2018 2019 6th Grade Middle School Course Description Catalog

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Sun​ ​Prairie​ ​Middle​ ​Schools Patrick​ ​Marsh​ ​&​ ​Prairie​ ​View 6​TH​​ ​GRADE COURSE​ ​DESCRIPTION CATALOG 2018​ ​-​ ​2019

Annual​ ​Notices includes​ ​Policy​ ​JB


NOTICE​ ​OF​ ​NONDISCRIMINATION​ ​POLICY Sun​ ​Prairie​ ​Area​ ​School​ ​District

In compliance with the Executive Order 11246; Title II of the Education Amendments of 1976; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972; Title IX Regulation Implementing Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and all other federal and state laws, including Subchapter II of Chapter 111, Wis. Stats., entitled "Fair Employment"; school rules, regulations and policies, the Sun Prairie Area School District shall not unlawfully discriminate in employment against properly qualified and eligible individuals by reason of their age, race, religion, profession or demonstration of belief or non-belief, color, disability, citizenship, marital status, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, political affiliation, membership in the National Guard, state defense force, or any other reserve component of the military forces of Wisconsin or the United States, arrest or conviction record not substantially related to a person's job duties or activity in school, or the use or non-use of lawful products by individuals off school premises during non-working hours, the use of family or medical leave or worker's compensation benefits, genetic information or any other factor prohibited by state or federal law. Reasonable accommodations shall be made for qualified individuals with a disability or handicap, and to employees with sincerely held religious beliefs to the extent required by law unless such​ ​accommodations​ ​would​ ​impose​ ​an​ ​undue​ ​hardship​ ​on​ ​the​ ​District. No student may be unlawfully discriminated against in any school programs, activities or in facilities usage because of the student’s sex (gender identity, gender expression and non-conformity to gender role stereotypes), color, religion, profession or demonstration of belief or non-belief, race, national origin (including limited English proficiency), ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, homelessness status, sexual orientation, age, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. Harassment is a form of discrimination and shall not be tolerated in the district. It is the responsibility of administrators, staff members and all students to ensure that student discrimination or harassment does not occur. This policy does not prohibit the provision of special programs or services​ ​to​ ​students​ ​based​ ​on​ ​objective​ ​standards​ ​of​ ​individual​ ​need​ ​or​ ​performance. Homeless children, unaccompanied homeless youth (youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian) and youth residing in the District shall be provided with equal access to the District’s educational programs, have an opportunity to meet the same challenging State of Wisconsin and Sun Prairie Area School District academic standards and shall not be segregated on the basis of their status as homeless. The District shall establish safeguards that protect homeless students from discrimination based on their homelessness. Students who have been identified or regarded as having a disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), shall be provided reasonable accommodations in educational services or programs or facilities. When program or classroom modifications are necessary in order to provide a disabled student with equal opportunity, they will be made as required by law. Facilities modifications necessary to provide​ ​for​ ​appropriate​ ​access​ ​and​ ​participation​ ​for​ ​persons​ ​with​ ​disabilities​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​made​ ​to​ ​the​ ​extent​ ​required​ ​by​ ​law. The district also shall provide for the reasonable accommodation of a student’s sincerely held religious beliefs in accordance with established Board policies. Any modifications or accommodations granted under this policy shall be provided to students without prejudicial​ ​effect.​ ​School​ ​Board​ ​Policy:​ ​IND,​ ​Accommodating​ ​a​ ​Student’s​ ​Beliefs. It is the intent of the Sun Prairie Area School District to comply with both the letter and spirit of the law in making certain discrimination does not exist in its policies, regulations and operations. Grievance procedures have been established for students, their​ ​parents,​ ​and​ ​employees​ ​who​ ​feel​ ​discrimination​ ​has​ ​been​ ​shown​ ​by​ ​the​ ​Sun​ ​Prairie​ ​Area​ ​School​ ​District. Specific complaints of alleged discrimination including those under Title IX, Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Wisconsin Pupil Nondiscrimination Law (Wis. Stat. 118.13) should be referred to: the Sun Prairie Area School District Office, Attention: Assistant Superintendent of Operations (Title IX Coordinator), at 501 S. Bird Street, Sun Prairie, WI 53590. This individual​ ​may​ ​also​ ​be​ ​reached​ ​at​ ​by​ ​calling​ ​608-834-6500.

If​ ​a​ ​student​ ​or​ ​parent/guardian​ ​would​ ​prefer​ ​to​ ​have​ ​this​ ​information​ ​translated​ ​into​ ​Spanish,​ ​please​ ​contact​ ​us at​ ​608-834-6620.​ ​Si​ ​un​ ​estudiante,​ ​padre​ ​ó​ ​guardian​ ​prefiere​ ​tener​ ​esta​ ​información​ ​traducida​ ​en​ ​Español,​ ​por favor​ ​contactenos​ ​en​ ​el​ ​608-834-6620. If​ ​a​ ​student​ ​or​ ​parent/guardian​ ​would​ ​prefer​ ​to​ ​have​ ​this​ ​information​ ​translated​ ​into​ ​Hmong,​ ​please​ ​contact​ ​us at​ ​608-834-6630.​ ​Yog​ ​tus​ ​me​ ​nyuam​ ​lub​ ​xiv​ ​los​ ​yog​ ​niam​ ​thiab​ ​txiv/tus​ ​neeg​ ​muaj​ ​cai​ ​saib​ ​xyuas​ ​tus​ ​me​ ​nyuam xav​ ​tau​ ​qhov​ ​ntawv​ ​ntawm​ ​no​ ​ua​ ​lus​ ​Hmoob,​ ​thov​ ​hais​ ​rau​ ​peb​ ​paub​ ​rau​ ​ntawm​ ​608-834-6630.



Purpose​ ​Statement​ ​Regarding​ ​Citizenship: The​ ​majority​ ​of​ ​skills​ ​our​ ​students​ ​learn​ ​are​ ​not​ ​academic.​ ​ ​The​ ​Sun​ ​Prairie​ ​Area​ ​School​ ​District​ ​highly​ ​values​ ​the importance​ ​of​ ​personal​ ​responsibility,​ ​work​ ​habits​ ​and​ ​productivity,​ ​collaboration,​ ​and​ ​personal​ ​integrity.​ ​ ​We​ ​track student​ ​progress​ ​of​ ​these​ ​components​ ​because​ ​they​ ​are​ ​necessary​ ​for​ ​the​ ​long​ ​term​ ​success​ ​of​ ​our​ ​students​ ​and​ ​their ability​ ​to​ ​become​ ​productive​ ​citizens.

Sun​ ​Prairie​ ​School​ ​District​ ​Citizenship​ ​Rubric Rubric​ ​Components

Component​ ​Descriptions C--Consistently​ ​Meets Expectations

S--Sometimes​ ​Meets Expectations

R--Rarely​ ​Meets Expectations

Personal​ ​Responsibility How​ ​a​ ​student​ ​prepares​ ​to​ ​be a​ ​productive​ ​member​ ​of​ ​class

Punctuality​​ ​–​ ​0​ ​or​ ​1 unexcused​ ​tardies​ ​and/or absences Classroom​ ​Materials​​ ​– Consistently​ ​prepared​ ​for class.

Punctuality​​ – ​ ​ ​2​ ​or​ ​3​ ​unexcused tardies​ ​and/or​ ​absences Classroom​ ​Materials​​ – ​ Sometimes​ ​prepared​ ​for​ ​class. Occasionally​ ​needs​ ​to​ ​go​ ​get supplies​ ​or​ ​borrows​ ​from​ ​others.

Punctuality​​ ​–​ ​4​ ​or​ ​more unexcused​ ​tardies​ ​and/or absences Classroom​ ​Materials​​ ​Rarely​ ​prepared​ ​for​ ​class. Regularly​ ​borrows​ ​materials or​ ​goes​ ​to​ ​locker.

