SelectCROSS® Brochure | August 2022

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Proven Sires %Y Rel Milk Fat Fat% Pro Pro% SCS PL LIV DPR NM$ CM$ DWP$® HHP$™ GJPI™ PTAT %T Rel JUI™ SCR 14JE1762 CASTRO 86 897 39 -0.02 32 0.00 2.93 4.8 3.3 -0.9 620 624 374 535 126 1.7 82 12.4 -0.4 7JE1726 STARLORD 98 601 39 0.05 17 -0.02 2.84 5.2 3.2 2.0 536 538 486 629 124 1.4 95 12.1 0.4 7JE1617 JX KIAWA {6}-P 99 570 20 -0.03 200.00 3.01 4.8 0.5 -1.6524 526 402 382 97 1.0 98 14.6 3.7 7JE1699 JX PINE {6} 99 345 39 0.10 37 0.11 3.07 1.5 -1.62.6 360 373 491 691 115 1.1 98 11.5 2.3 7JE5004 CHROME 99 508 31 0.03 15 -0.02 2.86 2.5 -1.8-0.3 319 321 192 340 76 2.0 99 15.4 -4.3 14JE725 CASINO 99 -327 2 0.09 12 0.11 3.13 2.7 0.2 0.3 124 133 -84 138 34 1.9 99 16.4 1.3 7JE1354 TEXAS 99 47 -26-0.133 0.01 3.02 2.7 -0.8-1.6 121 122 185 88 19 1.9 99 20.8 4.1 7JE1219 OLIVER-P 99 339 18 0.01 3 -0.04 3.02 0.7 0.0 -2.1 114 109 47 -36 12 1.3 99 11.5 0.9 14JE670 LEMONHEAD 99 -318 16 0.15 3 0.07 2.85 1.5 0.5 0.5 97 107 229 298 32 1.0 99 7.3 1.2 GForce™ Sires %Y Rel Milk Fat Fat% Pro Pro% SCS PL LIV DPR NM$ CM$ DWP$® HHP$™ GJPI™ PTAT %T Rel JUI™ SCR 7JE1907 MAHOMES 78 997 83 0.16 36 0.00 2.96 3.6 0.2 -2.6 705 709 711 534 136 1.4 80 5.9 7JE1816 TUCKER {6} 77 942 51 0.02 43 0.04 2.96 5.3 2.0 -0.2 668 677 561 609 141 1.2 79 10.4 -1.4 14JE1951 WELD 77 1,264 52 -0.04 45 -0.01 2.81 6.3 2.0 1.0 664 672 527 711 146 0.6 79 6.3 14JE2030 FLEMING 75 675 51 0.08 33 0.04 2.95 4.9 2.4 -0.6 601 609 639 550 129 1.3 78 13.8 7JE2050 MAGNETO 75 535 55 0.13 38 0.08 2.78 5.4 2.1 -1.3 587 604 490 683 126 1.6 78 10.6 250JE1947 JX CORSAIR {5} 76 754 54 0.08 35 0.03 2.89 4.8 1.4 -0.3575 584 555 676 129 1.7 78 15.9 7JE1965 BLIZZARD 78 925 60 0.07 47 0.06 2.95 4.4 0.0 -0.6 570 581 734 724 132 1.3 80 7.4 0.2 14JE1810 BULWURX-P 78 53 57 0.26 24 0.10 2.92 2.7 0.0 -2.5 553 567 397 443 115 1.2 80 15.4 1.5 7JE2022 OVERALLS 75 503 54 0.14 27 0.04 2.80 4.4 0.0 1.3 544 554 544 680 137 1.6 78 15.2 -1.2 14JE1873 FOXWORTH 77 643 39 0.04 37 0.06 2.88 4.7 0.2 -0.8 535 547 341 542 115 1.3 79 10.7 -1.3 7JE1820 HOLEINONE 78 696 41 0.03 39 0.06 2.99 3.5 3.0 -1.4 509 519 482 503 110 1.5 80 8.3 0.8 7JE1787 CALIBAN 82 814 40 0.00 35 0.02 2.88 4.5 1.6 1.4 505 513 621 643 124 0.6 81 7.2 2.6 14JE1908 POTOGOLD 77 594 34 0.02 32 0.05 2.79 3.9 1.4 -0.4 474 486 254 514 107 1.3 79 6.8 0.5 7JE1980 KAMAKAZI 78 1,155 47 -0.04 34 -0.04 2.78 3.6 2.0 0.0 448 452 552 611 111 1.4 79 10.1 1.8 250JE1852 LADSON 78 486 29 0.03 10 -0.04 2.86 4.8 0.6 0.4 441 441 348 447 97 2.1 80 19.2 -2.0 7JE1831 ENSIGN 78 270 17 0.02 14 0.02 2.95 4.6 2.7 0.1 406 411 414 461 88 1.0 80 14.3 2.4 14JE1876 JX COLGATE {6} 78 787 41 0.01 28 0.00 2.90 3.0 0.1 0.1 396 401 356 409 93 1.6 80 11.6 1.9 7JE1822 FRINGE 78 402 27 0.03 27 0.06 2.94 3.2 2.9 0.7 372 382 353 517 94 1.3 80 9.1 0.6 250JE1834 STURGIS 77 306 37 0.10 15 0.02 2.86 4.2 2.6 0.7 373 380 337 532 95 1.6 79 13.4 1.1 7JE1874 MCCOMB 77 425 37 0.08 30 0.07 2.85 1.4 -2.2 0.2 277 290 374 506 85 1.0 79 11.2 1.3 250JE1793 CANDYMAN 78 399 -1-0.09 12 -0.01 2.86 2.2 -1.0-1.2 164 166 103 167 38 1.7 80 18.5 -2.6 SELECTED JERSEY SIRES FOR 08/2022 CDCB/AJCA and Zoetis Genomic Data. All sires listed are BBR 100, JH1F and JNSF except JX KIAWA {6}-P, CHROME, LADSON, ENSIGN, BULWURX-P, LADSON and CANDYMAN are JNSC. All sires qualify for semen export to Canada WITH THE EXCEPTION OF WELD. All gender SELECTED semen is processed using Ultraplus technology. ™JPI and JUI are trademarks of the American Jersey Cattle Association, GForce, HHP$ and gender SELECTED are trademarks of Select Sires Inc., Ultraplus is a trademark of STGen LLC. ®DWP$ is a registered trademark of Zoetis Inc., its affiliates and/or licensors. 7= Select Sires; 14 = Accelerated Genetics; 250 = GenerVations Why Jersey on Holstein? •Reduction in Mature Size • Improved Components •Improved Reproduction •Improved Calving Ability •Improved Feed Efficiency •Improved Productive Life •A Large Genetic Base Jersey x Holstein crosses at New Heights Dairy. In a study conducted by Select Sires comparing the published PTA values for the top-20 Select Sires Jersey bulls to the top-20 Viking Red bulls, the Jersey bulls averaged $149 higher Cheese Merit Dollars than the Viking Red bulls. In addition, Jerseys have $109 higher value in the production traits coming from their advantage in fat production as well as their advantage in producing milk with higher component percents. The Viking Red bulls are higher for Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR), Livability and have an advantage in Somatic Cell Score. But, these points are outweighed by Jerseys being much higher for overall Productive Life. The study clearly shows that Jersey bulls are a profitable option in a three-breed rotational crossbreeding system. (Figures prior to 2020 base change.)

217MO1031 MANZAT JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 100108106100136123123106102106108109899811299110909511311378111Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $25 aAa: N/A Kappa Casein AB Beta Casein A1A2 ISU 135 77 daughters 89% Rel. +2,130M -0.08% +75F -0.02% +66P +1.0PL -0.1SCS +0.0MAS 0.6 Daughter Fertility 95 Calving Index 108 Legs 113 Udders 111 Milking Speed 101 aAa:Temperament423651 Kappa Casein BB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 147 2 daughters 75% Rel. +2,290M -0.16% +64F +0.10% +86P +1.7PL +0.8SCS +0.3MAS 0.5 Daughter Fertility 95 Calving Index 112 Legs 111 Udders 96 Milking Speed 92 Temperament 217MO1038 NAILLAC JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 10710410310710111411184111112112991169711192113112119116949092Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $28 217MO1032 LINAO JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 105103107109120108100107116938711699110829011011911711311911099Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $25 aAa: 426351 Kappa Casein BB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 124 890 daughters 95% Rel. +794M -0.29% -13F +0.21% +57P -0.3PL +1.7SCS -0.4MAS -1.1 Daughter Fertility 83 Calving Index 109 Legs 110 Udders 103 Milking Speed 116 aAa:Temperament426351 Kappa Casein BB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 138 599 daughters 95% Rel. +1,461M +0.31% +108F +0.22% +84P +1.2PL -0.8SCS +0.0MAS 0.7 Daughter Fertility 95 Calving Index 110 Legs 132 Udders 114 Milking Speed 102 Temperament 217MO1030 MAULEON JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 1021251091221201371071361321291071091059211898911109711411311675Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $25 Why Montbeliarde sires on the Holstein x Jersey crossbreds? • Maintain Moderate Mature Stature • Improved Reproduction • Improved Body Condition • Improved Feet and Legs • Improved Mastitis Resistance • Improved Productive Life • Increased Pounds of Fat and Protein • Increased Value of Beef x Dairy Calves • A Large Genetic Base

