2013 metabolo proteomics to discover plant biotic stress resistance genes kushalappa

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Metabolo-proteomics to discover plant biotic stress resistance genes Ajjamada C. Kushalappa and Raghavendra Gunnaiah Plant Science Department, McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3V9, Canada

Plants continuously encounter various environmental stresses and use qualitative and quantitative measures to resist pathogen attack. Qualitative stress responses, based on monogenic inheritance, have been elucidated and successfully used in plant improvement. By contrast, quantitative stress responses remain largely unexplored in plant breeding, due to complex polygenic inheritance, although hundreds of quantitative trait loci for resistance have been identified. Recent advances in metabolomic and proteomic technologies now offer opportunities to overcome the hurdle of polygenic inheritance and identify candidate genes for use in plant breeding, thus improving the global food security. In this review, we describe a conceptual background to the plant–pathogen relationship and propose ten heuristic steps streamlining the application of metabolo-proteomics to improve plant resistance to biotic stress. Study of host–pathogen interaction Plants, in natural and cultivated ecosystems, are exposed to several biotic and abiotic stresses. The resistance to biotic stress can be qualitative or quantitative (Box 1) [1]. The qualitative resistance, because of monogenic inheritance, has been successfully transferred to elite cultivars to improve resistance. The quantitative resistance is generally considered to be durable, non-race-specific, and effective against multiple pathogens. However, owing to complex polygenic inheritance, it has not been well exploited for plant improvement [2]. Hundreds of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) (see Glossary) associated with quantitative resistance have been identified for many plant biotic stresses, such as blast in rice (Oryza sativa) [3], fusarium head blight in wheat (Triticum aestivum) [4] and barley (Hordeum vulgare) [5], powdery mildew in wheat [6], late blight in potato (Solanum tuberosum) [7], and bacterial spot in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) [8], and also with qualitative resistance against pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) in soybean (Glycine max) [9]. However, the mechanisms of resistance controlled by these QTLs are largely unknown. These QTLs contain several genes, often colocalizing unfavorable genes; thus, the transfer of QTLs to elite cultivars is often problematic. Accordingly, the identification of resistance genes and elucidation of gene function is crucial to transfer appropriate genes to elite cultivars to improve resistance. In plants the resistance to biotic stress Corresponding author: Kushalappa, A.C. (ajjamada.kushalappa@mcgill.ca). 1360-1385/$ – see front matter ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2013.05.002

is governed by hundreds of genes, qualitative or quantitative; therefore, a forward genetics approach is better suited than reverse genetics to discover resistance genes, because forward genetics can significantly increase the probability of discovering a resistance gene based on resistance biochemicals that are closer to the phenotype (Figure 1). Plants resist pathogen attack mainly through production of an array of biochemicals. Metabolomics and proteomics of plant biotic stress, at their homeostasis or perturbed environment status, have been used to extract system information. Targeted biochemical analyses, of host–pathogen interactions, have revealed several mechanisms by which Glossary Biochemicals: are either metabolites or proteins. Metabolites are small biomolecules (<2000 Da) biosynthesized by the plant genome, whereas proteins are encoded by the plant genome. Biotic stress resistance genes: are defined as resistance genes in plants that produce resistance biochemicals (R proteins, RR proteins, RR metabolites) resulting in complete inhibition (R genes; qualitative) or reduction in pathogen biomass or disease severity (RR genes; quantitative). Resistance genes, in combination with trans- and/or cis-acting elements, such as transcription factors, may produce a higher quantity of biochemicals, resulting in higher levels of plant resistance. These resistance genes can be transferred to elite cultivars, should they lack, to enhance resistance in plants to biotic stress. Cisgenics: the genetic modification of a recipient plant with a gene from a sexually compatible donor plant that can be used in conventional breeding. Such a gene includes its introns and is flanked by its native promoter and terminator in the normal sense orientation. Doubled haploid (DH) lines: are homozygous lines developed by induced chromosome doubling of haploids, during gametophytic phases of higher plants, in their ovules and pollens. Metabolomics: the systematic detection and quantification of all metabolites in an organism. Near isogenic lines (NILs): homogeneous lines developed by transferring part of the genome region [single or multiple gene(s) or QTL] from a ‘donor parent’ into the genetic background of a ‘recipient parent’. NILs are nearly identical except for the part of the genome transferred. Proteomics: the systematic identification and quantification of all proteins or peptides in an organism. Quantitative disease resistance: plant–pathogen interaction where genotype resistance is expressed as a reduction in disease severity rather than the absence of disease or as hypersensitive reactions (qualitative disease resistance). Quantitative trait locus (QTL) for resistance to pathogens: genomic locus associated with quantitative resistance (trait with continuous variation). These QTLs, generally, contain several genes. Recombinant inbred lines (RILs): homogeneous and homozygous lines developed through single seed descent from the F2 generation. Resistance-related (RR) biochemicals: are defined as metabolites and proteins with significantly greater abundance in a resistant genotype than in a susceptible genotype, which are directly involved in reducing pathogen progress or disease severity. Proteins that completely inhibit disease are referred as R proteins. Proteins that do not have a direct effect on pathogen or disease severity, such as catalytic proteins of RR metabolites, are not considered as RR proteins. Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins can be considered as RR proteins, if they fulfill the above requirements. Shotgun proteomics: high-throughput technology to identify proteins based on high resolution mass spectra of their proteolytic peptides, following trypsin digestion, with no prior gel electrophoresis based protein separation. Trends in Plant Science xx (2013) 1–10


