Expert Advisors
Dr. Adria Klein
Adria Klein, Ph.D., is the Trainer and Director of the Comprehensive Literacy Center at one of the oldest colleges in California, and professor emerita of reading education at CSU San Bernardino where she was the Chair of the Department of Elementary and Bilingual Education. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of New Mexico in Reading and ESL. Dr. Klein is the co-author of many professional books and articles on reading and writing instruction and intervention, oral language development, multiliteracy learning, and early mathematics learning.
Dr. Kia McDaniel
Kia Myrick McDaniel, Ed.D., has dedicated her career to supporting and developing equitable educational opportunities for culturally and linguistically diverse students. She currently holds the position of Director of Curriculum and Instruction in a large urban school district, serving a student population of over 130,000, with 20% of them being multilingual learners. Dr. McDaniel brings a wealth of experience, having previously held positions as a classroom teacher, reading specialist, ESOL teacher, Supervisor of ESOL, and Coordinating Supervisor of Specialty Programs. She also serves as an adjunct professor and consultant. In these roles, she conducts professional development workshops, designs and evaluates curricula, and assists school districts and organizations in developing resources to meet the needs of multilingual learners.
Supporting Research
Blevins, W. (2017). A fresh look at phonics: Common causes of failure and 7 ingredients for success. Corwin.
Blevins, W. (2023). Phonics from A to Z: A practical guide. Scholastic.
Burkins, J., & Yates, K. (2021). Shifting the balance: 6 ways to bring the science of reading into the blanched literacy classroom. Stenhouse.
Duke, N. K., Ward, A. E., & Pearson, P. D. (2021). The science of reading comprehension instruction. The Reading Teacher, 74(6), 663-672.
Supporting Research Supporting Research
Foorman, B.R., Chen, D. T., Carlson, C., Moats, L., Francis, D.J., & Fletcher, J.M. (2003). Necessity of the alphabetic principle to phonemic awareness instruction. Reading and Writing, 16, 289–324.
McBreen, M., & Savage, R. (2020). The impact of motivational reading instruction on the reading achievement and motivation of students: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review. Advance online publication.
Moats, L.C. (Summer, 2019). Teaching spelling: An opportunity to unveil the logic of language. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 45(3),17–20.
Petscher, Y., Cabell, S. Q., Catts, H. W., Compton, D. L., Foorman, B. R., Hart, S. A., Lonigan, C. J., Phillips, B. M., Schatschneider, C., Steacy, L. M., Terry, N. P., & Wagner, R. K. (2020). How the Science of Reading Informs 21st-Century Education. Reading research quarterly, 55(Suppl 1), S267–S282.
Saha, N. (2022, December 14.) The Science Behind Decodable Books. Metametrics, Inc.
Suggate, S. P. (2016). A meta-analysis of the long-term effects of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and reading comprehension interventions. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(1), 77-96.