Building a Legacy for Selwyn
“Why have I remembered Selwyn in my Will? In a word, gratitude, or perhaps two words, profound gratitude. Selwyn has been part of my life for over 60 years, and this good fortune has given me many happy memories: a Chapel in which I was married, lifelong friends, and so many opportunities in academic life and more widely, at home and overseas. A great privilege.� Sir David Harrison (se 1950), Fellow & Former Master of Selwyn
Building a Legacy
Building a Legacy
For more than 130 years, Selwyn has benefited from the foresight and generosity of those who have remembered the College in their Wills. Every aspect of Selwyn has been touched by these bequests, which have been essential for revitalising our changing infrastructure, supporting the College’s teaching needs, and sustaining our strong programme of student support. Although you may not have realised it when you were here, your Selwyn experience was directly shaped by those who came before you and who in their Wills made provision for their successors at the College. It is the continuing support of alumni and friends which allows Selwyn to plan for the future, helping to ensure that the College flourishes for the next 130 years.
Building a Legacy
Many alumni who would like to make a donation to the College cannot do so now due to other commitments. Remembering Selwyn in your Will, however, offers you a different opportunity to give your support. Making a Will is an important and personal task, which requires careful consideration. Providing for your family and loved ones will of course be a priority. Once your essential commitments have been met, however, you may wish to remember organisations that have been important to you or played a key role in your life. We hope you will choose to remember Selwyn. All bequests, large or small, will be vital in shaping tomorrow. By leaving a legacy to Selwyn, you will be making a lasting contribution that will strengthen the College and influence the lives of future generations of Selwyn students.
“About fifty-five years ago the College looked after me, and my bequest is a small way of helping Selwyn to continue to help others.�
Anonymous Legator (se 1955)
Generations of Generosity hj
Mr Peter Miller Clarke Revd Hugh Cowham Dr Geoffrey Wooler
Building a Legacy
Building a Legacy
Mr Peter Miller Clarke matriculated in 1940 but, like many of his contemporaries, was shortly called up to serve his country in the Second World War. Once the war was over he returned to Selwyn, completing his degree in 1948. When he died in 2001, Peter left over £130,000 to the College. This generous legacy, combined with another gift, enabled the College to buy a new organ for the Chapel. Létourneau’s Opus 95 is widely regarded as one of the finest organs in the University and is sought after for recitals, practising and teaching by organists from across the length and breadth of the UK. It has had a transformational effect on Chapel Music at Selwyn.
“It is such a privilege to be able to play, develop and learn on the incredible chapel organ. It really is a very special instrument.” Tim Parsons (SE 2011), Senior Organ Scholar
Building a Legacy
Revd Hugh Cowham came up to read History at Selwyn in 1948 and here developed a lifelong love of rowing. In his first year he graduated from the fourth Fairbairns boat to stroke the eight at Henley. You could say that rowing was in his blood; his father, who was also an undergraduate at Selwyn, had been triumphant in the first eight in both 1914 and 1919, nearly 30 years before his son took to the water. Hugh’s love of rowing was such that he took his wife, Elizabeth, to Reading Regatta on their first date. Hugh left a legacy to The Henley Fund, “in recognition of the help which I received”. His gift of £500 has helped subsequent students to discover and pursue the sport that meant so much to him throughout his life. Gifts like Revd Cowham’s have given sportsmen and women, like Emma and Matthias, the opportunity to take up and pursue rowing at Selwyn.
Emma Copham (SE 2010), Cambridge Lightweight Boat 2012 Matthias Schnellman (SE 2010), Boat Club Captain
Building a Legacy
Dr Geoffrey Wooler studied Medical Sciences at Selwyn, matriculating in 1930. He worked as a Royal Army Medical Corps Surgeon in North Africa during the war and went on to become a world renowned cardiothoracic surgeon, making outstanding medical breakthroughs. Throughout his life, Geoffrey was dedicated to the service of others. In his Will he left £10,000 to the Andrew Hepper Fund which was set up in memory of his nephew, who also studied medicine at Selwyn, and who was severely disabled. The Andrew Hepper Fund supports students with disabilities and has had a very positive impact. To this day, Geoffrey’s legacy continues to make a meaningful difference to the lives of others.
“It is always encouraging to hear of the achievements made by alumni who studied Medical Sciences here. The impact that Dr Wooler has made in medicine, and through his legacy, is inspiring to us as current students.” Peggy Fooks (SE 2011), medical sciences
Building a Legacy
Society hj
Selwyn College
Membership of The 1882 Society honours those who have made
Looking to the Future
provision for Selwyn in their Will. Through The 1882 Society, we
recognise the very special way that legators have chosen to support the College and its future. Members, with their guests, are invited to an annual luncheon at Selwyn, normally held the first weekend in March.