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Box 1. Conceptual background to plant–pathogen system relation Before comparing the metabolic and proteomic profiles to phenotype, to decipher the plant resistance mechanisms against biotic stress, it is fundamental to understand the conceptual framework of plant– pathogen system interactions. The variations in resistance observed in plants to biotic stress can be explained based on plant pathological and epidemiological concepts. The plant–pathogen system relationship is a parasitic relationship where the pathogen derives food from the host. Such relationships could be biotrophic, where the pathogen can live and multiply in another living organism or tissue, or necrotrophic, where the pathogen can live, multiply, and feed on dead tissue. Following inoculation, pathogens produce several PAMPs that are perceived by plant receptors (pattern recognition receptors – PRRs), leading to PAMP triggered immunity (PTI) or basal resistance (Figure I). To combat, the pathogens produce effector proteins, which enter into the host cell and interfere with host perception. In response, the host plant resists pathogen invasion by producing effector specific R proteins encoded by R genes, resulting in hypersensitive reaction or effector triggered immunity (ETI), which constitutes qualitative or monogenic resistance [18]. The pathogen continues to attack the host by producing several pathogenicity factors, such as toxins and enzymes. Along with the activation of PTI and/or ETI, several other signaling pathways, inducing phytohormones, are also activated deploying broad biochemical resistance mechanisms to reduce pathogen progress, which constitutes quantitative or polygenic resistance.

The true resistance in plants against biotic stress is genetically controlled and it can be complete or partial [1]. The complete resistance in plants is identified based on quality of infection, such as hypersensitive reaction, and is controlled by single genes, or R genes, and thus has been successfully introduced to elite cultivars through breeding [18]. By contrast, partial resistance in plants is identified based on the quantity of infection, such as infection efficiency, latent period, lesion expansion, and amount of sporulation, affecting the monocyclic process of the pathogen [33]. These in turn reduce the rate of disease progress and polycyclic processes in the field. Quantitative resistance is controlled by polygenes, with additive effects. The mechanisms of true resistance can be structural and biochemical, each of which can be constitutive, where the plant produces these compounds during normal growth under homeostasis conditions, or induced, where the plant induces these compounds following pathogen invasion. These biochemicals, proteins or metabolites, inhibit or reduce pathogen biomass or its pathogenicity factors. A comprehensive metaboloproteomics approach can enable visualization of an array of these biochemicals, giving better insight into metabolic pathways involved in plant defense. Some of these biochemicals form structural cell wall components, such as lignin, cellulose, and pectin, which are often not broken down by pathogens, thus, imparting constitutive or induced resistance to pathogen invasion. Both types of resistance can be transferred to elite cultivars through marker-assisted breeding or cisgenics to enhance biotic stress resistance.

