SEED ACADEMY GIRLS Developing the next generation of female African leaders
WITH OVER 200M PEOPLE BETWEEN 15-24 AFRICA IS THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD In fact, in the communities SEED works — Senegal & The Gambia — 60% of the country is under 24.
Yet among these young people, girls are often not provided the same pathway to success as their male counterparts.
We believe their potential is unlimited.
1 out of 6 girls in Senegal can’t read or write (UNESCO) Only 18% of girls in Senegal attend high school (UNESCO)
SEED ACADEMY GIRLS SEED Academy is the first elite boarding school for high potential basketball student-athletes in Africa. After exclusively serving boys (’02-’12), we launched SEED Academy Girls in 2013 in partnership with NBA Champion, Boris Diaw. Located in Thies, Senegal, up to 20 girls, grades 6-12, receive full-scholarships to live, train, and pursue their goal of attending university. We provide an innovate combination of elite level athletic training, academic enrichment classes and leadership development programming to create an environment for our young women to explore their full potential.
PROGRAMMING DETAILS Our programs are designed to increase school retention and graduation rates, while giving our students the confidence to dream big, and the tools to make those dreams come true. Program Goals 1. 100% of students will either matriculate to university or secure a job 2. All students will develop a greater sense of self confidence 3. Prepare students to be positive role models for the next generation of African youth Programming Details • Admissions: Students are selected from across the country based on academic history, passion for using basketball as a tool to grow, and parent & teacher interviews • Tuition to attend top middle school or high school • Subject specific academic tutoring (x2 per week); Classes avg. 12:1 student:teacher ratio vs 40:1 nat’l avg. • English language classes (x2 per week) • College prep support (TOEFL, BAC, SAT, ACT) • Study abroad opportunities (Africa, U.S., Canada, Europe) • Elite basketball training from top FIBA certified coaches (daily) • Housing, meals and transportation • Athletic training gear (provided by Nike)
Percentage of SEED Girls that have passed the national high school exam and matriculated to college vs. nat’l pass rate 35%
SEED Girls graduates that are currently studying in university
Percentage of SEED Girls that currently receive full scholarships to attend SEED Academy
Percentage of SEED Girls that self reported: 1. Feeling more self confident 2. More motivated in school 3. Become a leader in their own life and others
4 in Senegal, 1 in the U.S., 1 in France
My first year in America A note from our first girl, Ramatoulaye Sy, to attend school (Masters Academy ’18) in the U.S. Rama arrived to the U.S. in July 2015 and enrolled in Masters as a sophomore in high school.
I’m writing to tell you how different the world looks to me now, how mature i’ve become, and how strong and confident I am now after my first year in the United States. When I reflect back on my life and my childhood, I was a shy girl who knew what she wanted but wasn’t courageous and confident enough to do it. I always backed-up when it was time to step-up. I always got scared when it was my turn to act. The only thing that was clear to me was school. I started playing basketball in 2012 and became part of the SEED Family in 2014. Before attending SEED Academy, basketball was just a hobby. I played it because it was fun, and I never thought that basketball would become my passion that would completely change my life in all aspects. My first year in the United States, especially at Masters, was amazing and challenging at the same time. It wasn’t easy to live in a country where you’ve never been before. On top of that, my English was not fluent when I arrived, but I learned how to be patient and how to self-motivate. Despite these challenges, I was lucky enough to be part of a welcoming and free community at Masters where everybody is equal no matter what your identity is.
The biggest thing that I learned this year was to not be scared to fail, but to be courageous enough to keep moving. It’s ok to fail, there is no straight road to success. No one wishes to get injured but it sometimes teaches you more than you expected. Tearing my ACL this year was not what I wanted to happen but it motivated me so much and made me stronger than ever. I know that life isn’t always full of joy and that people don't realize how lucky and fortunate they are until something bad happens to them. This injury really makes me realize that time is precious. The world looks very different to me now. I’ve became more open minded about life. It feel great to be back home even if Senegal looks very different to me now. I feel like people in Senegal don’t talk about a lot of things, like LGBT rights. We (in Senegal) must devote more time to find out what’s going on around the world. It just shows me that life is full of experience, we can always learn more. The sky is the limit even if the sky has no limit. I want to thank you for supporting me and encouraging me from the first day I stepped foot in the U.S. I wouldn’t be able to have had such a great and unforgettable year without your help, your care, and your support. I truly appreciate it.
JOIN OUR TEAM We are committed to ensuring that all of our participants receive full or partial scholarships to attend SEED Academy Girls, and we rely on the generous support of donors, foundations and corporate partners to make this happen. We hope you consider joining our team through a tax deductible donation.
Provide a full-scholarship for a SEED Girl for 1-year. Donors will receive:
Enroll in our monthly giving plan and sponsor a SEED tutor each month. All tutors provide 6hrs of weekly
+ Scholarship created in your honor (i.e. Joe Smith Scholarship Fund) + Quarterly Program Reports + O p p o r t u n i t y to m e e t st u d e n t (e l e c t ro n i c correspondence, visit to Senegal, etc.) + Photo & video content throughout program year + Recognition on all SEED Girls reports, website, and annual report + Tax deductible donation
classes in Math, Science, English, and specialized test prep.
FUTURESUCCESS $50/MONTH DONATION Enroll in our monthly giving plan and provide a monthly scholarship for a SEED graduate in university. Through SEED Scholars, we invest in our students once they leave the program. This scholarship provides funds for course books, dorm room needs and more.
OUR PARTNERS seedprojectafrica @seedproject @seedproject
For more information please contact: NOAH LEVINE Executive Director, SEED Project +001.203.571.7524
MOHAMED NIANG Executive Director, SEED Senegal +221.77.707.1564