“I have always felt a debt of gratitude to Selwyn in those immediate and difficult post-war years, and some time ago I accordingly included a small sum in my Will for the College.�
Mr Derek Ballance (SE 1946)
Dr Philip Blakely Mrs Catherine Wightwick Mr Richard Harvey
Dr Philip Blakely (Mathematics, 2001) I spent eight years at Selwyn reading Maths both as an undergraduate and a postgraduate. I formed many lasting friendships not only with other mathematicians, but also through College groups, particularly the MCR and Chapel communities. Part of what seems to make Selwyn such a friendly place is its ability to house all students near to the main College site, encouraging such friendships as I made, and supporting students with excellent teaching and pastoral support, as well as funding extra-curricular activities through grants and bursaries. I have chosen to remember Selwyn in my Will to support the College in maintaining this close-knit community which was an important part of my experience there, and which I believe helps students to become well-rounded and useful members of society. I hope that future students will enjoy and benefit from Selwyn as much as I did.
looking to the future
Mrs Catherine Wightwick (Natural Sciences, 1981) I matriculated in 1981, reading Physical Natural Sciences, and had a great time at Cambridge – not without a few ups and downs, throughout which the College was very supportive. I have a great affection for Selwyn, and very fond memories of my time here. I’ve been back to the College on a number of occasions in the last few years, most recently the 1981 30-year reunion dinner. Each time, it feels like I’ve never been away. Without Selwyn, my life would have turned out very differently. On the whole, it’s all worked out pretty well. And that’s why I’m pleased to be remembering Selwyn in my Will – it’s good to know that I’m giving something back, confident that the College will continue to help undergraduates to get the best out of their time in Cambridge.
looking to the future
Mr Richard Harvey (Moral Sciences, 1962) I came up to Selwyn in 1962 facing the Cuban Missile crisis, followed by the worst winter for many years, when it was possible to walk, as I did, on the frozen Cam from Magdalene Bridge to Grantchester. However, despite there being some echoes of Selwyn’s original aim of providing a more economical lifestyle than elsewhere, I do not remember feeling cold in College, and the pipes in my staircase (A) didn’t freeze! Times have certainly changed since then, but my fondness for Selwyn remains. I am happy to include the College in my Will, as I feel that those like myself who benefited from an entirely free Oxbridge education have an obligation to put something back into the education system to help our successors who do not have the same advantage.
looking to the future
Building a Legacy
A residuary legacy allows you to leave all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all costs and other legacies have been met. A pecuniary legacy is a monetary gift of a specific fixed sum, which can be index-linked to safeguard its future value.
Leaving a gift to Selwyn in your Will A legacy gift can be written into a new Will, or added to an existing one. In all cases we advise that you seek professional legal advice. To amend an existing Will a codicil needs to be added. The following wording can be used: I give to the MASTER AND FELLOWS OF SELWYN COLLEGE in the University of Cambridge Registered Charity (Inland Revenue number 1137517) the residue of / [a proportion of] the residue of my estate / the sum of ÂŁ[amount] free of tax for the general purposes of the College and I DECLARE that the receipt of the Bursar or other authorised officer for the time being of the College shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors. Your legacy can be left to the general purposes of the College, where it will be used in the area which requires most support at the time. Alternatively, you may like to choose to support a specific area of the College. If you would like to discuss possible options please do contact the Development Director.
A specific legacy allows you to leave items, for example, stocks, property, furniture or paintings, to either be used, or sold to generate funds. A reversionary legacy leaves your assets to a named beneficiary, for example a spouse, for their lifetime, the whole or a proportion reverting to the College on their death. Inheritance tax As a registered charity, Selwyn pays no tax on gifts bequeathed in a Will. Leaving a legacy gift to Selwyn can mean that the inheritance tax burden on other beneficiaries is reduced from 40% to 36%. Under current legislation, the first ÂŁ325,000 of an estate is exempt from inheritance tax, which is payable at 40% on the amount over this threshold. This falls to a reduced rate of 36% if a charitable donation of 10% of the estate is made. Please talk to your financial advisor for guidance on inheritance tax. To discuss your legacy giving in complete confidence, please contact Sarah Harmer, Development Director. Telephone: 01223 330 403. Email:
25 looking to the future
There are several ways you can leave a legacy to Selwyn:
Selwyn has shown the willingness, ability and assurance to continue to develop.� Mr Christopher Clarke (SE 1964)
Design H2 Associates, Cambridge
“I believe that Selwyn deserves my support. This is not simply because I owe much to the College for my time there and for my becoming part of the wider Selwyn, and indeed Cambridge, community in subsequent years which has served me well in both the private and public sectors, but also because
Photography Fran May
Building a Legacy
The information contained in this brochure is, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of going to print. We would always advise that you consult your financial advisor for specific advice about inheritance tax and your solicitor for advice about making your Will.
Building a Legacy for Selwyn Grange Road Cambridge CB3 9DQ United Kingdom