ZooTracks Fall 2013

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What's Their Problem Quarters 4 Conservation The Scoop on Poop


ZooTracks A Sedgwick County Zoological Society magazine for members Publisher Sedgwick County Zoological Society, Inc. © 2013 All rights reserved. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mark C. Reed Sedgwick County Zoological Society, Inc. PRESIDENT Scott Ochs TRUSTEES Stanley G. Andeel Kevin J. Arnel Jeff Bloomer Ron Brunton William P. Buchanan Martha C. Buford Cindy Burgess Kelly E. Callen Mark C. DeVries Allan Dunne Genevieve Farha Rhonda Fullerton Michael Herbert Ronald Holt Dale Hoyer Dirk Jones Sarah Kauffman Don J. Knappenberger Gary Kohn Marvin Long Jim Ludwig Buz Lukens Gayle Malone Sam Marnick Martin W. Park Sue Pearce Mary Lynn Priest Scott Redler Albert R. Sanchez Barry Schwan Jay Smith David M. Unruh Marty Wells Sheryl Wohlford MAGAZINE COMMITTEE Schanee Anderson Melissa Graham Ryan Gulker Scott Newland Steven Onken Jonathan Rold ON THE COVER— Orangutan

What's Their Problem? For several nights, my three year old has been hearing some very unusual bedtime stories about animals. The story typically starts with him asking me, “What’s their problem?” in regard to a particular animal. I try to explain, as best I can, what the “problem” is and what the Zoo is doing to help. I even try to work in some things that he can do to help! I’m not suggesting that these are great stories to tell a child right before bed, but mine seems to sleep just fine and even wakes up asking more questions or pretending to save the animals! Here are some stories that you can share with your kids to get them involved with conservation:

Orangutans —What’s Their Problem? Problem: Deforestation due to Agriculture: Palm Oil Crisis People like to eat. Sometimes our love of food can be bad for not only our health but also for the world in which we live. One way our eating habits cause harm is the case of palm oil. Palm oil is the most widely used edible vegetable oil. It comes from the fruit of the African oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis). Palm oil is found in many of the foods we eat: cookies, candies, crackers, etc. It’s also found in many household products as well: shampoos, cosmetics, etc. The African oil palm tree is not originally found in the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo in Southeast Asia, but was brought to the islands as a crop. Because the demand for this crop is so high, the rainforests of these islands have been cleared and turned into agriculture lands. These rainforests happen to be the only home of wild orangutans. Borneo and Sumatra are the only places in the world that wild orangutans can be found. The clearing of the natural habitats are pushing this already endangered species to the brink of disappearing from the planet.

Amphibians Around the World— What’s Their Problem? Problem: Chytrid Fungus Getting a fungus is never fun, especially when there aren’t any doctors handy! Amphibians around the world are contracting a fungus and scientists aren’t sure from where it is coming. Chytrid is a type of fungus that lives almost totally in water or moist environments. Other chytrid fungi are parasites that live on plants or invertebrates. In 1999, a new chytrid fungus was discovered. This one, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis or “Bd� for short, only infects the skin of amphibians. If an amphibian is infected with large numbers of the Bd fungus, its skin becomes very thick. Once this occurs, the skin will not allow the animal to absorb water and other nutrients like it normally would, causing its death. Bd is thought to be capable of infecting the world’s 6,000 amphibian species and could continue to cause huge declines in amphibian species. There are ways that palm oil can be produced responsibly and without destroying the vital rainforests for orangutans. There are many companies making the commitment to support sustainable palm oil production.

Things Sedgwick County Zoo is doing to help: t *O 4FEHXJDL $PVOUZ ;PP EPOBUFE UP UIF "QF Taxon Advisory Group (TAG) conservation initiatives to help conserve the wild populations of ape, including orangutans. t 5IF ;PP IBT BMTP NBEF B DPOTDJPVT FòPSU UP QSPWJEF USFBUT at events that are on the Palm Oil Shopping Guide: Current Best Choices List.

How you can help: t 4IPQ SFTQPOTJCMZ $IFDL MBCFMT BOE CVZ JUFNT GSPN companies who are orangutan friendly. Here is a link to the 2013 Palm Oil Shopping Guide produced by the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: http://www.cmzoo.org/docs/ palmOilShoppingGuide.pdf t 8SJUF UP ZPVS GBWPSJUF DPNQBOJFT BTLJOH UIFN UP CF “Orangutan Friendly� and to join the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). A sample letter can be found at: http://www.cmzoo.org/conservation/palmOilCrisis/ t 5FMM PUIFST BCPVU UIF PSBOHVUBO T iQSPCMFNw BOE TIBSF UIFTF tips on how they can help!

