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Grade 3

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Grade 2

Think Like a Scientist!!!

by Ibu Yuliany


Can I be like one of the scientists??? Albert Einstein? Isaac Newton? Marie Curie? Thomas Edison? Do not worry, we have many scientists in grade 3!

One of the highlights of our third grader's journey is the unit “How the World Works”. Our Central Idea for this unit is: “Scientific investigation develops a deeper understanding of the physical world.” In this unit, first, teachers conducted several experiments in the classroom and modeled the steps of the scientific method. Then, we also invited Dr. Shielda to be our guest speaker. She talked about how scientific investigation is also important in the medical world. We learned that doctors need to ask questions, do some research and testing, observe and make conclusions.

After learning all the steps, students were challenged to think like a scientist and produce their own experiment. They could get the idea for their experiment from a website, but they must change one variable and learn to ask good questions. They also need to do some research to help their hypothesis. Then, they planned and conducted the experiment to answer their questions and prove their hypothesis. They collected the data, observed, analyzed, and made conclusions. After that, students were also challenged to present their findings. We are glad that there were many students and parents came to our Science Fair last Tuesday, April 22nd, 2022. Students learned to be confident communicators and, hopefully, world changers.

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