Work​ ​Habits​ ​and Productivity What​ ​work​ ​a​ ​student​ ​produces for​ ​a​ ​class​ ​and​ ​how​ ​it​ ​is produced

Work​ ​Completion​​ ​Consistently​ ​completes​ ​and hands​ ​in​ ​work​ ​on​ ​time. Promptly​ ​arranges​ ​for​ ​and completes​ ​work​ ​after​ ​an absence. Work​ ​Ethic​​ ​–​ ​Consistently puts​ ​forth​ ​best​ ​effort:​ ​Self advocacy:​ ​seeks​ ​assistance, asks​ ​questions​ ​when needed. Engagement​​ ​-​ ​Consistently engages​ ​in​ ​classroom activities;​ ​demonstrates interest​ ​and​ ​curiosity​ ​in learning.​ ​Uses​ ​electronic devices​ ​appropriately.

Work​ ​Completion​​ ​-​ ​Sometimes completes​ ​and​ ​hands​ ​in​ ​work​ ​on time.​ ​Needs​ ​a​ ​reminder​ ​to arrange​ ​for​ ​and​ ​complete​ ​work after​ ​an​ ​absence. Work​ ​Ethic​​ ​–​ ​Sometimes​ ​puts forth​ ​good​ ​effort:​ ​does​ ​not always​ ​seek​ ​assistance​ ​or​ ​ask questions. Engagement​​ ​–​ ​Sometimes stays​ ​on​ ​task​ ​and​ ​follows directions.​ ​Needs​ ​few​ ​reminders to​ ​stay​ ​on​ ​task.​ ​Electronic devices​ ​occasionally​ ​a distraction.

Work​ ​Completion​​ – ​ ​ ​Rarely completes​ ​and​ ​hands​ ​work​ ​in on​ ​time.​ ​Missing​ ​work.​ ​Does not​ ​meet​ ​deadlines. Work​ ​Ethic​​ ​–​ ​Rarely​ ​puts forth​ ​good​ ​effort.​ ​Student work​ ​is​ ​inconsistent. Attempts/Turns​ ​in​ ​work. Engagement​ ​–​ ​Rarely focuses​ ​on​ ​classwork​ ​and needs​ ​regular​ ​reminders​ ​to attend​ ​to​ ​the​ ​classroom tasks.​ ​Electronic​ ​devices regularly​ ​a​ ​distraction.

Collaboration​ ​and​ ​Personal Integrity How​ ​a​ ​student​ ​works​ ​with others​ ​in​ ​the​ ​classroom​ ​and interacts​ ​within​ ​the​ ​classroom environment.

Teamwork​​ ​–​ ​Consistently provides,​ ​values,​ ​and​ ​listens to​ ​ideas​ ​while​ ​encouraging all​ ​team​ ​members. Interaction​​ ​-​ ​Consistently communicates​ ​with​ ​students and​ ​staff​ ​appropriately; respects​ ​the​ ​physical environment. Safety​​ ​–​ ​Consistently follows​ ​classroom​ ​safety expectations​ ​and​ ​guidelines.

Teamwork​​ ​–​ ​Sometimes provides,​ ​values,​ ​and​ ​listens​ ​to ideas​ ​while​ ​encouraging​ ​all team​ ​members. Interaction​​ ​-​ ​Sometimes communicates​ ​with​ ​students and​ ​staff​ ​appropriately;​ ​respects the​ ​physical​ ​environment. Safety​​ ​–​ ​Sometimes​ ​follows classroom​ ​safety​ ​expectations and​ ​guidelines.​ ​Immediately corrects​ ​behavior​ ​when reminded.

Teamwork​​ ​–Rarely​ ​provides, values,​ ​and​ ​listens​ ​to​ ​ideas while​ ​encouraging​ ​all​ ​team members. Interaction​​ ​-​ ​Rarely communicates​ ​with​ ​students and​ ​staff​ ​appropriately​ ​and​ ​to respect​ ​the​ ​physical environment. Safety​​ ​–​ ​Regularly​ ​needs​ ​to be​ ​reminded​ ​to​ ​follow​ ​rules, has​ ​difficulty​ ​following expectations​ ​and​ ​guidelines.


SUN​ ​PRAIRIE​ ​AREA​ ​SCHOOL​ ​DISTRICT’S STANDARDS-BASED​ ​RUBRIC The​ ​information​ ​below​ ​serves​ ​as​ ​a​ ​FRAMEWORK​ ​to​ ​provide​ ​detail​ ​about​ ​how​ ​the elementary​ ​and​ ​middle​ ​school​ ​scores​ ​relate​ ​to​ ​each​ ​student’s​ ​current​ ​level​ ​of achievement. 4





Extended​ ​ ​Mastery of​ ​Standards

Mastering Standards

Approaching Standards

Limited Understanding​ ​of Standards

No​ ​Evidence

Student consistently exceeds proficiency. ➢ Demonstrates a​ ​deeper understanding of​ ​the standards ➢ Evidence​ ​of learning extends​ ​to higher-level thinking strategies​ ​or creative connectedness ➢ Evidence​ ​of learning exceeds grade-level expectations

Student consistently meets proficiency: ➢ Demonstrates understanding of​ ​the standards ➢ ​ ​Evidence​ ​of learning contains​ ​few​ ​or minor​ ​errors ➢ Evidence​ ​of learning​ ​meets grade-level expectations

Student​ ​is approaching proficiency: ➢ Demonstrates basic understandin g​ ​of​ ​the standards with​ ​gaps​ ​and errors ➢ Evidence​ ​of learning​ ​is inconsistent or​ ​incomplete ➢ Evidence​ ​of learning​ ​is below grade-level expectations

Student​ ​needs improvement​​ ​to meet​ ​proficiency: ➢ Evidence​ ​of learning​ ​is significantly below grade-level expectations

