Title I, Part A: Parent & Family Engagement
Title I parent and family engagement is a key part of the federal Title I program, which funds schools with high numbers of low-income students. The program’s goals include:
School districts must reach out to parents and families of Title I students.
Schools must implement programs and activities to engage parents and families in Title I activities.
Parental Involvement
A significant portion of Title I funds must be spent on encouraging parental involvement.
Parents should be involved in regular, two-way communication with school staff.
Parental Rights
School officials should invite parents to meetings to explain parental rights.
Program Information
School officials should discuss programs and activities funded by Title I funds.
School officials should solicit input from parents on the Title I program and policy.
Student Learning
Activities should help parents understand what their children are learning.
Student Work
Activities should promote high standards for student work.
Home Support
Activities should provide parents with tools and information to help children at home.
Student Progress
Activities should promote discussion about improving student progress.
Teaching Approaches
Activities should help families understand effective teaching approaches.
Seesaw’s Learning Experience Platform helps schools meet these requirements and keeps families in the learning loop by providing ongoing visibility into students’ activities, to foster a collaborative and positive school culture. This cultivates a sense of pride in students, motivating them to eagerly share and communicate their learning experiences with everyone in their life.
Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) in a child’s education is a greater predictor of academic success than whether or not that family is affluent or poor.
About 43% of public schools currently qualify for Title I funding, with a total of 49,229 schools benefiting from the program.
Schools with participatory families are able to define and achieve ambitious educational objectives.
Seesaw’s inclusive parent and family engagement features can lead to positive school-wide outcomes, including:
• Homework completion
• Parents helping with learning at home
• School climate
• Student discipline
• Reading at home
• Student attendance
• Teacher-parent relations
• Student preparedness for school
• Active parents and/or volunteers
• Higher grades and test scores
• Engaged students
Foster strong school-home partnerships with two-way communication centered on learning.
Schools enrolling at least 40 percent of students from low-income families are eligible to use Title I funds for schoolwide programs designed to upgrade the entire school’s education program to improve achievement for all students.
Offer an equitable and high-quality education program that supports family engagement and communication with Seesaw!