Selections IN THIS ISSUE
Build a Healthier Herd
Q and A2 with McCarty Farms
ProfitMAXTM-Delivering on our Promise
Clearing Hurdles with CowManager®
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Our Passion.
MORE ABOUT EXECUTING PLANS AND PROGRAMS, LESS ABOUT THE DEAL OF THE DAY David C. Thorbahn, president and C.E.O. Whether it’s planting, fertilizing, or harvesting, and poultry, hogs or cattle, precision agriculture headlines every management magazine. It is clear that the dairy operations surviving and thriving in 2029 will be those that optimize practices to increase value. As a result of the dairy downturn in the past 18 months, many industry suppliers have struggled and are now turning away from precision management services. Instead, these suppliers offer enticing deal of the day promotions. Be aware that this detour from strategies to optimize your dairy may be costly. ProfitMAX: Genetic Strategies to Maximize Profit Precision management is the heart of Select Sires’ ProfitMAXTM program. This all-encompassing program includes consulting services to develop and execute customized goals. ProfitMAX includes incomparable tools and programs like the Optimal Genetic Pathways calculator, a unique program for genetic auditing, advisement from Select Mating Service® (SMS®) genetic consultants and Select Reproductive Solutions® (SRS®) specialists, a lineup of specially selected beef sires for dairy crossbreeding, including sires from the Wulf Breeding to Feeding program, as well as, gender SELECTedTM and Elite Sexed FertilityTM
technology. By enrolling in ProfitMAX, you and your Select Sires professional can optimize a strategy to fit your operation. Two distinguishing components of this consulting program are branded identification and rearing strategies designed to create more value in the resulting crop of crossbred dairy and beef calves or fullblood beef calves. Animals that are genetically verified, source verified, and treatment verified, are highly desired and represent the futuristic trend that Walmart is trying to capture in working with 44 Farms. In case you missed it, Select Sires is 44 Farms’ preferred supplier and partner in this effort. Warm Weather’s Effect on Conception Select Sires is the unquestioned industry leader in semen fertility, for both dairy and beef cattle. Your advantage is illustrated in Dr. Dechow’s study on the fertility value for dairy as a two percent improvement in Sire Conception Rate (SCR) translates to immediate value of $12-$14 per unit for improving a pregnancy. On the beef side, we provide sire conception rate data based on actual insemination collection records and palpated pregnancy results on the majority of our beef bulls and no competitor can make this claim. As you look to the future, who will you trust as a partner? Select Sires is your total service cooperative, owned by farmers and offering consulting services to enhance your operation. Please contact your local Select Sires representative today to learn more about our innovative programs, services and genetic offering. u
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BUILD A HEALTHIER HERD Health and Wellness Indexes CLARIFIDE Plus reports on six cow wellness traits, including mastitis, lameness, metritis, retained placenta, displaced abomasum and ketosis, as well as three calf wellness traits, including scours, respiratory health and calf livability. The Dairy Wellness Profit Index® (DWP$®) and Wellness Trait Index® (WT$®) are specially designed indexes that include these valuable health and wellness traits. According to Zoetis, “With the use of DWP$, producers can make approximately $47 more profit per selected female over 10 years using a 15 percent culling selection strategy, as compared to a lower-cost CLARIFIDE test. The difference is even higher in favor of DWP$, when compared to lower reliability tests at low cost.”* Mike Larson, Evansville, Wis. The Larson Acres herd includes 2,500 lactating Holsteins and DWP$ is the single most important factor in their selection of service sires. 6% REPRODUCTION Larson’s genetic strategy for sire selection is +1,000 DWP$ and then consideration of Combined Fat and Protein (CFP) values. 