Student: ➢ No Evidence to​ ​assess


6​th​​ ​Grade​ ​Core​ ​and​ ​Required​ ​Classes LITERACY​ ​6 Course​ ​Length:​ ​ ​Year Our​ ​blocked​ ​literacy​ ​program​ ​emphasizes​ ​readers​ ​and​ ​writers​ ​workshop​ ​specifically​ ​using​ ​the Columbia​ ​University​ ​Teachers​ ​College​ ​Project’s​ ​Units​ ​of​ ​Study​ ​for​ ​Reading​ ​and​ ​Writing.​ ​ ​The​ ​goal​ ​of this​ ​class​ ​is​ ​to​ ​teach​ ​students​ ​skills​ ​and​ ​strategies​ ​that​ ​apply​ ​and​ ​relate​ ​to​ ​content​ ​area​ ​classes​ ​as well​ ​as​ ​to​ ​encourage​ ​students​ ​to​ ​read​ ​and​ ​communicate​ ​widely​ ​on​ ​their​ ​own.​ ​ ​Throughout​ ​the course,​ ​students​ ​will​ ​move​ ​through​ ​units​ ​of​ ​study​ ​including​ ​argument,​ ​information,​ ​poetry,​ ​and narrative​ ​writing​ ​and​ ​reading. Along​ ​with​ ​stressing​ ​the​ ​importance​ ​of​ ​writing​ ​in​ ​many​ ​different​ ​styles,​ ​the​ ​class​ ​will​ ​focus​ ​on grammar​ ​usage,​ ​conventions,​ ​and​ ​spelling.​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​see​ ​a​ ​variety​ ​of​ ​techniques​ ​used​ ​to​ ​teach these​ ​foundations​ ​of​ ​language​ ​ranging​ ​from​ ​notes​ ​and​ ​activities​ ​to​ ​individualized​ ​conferencing​ ​and goal​ ​setting​ ​within​ ​their​ ​own​ ​writing.​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​then​ ​use​ ​their​ ​language​ ​and​ ​writing​ ​skills​ ​learned to​ ​write​ ​across​ ​the​ ​curriculum. Students​ ​will​ ​also​ ​engage​ ​in​ ​a​ ​multitude​ ​of​ ​texts​ ​from​ ​various​ ​genres.​ ​ ​Student​ ​work​ ​will​ ​focus​ ​on increasing​ ​the​ ​volume​ ​and​ ​stamina​ ​of​ ​texts​ ​at​ ​an​ ​independent​ ​level.​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​be​ ​given​ ​time each​ ​day​ ​to​ ​engage​ ​in​ ​reading​ ​self-selected​ ​books​ ​in​ ​order​ ​to​ ​provide​ ​practice​ ​in​ ​reading​ ​and​ ​to promote​ ​reading​ ​as​ ​a​ ​lifelong​ ​activity.​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​engage​ ​in​ ​individualized​ ​and​ ​small​ ​group conferences​ ​in​ ​order​ ​to​ ​improve​ ​their​ ​reading​ ​abilities. SCIENCE​ ​6 Course​ ​Length:​ ​ ​Year Science​ ​students​ ​learn​ ​that​ ​science​ ​is​ ​everywhere.​ ​Through​ ​background​ ​knowledge,​ ​investigation, questioning,​ ​and​ ​reasoning​ ​abilities,​ ​students​ ​gain​ ​new​ ​knowledge​ ​in​ ​the​ ​units​ ​of​ ​Matter​ ​and Interactions,​ ​Space​ ​Systems,​ ​and​ ​Electricity,​ ​Waves,​ ​and​ ​Information​ ​Transfer. Technology​ ​is​ ​also​ ​used​ ​throughout​ ​the​ ​year​ ​to​ ​enhance​ ​their​ ​learning​ ​and​ ​create​ ​a​ ​scientific​ ​mind. Students​ ​share​ ​their​ ​ideas​ ​within​ ​labs​ ​and​ ​use​ ​that​ ​information​ ​to​ ​understand​ ​how​ ​it​ ​affects​ ​their daily​ ​lives.​ ​As​ ​scientists,​ ​students​ ​will​ ​face​ ​complex​ ​questions​ ​requiring​ ​scientific​ ​thinking, reasoning,​ ​and​ ​the​ ​ability​ ​to​ ​make​ ​informed​ ​decisions.​ ​Science​ ​and​ ​engineering​ ​knowledge prepares​ ​students​ ​for​ ​the​ ​future​ ​and​ ​helps​ ​them​ ​acquire​ ​the​ ​skills​ ​they​ ​need​ ​to​ ​understand​ ​their world. SOCIAL​ ​STUDIES​ ​6 Course​ ​Length:​ ​ ​Year Sixth​ ​graders​ ​develop​ ​an​ ​awareness​ ​and​ ​understanding​ ​of​ ​places,​ ​people,​ ​different​ ​ways​ ​of​ ​life, geography​ ​in​ ​present​ ​and​ ​past​ ​events​ ​in​ ​the​ ​world.​ ​ ​Students​ ​conduct​ ​research​ ​using​ ​a​ ​variety​ ​of social​ ​studies​ ​materials​ ​and​ ​resources,​ ​and​ ​then​ ​communicate​ ​it​ ​effectively.​ ​ ​The​ ​following​ ​ancient civilizations​ ​are​ ​studied:​ ​ ​Ancient​ ​Egypt,​ ​Ancient​ ​Greece,​ ​Ancient​ ​Rome,​ ​Middle​ ​Ages,​ ​Renaissance. Current​ ​events​ ​and​ ​how​ ​they​ ​affect​ ​the​ ​world​ ​we​ ​live​ ​in​ ​will​ ​also​ ​be​ ​studied.


MATH​ ​6 Course​ ​Length:​ ​ ​Year Instruction​ ​and​ ​practice​ ​using​ ​a​ ​variety​ ​of​ ​problem​ ​solving​ ​strategies​ ​help​ ​students​ ​develop​ ​an understanding​ ​of​ ​increasingly​ ​difficult​ ​mathematical​ ​concepts.​ ​ ​Numeration,​ ​measurement, pre-algebra​ ​concepts​ ​(e.g.​ ​fractions,​ ​%,​ ​decimals​ ​and​ ​ratios),​ a ​ lgebraic​ ​expressions,​ ​reasoning​ ​and solving​ ​one-variable​ ​equations​ ​and​ ​inequalities​,​ ​geometry​ ​(e.g.​ ​area,​ ​surface​ ​area,​ ​and​ ​volume), data​ ​analysis/statistics​ ​and​ ​probability​ ​are​ ​the​ ​primary​ ​focus​ ​in​ ​sixth​ ​grade.​ ​ ​Students​ ​should​ ​be able​ ​to​ ​apply​ ​mathematical​ ​knowledge​ ​to​ ​other​ ​curricular​ ​areas​ ​and​ ​problem​ ​solving​ ​strategies​ ​to real-world​ ​problems​ ​using​ ​oral​ ​and​ ​written​ ​methods​ ​to​ ​explain​ ​their​ ​reasoning.​ ​ ​The​ ​use​ ​of calculators​ ​and​ ​computers​ ​to​ ​solve​ ​problems​ ​will​ ​strengthen​ ​the​ ​concept​ ​development. PHYSICAL​ ​EDUCATION​ ​6

Course​ ​Length:​ ​Year​ ​(Every​ ​other​ ​day) Field​ ​Trip​ ​Fee:​ ​ ​$5.00 th​ The​ ​6​ ​ ​grade​ ​physical​ ​education​ ​program​ ​is​ ​designed​ ​to​ ​meet​ ​the​ ​needs​ ​of​ ​physical​ ​fitness​ ​and motor​ ​skills​ ​of​ ​this​ ​age​ ​level​ ​and​ ​to​ ​help​ ​students​ ​acquire​ ​knowledge​ ​of​ ​physical​ ​activity​ ​and​ ​its components.​ ​ ​The​ ​activities​ ​are​ ​also​ ​planned​ ​to​ ​complement​ ​the​ ​physical,​ ​emotional​ ​and​ ​social growth​ ​of​ ​each​ ​individual​ ​student. The​ ​6th​ ​ ​ ​grade​ ​activities​ ​include:​ ​throwing​ ​and​ ​catching,​ ​soccer,​ ​track​ ​and​ ​field,​ ​physical​ ​fitness, paddle/racquet​ ​sports,​ ​social​ ​dance,​ ​basketball,​ ​floor​ ​hockey,​ ​volleyball,​ ​badminton,​ ​in-line​ ​and​ ​ice skating,​ ​lacrosse,​ ​ropes​ ​challenge​ ​course/problem​ ​solving​ ​–​ ​team-building. Students​ ​are​ ​required​ ​to​ ​have​ ​physical​ ​education​ ​clothes​ ​to​ ​participate​ ​in​ ​activities,​ ​preferably shorts​ ​and​ ​T-shirt.​ ​ ​Sweatpants​ ​and​ ​sweatshirts​ ​are​ ​acceptable. ART​ ​6 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Course​ ​Length:​ ​Semester​ ​(Every​ ​other​ ​day) This​ ​course​ ​is​ ​developed​ ​to​ ​help​ ​students​ ​increase​ ​their​ ​artistic​ ​abilities​ ​by​ ​developing​ ​higher​ ​level artistic​ ​skills​ ​and​ ​learning​ ​how​ ​art​ ​and​ ​design​ ​is​ ​an​ ​important​ ​part​ ​of​ ​their​ ​culture. Students​ ​will​ ​develop​ ​their​ ​skills​ ​with​ ​major​ ​focus​ ​on​ ​the​ ​following​ ​units;​ ​ ​Portfolio​ ​Lettering​ ​Design, Miniature​ ​Lettering​ ​Painting​ ​on​ ​Medallions,​ ​National​ ​Geographic​ ​Animal​ ​Study,​ ​Grid​ ​Drawing, Sketchbook​ ​Cover​ ​Design,​ ​Fused​ ​Glass​ ​Medallion,​ ​Recycled​ ​Memo​ ​Book​ ​Making,​ ​Compositional​ ​Fish Watercolor,​ ​and​ ​Drawing​ ​Unit. Assignments​ ​and​ ​Media​ ​may​ ​include​ ​and​ ​are​ ​not​ ​limited​ ​to​ ​the​ ​following:​ ​Ink,​ ​Colored​ ​Markers, Under​ ​and​ ​Over​ ​Glaze,​ ​Ceramics,​ ​Scratch​ ​Boards,​ ​Acrylic​ ​Painting,​ ​Fused​ ​Glass,​ ​Recycled​ ​Items, Memo​ ​Books,​ ​Watercolor​ ​Pencils,​ ​Watercolor​ ​Paint,​ ​and​ ​Value​ ​Drawings​ ​with​ ​pencil.


