of him, though it can be difficult to hear negative things about a family member — Olympic goalie or not, Carey Price the goaltending superstar is still just Carey Price the brother. “He’s still, to this day, the same guy, very affectionate and loving,” Kayla said. “He always makes sure you’re OK before himself. The whole hockey thing is kind of just a side thing for him. He puts his family first and then hockey comes second.” Canada’s 2014 men’s Olympic hockey team roster: FORWARDS • Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins) • John Tavares (New York Islanders) • Jonathan Toews (Chicago Blackhawks) • Jamie Benn (Dallas Stars) • Patrice Bergeron (Boston Bruins) • Jeff Carter (L.A. Kings) • Matt Duchene (Colorado Avalanche) • Ryan Getzlaf (Anaheim Ducks) • Chris Kunitz (Pittsburgh Penguins) • Patrick Marleau (San Jose Sharks) • Rick Nash (New York Rangers) • Corey Perry (Anaheim Ducks) • Patrick Sharp (Chicago Blackhawks) • Steven Stamkos (Tampa Bay Lightning) DEFENCEMEN • Jay Bouwmeester (St. Louis Blues) • Drew Doughty (L.A. Kings) • Dan Hamhuis (Vancouver Canucks) • Duncan Keith (Chicago Blackhawks) • Alex Pietrangelo (St. Louis Blues) • P.K. Subban (Montreal Canadiens) • Marc-Édouard Vlasic (San Jose Sharks) • Shea Weber (Nashville Predators) GOALTENDERS • Roberto Luongo (Vancouver Canucks) • Carey Price (Montreal Canadians) • Mike Smith (Phoenix Coyotes)

The Secwepemc Nation wish you all the Best at the Sochi, Russia, for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games Carey Price and Family

Secwepemc NEWS


To First Nations Communities,

Frequently Asked Questions;

Happy New Year to all BC First Nations from the First Nations Health Authority! In the past week, the number of reported influenza cases in BC was the highest yet this flu season. The most common form of the influenza virus in BC this year is Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09. Influenza A (H1N1) was responsible for the pandemic in 2009. In that year it was predicted that this new virus would result in more hospitalizations and deaths than had been seen in prior influenza seasons. This was not the case; however, young children, teens, and pregnant women did suffer more serious illness due to H1N1. This year’s flu shot will protect you against H1N1and keep you from transmitting it to others. In fact, even last year’s flu shot provided this protection because public health officials predicted that H1N1 would return. At this time, H1N1 seems to be a flu virus which has become a regular part of the flu season. It is especially dangerous for children, seniors, pregnant women and those with other health conditions, but H1N1 influenza also causes illness in previously healthy young adults. We encourage you to take the following steps to protect loved ones and stay well during flu season: • Wash hands frequently with soap and water; • Sneeze/cough​into your sleeve and not your hands; • Throw away used tissues; • Ensure household surfaces are kept as clean as possible; and • If you are feeling sick, stay home from work or school and call your local health care provider or HealthLink at 811.

Is H1N1 back again?

Free flu shots for Aboriginal people are available at your Health Centre or Nursing Station, and can also be obtained in physician’s offices or pharmacies. If you haven’t had the flu shot this year, don’t delay- the flu shot remains the most effective way to prevent the flu. Remember: when you get the flu shot, you are not only protecting yourself, but also your family and community.​ If you have any questions about the flu shot please visit: http://www.fnha. ca/what-we-do/communicable-diseasecontrol/influenza-information or contact our Health Protection Unit:​Jessica Harper, Immunization coordinator, FNHA​|Tel: 604-666-8365​

Get your Flu Shot !!

H1N1 was seen for the first time in 2009 and since then has been one of the several types of seasonal (regular) influenzas that have been seen.

Am I eligible for a free flu shot?

Aboriginal peoples (on and off reserve) are eligible to receive a free flu shot this influenza season.

What is in the flu shot this year? This year the influenza vaccine contains: • A/California (H1N1) • A/Victoria (H3N2) • B/Massachusetts​ The 2 ‘A’ strains, California and Victoria are the same as in last year’s vaccine and the ‘B’ strain, Massachusetts, is new.

If I was immunized last year am I safe? It is recommended that you receive your flu shot annually; last year’s flu shot does not guarantee immunity this year.

Are my kids at risk? Children who have not recei​ved the flu shot are at risk for getting the flu.​Children at risk of getting serious complications from the flu illness include those: • aged 6 months to less than 5 years, • children and teenagers needing to take aspirin for long periods of time due to a medical condition. Children and adults with the following medical conditions are also at risk of getting serious complications from the flu illness: • Heart or lung disorders that require regular medical care, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or cystic fibrosis • Kidney disease, chronic liver disease such as hepatitis, diabetes, cancer, anemia, or weakened immune system • Those with health conditions causing difficulty breathing, swallowing, or a risk of choking on food or fluids, such as people with severe brain damage, spinal cord injury, seizures or neuromuscular disorders. • Those who are ver​y obese. For more information, you can contact your local health services.