Plant breeding for bio c stress resistance PAMPs PRRs

R proteins, R genes


Effector proteins Plant

RRC biochem and RR genes


ETI = QLR Pathogenicity factor

RRI-biochemicals, RRRR RRI biochemicals, -genes genes

Cons tu ve resistance


Induced resistance

MAB and cisgenics

TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure I. Plant biotic stress resistance breeding. Three types of resistance have been identified: (i) basal resistance: following inoculation, pathogens produce several pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) that are perceived by plant receptors (pattern recognition receptors – PRRs), leading to PAMP triggered immunity (PTI); (ii) qualitative resistance (QLR): the pathogen produces effector proteins and the host responds with R proteins, produced by R genes, inducing plant cell death, leading to effector triggered immunity (ETI); (iii) quantitative resistance (QTR): the pathogen produces pathogenicity factors, such as enzymes and toxins, and the host resists attack by producing RR metabolites and RR proteins, produced by RR genes, leading to reduced disease severity. These, especially the R and RR genes, can be transferred to elite cultivars based on marker-assisted breeding (MAB) or cisgenics.


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OMICs of plant bio c stress Forward gene cs Reverse gene cs Plant defense signaling





Cons tu ve resistance

Induced resistance



Bio c stress

Key: Cons tu ve resistance Induced resistance

Phenome TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure 1. OMICs of plant resistance to biotic stress. Discovery of resistance genes, starting from metabolome or phenome is forward genetics, and the elucidation of biological mechanisms, controlled by a resistance gene is reverse genetics. Resistance-related metabolites and proteins, produced either constitutively or induced following biotic stress, are biosynthesized by the plant genome.

plants resist biotic stresses [10,11]. However, comprehensive or non-targeted metabolomic and proteomic approaches offer detection of an array of biochemicals that can be correlated to biotic stress resistance, which are governed by monogenes or polygenes. Following discovery, resistance-related (RR) metabolites can be mapped in their metabolic pathways, to better understand their regulation, and the corresponding genes can be identified in biological databases (Table S1 in the supplementary material online). The use of metabolomics to understand plant biological functions [12], plant breeding [13], and to study host–pathogen interaction [14] has been well documented. In parallel, proteomics has been widely used to study host–pathogen interactions [15,16]. In this review, we focus on streamlining different steps involved in the application of metabolomic and proteomic technologies, a novel trend, to decipher the plant mechanisms to pathogen stress resistance, mainly quantitative, and identify candidate genes for use in breeding. Ten heuristic steps We suggest that the application of comprehensive metabolomic and proteomic tools to discover resistance genes and to decipher functions of resistance genes, and to improve resistance in plants against biotic stress can be streamlined into ten major heuristic steps (Figure S1 in the supplementary material online). Step 1. Selection of plant–pathogen systems The study of plant biotic stress is complex, because it involves interaction between two organisms, plant

and pathogen, with distinct metabolic systems. The genetic variability in each leads to variation in their interactions. Depending on the hypotheses, different combinations of plant and pathogen systems can be employed to conduct experiments to explore the system relationship. Selection of host genotypes Quantitative resistance in plants is governed by several genes, each with major and minor effects [2,17], whereas qualitative resistance is governed by single genes [18]. Metabolomic and proteomic profiling of resistant and susceptible genotypes inoculated with different pathogens have identified hundreds of metabolites belonging to different metabolic pathways (Figure 2) [19–21] and proteins belonging to different families [15,16], revealing multiple resistance mechanisms. The use of genetic resources, such as mutant lines [22,23], near isogenic lines (NILs) [24,25], doubled haploid (DH) [26] lines, and recombinant inbred lines (RILs) [27] (Table S2 in the supplementary material online), that vary or segregate for specific traits, allow one to partition the complexity, thus increasing the chance of elucidating resistance mechanisms and identifying candidate genes. Selection of pathogen isolates Pathogens produce different pathogenicity factors such as effector molecules, enzymes, toxins, growth regulators, and polysaccharides to attack plants. The effector molecules produced by pathogens are proteins and are mainly associated with qualitative resistance in plants, especially at 3

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Satellite metabolic pathways: bio c stress resistance