6​th​​ ​Grade​ ​Elective​ ​Classes 6​th​​ ​grade​ ​students​ ​will​ ​be​ ​required​ ​to​ ​take​ ​five​ ​(5)​ ​of​ ​the​ ​following​ ​six​ ​(6)​ ​elective​ ​classes unless​ ​students​ ​are​ ​assigned​ ​to​ ​an​ ​intervention​ ​class.​ ​ ​Elective​ ​classes​ ​meet​ ​every​ ​other​ ​day​ ​for one​ ​semester,​ ​which​ ​equals​ ​one​ ​quarter. BODY​ ​WORKS​ ​6 Stressed?​ ​Physically​ ​and​ ​mentally​ ​changing?​ ​Full​ ​of​ ​energy?​ ​Need​ ​an​ ​outlet?​ ​This​ ​is​ ​the​ ​class​ ​for you.​ ​Body​ ​Works​ ​is​ ​an​ ​interactive​ ​class​ ​that​ ​allows​ ​you​ ​to​ ​practice​ ​and​ ​learn​ ​social​ ​media​ ​skills, nutrition​ ​habits,​ ​yoga,​ ​how​ ​to​ ​take​ ​care​ ​of​ ​a​ ​younger​ ​sibling/cousin,​ ​how​ ​to​ ​take​ ​care​ ​of​ ​yourself, how​ ​to​ ​deal​ ​with​ ​bullies,​ ​how​ ​to​ ​relax,​ ​discover​ ​new​ ​games​ ​and​ ​activities,​ ​and​ ​build​ ​and​ ​manage new​ ​relationships.​ ​The​ ​goal​ ​is​ ​to​ ​help​ ​you​ ​to​ ​be​ ​and​ ​stay​ ​healthy​ ​for​ ​a​ ​lifetime! COMPUTER​ ​SKILLS​ ​FOR​ ​SUCCESS​ ​6 Students​ ​will​ ​learn​ ​to​ ​navigate​ ​the​ ​in's​ ​and​ ​out's​ ​of​ ​their​ ​Chromebook.​ ​They​ ​will​ ​learn​ ​to​ ​manage and​ ​organize​ ​their​ ​files,​ ​the​ ​proper​ ​use​ ​of​ ​e-mail,​ ​and​ ​how​ ​to​ ​use​ ​Infinite​ ​Campus​ ​to​ ​monitor​ ​their own​ ​success.​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​continue​ ​to​ ​learn​ ​the​ ​important​ ​life​ ​skill​ ​of​ ​typing​ ​by​ ​continuing​ ​to develop​ ​proper​ ​typing​ ​techniques​ ​and​ ​increasing​ ​speed​ ​and​ ​accuracy​ ​to​ ​proficiency. GENERAL​ ​MUSIC​ ​6 A​ ​wide​ ​range​ ​of​ ​musical​ ​topics​ ​is​ ​covered​ ​in​ ​this​ ​course.​ ​ ​Students​ ​learn​ ​how​ ​to​ ​interpret​ ​and understand​ ​the​ ​musical​ ​language.​ ​ ​Keyboards​ ​and​ ​choir​ ​chimes​ ​are​ ​used​ ​to​ ​explore​ ​melody, harmony,​ ​and​ ​rhythm​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​develop​ ​each​ ​student’s​ ​musical​ ​skills.​ ​ ​American​ ​popular​ ​songs, musical​ ​theater,​ ​and​ ​songs​ ​of​ ​other​ ​cultures​ ​are​ ​studied​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​the​ ​families​ ​of​ ​musical instruments​ ​and​ ​the​ ​musical​ ​contributions​ ​of​ ​Gershwin.​ ​ ​Students​ ​explore​ ​composition​ ​by​ ​writing​ ​a sound​ ​composition​ ​and​ ​by​ ​composing​ ​a​ ​piece​ ​for​ ​keyboards. INTRODUCTION​ ​TO​ ​WORLD​ ​LANGUAGES​ ​6 Discover​ ​the​ ​world​ ​and​ ​some​ ​of​ ​its​ ​languages​ ​in​ ​Introduction​ ​to​ ​World​ ​Languages.​ ​ ​Students​ ​will discover​ ​the​ ​richness​ ​of​ ​the​ ​many​ ​languages​ ​and​ ​cultures​ ​in​ ​our​ ​world​ ​and​ ​the​ ​value​ ​of​ ​learning another​ ​language​ ​in​ ​the​ ​21​st​​ ​century.​ ​ ​In​ ​addition,​ ​this​ ​course​ ​is​ ​designed​ ​to​ ​help​ ​students​ ​develop an​ ​awareness​ ​and​ ​appreciation​ ​of​ ​cultural​ ​differences,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​an​ ​understanding​ ​of​ ​similarities between​ ​many​ ​groups​ ​of​ ​people​ ​around​ ​the​ ​world.​ ​ ​Some​ ​possible​ ​units​ ​of​ ​study​ ​include: Spanish-speaking​ ​countries,​ ​German-speaking​ ​countries,​ ​French-speaking​ ​countries, Arabic-speaking​ ​countries​ ​and​ ​China​ ​and​ ​its​ ​many​ ​languages. TECHNOLOGY​ ​EDUCATION​ ​6 Technology​ ​Education​ ​covers​ ​a​ ​very​ ​broad​ ​scope​ ​of​ ​technology​ ​and​ ​engineering.​ ​ ​The​ ​students​ ​will explore​ ​communication,​ ​manufacturing,​ ​power​ ​and​ ​energy,​ ​and​ ​transportation.​ ​ ​This​ ​class​ ​allows the​ ​students​ ​to​ ​view​ ​briefly​ ​what​ ​they​ ​could​ ​encounter​ ​in​ ​each​ ​area.​ ​ ​Example​ ​projects​ ​could include​ ​the​ ​following:​ ​ ​Peg​ ​Game​ ​Picture​ ​Frame,​ ​Catamaran​ ​Propeller​ ​Boats,​ ​Super​ ​Clip,​ ​and​ ​Paper Car. YOUNG​ ​LIVING​ ​6 Young​ ​Living​ ​is​ ​a​ ​quarter​ ​class​ ​designed​ ​to​ ​help​ ​students​ ​explore​ ​the​ ​meaning​ ​of​ ​family,​ ​how children​ ​learn​ ​and​ ​grow,​ ​and​ ​nutritious​ ​food​ ​choices​ ​within​ ​the​ ​family​ ​unit.​ ​ ​This​ ​course​ ​will​ ​give students​ ​opportunities​ ​to​ ​engage​ ​in​ ​hands-on​ ​projects​ ​and​ ​food​ ​preparation​ ​experiences.​ ​ ​Students will​ ​use​ ​math,​ ​science​ ​and​ ​literacy​ ​skills​ ​throughout​ ​the​ ​term. 7

