Germany signs the Armistice Treaty to end the war 11th NOVEMBER
24th JANUARY Conscription is introduced in Britain. ON SEFTON Proclamations go up across Sefton reminding single men aged 27, 28, 29 and 30 call up date is 29th February. The men have one month from that date to present themselves for service. Any man who fails to enlist would be treated as a deserter or absentee, local papers reported. FEBRUARY - DECEMBER The Battle of Verdun lasts 10 months, over a million men are wounded. 31st MAY - 1st JUNE The battle of Jutland. ON SEFTON Crosby Man Leonard Murphy, aged 22, was killed when HMS Queen Mary was sunk at the Battle of Jutland on 31st May 1916, with the loss of 1,266 officers and men.
JULY - NOVEMBER The Battle of the Somme sees 750,000 men sent to cover a 25 mile front. 60,000 men are killed, injured or missing in one day of action. ON SEFTON Joseph Sloey aged 22, from Antonia Street, Bootle was killed at the Battle of Arrowhead Copsepart, of the Somme offensive.
25th JANUARY Canadian Troop transporter SS The Laurentic struck two mines off Lough Swilly in the north of Ireland on 25th January 1917 and sank within an hour. Only 121 of the 475 aboard survived.
APRIL Battle of Arras.
ON SEFTON Engineer-commander Charles Hurst, from Litherland and Sub- Lieutenant James Brown, from Orrell, went down with the ship. Commander Hurst 43, had 23 engineers under his direction, only five survived the sinking. He left behind a widow and seven children; the youngest was only three.
ON SEFTON Former Bootle Policeman Percy Bainbridge was killed in action on 20th July. Gunner Bainbridge, who was 40 years of age, trained in the south of England, prior to being sent to France in February 1917. He left behind a widow.
Sub-Lieutenant Brown 30, was a promising engineer; it was reported that Bootle had lost one of its finest sons. He left behind a widow and one daughter. 21st FEBUARY The Great German withdrawal begins and they establish new lines along the Hindenburg Line.
JULY - NOVEMBER Battle of Passchendaele (3rd battle of Ypres).
3rd AUGUST The third anniversary of war is marked by church services across the country. ON SEFTON A special service was held at Christ Church in Southport, with the Town's Mayor in attendance. The image is of the procession leaving the Town Hall.
The Germans advance along a 50 mile front south of Arras. 7th MAY ON SEFTON Tank Bank Week in Southport. People continued to be encouraged to support the War effort by buying Governement bonds.
15th MARCH Tsar Nicholas II abdicates. 6th APRIL United States of America enters the war. ON SEFTON A service in celebration of America's entry into the war was held at Emmanuel Church in Churchtown. 600 soldiers wounded soldiers from the nearby convalescent camp attended. The service was a replica of that held in St Paul's Cathedral, which was attended by the King and the American Ambassador.
21st MARCH The 2nd Battle of the Somme begins with a German offensive, the 'Kaiserschlacht'.
JULY - AUGUST The 2nd Battle of the Marne. OCTOBER Russian Revolution. NOVEMBER Battle of Passchendaele ends, the allies have advanced only 5 miles and 140,000 men have been killed.
8th NOVEMBER Armistice negotiations between the Allies and Germany begin.
11th NOVEMBER Germany signs the Armistice Treaty to end the war. ON SEFTON Victory is celebrated across Sefton. Tuesday 14th November is declared a local holiday, and thanksgiving services, attended by local dignitaries take place in Churches across the borough. That evening the illuminations along Lord Street were lit and crowds partied in the streets.