I Tien Jen _ Work sample

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I Tien Jen


Mid-Level Designer

Architecture/Landscape Design

International Competition/ Public Recreation/ Education Project

- Tel : + 1-347-723-7268

- EMail : et790507@gmail.com





-MS Office


-Rhino -Grasshopper -Sketchup -Lumion


• English - professional working proficiency

• Mandarin Chinese - native



Responded to the client’s requirements for design modification and assisted the client and contractor in communicating through meetings


Skilled and detail-oriented mid-level designer with over 4 years of experience. Professional work experience in both national and international projects plus interdisciplinary collaboration.

Possessed extensive expertise in all phases of the design process. Proven track record of success in developing public recreation projects, animal shelters, and contributions to residential and institutional design projects.

Professional Experience

Oct. 2019July. 2020


- Mid-level Designer


Experiences of projects including Daxi Tea Factory theme park and international architecture exhibition

• Participated in the construction of The Venice Biennial 17th International Architecture Exhibition“Taiwan Exhibition--Primitive Migration from/to Taiwan”

• Lead designer of Daxi Tea Factory theme park. Led and conducted the design process from conceptual design to SD, including the development of a program, building style and materials, site plans, and floor plans

Oct. 2016May. 2019


- Designer

The Urbanists Collaborative (TUC) / LI LI JU Architects

Experiences of projects including kindergarten, elementary school, animal shelter, waterfront, urban park , and wholesale marketing of food

• Collaborated with MVRDV on Tainan Spring and Tainan market project, Reviewed the SD drawings to align with the building code, developed DD, CD, budget estimation, and contract documents

• Collaborated and Coordinated electrical, mechanical, and structural consultants

• Reviewed submittals and coordinated with contractors until project completion

• Managed change order process in construction

• Lead designer and the direct representative of residential projects

Oct. 2015Mar. 2016


- Intern

• Produced design development and construction documents

Conducted cost estimates and optimize the design development to fit the budget

Budget Planning Facilitator

Assigned as an internal mentor for the company, was responsible for new employees training and technical guidance. Additionally, participated in learning sessions to share projects experience and technics

Working Under Pressure

Assisted in an urgent architectural competition and successfully delivered in s even days while handling concurrent projects

• Conducted 3D modeling and rendering

Sep. 2014Aug. 2015


Sep. 2022Aug. 2023


Syracuse, NY

Sep. 2020Jun. 2023



Sep. 2008May. 2013


- Design Research Leader

TFAM X-SITE Project "The Texture of Uncertainty"

• Leader of paper material research and managing a twenty-member team


- Syracuse University

Master's Degree in Architectural and Building Sciences

Urban planing, Sustainable architecture, Energy-efficient buildings

- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Master's Degree in Architecture

Urban planing & strategy, speculative design, fundamentals of new media

- Chung Yuan Christian University

Bachelor's Degree in Architecture

Architectural design , urban planing and landscape design

GFA Architects & Planners
Work Sample Catalog Pingdi
Shannong's Garden 2020 Countryside in Taiwan Periodic table of element 0 6 Carbon-opoly 0 5 2016-2018 / LLJ & TUC / Work
Syracuse Architecture/ Design Studio / Team Works
2013 / CYAR Architecture / Thesis Project
/ Individual
show / Individual 2022/
2020/ NYCU Architecture / Design Studio / Individual
USC /Fashion
Syracuse Architecture/ Elective Class /
& Urban Park
Market Guangci Welfare Park Social Housing Development Landscape Design Bihua Elementary School Tainan Market Hsinchu Animal Shelter Tainan Spring & Tainan Haian Road SD/DD/CD/CA In collaboration with MVRDV In collaboration with MVRDV SD/DD/CD/CA SD/DD/CD SD/CD DD/CD 1 2 3 4
URBAN SCALE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 0 1 Porfessional Porject LLJ Architects The Urbanists Collaborative
Facility Wholesale

Tainan Spring & Haian Road

Architect : MVRDV

Local Architect : LLJ Architects

Urban Planners : The Urbanists Collaborative

Tainan Spring is a project commissioned by the Urban Development Bureau of Tainan City Government. It converted an old shopping mall in the city center into an urban lagoon surrounded by native flora. This revitalizes the T-Axis area to the East of the Tainan Canal by creating a new landscape strategy that unifies the site of the former China Town Mall and a one-kilometer stretch of Haian Road.

