Regulatory Reforms for Civil Applications of UAVs

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Flying Instructor (2005Aerodynamics

Aircraft Center

Research and Design HAL, Bangalore. 1

Acronyms UAV
































INTRODUCTION: The gradual, yet inevitable shift away from human intervention is happening, for better or worse. Aviation remains on the cutting edge and modern visionaries are exploring the impossible of yesteryears and continually replacing the vintage technology. Hypersonic air travel and space flight are a reality today, with cost as the sole obstacle. If we have to consider, how far the aviation has progressed in its first century, one cannot help but marvel at how far we have come. The present use of UAVs is limited to the defense sectors, but there is lot of scope for the UAVs in the civil application which is been limited by various factors viz. use of civil air space, liability, security and safety. Technology is ever progressing; law follows technology by regulating certain rules in order to maintain safety and by monitoring the technology not to fall in wrong hands. Unmanned aircraft can be operated for long range and endurance. Down the lane in future unmanned cargo aircraft and pilot less passenger aircraft could be a reality and more efficient in many ways. Passengers may be uncertain about their safety with the pilot less aircraft initially. But the safety, security, reliability and redundancy will be developed as such, where passengers can feel safer than in the pilot aircraft as there is no room for human error and hijacking. As the passenger aircraft has to cross nations and safely land, there has to be a reliable technology and strong regulation. After rigorous study and discussions with aviation experts, an attempt has been made in this report to bring out the issues pertaining to transfer of technology and know how about the UAVs from the countries having more experience in developing & producing UAVs. The importance of regulations of Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) pertaining to UAVs are brought out in detail. The major issue that may delay autonomous Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) in civil application is lack of airspace management to prevent the UAVs from colliding with each other, with human-piloted planes or helicopters, with static objects such as buildings, and with dynamic flying objects such as flocks of bird. In this paper a novel airspace management approach to autonomous UAVs has been brought out. Our airspace management system allows UAVs to dynamically and autonomously choose between three modes of operation: (i) centralized, (ii) cooperative decentralized, (iii) non-cooperative decentralized. My views are projected & suggestions have been recommended to regulatory authorities for implementation, while this change may replace some human activity, the benefits out weigh the cost and will change the whole scenario.

Un-manned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) An unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, is one of many similar types of aircraft which do not carry a pilot onboard. At the lower end of this scale are Remotely Controlled (R/C) planes like those built and flown by modellers. Though a pilot is obviously not on board, the plane is controlled by a pilot throughout its flight. A similar type of aircraft is the Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV) which is essentially an enlarged version of the R/C plane. For many years, RPV's have been used by the military as target drones, test aircraft and reconnaissance platforms. The UAV, on the other hand, differs from remotely controlled aircraft, in that a pilot is not required during most or all of the flight. Instead, the plane is controlled by computers. Most UAV's rely on preprogrammed flight paths guiding them to and from the area of interest, though human interaction is possible throughout the flight. UAV's are commonplace in all branches of today's military. Some of the more well-known examples include the Navy's Pioneer and the Air Force's Darkstar and Global Hawk. These UAV's are used to obtain battlefield and theatre reconnaissance. A new type of UAV which is still under development and is the subject of this project is the Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV). As its name implies, the UCAV goes beyond observation and is designed to attack enemy targets. When can UAVs fly in non-segregated air space? While many technical obstacles must still be overcome before Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) can enter civil controlled airspace, government and industry organizations are actively engaged in establishing national and international regulations for their eventual introduction. The November 2006 conference of UVS Canada, the Canadian UAV association, held in Montebello, Quebec, heard presentations from ICAO, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Euro control, joint government/industry specialist groups and other organizations on how the safe integration of UAVs could be achieved. While there is much greater UAV activity in the US than elsewhere, there is a clear recognition within the worldwide civil aviation community that UAV activity is increasing rapidly, and that uniform standards should now be established.

Centralized mode of operation: The UAV delegates the collision avoidance responsibilities to an airspace management center. This center detects potential collisions between the UAV and other objects in the airspace and suggests that the UAV take a new course. Cooperative decentralized mode of operation: The UAV detects a possible collision with another object in the airspace and communicates with that object to solve the conflict if the object is cooperative. If the other object does not cooperate, the UAV acts the same way as in the non cooperative decentralized mode of operation. Non-cooperative decentralized mode of operation: The UAV detects a possible collision with another object in the airspace and diverts itself without using any means of communication. While the airspace management center holds global information, each UAV holds partial information about the trajectories of neighboring bodies. It updates its knowledge base regularly, using available means such as the airspace management center, bilateral cooperation protocols, and onboard sensors flying over an area. As a pilot, you will fly in the flying zone allocated to the UAVs for your mission. The responsibility of our airspace management system is to prevent collision between any manned aircraft and the UAVs Generally, autonomous flight consists of the following operations:  Interpreting sensor input and merging the input of multiple sensors  Communicating with ground stations, satellites, other UAVs and aircraft  Determining the ideal course to fly for a given mission, based on sensor input.  Determining the best maneuvers to perform for a given task  In some cases, cooperating with other UAVs to accomplish a common task. UAVs APPLICATIONS “Nonetheless, in recent years considerable progress has taken place not only concerning military but also civil applications. Despite the lack of regulations governing civil application, experts believe that there is a huge potential market and use of UAS especially for scientific, research, medical, expeditionary, humanitarian disaster … security surveillance missions as well as agricultural and commercial aerial work. Some of them as follow.

Mission Applications for Defense     

Perimeter defense for facilities Over the hill Special forces Urban operations Forward force protection and patrol

CIVIL APPLICATIONS         

Power Line Monitoring Traffic Monitoring Search and Rescue Flood Assessments Storm Assessments Bushfire Monitoring Forest reserves Disaster management Oil Field monitoring

Regulations in the use of UAVs The Missile Technology Control Regime is an informal and voluntary association of countries which share the goals of non-proliferation of unmanned delivery systems capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction and which seek to coordinate national export licensing efforts aimed at preventing their proliferation. The MTCR was originally established in 1987 by Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States. Since that time, the number of MTCR partners has increased to a total of thirty-four countries, all of which have equal standing within the Regime. The MTCR was initiated partly in response to the increasing proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), i.e., Nuclear, Chemical And Biological weapons. The risk of proliferation of WMD is well recognized as a threat to international peace and security, including UN Security Council .While concern has traditionally focused on state proliferators, after the tragic events of 11 September 2001, it became evident that more has to be done to decrease the risk of WMD delivery systems falling into the hands of terrorist groups and individuals. One way to counter this threat is to maintain vigilance over the transfer of missile equipment, material, and related technologies usable for systems capable of delivering WMD. As a result, many countries, including all MTCR partners, have chosen voluntarily

to introduce export licensing measures on rocket and other unmanned air vehicle delivery systems or related equipment, material and technology.

Objectives of the MTCR The aim of the MTCR is to restrict the proliferation of missiles, complete rocket systems, unmanned air vehicles and related technology for those systems capable of carrying a 500 kilogram payload at least 300 kilometers, as well as systems intended for the delivery of Weapons Of Mass Destruction (WMD). The Regime’s controls are applicable to certain complete rocket systems (to include ballistic missiles, Space Launch Vehicles (SLVs), and sounding rockets) and Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) systems (to include cruise missiles, drones, UAVs, and Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs)). Partners also recognize the importance of controlling the transfer of missile-related technology without disrupting legitimate trade and acknowledge the need to strengthen the objectives of the Regime through cooperation with countries outside the Regime. How the MTCR achieves its Objectives: Export Controls: The Regime rests on adherence to common export policy guidelines applied to an integral common list of controlled items listed in the MTCR Equipment, Software and Technology Annex. The MTCR does not take export licensing decisions as a group, rather individual partners are responsible for implementing the Guidelines and Annex on the basis of sovereign national discretion and in accordance with national legislation and practice. MTCR partner countries are keen to encourage all countries to observe the MTCR Guidelines on transfers of missiles and related technology as a contribution to common security. A country can choose to adhere to the Guidelines without being obligated to join the group and a number have done so. MTCR Partners welcome opportunities to conduct broader dialogue on proliferation issues with such countries. Membership As with all MTCR decisions, the decision to admit a new partner is taken by consensus. In making membership decisions, partners tend to consider whether a prospective new member would strengthen international non proliferation efforts, demonstrates a sustained and sustainable commitment to non proliferation has a legally based effective export control system that puts into effect the MTCR Guidelines and procedures and administers and enforces such controls effectively. The Regime's dialogue with prospective partners is conducted through the MTCR Chair, visits to capitals by teams comprising of representatives of four MTCR partners and bilateral exchanges.

Meetings: MTCR partners regularly exchange information about relevant national missile non-proliferation export licensing issues in the context of the Regime's overall aims. A Plenary Meeting is held annually and chaired on a rotational basis. In addition, inter-sessional consultations take place monthly through Point of Contact (POC) meetings in Paris, while Technical Experts Meetings are held on an ad hoc basis. The MTCR has no secretariat; distribution of the Regime's working papers is carried out through a "point of contact" the functions of which are performed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France. Dialogue and Outreach: The MTCR Chair and MTCR partners undertake outreach activities to nonpartners, in order to keep non-partners informed about the group's activities and to provide practical assistance regarding efforts to prevent the proliferation of WMD delivery systems. On behalf of the MTCR, the chair pursues a range of contacts with non-partners, including MTCR-sponsored workshops and seminars and intensified dialogue concerning the MTCR goals and activities, with the focus on such topics as export controls, related legislation, transshipment and enforcement. The Regime's documents include the MTCR Guidelines and the Equipment, Software and Technology Annex. The Guidelines define the purpose of the MTCR and provide the overall structure and rules to guide the member countries and those adhering unilaterally to the Guidelines. The Equipment, Software and Technology Annex is designed to assist in implementing export controls on MTCR Annex items. The Annex is divided into "Category I" and "Category II" items. It includes a broad range of equipment and technology, both military and dual-use that are relevant to missile development, production, and operation. Partner countries exercise restraint in the consideration of all transfers of items contained in the Annex. All such transfers are considered on a case by case basis.

Greatest restraint is applied to what are known as Category I items. These items include complete rocket systems (including ballistic missiles, space launch vehicles and sounding rockets) and Unmanned Air Vehicle systems (including cruise missiles systems, target and reconnaissance drones) with capabilities exceeding a 300km/500kg range/payload threshold; production facilities for such systems; and major sub-systems including rocket stages, re-entry vehicles, rocket engines, guidance systems and warhead mechanisms. The remainder of the annex is regarded as Category II, which includes complete rocket systems (including ballistic missiles systems, space launch vehicles and

sounding rockets) and Unmanned Air Vehicles (including cruise missile systems,

target drones, and reconnaissance drones) not covered in item I, capable of a maximum range equal to or greater than, 300km. Also included are a wide range of equipment, material, and technologies, most of which have uses other than for missiles capable of delivering WMD. While still agreeing to exercise restraint, partners have greater flexibility in the treatment of Category II transfer applications. The MTCR Guidelines specifically state that the Regime is "not designed to impede national space programs or international cooperation in such programs as long as such programs could not contribute to delivery systems for weapons of mass destruction." MTCR partners are careful with SLV equipment and technology transfers, however, since the technology used in an SLV is virtually identical to that used in a ballistic missile, which poses genuine potential for missile proliferation. MTCR and Trade Export Licenses: Export licenses are not banned, but efforts to prevent transfers contributing to delivery systems for weapons of mass destruction. MTCR controls are not intended to impede peaceful aerospace programmes or international cooperation in such programmes, as long as these programmes could not be used to develop delivery systems for WMD. MTCR controls are also not designed to restrict access to technologies necessary for peaceful economic development. The MTCR Guidelines help to build confidence among suppliers that they can provide access to technology without such technology being diverted to WMD delivery system programmes. End-user Undertaking MTCR partners have agreed that, in a manner consistent with their national laws and practices and when relevant under the MTCR Guidelines and other existing undertakings, partner countries should obtain the following undertakings before the transfer of a controlled item: a statement from the end user specifying the use and end use location of the proposed transfer, if necessary accompanied by documents explaining its business activities and organization; an assurance explicitly stating that the proposed transfers will not be used for any activities related to the development or production of delivery systems for WMD; and Where possible and if deemed necessary, an assurance that a post shipment inspection may be made by the exporter or the exporting government. Partners have also agreed that partner countries should obtain assurances that their consent will be secured, in a manner consistent with their national law and

practices, prior to any retransfer to a third country of the equipment, material or related technology or any replica thereof. Inter-partner Trade: MTCR partners have explicitly affirmed the principle that membership in the MTCR does not involve an entitlement to obtain technology from another partner and no obligation to supply it. Partners are expected, just as in such trade between partners and non partners, to exercise appropriate accountability and restraint in inter partner trade. Adherence to MTCR Guidelines & Annex by Non-Members: MTCR partner countries are keen to encourage all countries to observe the MTCR Guidelines on transfers of missiles and related technology as a contribution to common security. A country can choose to adhere to the Guidelines without being obliged to join the group and a number have done so. MTCR and its members welcome opportunities to conduct technical exchanges and broader dialogues on proliferation issues with such countries. Future Regulations Two major government/industry groups - one in the US and the other in Europe are developing UAV policy recommendations. In the US, this is being undertaken by RTCA Special Committee (SC) 203, for generic Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS which includes airborne and ground elements), Command, Control and Communications (C3) and Detect, Sense and Avoid (DSA) technologies. The European Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) organization is a similar government/industry body, which established its Working Group (WG) 73, to review UAV operational aspects in European airspace. WG-73 has parallel objectives to RTCA's SC-203, and both organizations are committed to harmonize their outputs. Until very recently the FAA was considering a long term (15 year), three stage timeframe. Each step of the plan would have resulted in a Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR). The first would have been SFAR -01 establishing a new visual flight rules (VFR)-based regime to replace the current Certificate of Authorization (COA) procedure. SFAR- 01 will be issued for public comment by 2007. It was intended to set up rules for line of sight operation of UAVs. SFAR-02 was planned to be finished by 2013. SFAR-02 would have opened up the US NAS but it awaited the availability of certified sense and avoids technologies. SFAR-03, expected by 2020, will produce a complete and open environment with no restrictions in the US NAS for UAV operations. The FAA has modified this approach, currently now considering this three step process somewhat simplistic.

Recommendations:  The MTCR regulations pertaining to the UAVs can be made liberal with respective to the civil applications. As developing nations can adhere to the latest technology.  ICAO has to develop the universal standards for the airworthiness, flying rules, units and measurements and other aspects equal to the pilot aircraft.  UAVs have to equipped with global information, with respect to the aeronautical charts.  UAVs have to be uploaded with the bilateral treaty as the passenger and cargo aircrafts has to cross nations.  Accurate space management technique has to be established. Space mechanism such as tunnel techniques can be used.  UAVs have to be programmed in such a way that in the worst case scenario they have to divert themselves to sparsely populated regions.  Majority of the accidents happened because of the improper communication between the pilot and ATC. But in the case of UAV the communication can be converted into digital hence the communication will be precise and accurate. With precise communication we can not only decrease the rate of accidents but can increase the turn around performance as well.

Conclusion: The UAV can fly day-after-day, night after night, in dangerous weather conditions, typical endurance up to 50 hours, in an accurate flight path, controlled by a computer. Network Centric Approach in which data from each UAV in flight updates a server computer in real time, allowing users to view the real time information. It costs: less to buy, to fly, to operate, to land and to dispose of than a piloted plane The UAV is more environmentally and user friendly. Presently pilot less passenger aircraft remains a dream for various reasons, prime being the safety. In a piloted aircraft during the emergency situation such as total system failure, a human brain which can thing rationally is the last resort. One such example for rational thinking is Hudson River landing. Making passengers on board on an aircraft with out a pilot needs more sophisticated technology, utmost reliability, number redundancy levels, fail safe design etc. But with a proper know-how, troubles like this can be nullified. Hence MTCR regulations can be liberalized in transfer of technology to other nations for the better development of new innovations in the civil applications. “Nobody fly for a thousand years!” Wilber Wright, 1901, Fit of Despair. Two years later along with his brother kicked off the revolution in aviation. Thou UAV in civil application remain hard ship today, the conspicuous solution is hidden by the time. Research and development in many countries are fast track to make this dream into reality and more importantly to tap the potential in the commercial market. For this reason Instead of focusing on vehicle reliability requirements which severely limit present-day experimentation and development of UAVs, efforts which focus on operational strategies allow for applications of the technology to be explored while the systems continue to grow more reliable. However before that, local and national government should recognize civil UAVs not only as a new commercial industry of great potential, but also as a latent threat to domestic security for which regulations should be established sooner rather than later.

References: Aerosonde corporate site

Crossbow Technologies

UAV directory m

Earth mapping by Google

Federatio America n of n Scientists Flight International magazine Israeli Aircraft Industries

Model engine corporation of America Model aeronautics site

Model planes and UAVs

Model shop

National Geophysical Center Nellis Air Force Base, USA

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Pulse jets

RCV Engines

Sander Geophysical Limited

Silvertone Electronics

Small gas turbines

Small rockets

Small rockets

TAM 5 and Maynard Hill

UAV applications

UAV components

UAV components

Wankel engines for UAV use

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