8% As a trial herd in 2011, Larson Acres worked with Zoetis to CALF WELLNESS collect, analyze and apply herd data for health and wellness traits. Since observing the impact of this data in his herd, Larson CONFORMATION 10% explains, “I recognized the immense value in this information when tied to profitability and sustainability.” HEALTH, LONGEVITY 19% Genetic Strategy AND CALVING Profitability hinges on the difference between the top 25 COW WELLNESS 25% percent and bottom 25 percent of a herd’s performance. This genetic potential is outlined and detailed in a genetic audit. Larson Acres works with Brian Kelroy of PRODUCTION 32% CentralStar Cooperative, and Kevin Jorgensen to analyze this data and prepare genetic strategies to meet profitability and sustainability goals. DWP$ Relative Values *Data on file, January 2018 Includes the economic benefits of Polled cattle
Genetic selection and genomic technology have yielded more milk and components, desirable feet and legs, stronger and smoother udder attachments and increased conception rates. Kevin Jorgensen, senior sire analyst, explains, “The U.S. dairy cow is probably the most analyzed species on planet earth. Whether it be for production, health, fitness or type, we have hundreds of different things that we evaluate.” Historically, genetic strategies have focused on increasing favorable traits for production, type and fertility, while decreasing undesirable haplotypes. Herd health and wellness was determined by management and health protocols. With the onset of Zoetis’ CLARIFIDE® Plus technology, dairy producers have a prime opportunity to build a healthier herd through genetic selection.
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Figure 1: Larson Acres Quartile Analysis
DWP$ Avg.
Avg. Milk
Avg. 305 ME
Preg Rate
Days Total Open Fresh Abort
DNB Sold Died
Figure 2: Homestead Dairy Quartile Analysis
DWP$ Avg.
Avg. Milk
Avg. 305 ME
Preg Rate
Days Total Open Fresh Abort
DNB Sold Died
A recent quartile analysis of Larson Acres’ genetics in second lactation cows and greater, confirmed the value in DWP$ selection. As seen in Figure 1, the low-end group averaged +151 DWP$ and produced less milk, lower pregnancy rates, increased days open and markedly higher health incidences than the high-end genetic group. Applying DWP$ to meet herd goals With DWP$ leading sire selection, the value in genetic consultation centers on inventory management of Larson’s cow herd. At one month of age, all females are tested with Zoetis’ CLARIFIDE Plus genomic test. Larson explains that his reliance on DWP$ in sire selection is only half of the equation and that DWP$ is the only criteria he reviews when making culling decisions for heifers. Through Select Sires’ ProfitMAX consultation program, Larson and Kelroy manage appropriate heifer inventories. From there, he uses DWP$ values to identify heifers to sell, embryo recipients and usage of gender SELECTed semen. Through inventory management and application of DWP$ data, Larson has made impressive changes resulting in a more balanced herd in terms of lactation. His goal is one-third first lactation, one-third second lactation and one-third third lactation and greater. In two years, the use of the DWP$ data changed herd makeup from 45 percent first lactation to 36 percent. Today, the herd is 36 percent first lactation, 30 percent second lactation and 35 percent third lactation and greater. “Now that we have the tools and we’re using them in the sires we select and the females we want to work with, our hard work is coming to fruition. When good management combines with the genetics that really matter, things start to click,” confirms Larson. Brian Houin, Plymouth, Ind. Homestead Dairy, LLC is home to 3,500 lactating cows and once again, DWP$ is used intensely to select and manage herd genetics. Brian Houin’s herd was also part of early trials with Zoetis and he has long since recognized the benefit of this data. “If you believe in genetics or genomics at all, this just makes sense,” says Houin about his use of DWP$ data. “When you compare your on-farm data with genetic data and realize how accurate that information is, it’s unbelievable that you can take that small skin sample from a day-old calf and then you know what her future looks like.” Just like Larson Acres, Houin uses the DWP$ data to make strategic Simple, Easy Identification breeding decisions, including heifers and cows. He ranks the entire herd using DWP$ values and targets the top 50 percent for the next generation and mates the low-end to beef or designates recipients for embryos.
