Personal and Social Development Programmes

Page 1

People Directorate

Sefton Youth Service Personal and Social Development Programmes

Contents Summary

Pages 2-3

Curriculum / Activities Programmes and Taster Sessions

Pages 3-4

Table 1: PSD Programmes Approach to Young People

Pages 5-7

Page 4

Pages 7-9

Summary “Striving towards a quality targeted Youth Offer” The Personal and Social Development Programmes (PSDs), established in 2010, are tailor-made programmes for 13 to19-year-olds, who would be deemed at risk or vulnerable of exclusion from mainstream education, offending behaviour, NEET or teenage pregnancy. The focus on prevention and early intervention will help ensure young people have swift and easy access (SEA) to targeted and specialist programmes developed by qualified Youth and Community practitioners within Sefton Youth Service. The structure of the programmes will be based on the young person’s academic ability, interests, offending behaviour, cultural needs, education and training needs and all will be designed and delivered with a cognitive behavioural approach. A multi agency approach and the joining up of service will be the key feature of all the programmes offered to young people. Through early identification and intervention the PSD Programmes Team aims to tackle issues such as young people being persistently absent from mainstream, poor emotional health and well-being, substance misuse, re-offending and promote positive engagement.This is essential because poor outcomes often overlap and feed into one another. For example, research from the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) reveals that:

Persistently absent students are nearly 10 times more likely to be not in education, employment or training (NEET) at 16 and four times more likely to be NEET at 18¨ 71% of young women who are NEET for more than six months between 16 and 18, are mothers by the time they are 21. Young people who are NEET are disproportionately likely to misuse alcohol and drugs As evidence suggests risk factors also overlap. With an example being, poor educational attainment can be linked to involvement in crime. Research suggests that the majority of young people that enter into the Youth justice System are mainly from disadvantaged areas, with a large proportion of them being brought up in lone families. “Studies also show that up to 70 per cent of young offenders come from lone parent families and approximately a third of all prisoners had contact with the care system as a child-this rises to 50 per cent for offenders under 21 years old”

Curriculum / Activities “Tailored to meet the needs of young people and encourage them to reach their full potential” The Personal and Social Development Programmes was developed as a means of engaging those most vulnerable into structured accredited learning throughout the borough of Sefton. The structure and content of the programme was developed to address a gap in the current Alternative PSD Programmes in Sefton. It became apparent through discussions and consultation with a range of agencies in Sefton that PSD opportunities for those young people deemed at risk or vulnerable of exclusion from mainstream education, offending behaviour, NEET or teenage pregnancy are limited. Hence the development of Sefton Youth Services PSD Programmes. Young people recruited to the PSD Programmes will all be assessed using Honey and Mumford’s learning styles analysis and all will be screened for dyslexia and additional needs. Evidence would suggest that a successful PSD Programme requires a range of self-assessment tools such as dyslexia checklists, needs assessments, and learning styles analysis. This enables programme design, materials and style of facilitation to meet the needs of the client group.

All programmes have and adopt:

A clear rationale evidenced through the aims and clear objectives of provision offered. A range of accreditation models that can adapt to the academic ability of the client group. Social, Emotional, Aspects of Learning Approach (SEAL Model). Targeting those young people who are deemed vulnerable of exclusion, NEET, TP, YOS and all are offered the opportunity to participate in a wide range of volunteering opportunities. Developing methods of delivering programmes to ensure educational attainment. All provision is inclusive, engaging and provision is based on the young people’s needs. Young people are at the centre of all Youth Work processes and should be given an opportunity to lead that process. Friendly and non judgemental provision. Youth work starts and is determined by the young people’s personal, social, emotional, educational developmental and delivered with a cognitive behavioural approach. Dyslexic friendly approach to learning and increased knowledge, awareness and understanding of learning needs. Development and facilitation style suitable to the needs of the young people. The programmes have high staff client ratio and all resources used are, user friendly and regularly evaluated. High participation from the young person, family and referral agent to ensure effective communication and both positive and constructive feedback. Appropriate training opportunities for staff, to ensure that the needs of the young people are met. Opportunities to get involved in Sefton Youth Service Programmes throughout the borough.

Programmes and Taster Sessions “All programmes are needs led and delivered through informal education” The programmes or offer adopted by the PSD team include the following: Accredited Targeted Taster sessions half day or full day Accredited Targeted 4 week workshops Accredited Targeted 10 week workshop As indicated in the table below the range of programmes can be adapted to meet the identified needs of the young people, partner agencies and all are relevant to issues faced or experienced by a vast amount of vulnerable young people.

Table 1: PSD Programmes NOCN Programmes Accredited Targeted Taster Sessions 1 Animation bullying 2

Cyber bullying


Crime and punishment


Dan’s ASBO


Girl speaks out about child abuse


In and out of trouble


Interview managing nerves


Pressured into having sex


Preventing youth crime

10 Sexual bullying 11

Show Racism the Red Card

12 Stress management 13 Teenage love and relationship abuse 14 Teenage love and relationships pregnancy 15 Teaching knife crime Accredited Targeted 4 Week Workshops 16 Dealing with bullying 17 Developing independent living skills 18 Developing personal hygiene skills for hands and feet 19 Employability programme 20 Healthier lifestyles 21 Introduction to personal development 22 Introduction to the local community