6​th​​ ​Grade​ ​Music​ ​Electives​ ​and​ ​Resource​ ​Hour Sixth​ ​grade​ ​students​ ​have​ ​the​ ​opportunity​ ​to​ ​elect​ ​band,​ ​chorus,​ ​and​ ​orchestra.​ ​ ​All​ ​three​ ​courses are​ ​two​ ​semesters​ ​long,​ ​and​ ​evening​ ​performances​ ​are​ ​required.​ ​ ​These​ ​classes​ ​are​ ​offered​ ​on​ ​Day A/1​ ​and​ ​B/2.​ ​ ​Students​ ​taking​ ​band,​ ​chorus,​ ​or​ ​orchestra​ ​will​ ​not​ ​have​ ​a​ ​resource​ ​time​ ​on​ ​the​ ​days these​ ​classes​ ​are​ ​held. BAND​ ​6 Course​ ​length:​ ​ ​Year Sixth​ ​grade​ ​band​ ​is​ ​an​ ​opportunity​ ​to​ ​learn​ ​a​ ​woodwind,​ ​brass,​ ​or​ ​percussion​ ​instrument​ ​while meeting​ ​new​ ​people​ ​and​ ​having​ ​fun!​ ​ ​In​ ​band,​ ​students​ ​will​ ​learn​ ​how​ ​to​ ​play​ ​a​ ​new​ ​instrument, how​ ​to​ ​read​ ​and​ ​perform​ ​a​ ​wide​ ​range​ ​of​ ​different​ ​types​ ​of​ ​music,​ ​and​ ​how​ ​to​ ​work​ ​together​ ​as​ ​a group​ ​to​ ​achieve​ ​a​ ​high-quality​ ​performance.​ ​ ​Class​ ​activities​ ​will​ ​also​ ​help​ ​students​ ​build connections​ ​between​ ​music​ ​and​ ​other​ ​subject​ ​areas​ ​such​ ​as​ ​reading,​ ​math,​ ​social​ ​studies,​ ​and science.​ ​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​also​ ​receive​ ​one​ ​small-group​ ​lesson​ ​per​ ​week​ ​to​ ​work​ ​on​ ​the​ ​specific​ ​skills that​ ​they​ ​need​ ​to​ ​be​ ​successful​ ​on​ ​their​ ​unique​ ​instrument. Performances​ ​include​ ​four​ ​concerts​ ​throughout​ ​the​ ​course​ ​of​ ​the​ ​year,​ ​solo​ ​night​ ​in​ ​January, Band-O-Rama​ ​in​ ​April,​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Memorial​ ​Day​ ​Parade​ ​in​ ​May.​ ​ ​Other​ ​optional​ ​fun​ ​opportunities include​ ​Jazz​ ​Band,​ ​special​ ​holiday​ ​ensembles,​ ​high​ ​school​ ​pep​ ​band​ ​night,​ ​and​ ​various​ ​after​ ​school teambuilding​ ​sessions​ ​held​ ​throughout​ ​the​ ​school​ ​year. Before​ ​joining​ ​band,​ ​students​ ​should: ● Participate​ ​in​ ​a​ ​mouthpiece​ ​fitting​ ​during​ ​5th​ ​ ​ ​grade​ ​general​ ​music​ ​class ● Schedule​ ​an​ ​instrument​ ​fitting​ ​appointment​ ​with​ ​one​ ​of​ ​the​ ​middle​ ​school​ ​band​ ​teachers ● Students​ ​interested​ ​in​ ​percussion​ ​should​ ​audition​ ​in​ ​May.​ ​ ​Two​ ​percussion​ ​workshops​ ​will​ ​be offered​ ​before​ ​auditions​ ​are​ ​held​ ​to​ ​help​ ​students​ ​prepare. ● Register​ ​for,​ ​and​ ​attend,​ ​the​ ​“Band​ ​Starts​ ​Now”​ ​summer​ ​school​ ​class,​ ​or​ ​“Band​ ​Blast​ ​Off”​ ​fall program​ ​(if​ ​unable​ ​to​ ​attend​ ​the​ ​“Band​ ​Starts​ ​Now). BAND​ ​FEE​:​ ​ ​Students​ ​who​ ​elect​ ​to​ ​rent​ ​a​ ​school-owned​ ​instrument,​ ​and​ ​all​ ​percussionists,​ ​will​ ​be assessed​ ​a​ ​fee​ ​of​ ​$25.00​ ​per​ ​semester.​ ​ ​Additionally,​ ​students​ ​will​ ​need​ ​to​ ​purchase​ ​a​ ​dress uniform​ ​shirt​ ​to​ ​wear​ ​as​ ​their​ ​concert​ ​uniform​ ​at​ ​the​ ​start​ ​of​ ​the​ ​school​ ​year.​ ​This​ ​cost​ ​is​ ​estimated at​ ​$17.00. CHORUS​ ​6 Course​ ​length:​ ​ ​Year Sixth​ ​grade​ ​chorus​ ​is​ ​open​ ​to​ ​all​ ​students​ ​and​ ​introduces​ ​them​ ​to​ ​the​ ​art​ ​of​ ​choral​ ​singing.​ ​ ​This course​ ​provides​ ​students​ ​with​ ​the​ ​opportunity​ ​to​ ​develop​ ​musical​ ​skills​ ​through​ ​classroom instruction​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​through​ ​performance.​ ​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​learn​ ​how​ ​to​ ​read​ ​rhythmic​ ​notation​ ​and solfège,​ ​and​ ​engage​ ​in​ ​healthy​ ​vocal​ ​production​ ​and​ ​ensemble​ ​singing.​ ​ ​These​ ​concepts​ ​are reinforced​ ​by​ ​singing​ ​literature​ ​of​ ​different​ ​musical​ ​styles​ ​in​ ​several​ ​evening​ ​concerts​ ​throughout the​ ​year. Attendance​ ​and​ ​participation​ ​in​ ​all​ ​concerts​ ​and​ ​rehearsals​ ​is​ ​mandatory. CHORUS​ ​FEE: In​ ​Choir,​ ​we​ ​pride​ ​ourselves​ ​in​ ​looking​ ​our​ ​best​ ​so​ ​we​ ​can​ ​perform​ ​our​ ​best.​ ​The​ ​choir​ ​uniform consists​ ​of​ ​black​ ​pants​ ​and​ ​black​ ​shoes​ ​(provided​ ​by​ ​the​ ​student)​ ​and​ ​a​ ​choir​ ​polo​ ​which​ ​is purchased​ ​through​ ​the​ ​school.​ ​ ​The​ ​$12.00​ ​helps​ ​to​ ​cover​ ​the​ ​cost​ ​of​ ​the​ ​choir​ ​polo.​ ​ ​This​ ​cost​ ​is 8

