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Mel DeJarnette, Vice President of Research and Quality Control, Select Sires Inc. Bo Harstine, Ph.D., Director of Research, Select Sires Inc.

There are dozens of variables—related to both the bull and the heifer or cow—that influence fertility. As we approach warmer weather or consider cattle in different climates, managing heat stress and its adverse effects on pregnancy rates becomes a “hot” topic. To improve the likelihood of pregnancy success, Select Sires identifies sires with the best fertility potential based on several data sources, but there’s a lot that transpires behind the scenes for bulls to earn that recognition.

Health, nutrition, comfort and care

Quality semen starts with a healthy sire. Sire health begins at birth on the farm of origin and continues with optimized care upon arrival at Select Sires’ state-of-the-art calf rearing facilities. Before entering the resident herd for semen production, calves must pass extensive Certified Semen Services (CSS) health testing requirements to ensure semen is safe and disease-free for use in artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization scenarios. Throughout their life, sires will continue to undergo semi-annual health testing that goes far beyond the minimum CSS requirements for the industry.

There is limited research regarding sire nutrition for optimum semen production, although meeting baseline nutritional requirements and avoiding toxin exposure via feedstuffs has huge implications on bull health and subsequent semen production and quality. Over-conditioned sires often have semen quality issues, and some common feed ingredients for dairy cow rations can have a negative impact on semen quality. Bulls can be highly sensitive to feed toxins, mycotoxins or other components found in feeds. Select Sires’ bull nutrition team has decades of trial-anderror experience learning what to do, and what not to do, when feeding sires for optimum semen production.

Dairy producers around the world know the important relationship between cow comfort and productivity. Sires are no different. Stall design, bedding type and frequency as well as ventilation are all important considerations. Many of Select Sires’ barns are air conditioned to maintain sire comfort and semen production through the summer months.

Each year, Select Sires’ facilities and sire handling procedures in Ohio and Wisconsin are reviewed by Validus, a third-party animal welfare auditing organization. Select Sires has earned a perfect score at both facilities for many years.

Sire selection

Once the health, nutrition and care of these genetic giants have been ensured, our teams will still objectively evaluate each bulls’ semen quality and field fertility closely. Select Sires critically scrutinizes semen quality on each collection of every sire with cutting-edge technologies. Superior fertility potential begins with Select Sires’ proprietary semen extender. Because fertility has always been our priority, we’re not afraid to look at all data and put marginal quality semen where it belongs — in the trash!

Sires that continually produce collections of substandard quality, perhaps due to illness or adverse weather conditions, may be temporarily removed from the collection schedule. Sires will be culled from the program if need be, as well. These procedures ensure only highly fertile semen makes its way to herds and protects profits for farmers.

The best chance

We recognize that semen quality and bull fertility is just one piece of the pregnancy puzzle – but it’s a piece that we, your farmer-owned cooperative, can manage for you. We will continue to prioritize fertility, ensuring that each straw of elite genetics you receive has the highest fertility potential. u

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