Homestead’s aggressive breeding strategy challenges the status quo. By comparing the genomic data of both heifers and lactating cows, they are building a superior herd of cattle. Houin estimates that about 80 percent of heifers are mated with sexed semen and about 80 percent of the lactating cow herd is mated to beef. “That’s the name of the game-constantly improving your genetics as fast as you can and then you will see the results,” says Houin. A recent quartile analysis of Homestead’s lactating herd shows similar results to Larson’s, significantly less cow death, lameness, mastitis and pneumonia, as well as less cows sold. Houin explains that his goal now is to bring his whole herd to the genetic caliber of the top 25 percent and his application of DWP$ data will be his most strategic tool. It is clear that both Larson Acres and Homestead are planning for a sustainable future in the dairy industry. Building healthier cattle means more profit and elite DWP$ sires strengthen these goals. u
To support customer-owners and provide useful tools for genetic improvement, Select Sires makes health and wellness data readily available. Among the three product lineups, Select Sires has the industry’s most elite selections of DWP$ leaders.
0519 Zoetis Genomic data.
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Q AND A2 WITH MCCARTY FARMS The a2 Milk® Company is garnering attention across the nation. Commercials and promotions tout consumer testimonials and phrases like “real milk from real cows that produce only the A2 protein” and “I love milk again.” Today, you’ll see cartons of A2 milk have earned a spot in grocery store dairy cases coast to coast, including big-name stores like Walmart, Costco and Target. Beta casein is a milk protein made up of a chain of 224 amino acids. A1 and A2 are the two main versions of beta casein and are differentiated by a single amino acid that affects digestion of dairy products. While the scientific community continues to research the medical claims and benefits accompanying A2 milk, this New Zealand-based company’s mission is refreshing. By focusing on family and community, they remind consumers of milk’s nutritional qualities while offering a product that is “easier to digest and may help some avoid discomfort.” At a time when dairy is often projected in a negative light, a niche product brings positive possibilities. This Q and A highlights a herd using elite A2A2 genetics to prepare for a future market. The McCarty family entered the dairy business in Sugar Run, Pa. in 1914. Since then, the herd has moved locations and expanded in Kansas, Nebraska and Ohio and the family has established extreme respect both in the dairy industry and in their surrounding communities. Their commitment to innovation in every regard is second to none. Ken McCarty is one of four brothers, each involved in key aspects of the dairies’ success. Ken is charged with animal welfare and sustainability initiatives, as well as community outreach. u When did you begin selecting for A2 genetics?
Ken: After collaborating with Select Sires on costs, opportunities, genetic potential and risks, we made an exclusive commitment to choose sires with the A2A2 genetic make-up in March of 2016. u What strategies have you used to accelerate your A2 goals?
Ken: We recently began testing females for presence of the A2 gene and will continue to work with our Select Mating Service (SMS) team to ensure our animals are mated accordingly. We have used sexed semen aggressively for well over 10 years and this has helped fuel our growth. It has also helped increase productivity with the pursuit of goals like making A2 milk. u What other traits are included in your sire selection criteria?
Ken: We weigh our bull selections heavily on health, production, component and reproduction traits. Our goal is to create a moderately framed, efficient and highly productive animal that never spends time in the hospital pen and breeds and calves easily while producing high quality A2 milk. u How and why did you decide to focus on A2?
Ken: We first consulted with Select Sires about genetic value. We discovered that the impact on our genetic progress would be essentially zero and by committing to this selection index, we could possibly create a new market for our milk. As dairy markets continue to be volatile and increasingly competitive, we need to take innovative approaches to add value to our bottom line. If McCarty Farms can do that through A2, while still maintaining a healthy and happy herd of cows, then why not do it? u
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Whether you have an A2 market available or are preparing for a future opportunity, Select Sires’ offering of A2A2 sires are also some of the industry’s best for NM$, GTPI®, DWP$® and more. With Select Sires’ lineup, there is no need to sacrifice genetic superiority to capture the A2A2 gene. Take a look at these Holstein A2A2 leaders:
YOUNG SIRES 507HO14194 MOOLA 507HO14125 HUEY 7HO14333
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04/19 CDCB/HA/Zoetis Genomic data. Rel.: NM% PASSAT 89, YODER 98, VERTEX 89, MUSTANG 89, MOOLA 76, HUEY 76, FUTURE 76, MERIDIAN 74.