Job Description

SD Phase:

• Coordinated with the foreign firm and developed the design concepts to fit Taiwanese building codes.

• Proposed Schematic Review Report and received final approval.

DD Phase:

• Developed detail drawings and selected materials, finishes, and equipment.

• Coordinated with the consultants. Proposed Urban Review Report and received final approval.

CD Phase:

• Refined detail, contacted manufacturers and Inquired about cost. Collected and examined consultants’ documents

• Prepared construction documents, including drawings, specifications, and a bidding package.

CA Phase:

• Supervised the construction process. Reviewed RFIs, and responded to RFIs.

• Managed change orders, including documenting the change, determining the cost, presenting the proposed change to the client, and communicating with the contractor.

( 景觀池 ) 水循環機房 D-2使用類別 (閱覽室) 資訊站 觀景台 120 建築物高度=440 120 B2-730 B1-430 GL+0 1F+20 RF+440 80 120 中 正 路 建 築 線 中 正 路 建 築 線 景觀池 +15 +20 -350 -350 +20 +440 防水層+池底鋪面材料 15cm 水池RC底板 砂質壤土 5 cm 粗砂+20cm清碎石 防水層+RC底板 回填土 10∅PVC 透氣管 +15 地面層植栽槽 150 325 779 402 198 706 200 399 799 330 B C C' E D F H I J K K' L 短向剖面圖 註:圖面尺寸供參考, 實際尺寸依現場測量及放樣為準 +0 = GL 2.07M 既有結構體 ( 景觀池 ) 水循環機房 D-2使用類別 (閱覽室) 資訊站 觀景台 120 建築物高度=440 120 B2-730 B1-430 GL+0 1F+20 RF+440 80 120 中 正 路 建 築 線 中 正 路 建 築 線 景觀池 +15 +20 -350 -350 +20 +440 防水層+池底鋪面材料 15cm 水池RC底板 砂質壤土 5 cm 粗砂+20cm清碎石 防水層+RC底板 回填土 +15 地面層植栽槽 150 325 779 402 198 706 200 399 799 330 B C C' E D F H I J K K' L Cross Setion Construction Line Construction Line Planting Hole Viewing Platform Information Pool -350 -350 -350 -350 -350 -350 -350 -350 -340 green -330 green -330 green -370 -350 -400 -400 -340 green -370 UP UP 22 UP 22 -415 -415 -350 走道 樓梯C 活動中心 總水箱(45T) 電信機房 消防泵浦 水循環機房 避難梯 電梯廳 樓梯H 活動中心 回填展示區 440 300 300 440 閱覽室 550 男廁所 男淋浴間 女淋浴間 女廁所 電梯B 走道 649 485 465 500 450 760 416 436 410 437 416 436 408 436 408 444 467 125 292 492 779 399 551 356 198 402 779 520 C' 1 2 3 4 5 6 8' 9 9' 10 10' 11 11' 12 12' 13 14 15 7 8 14' A C E F G I J K' K M D 525 180 157 142 555 405 195 567 415 511 726 128 48 349 562 195 347 161 R R R R R R R R 493 水池維修口 樓梯E 避難梯 樓梯B 汙水機房 B24 B04 B12 B12 B11 B10 B09 B16 B03 入流口W3(-360) 入流口W2(-360) 入流口W1(-360) 入流口W4(-360) 景觀池 B17 B25 B26 B27 B51 B40 B01 B02 B50 B22 B20 男更衣間 B11a 女更衣間 B10a B09 1 A8-24 1 A8-25 1 A8-26 1 A8-27 60 走道 1 A10-04 3 A5-03 1 A9-11 10 A5-14 3 A5-03 A5-03 3 1 A10-05 1 A10-09 1 A10-09 102.9 31.1 72.6 291.2 133.2 447.9 168.4 9 R S1 S2 儲 藏 室 儲 藏 室 15 B15a B15b 消防 水箱 (10T) T1 儲 藏 室 A8-28 1 A8-28 7 (A3-SIZE) 版次 日期 修正者 修 正 計 畫 名 稱 PROJECT 圖 名 DRAWING TITLE. 繪圖 設計 初核 日期 複核 核准 日期 比例 單位 張數 版次 都市里人規劃設計有限公司 李麗如建築師事務所 MVRDV ROTTERDAM 臺南市政府都市發展局 都市設計科 都市更新科 案號 T10440 臺南市中西區廣4廣場用地 改建工程 圖 號 DRG. NO. CM /166 V1 地下一層平面圖_西側 A2-03 1/250 33 註:圖面尺寸供參考, 實際尺寸依現場測量及放樣為準 +0 = GL 2.07M S1 15cm RC牆 S2 20cm RC牆 25cm RC牆 R 高強度水泥板灌漿牆 既有結構體 T1 30cm RC牆 T2 Basement Floor Plan