Alkaloids derived from shikimate pathway


Glucose conjugates

Alkaloids derived from anthranilate

Alkaloids derived from tryptamine



Sugar metabolism


Monoterpene alkaloids Steroids



Fructose-6P Alkaloids derived from tyramine


Terpenoid biosynthesis Salicylate


Hydroxycinnamic acid amides


MEP/DOXP pathway




Phosphoenol pyruvate

Val, Leu, Ile, Ala, Asp, and Thr biosynthesis

Pyruvate Mevalonate pathway

Flavonoids and isoavonols

Fa y acid pathway Acetate derived alkaloids


Acetyl-CoA Malonyl-CoA

Cinnamoyl alcohol Oxaloacetate


Lipids Polyke des




Unsaturated fa y acids




Saturated fa y acids


Citrate cycle



Yang cycle 2-Oxoglutarate

Succinate Glucosinolates Succinyl-CoA

Ethylene Citruline


Urea cycle

Alkaloids derived from ornithine, lysine, and nico nate

Cysteine and methionine metabolism



Polyamines (spermidine, spermine)

Agma ne

Hydroxycinnamic acid amides TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure 2. Satellite metabolic pathways, involved in the biosynthesis of resistance-related (RR) metabolites by plants, in response to biotic stress. These RR metabolites are biosynthesized by the catalytic proteins that are coded by the plant genome. The biosynthesis of RR metabolites in a plant are controlled by RR genes; however, the amount produced may be enhanced by regulatory elements.

the initial stages of infection [18,28,29]. At advanced stages of infection, pathogens, both biotrophs and necrotrophs, produce several combinations of these pathogenicity factors. Biochemical profiling of plants inoculated with mutant pathogens, lacking one of these specific pathogenicity factors [30] or effectors [31,32], or with different races [23,25] (Table S2 in the supplementary material online), can reveal the specific mechanisms of resistance in plants. 4

Step 2. Environment influencing inoculation and infection The environment, at inoculation and incubation, is critical for the establishment of infection. Environmental factors comprise physical, biological, and chemical agents [33]. In studying plant–pathogen interaction, the ceteris paribus hypothesis should be observed, meaning, in an experiment all variables are equal except for the independent variable(s) studied [34]. Specific environmental conditions

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Review affecting a specific pathosystem, prevailing in a given geographical region, can be simulated under growth chamber or greenhouse conditions to assess resistance and to identify candidate biochemicals against pathogen stress [35]. Although biochemical profiling under field conditions to study gene functions is plausible [36,37], field studies, in an uncontrolled environment, often lead to high variability resulting in inconsistent resistance and/or biochemical profile ranking of genotypes [36]. In spite of this, the field tests of cultivars, with novel stress resistance genes, for performance in a region are critical, to account for location-specific environmental factors. Step 3. Assessment of quantitative resistance in plants against pathogen stress Qualitative resistance is generally expressed as a hypersensitive reaction and is distinct from susceptible disease symptoms, but not quantitative resistance. To explore mechanisms of resistance, it is crucial to accurately assess quantitative resistance in genotypes before correlating them to biochemical profiles. Resistance can be quantified based on the survival of a pathogen at different stages of its monocyclic process [33]: (i) infection efficiency: proportion of infection or disease severity; (ii) lesion expansion: area of lesion or rate of lesion expansion; (iii) latent period: time in days since inoculation until sporulating lesion appearance; and (iv) sporulation: number of spores per unit plant area or rate of process. Resistance can be indirectly measured, by quantifying the pathogen biomass, based on ergosterol [38], ELISA [39], and quantitative real-time PCR [40]. Quantitative resistance under field conditions can be assessed based on disease severity or the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) or based on the above techniques [41]. Step 4. Sample collection for biochemical analysis Unlike the genome, the metabolome and proteome are temporally and spatially diversified, in both quality and quantity. Thus, specific organelles, cells, tissues, and organs should be sampled depending on the hypothesis to be tested [24,42]. Laser microdissection has been used to collect specific cell samples [43]. The samples should be immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at –808C to quench the metabolism [44]. Intermittent thawing and freezing of samples should be avoided in long-term storage. Although freeze-drying of samples for long-distance transport is recommended, some volatile and semi-volatile metabolites may be lost [45]. Biological variations in the abundance of metabolites among replicates are often high; thus, a minimum of five replicates are needed. The replicates collected over time, and the experimental units consisting of a pool of plants, can make the evaluation more robust or increase reproducibility. Step 5. Extraction and sample preparation for biochemical analysis No one solvent can extract all metabolites and proteins [46]; thus, solvents can be chosen depending on target metabolites. Varying proportions of aqueous methanol and/or chloroform should be optimized to extract polar, semi-polar, and non-polar metabolites that can be analyzed without further derivatization based on liquid chromatography (LC) [46–48]

