2 minute read



When Christ is in the Family


“For where twoor three come

together in myname, there amI with them.”

- Matthew 18:20


The Parenting Program equips and empowers parents with a holistic view of educating and training a child in the way of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). Parents learn new knowledge, beliefs, strategies and skills to make good and healthy choices in raising their children in the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7).

The ideal Christian family is one where God is present and fully in charge of family life. There is a divine order to life: God – Father – Mother – Children. God’s ideal is not always the real experience of families – even Christian families. In a fallen world, families break up and break down for many reasons. Still, God’s ideal remains. This encourages all parents to seek for his blessing.

The biblical father has a priestly role, teaching his family by to know God and to live as God’s people. Fathers are called to be godly, to intercede for their children, and seek His kingdom priorities and values. Fathers are fully responsible to God.

There is a mutual submitting and honoring that must first take place between husbands and wives. Husbands are to love their wives sacrificially, as Jesus loves. Who would not want to be loved like that? Wives are called to submit (honor his headship) as the receiver of God’s vision and the partner with her husband for its fulfilment. This means helping and praying so that her children walk with the Lord.

Children are to respect and obey their parents and profess their own faith in God. Children are to see their parents loving God wholeheartedly. God’s Word will be the lamp for every deed and the light to direct the whole family. The Holy Spirit shapes the minds of children through His Word and the godly example of their parents. Parents have to keep growing in their knowledge of God and their love for Him. This is the core business of fathers and mothers in the bringing up of their children.

Loving God means living according to His commands (John 14:15, 21). Do children see fathers loving mothers? Mothers respecting fathers? Fathers living honestly in their workplace? Parents using their money responsibly and giving to God, and managing their time wisely and seeking for God’s guidance in making decisions? Do the children see Christ in their parents as they respond to the issues of family life?

The ideal family is one where Christ is at the centre and where each member of the family devotes their life to doing God’s will. A Christian family does not just go to church on Sunday, participate in religious routines, and do daily family devotions – though these are important. Whatever is done in the Christian family must be from Him, through Him, and for his glory. As a family lifts up God’s name, He inclines His loving heart towards them and blesses them.

A family becomes a sacred enterprise when Christ is present. Parents partner with God to raise godly children whom He will use for His glory. When Christ is present there is power for every member of the family to become God’s children. No matter whether your family is ideal, or less than ideal, God can help! He gives great strength, wisdom, and peace as we journey through ife’s challenges and changes.


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