Programmes targeted at


LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers

Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day Half Day or Full Day

LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers

4 weeks

LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers

4 weeks

4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks

23 Personal career preparation

LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, 24 Personal body hygiene awareness Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, 25 Prepare for an interview Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, 26 Recognising issues of substance misuse Pre NEET, Volunteers 27 Speaking and Listening: engage in discussion LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, 28 Taking an active part Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, 29 Using work based learning and apprenticeships Pre NEET, Volunteers 30 Understanding eating disorders LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers 31 Understanding stress and stress LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, management techniques Pre NEET, Volunteers 32 Understanding active citizenship in the com- LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, munity Pre NEET, Volunteers Accredited Targeted 10 Week Workshops 33 Assertive living LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers 34 Bullying awareness LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers 35 Building a personal career portfolio LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers 36 Demonstrate speaking and listening skills LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers 37 Drug and alcohol awareness LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers 38 Equality and diversity LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers 39 Developing independent skills for living in the LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, community Pre NEET, Volunteers 40 Developing group and team work communiLAC, NEET, YOS, TP, cation skills Pre NEET, Volunteers 41 Developing own interpersonal skills LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, 42 Developing personal confidence and self awareness Pre NEET, Volunteers 43 Improving own confidence LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers 44 Personal budgeting and money management LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers 45 Researching youth crime LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers

4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks

8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks

46 Sex and relationship education 47 Understanding gang culture 48 Understanding young people, law and order 49 Understanding the role of young people as peer mentors 50 Understanding Family relationships 51 Understanding rights and responsibilities of citizenship 52 Work based placement

LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers LAC, NEET, YOS, TP, Pre NEET, Volunteers

8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks 8- 10 weeks

Programme Costs Accredited Targeted Taster sessions 10-12 young people Accredited Targeted 4 Week Workshops 10-12 young people Accredited Targeted 10 Week Workshops

10-12 young people

£200 full day £43 per young person per day £43 per young person per day

Approach to Young People “Sefton Youth Service PSD Programmes believes in young people who often don’t believe in themselves” Organisations working with young people have a statutory duty to provide service users or young people with a quality service. However as with many organisations quality services for young people do not just happen. They rely on a skilled confident workforce, an efficient performance management system, robust processes and checks, sufficient resources and decision making processes built around young people. The PSD Programmes workforce or team involves nationally recognised Youth and Community Workers with a passion for young people. The staff team believes in young people and promotes participation and empowers young people to reach their full potential. Sefton Youth Service PSD Programmes is based on a

structured set of values and principles. All young people involved in the PSD Programmes are valued and treated with respect. This is recognised, and attention to detail is placed on the facilitation style of all programmes. The programmes are culturally, race, gender and academically sensitive, and promote inclusively whereby listening to the views of our young people and maintaining their individual needs. Promoting and ensuring that interventions are effective can be dependant on both internal and external factors. Interventions are more likely to engage young people if they have relevance to their lives and employ methods that will motivate and interest them. Evidence from the PSD Programmes would suggest that without a young persons’ willingness to change and active participation, the level of effectiveness could be considered as low. The facilitation style, communication skills and methods used to deliver the PSD Programmes has encouraged young people’s willingness to change, and their high levels of active participation. Youth Workers involved in the PSD Programmes empower young people to make informed decisions about issues relevant to them and encourage them to achieve their full potential in a warm, safe and inclusive environment.

“Feedback from referral agencies, parents and young people has been extremely positive” Consultation and motivational assessments implemented throughout the course of the programme has encouraged the PSD staff team to reflect on Youth Work practice and improve any barriers to effective communication, engagement, feedback, programme delivery and interventions. In order to assess the impact of the PSD Programmes on the young people involved it was decided that all young people would participate in a consultation exercise. The consultation exercise would be facilitation by one young person from the group. Please see below for a sample of one group.The consultation exercise was facilitated and written by Toni Medway Hillside High School:

Our names are Toni Medway, Glenn Jones, Danny Doughty, Sean, Declanand Jamie and we attend Hillside High School. We have been on the PSD Programme for 7 weeks and we have all enjoyed everything about the course for e.g. The out door activity and the painting session, which explored role models. When we looked at what we have learned about ourselves Toni: I Have learned that I could work as a team and possible become a really good youth worker. Glenn: I have learned how to be more polite because of the staff. Danny: I have learned to treat people with respect. Sean: I have learned Teamwork. Declan: I have learned to respect people more. Jamie: I have learned to behave much better. We then looked at what you would change? Toni: I would not change nothing about it I Think it is perfect for young adults. Glenn: I would change the amount of time so it would be longer and so would Danny. Declan: I would change more some sections to do more artistic lessons. Jamie: I would change some lesson to do more outdoor sections. Sean: I would change nothing because I like the way they run the system. When we looked at the staff we asked the question What the staff was like? All of us think that the staff was very nice and hard willing in their work we would love to come back. Sean: I think the staff is kind and helpful. Jaime: I think the staff is pleasant and fun to work with. Declan : I think the staff are easy to get along with and treat us with respect and very fear. As part of the consultation exercise and feedback we explored What you want to do in the future. Toni: I would like to be a chief. Glenn: Mechanic. Danny: Builder. Declan: P.E teacher. Jamie: Join the army. Sean: Chief To get involved in Personal and Social Development Programmes with Sefton Youth Service, contact Leeann Brown, Senior Practitioner, on 0151 285 5199 or by email:

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