Jingle's Christmas Adventure

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JJingle´s ingle´s C hristmas Christmas A dventure Adventure

Retold by JAVI 2º PRIMARIA

At Christmas, Santa Claus delivers lots of toys to all the boys and girls. Santa’ s elves make the toys at his workshop. It’ s a week before Chritsmas and Jingle, the head elf, is reading letters to Santa…

Well, children love toys…

´´ Dear Santa, I want a skateboard, a box of toy soldiers, a train set, a football and a box of chocolates for Christmas. From Joey Willians. `` This little boy wants everything in the workshop for Christmas! Just like this boy, and this boy and this girl and this boy!

But the children are so naughty! look at this, Santa It`s Joey Willians and he`s throwing snowballs at some cats!

Yes , Santa.

Oh dear! There ´s nothing we can do, Jingle . We must make the toys and deliver them on Christmas Eve!

Jingle goes back to the workshop and writes a letter to Santa.

Dear Santa , I`m sad because children don´t understand Christmas. I´m sorry. Love ,Jingle.

That night, Jingle puts his letter under Santa´s door… Goodbye, Santa. Goodbye. Now, I must find the Candy Cane Door and go to the human world…

Remember, Jingle, the door disappears on Christmas Eve.

Ok, Nutmeg. Thanks.

Good luck, Jingle. The human world is very scary!

1. Jingle walks into the human world and the candy cane door closes‌

So, this is the human world‌

The people in the human world aren´t very friendly… Excuse me, sir, I… Excuse me, ma´am…

Go away.

Oh, shoo, you strange little man!

Five days later, Jingle is very cold and very hungry. He has no money and no home and he´s very sad. He sees a toy shop and goes inside. Excuse me, sir. I can make beautiful toys. Please give me a job. Get out! We don´t want beggars in here!

That night, Jingle sees a big Christmas tree. There are lots of bright lights and pretty decorations on the tree. Jingle sleeps under the tree. Suddenly, he hears a boy´s voice. Matchsticks! Matchsticks! Please buy me matchsticks! Matchsticks! Oh! Who´s that?

The little boy sees Jingle… Match…Hello there! Who are you? Are you an elf?

Yes, I am. My name is Jingle. What´s your name?

My name is Charlie

Nice to meet you, Charlie! Why are you selling matchstiks?

Well, my family is poor and we all have to work hard. You look cold, Jingle. Come home with me!

Charlie´s house is very small and very old. But it´s warm and Charlie´s family is very kind… Charlie´s mother gives Jingle some bread and cheese and some warm milk… So where do you live, Jingle?

Jingle tells Charlie about Santa´s workshop

1 You know Santa! Wow! But why did you leave?

It´s a very long story… Uh Charlie, can I ask you a question? What do you want for Christmas?

Charlie thinks about his answer‌

Really? Don´t I want everyone to be happy. you want a train set? A box of Well, toys are nice. But Christmas is toy soldiers? A ball? all about love, Jingle.

Wow! Not all children are greedy and naughty! I made a terrible mistake.

It´s time for Jingle to go back home‌

Of course!

I must make toys for good girls and boys. I must

The next day, Jingle and Charlie look for the Candy Cane Door. But they can´t find it…

Don´t be sad, Jingle…

Oh no! Today is Christmas Eve. The Candy Cane Door disappears on Christmas Eve. I´m going to stay in the human world forever!. I´m never going to go home!

Then, Charlie has an idea… I´m going to write a letter to Santa…

A few minutes later, the Candy Cane Door opens‌ I wrote a letter to Santa. I want to help you go home!

But how‌?

Oh, thank you, Charlie! Thank you!

Back at Santa´s worshop… Oh, no! It´s Christmas Eve and the toys aren´t ready yet. Oh, Jingle! Where are you? We need you here!

We must finish the toys on time… oh dear!

Suddenly, they see Jingle at the door. Everyone is very happy! Jingle tells everyone about his adventures‌ Of course there are, Jingle, of course there are. Ok, everyone, back to work. We have lots of toys to make!

... and then Charlie helped me come back home. There are good children in human world!

That night, Santa delivers toys to children and he has a special surprise for Charlie Winters and his family…

Wow! Look at all the food…and the Christmas tree…and the toys!

A very Merry Christmas to all!

Retold by JAVI 2ยบ PRIMARIA

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