Is What You are Packing in Your Child’s Lunch Increasing Their Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?

This is the sixty first article in a series of articles discussing type 2 diabetes. With the incidence of diabetes being on the rise in our population, at Manshadi Pharmacy we have taken a great interest in diabetes care and would be happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diabetes and its related complications. The results of a couple new studies were released this week on the impact of certain chemicals commonly found in food packaging in terms of increasing children’s risk for obesity and diabetes. I have discussed the topic of environmental toxins and diabetes before, but given these recent findings, it would be a good idea to review it again. Hopefully this article will help you to minimize your family’s exposure to these potentially dangerous toxins and help you pack safe and healthy lunches for your family this school year. The first study looked at a chemical that belongs to the phthalate family known as Di-2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) commonly used to soften plastic. You can identify if a plastic contains this chemical if it has the number 3 for recycling on it. This study analyzed data from 766 adolescents from 2003 to 2008 looking at whether or not there was a correlation between urinary DEHP levels and insulin resistance. A correlation was found that the children with the highest levels of this chemical in their urine have a 22% incidence of insulin resistance vs. only 15% in the group having the lowest level. The second study reviewed data from 2010 and looked at the levels of BPA, (commonly used to make plastics and line aluminum cans), in childrens urine to see if it correlated with obesity. Once again, a correlation was made as the children with the 25% highest levels of BPA in their urine were twice as likely to be obese. So, what are the potential impact of these studies on your child’s health? As the results of both studies were not considered statistically significant, further studies are needed to determine a direct cause and effect between these chemicals and diabetes. What we do know is that as these chemicals are more commonly found in prepackaged foods and eating them increases your risk of type 2 diabetes. Those that consume more will have higher levels of the chemicals and will have more risk factors such as obesity and insulin resistance for developing diabetes. Therefore, the less prepackaged convenience foods your child consumes, the better it reduces environmental toxin exposure and the risk of developing diabetes. Some tips that the researchers of these studies gave to reduce your child’s exposure to these environmental toxins were: • •

Missagh Manshadi, B.Sc. Pharm Pharmacist/ Owner Certified Compounder

Catherine Masters, B.Sc. Pharm Pharmacist, Certified Diabetes Educator

Laura Burgess, B.Sc. Pharm Pharmacist, Certified Diabetes Educator

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try to avoid buying plastics that contain DEHP or BPA never microwave plastic as it may leach the chemicals into the food try to use alternatives to plastic wrap/containers when making your child’s lunch and try to pack fresh foods in your childrens lunches that aren’t prepackaged do not use scratched or damaged plastic containers and never wash them in the dishwasher as once its durability has been altered it is more likely to leak chemicals increase physical activity and decrease screen time. Sincerely, Laura Burgess, B.Sc. Pharm., Certified Diabetes Educator Pharmacist, Manshadi Pharmacy


Secwepemc NEWS

JAN/FEB 2014

Making the Connection through History & Education continued...... continued..........

Through my job at the district level, I have been able to spread the word into other secondary schools and hopefully stir up the same interest in several schools, not just Westsyde. The poster was the brainchild of Social Justice teacher Mike Koppes at South Sahali, who insisted on a medium that speaks to students. It was collaborativly created through myself, Renee Spence and SD 73 graphics designer Carlo Sia. Noreen Pankewich, School District 73 Aboriginal Resource Teacher - Jacquie Auriat says “as a First Nations Education worker, the importance of having BCFN studies and English First Peoples in the school curriculum is two-fold. It allows me to invite presenters, cultural teachers, and elders into the school with an intent to educate both Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal students. Providing the students of aboriginal ancestry a venue to share and give voice to some of their experiences, it also allows us to clear up many myths about what it is to be an aboriginal person today, and we get to do this in a classroom. I am hoping that our team has done enough to promote these courses this winter and when course selections happen in February students will be as excited to sign up as some of the teachers are to teach the courses next fall”. Jacquie Auriat, First Nations Education Worker Westsyde Secondary School,– since 1999

“it clarifies many misconceptions and students learn about others and themselves”.

My name is Brenda Celesta, I am a member of the Secwepemc Nation, from the Simpcw Band. I began my teaching career in 2000, working in five North Thompson Schools, located in Clearwater and Vavenby. I taught Social Studies grade 3-11 and resource/learning assistance programs. I was hired to work at NorKam Secondary in 2004, where I taught Math, Learning Assistance and Social Studies. At that time, School District 73 launched a new initiative, called Video Conferencing. These were courses offered between several schools, of which BC First Nation Studies 12 became one of the choices. At first it was offered between Norkam Secondary and local rural schools (Barriere, Chase, Logan Lake and Clearwater), then later between NorKam and Valleyview. I am proud to say, during the years I taught it, that it had the highest number of students enrolled of all the Video conferencing courses offered. I enjoyed seeing the dedication and interest of students, both First Nations and Non-First Nations to learning the First Nations history and relationship between First Nations and Government, within BC. The course is used as a Social Studies 11 credit for graduation by most students, taken in place of Social Studies 11 or Civic Studies 11. Some of the highlights of teaching the course were; inclusion of researching the differences between the various regions of BC, it was unique because the curriculum provides the opportunity for a variety of guest speakers and research projects covering a wide range of topics. Some of the more popular topics in the course were, learning about the various regions and bands, views of the land, colonial impact over the history of Canada and specific to BC, understanding traditional use of the land and land division, reactions and responses of First Nations to various Government policies, understanding Residential School and learning about cultural expression through stories, music and art. Over the 6 years, I taught the course, students experienced the sharing of knowledge from a variety of guest speakers such as Secwepemc Chiefs, Tk’emlups Band employees, Secwepemc Museum employees and Cultural people, of both Secwepemc and Metis heritage. I encourage anyone who is interested in learning about the history specific to BC to take the course, or find out if it is offered within your local high school. Brenda Celesta, Teacher at Brock Middle School,Bargaining Team/Aboriginal Education Chair for the KTTA Executive Committee

English 12 First Peoples was first introduced at NorKam Secondary School as a course 5 years ago. Teaching English 12 FP has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. As a non aboriginal person, I was at first a little uncomfortable with teaching this course when I was first approached by Deb Draney. I was embarrassed and ashamed that I did not know much about aboriginal literature, history, nor issues even though I was married to a Metis. I am forever grateful to Deb for reviewing all of the course material with me and teaching me about aboriginal customs, history, language, stories, etc. I am also most grateful to all of the elders and first nations speakers who have enriched this course by sharing their stories and passions and knowledge of first peoples literature. I began researching and reading for my own pleasure and discovered a plethora of amazing and talented aboriginal writers. Two of my favorite writers and storytellers are Richard Wagamese and Drew Hayden Taylor. My students have benefited the most though. In this course, they learn about the importance of their own identity. Through the rich and beautifully written novels, stories, poems, articles, movies, and plays presented in class they have come to not only appreciate excellent first peoples literature but also they have come to learn about the resiliency of first nations people through their struggles, suffering, oppression, and discrimination caused by colonization. By reading their stories and then by studying the conflicts and struggles as well as the survival and celebrations of these vibrant cultures, they have come to learn more about themselves and the world they live in. As well, they have learned to dispel many of the misconceptions about our first peoples that still exist. In turn they can now go out into the world and try to make the world a better place by encouraging others to read this wonderful literature. Lori Nelson Teacher at NorKam Secondary

Secwepemc NEWS


A New Relationship taken from the

In 2005, BC First Nations political leadership came together and agreed to work cooperatively, signing the Leadership Accord. This Accord formalized a working relationship among the three main First Nations political organizations in BC (the BC Assembly of First Nations, First Nations Summit, and Union of BC Indian Chiefs). This working relationship between the three organizations is referred to as the First Nations Leadership Council (the Leadership Council). The Leadership Council entered into the New Relationship (2005) with the Province of British Columbia, which committed the signatories to “…restore, revitalize and strengthen First Nations and their communities and families to eliminate the gap in standards of living with other British Columbians, and substantially improve the circumstances of First Nations people in areas which include: education, children and families, and health…”. At the 2005 First Ministers meeting in Kelowna, the Leadership Council, Government of Canada, and the Province of BC signed the Transformative Change Accord. The Accord committed the signatories to establish a new relationship based on mutual respect and recognition and to close the social and economic gaps between First Nations and other British Columbians in several areas including: relationships, education, health, housing & infrastructure, and economic opportunities. There was agreement among the parties that the approach to closing these gaps must take into account the Social Determinants of Health. The Leadership Council and the Province of BC then entered into a bilateral agreement in November 2006 to address the health area of the Accord. The Transformative Change Accord: First Nations Health Plan (TCA: FNHP) includes 29 action items, including health promotion/disease and injury prevention, health services, and performance tracking. The creation of the First Nations Health Council is identified as the first action item in the Transformative Change Accord: First Nations Health Plan. The federal government joined BC and the Leadership Council in signing an MOU in November 2006 that committed the parties to develop a Tripartite First Nations Health Plan (the Plan). Agreed to in June of 2007, the Tripartite First Nations

Health Plan included the original 29 action items from the TCA: FNHP as well a commitment to explore a new administrative arrangement for the delivery of health services to First Nations in BC, with the aim of increasing First Nations control over health services to their own peoples. A New Governance Partnership and Administrative Arrangement The Tripartite First Nations Health Plan calls for the development of a new First Nations health governing structure to increase First Nations decisionmaking in matters of health. This new structure includes four components: » First Nations Health Council (FNHC): Advocates and supports BC First Nations and oversees the negotiations of the development of a First Nations Health Authority.

