People Directorate
Aiming High for Disabled Children Issue 9, Autumn 2012
A fine mess for this Shipmate at a Pirate themed fun day this summer. Find out more on Page 9
Please take time to complete the evaluation questionnaire for this newsletter on Pages 11 and 12. You can also complete it online at:
w w w. m o v e i t s e f t o n . c o . u k
Are you registered with the Disabled Children’s Information and Database?
The Disabled Children’s Information and Database aims to provide parents with information both locally and nationally for families and children who may require specialist as well as mainstream services. Alongside this is an opportunity to identify services that could make a difference so they can be best developed for the future. The database can include children with: • Developmental delay • Physical disability • Chronic illness / medical condition • Moderate to severe learning disability • Hearing impairment / visual impairment • Communication difficulties
What’s in it for my child and me?
A regular newsletter sent direct to your home giving information about services, events, benefits and support available locally and nationally. As the register is voluntary, you may have been given a copy of this newsletter by a third party who thought it would benefit you. There is a referral form below. Once you have returned the referral form (or you can call the Disabled Children’s Information and Database on 0151 934 3853), you will be contacted to arrange a home visit to complete a data collection form. Christine Bates Database Coordinator
Disabled Children’s Information and Database (0-18 years)
Please complete the following information and return it to the address (right) and the Database Coordinator will contact you. Child’s Name:
Sefton’s Disabled Children’s Information and Database
Date of Birth: Parent/Carer Name: Relationship to child:
The Good Shepherd Site Sterrix Lane, Litherlan d.
Family Address:
Primary diagnosis:
L21 0DA.
Tel: 0151 934 38 53 Email: dcr@sefton Web: www.sefton.go
Welcome to the Autumn 2012 edition of Aiming High for Disabled Children. As you can see we've all been busy having fabulous short breaks over the summer, through the Paralympics and great summer programme. We've had some lovely feedback from those who attended the activities for children, teenagers and families through the summer programme and the National Citizen Scheme. This edition is full of useful tips, activities and support for families, which we hope you find helpful. We're also reviewing the newsletter to make sure it's providing the right type of information and is being shared in the ways that are best for you. Please try to complete the questionnaire on Pages 11 and 12 of this newsletter to support us in doing this. We will be contacting parents re DCATCH soon too, to review how we best support those wanting to get back to work. I hope you all enjoy this edition, please let us know if there is anything else you would like to be included in future issues. Kind Regards, Jacqui Kerr, Manager, Early Intervention and Prevention (11+), Sefton Council
Database Coordinato r Christine Bates Database Administra tor Glenda Foley
DCATCH: Position Statement, September 2012 Disabled Children’s Access to Childcare (DCATCH) supports parents/ carers of disabled children (aged 0-19yrs) to access childcare to allow them to work, attend training/ education or undertake voluntary work. The DCATCH programme in Sefton is both highly successful and valued by families and, as a consequence, demand for its services has grown rapidly. However, this now presents the challenge of how to continue to meet the expectations of families whilst operating on a reduced budget. As a result, it has been decided that whist we are reviewing the options open to the DCATCH programme and seeking solutions to make it more sustainable in the future, we will not be accepting new referrals for funding at present.
All current recipients of DCATCH funding will be unaffected by this decision. During this period, we will be consulting families and childcare providers with regard to options for the future and would ask all interested parties to share their thoughts and take part. The DCATCH webpage will be shortly be updated with further information, or the team can be contacted directly on the number below. We hope to be in a position to communicate the results of this consultation and future direction of the DCATCH programme by February 2013. The DCATCH Team are still available for advice support and guidance to families and childcare settings. If you
have any queries please do not hesitate to contact them on 01704 882036 or by email at Other useful contacts numbers include: Sefton Welfare Rights 0151 934 3660 Sefton Carers Centre 0151 288 6060 Sefton Family Information Service 0800 0197 219 More general information on childcare support can be found online at: Olive Carey, Head of Early Intervention and Prevention, Sefton Council
Teamwork between a local fundraising charity and a brave mother and her son meant a shiny silver lining on a very big cloud. T.E.A.M (Together Everyone Achieves More) fundraising trust pledged £600 to provide a much needed break for Joanne and Callum Peace, including a week of 5 star luxury at a spar resort near Preston over the summer. Joanne, who has epilepsy,
provides round the clock care for her son Callum, who was born with a heart defect and also suffers with epilepsy. Brave two year old Callum has endured much in his short life, including numerous near-death experiences and open heart surgery at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, where he spent 8 months as a patient. To find out more about T.E.A.M visit
A one-year card is £20 while a three-year Railcard is also available for £54. You must provide proof that you are eligible for a Railcard. The Disabled Persons Railcard application form gives details of the evidence you must send in and is available at You can use your Railcard at any time of the day but please check before you book as some tickets are subject to availability and may have time restrictions.
People who stay in their own wheelchair for a rail journey
T.E.A.Mwork for Callum!
The Disabled Persons Railcard
If you have a disability that makes travelling by train difficult you might qualify for the Disabled Persons Railcard. The Railcard allows you - and one adult travelling with you - to get 1/3 off most rail fares throughout Great Britain. For 5-15 year olds they receive the usual child fare while the adult travelling with them receives the same discount as the Disabled Persons Railcard.
If you need to stay in your own wheel-chair during a journey and you do not have a Railcard, you are eligible for the concessionary discounts. For more information visit call 0845 605 0525 or email Alternatively you can textphone / minicom 0845 601 0132. 3
Springbrook Children's Home in Ainsdale recently received this lovely letter from a young person in their care
Speech Therapy Services
It has been noted that waiting lists for speech and language therapy services in North Sefton are unusually long. Liverpool Community Health have recently appointed 2 new full time speech therapists to enable the
reduction of those times. It will still be 2 months before all health checks and a notice period is given. For more information, contact Christine on 0151 934 3853 or by email:
Transitions Day
9th November, Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre
Sefton Transition Service alongside the Learning Disability Partnership Board are having a day around transitions and have invited young adults from Thornton College and Arden College to participate on the day. Person centred planning tools will be used to glean information
from the young adults as their views, wishes and feeling can help inform services for the future. For more information on the Learning Disability Partnership Board and the work they do you can access their website
Zero-rate VAT on goods, services and vehicles for disabled people
If you have a long-term illness or you're disabled, you might not have to pay VAT on certain goods and services that you buy or bring into the UK, as well as building work that you have done. To find out if you qualify and what VAT saving you qualify for, visit:
Sefton Parent Partnership
Sefton Parent Partnership is an impartial service that supports parents / carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities. Referrals are accepted via anybody working with the child / family providing that the family are happy to be referred, for example, by schools, GPs and health visitors, social workers, LEA staff etc. Families can also be self-referred. The Parent Partnership offers courses for parents who have children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and or an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and can link parents with other families who have children with similar needs via the parent groups that run on the second Friday of the month. Please contact Sefton Parent Partnership for more details on 0151 291 0551.
Tourettes Action
Tourettes Action is the UK’s leading support and research charity for people with Tourettes syndrome (TS) and their families. They look to help those with TS lead full lives by gaining practical support and social acceptance. Through Michelle Kelly, their Groups Support Officer, they will be looking to establish a support group in the North West and are keen to receive any expressions of interest. Also, Michelle wants the gage the level of interest in a proposed drumming workshop in Liverpool for kids with TS. Tourettes Action has an online forum where parents of children with TS or adults with the condition can talk to professionals and each other. To find out more contact the Tourettes Action help-line on 0300 777 8427 or visit:
Special Place in Netherton Special
The Netherton Support Group’s ‘Special Place’ is a friendly group with lots of activities and events. The group is facilitated by Maria Wilson and Caz Roberts from Sefton Carers Centre. Between now and Christmas there’s nail art, a charity and grants information day, a visit from Stephanie Swain, Community Development Worker from The Bridge, a trip to Kidz up North at the Reebok Stadium and of
course the Christmas Meal! This group runs every Thursday 9:30 – 11:30am, term time only and is held at Netherton Children’s Centre, Magdalen Square, Netherton, L30 5QH. To find out when events are taking place or if you have any ideas for other events / guest speakers, please contact Maria or Caz on 288 6062 / 6064.
Creative Alternatives is Sefton’s award winning arts on prescription programme for adults experiencing mild to moderate stress, depression and / or anxiety. The service is funded by Sefton Arts (Sefton Council) and NHS Sefton and is free for residents of Sefton. Participants on the programme join a weekly expressive arts workshop for up to nine months and benefit from an additional schedule of outings and creative workshops designed to improve well being, confidence, self-esteem and reduce
social isolation and stress levels. People of all artistic abilities are welcome and you don’t need any previous experience. The programme is more about getting involved, exploring and having fun!
Creative Alternatives
Welfare Rights Service
To many members of the public the welfare benefits system can appear daunting and complex. To ensure everyone claims their full entitlement Sefton Council provide a Welfare Rights team who are able to provide advice and guidance for people who live or work in Sefton. To make an appointment or to talk to someone about benefit entitlements 0151 934 3660 or by email:
Time in Southport
Southport Support Group’s ‘Special Time’ is a friendly group with lots of activities and events taking place. It is facilitated by Kate Hurn and Caz Roberts from Sefton Carers Centre and Helen Morris from Parenting 2000. Between now and Christmas there’s lots of cooking sessions for parents and children, as well as therapy sessions, the Christmas Market shopping trip and of course, the Christmas meal! The group runs every Friday 9:30 – 11:30am, term time only and is held at: Parenting 2000 Children’s Centre, Mornington Road, Southport, PR9 0TS. To find out when events are taking place or if you have any ideas for other events / guest speakers, please contact Kate or Caz on 288 6063 / 6064.
Action for M.E.
Action for M.E. has launched a new online carers forum, specifically for those caring for someone with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.). If you are supporting anyone who is caring for a child, partner, parent or other relative or friend with M.E., please pass this information onto them. They can read or take part at and it only takes a few moments to register. For more information about the forum, contact Wendy on 0117 930 7289 or by email:
For anyone looking after a child with M.E./CFS, the revised and updated version of ‘Your child has M.E.’ is also now available at or can be ordered by phone on 0117 927 9551. It was developed with the Association of Young People with M.E. with parents and healthcare professionals to provide information and share ways of coping. For more information contact Clare at Action for M.E. on 0117 930 1324 or by email: 5
Look what I can do!
Sefton’s Disabled Children’s Information and Database provides help and support for disabled children, young people and their families across the borough. This help can be anything from finding local or national resources to organising activities for them. Thomas is one such young person: ‘Hello, my name is Thomas and I have an ASD (autistic spectrum disorder), sensory processing disorder, hyper-mobility disorder, learning difficulties and asthma amongst other things. I love my Xbox, computer games, army, ninja and karate – anything to do with combat! Christine Bates (Sefton’s Disabled Children’s Information and Database Coordinator) was very helpful and found out where I could go to a karate class. My Mum and Dad took me to watch a lesson and they had a chat about all my problems, my concerns and their
concerns too. After talking with the Sensei I couldn’t wait to start a class. I get very anxious when I’m getting ready to go to class, but when I get there I go straight in and class starts then I’m okay. Everyone is very nice and helpful. Most people in the group don’t know I have problems, and that’s okay. I don’t remember as much training as the others in the class; some have taken their grading already. But I didn’t want to and that’s okay too. Sensei said to my Dad I was doing really well and if I can do the grading levels, then why shouldn’t I if I wanted to? I’m not sure if I will yet it’s a bit scary to me to do that. I’m happy going to class and just doing karate.’ Thomas’s parents see the benefit of Thomas having a physical outlet that engages him and brings him pleasure: ‘We see that karate is good physical exercise and helps him let off
steam. He gains self-discipline while socialising and having independence. We recommend it to all parents.’ For more information, please contact Christine Bates, on 0151 934 3853 or by email:
Parent Place
Magazines, Books and Websites
The RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) help young people on all stages of transition from school, college, university and into employment. You can find it at
The Epilepsy Society
The Epilepsy Society has produced two fun filled Epilepsy Seizure Diaries aimed at helping young people take control of their epilepsy. Find out more at:
Parent to Parent
‘Parent to Parent’ is part of the support offered by the National Autistic Society (NAS), where you can talk to someone who really understands living with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) on 0808 800 4106. 6
(Education and Resources for Improving childhood Continence) is the UK’s only childhood continence charity. Find out more at:
‘Parent Place’ is an online forum for parents of deaf children to share experiences, worries and advice. Find out more at
The guide 'Disabled Children Parents Guide to Money Matters' has been prepared by Cerebra for parents of disabled children who want to know what financial help may be available for them and what arrangements they may need to put in place to manage their children’s finances from birth and as they get older. To view the guide visit: Call 01267 244 200 or email:
by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos ISBN 9780764140440 Having a brother with autism can be hard other kids don’t know why he suddenly freaks out.
Money Matters
“My Brother is Autistic”
Cerebra have a postal lending library if you are looking for any books try them first, you can contact them on 0800 328 1159 or by email:
Wills and Trusts
Cerebra’s Wills and Trusts Voucher scheme helps parents prepare for their child's long-term future. A voucher is worth £350 towards the cost of having a solicitor prepare a will and discretionary trust to make provision for your child’s future. To qualify your child must: • Be 16 or under. • Have a neurological condition catered for by Cerebra – to find if your child is eligible visit • Receive DLA (Disability Living Allowance) at the Middle or High Rate. To get an application form call Cerebra on 0800 328 1159 or visit
The Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB) provides free, confidential advice on a wide variety of issues including welfare benefits, money, housing, jobs and more and is open to everyone in the community. For more information
contact Ann Wanless, CAB Advisor on 0151 282 5650 or by email: You can also visit:
Grants Scheme for Children
If a child is 16 years or under and has one condition covered by Cerebra and needs an item that would improve their quality of life (other than one that a statutory service should be providing) you can apply for a grant from Cerebra. There are more details about Cerebra grants at Alternatively, you can contact Cerebra on 0800 32 81 159 or by email:
During the period April June 2012 441 disabled children had a short break in projects funded by Aiming High for disabled children. Total of 11,771 hours!!!
P.A.C.T.S - Parents Forum
The P.A.C.T.S Parents Forum is a friendly group of parents who meet to discuss real issues that affect disabled children and young people with additional needs in Sefton. The Forum was set up to make sure your views and concerns are heard by those who plan and manage the services for you and your child /
young person. As parents or carers, it is easy to feel your worries and concerns are not being taken seriously. If you are a parent or carer of a child or young person 0-25 years with additional needs you should go along to a Parents Forum meeting and find out about the work it is doing.
The next meeting is currently being arranged. It will be a daytime meeting sometime during the week commencing 12th November. For more information please visit or contact Joanne on 07864 913 630 or by email:
Application to join The Parent’s Forum Parent / Carer contact details Name:
If your child attends school / nursery please give details below
Child’s Name: Address:
Please return to P.A.C.T.S (Parent and Carers Team Sefton), c/o 27-37 South Road, Waterloo, Liverpool. L22 5RF. 0151 288 6060 Email:
Telephone: Email: What’s the best way to contact you? Telephone
Aiming High for Summer 2012
Despite the lack of summer sunshine, disabled children and young people enjoyed a plethora of sizzling summer activities. Organised and managed by the Sefton Aiming High team, the activities formed part of Sefton’s ‘Aiming High for Disabled Children, Transforming Short Breaks Programme' which ran throughout the summer break. Activities on offer included water sports, story telling, care for a pony, wheels for all bikes and arts and crafts activities. The summer also featured a range of family fun activities at Dunes Splash World in Southport and a summer party for children,
young people and their families to attend. With more than 200 young people in attendance the programme was one of the most successful recorded yet with 170 volunteers helping make the summer a memorable one. All activities chosen were as a result of consultation with parents and carers who completed and returned expression of interest forms so that activities could be created to meet the needs of those in attendance. Designed around feedback from parents, carers and children and young people, this summers activities were more inclusive than normal with activities catering for more young people with complex needs. Continuing to grow in popularity, this summer the programme witnessed a number of new members of the service attending, which is further testament to its growing popularity. The following comments are from parents/ carers, volunteers and young people who have accessed the
programme this summer. “Callum has thoroughly enjoyed his time at the summer play scheme, he loved the splashworld and is looking forward to the activities at Crosby Lakeside. Thank you for making his time with you so much fun.” “I have really enjoyed volunteering this summer, it is really fun, you get to meet lots of different people.” To find out more about activities provided by the Aiming High team and how you can be referred, contact the team on 0151 288 6811 or via Facebook at Aiming High / Murtle Turtle
This summer 387 disabled children and young people attended a summer scheme funded by Aiming High for Disabled children.