What Sedgwick County Zoo is doing to help: t *O UIF 4FEHXJDL $PVOUZ ;PP PQFOFE UIF "NQIJCJBO Conservation Building. This building is part of a stopgap measure through captive management to prevent certain species from potential exposure to Bd. This off-exhibit facility features four isolation rooms for the housing and breeding of rare and endangered amphibians. t 4JODF UIF ;PP IBT EPOBUFE B ZFBS UP UIF Amphibian Ark, an organization dedicated to ensuring the global survival of amphibians, focusing on those that cannot be safeguarded in nature.

How you can help: t +PJO 'SPH8BUDI 64" B MPOH UFSN GSPH NPOJUPSJOH QSPHSBN here at Sedgwick County Zoo. t $BMM GPS GVUVSF USBJOJOH PQQPSUVOJUJFT t *G ZPV XPVME MJLF BO BNQIJCJBO BT B QFU QVSDIBTF POMZ captive-bred animals. t )FMQ SBJTF BXBSFOFTT 4UBSU B MFUUFS XSJUJOH DBNQBJHO UP politicians, from local to federal, to raise their awareness and ask them to encourage and finance conservation activities for amphibians. t .PSF JOGPSNBUJPO BOE XBZT UP IFMQ DBO CF GPVOE BU XXX amphibianark.org



Turtles Around the World—What’s Their Problem?

Bird Species of the Mariana Islands – What’s Their Problem?

Problem: Black Market Trade

Problem: Introduced Species—The Brown Tree Snake

Turtles may not be on your shopping list, but in many parts of the world, especially in Asia, they are. The demand for turtles as food, medicine, or pets has resulted in a staggering decline in turtle numbers around the world. Many species of turtle are listed as endangered due primarily to unregulated collecting or poaching. Given how long a turtle can live and the low hatching rate of turtles, there have been potential crashes in the wild populations. Even national parks are feeling the effects from poaching. Once the population of turtles outside the national park diminishes, the poachers make their way to the park’s gates, some of which do not have the security to handle the poachers. There is hope of initiating programs that will help keep the forests intact and giving turtles more protection out in the wild.

What Sedgwick County Zoo is doing to help: t *O 4FEHXJDL $PVOUZ ;PP DPOUSJCVUFE UP UIF 5VSUMF Survival Alliance (TSA) to be directed to the to the TSA India program and the TSA center in South Carolina.

How you can help: t *G ZPV ÜOE B UVSUMF BENJSF JU BOE FOKPZ JU CVU QMFBTF MFBWF JU where you found it. t *G ZPV ÜOE B UVSUMF JO BO VOTBGF QMBDF PO UIF TJEF PG UIF road), help them to a place that is safe. t #FGPSF HFUUJOH UVSUMF BT B QFU EP ZPVS SFTFBSDI o Make sure the turtle is not a wild caught turtle. o Turtles can live a really long time, so make sure you’re prepared to care for the turtle a really long time! o Make sure that you know how to properly care for a turtle. Diet, lighting and habitat are all very important to the care of turtles. t #FDPNF B NFNCFS PG UIF 5VSUMF 4VSWJWBM "MMJBODF 'VOET generated by membership dues help to offset the operating costs of the TSA. t 'JOE NPSF XBZT UP IFMQ BU IUUQ XXX UVSUMFTVSWJWBM PSH

Accidents can happen. A perfect example of this is the introduction of brown tree snake to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNIM) during World War II. No one meant for the Australian snake to find its way to these islands and threaten the many native birds, but it happened. The end result was nine of the 13 native species of birds were gone. The threat of the brown tree snake is still prevalent on the islands, but luckily researchers have found that the snake has only inhabited the island of Guam. Saipan, Rota and Tinian are our reservoirs, but due to the fact they are inhabited, and likely will keep developing the birds will be under greater pressure and the snake risk will increase thru continued commerce‌so the northern islands are the new safe havens, because they are uninhabited. This leaves several other islands, like Sarigan, Pagan and Agrihan, to establish insurance populations of the remaining native species.

What Sedgwick County Zoo is doing to help: t 4JODF 4FEHXJDL $PVOUZ ;PP DPOUSJCVUFE OFBSMZ to the Mariana Avifauna Conservation Program (The MAC Program). t 'PS UIF QBTU UISFF ZFBST UIF ;PP IBT TFOU 4DPUU /FXMBOE Curator of Birds, to participate in the fieldwork and translocation of several bird species to the snake free islands. t 5IF ;PP IBT BMTP QBSUJDJQBUFE JO SFTFBSDI PO UBSHFU TQFDJFT here at the Zoo since 2006.

