Season brochure 2013-2014

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suMMarY Message from the Artistic Director 3 Moi, dans les ruines rouges du siècle 4 The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi 6 Des fraises en janvier 8 Après moi 10 Young Audiences Season 12 On Tour : Statu Quo 14 Beyond the stage 15 Subscription 16 Form 18 Calendar 20 About Théâtre la Seizième 22 Partners 23

Our 40th anniversary is only a year away, so I wanted to program a season that sends us both backwards and forwards. Those of you who already follow Théâtre la Seizième will no doubt recognize the title The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi, not to mention the actors who make up the company Les Éternels pigistes. During this 39th season, join us for the reshaping of this seminal play, unrecognizable from its original version, as well as follow the evolution of a group that has been a creative beacon in Quebecois theatre. At the same time, support tomorrow’s creative leaders as they evolve on our stages: Sophie Cadieux, Dave Deveau, Mani Soleymanlou and Olivier Kemeid, to name only a few. The names may not be familiar, but these exceptional artists are at the cutting edge of the evolution of contemporary theatre. So there you have it – come join us! Whether it’s to relive great old memories or discover the latest, we want you to experience unforgettable moments with us. Whether you’re a Francophone, a Francophile, or an Anglophone, a long-time subscriber or a newcomer to theatre, we welcome you with all our heart, and we will share with you the best that French-language theatre has to offer. Enjoy!

Craig Holzschuh

Message from the Artistic Director

Moi, Dans les ruines rouges Du sièCle

« Watch as tears are never far from laughter as the powerful story drawn from Sasha Samar’s improbable and epic tale is transformed into legend.e. » - voir, Montreal

Sasha Samar, born in the

to fame, the Summit Series, but

ukraine in 1969, commits to

also Chernobyl and the gradual

becoming a celebrity at age 7.

unraveling of his country.

It’s how he hopes to be found

As history marches alongside

by his mother, from whom he

a single man’s destiny, a deeply

was separated at birth. Between


his father’s intransigence, his

about the lies we tell to preserve

girlfriend’s depression and his

that which we hold dear. Lies

actor friend who makes a fortune

that keep up appearances, but at

imitating Lenin, Sasha pursues

what price?



his dream in a crumbling uSSr. he’ll experience the arrival of

noveMBer 12 to 16, 2013 stuDio 16 – 8 pM

Meet tHe artists friDaY, noveMBer 15

television, Nadia Comaneci’s rise

With the support of

A Trois Tristes Tigres Production Based on an original idea by : Olivier Kemeid and Sasha Samar Written and Directed by Olivier Kemeid Cast : Annick Bergeron, Sophie Cadieux, Geoffrey Gaquère, Robert Lalonde and Sasha Samar Production Team : Philippe Brault, Stéphanie Capistran-Lalonde, Estelle Clareton, Romain Fabre, Martin Labrecque, Loïc Lacroix Hoy, Catherine La Frenière, Fruzsina Lànyi and Charlotte Ménard

tHe DragonflY of CHiCoutiMi « The most audacious element is having given five actors, five bodies, and five voices, the story of the wounded hero. » - voir, Montreal

gaston Talbot tells us from the

about himself, his mother, his

beginning: “I travel a lot.” And

troubled childhood games with

yet you immediately understand

Pierre gagnon, not to mention

that he has never travelled. he


says: “To keep in touch.” And

which he emerged, after years of

yet you see that he doesn’t

silence, speaking English. Little

speak English, but rather French

by little, gaston Talbot sucks

through English words. gaston

you into his downward spiral



where the constantly whirling

over, constantly correcting and

truth takes you over the edge.




januarY 22 to 25, 2014 golDCorp Centre for tHe arts – 8 pM

Meet tHe artists tHursDaY, januarY 23

revising what he has to say Théâtre Pàp Production Presented by the PuSh International Performing Arts Festival, SFU Woodward’s Cultural Program and Théâtre la Seizième Written by Larry Tremblay Directed by Claude Poissant Cast : Dany Boudreault, Patrice Dubois, Daniel Parent, Étienne Pilon and Mani Soleymanlou Production Team : Erwann Bernard, Florence Cornet, Éric Forget, Catherine La Frenière, Olivier Landreville, Caroline Laurin-Beaucage, David Ouellet, Vincent Rouselle and MarieChantale Vaillancourt

optionnal sHow



Des fraises en janvier « … a happy play (…) think Amelie with a dash of light therapy, in the dead of winter. You’ll feel like singing as you leave. » - la presse, Montreal

Sophie and François wander

feel and who they are, all in the

between love and friendship.

name of love. And between the

They like each other, but don’t

reality of these four lives and the

want to commit. As Lea, freshly

script that François is writing,

arrived from the countryside,

who can tell what’s real and

looks for her friend Sophie in

what’s not?

