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SACSS 2022 Gala Night
The South Asian Council for Social Services (SACSS) held its 2022 gala November 2 in New York City. The guest of honor was South Asian cultural icon Madhur Jaffrey, who praised the organization’s food pantry, specifically the focus on providing culturally palatable food.
Jaffrey presented the SACSS’ Innovator In #FOODYOUWANT award to chefs Chintan Pandya and Roni Mazumdar of Unapologetic Foods. Other awardees included Congresswoman Grace Meng and entrepreneur Adnan Durrani.
The food was put together by Hemant Mathur, America’s first Michelin-starred Indian chef. The New York Kathak Dance Company provided the entertainment.
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When I started work-When I started working ingwithwithJasbJasbiina, Ina, I soo sn oonreal realized izedhowhow ma many misconny misconcep-ception tsionsof d of datingating I wa I s was followfollowing. ing. UpoUn ponrect rectififyingyingthesthese wre o wrng ong dati dang ting viviews ewswithwithher her hehelp, I lp, I im immediatelymediately evidevidencedenced that that not notonlyonlythe thequa quantityntity but butthe the qua qulityality of meof men in n in mymy dati dang ting poo pooll imp improroved.ved.
SheShe alsoalso mademade meme believebelieve thatthat I was entitled to up hold my standards and did not have to ‘just settle. ’ I continued to follow her advice and eventually a year later I met my now husband and he is perfect.
SheShe alsoalso mademade meme believebelieve thatthat I was entitled to up hold my standards and did not have to ‘just settle. ’ I continued to follow her advice and eventually a year later I met my now husband and he is perfect.
~ Ph~ Physician,ysician, NewNew JeJersey rsey Cli Client entSucSucccess essSto Stry or2 y 2 Cli Client entSucSucccess essSto Stry or3 y 3
You Youdefi defininitely telhay v he ave a m a magiagical tcalale tant lentfor for matmatchmakichmaking!! ngIt !! It had hadbee bn eenthe thehap h- appiespt iestand and mostmost fulfifulfillling ling yyear ear for forme min e a inll aall aspespects. cts.
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~ In ~ve Investstor, Lo or,s Los AngAngeles eles After a year of work-After a year of working ing with Jasbina,with Jasbina, she she intr introducedoduced me mto e to the the man who is nowman who is now my myhus husbaband. nd.
Wo Workingrking withwith JasbinaJasbina was wasspe-special cial from start tofrom start to end.end. I learnedI learned so so much about myself throughmuch about myself through my imynte intraceracttionsionswithwithJasbJasbina ina and andthrothroughoutughout the thewhowhle ole dati dang ting procprocess. ess. JasbJasbiina’s na’sadviadce viceand and supsupportport keptkept me strong.me strong. She Shewas was alwaysalways therthere fore for me, me, nono mat matterter howhow min mor inorthe theque qstuestion. ion.And A I nd Ifelt felt her her passion forpassion for whawhatt she she ddoes oes in e in everyveryinte intraceraction tionwithwithher. her.
~ Pr ~oj Project Develoect Developer, per,Flor Floida rida