aAa: 561432 Kappa Casein BB Beta Casein A1A2 ISU 154 35 daughters 85% Rel. +1,615M +0.11% +81F +0.24% +90P +0.7PL +0.6SCS +0.3MAS 0.4 Daughter Fertility 95 Calving Index 121 Legs 124 Udders 111 Milking Speed 117 Temperament 217MO1039 NITCHI JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 10614010910112612410610012110810496989611796117111116110999998Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $28 aAa: 546123 Kappa Casein AB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 149 0 daughters 76% Rel. +1,566M +0.38% +123F +0.23% +81P +1.1PL -0.5SCS -1.2MAS 0.5 Daughter Fertility 95 Calving Index 117 Legs 135 Udders 110 Milking Speed 96 Temperament 217MO1044 OBREZAC JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 10512713213112215512110510813510610710395112761178911211211511195Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $28/60 aAa: 462153 Kappa Casein AB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 140 0 daughters 76% Rel. +1,575M +0.28% +106F +0.37% +103P +0.7PL +0.8SCS +0.5MAS -0.3 Daughter Fertility 95 Calving Index 106 Legs 113 Udders 105 Milking Speed 95 Temperament 217MO1045 OCLUCY JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 10912210112210610910310110886119112841181139898114117112999866Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $28/60 aAa: 156342 Kappa Casein BB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 149 0 daughters 76% Rel. +2,728M -0.08% +101F +0.04% +97P +0.5PL +0.7SCS -0.3MAS -0.3 Daughter Fertility 94 Calving Index 93 Legs 111 Udders 112 Milking Speed 112 Temperament 217MO1046 OSGOR JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 105106123104120120107130123134123115931179011197931161131149794Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $25 aAa: N/A Kappa Casein AB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 175 0 daughters 76% Rel. +1,571M +0.29% +103F +0.23% +79P +2.6PL +1.5SCS +0.6MAS 1.1 Daughter Fertility 77 Calving Index 115 Legs 117 Udders 117 Milking Speed 100 Temperament 217MO1053 PANINI JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 10914810010910510711511499110112115951191171181171141129996110117Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124April2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $28/60

217MO1058 PUZZLE JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 12912410712212910910712913310410411311211911611798951151161179972Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $28 aAa: N/A Kappa Casein BB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 138 0 daughters 76% Rel. +1,322M +0.10% +70F +0.21% +73P +1.2PL +0.2SCS +0.1MAS 0.5 Daughter Fertility 77 Calving Index 104 Legs 129 Udders 113 Milking Speed 107 Temperament ISU = SYNTHESIS INDEX presents a composite look at all criteria based on the following breakdown: 20% Udder Health, 11% Longevity, 9.9% Muscularity, 31% Milk, 11% Reproduction, 2% Temperament. EXPLANATION OF MONTBELIARDE TRAITS DAUGHTER FERTILITY data is expressed around a mean of 0 with a +/- 1 standard deviation. Higher values are favorable. UDDER AND FEET AND LEG INDEXES, LINEAR TYPE TRAITS are expressed around a mean of 100 and a +/- 12 standard deviation.


423516 Kappa Casein BB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 166 0 daughters 75% Rel. +2,737M +0.26% +147F +0.03% +92P +1.6PL +2.5SCS +0.4MAS 1.4 Daughter Fertility 95 Calving Index 105 Legs 128 Udders 107 Milking Speed 111 Temperament 217MO1054 PESTO JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 1091081411081241401281051078391888795919087117951121137264Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124April2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $28 557MO1059 RAOUL JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 1211071481221031091221091011071341091109611181951179811011788116Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $60 aAa: 561423 Kappa Casein AB Beta Casein A1A2 ISU 154 0 daughters 75% Rel. +2,141M -0.09% +75F +0.17% +95P +0.7PL +0.6SCS -0.1MAS -0.2 Daughter Fertility 95 Calving Index 111 Legs 122 Udders 111 Milking Speed 121 aAa:TemperamentN/AKappa Casein BB Beta Casein A2A2 ISU 161 0 daughters 70% Rel. +2,028M +0.03% +84F +0.12% +84P +2.0PL +1.3SCS +0.8MAS -0.6 Daughter Fertility 61 Calving Index 102 Legs 135 Udders 132 Milking Speed 115 Temperament 557MO1065 RATIO JB > 7688100112124 F Teat Placement Udder Cleft Udder Balance Udder Depth R Udder Width R Udder Height F Udder Attach Legs Rear View Foot Angle Feet and Legs Rump Angle Thurls Width Rump Length Chest Depth Chest HeightWidthSacrum 1011251271371331061291351051021011271219611999951141139711211872Teat TeatTeatTeatsDirectionLengthFormMuscularity 7688100112124June2022FrenchAgronomicResearchInstitute(INRA)Evaluations Rear Leg Set Udder $60