How you can help: t #Z WJTJUJOH UIF 4FEHXJDL $PVOUZ ;PP ZPV DBO DPOUSJCVUF UP the MAC program through our Quarters for Conservation 2 $ QSPHSBN 5IF 2 $ QSPHSBN HJWFT a PG FWFSZ HBUF BENJTTJPO BOE PG FWFSZ NFNCFSTIJQ UP TVQQPSU Sedgwick County Zoo conservation efforts in the wild.

Rhinos—What’s Their Problem? Problem: Poaching for Medicinal Purposes A horn is not really a useful medicine. If it were, then your fingernails and hair could be used to make you feel better. Rhino horns and our fingernails and hair are made of the same thing, keratin. However, there are parts of the world that still think that a rhino’s horn is a good cure for all kinds of things, from toothaches to epilepsy. This belief is leading poachers to kill wild rhinos for their horns. Though it is illegal to buy and sell rhino horns in parts of the world, enforcing that is hard to accomplish and prosecution for smuggling horns is rare. Despite the increase in poaching incidents, the wild populations of black and white rhinos are fairly stable. This could all change quickly if the poaching cannot be stopped, and currently concern is rising again.

What Sedgwick County Zoo is doing to help: t *O UIF *OUFSOBUJPOBM 3IJOP 'PVOEBUJPO SFDFJWFE from the Sedgwick County Zoo as our commitment to the conservation efforts for the black rhino.

How you can help: t #F JOGPSNFE BOE JOGPSN PUIFST 7JTJU XXX SIJOPT PSH UP learn all you can about rhino conservation. This site has lots of great information and resources. By telling these stories today, perhaps one day there won’t be a need to ask “What’s their problem?� Together we can share stories like these and encourage everyone to take action. Thanks to Zoo members and guests, the Sedgwick County Zoo is able to contribute to many conservation organizations around the world. Each time someone renews their membership or pays admission they are helping contribute to the Quarters for Conservation (Q4C) program that allows the Zoo to support these worthwhile causes. For the complete Q4C story, please turn to page 7 & 8. 4


Education Program Schedule All classes are held in the Cargill Learning Center unless otherwise noted. Please visit www.scz.org for program information and brief class descriptions of individual classes. Space is limited and pre-registration is required for classes. Please call 316-266-8213 to register. Classes take place rain or shine. For the safety and enjoyment of everyone, no older or younger siblings, including infants, are allowed in age specific classes unless otherwise noted.




8FE Hedgehog Age: 12–23 mo. 8FE Hedgehog+ Members: 4 Hedgehog 5IVST Nonmembers: 6 Additional person: 2 5IVST Hedgehog Tues 9/3 Lizard +Siblings up to five years of age Tues 9/3 Lizard may also attend Wed 9/4 Lizard these classes on Wed 9/4 Lizard+ Wednesdays at 11:00 only. An Wed 10/2 Bug BEEJUJPOBM GFF PG will be charged for Wed 10/2 Bug+ any mobile child. Thurs 10/3 Bug

Wee Wigglers



10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Ewe & Me

Thur 9/12 Gentle Giant Giraffe

+ Younger siblings may also attend class on Wednesdays at 10:00 only. An additional fee of 4 will be charged for any mobile child.

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Wed 10/9 Going Batty+ 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Wed 11/13 Beautiful 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Birds+ Thur 11/14 Beautiful 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Birds

11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.


Start–End Time 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

5VFT Going Batty

10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

5VFT Bird

10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

5VFT Bird

11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Wed 11/6 Bird

10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Wed 11/6 Bird+ 8FE Hedgehog

Pajama Party


Heritage Farms

6:30 p.m. – Q N

'BNJMZ PG VQ UP members, children ages 0–1st grade


Heritage Farms

6:30 p.m. – Q N

Fri 9/13 Crazy Cats

6:30 p.m. – Q N

Sat 9/21 Crazy Cats

6:30 p.m. – Q N

11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

4BU Eeew at the Zoo

6:30 p.m. – Q N

Fri 10/11 Eeew at the Zoo

6:30 p.m. Q N

10:00 a.m. – B N 11:00 a.m. – B N

Sat 11/2 Bath Time

6:30 p.m. – Q N

10:00 a.m. – B N

4BU Bath Time

6:30 p.m. – Q N

11:00 a.m. – B N 2:00 p.m. – Q N 10:00 a.m. – B N 11:00 a.m. – B N 2:00 p.m. – Q N 10:00 a.m. – B N 11:00 a.m. – B N

Members: Nonmembers: 19 Additional person:

Sunset Safari

5VFT Age: 12 mo.–6 years Tues 9/10 Members: 6 5VFT Nonmembers: Additional person: 3 Tues 11/12

11:00 a.m. – B N



10:00 a.m. – B N


11:00 a.m. – B N 2:00 p.m. – Q N 10:00 a.m. – B N

Tues 11/19 Bird

11:00 a.m. – B N

Tues 11/19 Bird

2:00 p.m. – Q N

Wed 11/20 Bird

10:00 a.m. – B N

Wed 11/20 Bird+

11:00 a.m. – B N

Gentle Giant 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Giraffe+ Gentle Giant 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Giraffe Gentle Giant 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Giraffe


6:30 p.m. – Q N


6:30 p.m. – Q N


6:30 p.m. – Q N 10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.

Tues 9/24 Elegant Eagles 10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m. – B N

Tues 11/19 Bird

6:30 p.m. – Q N

5VFT Parrots

Wed 10/16 Bug+



Tot Tuesdays "HF o siblings welcome

Wed 9/11 age 4 – kindergarten Members: Wed 9/11 Non-members: 10 Additional person: 4 Thur 9/12


11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Thurs 10/3 Bug

Age: 2–3 8FE Hedgehog+ Members: 6 5IVST Hedgehog Nonmembers: Additional person: 3 5IVST Hedgehog 5IVST Hedgehog +Siblings up to five years of age 5VFT Lizard may also attend 5VFT Lizard these classes on 5VFT Lizard Wednesdays at 11:00 only. An 8FE Lizard BEEJUJPOBM GFF PG 8FE Lizard+ will be charged for any mobile child. Wed 10/16 Bug

Ewe & Me

Start–End Time

Tues 10/22 Things that 10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Go Bump in the Night

No advanced registration required. Tues 11/26 Animal Sounds

ZOOper Kids (SBEFT o Members: Nonmembers: 10

4BU Vanishing Domestics

10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Sat 9/14 Asian Animal 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Trek Sat 10/19 Spooktacular 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Sat 11/16 Bearly Getting By

"ZOO"per Stars

4VO Cow

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

(SBEFT o Members: 6 Nonmembers:

Sun 9/22 Tiger

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

4VO Grizzly Bear

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Sun 11/24 Elk

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.



Homeschool Expeditions (SBEFT o

Members: Nonmembers: Includes up to five family members "EEJUJPOBM QFSTPO


Start–End Time

8FE How Does the 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Zoo Work? 8FE You're Wearing 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. That!?!? Wed 10/16 Migration Madness

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Wed 11/6 Turkey Talk

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


Farm Families

Families of all ages

Members: QFS participant

.PO o Session Three Varies 4VO

Nonmembers: 20 per participant **Go to scz.org for more information**

3:30 p.m. – Q N 3:30 p.m. – Q N

Birds Snakes

Family—must be on bicycle or attached wagon. .FNCFST 1 ride per month /PONFNCFST 1 ride per month

Start–End Time

"DUJWF HVFTUT PWFS Wed 9/11 Domestic vs Exotic QFS BEVMU Pre-registration not required Wed 10/9 Bats in the Belfry Sponsored by Larksfield Place

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Wed 11/13 What's New at 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. the Zoo .PO Katie Kimble

Coffee Connections

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Australia/South America Mammals

Geared towards adults Mon 9/2 No program but all ages welcome due to the holiday NO COST .PO Ryan Gulker 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. No advance Deputy Director registration required. Mon 11/4 Daniel Wright 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Operations Coordinator

Animal Encounter

.PO Jungle Animal 11:00 a.m. – B N 5VFT Frog 11:00 a.m. – B N 8FE Salamander 11:00 a.m. – B N


* close-toed shoes required

Wheeling Wild Club


8FE Wonders 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Down Under

Senior Wednesdays

All ages

Teens Members: 10 Nonmembers: 12

Includes up to five family members, BHFT

Members: Nonmembers: 19 Additional people/ Individual fee:


Sponsored by Starbucks

So You Think 5IVS You Want to Be 5IVS a Zookeeper?

Backstage Pass


Sat 9/14 Commissary Sat 11/9 Horticulture

8FE Sponsored by Bicycle X-change thru Wed 10/16

10:00 a.m. –11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. –11:30 a.m.

Q N – 6:30 p.m.

3rd Wed each month Rides will not be rescheduled for inclement weather

5IVS Mystery 11:00 a.m. – B N Animal No advanced registration required. Mon 9/2 No program 11:00 a.m. – B N Tues 9/10 Animal Colors 11:00 a.m. – B N Classes may be 11:00 a.m. – B N canceled without 8FE Turtles notice Thur 9/26 Migration 11:00 a.m. – B N Madness .PO Animal 11:00 a.m. – B N Defenses 5VFT Nocturnal 11:00 a.m. – B N Animals Thur 10/16 Creepy 11:00 a.m. – B N Crawlies Wed 10/24 Underground 11:00 a.m. – B N Creatures Mon 11/4 Cold Weather 11:00 a.m. – B N Creatures Tues 11/12 Mystery 11:00 a.m. – B N Animal Wed 11/20 Birds 11:00 a.m. – B N 5IVS No program 11:00 a.m. – B N


Education Registration Form Please enclose form with payment and mail after you have preregistered. Student Name

Class Title


Membership No:

Total Fees:

Parent's Name:








Quarters 4 Conservation

safeguarding the world’s wildlife. Conservation initiatives

Visiting Sedgwick County Zoo gives guests an opportunity

and in their natural habitats.

such as those listed protect wild animals both in captivity

to see wild animals up close and thus gain understanding, appreciation, and respect for some magnificent creatures

Sedgwick County Zoo has been recognized with

that many people may never get to see in the wild. But

national and international awards for its support of field

another way we strive to help animals is by donating to

conservation programs and successful breeding of rare and

conservation programs, which allows us to play a part in

endangered species.

Where Do the Conservation Dollars Come From?

in the Zoo and through our Gift Shop program that allows


programs. Just by coming to the Zoo, you are helping

for various conservation programs through the Quarters

support our contributions to worldwide animal conservation.

guests to round up purchases to help fund conservation


Learn more about the conservation projects the Sedgwick

Sedgwick County Zoo conservation efforts in the wild.

County Zoo supports at our Conservation initiatives page on


our website. Visit www.scz.org!


Cocktails with Creatures

Friday, September 27 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Why not try a new spirit out at the Zoo? We will be trying cocktails inspired by animals while strolling the pathways of the Zoo. Light snacks will be provided. Memb Me mber erss $25 $25 each e ch ea c / Nonmembers Non nmemb member er $30 each Members M stt b Mu be e2 21 1o over ov e. er Must orr over.

THDAYS R I B are a wild time at the Zoo You’re invited to celebrate with some real party animals! Let Sedgwick County Zoo staff help you choose a fun birthday party package for your child. We’ll provide all the party supplies. All you have to do is have fun! Ŗ Call 26 6 - 8252 to plan a Jungle Birthday dayy da Party in the Plaza Beastro (all ages) Ŗ Call 26 6 - 8213 to plan a Safari Birthdayy Party in the Cargill Learning Center (ages 4–12) 12)) 12 Visit www.scz.org for more information on all birthday party packages!

Reserve s your y spot! sp 266-82 scz.org



Nov 22 Fri:: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Children’s Farms Festival:

Fabulous Fall Saturday, October 19: 1:00–4:00

Celebrate Fall at the Farms by participating in some old fashion county fair activities. Learn how animals are judged at the fair and much more. You might even win a blue ribbon yourself! Regular Zoo admission applies. Members are Free with membership card and photo ID.

For Wine Novices and Connoisseurs: an entertaining and casual atmosphere where we will explore tastes from all over the world. Labels and names are large-parts of why we buy wine. Take a sip on the wild side as we learn more about wines and the animals in their names!

Members Me $25 each / Non Nonmembers $30 each Must M be 21 or over.

Reserve your spot! 266-82 scz.org

Creature Campout Join us for an overnight outdoor adventure “Down Under," mate!

Fridays, September 20 and October 11 All campers need to bring their own tents, sleeping bags and flashlights. The campouts are designed for families XJUI DIJMESFO BHFT BOE PMEFS "OZ ZPVUI VOEFS UIF BHF PG NVTU CF BDDPNQBOJFE CZ BO BEVMU $PTU JT QFS QFSTPO GPS NFNCFST BOE QFS QFSTPO for nonmembers. Space is limited at each of the campouts, so call soon to register. For more information or to register, call the &EVDBUJPO %FQBSUNFOU BU Creature Campout Shirts will be GPS TBMF GPS QMVT UBY QFS TIJSU for those that camp out with us. We would like to thank our friends at Papa John’s for helping to sponsor these great overnights!