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ProfitMAX is a complete consultation service that offers Select Sires’ services, products and innovative technologies. The program offers expertise and customizable recommendations to improve long-term profitability from future herd replacements and short-term cash flow by increasing the value of extra calves sold to the beef market. Enrolling in ProfitMAX gives you access to the industry’s largest, most highly trained sales, service and support network. Select Sires’ brand promise is “Your Success Our Passion.” and this program delivers on that pledge. u u What makes ProfitMAX more valuable than other genetic
consultation services? Select Sires’ people make ProfitMAX the most unique and valued consulting service available. More than 100 professionals across the United States are trained and ready to provide ProfitMAX consulting services and that number continues to increase. People are the driving force of Select Sires and their commitment to customer success is paramount. u Programs and Tools to Support ProfitMAX: Select Mating Service (SMS) StrataGEN™ Select Reproductive Solutions (SRS) Select RePRO Analysis™ RePRO ReView™ Optimal Genetic Pathways calculator ProfitMAX beef on dairy recommended sires Breeding to FeedingSM gender SELECTedTM Elite Sexed FertilityTM
“I consider Select Sires to be a valuable team member to our operation. Not only do they provide us with a lot of options for semen selection, but we use their consulting capabilities to do reproductive and genetic audits. Most important are the personnel working for them, we consider many of them friends and they are very valuable to us.” Mike Larson, Larson Acres
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Julie Ainsworth, SRS/DPA lead coordinator, CentralStar Cooperative I started my career with Northstar Cooperative in 1987 as an SMS evaluator. I worked exclusively evaluating and mating cattle until 1998. At that time I started to learn more about records analysis and the influence of facilities and management on genetic expression. My knowledge was further enhanced when Dr. Ray Nebel came on board and provided additional training, especially from a reproductive standpoint. A couple of years ago I started doing records analysis and genetic audits. To date, I work with close to 50 herds to customize strategies for their herd success. The process is extremely collaborative and once we establish goals for the herd, it is our team’s job to schedule future meetings to maintain momentum. We want a pace that works for them but no more than quarterly. Meeting more often than that does not allow for evaluating changes. ProfitMAX is an excellent tool to help a herd make genetic progress. Used on a quarterly basis, it also helps even out the slugs that some herds experience. That, in itself, has a lot of value by eventually reducing overcrowding in transition pens, calf pens and fresh groups. I believe we are the best in the business for service and the ability to help customer-owners on a consistent basis. Genetics sources are everywhere, but Select Sires’ ability to help customers find opportunities to improve their herd is unparalleled.
Jerome Meyer, chief executive officer, CentralStar Cooperative Genetic selection is one of the most valuable investments to predict the future profitability of a dairy. With the ProfitMAX program, we use a strategic approach to application of genomic information and sexed semen usage, to more efficiently and effectively make rapid genetic progress and accelerate a herd’s profitability. Our team recognizes the differences of each herd and our approach is customized to meet the goals of each dairy. In many cases, the first completed audit is the path to providing great insights about how genetics impact performance and open discussions about how to incorporate a genetic strategy. After a strategy is determined, there are continued checks and balances to confirm progress. Oftentimes, a genetic strategy evolves and there’s a constant challenge to maximize genetic progress and potential. We offer our expertise every step of the way and support our customers in their goals. Two key benefits of an audit are confirming the impact of genetics on the profitability of a dairy and visualizing a plan
Shane Boettcher, SRS specialist, Minnesota Select Sires Coop, Inc. Before starting my career with Minnesota/Select Sires Co-op, Inc., I managed large-scale dairy operations. Those experiences, combined with my training at Select Sires allows me to understand and connect with producers and dairy managers. Select Sires invests in people, training and education to bring dairy producers the best service and consultation. We have surrounded ourselves with an incredible team that works together for our customers. It is not about us, it is about our customers and how we can provide data and insights that lead to their success. Through my training, I was introduced to unique tools like the Optimal Genetics Pathways calculator and RePRO Analysis, and challenged to ask questions and think unconventionally. It is our team approach, with each having a different perspective and expertise that sets us apart. Through this approach, we can learn together, discover together, and work together for the betterment of our customers and prospects. Today, I routinely work with 25 farms. Data discovery is my passion; I enjoy finding and analyzing data that provides insights to a producer for future decision making. Serving the goals of the dairy and providing actual data to validate decisions is the keystone of the ProfitMAX program.