Hsinchu Animal Shelter & Educational park

South Elevation

The park was designed to promote animal protection education, adoption, and improve living conditions for stray animals while reinforcing hygiene and reducing disease problems. It aimed to be a core location which promoted interaction between citizens, tourists, and animals.

SD Phase:

• Proposed Schematic Review Report and received final approval.

DD Phase:

• Developed detail drawings and selected materials, finishes, and equipment.

• Coordinated with the consultants.

• Proposed Urban Review Report and received final approval.

CD Phase:

• Refined detail, contacted manufacturers and Inquired about cost.

• Collected and examined consultants’ documents.

• Prepared construction documents, including drawings, specifications, and a bidding package.

CA Phase:

• Supervised the construction process.

• Reviewed RFIs, and responded to RFIs.

• Participated in construction coordination meetings monthly, and conducted site visits and observations regularly.

• Managed change orders, including documenting the change, determining the cost, presenting the proposed change to the client, and negotiating with the contractor.

802 360 360 20 1FL+20 2FL+380 95 570 RFL+740 60 120 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 90 30 30 30 30 75 60 90 75 30 77 720 76 60 95 190 170 190 105 15 15 1 2 PT-1 MT-2 803 75 95 120 50 747 76 721 76 20 56 60 2 1 室內 室內 95 120 360 360 60 20 90 45 30 570 25 90 30 30 30 30 75 60 90 75 60 1FL+20 2FL+380 RF+740 GL+0 B 滴水板 TYPE-D欄杆 16 A5-21 B 外部參考 C:\Users\user\Desktop\祖丞\CAD\106細部設計圖\XREF\Title A7-04 A1 S: A3 S: 外飾牆剖面詳圖 1/60 1/30 04 A1 S: A3 S: 外飾牆立面詳圖 1/60 1/30 8 A1 S: A3 S: 外飾牆平面詳圖 1/60 1/30 05 外飾牆立面詳圖(四) 04 05 04 49
Job Description LLJ Architects 2. 360 360 802 645 860 870 487 360 320 1 0.07 770 1FL+20 2FL+380 3F+740 4F+1100 R1F+1420 GL+0 300 360 360 320 430 30 98RF+1720 300 382 PT-1 塗料分割線 1 A7-05 8 A7-04 PT-1 塗料分割縫 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 PT-1 840 1160 570 670 1 0.07 GL+0 360 360 1FL+20 2FL+380 3FL+740 300 360 290 290 K I H K B PT-1 MT-2 30 240 505 8 A7-01 8 A7-02 8 A7-03 360 360 802 645 860 870 487 360 320 1 0.07 770 1FL+20 2FL+380 3F+740 4F+1100 R1F+1420 GL+0 300 360 360 320 430 30 98RF+1720 300 382 PT-1 塗料分割線 1 A7-05 8 A7-04 PT-1 塗料分割縫 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 PT-1 840 1160 570 670 1 0.07 GL+0 360 360 1FL+20 2FL+380 3FL+740 300 360 290 290 K I H K B PT-1 MT-2 30 240 505 8 A7-01 8 A7-02 8 A7-03
Section Facade Elevation

Vegetable Market for Xinhua Tainan City

The Vegetable Market at Xinhua, Tainan City features a green undulating roof resembling rolling hills, providing an elevated platform with colorful plants and flowers for visitors to appreciate the surrounding landscape.

Job Description

SD Phase:

• Assisted Schematic Review Report and received final approval.

DD Phase:

• Developed detail drawings and selected materials, finishes, and equipment.

• Assisted Urban Review Report and received final approval.

