Pro d u c t catalogue co ntents 3/7 8 /19
iRobot corporation Roomba – general info. Explanation of the functions and advantages of iRobot
13 / 15 24 26 28 30 / 34 31 33
iAdapt - adaptive system iRobot Roomba 531 iRobot Roomba 555 iRobot Roomba 581 Robots for pets iRobot Roomba 534 Pet iRobot Roomba 563 Pet
birth of a legend
1990 saw the birth of the iRobot company from scratch. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology was chosen as the sacred territory for the creation of a union between robotics Colin Angle, Helen Greiner and Professor Dr. Brooks.
The initial thought of making human life easier brought 20 years later the fruits in the form of a capital of 307 000 000 USD the company has presently at its disposal. The key to the success of iRobot was an uncompromising quality. iRobot is currently employing over 400 professionals in robotics, software and information technology.
is also working for the U.S. Government
Military and Industrial iRobot
to protect human life
PackBot saved countless lives 5
Military and Industrial iRobot
replaces eplaces a guard g
water earth air
Military and Industrial iRobot
iRobot mission Human life in the 21st century has ha as a fundamental fund damental problem problem with time. We don’t have so much space as we used to o have have before be b efo fore re for ourselves ou urselv ur se elv lves e and es and for for o each eac ach h other. o he ot er. Therefore, we are thankful for every helping help ping hand pin han and an d to create cre eat ate e it while whi hile le it i also s reduces red educ ucess the he rerequired amount of effort. iRobot’s primary goal to help people can be perceived as a misprimarry goal a p pe eo opl p e ca an perceiv i ed s mi misssion with a wider meaning, as it is able to time and to save save tim me a nd effort.
21.century time improvement And which does iRobot And in w h ch w hi way ayy d oes iRob iR Ro ott differs diffe ers from fro om other otthe er manufacturers? manu ma ufact fa acttu urrer e s? In In the the first fiirs rstt place plac pl p ace ac e it is is its its it zest perfection z st ffor ze orr p err fe f ct ctio io on thatt will will be never nevver satisfied; sattisfied d; it will willl continuously cont ntin nuo ou usslyy thrive tthr hrrivve to improve improve its its despite over target target orientated orientated d performances. perfforma ancess. Thiss is desp sp pit ite e th tthe he e fa ffact ct that ct tha hat its its llead ead o ver tthe he competition is even now really enormous. iRobot policies has brought it where it competition evveen noow real allly ly enorrmous.. polic icie ciess ha as br b ou ug gh ht it whe ere it is s off its today toda to dayy – to to tthe he zzenith enith ho s ffame. ame.
Roomba will that it t h g u o e th million 6 90 hav 9 f 1 o in i s s t ve e o al succ t of people ha of iRob n s e r e m b o hen a lo mem titor. d the p o far. Indeed, compe unding in o e f m n e o r h e t s ly Nev e of en sold cleaner has on giant. not on e a b ly h b e c a v u b a m Pro me s s that h robotic vacuu t i y beco n a d u e a n a o commercial iRobot iR Rob obot ot Roomba Roo oomb mba was absolutely ab bsolutely the first commer erci cial al rrobotic o ot ob otic c Roomb Roomb iRobot that the iRobot in the world. And in the true sense of the word it is still vacuum va cleaner th h e worl wo rld. d. A nd i n th h e s ense r i t s s till ti ll realised the leader. Its successs lilies es not o only onl nlyy in quality, qua q uality ty, processing, proc ocessing, and technolte echno nollItself. ogy level. With buying an added og gy le leve vell.l. W ve itth iRobot iRob iR obot ob o you you are b uying a na dded value that noo offers one else se o ffer ff erss - in the the form ffor orm m of the the customer cus usto sto tome me m er service s rvic se rvic rv ce that t at iss absolutely th hundred percent. one hu hund ndre red d pe erc cen e t.
Also A so thanks to that Al tha at you y u will never yo nev ev verr hear hear a negative negati t ve reference. ref ee errence ce. If there the here he ere 8000 customers. were, you would have heard of them, thanks to the w re, yo we ou woul wo oul udh ha ave ve th hem m, th t an a ks e 8000 custo omerrs. Who Who do not have e any an ny complaints compla ain nts ts about abo bout ut our system m or or the the e iRobot iRobo iR Rob t itself. itself it lf. f Especially if they th hey ey have had ha ad the th he opportunity opport oppo ort r un u ity to taste ta aste as e the the he fruits fru f uit its of other othe er gardens. Through garde en T ens. hrough the hr he strawberries stra st ra awberriies that tha hatt looked look oked good g goo ood oo d but tasted tast ta s ed d bitter bittter te they th hey are able abl blle to enjoy enj njoy joy o the the e taste taste of the the iRobot iR Rob obot ot Roomba Roo o mba gourmet go ourme met parapara pa adise. dise se.
"adversaries" adversaries – without sense
Random prestige brands distributed locally look rather comical in direct comparison with the iRobot Roomba. Purely Asian products are only a caricature of iRobot Roomba. They are mostly distributed without adequate service facilities, poor to modest capabilities and very pale future. You will know the difference between the iRobot Roomba and something that looks like a robotic vacuum cleaner at first glance.
difference at first glance
Roomba – Window to the Future
quality technology 11
IRobot Roomba how it works ...
What is behind the success? IRobot Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner features a unique orientation system iAdapt, which adapts itself to the environment regardless of the base. And it crosses over each square centimetre during one shift 4 times on average. All steps of iRobot Roomba are evaluated by high-performance ARM processor, which also places the Apple iPhone into its model. iRobot Roomba obtains the input data from 38 active sensors, with dropping or slowing down check included.
iAdapt 38 sensors ARM
Robotic vacuum cleaner Roomba uses sensitive cleaning technology iAdapt ™, an advanced system of software and sensors. Thanks to the iAdapt technology, the robotic vacuum cleaner can actively
monitor Roomba cleaned environment 67times per second, and react with more than 40 different movements to clean the room thoroughly.
28 min.
cleaning completed Cleans each place 4 times 98% surface coverage cleans along walls c le cleans difficult-to-reach places llonger on cleaning time
It goes over every place four times and thus maximises its effectiveness and ensures perfect cleaning. Thanks to its touch system, it fears no dark corners, and it even cleans difficult-to-reach places. The advanced orientation system adapts to every type of space. It doesn’t miss out any corners, and it cleans along the walls and in the corners of rooms.
iAdapt. Perfect cleaning. IRobot Roomba’s technical sophistication is also confirmed by the iAdapt system. Its essence consists of sensors communicating with programming equipment. It is monitoring the space cleaned 67times per second, to which IRobot Roomba responds by more than 40 moves. With absolute precision and grace. Proved by an average of 4x visits of one location during one cleaning cycle. In a nutshell, the iAdapt system represents a completely adaptable system equivalent to artificial intelligence.
The price for the endurance of robotic cleaners is the low suction power. And for this reason iRobot focuses on multiple cleaning.
iAdapt. 20 years experience. iAdapt system is mainly based on 20 years full of learning. A search of the best ways of monitoring, guidance and cleaning, leading to the inception of iAdapt – a system that is completely selfsufficient and able to operate reliably.
Systém iAdapt Fully adaptive behaviour that iRobot Roomba brings to a robotic vacuum cleaner brings unmatchable independence. Thanks to iAdapt it is able to adapt to the environment, surface and the level of untidiness. Based on the input data, it evaluates and applies the best moves, of which there are more than 40. The key characteristics of iRobot Roomba is its thoroughness. It simply does not finish cleaning until it runs over each place 4 times on average. The faultless iAdapt application is supported by the Cleaning Head Module, adapting to all surfaces. The tax paid for the endurance of robotic vacuum cleaners is a relatively small suction power. It is because of this that iRobot focuses on the average of 4 times per one place multiple cleaning effort, thus amply compensating for the low suction power. Although it takes longer to clean when compared to others, the quality of cleaning can be described as unparalleled. Given the self-sufficiency of the iAdapt and the choice of timing you need not worry at all about the cleaning time. While the iRobot will ensure that the home environment standard is maintained, you will be able to enjoy life. So there is the main reason for the acquisition of a robotic vacuum cleaner.
systematic cleaning
19 min.
cleaning completed
short cleaning time sho iitt vvisits is every place only once out difficult-to-reach places it leaves le it does not go along the walls or into corners it can leave out an entire segment of area
The plan used for systematic movement is not suitable for cramped spaces. The system often leaves out these difficult-to-reach places. Movement along a predetermined path makes it impossible to visit the same place more than once. This leads to a corresponding reduction in cleaning quality. Systematic movement consists only of making one type of movement, which often leaves an entire area uncleaned.
Systematic cleaning The year is 1999, and iRobot is finally abandoning the idea of systematic cleaning; in spite of it and eleven years later the market is offering robotic vacuum cleaners equipped with a systematic cleaning , i.e. a system that copies the shape of the room. The problem is obvious. Such a robotic vacuum cleaner is more of an automaton than anything else. The fact that the manufacturers are calling this feature revolutionary is rather amusing. A robotic vacuum cleaner equipped with a systematic monitoring is unable to escape from an unpredictable situation, as it is unable to adapt; it simply stops cleaning. In addition to the selected method of cleaning, which is not the most ideal, the inability to perform well is also due to lack of enough number of
We can describe such a robotic vacuum cleaner as an automaton more than anything else.
learned moves. The low suction power and also the fact that each place is suctioned only once do not create too much confidence, as evidenced by our laboratory tests, on which results we base our further development. Such a result cannot be considered as a 100% performed work, but only a quick crossing of the base. iRobot Roomba targets successfully for quality work. You simply set the iRobot and let it do the work, while you doing what you enjoy. Time is of no essence in such case.
The result is not 100% cleaning but merely giving a surface a quick going over.
Random cleaning system
46 min.
cleaning completed it can visit certain places several times lo longer cleaning time it leaves entire surfaces uncleaned frequent cycling in one place ineffective cleaning
Random movement is not controlled by any form of artificial intelligence. Whether or not it cleans more difficult-to reach places is a question of chance, which is often not favourable. This form of movement frequently results in cycling, where the system cannot rationally direct the robot out from the corner of a room, from under a table etc. Without the requisite movement logic, the system can direct the robot into cramped spaces at random, where it cycles until the battery is completely flat. Random movement has no form of strategy for getting out of such a situation.
Random cleaning A very curious way of cleaning is offered by a random cleaning. The angle of rebound from the obstacle determines the direction of travel. You only have to set the time, and the robot will start wandering through the room for the preset time. However, it is highly unlikely that it will achieve any interesting results. Then it isn’t really a robotic vacuum cleaner, which evaluates each square millimetre in the pursuit of only one goal. Clean surface. These vacuum cleaners are very specific. Usually one model is marked with different labels. To identify it from the robotic vacuum cleaner is a question of a moment. It gives itself away by lower price, and rather flimsy construction. Such devices will never be able to compete with the company iRobot due to the fact that not enough attention is given to the quality, a satisfied customer and the efficiency of the product. Getting out of you as much money as possible is the sole purpose of such exercise.
This is not a robotic vacuum cleaner which thinks about how to clean well.
IR Sensor
IRobot Roomba how it works ...
the sensor to communicate with the Virtual Wall and Home Base
Minute set the minute for delayed cleaning
Hour set the hour for delayed cleaning
Handle carrying handle
Day set the day for delayed cleaning
Spot start local clean-up, cleaning spiral with a diameter of 1 m
Robot’s inside a powerful ARM processor, 38 active sensors
Clean clean up start cycle, Adaptation cleaning, the robot chooses the path and the time of cleaning
Dirt detect
Dock command to return to the Home Base
Schedule set a delayed cleaning
Clock set the current time of the robot
increase of impurities concentration alarm
IRobot Roomba how it works ...
Adjustable wheel for easy movement and control of the threshold, and crossings
Sibe brush
Sensors IR Sensors against fall
Intelligent side brush for sweeping corner and along the walls
Contacts Contacts for powering the robot from Home Base
Wheels independently driven wheels with variable ride height
Cleaning Head Modul Automatically changes its ground clearance, so that all surfaces are perfectly clean.
Bristle Brush ANTITANGLE
Bristle Brush with silicone spatula for cleaning, 1,000 rpm
Intelligent system that protects the robot from entangling in cables.
SONORO Flexible brush
system for active detection of impurities, this function is called DIRT DETECT
The suction strip to suction fine dust and allergens
Flexible brush made of special resistant rubber with a polishing effect, 1,600 rpm
Filter A sophisticated filters with nano-fibres that capture the smallest dust particles and pollen allergens.
Collecting basket Dual segment collection basket
IRobot Roomba how it works ...
Cleaning head Antitnagle Sonoro
IRobot Roomba how it works ...
Roomba does not have any problem with any form of dirt.
Virtual Wall Virtual Wall Lighthouse
IRobot Roomba how it works ...
IRobot Roomba how it works ...
nanofibers Side Brush
IRob ot Ro thro ugh th omba pr ovid en the a mbitio anofibe es filter rs, w ing dus n to genst par ticles capture thehich have . a health They de nd polle micro s asm malefact troy thes n alleror e and provi s with grea hidden more d t ent e the comf husiir or tab le livin owners wit g envi ronme h nt. IRobot Roomba side brush can also be regarded as a very clever into every corner and sweeps the dirt er tthing. hin hing ng. It reaches rea y co o gets entangled under the Cleaning Head Module, which absorbs it immediately. If it ge ets ts a anywhere yw entangl gle a crisis mode is auau-
tomatically launched and takes iRobot Roomba immediately atellyy out o of the critical critic ca situation.
IRobot Roomba how it works ...
Robotic vacuum cleaners - Description
Roomba 23
Robotic vacuum cleaners - Description
i R o b ot R o o mb a
Robotic vacuum cleaners - Description
Technical specifications: T - adaptable iAdapt i da iA d pttTM adaptab a le ab e system syste em Manual Ma anual nu ual a Virtual V Vir ir tu ir t al Wall Prestigious Prestigiio ou us brand brrand ARM b AR RM processor proce pr esso es or 38 different forr orientation ntt sensors sensors en en o ori r en ri ent nta tati tion Cleaning parquet, par arrqu quet uet, linoleum, carpet and hard ha arrd surfaces surf r fac ces Adaptive Cleaning Head Module Clea aning an ing Intelligent Cleaning In Clea ani ning ng Head system Intelligent In ntellig gent Side e Brush Brush system SONORO â&#x20AC;&#x201C; impurities SO im mpu urritties active detection Buffers Buffers with a slow slo ow touch ANTITANGLE E system sy ys stem st Microfiber filter filillte ter er system sy IR Remote Remotte Control Control (available separately) Co y)) Home B Base ase charging ase as charging station External Ex xte ern rnal al power power supply Charging Char Ch argi gin ng time 3 hours ng High High capacity Ni-Mh battery, 3000 0 mAh mA m Ah Consumption 30W max when charging ch ha h arg rg ng rgin Consumption Standby 2W max ma ax Noise <60 db Recommended for 3 rooms ro oom oms oms Dimensions 330 x 90 90 mm mm Weight 3.6 kg kg
Package Contents: 1 x iRobot Roomba 531 1 x Manual Virtual Wall 1 x Standard vacuum container 1 x Home Base 1 x Rechargeable Battery Ni-Mh, 3000 mAh 1 x Side Brush (in the robot) 1 x Bristle Brush (in the robot) 1 x Flexible Brush (in the robot) 1 x Cleaning Tool
Robotic vacuum cleaners - Description
i R o b ot Room ba
555 26
Robotic vacuum cleaners - Description
Technical specifications: iAdaptTM - adaptable system Time Programming Auto Virtual Wall - 1x (more can be purchased) Prestigious brand ARM processor 38 different sensors for orientation Cleaning parquet, linoleum, carpet and hard surfaces Adaptive Cleaning Head Module Intelligent Cleaning Head system Intelligent Side Brush SONORO active impurities detection Buffers with a slow touch ANTITANGLE system Microfiber filter system IR Remote Control (available separately) Home Base charging station External power supply High capacity Ni-Mh battery, 3000 mAh Charging time 3 hours Consumption 30W max when charging Consumption Standby 2W max Noise <60 db Recommended for 3 rooms Dimensions 330 x 90 mm Weight 3.6 kg
Package Contents: 1 x iRobot Roomba 555 1 x Auto Virtual Wall 1 x Standard vacuum container 1 x Home Base 1 x Power Supply 1 x Rechargeable Battery Ni-Mh, 3000 mAh 1 x Side Brush (in the robot) 1 x Bristle Brush (in the robot) 1 x Flexible Brush (in the robot) 2 x Filter (including the one in the robot) 1 x Cleaning Tool
Robotic vacuum cleaners - Description
i R o b o t Room Roomb ba a
581 Random Cleaning
Robotic vacuum cleaners - Description
Technical specifications: TM iAdapt iA Adapt dapt da p TM - adaptable e system sys s y tem m Virtual Walllll L V Vi r tuall Wa rt W Lighthouse e - 3x (more (mo ore can be purchased) purcha asse ed) d Wireless C Command Centre om o mma m nd Cen ntr tre e Time Program Programming am amm mmi ming brand Prestigious br rand ARM processor sensors 38 different sen ns so ors for orientation Cleaning C leaning parquet, parque et, linoleum, lino ole leum, carpet carp ca rpet ett and and d hard hard surfaces surr fa aces Adaptive Cleaning Head Module A Ad daptiv ve C Cl lea le lea an nin ng He ead dM odul od ule e Intelligent Cleaning In ntelligent Clean ning g Head system sy syst yst stem em m IIntelligent In ntelligent Side Brush Bru ush system active detection SONORO activ ve d etection of impurities Buffers with a sslow llo ow touch ANTITANGLE ANTITANG GLE LE ssystem ystem Microfiber filter Micr Mi c ofib ber ffi ilter te system Remote IR RR em e motte Control (available separately) Home Base Home Ho eB ase charging station External Ext Ex ternal power supply High capacity Ni-Mh battery, y, 3000 mAh mAh Charging Char argi ging ng tim ttime ime im e 3 hours hou ho ours Consumption C onsumption 30W max when charging ch c ha gin harg ng max Consumption Standby 2W m ax Noise <60 db Recommended for 4 or more mor m ore e rooms ro Dimensions 330 x 90 90 mm kg Weight 3.6 6k g
Package Contents: 1 x iRobot Roomba 581 3 x Virtual Wall Lighthouse 1 x Home Base 1 x Rechargeable Battery Ni-Mh, 3000 mAh 1 x Cleaning Tool 2 x Side Brush (including the one in the robot) 2 x Bristle Brush (including the one in the robot) 2 x Flexible Brush (including the one in the robot) 1 x Rechargeable Battery Ni-Mh 2 x Filter (including the one in the robot) 1 x Wireless Command Centre
Robotic vacuum cleaners for pets - Description
iRobot series PET puts emphasis on fafa cilitating ilit ti the th cleaning l i the th mess after ft your hairy pets. Which is often a major problem. Plenty of owners must let their fourlegged friends stay out in inhospitable conditions, because they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what to do with all that loose hair. They can stop worrying here and now. iRobot Roomba Pet 534 and 563 Pet includes in its special packaging a special, spe ecial,
large-capacity basket.
Its Its design, desi de sign ign gn,, in in conjunction c con onjju on juncti junc ncti tion on with on w wit ith it h the the iRobot iRob iR ob bott Roomba Roo Roomba excellent capabilities excels by thorough hair collection ability. All hair is gone by the time you could say: "iRobot (Roomba)â&#x20AC;?.
Robotic vacuum cleaners for pets - Description
iRobo ott R Room oomb ba a
534Pet 31
Robotic vacuum cleaners for pets - Description
Technical specifications:
iAdaptTM - adaptable system Pet Kit - Pet magazine, cleaning kit Virtual Wall Manual - 1x (more can be purchased) Prestigious brand ARM processor 38 different sensors for orientation Cleaning parquet, linoleum, carpet and hard surfaces Adaptive Cleaning Head Module Intelligent Cleaning Head system Intelligent Side Brush SONORO active detection of impurities Buffers with a slow touch ANTITANGLE system Microfiber filter system IR Remote Control (available separately) Home Base charging station External power supply High capacity Ni-Mh battery, 3000 mAh Charging time 3 hours Consumption 30W max when charging Consumption Standby 2W max Noise <60 db Recommended for 3 rooms Dimensions 330 x 90 mm Weight 3.6 kg
Package Contents: 1 x iR iRobot Roomba Robott R oo omba a 534 534 Pet 53 Pet 1xL Large container for Pet animal hair arge con cont ntaine er for anim mal h ar ai Standard 1 x St tan anda ard d vacuum vac acu cuu uum container uum contain ner ner Manual Virtual 1 x Manu ual V irtu ir r tua tual al Wall Wall Compact 1 x Compa act Home Base Bas ase e Rechargeable Ni-Mh, 1 x Recharge geable Battery yN i-Mh, 3000 mAh ih the 2 x Side Brush h ((including (in incl c udin ng th he one e in the th robot) rob bot ot) Bristle Brush 2 x Br Bris istl tle e Br Brus ush h (including (i(inc nc clu uding ng the the one one iin tthe he robot) robot)) one 2 x Flexible Brush Bru ush s (including (includ din ng the eo on ne in n the e rrobot) rob ob bot) ott) Replacement 1 x Replacem men e t Filter er 1 x Cleaning Tool To ool 1 x Ex Extra Cleaning Tool Cl
Robotic vacuum cleaners for pets - Description
i R o b ot R o o mb a
563 Pet 33
Robotic vacuum cleaners for pets - Description
Technical specifications:
iAdaptTM - adaptable system Pet Kit - Pet magazine, cleaning kit Time Programming Auto Virtual Wall - 2x (more can be purchased) Prestigious brand ARM processor 38 different sensors for orientation Cleaning parquet, linoleum, carpet and hard surfaces Adaptive Cleaning Head Module Intelligent Cleaning Head system Intelligent Side Brush SONORO active detection of impurities Buffers with a slow touch ANTITANGLE system Microfiber filter system IR Remote Control (available separately) Home Base charging station External power supply High capacity Ni-Mh battery, 3000 mAh Charging time 3 hours Consumption 30W max when charging Consumption Standby 2W max Noise <60 db Recommended for 4 rooms Dimensions 330 x 90 mm Weight 3.6 kg
Package Contents: 1 x iRobot iRob ob bot Roomba Roo omba 563 Pet 1 x Pet Pe et Large e capacity magazine mag gazin azzin ine for for animal fo aniimal an im hair 1 x Standard Stan an nda ard vacuum container cont nttainer ai 2 x Auto Virtual Wall 1 x Home Base 1 x Rechargeable Battery Battte tery Ni-Mh, 3000 00 0 mAh mAh 2 x Side Brush (including (includ ding the robot) 2 x Bristle Brush (including (inclu uding the one in in the robot) 2 x Flexible Brush (including (inc cluding the one e in in the robot) 2 x Replacement Filters Filterrs 1 x Cleaning Tool 1 x Extra Cleaning Tool
Roomba - best friend in every home
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