for progress and return on genetic investment. It was hard to evaluate the impact of genetics on a dairy in a large scale because there are so many variables that can affect milk production, reproduction and health events. Now we can see how much of an impact genetics have on traits (such as health events) that we previously had attributed to management. The financial implications of healthier, more fertile, higher-producing cows are staggering and reinforce the message that genetics work. Another great benefit of an audit is the insights provided can help direct bull selection on a dairy. An audit truly shows a herd’s strengths and weaknesses and with more elite bulls to choose from it is easy to select a group of sires that can fit a herd’s genetic goals. And that bull selection can be customized to any dairy’s specific desires - whether it is DWP$, CM$, NM$, or a customized index. The support from Select Sires is all encompassing. A genetic audit is not complete without having a genetic strategy that can be implemented and then monitored for results. With a team of genetic consultants and reproductive specialists working together, a progressive plan can be implemented and executed on dairies of all sizes.
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Accuracy. No less.
“A money saver? CowManager is a money maker! The Fertility module has paid for itself in one year with lower days in milk, timely and cost effective artificial insemination, and better heat detection. We actually paid for the Health module with the results of the Fertility module.” Brody Stapel, Double Dutch Dairy LLC, WI
Maximize profits with timely insemination The CowManager system is the most accurate heat detection system on the market, providing not only the intensity of the heat, but also the stage of the heat and valuable insights into the cow’s cycle. All the information you need for cost-effective insemination. Ask your Select Sires representative about the benefits of CowManager! 10 u
By the direction and guidance of Select Sires’ board of directors, the cooperative is pleased to bring NxGEN™ to the marketplace. This membership program is another initiative to minimize the generation interval on farm and maximize genetic gain, while also protecting the cooperative’s investments to benefit customer-owners. “Today’s customer-owners value and respect genetic improvement more than at any point in history. It is our responsibility to provide them with the most elite genetics to maximize herd progress,” explains Jeff Ziegler, vice president of dairy cattle breeding at Select Sires. For customer-owners striving for unprecedented genetic gains, the NxGEN program offers unique advantages. Qualifying members who complete the contract will have access to an exclusive lineup of elite sires.
Member herds will benefit immensely from the impact of these profitable genetics. The opportunity to market resulting offspring back to Select Sires also exists. NxGEN sires are identified by a special designation logo. The inaugural class includes 507HO14364 EISAKU and 550HO14134 RENEGADE. EISAKU is an elite balanced sire from the famed Morgan Era cow family and a premier component producer, with impressive milk yield and modern type. RENEGADE, an outcross extraordinaire, is a Jaltaoak from a 7HO12421 MILLINGTON dam and an extreme component improver. Both sires are over +$1,000 Cheese Merit (CM$), offer more than +$950 Net Merit (NM$) and are available in both conventional and gender SELECTed semen.
Get ahead of the genetic curve! Talk to your Select Sires representative about this elite program today! 04/19 CDCB/HA Rel.: NM% EISAKU 74; RENEGADE 74. Both bulls qualify for semen export to Canada.