Nocturnal Adventures Are you looking for an exciting activity for your scout, church, or school group but do not want to mess with camping equipment? How about spending the night at the Zoo? Groups will meet education staff at 6:00 p.m. in the Cargill Learning Center and participate in an exciting evening of games, tours, and special animal visitors. Groups will sleep inside, so no tents are needed. You bring a sack dinner. An evening snack and morning juice are provided by the Zoo. 5IFTF FYDJUJOH PWFSOJHIUT BSF POMZ QFS QFSTPO Participants sleep in the Cargill Learning Center, The Downing Gorilla Forest, the Slawson Family Tiger Trek or at the North American Prairie Overlook. There is a NJOJNVN PG QBSUJDJQBOUT )PXFWFS GPS SFTFSWBUJPOT PG fewer than 30 people, the education department reserves the right to combine groups similar in age and gender. " OPO SFGVOEBCMF EFQPTJU PG JT EVF BU CPPLJOH To schedule your Nocturnal Adventure, contact the Education Department at 266-8213 a minimum of two weeks in advance.

NIGHT OF THE LIVING ZOO October 25, 26 & 27 Q N o Q N Bring your ghouls and goblins for a night of not-tooscary Halloween fun at the Sedgwick County Zoo! Several ghoulish activities, like pumpkin bowling and beanbag tosses, can be found throughout the Zoo. Wear your costumes if you dare and take a stroll down jack-o-lantern lane, creep up to candy stations and let your spirit come alive! You can wander the Zoo at your leisure, visiting Dracula and the fortune tellers, playing fun Halloween games, seeing creepy displays, and visiting Candy Land on your way out! Please note: You might see animals in their outdoor exhibits (such as elephants, giraffes, and grizzly bears) but most animals will not be in attendance at this event. Advance tickets: TUBSUJOH 0DUPCFS 7JTJU TD[ PSH GPS JOGPSNBUJPO PO ticket outlets. Tickets purchased at gate: GPS NFNCFST BOE GPS OPONFNCFST $IJMESFO BOE under do not need a tickets. Sponsored by:

Interested in the Pumpkin Carving Party? Email ask@scz.org to find out more information! 10

ANIMALS & NATURE well. Some still use it for these purposes today! When it is completely dry, it only has an earthy scent so homes and fires will not distract from a pleasant evening! Some cultures even used it to rid themselves of freckles by rubbing dung on their faces! There is a special coffee that is made from the seeds excreted by the civet cat. This is called kopi luwak and is very expensive due to the enzymes in the digestive tract of the cat. It is considered a delicacy by some. Humboldt penguins are diminishing in number to the harvesting of guano for fertilizer.

The Scoop on Poop Chaille Blount, Education Specialist

They then have no where to dig their nests. Animals use feces in many ways. For defense, some animals will have explosive

Although poo is taboo, it is important at the Zoo! And let’s

episodes to deter prey from

just be honest, we have a lot of it! One may call it dung, scat,

eating them. The skipper

pies or buttons….but here is the word on turds.

caterpillar will launch its

To tell the truth, scat has been an amazing resource for

poo about 6 feet away so

humans and animals throughout history.

birds aren’t attracted to them. This is equivalent to humans

Penguin fertilizer pellets

shooting theirs over ¾ of a football field! For marking their We can tell much by

territory, animals will defecate as a sign that this is their land.

observing what is left

Hippos will even use their tails as little helicopters and will

behind. In the wild,

fling their feces as if it had hit a fan! Rhinos will stomp in it

feces can be used to

and walk around to increase their perimeter. Some animals

inform us on the health

have a poor digestive system and many will re-ingest their

and habits of animals.

feces to extract more nutrients. The dry hard rabbit pellets

It can also be used for tracking and population

that are visible are actually what remain after consuming the Elephant bolus

sizes. Because it is usually solid, it can be dated so we can even track timelines for animals and the abundance of food in their natural habitat. Hormone components can also be tested to determine fertility, pregnancy or estrus. This becomes important when conservation scientists are looking at threatened species or animals whose populations are declining. At the Zoo, we use feces in much the same way. We collect feces from the animals that reside here twice a year for routine

first round of slimy, non-formed feces. This is also common with the young of some animals. Koalas predominately eat eucalyptus. This is a plant that makes most ill who eat it. Koala babies are not born with the enzymes to digest the eucalyptus, so it consumes a little dung from its mother to start producing its own enzymes. Incidentally, because of their diet, koalas have poo that has a minty fresh scent! Turkey vultures have a special use for their feces. To keep themselves cool, they defecate on their legs. The following evaporation helps reduce the possibility of overheating.