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or following derivatization based on gas chromatography (GC) [49,50]. For protein extraction, precipitation using trichloroacetic acid, acetone, or phenol, or a combination of these, can be adapted [51]. Sequential extraction of metabolites, proteins, and RNA can save the cost of sample collection and aid in revealing coexpression of these in complex biochemical networks [52]. Step 6. Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics and proteomics Biochemicals vary in their physical and chemical properties, and thus multiple analytical platforms are needed for comprehensive coverage. Nuclear magnetic resonance is a rapid, high-throughput technology for metabolomics, capable of structural elucidation of unidentified compounds and reproducible quantitation [53–55]. Although overlapping of signals from complex plant samples has been reduced by linking it to LC, low sensitivity still limits its use. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is limited to volatile metabolites such as simple sugars and amino acids [56], whereas LC-MS detects both volatiles and non-volatiles [19,22,48,57]. Also, LC-MS is widely used in both metabolomics and proteomics [24,52]. MS-based platforms, especially LC-MS, that have high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and high resolution are more suited for non-targeted analysis [57]. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging has been used to detect metabolites and proteins in specific cells [58]. LC-MS-based shotgun proteomics has been used to analyze proteins in complex mixtures, without prior separation based on gel electrophoresis [59]. The metabolite or peptide separation in LC-MS depends not only on the stationary (column type) and mobile phase (solvents) used but also on the resolution of mass spectrometers used. Electrospray ionization in either positive [60] or negative [19] mode can be used for metabolomics, whereas the use of both increases the number of metabolites detected. Generally positive ionization is used in proteomics. The fragmentation patterns, required for the identification of metabolites and peptides, vary with the collisioninduced dissociation energy used [57,59]. Multiple reaction monitoring of precursor ions of interest can increase possible detection of targeted metabolites and proteins [61]. Step 7. Mass spectral output processing and compound annotation LC-MS data processing, to extract true signals, is the key step in non-targeted biochemical analysis. Several bioinformatic tools are available for LC-MS data processing (Table S2 in the supplementary material online). Most spectral data processing software, such as XCMS [62], involve four basic steps: deconvolution, grouping, alignment across samples, and gap filling. The peaks (m/z) and their intensities, in different samples, are used in statistical analysis. Alternatively, user interactive tools such as MZmine2 [63] and web-based tools such as MetaboAnalyst [64] are more suited for biologists with limited knowledge of MS. The processed outputs from these tools generally contain multiple peaks of the same compound, including isotopes, adducts, neutral loss, and dimers. The processed output in matrix form is imported to an MS-EXCEL spreadsheet and the peaks inconsistent among replicates, 5

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Review isotopes, and adducts can be sieved for further statistical analysis. Metabolite identification Several web-based tools are available for metabolite putative annotation, with links to mass spectral libraries (Table S2 in the supplementary material online). A peak or metabolite can be putatively identified based on three criteria. (i) Accurate mass match with reference compound libraries: each accurate mass from LC-MS is matched with previously identified compounds using various libraries. A metabolite match with an accurate mass error (AME) of >5 ppm can be considered unannotated. (ii) Number of carbons based on isotope ratio: the isotope ratios of carbon (also others) can be used to calculate the number of carbons in the molecular formula [65]. (iii) Fragmentation patterns of peak: fragmentation patterns can be either matched with those published in several databases such as MASSBANK, METLIN, and ReSpecT (Table S2 in the supplementary material online) or with that of the in-house spiked compound library. Fragmentation patterns also can be manually checked using in silico fragmentation tools, such as ChemSketch in IntelliXtract (Figure S2 in the supplementary material online). A complete identification requires fulfillment of the remainder of the seven golden rules [66]. Reverse stable isotope labeling, using labeled carbon and nitrogen sources during plant growth, and then, spiking with non-labeled metabolites, can facilitate large-scale identification of metabolites [67]. Protein identification LC-MS/MS data output from peptide analysis is very complex, as each protein is proteolyzed into more than one peptide before analysis, and each peptide ion produces multiple-charged ions. High resolution MSn can be used to sequence peptides and identify novel proteins, thus annotating gene functions through proteogenomics [68]. Generally, tandem mass spectra are matched to an inventory of mass values generated by in silico fragmented peptides for peptide identification using search engines: MASCOT, SEQUEST, XiTandem, and InSpeCT (Table S2 in the supplementary material online). These search engines are linked to various proteome and genome databases, such as GenBank at NCBI, SWISSPROT, UNIPROT, PPDB, and ProMEX, which can lead to the identification of corresponding genes. Quantification of metabolites and proteins Generally, relative quantification of metabolites and proteins, based on individual peak abundance, is used in treatment comparisons. Absolute quantification can be done by stable isotope labeling [67] or a separate standard curve can be established [69]. Label-free absolute quantification of proteins can be accomplished based on spectral counts, protein abundance index, and absolute protein expression [59]. Step 8. Information extraction – the discovery of RR metabolites, proteins, and genes Multivariate analyses are powerful tools to classify observations and discover biomarker biochemicals 6

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[14,22]. The abundance of metabolites and proteins or peptides can be subjected to supervised hierarchical cluster analysis and canonical discriminant analysis or to partial least square discriminant analysis to classify observations. Loading of metabolites and proteins gives clues to candidate biochemicals [70–72]. Multivariate analysis is useful only when the experimental design is simple but not when it is complex [14,73] and, in such cases, the use of t-test or other univariate analyses to identify specific resistance related biochemicals can better explain the underlying biological functions, as detailed below [69,74]. Identification of R proteins and RR biochemicals We have defined R proteins as those that completely inhibit pathogen or disease, and RR biochemicals as those that reduce pathogen progress or disease severity. Host and pathogen system relationships, in different combinations, have been used to identify parameters that can better identify resistance or resistance-related biochemicals: RP versus RM, SP versus SM, RP versus SP, and RM versus SM, where R = resistant, S = susceptible, M = mock inoculated, and P = pathogen inoculated (Figure 3) [19]. They can be resistance or resistance-related constitutive (RC or RRC = RM > SM) or resistance or resistancerelated induced biochemicals [RI or RRI = (RP > RM) > (SP > SM)]. Biochemicals that are qualitatively occurring only in resistant genotypes or in higher fold changes of abundance in a resistant relative to a susceptible genotype are considered to be biomarkers. Various combinations of host and pathogen systems (see Step 1) can be used to identify R and RR biochemicals. Mapping RR metabolites in metabolic pathways and searching proteins in genomic databases to identify R or RR genes We have classified biotic stress resistance genes into R genes that produce R proteins, and RR genes that produce varying amounts of RR biochemicals. The hundreds of RR metabolites identified in resistant plants have been linked to their metabolic pathways to discover their precursors and end products that can further reveal the sets of metabolites involved in resistance. Tools, such as Cytoscape [75], MapMan [76], and Metaboanalyst [64], can be used to map metabolites and proteins on KEGG and PlantCyc pathways (Table S2 in the supplementary material online). Mapping of RR metabolites, on the complex metabolic network, can reveal upregulated pathways: phenylpropanoids, including flavonoid [77], [19,24], fatty acids [78], terpenoid [19], and alkaloids [79,80] (Figure 2 and Table S1 in the supplementary material online). Differentially accumulated biochemicals can be used to discover biological functions of target genes through coexpression analysis [81,82], and also to discover novel R and RR genes [22,24,83]. Metabolic flux analysis or fluxomics [84] can reveal the key RR genes, and associated trans- and/or cisacting elements that induce RR biochemicals. Thus, hundreds of these R or RR genes, and their products, R proteins or RR biochemicals, can be used to explain the mechanisms of resistance against biotic stress in plants.