EISAKU Robinson, reversed
HARMS ELECTED CHAIRMAN Select Sires’ shareholders and directors met for annual meetings on March 20 – 21 in Columbus, Ohio. In addition to old and new business, presentations from auditors, financial reports and staff reviews, the proceedings included Resolutions of Appreciation for retiring board members, Craig Fledderjohann, Wynn Gibbons, and Mark VanMersbergen, and retiring staff, Randy Hill, Shirley Kaltenbach and Lon Peters. Prior to the annual meetings, sire committees, special board committees, and member managers gathered. New Leadership On March 21, new officers were elected to Select Sires’ board of directors as follows: Chairman of the Board of Directors – Dorothy Harms of Reedsburg, Wis. First Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors – Dr. Mark Tatarka of Bozeman, Mont. Second Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors – Kenny Taylor of Fayetteville, Tenn.
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CLEARING HURDLES WITH COWMANAGER Before using CowManager’s activity monitoring technology, low reproduction rates were costly and frustrating for Skyline Acres. Four years after installing the system, owner-operator Jennifer Hess says that reproduction is now the herd’s greatest asset. Information from the system and alerts made for unbelievable improvements, including increasing pregnancy rates.
Located in Bernville, Pa.
CowManager eartags on 880 cows, including lactating and dry cows.
+13 With help from insights provided by CowManager, Skyline increased pregnancy rates by 13 percent.
Skyline Acres works with Premier Select Sires’ CowManager Specialist, Elizabeth Ziegler, to analyze and apply the system’s information and meet herd goals. The herd hosts monthly team meetings to monitor herd performance. “Jen has excelled at using CowManager and is a great example of what a good manager can do with technology! Her application of the data and guidance has lead to a low-maintenance reproduction program that functions smoothly and maintains a pregnancy rate at or above 32 percent,” says Ziegler. A key to maintaining this pregnancy rate is the speed at which open cows are identified and rebred. Right now, 44 percent of the herd’s
repeat breedings fall in the 18 to 24-day window and have 56 percent conception. With less than 25 percent of the herd serviced using timed A.I., Skyline decreased labor and costs associated with synchronization programs. In terms of herd health, CowManager speeds up detection of mastitis and sick cows and demonstrates the effectiveness and response to treatments. Skyline no longer takes temperature readings for fresh cows, decreasing physical labor and lockup times for cows. u
“To anyone that has the system, I recommend using it to its fullest. When we were looking at systems, we saw so many people still using a full timed A.I. program when it isn’t needed and using this system to just catch repeat breeders. I strongly recommend this system to anyone looking to purchase an activity system,” says Jennifer Hess.
Visit and select CowManager under the Products tab.
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1,507,309 TOTAL UNITS In mid-May, 7HO8081 Ensenada Taboo PLANET-ET (EX-90-GM) exceeded 1.5 million units in semen sales-ranking him the No. 2 Holstein sire for lifetime units sold in Select Sires’ history. Bred by David Bishop of Doylestown, Pa., PLANET was a Taboo son of Plushanski Amel Patty-ET (EX-93-3E-EX-MS-GMD-DOM). “PLANET hit the scene at the perfect time! Dairy producers wanted to moderate frame size, add production, and use some different bloodlines following the O MAN era,” explains Jeff Ziegler, vice president dairy cattle breeding. PLANET’s genetic offering aligned with the goals of dairy breeders world-wide and performance records for his offspring boosted his popularity. Regardless of country or environment, PLANET made a vast improvement on genetics and profitability. Few sires have impacted the Holstein breed like PLANET and his influence will continue for
many generations. Notable PLANET sons and grandsons include 7HO10721 BOOKEM, 7HO10606 OBSERVER, 7HO10849 SHAMROCK, 7HO12266 YODER and Select Sires’ most recent millionaire sire, 7HO11351 SUPERSIRE. PLANET sired many influential daughters, including Ammon-Peachy Shauna-ET (EX-92-2E-EX-MS-GMD-DOM), pictured left, and Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk-ET (EX-90-EX-MS), pictured right. u
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CREATING A CUSTOM INDEX As senior business analyst, Brian Coyne collaborates with Select Sires’ information systems department to implement new technology and maximize the profitability of customer-owners. Previously a genetic consultant with East Central/Select Sires, Coyne’s foundation in the dairy genetics industry provides valuable insight in developing and maintaining Select Sires’ online dairy sire search feature. “Creating a Custom Index” is the second in a three-part series to provide guidance about using Select Sires’ bull search. You can find part one in the series, “Navigating the Dairy Sire Search” on the Select Sires website or on page 8 in your Winter 2018 Selections.