CD Phase:

• Refined detail, contacted manufacturers and Inquired about cost.

• Collected and examined consultants’ documents

• Prepared construction documents, including drawings, specifications, and a bidding package.

Architect : MVRDV
2 3 4 5 6 7 A B C D E F G H H' J K L M 8 UP +1620 UP +650 +520 UP +455 +1560 +1320 UP UP UP UP UP UP UP +1200 +960 +1080 +1080 +1200 +1320 +1440 +1560 +1680 +1800 780 +520 +260 +65 +1440 +1320 +1140 +720 +1320 +1320 840 +1920 +1740 +1500 +840 +720 +1080 +1080 +1440 +1380 +1320 +1080 +960 BW+953 +840 +960 +1080 +1020 +960 +960 +900 +840 +780 +715 +585 1240 920 1250 1250 +390 720 +325 +260 +195 +130 +65 +960 +900 +840 +780 +720 +660 +720 +780 +840 +900 +960 +1020 +1080 +1140 +1200 +1260 +1320 +1380 +1440 +1500 +1500 +1200 +1320 +1440 +1500 +1500 +1560 +1620 +1680 +1740 BW+1671 +1800 +1860 +1920 +1680 +1620 +1560 +1620 +1800 +1560 +1500 +1440 +1380 +1440 +1260 +1440 +1200 +1320 +1320 +1140 +1200 +1080 +1020 +1200 +1140 +1260 +1320 +1140 +1080 +1200 +1200 +1260 +1440 +1200 +1140 +1080 +1020 +960 +900 +840 +780 +720 +1080 +960 +1080 +840 +960 +660 +600 +660 +720 +780 +840 +900 +900 +840 +780 +715 +650 +585 +520 +455 +390 +325 +260 +195 +130 +65 +15 1250 1250 1100 800 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 115 985 1100 1100 2200 7960 12820 FL+1380 +1200 +1260 +1200 +1140 +1080 +1020 +960 +780 +660 +600 +560 +1260 +1140 +1080 +1140 +960 +1020 +1380 +1320 +1220 BW+788 BW+904 BW+1112 BW+1112 BW+1005 BW+1005 BW+785 BW+902 BW+1008 BW+1141 BW+987 BW+945 BW+810 BW+800 BW+910 BW+1040 BW+1112 BW+1276 BW+1276 BW+1438 BW+1552 BW+1741 BW+1795 BW+1795 BW+1795 BW+1752 BW+1671 BW+1634 BW+1523 BW+1402 BW+1268 BW+989 BW+995 BW+908 BW+1026 BW+1146 BW+1271 BW+1385 BW+1550 BW+1003 BW+1005 BW+1005 BW+1134 BW+1134 BW+1211 BW+1114 BW+1248 BW+1312 BW+1365 BW+1228 BW+1124 BW+1021 BW+904 BW+1208 BW+1256 BW+1137 BW+1025 BW+908 BW+671 BW+684 BW+795 BW+970 BW+998 BW+916 BW+797 BW+680 BW+916 BW+797 BW+680 +900+840 A4-16 D' 1 版次 VER. 日期 DATE 修正者 BY. 修 正 REVISION 計 畫 名 稱 PROJECT 圖 名 DRAWING TITLE. 繪圖 DRAWING 設計 DESIGN 初核 日期 DATE 複核 核准 RECHECKED APPROVED 日期 DATE 比例 單位 張數 版次 都市里人規劃設計有限公司 李麗如建築師事務所 MVRDV ROTTERDAM +31.(0).104772860 +31.(0).104773627 臺北市大安區忠孝東路四段310號4樓 +886.2.77110779 +886.2.27737364 臺南市政府農業局 案號 AR10545 臺南市新化果菜市場遷建工程 圖 號 DRG. NO. CM V1 交易場區屋頂步道RC底座平面放樣圖 A4-11 A3:1/400 A1:1/200 1 200 交易場區屋頂步道RC底座平面放樣圖 1 *BW屋頂步道空心磚底部高程 等於底部混凝土頂部高程 *屋頂步道構造圖詳4/L2-08 1.屋頂落地區BW高程, 另詳圖A4-06。 2.GL+960以下步道區, 步道內側頂層填15cm 泡沫混凝土,其餘部分 以高密度保麗龍填塞。 1F 0 2F 560 3F 970 R1F 1380 E F RF 2130 1100 屋面板鋼板(A) 牆面鋼板 560 410 410 750 2130 120 120 355 395 50 110 110 110 110 30 80 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 30 80 110 160 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 欄杆(A) 1 A10-07 欄杆(A) 1 A10-07 170 188 150 D' 535 10 F 1100 120 100 310 100 440 100 110 110 110 110 110 110 163 312 110 110 110 110 110 110 165 110 55 110 欄杆(A) 1 A10-07 310 20 G1 G3 575 屋面板鋼板(B) RC柱梁,抿石子 Ga Gb 530 屋面板鋼板(B) RC柱梁,抿石子 Ga Gb 530 屋面板鋼板(B) RC柱梁,抿石子 G2 575 1150 1 100 辦公行政區北向立面圖 1 1 100 辦公行政區南向立面圖 2 1F 0 2F 560 3F 970 R1F 1380 E F RF 2130 1100 屋面板鋼板(A) 牆面鋼板 560 410 410 750 2130 120 120 355 395 50 110 110 110 110 30 80 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 30 80 110 160 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 欄杆(A) 1 A10-07 欄杆(A) 1 A10-07 188 D' 535 10 1F 0 2F 560 3F 970 R1F 1380 E F RF 2130 1100 560 410 410 750 2130 屋面板鋼板(A) 牆面鋼板 120 100 310 100 440 100 120 355 395 110 110 110 110 110 110 163 312 75 110 110 110 160 110 110 110 110 110 110 165 110 55 110 110 110 110 110 160 欄杆(A) 1 A10-07 欄杆(A) 1 A10-07 D' 535 牆面鋼板內退, 色另定 牆面鋼板內退,色另定 280 120 310 20 1F 0 G1 G3 575 380 100 屋面板鋼板(B) RC柱梁,抿石子 320 480 1F 0 Ga Gb 530 屋面板鋼板(B) RC柱梁,抿石子 1F 0 Ga Gb 530 屋面板鋼板(B) RC柱梁,抿石子 380 100 480 1F 0 G1 G2 380 100 屋面板鋼板(B) RC柱梁,抿石子 320 480 380 100 480 G2 575 1150 575 G2 575 1150 1 100 辦公行政區北向立面圖 1 1 100 辦公行政區南向立面圖 2 1 100 垃圾處理區北向立面圖 3 1 100 垃圾處理區西向立面圖 3 1 100 垃圾處理區南向立面圖 3 1 100 垃圾處理區東向立面圖 3 辦公行政區及垃圾處理區 A3-08 A3:1/200 A1:1/100
Roof Plan
Local Architect : LLJ Architects
Office South Elevation
North Elevation

