Each day, farmers are faced with a multitude of challenges and tasked with finding the best solution. Simplicity, accessibility, cost and success rate are often taken into consideration when determining a plan of action. Your local Select Sires representative can help analyze your problems and offer solutions that best fit your herd goals, not just in the genetic space, but with herd health. Keep reading for Craig Bosma’s four most common challenges and farmer-approved solutions.
Craig Bosma grew up on a farm near Rock Rapids, Iowa and currently resides on a farm about six miles from his home farm. He attended college at Northeast Iowa earning an associate of dairy science degree. After college, he worked as a herdsman and was then employed in the A.I. industry for eight years before joining the team at Select Sires MidAmerica nearly six years ago.
When he began with Select Sires, he worked as a professional A.I. technician and he has held the role of sales and technician coordinator for Northwest Iowa for the past three years. Recently, his territory has expanded into Southeast South Dakota as well. Bosma enjoys working with herds to help overcome challenges and provide solutions to improve herd health and profitability. u
• Ketotic cows • Cows that are off feed • Cows that simply need a boost
Tri-Start boluses are easy to use and economical. Farmers can expect quick results! I would say about half of my herds using Tri-Start boluses are administering a bolus to every fresh cow, and about half of them are administering a bolus to any cow off feed or cows that just need a boost.
• Calves that are struggling with overall health challenges
Review your colostrum management and make sure calves are receiving high-quality colostrum. Immediately following colostrum, administer Tri-Start Jr+ paste to help the calf fight pathogens and get off to a healthy start. Most of the herds I work with that are using Tri-Start Jr+ are administering it shortly after birth as a preventative measure. They also like that it’s natural.
• Dehydration and heat stress
Many of the herds I work with are adding Accel RS to free-choice water for the hydration calves need. I know it can be a good recovery product, but most of my customers use it as a preventative measure before their calves encounter a challenge or continuously during heat stress events.
• Respiratory challenges It’s never a question of IF a herd will encounter respiratory challenges with young animals, it’s WHEN. AccelAIRate is our newest product and a tremendous tool. I’ve had a positive response from farmers when introducing this product. Plus, at such a small dose for just 10 days, it’s so simple to apply and very cost effective.