» First Nations Health Authority (FNHA): Will assume responsibility for federal health services currently delivered by First Nations and Inuit Health and agreed upon provincial services. » First Nations Health Directors Association (FNHDA): Provides voice for the collective experience of BC First Nations Health Directors and Managers and will advise the new FNHA on policy direction and service delivery models. » The Tripartite Committee on First Nations Health (TCFNH) is comprised of the Deputy Ministers of Provincial Health Ministries, Deputy Minister of First Nations and Inuit Health, BC Region, and the CEO’s of BC’s 6 Health Authorities. The TCFNH is responsible for enacting system change and developing a reciprocal accountability framework to ensure that health services better meet the needs of BC First Nations.



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880 - 175 2nd Avenue, Kamloops, BC V2C 5W1

Phone: 250- 374-1555 Fax: 250-374-9992 E-mail:

decade, began in June of 2003 when Nuu chah-nulth Nations filed a Writ of Summons against Canada and British Columbia. Today’s decision from the Supreme Court of Canada represents the second time Canada’s highest court has refused to hear Canada’s appeal in the case. It means that the declaration of the Nations’ aboriginal right, first made by the BC Supreme Court in 2009 and twice affirmed by the BC Court of Appeal, is final and constitutionally protected. The decision comes after four years of unproductive negotiations between the Nations and the Fisheries and Oceans Canada, in which the Nations have been frustrated by Canada’s refusal to meaningfully engage and accommodate their aboriginal right. SUPREME COURT DECISION A VICTORY “Now is the time for Canada to negotiate in a meaningful way. VANCOUVER – Nuu-chah-nulth fishing rights. Together we can create fisheries that Nations celebrated a major legal “The decision by the SCC affirms will benefit our coastal communities victory today when the Supreme what Nuu-chah-nulth have always and all Canadians. The highest court Court of Canada refused to hear asserted and the BC courts have in the land has spoken. Will the Canada’s appeal in the Ahousaht affirmed. Nuu-chah-nulth Nations et al. vs. Canada court case. The are fishing people, dependent on our Canadian government get serious about negotiating with Nuu-chahcountry’s highest court issued its sea resources for our food and our ruling early this morning, effectively economies. Canada must work with nulth Nations as the Courts have directed?” Foxcroft said. ending more than a decade of our nations to design fisheries that Media inquiries: Nuu-chahlegal proceedings between Canada meet our community needs, using nulth Tribal Council President Deb and the five nations (Ahousaht, our preferred means to fish, and in Foxcroft, 250-720-5336. Ehattesaht/Chinekint, Hesquiaht, our preferred fishing areas,” said For more information on the Mowachaht/ Muchalaht, and Tla-o- Deb Foxcroft, President of the Nuutrial, visit qui-aht) with a final affirmation of chah-nulth Tribal Council. the Nations’ aboriginal economic The case, which spanned the last wordpress/litigation/fishingrights.


Secwepemc NEWS

JAN/FEB 2014

SuperStores were braced for boycotts after a damning report claimed eating farmed salmon can cause cancer Eddie Gardner, Net-Pen Coordinator A national boycott of open-net farmed salmon kicked off earlier this year. Farmed Atlantic salmon boycott rallies will be held across B.C. to educate the public about contamination levels so high that SeaChoice, Oceanwise and Monterey Bay Aquarium SeafoodWatch have all red-listed this product to avoid. This is especially important for pregnant women and children. At the rallies, pamphlets showing what exactly is in farmed salmon will be handed out: wide fat bars where toxins accumulate contain DDT, which is linked to breast cancer and gets passed on to babies through breastfeeding; viruses such as salmon influenza type virus, and a novel reovirus; insecticides such as endosulfan, banned due to high toxicity; GMO corn and animal by-products used in salmon feed; PCBs, dangerous chemicals that can cause cancer, immune dysfunction and nervous system damage, and more! Armed with this information, with links to get more information from credible sources, Superstore customers will likely buy wild salmon instead of farmed Atlantic salmon grown in open-net pens in our coastal waters. “Our experience with the Superstores in Chilliwack, Coquitlam, Duncan, North Vancouver and Nanaimo have been very cooperative,” stated Eddie Gardner. “These are peaceful rallies, respectful of property and people, and we are hopeful that all Superstores will afford the same respectful cooperation to the boycott rallies across B.C.,” added Mr. Gardner, Boycott Coordinator. “We are surprised that the Director of Social Responsibility at Loblaw’s is still ignoring our request made last year to remove farmed Atlantic salmon from Superstore coolers,” added Angela Superneault, member of the Chilliwack Boycott Chapter. “People notice that Superstore is proud to promote the sale of hormone-and antibiotic-free beef and pork, yet look at the contamination levels in farmed salmon,” Shawna Green said, adding that Superstore needs to be consistent and remove farmed Atlantic salmon from their shelves. Superstores come under the overall management of Loblaw’s. The aquaculture industry remains plagued with dangerous mutating viruses, pollution and parasites – forcing them to use chemicals and antibiotics to protect their farmed fish grown in open-net cages, many of which are placed on the migration routes of the endangered Fraser River sockeye salmon.

