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the work that I present for recruiters from Ali Imran to Recruiters in the LinkedIn universe
Bismillah, In the name of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
these are just a few words i don't say much, i write this for recruiters who read and review my work. I look forward to joining the big family in your team
this is my decision to continue my career as a Product Designer / UIUX Designer.
List of contents
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Who is Imran?
It started from here, until it helped raise the name of Telkom Indonesia
Population registration administration system in Mojokerto
13 15 16
Structured and efficient work patterns
Nearly 3 years in the world of Product designer with various clients faced
I am happy to join your team
I am Ali Imran a Product Designer
I am Ali Imran, Design System Specialist with 3 years experience as Product Designer. I am currently serving as Lead Product Design & Experience at Sahaware.
My expertise lies in developing efficient and consistent Design Systems to enhance the user experience.
I have a deep understanding of design principles, UX/UI, and the ability to collaborate with other teams.
Widyatama University
Bachelor of Information Systems
Polytechnic State of Bengkalis
Associate Expert, Informatics Engineering
Work experience
PT Sahaware Teknologi Indonesia as Lead Product Design & Experience Fulltime
Nov 2020-Present
In early March 2021, I took part in initiating one of Telkom Indonesia's products through the Corporate Telkom University business unit, namely the Digital Learning platform with the name of the myDigilearn application.
At that time, I was entrusted with holding the position of UI/UX Designer until November 2022, I have worked at Telkom Indonesia for more than 1 year.
Telkom's Digital Learning Platform "MyDigiLearn"
Wins Main Award at IDX Channel 2022 Indonesian
Innovation Award
It is one of my prides to be involved in the development of one of Telkom Indonesia's products which has been able to boost the name of Telkom Indonesia through my participation in this development.
Proud to be part of the development team for one of Telkom Indonesia's products
Nearly 40 people of mine worked with various expertise to develop myDigiLearn. in the development process and during my participation I have sacrificed thoughts and ideas in 16 modules.
Figma prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/rD2l9S2ohXqZz52bKW3gBM/ Desktop?page-id=7%3A5&node- id=428%3A4108&viewport=537%2C-102%2C0.02&scaling=sc ale-down&starting-point-node-id=428%3A4108
Product existing mydigilearn.id
MDL User interface https://drive.google.com/drive/ folders/15YF8tjJZuxrUukO6ObkJBfifOWvZMzz1?usp=drive_link
MDL Design system https://www.figma.com/file/zHqkAQ84Bp3QDUDAxOC4N7/ Design-System?type=design&node- id=226%3A0&t=Rhd8vtDi6cTiONT2-1 password: qwe123@@
Departure to Mojokerto to help record the population of the people of Mojokerto City
For more than 3 months I helped facilitate the administrative affairs of the employees of the Mojokerto City Population and Civil Registry Service. From early September 2022 to January 2023, we were assigned to design the online PAKMO application for recording population administration.
With a team of only 5 people, and my work as a product designer starts from gathering requirements, making system designs, icon designs, prototyping, user interface designs and evaluation.