LLJ Architects

4. 校園整體規劃設計報告書--碧華國小 新北市板橋區新埔國民小學與三重區碧華國民小學老舊校舍整建統包工程 豪志工程股份有限公司

Bihua elementary school is designed with the concept of "flowing musical notes". Music is like flowing architecture, and architecture is like solidified music. The idea is to stimulate students’ senses and generate immersive rhythms.

North Elevation


Job Description

SD Phase:

DD Phase:

• Developed campus landscape.

• Developed detail drawings.

• Assisted Urban Review Report and received final approval.

CD Phase:

• Prepared construction documents, including drawings, specifications, and a bidding package.

Bihua Elementary School 72
普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 美術教室 女廁 消防機房 E F G H I J K L M O N 723 710 460 900 3843 P 970 12475 900 900 885 800 900 900 315 700 900 900 900 286 Ma Mb 556 265 465 Ha Hb 385 465 595 La 290 L M 3° 629 H=3.7M A1-01 A1-02 A1-03 A1-04 A1-05 A1-06 A1-09 A1-10 A3-01 電信室 雨水回收 電氣室 +110 +110 自來水箱 普通教室 普通教室 A1-07 A1-08 +110 +110 +110 +110 飲水機預留位置 (有效水位180cm) 男廁 樓梯B 電梯廳 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 連接 走廊B 連接走廊A 樓梯C 走廊 無障礙 機房 樓梯A 無障礙 電梯廳 (105m/min) 鍋爐區 走道 走道 自來水箱機房 貨梯 (60m/min) (可載運大型 樂器之貨梯) 供行動不便者 使用電梯 435 400 50 220 205 223 180 188 378 300 635 195 80 415 100 25 240 267 470 340 85 295 350 80 200 267 340 705 200 571 820 401 189 922 918 28 300 401 15 404 340 325 185 509 371 365 190 785 80 820 80 820 80 820 400 80 820 80 620 890 471 80 80 15 15 404 404 506 50 595 221 809 594 220 40 594 40 192 80 401 404 205 60 15 205 60 885 885 820 117 180 69 720 1253 720 320 588 900 820 80 401 845 350 30 25 60 820 80 401 175 820 80 250 465 80 2 A7-4A 欄杆(D) 1 A7-4A 欄杆(C) 上方投影線 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 上部雨遮投影線 一期建物分界處 一期建物分界處 180 820 80 401 820 80 401 805 80 401 80 100 360 890 80 820 80 710 90 100 230 480 80 720 80 65 401 290 80 80 885 310 360 B 基座外牆貼清水磚 基座外牆貼清水磚 基座外牆貼清水磚 基座外牆貼清水磚 基座外牆貼清水磚 1872 2412 1803 308 演奏廳棟外牆基座 貼清水磚範圍 B 輕隔間牆種編號 圖例說明: 空調主機預設位置 落水頭 陽台落水頭 水龍頭 **注意事項: 1.輕隔間牆種詳圖,另詳A8-08。 2.落水頭、水龍頭型式另詳機電圖說。 3.139地號景觀工程、無障礙電梯C及自然教室洗手槽, 牆種說明: 結構承重牆 圖 號 DRG. NO. 單 位 UNIT 比 例 SCALE 日期 DATE 圖 名 DRAWING TITLE. 初 核 CHECKED 複 核 RECHECKED 核 準 APPROVED 設 計 DESIGN 李麗如建築師事務所 臺北市大安區忠孝東路四段310號4樓 T: +886.2.77110779 / F: +886.2.27737364 www.urbancollab.com CM 修 正 REVISE 彭信蒼建築師事務所 LLJ Architects 備註 : 設計圖說中之產品圖樣, 尺寸及數 長浩結構技師事務所 高森工程顧問股份有限公司 新北市政府 新建工程處 Construction Office, New Taipei City Government 新北市板橋區新埔國民 小學與三重區碧華國民 - 碧華國民小學 小學老舊校舍整建工程 Godson Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. 