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Stress resistance gene discovery Resistant (R)

Suscep ble (S)

Inocula ons

Inocula ons



G e n e s i l e n c i n g
















RR protein

Enzymes RR genes

REG genes

MAB, cisgenics to produce RES cul var TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure 3. Stress resistance gene discovery. Resistance-related (RR) biochemicals are metabolites (MET) and proteins that are higher in abundance (indicated by >) in a resistant than in a susceptible genotype, which are directly involved in the reduction of disease severity or pathogen progress in plants. RRC (resistance-related constitutive) represents metabolites and proteins that are constitutively produced by the plant, based on mock inoculation. PR (pathogenesis-related) represents biochemicals that are higher in pathogen-inoculated (P) plants than in mock-inoculated (M) plants. PRr represents PR in a resistant genotype and PRs represents PR in a susceptible genotype. RRI (resistance-related induced) can represent PRr > PRs = [(RP > RM) > (SP > SM)]. Metabolites can be mapped in metabolic pathways to identify enzymes, and both enzymes and RR proteins can be searched in genomic databases to identify RR genes, which in turn can be silenced to identify or confirm gene function. RR (also R) along with regulatory (REG) genes can be transferred to elite cultivars through marker-assisted breeding (MAB) or cisgenics.

Validating the R or RR gene resistance function It is possible that the quantity of RR metabolites produced may be governed by RR genes alone or in combination with genes encoding enzymes of upstream metabolic pathways or regulated by trans- and/or cis-acting regulatory elements such as transcription factors [85,86]. Accordingly, either RR genes or their corresponding regulatory genes are to be considered for validation. The R or RR genes can be validated either by loss-of-function or gain-of-function studies. In the former, target genes can be silenced to prove the resistance mechanisms. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is a rapid, comparatively cheap, and viable option for most crop species to prove gene function through transient expression of antisense gene constructs for candidate genes [87,88]. For crops that are amenable to tissue culture, genes can be overexpressed (gain-offunction) to prove gene functions [89]. Even though the production of several RR metabolites and proteins have been identified in plants in response to pathogen attack, their link to RR genes and further validation of biological functions are still unknown.

Step 9. New knowledge generation – mechanisms of resistance in plants to biotic stress Information generated on biochemical profiles of the plant–pathogen interaction system can be used to generate new insights by further exploring their roles in plant defense. RR metabolites, and R and RR proteins, explain several mechanisms of resistance (Table S1 in the supplementary material online). Signaling molecules Metabolites such as ethylene [22,90], salicylic acid, jasmonic acid [74,90], and inositol have been associated with plant defense signaling against biotic stress (Figure 2). In addition, several peptides and proteins can also act as signaling molecules or transcription factors regulating downstream biosynthesis of biochemicals [20,90]. Antimicrobial biochemicals and resistance equivalence Many RR metabolites identified, based on non-targeted analysis, have antimicrobial properties [10,77] (Table S1 in the supplementary material online). RR metabolites 7

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Review identified not only varied in their abundance among genotypes but also in their ability to reduce pathogen biomass (LD50 values) and, accordingly, these two mechanisms were combined to calculate resistance equivalence (RE) [19,74,91]. By contrast, R proteins produced by R genes, in response to pathogen produced effector proteins, can lead to complete resistance [18]. PR proteins [16] that directly reduce pathogen biomass or detoxify pathogenicity factors [92], resulting in reduced disease severity, can be called RR proteins. Cell wall enforcement The primary wall of plant cells mainly consists of celluloses, proteins, and pectin. Secondary cell walls are more complex through constitutive deposition of hemicelluloses, pectins, and lignins that make the advancement of the pathogen difficult to impossible [87,93]. The secondary cell wall is also strengthened, following pathogen inoculation, by deposition of lignin, hydroxycinnamic acid amides (HCAAs), flavonoids, suberin, and several other biochemicals [22,24]. Cell wall thickening has been observed in several pathosystems, often lost while breeding for crop yield, and can be exploited for multiple pathogen defense in plants. Step 10. Knowledge application and technology transfer The vast knowledge generated through non-targeted metabolomics and/or proteomics has multiple applications. Candidate resistance metabolites, proteins, and genes identified can be used as biomarkers in breeding [78,94]. RR metabolites identified can be directly used in screening of genotypes, based on flow injection nanospray ionization mass spectrometry [95] and high-performance liquid chromatography [96]. Candidate genes, RR genes, and associated trans- and/or cis-acting elements identified can be used in marker-assisted breeding employing gene specific DNA markers, but is very challenging when several genes are involved [97]. Alternatively, several RR genes identified in a crop plant species can be precisely stacked to an elite cultivar based on cisgenics or genome modification, if the recipient lacks required genes [98,99]. Following gene transfer into elite cultivars, the performance of recipient cultivars should be validated under field conditions. Orthologous genes of RR genes with validated function and significant resistance effect can be identified in other related crop species and utilized in breeding programs with the aim to improve resistance against biotic stress. Concluding remarks and future perspectives In the past decades breakthrough in genetic crop improvement has been mainly on yield, flagged as green revolution. Most likely, the next 50 years will rely on functional genomics to identify genes that enhance crop yield without sacrificing nutritional values but with minimizing loss due to stress. Specifically, advances in metabolomics and proteomics can be applied to improve plant resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses. The ten heuristic steps streamlining the application of metabolo-proteomics to improve plant resistance to stress should enable plant breeders, geneticists, biochemists, bioinformaticians, biologists, and pathologists to take up this challenge to improve 8

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Box 2. Outstanding questions Proteomic and metabolomic profiles cannot explain all the mechanisms of resistance in plants against pathogen attack. Structural resistance involves complex biochemicals and metabolo-proteomic analyses cannot detect them. These polymers have to be broken down to oligomers and monomers that can be detected by mass spectrometry or NMR. In addition, some mechanisms are morphological. All RR metabolites and proteins identified here cannot be linked to respective RR genes. Metabolites can be mapped to their metabolic pathways and searched in biological databases if already known. Unknown enzymes can be identified based on peptide sequences, which in turn can be used to identify RR genes. Further advances in proteomics are needed to correctly identify enzymes. There is much confusion in the literature on qualitative and quantitative resistance genes. Generally, qualitative resistance genes are referred to as R genes, which produce R proteins in response to pathogen effectors. We suggest that the term ‘biotic stress resistance genes’ should include all genes in plants that govern resistance, explaining mechanisms, to biotic stresses, which result in the inhibition or reduction of disease severity. Advances in forward and reverse genetics, to better understand resistance mechanisms, would lead to a comprehensive definition of resistance genes. In the future, these resistance genes can be classified based on their molecular and/or biological functions.

plant resistance, thus significantly contributing to global food security. Future challenges in the application of metabolo-proteomics in plant stress resistance improvement are multifold (Box 2). Metabolite identification is still a major hurdle and annotation of more metabolites can hasten progress in this area [60]. Furthermore, proteomic analysis suffers from the inability to directly analyze proteins (top-down proteomics), because of their large size and unavailability of precise libraries. Model and crop plant genomic databases have significantly advanced the discovery of candidate genes. Production of mutants, NILs, RILs, and DH populations in crop plants will hasten RR gene identification. Genetic control of quantitative resistance, however, is complex. The quantity of RR metabolites produced may depend not only on allelic variation of an RR gene controlling its production but also on regulating trans- and/or cisacting elements [85,86]. The transfer of a set of significant effect RR genes, along with regulatory genes, through marker-assisted breeding is very challenging. However, transfer of RR genes from one genotype to another within sexually compatible plant species, through cisgenics, as opposed to transgenic approaches, should be more acceptable to the public, because no foreign DNA is incorporated [98]. Gene deletion or replacement of the RR gene through genome editing technologies is also promising. Acknowledgments We thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Le Ministe`re de l’Agriculture, des Peˆcheries et de l’Alimentation du Que´bec, Canada, and the International Development Research Center, and the Canadian International Development Agency (Food Security Program) for their financial support.

Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.tplants. 2013.05.002.

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