Seesaw LMS
UNLIMITED access to features that support elementary learning for students, teachers, and families
Includes All Basic Features PLUS:
Multipage activities and posts
Drafts and send back work for revision
Seesaw LMS unlocks powerful features to elevate the elementary learning experience for students, teachers, and administrators

Schedule ahead, set due dates, and recurring activities
Assign instructional sequences
Design activities and share with colleagues
20 Teachers per class
Assessment & Progress Monitoring
Year-over-year digital portfolios
Class-level progress dashboard
Auto-graded formative assessments
Find question tool (AI supported)
Folders: Custom, Private, Highlights
Assessment and reflection templates
Seesaw Base Library
Access to The Community Library
My Library - Create and organize content at the teacher level
School and District Libraries - Create and organize content to share broadly
Schoolwide messages and announcements
Teacher-student messaging
Teacher initiated student-student messages
Schedule-ahead messages and announcements
Centralized Management
Administrative Dashboards at the school and district level - Engagement Dashboard and Learning Insights Dashboard
School & district-wide settings (includes regional options)
Localized sitewide standards
Custom standards
Admin Roles
Regional Data storage
SIS and LTI Integrations