版 次 EDITION 日 期 / 文 號 / 說明 DATE / DOCUMENT No. / NOTE 1 B棟一層平面圖 B棟一層平面圖 A1:1/150 A3:1/300 A2-01 4 4 2019.08.16演奏廳棟校方 修正外牆基作為清水磚 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 普通教室 美術教室 女廁 消防機房 E F G H I J K L M O N 723 710 460 900 3843 P 970 12475 900 900 885 800 900 900 315 700 900 900 900 286 Ma Mb 556 265 465 Ha Hb 385 465 595 La 290 L M 3° 629 H=3.7M A1-01 A1-02 A1-03 A1-04 A1-05 A1-06 A1-09 A1-10 A3-01 電信室 雨水回收 電氣室 +110 +110 自來水箱 普通教室 普通教室 A1-07 A1-08 +110 +110 +110 +110 飲水機預留位置 (有效水位180cm) 男廁 樓梯B 電梯廳 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 陽台 連接 走廊B 連接走廊A 樓梯C 走廊 無障礙 機房 樓梯A 無障礙 電梯廳 15人電梯 鍋爐區 走道 走道 自來水箱機房 貨梯 (60m/min) (可載運大型 樂器之貨梯) 供行動不便者 使用電梯 435 400 50 220 205 223 180 188 378 300 635 195 80 415 100 25 240 267 470 340 85 295 350 80 200 267 340 705 200 571 820 401 189 922 918 28 300 401 15 404 340 325 185 509 371 365 190 785 80 820 80 820 80 820 400 80 820 80 620 890 471 80 80 15 15 404 404 506 50 595 221 809 594 220 40 594 40 192 80 401 404 205 60 15 205 60 885 885 820 117 180 69 720 1253 720 320 588 900 820 80 401 845 350 30 25 60 820 80 401 175 820 80 250 465 80 2 A7-4A 欄杆(D) 1 A7-4A 欄杆(C) 上方投影線 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 上部雨遮投影線 一期建物分界處 一期建物分界處 180 820 80 401 820 80 401 805 80 401 80 100 360 890 80 820 80 710 90 100 230 480 80 720 80 65 401 290 80 80 885 310 360 B 基座外牆貼清水磚 基座外牆貼清水磚 基座外牆貼清水磚 基座外牆貼清水磚 基座外牆貼清水磚 1872 2412 1803 308 演奏廳棟外牆基座 貼清水磚範圍 B 輕隔間牆種編號 圖例說明: 空調主機預設位置 落水頭 陽台落水頭 水龍頭 **注意事項: 1.輕隔間牆種詳圖,另詳A8-08。 2.落水頭、水龍頭型式另詳機電圖說。 3.139地號景觀工程、無障礙電梯C及自然教室洗手槽, 皆屬變更設計範圍。 牆種說明: 結構承重牆 綜合消防栓箱 (以機電圖為主) 圖 號 DRG. NO. 單 位 UNIT 比 例 SCALE 日期 圖 名 DRAWING TITLE. 初 核 CHECKED 複 核 RECHECKED 核 準 APPROVED 設 計 DESIGN 李麗如建築師事務所 臺北市大安區忠孝東路四段310號4樓 T: +886.2.77110779 / F: +886.2.27737364 www.urbancollab.com CM 修 正 REVISE 彭信蒼建築師事務所 LLJ Architects 備註 設計圖說中之產品圖樣, 尺寸及數 據僅供參考, 統包商得以同功能產品提送 核准後施工。 長浩結構技師事務所 高森工程顧問股份有限公司 新北市政府 新建工程處 Construction Office, New Taipei City Government 新北市板橋區新埔國民 小學與三重區碧華國民 - 碧華國民小學 小學老舊校舍整建工程 Godson Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. 版 次 EDITION 日 期 / 文 號 / 說明 DATE / DOCUMENT No. / NOTE 1 B棟一層平面圖 B棟一層平面圖 A1:1/150 A3:1/300 A2-01 4 4 2019.08.16演奏廳棟校方 修正外牆基作為清水磚
Ground floor plan
• Designed campus landscape.
• Assisted Schematic Review Report and received final approval.

5. The Urbanists Collaborative

1 LGD-02


A1 S: A3 S: 1/1000 全區索引圖 1/2000 1 A1 S: A3 S: 1/100 廣場鋪面分割圖 1/200 2

人行鋪面(一)透水混凝土磚, 30x30x6cm, 混色(type-4)

Site Plan

3 LGD-01

Guangci Welfare Park, a spaces for families to engage in recreational activities, includes a multi-functional plaza and a sunny lawn. It also serves as a therapeutic environment for long-term care patients, elderly residents, and those seeking relived moments.

3 LGD-01

3 LGD-02

鋪面收邊帶-15x15x6cm, 高壓磚、中灰色

E標(非屬本工程) D標 車行鋪面(二)花崗岩鋪面, 15x30x8cm,細鑿面,紅色系 人行鋪面(一)-透水混凝土磚, 30x30x8cm,中灰色

人行鋪面(一)-透水混凝土磚, 30x30x8cm,中灰色 1 LGD-02

1 LGD-02

人行鋪面(一)a-透水混凝土磚,(30x30/15x15,t=6cm,) +花崗岩鋪面,(30x30x6cm,細鑿面,粉紅色系)

1 LGD-09 1 LGD-02

6&7 LGD-02

遊戲區鋪面(二)10cm厚EPDM無縫彈性地坪, 色另訂


1 LGD-02

人行鋪面(一)-透水混凝土磚, 30x30x8cm,混色(type-4)

3 LGD-02

鋪面收邊帶-15x15x6cm, 高壓磚、中灰色

3 LGD-01

車行鋪面(一)-透水混凝土磚, 30x30x8cm,混色(type-1)

④混色(type-1): 深灰色(70%)+中灰色(20%)+ 淺灰色 (10%)

CD Phase:

⑦混色(type-4): 深灰色(70%)+中灰色

⑤混色(type-2): 淺灰色(70%)+中灰色 ⑥混色(type-3): 中灰色(70%)+深灰色 ⑧深灰色大小磚:



• Developed detail drawings.

1/100 3

450 450 450 450 A1 S: A3 S: 1/50


• Proposed Urban Review Report and received final approval.

• Prepared construction documents, including drawings, and a bidding package.

CA Phase:

• Managed change orders, including documenting the change, determining the cost and presenting the change to the client.

Guangci Welfare Park Social Housing Development Landscape Design Job Description
車行鋪面(一)a-透水混凝土磚, (30x30x8cm,)+花崗岩鋪面, (30x30x8cm,細鑿面,粉紅色系)
車行鋪面(一)透水混凝土磚, 30x30x8cm,混 色(type-1) Plaza Paving Plan DD Phase:

New Shennong Garden

School of Architecture - Syracuse University

2022 Fall / Design Studio / Groups works

Instructor : Fei Wang

Group Leader : I Tien Jen

Team member: Rubaiyat Ur Rahman / Samuel Oluwaseyi Akogun

Shennong, a figure in Chinese mythology, is credited with teaching ancient Chinese agriculture and inventing various farming tools.

Today, we aim to redefine agriculture with eco-friendly practices and new technologies. In Pengdi, just like the Shennong taught our ancestor how to farm, we demonstrate the potential of this new industry while prioritizing environmental sustainability.

0 2

The Third Space Thirding as Other

Under the Taipei Huashan Central Culture Park (the first space), there is an underground tunnel (the second space) lying quietly. Compared with the silent underground tunnel, the upper park is lively and vibrant and both of them did not perceive each other.

How to integrate each other's spacital character without losing their subjectivity and create a different space(the third space). on the premise, I choose Soja's Third Space Theory to manipulate my design.

0 3
Chung Yuan Christian University 2013 / Thesis Design / individaul Instructor : Huang, Chun-Ming

Taiwan Countryside

Tung University

The surge in digital food delivery services during the Covid-19 outbreak led to a surge in paper container waste. The recycling volume of paper containers in Taiwan almost tripled, prompting me to investigate waste management practices.

Using infographics, I demonstrated the coexistence of NIMBY facilities and the waste issue. To raise awareness, I used a satirical approach, imagining a pastoral dystopia. The project highlights the need for a more sustainable future.

0 4
National Yang Ming Chiao 2020 / studio / individaul Instructor : Lin, Chia-Ju


School of Architecture - Syracuse University

2022 Fall / Elective Class / Individual Instructor : Lindsey Wikstrom

The construction industry contributes to carbon emissions and global warming. In class, we studied this issue from multiple perspectives. To educate players on the impact of their choices, I created a hand-drawn board game based on Monopoly.

The game aims to achieve zero emissions by making choices triggered by events within the game, encouraging players to consider the future of humankind.

From Fifty-one Billion to Zero Carbon Emission

“There are two numbers you need to know about climate change. The first is 51 billion. The other is zero. Fifty-one billion is how many tons of greenhouse gases the world typically adds to the atmosphere every year.”

0 5

Period Table of


Shih Chien University

2016 / fashion show / individaul

Instructor : Wow Bravo

Le Corbusier's Maison Dom-Ino, a prototype using beams, columns, walls, and panels, is the foundation of modern buildings. Similarly, clothing is composed of front and back patterns, split into left and right sections, known as the Basic Bodice Pattern.

Applying architectural principles to clothing design allows for innovation and functionality while remaining grounded in fundamental design principles, creating practical, aesthetically pleasing garments.


During former process, I realize that without a limit the formula will end up in crazy operations. In order to prevent the situation, I analyze the structure of carbon compounds such as polymer, fuller ball, and diamond. Therefore, the formula can be rule and create the garments which are based on something we can understand and review.

0 6
LF top-1 LB top-1 top-1RF top-1RB top-2RF top-2RB LF top-2 LB top-2 LFtop-5 LBtop-5 RF top-5 RB top-5 LF top-6 LB top-6 RF top-6 RB top-6 LFtop-3 LBtop-3 RFtop-3 RBtop-3 LFtop-4 LBtop-4 RFtop-4 RBtop-4 LRF dress LRFdress dressLRF LRF 1 3 2 Polymer 1 2 3 dress RFtop RFtop topRB topLB LFtop LRB LFtop
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