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New December Proven Jerseys
Select Sires’ high-component breeds lineups assure customer-owners of the cooperative’s continued commitment to elite, diverse genetics that yield profitable cattle.
Jersey Revolution™
Tied as No. 3 in the breed for Jersey Performance Index™ (JPI™), 7JE5004 CHROME shows his strength and continues to impress producers with high producing, beautiful uddered daughters. 7JE1331 VARICK also ranks well among industry leaders for JPI (+151) and CM$ (+497).
Two well-balanced Jersey sires graduate and enter the daughter-proven lineup. Both 7JE1484 PERRY and 7JE1421 IRON MAN, bring a balance of production and components to create profitable cattle.
Dedicated to Serve
Select Sires extends sincere gratitude for our partners, elite breeders and customer-owners that are the reason for our continued success as your cooperative. Be assured that we will continue to procure and develop sires to meet the needs and desires of customer owners. To maximize your profitability now and in the future, reach out to your Select Sires representative to discuss genetic management and prepare a customized plan for your operation.