Paralympic Flame lights up Sefton Dan Harden carries the Paralympic Flame through a guard of honour at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre
As the Paralympic flame continues its journey to Rio, teams from Sefton Council have welcomed the torch on it’s 8
journey through the borough, which was one of only two in the North West to host it. Active Sefton continued its Olympic celebrations as the Paralympic flame visited each leisure centre and the team worked with Sefton Libraries to host family fun days at libraries and leisure centres over the Paralympic opening weekend. The flame was welcomed at each leisure centre by local ambassadors and Paralympian athletes, finishing at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre where disabled children and young people with the Aiming High team
enjoyed a celebration event, with the flame carried on a flotilla across the lake. John Doran, Development Officer for the Aiming High team, commented “The atmosphere today has been both competitive and patriotic with all those attending agreeing it was indeed a day for the memory books!” For further information on disabled sports in Sefton, contact Active Sefton direct on 0151 288 6811 or by email:
Bespoke activities for children and young people with ADHD
Fun and focus were the buzzwords for young people ‘Aiming High’ through an array of leisure activities for children and young people with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). In what is hoped to be the first of many, the specialist programme was developed in partnership between Positive Futures and Aiming High to reflect the needs of the participants and included water sports, mountain biking and climbing to name a few. Richard Potts, Development Manager for
the Aiming High team commented: “It is apparent that young people with ADHD do not wish to access all activities with their peers who have learning or physical disabilities but do wish to still access leisure activities. To meet this need we developed a tailored programme with trained staff who understand the needs of those taking part.” Following the specialist activities, young people tried the ‘Be Active’ programme, accessing a range of free sporting activities throughout
the summer holidays, which will continue during the October break. ‘Be Active’ coaches received specialist training to enable them to structure the sessions according to the needs of the children and young people. To date the programme has been incredibly popular with 18 young attendees. If you would like any further information contact the Aiming High team via email on
Playtime was the best time for pupils at Rowan Park this summer. Running for a successful second year, the Rowan Park Summer Scheme ran for 2 weeks in July and August and opened a range of activities and possibilities to nineteen pupils who accessed it. Pupils enjoyed the activities and
received one-to-one support from Rowan Park staff. Activities on offer included swimming, cookery, sensory sessions, including walks to sensory gardens and two visits to Jake’s Sensory World at Netherton Activity Centre, trips to local shops, wheelchair swings and wheelchair roundabouts.
The scheme ended with a party where everyone was served fish and chips at the school! For more information on Rowan Park School, contact them on 0151 222 4894 or by email:
My name is Liam Brady and I did my work experience from St Wilfrid’s Catholic High School with Sefton Positive Futures in 2011. I have Cerebral Palsy and therefore was able to give good advice to the younger children with disabilities. I felt they were more open to advice from me than someone without a disability. I really enjoyed taking part and helping others. After I finished my work experience I
continued at the sessions and volunteered at the Sefton Ability Counts Football training nights. I recently became a coach with Liverpool Ability Counts, a team I play for and now I am looking forward to using my experience to mentor the players. 2012 has been a great year and the biggest events were obviously the Olympics and Paralympics. My appetite for this was built up when I was invited by Sefton Aiming High Team to compete in the Paralympic Flame Celebration Day at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre. I was very proud to be asked by Team Manager Hannah Silcock to Captain our team. There was a range of different events that we could take part in, all of which were to feature in the Paralympics.
I really enjoyed trying new sports like seated volleyball, boccia and sailing. While it is the taking part that counts, I was proud to win lots of medals, in particular a hard earned Gold in the table tennis as well as team medals in the seated volleyball and the boccia. I was also proud to lift a trophy as Captain of the winning team in the 8 x 100m relay. A moment that I will never forget was joining all of the other competitors accompanying the Paralympic Flame on a flotilla across Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre as a huge crowd looked on. As if the summer couldn’t get any better, I had tickets to the Paralympics themselves!
Playtime for Rowan Park Liam’s Super Summer!
Family Fun for Shipmates
As the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics sailed off into the sunset, Sefton looks back on a Paralympic celebration with a difference. Taking place at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, Sefton’s Aiming High team worked alongside leisure centre staff to raise awareness of disabled sports in the borough during the Paralympic Games with a Pirate themed family fun day celebration. The day included an array of activities especially designed for disabled children, young people and
their families to enjoy. While designed to raise awareness of the disabled sports activities available at the facility, the family fun day also sought to raise funds for ‘Sailability’ – an element of the Royal Yachting Association which organises sailing for disabled sailors. For further information on activities at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, log on to or contact the centre direct on 0151 966 6868.
facility and have added a range of new sessions to the timetable, including drop in sessions with no need to book during weekend opening hours and family sessions during the week, which although they need to be booked, provide the perfect after-school family time.
musical steps, interactive tunnels, tactile walls and hopscotch! Weekend Drop In: Saturday and Sunday 10 – 11:30am (no need to book). Stay and Play: Monday and Wednesday 10 –11:30am (please book). Stay and Play: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 1- 2:30pm (please book). Family Sessions: Monday – Friday 4 - 8pm (please book). For more information about Jake’s Sensory World, log on to and follow the ‘Adults’ tab. Alternatively, contact the team direct on 0151 288 6811, or log on to Facebook at Jake’s Sensory World.
Jake’s Sensory World Designed exclusively for disabled children, young people and adults, Jake’s Sensory World houses both a sensory facility and soft play area for children, their families, carers, therapists and teachers to enjoy a supportive and welcoming environment.