examinations. We also collect samples if we notice an animal

Even dinosaur doo

is not behaving normally. This is one of the easiest methods of

is found fossilized. It

checking the health of the individuals in our collection.

is called a coprolite. Scatologists can study

In its most primitive forms, scat was dried and used as building

this and, while many find

material and for fuel. Many forms of dung are plant-based, so

it a most uncomfortable

when it is dry, it becomes very strong. Because the remaining

topic, it is one of utmost

plant material is so compact and concentrated, it burns very Dinosaur Coprolite

importance at the Zoo.

Know Your Poo? Match the Feces with its “Owner”

1. Vermidung

A. Rodent

2. Spraint

B. Flea

3. Splay

C. Bat

4. Fumet

D. Bison

5. Lesses

E. Rabbit

6. Billitting

F. Horse

7. Dirt

G. Fly

8. Guano

H. Bird

9. Coprolite

I. Worm

10. Buttons

J. Bird of Prey

11. Road Apples

K. Otter

12. Slice

L. Dinosaur

13. Bolus

M. Deer

14. Chips

N. Beetle

15. Frass

O. Bear

16. Speck

P. Fox

See Below for Answers

With over 20 Zoo Pal animals to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect one! The Zoo Pal program offers a unique way for people to support the Zoo's efforts to enhance animal habitats and maintain the finest animal care possible. Your donation goes directly toward the care of Sedgwick County Zoo animals.

ZOO PAL LEVELS t #FBTUMZ #VEEZ t )POPSBSZ ,FFQFS t %FGFOEFS PG 8JMEMJGF t 1SPUFDUPS PG /BUVSF t $POTFSWBUJPO 4VQQPSUFS All levels include recognition in the Zoo, Zoo Pal certificate and Zookeeper report. Additional benefits are added for Honorary Keeper level and above.

Rhino bolus

Visit scz.org for a complete list of animals and benefits or stop by the Membership office!

Tiger Feces * , ) . 0 1 # $ - & ' + " % / (

Call 266.8211 Click scz.org Come by Membership office 12


Pete’s Plant Tips Pete Logsdon: Horticulture

As we plan to leave the hot summer behind and look to moving our plants indoors for the winter, lets again take a close look at our plants’ health. We want to have as few pests carried indoors with the plants as possible. The first and easiest way to do this is by giving our plants a thorough bath. Spray the tops and bottoms of leafs with a fine mist. This should knock off any pests that are still hanging on after the growing season. Next, mix up a batch of horticultural soap in your watering bucket and saturate the soil in the container. Any soil-borne pests should meet their timely end. Using a horticultural soap is also a safe and easy way to get any survivors that hang on after the leaves have been misted. Finally, let’s look at your plant container. A clay pot will begin to accumulate salts around the base and top rim of the pot. This is a by-product of fertilizer. Use a stiff wire brush to remove as much as possible. Ceramic pots or faux terra cotta pots may be wiped clean.

it to your Sedgwick County Zoo. We accept most tropical plants, some succulents and cacti. Our plant donation weekend this year will be October 19 and 20 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We use these plants throughout the Zoo, including the Jungle; Amphibian and Reptile building; Koch Orangutan and Chimpanzee Habitat; and the Downing Gorilla Forest exhibits. Many plants are also used in our offexhibit housing for our bird collection. These plants give the birds a natural environment to live in during our cold winter months. Some plants will be put in containers and gardens throughout the Zoo for all of our guests to enjoy. We thank you for thinking of us and our birds, reptiles, and primates thank you too!

Plant Donation

Help Us Fill the Greenhouse!

Saturday & Sunday, October 19 and 20: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Drop off plant donations in the Zoo Administration parking lot.

As you look for places in your home to keep your plants, be aware of heating vents and drafts from open doors. Both will cause damage to most plants. Sadly, more plants lose their vigor to cold drafts or hot dry air from a floor vent than to any pest or disease during winter. To keep humidity up around your plants, consider using a saucer with a layer of pebbles. Just having a saucer under your plant container will keep you from having to clean up your floors after watering.

We will accept tropical plants, and perennials in containers of 12 inches or larger. Ferns, selloums, ficus always seem to be very popular among the donations. We will take as many of these as we can, but may not be able to take all of them. We will pick up plants until our greenhouses are full.

Light conditions will be much lower indoors. Even the brightest window in your home will not be as bright as the outdoors and plants will naturally drop some leaves to acclimate to this reduced light.

Sedgwick County Zoo does not need annuals (petunias, impatiens, marigolds, pansies, coleus etc.). Cacti and succulents will be accepted on a case-by-case basis only.

Reduce the frequency of watering. Water thoroughly (when water just begins to drip from drain holes) and know that the next watering, depending on the plant type, may not be necessary for 1-3 weeks or more. Cactus and succulents may not need watering for a month or more. Fertilization is not needed during the winter months. If you decide all this is too much work but you don’t want to see your plant die on your patio, consider donating

If your plants are too big for you to drop off at the Zoo, please call Pete Logsdon, Tropical Horticulturist, at UP TDIFEVMF QJDL VQ



Saturday, October 19, 2013: B N o Q N Hit the open road for one WILD ride for the Sedgwick County Zoo! The day will include: a great breakfast at the Zoo to get your motor running, a tour of parts of beautiful South Central Kansas in the fall, great prizes, and a ton of fun; all while supporting one of Kansas’ favorite community attractions! Passengers ride free. Registration includes one poker card, t-shirt, and breakfast for one.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 6PM TO MIDNIGHT CALL 316.266.8273 CLICK scz.org or COME BY the Zoo 5555 Zoo Boulevard 67212


8:00 a.m. Registration/check in at Sedgwick County Zoo. Before you ride, fill your tank with an all-you-can-eat pancake and sausage breakfast served by Chris Cakes. Breakfast GPS QBTTFOHFST JT KVTU 10:00 a.m.—LAST BIKE OUT Hit the open road for one WILD ride while you work to build the best poker hand. This ride is about 110 miles roundtrip and will take you through South Central Kansas with stops in Douglass, Leon, Andover, and Park City - beginning and ending at the Zoo. 2:00 p.m.—ALL BIKES BACK Arrive back at the Zoo for more fun, wild animals and great prizes! Finish off your poker hand at the Zoo to see if you're a winner. Questions? E-mail: ask@scz.org Sponsored by: Alefs Harley Davidson, Piping & Equipment Co, Inc, Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay, .Z 57 8JDIJUB 'PY ,BOTBT 1FQTJ 5 BOE UIF 'PY 14

To inspire discovery, appreciation, and respect for animals and nature

PLANNING YOUR VISIT: Visit scz.org to purchase tickets or

Let Your Imagination Run Wild

renew your membership.

TAKE YOUR PICK! WE’RE OPEN 364 DAYS A YEAR! Plan a trip to the Zoo with family and friends! Speed up your rate of entry by purchasing any additional tickets online at scz.org for family or friends who don’t have a membership. You can print tickets at home and everyone can enjoy the Zoo adventure that much quicker!

Summer Hours: Winter Hours: March–October November–February B N o Q N. B N o Q N

Regular Admission "EVMUT BHFT


$IJMESFO BHFT o Children ages 2 and under Free

We'll Take Care of the Details!

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valid from 8/1/13 to 8/31/13

Back Packs, Totes, & Purses

One Coupon per person/per purchase. Must have membership ID and coupon to redeem.


zoo gift shop coupon valid from 9/1/13 to 9/30/13

FREE Tram Tour Enjoy a FREE narrated tram tour of the Zoo! You can hop on or off at any of the five designated tram stops. Using the tram to get around the Zoo allows you to see more of the Zoo during your visit! And it’s FREE! All aboard! (Weather permitting.)

Wheelchair Rental:


15 off

T-shirts and Sweatshirts

One Coupon per person/per purchase. Must have membership ID and coupon to redeem.



Giraffe Feeding Station: Open 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. (staff & weather permitting) +VTU QFS QFSTPO QFS GFFEJOH




zoo gift shop coupon valid from 10/1/13 to 10/31/13

Masks, pinchers, bats, insects

One Coupon per person/per purchase. Must have membership ID and coupon to redeem.

Whether you are planning a group event for 20 or a spectacular party for 2,000—we have the capabilities and resources to offer a truly unique social experience. From the drama of The Downing Gorilla Forest to the serenity of the Cessna Penguin Cove, we have a variety of venues that are sure to create an atmosphere your guests will never forget. We're here to help you customize your experience and give your guests an event they will always remember. For more information visit the Group Events page at scz.org. Dates are filling up fast for spring and summer dates! $BMM 5PEBZ‰

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