Mystery Method Today – Secret Truth Revelations The book The Mystery Method, How to Get beautiful Women into Bed by Erik von Markovik (aka Mystery from the VH1 Show The Pickup Artist) took the world of seduction and pick up artists by storm when it was first published. But what is Mystery Method today? First, some history is in order. What a lot of pick up artists don’t know is that this book had an earlier title: The Venusian Arts Handbook., which taught men how to be “Venusian Artists” instead of “Pickup Artists”. It was published by something called Mystery Method Corporation, which no longer exists. Mystery Method Corporation has changed its name to Love Systems, and you can find some of that history here: The Venusian Arts Handbook was, at the time, a revelation. By providing Mystery Method Openers and Mystery Method Routines, aspiring pick up artists now had the tools to get the girl. It was so popular that it got turned into the book The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women into Bed and a VH-1 TV Show called The Pickup Artist. Thesewere all based on the principles of the Mystery Method. On The Pickup Artist, it was originally supposed to be joint production with top pickup artists Mystery (Erik von Markovik) and Nick Savoy, who was the President of Mystery Method Corporation and did most of the instructor training, recruitment, and writing content for the very popular newsletter. They disagreed on the nature of show and went their separate ways. A common misconception is that this was the death of the Mystery Method, but in many ways it simply evolved. Recent research indicates that from mid-2005 onward, Mystery was not involved in regular teaching of “bootcamps” or seminars with aspiring pick up artist students. After the split, most instructors elected to continue to work with Nick Savoy as he changed the name of the company to Love Systems. Mystery went on to write another book, though it failed to generate much in the way of attention. Today Love Systems is very much different from the old Mystery Method Corporation. The book the Magic Bullets Handbook is hailed as the “bible” of pickup and seduction. Love Systems instructors have appeared as guest experts on shows like the Tyra Banks Show or the Dr Phil Show to extremely impressive results. So is the Mystery Method dead? Yes and no. The name does not seem to be used any more by Nick Savoy or by Mystery, but the mission of training men to be successful with beautiful women lives on. References The Mystery Method is the former name for Love Systems. Background on the book The Mystery Method can be found at: