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SEG LARAC Vice Chair Election

Latin American Regional Advisory Committee Chair and Vice Chair Election

LARAC, Institutional subcommittee


The Latin American Regional Advisory Committee (LARAC) is delighted to announce the first LARAC Chair and Vice Chair election for the period November 2021-November2023. The base of the election was determined by the LARAC Institutional subcommittee, with the objective of have democratic procedures supported by the SEG standards (https://seg.org/AboutSEG/Governance/Policies-and-Procedures). LARAC is seeking committee nominations for Chair and Vice-Chair positions. Self-nominations are welcome. Those interested should submit a short biography, and position statement that says why you would like to run for chair or Vice-Chair and any items you would like to champion while in LARAC leadership. The Voting period will be 30 July to 31 August 2021

Vice-Chair Election procedures

a) The candidates must be a LARAC Member and have an understanding of the structure, objectives and operation of LARAC. Suggested candidates have to:  Belong to LARAC for at least 2 years without interruption.  Have shown commitment to LARAC and be able to provide continuity of the short, medium and long-term objectives as well as providing new ideas and integrate them into what we want to achieve as a region and, by extension, the parent SEG mandates. b) Once the candidates are confirmed, the voting procedure is:  The votes will be cast electronically.  The voting will be performed only once.  The votes will be anonymous for LARAC members; i.e., only the SEG Staff liaison will manage the vote and report results.  All LARAC members can vote (including student members). c) In case of a tie, the past Chairs will elect the candidate to assume the Vice-Chair role.

If you have any suggestion or question related to candidates and if you want to join LARAC please write to Mayra Gonzalez magonzalez@seg.org

Sergio Chávez-Pérez approved as assistant editor of Geophysics

By mid-July, Sergio Chávez-Pérez was invited to serve as assistant editor of Geophysics. Chávez-Pérez will begin that role on 1 August 2021. He has served on the Geophysics editorial team since 2003, as associate editor for Case Histories (since 2003) and Interpretation Methods (since 2007). Chávez-Pérez is a research geophysicist working with the Mexican Petroleum Institute (IMP), and an adjunct professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), both in Mexico City. He became an SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) member in 1981 during his undergraduate years in Mexico City, was a candidate for Vice-President in 2007, and currently serves also as reviewer for Geophysics and Interpretation, member of the Latin America Advisory (past Chair), Research (Chair), and Translations committees (past Chair), and reviewer, and session & workshop organizer during SEG Annual Meetings.

Recognition to Vinicius Antunes as video editor volunteer support

Vinicius Antunes, MSc. in Exploratory Geology (2020), Federal University of Paraná, Brazil where characterized the magnetic and radiometric responses of alkalic-carbonatitic rocks in south Brazil to assist in the phosphate and rare earth elements prospects in the area. After graduating in Geology (2017) he worked at the Geological Survey of Paraná, Brazil, developing geological maps and evaluating environmental licenses. Vinicius also participated in the 2021 Frank Arnott Challenge from PDAC, where university’s team reached the final phase by successfully recommending targets for exploration in British Columbia from analyzing a huge public dataset. His interests are potential field and radiometric interpretation alongside magnetic modeling for geological mapping and mineral exploration. Vinicius is studying Programming and Data Science since these topics are strongly related to Geology and Geophysics nowadays.

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