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Click Indexes 4 Custom Index Choose traits to consider and check the accompanying box. Click the toggle at the top to switch to the review page and set weights for each trait.
The tab titled “Ancestry/Bloodline” allows you to include or exclude a bloodline from the list of bulls returned in the search results. Simply type in the NAAB code for any bulls you want to consider, choose whether you want to include or exclude and decide to what level you want to consider. Click “Apply” and the results will be returned in a table below.
Weights do NOT need to add up to 100. You can put them in as proportions, just like from a recipe. In this case, I have two parts NM$, two parts PL, two parts UDC and two parts DPR. With eight total parts, each trait makes up 25 percent of the formula, but the pie chart shows how those weights break down into the main trait categories. In this case, fitness traits make up the majority of the formula.
PAID Minster, Ohio 45865 Permit No. 2
11740 US 42 NORTH • PLAIN CITY • OHIO • 43064-0143
To enhance the productivity and profitability of dairy and beef producers, Select Sires is committed to be the premier provider of highly fertile, superior genetics accompanied by effective reproductive- and herdmanagement products and services. For more information, visit or call (614) 873-4683. Product of the USA.
TM NxGEN, gender SELECTed, WellnessPRO, Elite Sexed Fertility, Fertility PRO, ProfitMAX, CalvingPRO, Program for Fertility Advancement, PFA, and Superior Settler are trademarks of Select Sires Inc. JPI and Jersey Udder Index (JUI) are trademarks of the American Jersey Cattle Association. ®Select Mating Service, SMS, and Select Reproductive Solutions, SRS, StrataGEN® are registered trademarks of Select Sires Inc. CowManager is a registered trademark of Agis Automatisering. Dairy Wellness Profit Index, DWP$, Wellness Trait Index, WT$, are registered trademarks of Zoetis Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. CLARIFIDE is a registered trademark of Zoetis Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. Total Performance Index (TPI) is a registered trademark of Holstein Association USA. Limitations and Conditions of Sale: gender SELECTed semen shall be used only for the single insemination of one female bovine during natural ovulation with the intent to produce single offspring unless specifically approved on an individual customer basis by Sexing Technologies in writing. As a condition of purchasing gender SELECTed semen, the purchaser agrees that gender SELECTed semen will not be reverse sorted or re-sorted unless specifically permitted, in advance, on a case-by-case basis by Select Sires in writing. Select Sires intends to monitor the use of the gender SELECTed semen and vigorously enforce these restrictions on use. Please see for additional details. Cover photo from Four Pines Farm LTD, Bill & Tina Deetz, Sugarcreek, Ohio.
A NEW APPROACH TO DIRECT-FED MICROBIALS Select BioCycle™ is an excellent direct-fed microbial, formulated to aid in modulating immune function, digestion and helps cows resist everyday environmental challenges.
BIOCYCLE PROMO! BUY 5, GET 1 FREE May 1, 2019 - June 30, 2019
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™Select BioCycle a trademark of Select Sires Inc. and is manufactured by Agrarian Solutions®All claims, representation and warranties, expressed or implied, are made only by Agrarian Solutions and not by Select Sires Inc.