4 minute read
A gift that keeps Giving
Mandy Anderson shares her first-hand experiences with the Shriners
Story Bianca Rawlingsphotos by Felicia Frazar
Mandy Anderson, a born and raised Seguin resident, had her life positively impacted by Shriners Children’s hospitals before she was born.
In 1970, Anderson’s sister, Michelle, at the age of 2 years old had an electrocution accident which resulted in her mouth being badly burned. Anderson teared up when she spoke of her mother’s loss of her pregnancy with her second child after she suffered an electrocution herself while attempting to pull Michelle off the electric current.
“The doctors said my mother would be unable to carry any more children after the accident, but by a miracle she had me” Anderson said. “My mother always told me I was here for a reason and to always do good work.”

Anderson sincerely has the resilience to see the silver lining in even the darkest rain cloud. Now she passes on that positivity through philanthropy and giving each and every day.
She pays her good fortune forward by fundraising for causes of all kinds, volunteering her time as a Shriner supporter, and simply seeking to serve others by giving more than she receives. With her giving attitude, it is no surprise that Anderson even uses her business, Handy Mandy Custom Embroidery, as a way to support local schools and causes, and promote Shriners as a Brand Ambassador.
Mandy’s husband, Doug Anderson, is a big advocate and speaker for Shriners as an active member of two chapters, and a past president. Together they are a dream team of generosity. Mandy said it was full circle to meet and marry Doug, who received her grandfather’s blessing, who was also a Shriner.
Mandy is creative, caring and courageous in all she does, especially with her fundraising efforts for the Shriners Children’s Texas in Galveston.

Mandy’s big give this year is focused on funding $10,000 to the Shriners in Galveston’s Motion Analysis Center which helps burn patients with both recovery and treatment. She recruited another local business owner and friend, Jamie Elizabeth Hilbert, owner of Jamielizabeth, to help her reach her goal.
“When I started the big goal this year, I wanted to have something that would fit anyone’s needs.” Mandy said. Mandy has worked on smaller projects with Hilbert in the past that included a few pairs of earrings here or there and occasionally, 50 pairs or the Hilbert’s crafted creations.
“When I asked her if she would be interested in partnering on a big project that will last all year, Jamie said, ‘Sure. What kind of numbers are you thinking?’” Mandy said. “When I said about 1,000 sets of earrings…her jaw dropped.”
Good thing Mandy’s giving spirit is as contagious as it is courageous. Her friend and fundraising partner cheerfully agreed and created two earring designs.

Mandy’s constant desire to give and grow are perfectly embodied in the two tree of life designs, which are perfect for sharing and spreading the word about the life-saving services available at Shriners.
“Without Shriners, my sister would have been on a feeding tube, wouldn’t have learned to talk, or been able to do so many other things.” Mandy said. “My sister needed 13 surgeries within a 10-year period and a complete reconstruction of her mouth and lip area.”
This was all provided with no cost to her family. Everything from to transportation and lodging to skin grafting and rehabilitation was covered by Shriners. Mandy made it clear that she is committed for life to support the Shriners and give back more than she receives in life.
“Because if you don’t, who will,” Mandy said.