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5 Ways to Work Toward Equity
from SEEMA March 2023
Kinnari Patel, President and Chief Operating Officer of Rocket Pharmaceuticals, navigated her way to the C-Suite all before age 40, but she faced plenty of ups and downs along the way. Here’s her advice for the women rising through the ranks.
1. Know yourself first. Have a strong grasp on your strengths, gaps, superpowers, and Achilles heels. The more you know yourself, the better chance you can find a place to be authentic and shine.
2. Reach out for help. We are lucky to have a culture where family, friends and our community provide a strong support system. Find ways through your network to carve a path forward, whether it’s about roles, compensation, or career moves.
3. Grow within and outside of your company. We lead complex lives as women, but embracing career growth development (like joining organizations within your industry) can lead to new opportunities.
4. Challenge the status quo. Don’t be afraid to speak out against workplace discrimination and bias.
5. Be an ally. Mentor other women and work towards creating a more inclusive environment. Commit to paying it forward for future generations to come.
Note: Total percent of women per level in the race and gender chart may not sum to overall corporate pipeline totals, as the race and gender chart does not include employees with unreported race data.
Source: Women in the Workplace 2022, LeanIn. Org and McKinsey, 2022