subject​ ​to​ ​change.​ ​Already​ ​have​ ​a​ ​choir​ ​polo​ ​and​ ​wondering​ ​why​ ​you​ ​are​ ​charged​ ​the​ ​same amount?​ ​That​ ​money​ ​is​ ​applied​ ​to​ ​a​ ​secondary​ ​t-shirt​ ​we​ ​purchase​ ​in​ ​the​ ​spring​ ​for​ ​the​ ​annual​ ​Sing Out​ ​Retreat. ORCHESTRA​ ​6 Course​ ​length:​ ​ ​Year Orchestra​ ​is​ ​a​ ​course​ ​of​ ​study​ ​for​ ​students​ ​who​ ​play​ ​violin,​ ​viola,​ ​cello​ ​or​ ​bass.​ ​ ​All​ ​string​ ​students with​ ​previous​ ​experience​ ​are​ ​encouraged​ ​to​ ​participate.​ ​ ​Students​ ​with​ ​no​ ​prior​ ​experience​ ​playing a​ ​string​ ​instrument​ ​may​ ​also​ ​register​ ​with​ ​the​ ​understanding​ ​that​ ​they​ ​will​ ​attend​ ​small​ ​group lessons​ ​until​ ​such​ ​time​ ​as​ ​the​ ​director​ ​determines​ ​that​ ​their​ ​playing​ ​proficiency​ ​is​ ​acceptable​ ​for participation​ ​in​ ​the​ ​daily​ ​large​ ​group​ ​rehearsal. Sixth​ ​grade​ ​orchestra​ ​students​ ​participate​ ​in​ ​a​ ​large​ ​group​ ​rehearsal​ ​twice​ ​a​ ​week​ ​and​ ​one​ ​small group​ ​lesson​ ​once​ ​a​ ​week.​ ​ ​Students​ ​are​ ​expected​ ​to​ ​prepare​ ​and​ ​perform​ ​assigned​ ​music,​ ​which includes​ ​concert​ ​music​ ​and​ ​assignments​ ​from​ ​their​ ​lesson​ ​book.​ ​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​also​ ​be​ ​asked​ ​to complete​ ​theory​ ​assignments.​ ​ ​The​ ​students​ ​perform​ ​a​ ​variety​ ​of​ ​literature​ ​including​ ​popular​ ​tunes, folk​ ​tunes,​ ​classical​ ​music,​ ​fiddle​ ​tunes,​ ​and​ ​beginning​ ​jazz​ ​music.​ ​ ​The​ ​concerts​ ​include​ ​school performances,​ ​the​ ​district​ ​string​ ​festival​ ​and​ ​occasionally​ ​performances​ ​at​ ​community​ ​events. ORCHESTRA​ ​FEE:​​ ​ ​A​ ​$50.00​ ​per​ ​year​ ​fee​ ​is​ ​charged​ ​for​ ​students​ ​using​ ​a​ ​school​ ​owned instrument​ ​as​ ​their​ ​only​ ​instrument.​ ​ ​A​ ​$25.00​ ​per​ ​year​ ​fee​ ​is​ ​charged​ ​if​ ​the​ ​instrument​ ​is​ ​only​ ​used at​ ​school. RESOURCE​ ​6 Resource​ ​is​ ​assigned​ ​with​ ​a​ ​classroom​ ​teacher.​ ​ ​Students​ ​taking​ ​music​ ​classes​ ​will​ ​have​ ​less resource​ ​time.​ ​ ​Students​ ​will​ ​use​ ​this​ ​class​ ​to​ ​finish​ ​homework,​ ​complete​ ​assignment​ ​notebooks, make​ ​up​ ​tests​ ​or​ ​quizzes,​ ​communicate​ ​with​ ​teachers,​ ​and​ ​read. INTERVENTION​ ​CLASSES​: Middle​ ​school​ ​offers​ ​a​ ​wide​ ​range​ ​of​ ​regular​ ​education​ ​and​ ​special​ ​education​ ​intervention​ ​classes for​ ​students​ ​who​ ​need​ ​additional​ ​instruction​ ​in​ ​subjects​ ​such​ ​as​ ​literacy,​ ​math,​ ​and​ ​organizational skills.​ ​ ​Students​ ​are​ ​referred​ ​to​ ​these​ ​classes​ ​through​ ​an​ ​SST​ ​(Student​ ​Support​ ​Team)​ ​or​ ​through the​ ​IEP​ ​(Special​ ​Education)​ ​process​ ​if​ ​a​ ​student​ ​qualifies​ ​for​ ​special​ ​education​ ​services.​ ​ ​Decisions are​ ​based​ ​on​ ​present​ ​level​ ​of​ ​academic​ ​progress​ ​and​ ​functioning​ ​according​ ​to​ ​classroom-based observations​ ​and​ ​assessments,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​standardized​ ​assessment​ ​scores.​ ​ ​The​ ​intervention classes​ ​change​ ​from​ ​year-to-year​ ​based​ ​on​ ​needs​ ​and​ ​availability.


WHERE​ ​TO​ ​GO​ ​FOR​ ​HELP STUDENT​ ​SERVICES​ ​TEAM School​ ​Counselor​​ ​–​ ​The​ ​School​ ​Counselor​ ​provides​ ​assistance​ ​in​ ​all​ ​school-related​ ​activities​ ​and helps​ ​students​ ​build​ ​academic,​ ​personal/social​ ​and​ ​career​ ​skills.​ ​ ​The​ ​counselor​ ​helps​ ​students​ ​with scheduling,​ ​issues​ ​in​ ​classes,​ ​personal​ ​issues,​ ​conflict​ ​with​ ​peers​ ​or​ ​teachers,​ ​career​ ​development, and​ ​character​ ​building. School​ ​Psychologist​​ ​–​ ​The​ ​school​ ​psychologist​ ​consults​ ​with​ ​teachers​ ​and​ ​parents​ ​on​ ​student issues​ ​related​ ​to​ ​academic,​ ​social,​ ​emotional,​ ​behavioral​ ​or​ ​mental​ ​health.​ ​ ​They​ ​evaluate​ ​and screen​ ​students​ ​who​ ​have​ ​been​ ​recommended. School​ ​Social​ ​Worker​​ ​–​ ​The​ ​school​ ​social​ ​worker​ ​consults​ ​with​ ​teachers​ ​and​ ​parents​ ​on​ ​student issues​ ​related​ ​to​ ​academic,​ ​social,​ ​emotional,​ ​behavioral​ ​or​ ​mental​ ​health.​ ​ ​The​ ​school​ ​social​ ​worker also​ ​acts​ ​as​ ​a​ ​liaison​ ​between​ ​home,​ ​school​ ​and​ ​community​ ​services.