the city, François introduces

This hilarious romantic comedy

his former lover to robert, who

is rife with insight, the author of


Bashir Lazar offering us organized





of hand from there, with our four

happenstance, spontaneity and

singletons alternately lying and

theatricality intertwine in tangled

telling the truth about how they


feBruarY 18 to MarCH 1, 2014 stuDio 16 - 8pM

Meet tHe artists friDaY, noveMBer 21 anD friDaY, noveMBer 28

intimately. Things just get out





A Théâtre la Seizième Production Written by Evelyne de la Chenelière Directed by Craig Holzschuh Cast : Joey Lespérance, Julie McIsaac, Gilles Poulin-Denis and Julie Trépanier Production Team : Jeremy Baxter, Mishelle Cuttler, Drew Facey and Susan Miyagishima

après Moi «Raw. Hard to swallow. Makes you laugh until you cry… and haunts you for a long time. » - le Devoir, Montreal

In a motel off route 117, three

Après moi is six versions of

rooms are in use. In the first, a

the same story, six ways of

man and woman will commit

experiencing the same moment

adultery for the first time. In the

with increasing intimacy. It’s

second, a couple will make love

also a wonderful chance to see

for the last time. In the third, a

five of Quebec’s favourite actors

lonely man wants to die. In each

deliver performances laced with

room, a singular, extraordinary

sincerity and absolute precision.

event will occur. And when one door opens… will it make any

april 8 to 12, 2014 stuDio 16 – 20H

Meet tHe artists friDaY, april 11

difference to anyone’s destiny?

Produced by Éternels pigistes Written by Christian Bégin Directed by Marie Charlebois Cast : Christian Bégin, Marie Charlebois, Philippe Lambert, Pier Paquette et Isabelle Vincent Production Team : Ludovic Bonnier, Mylène Chabrol, Véronique Chevrier, Claude Cournoyer, Dominique Cuerrier, Max Otto Fauteux, J. Christian Gagnon et Suzanne Trépanier

Céleste is having a hard time

9-year-old Martin joins in, and

at school. She can’t make any

the adventure takes a new turn…

friends in her class, so she

By bringing us into the rich and

decides she may be from outer

colourful world of a little girl

space, where she hopes people

unlike any other, Extra-Céleste

are more like her. At which point

shows us how seeing the world

she starts building a spaceship

differently is sometimes its own

capable of bringing her back to

magical reward.

With the support of

A Théâtre la Seizième Production / Written by Dave Deveau / Translated by Lyne Barnabé / Directed by Anita Rochon / Cast : Kayla Deorksen and Dominic Duchesne Celestial Being was commissioned in partnership with Green Thumb Theatre.

on tour in eleMentarY sCHools froM MarCH 31 to june 8

her home planet. That’s when

MarCH 28-29 stuDio 16 – 7 pM

sHow for CHilDren


Caroline, Marie-Ève and Phillipe

well as their feelings) are as

have gotten together on the

varied as the information they

school roof to share their hopes

pick up from the Web. During

and question their desires. From

their search for the meaning

rebecca Black to Cyrano de

of things, Ik Onkar uncovers a

Bergerac, from laughter to tears,

vibrant portrait of a generation

from humanism to capitalism

seeking its place in a society that

to astronomy to philosophy, the

doesn’t seem to have any place

subjects under discussion (as

for them.

Gilbert-Collet et Jean Stéphane Roy / Cast : MarieÈve Fortier, Philippe Landry and Caroline Lefebvre

froM april 2 to 22, 2014

A Théâtre la Catapulte Production / Written by the Collective / Directed by Fanny

on tour in seConDarY sCHools

sHow for teenagers

iK onKar

statu Quo Sarah and Adele are wrapping up their high school years in a town that’s a little too quiet. For Adele, the future is clear, while Sarah just can’t seem to find her way. What kind of life is available to her in a society that’s so… so… boring? until she meets Simon, that is, a military brat who confronts her to start sHow on tour

documenting the nothingness of her town. An exercise that will unveil facets of where she comes from and what she is. A Théâtre la Seizième Production / Written by Gilles Poulin-Denis / Directed by Craig Holzschuh / Cast : Siona Gareau Brennan, Cory Haas et Marie-Claire Marcotte / Production team : Jeremy Baxter, Mishelle Cuttler, Corwin Ferguson, Julie Martens, Gilles Poulin-Denis and Jenn Stewart

MarCH 25 to 29, 2014

national arts Centre, ottawa, on

april 7

festival renContre tHéâtre aDos, laval, QC

april 21 to 26

CerCle Molière winnipeg, MB

MaY 8

assoCiation franCo-YuKonnaise, wHiteHorse, Yt

englisH surtitles Our award-winning French-language theatre productions are some of the best in Canada. And now they’re accessible to those whose French isn’t parfait. All our shows at Studio 16 now have English surtitles on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Bienvenue to a whole new world of theatre. For more information in English, please visit our website at

Meet tHe artists Every Friday night, meet the artists after the show. Indulge your curiosity, deepen your interest about what you found interesting, learn about the artists themselves. Your questions (in French or English) are welcome!

opening nigHts Come celebrate with us the première of our shows on Tuesdays. Chat with the artist after the performance while sampling delicious wine and cheese.

suBsCriBe! • Save up to 20% off the regular ticket price • Step to the front of the line to reserve your tickets • Change your reservation for free up to 48 hours before the performance* • Introduce Théâtre la Seizième to a friend for $14** • Invite up to two (2) children for free to a performance of Extra-Céleste • Become a member of Théâtre la Seizième * Based on the availability of seats ** Valid for new spectators only

How to suBsCriBe? BY MAIL Fill up the form and mail it to us at : Théâtre la Seizième 226-1555, 7th Avenue West Vancouver, C.-B. V6J 1S1 BY PHONE Contact the box office at 604-736-2616

fees suBsCription Subscription includes a ticket for each of the following plays : Moi, dans les ruines rouges du siècle, Des fraises en janvier and Après moi. Adult Ages 60 and up Less than 30 Diner & Play

$ 70 $ 63* $ 60* + $ 29 /show optional sHows

Add The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi to your subscription. $ 27 Add Extra-Céleste to your subscription. Adult Less than 18

$ 10 gratuit* single tiCKets

Adult Student / Ages 60 and up Group > 10 Diner & Play

$ 27 $ 24* $ 20 $ 54

* Valid identity proof required.

terms and conditions All prices include taxes. Tickets and subscriptions are non-refundable. general admission for all performances at Studio 16. Doors open at 7:45 PM. The programming, the casts, performance dates and ticket rates are subject to change without notice. To add the dinner plan to your subscription please call 604-736-2616.

subscription form 1. identification Name____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Adress_____________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________________ Postal Code_______________ Phone_________________________________Email______________________________________ I don’t want to receive news from Théâtre la Seizième by mail □ by email □ 2. SUBSCRIBE

Subscription includes a ticket for each of the following plays : Moi, dans les ruines rouges du siècle, Des fraises en janvier and Après moi. Adult _____X $ 70 = $_____________ Ages 60 and up _____X $ 63 = $_____________ Less than 30 _____X $ 60 = $_____________ 3. add optional shows Add The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi to your subscription. Add Extra-Céleste to your subscription.

Adult Less than 18

_____X $ 27 = $_____________ _____X $ 10 = $_____________ _____X $ 0 = $_____________

4. support théâtre la seizième Add a donation of $______________ to your subscription. No, thanks! □ 5. CHOOSE YOUR DATES Moi, dans les ruines rouges du siècle ______________________ Optional: The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi ______________________ Des fraises en janvier ______________________ Optional : Extra-Céleste ______________________ Après moi ______________________ 6. payment Visa □ Mastercard □ Amex □ Name of cardholder ________________________________________________________________ Number __________________________________________________________________________ Expiration ___/___ CVC ________ Signature __________________________________________________________________________




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Moi, dans les ruines rouges du siècle - 8 pm The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi - 8 pm Des fraises en janvier - 8 pm Extra-Céleste - 7 pm Après moi - 8 pm

Performances with English surtitles

meet the artists


tHéâtre la seizièMe Founded in 1974, Théâtre la Seizième is the only French language, professional theatre company in BC. Every year, Théâtre la Seizième presents a mainstage season, a young audiences season, a series of drama workshops and a training and dramaturgical development program for local artists. By continuing to produce, present and commission engaging Canadian works, Théâtre la Seizième is a dynamic leader in Western Canadians’ cultural and artistic life. Over the years, the company has positioned itself as a major creation and presentation centre on the national cultural landscape. team Artistic and Managing Director: Craig Holzschuh / Communications and Administration Director, Associate Managing Director : Esther Duquette / Programming Agent: Claire Dietrich / Technical Director: Jeremy Baxter Board President: Véronique St-Antoine / Vice-President : Martin Talbot / Treasurer: Louis-Marie Bournival / Secretary: Sophie Aubugeau / Councillors : Danielle Arcand, Cookie Boyle, Émilie Cook and Magali Forte

tHanKs to our 2013/2014 partners GOVERNMENTAL PARTNERS




CreDits Coordination: Esther Duquette / graphic Design : Jennifer Greenhorn / photos : Moi, dans les ruines rouges du siècle : Geoffrey Gaquère, Annick Bergeron, Sasha Samar, Robert Lalonde and Sophie Cadieux © Stéphanie Capistran-Lalonde / The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi : Daniel Parent, Étienne Pilon, Dany Boudreault, Patrice Dubois and Mani Soleymanlou © Danny Taillon / Des fraises en janvier : Gilles Poulin-Denis and Julie Trépanier © Julie Artacho / Après moi : Isabelle Vincent, Christian Bégin, Pier Paquette, Patrice Coquereau and Marie Charlebois © Pierre Desjardins / Extra-Céleste : Lux Greenhorn © Jennifer Greenhorn / Ik Onkar : Caroline Lefebvre and Marie-Ève Fortier © Sylvain Sabatié / Statu Quo : Marie-Claire Marcotte © Emily Cooper

226 -1555, 7th Avenue West, Vancouver, C.-B. V6J 1S1 Phone : 604.736.2616 Fax : 604.736.9151

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