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Registration underway for new youth co-ed volleyball league THE CIRCUS
from SDN: March 15, 2023
by Seguin Today
Erica Taft, the assistant director for the Seguin Parks and Recreation Department, says not only is the park’s office launching a new youth league, but it is doing so following the renovation of the current sand courts located at the Seguin Volleyball Complex near the Seguin Coliseum parking lot.
“The volleyball poles have been there for quite some time and our grounds and maintenance team are amazing and talented and hardworking and they have repaired the poles several times. It was just time to get some new poles so with funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, we were able to purchase some new poles that are real nice. With the old poles, you needed at least two guys and a ladder to rehook and retension and this system, you can just use a wrench and change the height easily with one person. It’s really exciting. They are made of steel. League, pg. 3