POLICY​ ​JB STUDENT​ ​DISCRIMINATION​ ​AND​ ​HARASSMENT Adopted​ ​by​ ​the​ ​School​ ​Board​:​ ​ ​December​ ​13,​ ​1993 Revised​ ​by​ ​the​ ​School​ ​Board​:​ ​ ​March​ ​11,​ ​1996;​ ​April​ ​23,​ ​2001;​ ​March​ ​24,​ ​2003; November​ ​28,​ ​2005;​ ​September​ ​11,​ ​2006;​ ​June​ ​26,​ ​2017 Technical​ ​Revision​:​ ​ ​September​ ​22,​ ​2008;​ ​March​ ​3,​ ​2010;​ ​June​ ​26,​ ​2017 LEGAL​ ​REF.:​​ ​ ​Wisconsin​ ​Statutes,​ ​118.13​ ​and​ ​947.0125​;​ ​Wisconsin​ ​Administrative​ ​Code,​ ​PI​ ​9​ ​and PI​ ​41;​ ​Federal​ ​Laws,​ ​ ​Title​ ​IX,​ ​Education​ ​Amendments​ ​of​ ​1972;​ ​Title​ ​VI,​ ​Civil​ ​Rights​ ​Act​ ​of​ ​1964; Section​ ​504,​ ​Rehabilitation​ ​Act​ ​of​ ​1973;​ ​Americans​ ​with​ ​Disabilities​ ​Act​ ​of​ ​1990;​ ​Individuals​ ​with Disabilities​ ​Education​ ​Act;​ ​McKinney-Vento​ ​Homeless​ ​Assistance​ ​Act​ ​(42​ ​U.S.C.​ ​11431​ ​at​ ​seq) CROSS​ ​REF.:​ ​ ​BDDI-R(1),​ ​Procedures​ ​for​ ​Responding​ ​to​ ​Public​ ​ ​Concerns,​ ​Complaints,​ ​or Suggestions​ ​for​ ​Improvement​;​ ​GBA,​ ​Employee​ ​Discrimination​ ​and​ ​Harassment;​ ​IFF,​ ​Parent​ ​Rights and​ ​Educational​ ​Programs/Activities;​ ​IGBA,​ ​Programs​ ​for​ ​Students​ ​with​ ​Special​ ​Education​ ​Needs; IGBB,​ ​Advanced​ ​Learners​ ​Program;​ ​IGBJ,​ ​Response​ ​to​ ​Intervention​;​ ​IGDA,​ ​Student​ ​Activities; IGDJ,​ ​Interscholastic​ ​Athletics;​ ​IIAC,​ ​Selection​ ​of​ ​Classroom​ ​Instructional​ ​Materials​ ​and​ ​Resources; IIBGA,​ ​Technology​ ​and​ ​Communication​ ​Resources​ ​Acceptable​ ​Use​ ​By​ ​Students​​ ​;​ ​IKA,​ ​High SchoolGrading​ ​Systems;​ ​IKE,​ ​Promotion​ ​Criteria​ ​for​ ​Grades​ ​3-8​;​ ​IKF,​ ​Graduation​ ​Requirements;​ ​IL, Assessment​ ​Programs;​ ​INB,​ ​Controversial​ ​Issues;​ ​IND,​ ​Accommodating​ ​a​ ​Student's​ ​Beliefs;​ ​JB-R, Student​ ​Discrimination​ ​and​ ​Harassment​ ​Complaint​ ​Procedures;​ ​JBA,​ ​Bullying,​ ​Cyber-Bullying,​ ​and Hazing;​ ​JEC,​ ​School​ ​Admissions;​ ​JEC-R(2),​​ ​Procedures​ ​for​ ​Admitting​ ​and​ ​Placing​ ​Homeless Students;​ ​JFCE,​ ​Code​ ​of​ ​Classroom​ ​Conduct;​ ​JFG,​ ​Student​ ​Interviews​ ​with​ ​Law​ ​Enforcement Officers;​ ​JG,​​ ​Discipline,​ ​Suspensions​ ​and​ ​Expulsions​ ​of​ ​Students;​ ​JHG,​ ​Reporting​ ​Child Abuse/Neglect;​ ​JI,​ ​Scholarships​ ​and​ ​Awards;​ ​JO-R,​ ​Guidelines​ ​for​ ​the​ ​Maintenance​ ​and Confidentiality​ ​of​ ​Student​ ​Records;​ ​KH,​ ​Public​ ​Gifts​ ​and​ ​Donations​ ​and​ ​to​ ​the​ ​School​ ​Districts;​ ​KLB, Handling​ ​Complaints​ ​About​ ​Learning​ ​Materials​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Curriculum;​ ​Special​ ​Education​ ​Resource Guide;​ ​Administrative​ ​Guidelines​ ​for​ ​Student​ ​Discrimination​ ​and​ ​Harassment​ ​Response: Implementing​ ​Policy​ ​JB​ ​&​ ​Procedure​ ​JB-R RELATED​ ​FORMS:​ ​ ​JB-F(1),​ ​School​ ​-Based​ ​Discrimination​ ​or​ ​Discriminatory​ ​Harassment​ ​Report Form​;​ ​JB-F(2),​ ​Formal​ ​Student​ ​Discrimination​ ​Report​ ​Form The​ ​Sun​ ​Prairie​ ​Area​ ​School​ ​District​ ​is​ ​committed​ ​to​ ​providing​ ​equal​ ​access​ ​to​ ​educational​ ​services for​ ​every​ ​student​ ​in​ ​the​ ​district​ ​and​ ​to​ ​providing​ ​a​ ​learning​ ​environment​ ​free​ ​of​ ​any​ ​form​ ​of harassment​ ​against​ ​or​ ​between​ ​students. No​ ​student​ ​may​ ​be​ ​unlawfully​ ​discriminated​ ​against​ ​in​ ​any​ ​school​ ​programs,​ ​activities​ ​or​ ​in​ ​facilities usage​ ​because​ ​of​ ​the​ ​student's​ ​sex​ ​(gender​ ​identity,​ ​gender​ ​expression​ ​and​ ​non-conformity​ ​to gender​ ​role​ ​stereotypes),​ ​color,​ ​religion,​ ​profession​ ​or​ ​demonstration​ ​of​ ​belief​ ​or​ ​non-belief,​ ​race, national​ ​origin​ ​(including​ ​limited​ ​English​ ​proficiency),​ ​ancestry,​ ​creed,​ ​pregnancy,​ ​marital​ ​or​ ​parental status,​ ​homelessness​ ​status,​ ​sexual​ ​orientation,​​ ​age,​ ​or​ ​physical,​ ​mental,​ ​emotional​ ​or​ ​learning disability.​ ​Harassment​ ​is​ ​a​ ​form​ ​of​ ​discrimination​ ​and​ ​shall​ ​not​ ​be​ ​tolerated​ ​in​ ​the​ ​district.​ ​It​ ​is​ ​the responsibility​ ​of​ ​administrators,​ ​staff​ ​members​ ​and​ ​all​ ​students​ ​to​ ​ensure​ ​that​ ​student​ ​discrimination or​ ​harassment​ ​does​ ​not​ ​occur.


For​ ​purposes​ ​of​ ​this​ ​policy,​ ​we​ ​will​ ​utilize​ ​the​ ​following​ ​definitions: ●

"Discrimination"​​ ​means​ ​any​ ​unlawful​ ​action​ ​or​ ​practice​ ​including​ ​bias,​ ​stereotyping​ ​or student​ ​harassment​ ​detrimental​ ​to​ ​a​ ​person​ ​or​ ​group(s)​ ​of​ ​persons​ ​and​ ​differentiates​ ​or distinguishes​ ​among​ ​persons​ ​or​ ​which​ ​limits​ ​or​ ​denies​ ​a​ ​person​ ​or​ ​group​ ​of​ ​persons opportunities,​ ​privileges,​ ​roles​ ​or​ ​rewards​ ​based​ ​on​ ​any​ ​personal​ ​characteristic​ ​described above. "Harassment"​​ ​means​ ​behavior​ ​toward​ ​or​ ​between​ ​students​ ​based​ ​on​ ​any​ ​personal characteristic​ ​described​ ​above​ ​which​ ​substantially​ ​interferes​ ​with​ ​a​ ​student's​ ​school performance​ ​or​ ​creates​ ​an​ ​intimidating,​ ​hostile​ ​or​ ​offensive​ ​environment.​ ​Harassment​ ​can arise​ ​from​ ​a​ ​broad​ ​range​ ​of​ ​physical​ ​or​ ​verbal​ ​behavior​ ​that​ ​can​ ​include,​ ​but​ ​not​ ​be​ ​limited to:​ ​physical​ ​or​ ​mental​ ​abuse,​ ​racial​ ​insults,​ ​ethnic​ ​or​ ​religious​ ​slurs,​ ​unwelcome​ ​sexual advances​ ​or​ ​touching,​ ​sexual​ ​comments​ ​or​ ​jokes,​ ​sexually​ ​explicit​ ​derogatory​ ​statements or​ ​discriminating​ ​remarks​ ​that​ ​are​ ​offensive​ ​or​ ​objectionable​ ​to​ ​the​ ​recipient​ ​or​ ​which cause​ ​the​ ​recipient​ ​discomfort,​ ​humiliation​ ​or​ ​which​ ​interfere​ ​with​ ​the​ ​recipient's​ ​academic performance.