Government scientists are desperately trying to calm consumer panic after researchers warned that Scottish farmed salmon is so contaminated with toxic chemicals that it should be eaten no more than three times a year. The largest ever study of pollutants in salmon found chemicals linked to cancer and birth defects in fish from supermarkets and wholesalers. Environmentalists called for an immediate inquiry, but the Food Standards Agency today urged people to keep eating salmon. Chairman Sir John Krebs said: “People should consume at least two portions of fish a week - one of which should be oily, like salmon. There is good evidence that eating oily fish reduces the risk of death from recurrent heart attacks and that there is a similar effect in relation to first heart attacks.” Scottish Quality Salmon, which represents farmers, claimed the study was “seriously misleading” and ignored all the health benefits reported in “more than 5,000 scientific studies”. The findings, published today in the respected US journal Science, could have a devastating effect on the £700-million-a-year Scottish industry, which supports some 6,500 jobs. Scientists found levels of 14 toxins were significantly higher in European and North American farm-raised salmon than in fish caught in the wild.

The pollutants, all in a category called organochlorines, included chemicals which persist in the environment and are potential cancer triggers. Four of the most hazardous - including PCBs and dioxins - were used to calculate consumption safety guidelines. The most contaminated fish came from farms in Scotland and the Faroes. For these, the safe monthly limit was a mere quarter of a serving. Wild salmon, on the other hand, could be consumed at levels as high as eight meals per month. The scientists, from six research centres in the US and Canada, tracked the pollutants down to the fish meal fed to intensively farmed salmon. Toxin levels in the “fish chow”, a mix of groundup fish and oil, were similar to those in the salmon themselves. Professor Ronald Hites, from Indiana State University, who led the study, said: “It’s important for people who eat salmon to know that farmed salmon have higher levels of toxins than wild salmon from the open ocean.” A Safeway spokesman said dioxins were well below the limits set by the EU.

“ Participating in an event such as the rally against farmed salmon is important for me, my children and future generations to come. From my elders I have learned the value of protecting the land, water, air and all the creatures within them...this is our way of life. I will pass the passion to stand up for our way of life to my children, nieces and nephews...that’s my responsibility now. Having a voice, being active to protect our traditional ways of life and cherishing every salmon, deer, berry and root is what I teach my children by taking a stand...they will know no other way, except to take a stand and fight to protect all the gifts we have been given by N’Kulten (Creator)” . L. Starr


265 BC Aboriginal students shared over $800,000 in awards for College and University education this year VICTORIA – The Irving K. Barber British Columbia Scholarship Society has granted a total of $813,000 to a record 265 Aboriginal students in BC to support their studies at post-secondary colleges and universities throughout the province. This represents a near doubling in the number and value of Aboriginal Awards granted by the Society the previous year. The Society’s Aboriginal Awards program is funded from the returns on a $12 million endowment fund established by the Province, and an additional $2M fund created in 2012 to encourage more Aboriginal students to become teachers, and $1M for Aboriginal students pursuing Masters and Doctoral studies. Awards of between $1,000 and $5,500 each are issued to students through a competitive process every year. The awards programs are intended to assist in removing barriers to higher education for the province’s Aboriginal peoples. “Throughout our province, more Aboriginal students are succeeding in their post-secondary studies and taking advantage of the exciting job opportunities,” said Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk. “Congratulations to these deserving students, and best of luck in your classes.” In accepting his 2013 Aboriginal Student Award, Gage LeBlanc, who is studying Business Administration at Camosun College, offered the following comment about its impact. “By granting me this award, the financial burden of post-secondary education has been extensively lightened. This will allow me to put more time and effort into my studies…and I am inspired to help others to make the decision to enter a college or university program.” “Aboriginal youth are the fastest growing demographic in our population and yet they are under-represented at our colleges and universities. Through these awards, the Irving K Barber Scholarship Society hopes to encourage more Aboriginal students to pursue post-secondary education to secure the skills and training they will need to reach their full potentials”. said Society Chair, Hugh Gordon. The Irving K. Barber BC Scholarship Society provides scholarships to students attending public post-secondary institutions throughout the province and internationally. Since its inception, the Society has awarded over $5 million from its six scholarship and award programs. Editors Please Note: A complete list of 2013 Aboriginal Student Award recipients can be found at Media information contact: Rory Grewar, Director of Special Funds, Victoria Foundation, Phone: 250-381-5532 E-mail:

Deadline for next months issue will be; February 28, 2014. Please send in your * community events, workshops, gatherings, pow wows, tournaments * election notices, obituaries, * birthday greetings, anniversaries, grads etc. * community success stories, gathering, dinners, Email it to: communic@secwepemc.

LOCAL RECIPIENTS; Sonya Charley, Canim Lake TRU, Kamloops Tina Alexis, Anahim Lake Langara College Paige Archie, Canim Lake University of British Columbia Jesse Akers, Clearwater Thompson Rivers University Kamloops Ashley-Anne Churchill, Kamloops University of Victoria Christina Jacobs, Kamloops Thompson Rivers University Colleen Fines, Kamloops Thompson Rivers University Danielle Cooley, Kamloops Simon Fraser University Hillary McLean, Kamloops Thompson Rivers University Jolene Eustache, Kamloops Thompson Rivers University Karla Joseph, Kamloops Thompson Rivers University Sarah Keppler, Kamloops Emily Carr University of Art + Design Tyler Walkden, Kamloops Okanagan College Dancing-Water Lulua, Williams Lake, University of British Columbia Dixie Smeeton, Kamloops Thompson Rivers University James Smith, Williams Lake Thompson Rivers University Victoria Booth, Williams Lake Thompson Rivers University Dalton Baptiste, Nemiah Valley Thompson Rivers University Cassandra Gunn, Salmon Arm Okanagan College Robin Arnouse, Salmon Arm Okanagan College

Secwepemc NEWS


The New Years Baby Boy in WL

Williams Lake has a New Year’s baby Victor Harry and Jocelyn Isnardy with their newborn son who is the New Year’s Baby for Williams Lake, born Jan. Victor Harry and Jocelyn Isnardy of Williams Lake are settling in at home with their first-born son who happens to be the city’s New Year’s baby. Their baby, who has yet to be named, was born on Jan. 5, 2014, at Cariboo Memorial Hospital, at 4:15 a.m. He weighed eight pounds and two ounces. Mom and baby arrived home on Wednesday. Both Harry and Isnardy were born and raised in the Cariboo Chilcotin. He’s from Dog Creek and she is from the Toosey, Riske Creek area. Their son will be welcomed by “lots of cousins” on both sides of the Fraser River, Isnardy smiled. When asked if they had noticed anything about their little guy’s character, Isnardy said he is a little toughie already. “When he was getting weighed and lying on his tummy, he was already on his knees and holding up his neck,” she said. Smiling Harry said when they were at the hospital it was almost as if the baby had figured out the sound of the nurse’s shoes when she would walk into the room. “He would hear her coming, shut his eyes, and then wait and open one eye,” he said.

Watch for this in the next edition.............. Mi’kmaq visits the Neskonlith Community... Mi’kmaq Delegation from the Mi’kmaq Nation and Elsipogtog fracking land dispute on the east coast touring BC and visiting Neskonllith to raise awareness about their struggle against fracking, their ongoing assertion and exercise of nationhood and the repression they face from police, courts, government and corporations.


Secwepemc NEWS

JAN/FEB 2014

Personal Credits Notice

If you received a Common Experience Payment, you could get $3,000 in Personal Credits for educational programs and services. The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. The healing continues. Since 2007, almost 80,000 former students have received a Common Experience Payment (“CEP”) as part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. CEP recipients are now eligible to receive non-cash Personal Credits of up to $3,000, for either themselves or certain family members, for educational programs and services. What are Personal Credits? Personal Credits may be used for a wide range of educational programs and services, including those provided by universities, colleges, trade or training schools, Indigenous Institutions of Higher Learning, or which relate to literacy or trades, as well as programs and services related to Aboriginal identities, histories, cultures or languages. How much are Personal Credits? Adequate funds are available for each CEP recipient to receive up to $3,000 in Personal Credits, depending on your approved educational expenses.

as defined in the terms and conditions. Personal Credits of multiple CEP recipients can be combined to support a group learning activity. How can I get Personal Credits? Each CEP recipient will be mailed an Acknowledgement Form. If you do not receive an Acknowledgement Form by the end of January 2014, please call 1-866-343-1858. Completed Acknowledgement Forms should be returned as soon as possible and must be postmarked no later than October 31, 2014.

How do I redeem my Personal Credits? Once approved, you will be sent a personalized Redemption Form for each individual using Personal Credits at each educational entity or group. Once the Form is received, provide it to the educational CEP recipients have the option of entity or group listed. The educational entity or sharing their Personal Credits with group must then complete and mail back the certain family members, such as: Redemption Form postmarked no later than December 1, 2014. • Spouses • Children • Grandchildren • Siblings What happens to unused Personal Credits?

Which educational entities and groups are included? A list of approved educational entities and groups has been jointly developed by Canada, the Assembly of First Nations and Inuit representatives. If an educational entity or group is not on the list, please consult the website for more information.

The value of unused Personal Credits will be transferred to the National Indian Brotherhood Trust Fund and Inuvialuit Education Foundation for educational programs.

Will I receive a cheque? No. Cheques will be issued directly to the educational entity or group providing the service.

For more information, including how Personal Credits can be redeemed by certain family members of CEP recipients that are deceased, visit or call 1-866-343-1858.

Who can use Personal Credits? CEP recipients can use the full amount themselves or give part or all of their Personal Credits to certain family members such as a spouse, child, grandchild or sibling,

The IRS Crisis Line (1-866-925-4419) provides immediate and culturally appropriate counselling support to former students who are experiencing distress.

1-866-343-1858 •

Secwepemc NEWS


Elders Gathering heading to the Okanagan - Penticton For the past 38 years, First Nations Elders have met in distinct locations of British Columbia. The first Elders Gathering began in Sto: Lo Nation hosted by the Coqualeeza Elders. Frances Harne carved a totem pole, which was used as a record keeper; places and dates were inscribed at the base of the pole, recording each Gathering. Elders Gatherings are a wonderful time for people to visit and exchange memories and knowledge, to create new friendships and to renew old ones. These Gatherings provide a chance to gain perspective on how other First Nations live. The Basic purpose of the Gathering is the need for Elders throughout the province to have inter-social and community links that bind them together as a Nation. It allows them to intermingle with likeminded, like-aged individuals and their families, to reveal common grounds that strengthen those links. It will offer the opportunity to interface with youth, which helps to mitigate the generation gap, and allows the younger generations to demonstrate respect, regard, and honour for their Elders. Our Elders possess all the wisdom of the ages - knowledge and experiences that the younger generations need to guide them through life. It is very important that this event continues and that our Elders’ legacy is passed on to each generation that follows. With the world we live in becoming increasingly modern by the minute, we need to provide the balance that comes from remembering the past through our Elders lives.

Happy Valentines Day Feb. 14th

Penticton Indian Band was selected to host the 2014 version of the Elders Gathering eventon July 7, 8, 9th, 2014 at the Trade and Convention Centre in Penticton “We worked really hard to pursue that. It was a team effort from our elders and myself,” said PIB Chief Jonathan Kruger, adding that the ceremony handing over responsibility was an amazing experience. “We hosted an elder’s gathering back in 1997, where Joey Pierre and Caroline Pierre were the king and queen. And now we have a new king and queen, that’s Emory Gabriel and Vera Gabriel,” he said. “There is so much work that has to be done. Right now they are celebrating and when they get back the work starts. Already we are getting sponsors together. This is such a big event that we might have to get a coordinator to help us.” Kruger estimates there were about 3,000 elders from around B.C. and other parts of Canada at the Prince George gathering, but expects there will be even more in Penticton. “Because Penticton is so beautiful, I am estimating probably 4,000,” said Kruger. “We got a huge standing ovation and they were all so happy. We already booked the Trade and Convention centre for July 7,8 and 9.” Kruger expects the elders will come together with the PIB youth, administration and the other bands of the Okanagan Nation Alliance will come together to make the 2014 gathering a grand event. “We want to knock everyone’s socks off,” said Kruger. B.C. Elders Communication Center Society Coordinator: Donna Stirling E-mail: Telephone: 250-286-9977/Fax: 250-2864809/Toll Free (for elders) 1-877-738-7288


SECWEPEMC BUSINESS DIRECTORY This listing is FREE to all Secwepemc.

All R Creations Hand Carved Jewellery Roxane McCallum (604)826-0095 Birch Baskets Harold Thomas (250) 833-4016 Big Sky Station Store & Gas Savona Joan McTaggart (250) 373-0043 Bow & Arrow Golf Enterprises (250) 318-0742 Frank Antoine Resource Planner & Owner Orbis Ent Ltd. Fax:(250) 305-2445 Ph:(250) 305-7415 E: Casper Creations Kamloops, BC Dora Casper (250) 376-1736 Deana’s Dream Cree-ations Kamloops Deana Nicholson, Consultant (250) 377-1087 Drums, Carvings, Boxes Bonaparte, BC Norman Retasket (250) 457-9727 cell (250) 457-4520 Nighthawks Band (250) 440-5864 Les Johnson Event Planning Chase, BC Julie John (250) 574-6215 Falling & Contracting Canim Lake Gregg Archie (250) 397-4137 Fever Sounds - DJ Service Barriere Cal Eustache (250) 672-9580 c (250) 819-3375 Full Circle Designs Kamloops Travis Marr (250) 828-0770 Hall/Conference Centre 4 Rent Chase Adams Lake Rec. Centre (250) 679-3515 Beach Body Coach Kamloops Vanessa Gottfriedson (250) 574-6975 Indigenous Eco-cultural Education & Consulting Services Chase Dawn Morrison (250) 679-1116 Inspirational Catering, Aboriginal & Canadian Cuisine - Lonny Paul (250) 267-3314 (250) 375-2092 Language (Secwepemc) Consultant Mona Jules (250) 672-5293 (250) 320-0379 Lawyer Kamloops Linda D. Thomas Law Corp. (250) 319-8045 Little Bear Gift Shop & Gallery Chase Margaret Anderson (250) 572-4939 Little Shuswap Restaurant 250-679-8589 576 Coburn St, Chase, BC

Happy 6th Birthday to Epyk Antoine (January 29) Happy Birthday to Wanda Antoine. (January 31) From Misty, Gary, Lyric, Rick and Vegas To Grandma’s lil groundhog boy Max Haller Feb 2/2014 Happy Birthday love you tons. Love Barb

Mary Kay Independent Consultants Deborah Hall (250) 938-2124 Lois Paul, (250)819-9393 Helen John, Sales (250) 574-0227 Helen John’s Catering (250)574-0227 Nature’s Best Buffalo meat/products Williams Lake Tom & Karen Alphonse (250) 296-0013 Neskonlith Advisory Services Chase Neskonlith Indian Band (250) 679-3295 Pathways Design in Landscaping Linda Stump (250) 819-4969 Personalized Stained Glass Chase Doreen Kenoras (250) 679-3783 Pine Needle Baskets Chase Agnes John 250) 679-2741 Puss N’ Boots Daycare Kamloops Lucy Jules (250) 828-9429 Randy Sam Art Studio Chase, BC Goldsmith - Randy Sam (250) 819-8953 Red Willow Designs Chase, BC Tanya Willard (250) 299-5835 Regalia & First Nation Crafts Kamloops, BC Doris Bamford (250) 314-9820 Ribbon Shirts & Regalia Kamloops, BC Trish Terry (250) 376-9001 Riverfresh Wild BC Salmon Rock’s in the Wind Creations Chase, BC Rock & Dianne Deneault @ Running Wolf Video Productions BC Doreen Manuel (604) 837-3663 Shiny Nicol Cleaning Services Chase Doreen Nicol (250)577-3532 / (778) 220-4967(c) Skwlax Gas & Convenience Chase John Anderson (250) 679-7623 Star Blankets Chase Sharon Sellars (250)682-2261(c) Testop Publishing Chase Tess Tomma (250) 835-8446 Tupperware Consultant Merritt Deanne Eustache (250) 315-3757 Xatsull Heritage (250) 297-6502 Xwexwne Creations Kamloops, BC Louise Alphonse (250) 574-8002 Beadwork, Mocassins, Pouches etc. Your Business could go here.


Secwepemc NEWS

JAN/FEB 2014

Secwepemc Women Warrior Society, Defenders of Mother Earth: No to Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline

As one Kinder Morgan crew worked on stemming an oil leak from its Trans Mountain pipeline in British Columbia on Thursday, another worked on winning over the province’s reluctant public for a major expansion of the line. For the second time in as many weeks the company was forced to shut down the only pipeline linking the Alberta oil fields with a westcoast shipping port because of a leak, this one about 40 Secwepemc Women Warrior Society said a resounding No! to the Kinder Morgan pipeline kilometres east of Hope, B.C. - Global News, BC today at an illegal engagement session between government and elected chief and council in

Small crude oil spill on Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline near Merritt - Vancouver Sun The oil spill on Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline Wednesday evening near Merritt may be one of the smallest recorded in the line’s 60-year history, but it has triggered a seismic public reaction. Where spills of a few barrels might once have generated a public yawn, this one, initially reported by the company at a mere 12 barrels, has set the Twitterverse and Facebook on fire and prompted angry “I told you so’s” from environmentalists and First Nations. It also comes a day before Premier Christy Clark and Alberta Premier Alison Redford meet to discuss, among other things, two pipeline proposals, one of which B.C. now officially opposes. The visceral public reaction to the pipeline leak surprises neither Nathan Lemphers, a senior policy analyst with Calgary-based Pembina Institute, a Calgary-based energy and environmental policy think-tank, nor Barry Penner, B.C.’s

former environment minister. Both say recent high-profile oil spills have made the public skeptical about Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway pipeline and Kinder Morgan’s plan to twin its EdmontonVancouver line. “The size of the spill — based on what we know — appears not to be large but the timing is very significant,” he said. “Issues to do with pipelines are front and centre and much of the concern expressed deals with whether they are considered safe. And with Premiers Clark and Redford due to discuss this (today), this isn’t exactly good timing.” Lemphers believes that any spill of any size is going to continue to trigger negative public reactions simply because people are unwilling to simply accept stated assurances that everything’s fine. “We are in a time where people expect access to spill information on a much faster basis and they have higher expectations,” he said.

Kamloops. The session was to push forward the federal government’s recent Eyford report on West Coast energy infrastructure and supposed “tanker safety”. The women’s opposition is to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline proposing to cut through the heart of Secwepemc Nation, crossing countless clean rivers, creeks and streams, carrying 890,000 barrels of crude oil per day, coming from the controversial Alberta Tar Sands.

According to Secwepemc Women Warrior Society, Defenders of Mother Earth: “We take this uncompromising stance of No Pipelines! No Infrastructure! that is threatening our Sacred Water. We need clean water for our future. Without clean water there is no life.”


1530 RIVER STREET, KAMLOOPS, BC V2C 1Y9 OFFICE: (250) 374-1530 FAX: (250) 374-1534


Email: CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1530

“We take this uncompromising stance of No Pipelines! No Infrastructure! that is threatening our Sacred Water. We need clean water for our future. Without clean water there is no life.”

No !!! To Pipelines through Secwepemc Territory !!!

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