The facility has proven very popular with visitors with one visitor commenting, “Always clean, staff very helpful, a delight to come to, no broken equipment, never been to such a relaxing environment. Money well spent, could stay all day.” New for the autumn, the team have revamped the opening hours for the
The Sensory Room
This is a great place for children and adults to enjoy sensory input including creative sound and lighting effects to tailor your experience to your needs. Have fun with bubble tubes, UV lighting, water beds, fibre optics and projectors and a large ball pool!
The Soft Play Room
This is a fun place for children and adults to express themselves and be entertained while exploring
Boogie Wonderland As the dark nights draw in, light up your weekends with ‘Boogie Wonderland’. These exclusive dance sessions are available to all disabled children, young people and their families to attend and strut your funky stuff. Taking place at Netherton Activity Centre, the pilot scheme will run for six weeks and if popular, will
continue to run in Sefton dependent on demand. The new dance sessions are designed to help disabled children and young people express themselves with the support of their families alongside their siblings and parents The ‘Boogie Wonderland’ dance sessions start on Saturday 6th October and run to 10th November
from 2 –3pm and are FREE. To find out more, contact the Aiming High team on 0151 288 6811 or via Facebook at Sefton Aiming High / Murtle Turtle.
Aiming High for Disabled Children Newsletter Evaluation Questionnaire
Please note, it may be easier for you to complete and return this questionnaire online at: Please note that questionnaires must be completed and returned by 30th November (details overleaf). 1) Are you a parent, carer, professional or someone interested in this area? 2) Are you currently registered on the Disabled Children’s Information Database? Yes / No If not, why not and how do you access it?
If you would like to register your child's information please complete the details below and the Database Co-ordinator will contact you direct to arrange a home visit to complete the registration form.
3) If you had a choice of how the newsletter was delivered, by what method would you prefer to receive it? Paper Copy
Text Message
4) Is the newsletter delivered at appropriate times to you? Yes / No
(i.e. in time to access services / events advertised within it).
5) How often do you feel it would be beneficial to receive the magazine? 3 per year (current schedule)
6) Which of the following things do you like about the newsletter? Colour coded sections
Good news stories and individual achievements
Any other comments?
Local and National news Product information
Local Services
7) Is there anything missing / or needs adding to the newsletter?
8) Do you find the newsletter format easy to read? Yes / No If no, why not and how could we improve it?
9) Has the newsletter been of direct benefit to you? Please explain how (We would like to share these comments at further planning meetings to enable us to understand the direct impact the newsletter has on families locally - please state if you would prefer these comments not to be shared)
Thank-you for your time!
If posting your questionnaire, send to: FAO Christine Bates, Disabled Children’s Information and Database Coordinator, Sefton Council, Sterrix Lane, Litherland. L21 0DA.
Sefton’s Short Breaks Statement
Sefton’s Short Breaks Statement for families of disabled children and young people is now available. It has been developed using e-consultation with parents and carers and working alongside the P.A.C.T.S Parents Forum. Inside you will find information covering eligibility, specialist support services for disabled children aged 0-5yrs, 5-11yrs, disabled teenagers and parents, as well as a useful glossary of terms. To read the Short Breaks Statement in full visit:
Hydrotherapy Pools
Colette Mahon, Development Officer for the Aiming High team has found two pools which disabled children and their carers can attend outside of school visits. If you are aware of any additional hydrotherapy pools, that can be accessed by the public, please contact Colette Mahon direct on 0151 288 6816 with further information.
Presfield School, Southport When: 10th September – 16th December (Term dates). Cost: £9.50 per class (mention the Aiming High team when booking to receive a 10% discount). * All classes must be paid for in advance, before the start of each term. If you join partway through a term, you only pay for the classes that have not yet taken place. For more information on these sessions, contact Tracey Hargraves on 01606 892 868 or by email:
Vitalise (Sandpiper), Southport Alternatively, Vitalise is are also offering adult hydrotherapy sessions, however visitors will need to become a member in order to access the facilities. Time: Mon – Thur 11am – 4pm Cost: £12.50 per year (membership) Disabled users: £3 Support staff: £2 For more information on Vitalise you can contact their Reception on 01704 538 388 or visit their website:
Don't forget to let us know your new address for you to continue to receive Aiming High for Disabled Children Please contact Christine Bates, Database Coordinator, Sefton's Disabled Children's Information and Database on 0151 934 3853 or by Email: