HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

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The Magazine For Professional Hypnotists

A Publication Of HypnoBiz Media, LLC

SELENA D. VALENTINE Executive Director


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Letter from the Founder

Hi Friends! Welcome to the Inaugural Issue of The HypnoBiz Magazine! Thank you for taking the time to learn about our efforts to help spread our message of positive and constructive support for hypnotists all over the world. There really is tremendous untapped potential in each and every one of us. Wherever you look, someone is just waiting to realize the fullness of their power. The thing is, power never unleashes itself. It requires a stimulus, and at HypnoBiz, we are creating a worldwide community of people who want to stimulate their power through hypnosis. At HypnoBiz, we highlight five key principles, each defined by a different “p� word: people, passion, positivity, perseverance, and prosperity. I have personally seen what hypnosis can do in the right hands, which is why I want to do everything I can to empower hypnotists - from the professionals with thriving practices to those just starting out - via conferences, trainings and educational resources. I sincerely believe that If we all work together, we can change the world for the better, one person at a time. And so I would like to invite you to get involved in HypnoBiz and join our mission. As we grow and blossom, everyone who takes part stands to benefit. This edition of our publication will introduce you to the organizers of our events and also offer a closer look at the workshops and presentations being offered at our upcoming program in May, HypnoBiz New York. We hope you enjoy the content and invite you to share any writings you feel might be of interest to our readers. Join The HypnoBiz Community Today! Sincerely yours,

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition



HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition



aving started and built a hypnosis practice in New York City more than ten years ago, I have been fortunate to be a small part of some really powerful growth, development and personal improvement. This experience has exposed me to just what a powerful tool hypnosis is, and led me to the ask a key question: how do I help spread this tool to others? The answer for me was HypnoBiz. Last year, I made it my mission to launch a unique, high-impact hypnosis event in the heart of Manhattan at the Intercontinental Hotel in Times Square. For those who attended and participated, there was a strong sense of community, camaraderie and even gratitude for what we are fortunate to do for a living. Despite some significant ups and downs, major costs, and considerable learning lessons, I was so gratified to see the potential of my vision and was inspired to continue the journey and keep the ball rolling. Now, I am excited to further develop our mission and spread the spirit and values of the HypnoBiz. To that end, I am pleased to have partnered with Helen Mitas to bring the first event of its kind Down Under, in the form of HypnoBiz Australia. Additionally, Jo-Anne Eadie, the well respected organizer of the Canadian Hypnosis Conference, has graciously agreed to collaborate in the re-branding of her already successful event, as HypnoBiz Canada.


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Helen Mitas



ack in the late 1990s, fear was holding me back from making some big changes in my life. With every challenge that I had previously experienced – as soon as I was ready to move forward – the solution always miraculously appeared before me. It was at this time, back in 1997, that I read an advertisement in the newspaper that spoke to me. It read, “Are you feeling helpless, hopeless and unable to take control of your life. Does it seem that everyone has a say in your life except you?” This ad was a reflection of my life at that moment. I immediately contacted the Institution that placed it and my life has never been the same again.


Following that course, I did another one and then another, desperate to let go of my fears and anxieties and eager to move towards becoming true to myself. I undertook formal study, attended countless seminars and discovered mentors that I could align myself with.

I SLOWLY AND SYSTEMATICALLY CHANGED EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE. Emotionally, it took me years to let go of my fears, change my values and leave an unhappy relationship into an unknown world as a single parent, responsible for the first time in my life for my own finances. Physically, I let go of my limiting beliefs, released nearly 14 kilos and became fitter in my 40’s than I ever was in my 30’s or 20’s. I competed in running events, winning medals and achieving what I originally thought was the unachievable. Finally, I let go of my highly paid corporate role and all of the security it offered to follow my life’s passion for helping other people release their fears, unlock their full potential and move towards a fulfilling life. I was surrounded by family and friends who thought I was foolish for following my heart and not my head. Against all opposition I surged forward knowing that I could


change lives, just as so many other people had helped change mine. During my wellness journey, I have learnt and applied principles that have allowed me to take my life to a point that I never imagined possible. Today, I have mentored over 500 Hypnotherapists from Europe, USA, New Zealand and Australia, as my mission is for Hypnotherapists to have successful practices so that the profession of Hypnotherapy is recognized as a credible profession worldwide. My ultimate mission is for Hypnotherapy to be the ‘GO TO’ profession when people are presented with life’s challenges and NOT the last resort. I am certain that this will happen.

Bio Helen Mitas is an international speaker, award-winning Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapy business mentor, published author of the book Mindset Dominance and respected leader in her field around the globe. As the Founder of Hypnofit, Helen Mitas has helped thousands of people overcome depression, anxiety and self sabotaging behaviours

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

through her renowned and ground-breaking Hypnofit ‘Take Control’ Hypnosis Programs. Helen is a woman on a mission to increase awareness globally of the power of Hypnotherapy to help people live the life they deserve safely and naturally without unnecessary medication.


fulfilling work imaginable. I empower my clients to help themselves as we work on their issues. My unique talents and intuitive gifts assist each client on their own path to wellness. I am so fulfilled when a client walks out of my door feeling better than when they walked in. Interestingly, I began to get intuitive hits when working with a client. I don’t know what else to call them and just know that I am not a psychic. I cannot produce this at will, but when working with clients, impressions are put into my mind that are so accurate and very helpful. I continued to find and attend many weekend workshops with varied techniques and enjoyed meeting many other Hypnotists. I also had sessions for myself out of curiosity. I did some Past Life Regressions and boy, have I had some interesting lifetimes! After I sought out the Basic Hypnosis Certification, I was on my way.


have been married to my husband Brian for 54 years and we have five children and nine grandchildren. As I was a stay at home Mom for many years, I have always felt that my family has been my highest purpose in this lifetime. In my forties, I began to notice that some of my childhood experiences were running the program of my life. I found EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique and within just a couple of weeks had neutralized and released a lot of old baggage. I felt like I walked taller, felt lighter and happier. I studied some more EFT courses and was guided into attending the Energy Psychology Conference, where I was mesmerized with all the modalities, techniques and self-help protocols. I also had some very psychic experiences and messages from complete strangers while there. Soon, friends and relatives wanted me to help them with EFT. This over time led to more certifications and the beginning of my own business, Power of Freedom. For me, with Power of Freedom – with emotional freedom, you have personal power. I love helping my clients move forward on their journey of wellness and value the uniqueness each client brings to a session or a group. It is the most interesting and

It has now been 20 years and I have never stopped taking courses and attending Conventions and Conferences. As I realized that most of my training was out of the country, I founded the Canadian Hypnosis Conference to provide a venue for Hypnotists in southern Ontario to expand their own training. My conference is open to the public and emphasizes that you don’t have to be a Hypnotist to come and enjoy all the speakers. While we certainly have an abundance of Hypnosis classes, our event draws a very spiritual aspect in our topics and many of our Hypnosis speakers are very metaphysical. I have instinctively known that I have been divinely guided and protected my entire life. Joining together and becoming part of the HypnoBiz Family seemed like a natural progression to the next chapter for me. As a result, I invite you to come join us and bask in the high energy and knowledge.

Bio Jo-Anne Eadie is a Master Consulting Hypnotist and the Founder of Power of Freedom, where she provide hypnosis services and EFT Emotional Freedom Technique for weight solutions, smoking cessation

and general stress. Her goal with clients is to empower them to help themselves. JoAnne specializes in hypnosis for weight loss using her own program – Exhale Weight and the Virtual Gastric Band with Hypnosis.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


The HypnoBiz Conferences




ypnoBiz New York®, organized by Selena D. Valentine, is an international gathering of many top practitioners from all over the world to share their best advice and tips for success. Set against the backdrop of the New York Metropolitan area, it is the place where speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs offer dynamic and amazing presentations that will teach you about the latest trends in hypnosis - and business.

While specializing in business strategies, HypnoBiz New York® is proud to offer multiple tracks related to clinical and health topics as well. Over 70 Speakers from all over the world are attending and speaking at HypnoBiz New York®! Join us for an experience of a lifetime!

Register Today! 8

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Melissa Tiers



elissa Tiers is the founder of The Center For Integrative Hypnosis, with a private hypnosis practice in New York City. She teaches classes in Integrative Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Psychology and mental health coaching. Melissa is an instructor for the NGH, The International Association of Counselors and Therapists and is an adjunct faculty member of The New York Open Center and TriState College of Acupuncture. She is a three time recipient of the International Medical and Dental Association’s prestigious Pen and Quill Award for her books, “Integrative Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Course in Change”, “Keeping the Brain in Mind: Practical Neuroscience for Coaches, Therapists and Hypnosis Practitioners” and “Integrative Hypnosis for Kids and Teens: Playing for Change”.


Melissa was recently featured in Marie Claire magazine and her sleep protocol was featured in More Magazine. She has also been awarded the NGH’s 2014 President’s Award for excellence in the field and the 2014 Speaker and Author of the year from the Zurich Hypnose Kongress. She was the 2018 Keynote speaker for the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association Conference and the U.K. Hypnosis Conference.

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2019 HypnoBiz New York

Pre-Conference Workshops 10

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

ATTITUDE OF A CHAMPION Certified Sports Hypnosis Practitioner Training Workshop

Caryn Bird


thletes are always looking for an edge. At elite levels, everyone is fast. Everyone is strong. Everyone trains hard. So what sets apart the good from the great?

According to Caryn Bird, author of ATTITUDE OF A CHAMPION, it has everything to do with mindset.


As she says in her book, “Mental training requires a commitment to be as dedicated to training your mind as your body. Daily mental practice prepares you for all possibilities and helps in coping with the unexpected.” Over the past several years, Caryn has created a system of mindset and hypnotherapy exercises to instill this thinking in athletes while helping them reach the next level. In 14 years as a clinical hypnotherapist, she has worked with Olympic trial competitors, Ironman winners, and many


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


other athletes ranging from kids, to college students, to professionals. Caryn has helped them all develop strategies to reach their goals by taking action and being mentally prepared. “These programs create permanent change,” Caryn says. In her one-day, pre-conference workshop on Friday, May 3rd, attendees will become Certified Sports Hypnosis Practitioners. They’ll learn how to use their existing skills to get the most out of any athlete at every level. At the workshop Caryn will share her scripts, mental training techniques, and actionable exercises created exclusively for athletes. She’ll show how hypnotherapists can be a valuable piece of the puzzle for individuals seeking peak sports performance. Whether it’s in training or on game day, she’ll prepare Sports Hypnosis Practitioners to guide and coach clients on their way to success. The workshop will cover strategies for teaching athlete clients including how to: -Trigger a winning state -Build mental toughness -Create in-game thought stopping techniques -Harness the power of reset/refocus -Bounce back after injury or failure. -Overcome performance anxiety and mental performance blocks

attendees the business side of working with athletes. Over the past decades, the world of sports has seen a major shift towards the acceptance and enthusiasm for sports psychology, mental training, and hypnosis. This means there is big potential for a growing increased business in a growing market. Caryn will share proven strategies for attracting athletes as clients and convince you why they’re so fun to work with! Using email, marketing, and intake templates, she’ll show fellow hypnotherapists strategies for: -Marketing to athletes -Presenting in a team setting -Talking to coaches -Interacting with the parents of young athletes Whether you’re new to clinical hypnotherapy or a seasoned veteran, if you’ve ever been interested in unlocking the full potential of athletes, Caryn’s ATTITUDE OF A CHAMPION will be a valuable experience full of new ideas, actionable takeaways, and proven techniques for success.

Register For Caryn’s Workshop Here

From a professional standpoint, Caryn will also teach


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

The Bob Burns Swan Certificated Workshop Bob Burns


hile specializing in his world-famous Swan Protocol and The Wall, Bob covers a veritable smorgasbord of items in 2 days, including:

• Scripts (how they don’t work and how they DO) • Goldilocks (how to never be nervous in any form of delivering either therapy or a talk) • Auras (practical teaching on how to SEE auras on the day!) • How to work with groups (the secret of building the best therapy practices) • Smoking Cessation (Bob Burns truly carries a success rate of over 95% in smoking cessation which will be fully explained & taught in this workshop) • Self Hypnosis (the secret of building group practices) • Past Life Regression (Bob has advised to TV in this field which will be fully explained and demonstrated) • Lucid Dreaming (as a long term Lucid Dreamer himself Bob will fully explain and give instruction on this topic) • The Color Protocol (The protocol that was used on Louis Oosthuizen in winning The Open in 2010. A Must Have for golf therapists!) • And of course STUFF…. from a mind with 45 years experiencing of hypnotising!

Register For Bob’s Workshop Here HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


MORE FROM BOB BURNS. Hello, my name is Bob Burns and I’m a... kinda’ magician? Let me explain a little; We are told that if we take Big Bang,being the beginning of time as we know it, and crush that 13.8 billion years into just one year, and then look at when we (homosapiens) arrived during that space in time, it would read around 2 seconds before midnight on New Years Eve. That’s how long we’ve been here! Building, learning, growing... just 2 seconds! Not long huh? And yet we are totally surrounded with experts telling us WHO we are and HOW we work... only to become a race riddled in anxiety, worry, pain and depression and of course possessing no cure for our terminality. We are left with the realisation that compared to infinity we are here for a mere nano-second. And in reality most of our knowledge and beliefs are based on ‘other people’s’ constructs! So... what you wanna’ do about that? Me? I did a degree at honours level where I studied psychology, sociology, philosophy and The Humanities, which rather than teaching me about


who and what we are... mainly helped me get involved in philosophical arguments in pubs around the world. :) But in reality had very little to do with what I really wanted to do. My real learning came from sitting in a small room for several decades with various strangers who would come to visit and delivered to me a veritable smorgasbord of opportunities to work with people suffering from all the above conditions.... and so much more. I ended up becoming fairly good at this and today I teach my students IN my therapy room with REAL patients. I am and have been a full time working therapist for many many years now and also teach ