Consolidate Your Resources and Actively Engage All Stakeholders Through the Power of the Learning Loop
Seesaw’s award-winning Learning Experience Platform enables schools to seamlessly consolidate instructional tools and resources while simultaneously empowering all stakeholders to actively support and celebrate each child’s learning experience. Teachers, administrators, families and pupils are purposely interconnected through a powerful learning loop that fosters a joyful and inclusive experience.
The impact is powerful — while permitting schools to reduce tech fatigue with less applications, save valuable instructional time, and reduce spending on multiple programs.
Seesaw’s Learning Experience Platform

Seesaw works seamlessly with your existing technology and curriculum ecosystem *Coming 2025!

Seesaw’s All-In-One Instructional Platform is a 3rd Party Validated Evidence-Based Intervention
Thousands of ready-to-teach EYFS-KS2 lessons aligned to standards and curricula
• Supplemental resources aligned to Curriculum for Excellence and the National Curriculum for England
• Engaging lessons encourage pupil voice and choice
• Flexible implementation models
• Save teachers hours of prep time
• Customisable instructional templates
• Provide consistency in daily routines
Assessment and Data Driven Decisions
Glean actionable insights and capture proficiency beyond traditional assessments
• Built-in formative assessments offer customisation options
• Centralised administrative dashboards show usage and performance on standards
• Auto-marked questions offer live pupil response data
• Real-time feedback corrects misconceptions on the spot
• Audio and video recordings allow teachers to find misconceptions
• Record and document beyond paper-pencil tests
Accessible and Differentiated Learning
Foster a community of inclusive learning
• Equip teachers with tools to implement MTSS and UDL
• Support all learning styles with multimodal tools
• Offer a safe space for pupils to practise and reflect
• Create flexible pupil groups for remediation and acceleration
• Motivate ASD and ADHD population
• Support SEND and other educational accommodations
Digital Portfolios
Capture evidence of learning to measure yearly pupil growth
• Gather learning artifacts for pupil portfolios
• Collect evidence of learning to measure growth
• Share, reflect and celebrate learning with families
• Capture hands-on iterative learning processes
• Facilitate seamless parent-teacher meetings
• Supports SEND documentation
Family Engagement and Communication
Foster strong school-home partnerships through inclusive two-way communication
• Share pupil work with family members anytime, anywhere
• Remove communication barriers - translations in 100+ languages
• Enable families to support their child’s educational experience
• Engage families with photos, videos, links, files, and progress
• Promote excursions, school and class events through announcements
• Provide updates all year long, not just during parent meetings
With Seesaw’s
• Reduce tech fatigue
• Save instructional time
• Support teacher retention
“Seesaw makes all learners able to access the task and helps learners feel equal and included. Children’s work can be easily differentiated and without other children knowing.
- Catrin, Primary Class Teacher, Scotland, UK
Seesaw supports the assessment in our school by giving us a place to store photos and videos that provide extra evidence that otherwise might be lost. This has been very valuable especially for subjects such as music where that evidence is very hard to capture and store in one place without Seesaw.
- Abi, Year 1 Teacher, England, UK
From a survey of nearly 1000 Seesaw teachers
of teachers report that using Seesaw in their classroom saves them time.
of teachers said Seesaw helps them assess pupils’ learning proficiency towards academic standards
Years 2-3 pupils who created more posts with video or voice in Seesaw had statistically significantly higher end-of-year reading scores.
Years 3-4 pupils who had more family visits to pupil work in Seesaw had statistically significantly higher end-of-year maths scores.
ELL pupils who created more posts with video or voice had higher end-of-year NWEA MAP® maths scores.

Seesaw (2022–23)

Read the report
Seesaw’s user friendly interface plays a pivotal role, empowering educators to effortlessly generate and share instructions, thus shaping it into a flexible platform that adeptly conveys tasks and assignments to pupils.
- Aisling, Head of Computing, England, UK
Seesaw has been invaluable in allowing children with additional needs to engage with learning in a fun and active way. The children are taking ownership of their learning and seeing progress on their own digital profile, relevant to them.
- Laura, Special Needs Teacher, Ireland