This​ ​policy​ ​does​ ​not​ ​prohibit​ ​the​ ​provision​ ​of​ ​special​ ​programs​ ​or​ ​services​ ​to​ ​students​ ​based​ ​on objective​ ​standards​ ​of​ ​individual​ ​need​ ​or​ ​performance. Homeless​ ​children​ ​unaccompanied​ ​homeless​ ​youth​ ​(youth​ ​not​ ​in​ ​the​ ​physical​ ​custody​ ​of​ ​a​ ​parent​ ​or guardian)​ ​and​ ​youth​ ​residing​ ​in​ ​the​ ​District​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​provided​ ​with​ ​equal​ ​access​ ​to​ ​the​ ​District’s educational​ ​programs,​ ​have​ ​an​ ​opportunity​ ​to​ ​meet​ ​the​ ​same​ ​challenging​ ​State​ ​of​ ​Wisconsin​ ​and Sun​ ​Prairie​ ​Area​ ​School​ ​District​ ​academic​ ​standards​ ​and​ ​shall​ ​not​ ​be​ ​segregated​ ​on​ ​the​ ​basis​ ​of their​ ​status​ ​as​ ​homeless.​ ​The​ ​District​ ​shall​ ​establish​ ​safeguards​ ​that​ ​protect​ ​homeless​ ​students from​ ​discrimination​ ​based​ ​on​ ​their​ ​homelessness. Students​ ​who​ ​have​ ​been​ ​identified​ ​or​ ​regarded​ ​as​ ​having​ ​a​ ​disability​ ​under​ ​Section​ ​504​ ​of​ ​the Rehabilitation​ ​Act​ ​of​ ​1973,​ ​the​ ​Americans​ ​with​ ​Disabilities​ ​Act​ ​(ADA)​​ ​or​ ​the​ ​Individuals​ ​with Disabilities​ ​Education​ ​Act​ ​(IDEA)​,​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​provided​ ​reasonable​ ​accommodations​ ​in​ ​educational services​ ​or​ ​programs​ ​and​ ​facilities.​ ​When​ ​program​ ​or​ ​classroom​ ​modifications​ ​are​ ​necessary​ ​in order​ ​to​ ​provide​ ​a​ ​disabled​ ​student​ ​with​ ​equal​ ​opportunity,​ ​they​ ​will​ ​be​ ​made​ ​as​ ​required​ ​by​ ​law. Facilities​ ​modifications​ ​necessary​ ​to​ ​provide​ ​for​ ​appropriate​ ​access​ ​and​ ​participation​ ​for​ ​persons with​ ​disabilities​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​made​ ​to​ ​the​ ​extent​ ​required​ ​by​ ​law. The​ ​district​ ​also​ ​shall​ ​provide​ ​for​ ​the​ ​reasonable​ ​accommodation​ ​of​ ​a​ ​student's​ ​sincerely​ ​held religious​ ​beliefs​ ​in​ ​accordance​ ​with​ ​established​ ​Board​ ​policies.​ ​Any​ ​modifications​ ​or accommodations​ ​granted​ ​under​ ​this​ ​policy​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​provided​ ​to​ ​students​ ​without​ ​prejudicial​ ​effect. School​ ​Board​ ​Policy:​ ​IND,​ ​Accommodating​ ​a​ ​Student’s​ ​Beliefs Any​ ​person​ ​who​ ​believes​ ​that​ ​a​ ​student​ ​has​ ​been​ ​the​ ​subject​ ​of​ ​prohibited​ ​discrimination​ ​or harassment​ ​shall​ ​report​ ​the​ ​matter​ ​in​ ​accordance​ ​with​ ​established​ ​complaint​ ​procedures. Complaints​ ​or​ ​questions​ ​regarding​ ​this​ ​policy​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​referred​ ​to: Sun​ ​Prairie​ ​Area​ ​School​ ​District​ ​Office Attention:​ ​Assistant​ ​Superintendent​ ​of​ ​Operations​ ​(Title​ ​IX​ ​Coordinator) 501​ ​South​ ​Bird​ ​Street Sun​ ​Prairie,​ ​Wisconsin​ ​53590


All​ ​reports​ ​regarding​ ​student​ ​discrimination​ ​or​ ​harassment​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​taken​ ​seriously,​ ​treated​ ​fairly and​ ​promptly​ ​and​ ​thoroughly​ ​investigated.​ ​The​ ​district​ ​shall​ ​take​ ​all​ ​appropriate​ ​and​ ​necessary action​ ​to​ ​eliminate​ ​student​ ​discrimination​ ​and​ ​harassment,​ ​up​ ​to​ ​and​ ​including​ ​discipline​ ​of​ ​the offenders.​ ​There​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​no​ ​retaliation​ ​against​ ​any​ ​person​ ​who​ ​files​ ​in​ ​good​ ​faith​ ​(or​ ​who​ ​is believed​ ​to​ ​have​ ​filed​ ​a​ ​complaint)​​ ​under​ ​this​ ​policy.​ ​It​ ​is​ ​also​ ​against​ ​this​ ​policy​ ​to​ ​retaliate​ ​against any​ ​person​ ​who​ ​otherwise​ ​participates​ ​in​ ​any​ ​investigation,​ ​inquiry,​ ​or​ ​other​ ​proceeding​ ​related​ ​to an​ ​incident,​ ​report,​ ​or​ ​complaint​ ​underneath​ ​this​ ​policy.​ ​Retaliation​ ​includes,​ ​but​ ​is​ ​not​ ​limited​ ​to, any​ ​form​ ​of​ ​intimidation,​ ​harassment,​ ​or​ ​inappropriate​ ​disparate​ ​treatment.​ ​Such​ ​retaliation​ ​shall​ ​be considered​ ​a​ ​serious​ ​violation​ ​of​ ​Board​ ​policy​ ​independent​ ​of​ ​whether​ ​the​ ​report,​ ​complaint,​ ​or allegation​ ​in​ ​question​ ​is​ ​substantiated.​ ​Allegations​ ​or​ ​concerns​ ​regarding​ ​retaliation​ ​may​ ​be reported​ ​to​ ​the​ ​District​ ​using​ ​the​ ​procedures​ ​that​ ​are​ ​established​ ​for​ ​reporting​ ​harassment​ ​and discrimination. ​ ​Employees​ ​who​ ​fail​ ​to​ ​respond​ ​to​ ​discrimination​ ​or​ ​harassment​ ​complaints​ ​or​ ​to​ ​act​ ​on​ ​their knowledge​ ​of​ ​violation​ ​of​ ​this​ ​policy​ ​will​ ​likewise​ ​be​ ​subject​ ​to​ ​disciplinary​ ​action,​ ​up​ ​to​ ​and​ ​including termination.​ ​In​ ​addition,​ ​employees​ ​who​ ​engage​ ​in​ ​behaviors​ ​found​ ​to​ ​be​ ​discrimination​ ​or harassment​ ​will​ ​be​ ​subject​ ​to​ ​disciplinary​ ​action​ ​up​ ​to​ ​and​ ​including​ ​termination. Notice​ ​of​ ​this​ ​policy​ ​and​ ​its​ ​accompanying​ ​complaint​ ​procedures​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​published​ ​annually​ ​in​ ​the District’s​ ​official​ ​newspaper​ ​and​ ​posted​ ​in​ ​each​ ​school​ ​building​ ​in​ ​the​ ​district.​ ​In​ ​addition,​ ​this​ ​policy and​ ​its​ ​accompanying​ ​complaint​ ​procedures​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​included​ ​in​ ​student​ ​and​ ​staff​ ​handbooks​. Further,​ ​a​ ​student​ ​nondiscrimination​ ​statement​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​included​ ​in​ ​course​ ​selection​ ​handbooks​ ​and other​ ​published​ ​materials​ ​distributed​ ​to​ ​the​ ​public​ ​describing​ ​school​ ​activities​ ​and​ ​programs. Staff​ ​training​ ​shall​ ​be​ ​provided​ ​as​ ​necessary​ ​and​ ​appropriate​ ​to​ ​help​ ​administrators​ ​and​ ​other​ ​staff members​ ​implement​ ​the​ ​district's​ ​student​ ​nondiscrimination​ ​and​ ​harassment​ ​policy​ ​and​ ​complaint procedures.


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