Montbeliarde genetic evaluations are June 2022 French evaluations processed by GenEval. All type trait information is on an in-country basis, with summarization equal to their production dates.

The CALVING EASE (INDEX) is based on the percentage of easy calvings on first parity cows. Higher values are most favorable. Sires greater than 89 percent are easy calving, less than 86 percent is not recommended for use on heifers.

• Use elite sires with pure descent from each parent breed for more predictable outcomes and consistency. This is currently a challenge for some active Jerseys and many Viking Red sires.

Holsteins are world-renown for milk production and udder HOLSTEINconformation.

BACKGROUND For several decades, dairy owners in the U.S. have attempted to utilize crossbreeding with their Holstein cows hoping to harness the positive affects of heterosis to improve reproductive efficiency, calving ability, fitness and longevity, while also reducing the mature size of the cow to lower maintenance costs.



The cross starts by using elite Jersey sires on Holsteinpurebredcows.

The next step is to use elite Montbeliarde sires on the Jersey x Holstein cross offspring.

• Breed this cross to Montbeliarde sires with a Calving Ease score greater than 89 and an Udder score greater than 110.

Telephone: (614) 873-4683 

• utilize breeds that have sufficient genetic options and development to offer a broad selection of elite sires.

• build on the strengths of each breed in the rotation and properly select to overcome the breed weaknesses.

• create consistent cows that fit into the operation’s housing and milking systems. Select Sires supported a 10-year crossbreeding study with the University of Minnesota comparing the performance of three-breed rotational cross cows to purebred Holsteins (ProCROSS). The published study shows crossbreeding to be a viable breeding strategy. Profit per day for the Montbeliarde-sired threeway cross cows was $0.51 higher than pure Holsteins or a difference of +13 percent. The Viking Red three-way cross cows had $0.17 higher profit/day than pure Holsteins, which was +4 percent. Averaging these results shows that the three-way cross cows generated 9 percent greater profit/day. The higher profit/ day was a result of heterosis and a combination of better fertility, health and longevity in the crossbred cows. Armed with this data, the well-documented profitable performance of Jerseys, and years of experience, Select Sires recommends a modernized approach to crossbreeding—SelectCROSS


The goal of any managed dairy crossbreeding program should be to:

• maximize heterosis by using a three-breed rotation.


Based on years of experience, the SelectCROSS approach focuses on a structured three-breed rotation with elite genetics from major breeds to maximize heterosis. Holstein, Jersey and Montbeliarde are three of the largest breeds in the world for genetic development.


The Jersey breed excels in calving ability, reproductive efficiency, milk solids and Productive Life.

The Montbeliarde breed excels in reproductive efficiency and Productive Life. They possess excellent body condition, feet and legs and have a strong will to milk.

• produce cows that calve easily, transition into production with no issues, breed back easily and stay productive in the herd for many years, while maintaining a profitable level of milk production and milk solids.

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Your Select Sires representative is available to help you develop a crossbreeding program that meets the goals as outlined above. Greater profits through crossbreeding are just a phone call away.

• Protect for the weaknesses and build on the strengths of each breed in the rotation.

®SelectCROSS and Your Success Our Passion. are registered trademarks of Select Sires Inc. ™Jersey Udder Index and JUI are trademarks of the American Jersey Cattle Association, gender SELECTED is a trademark of Select Sires Inc., all gender SELECTED semen is processed using Ultraplus technology. Ultraplus is a trademark of STGen LLC. indicates sex-sorted semen is available. Product of the USA. SS942.

The crossthree-wayresultingisbredbacktoHolsteintocontinuetherotation.

• Start the rotation with high genetic merit Jersey sires with greater than +8.0 Jersey Udder Index™ (JUI™) to build the proper udder for a high-producing Holstein x Jersey cross cow.

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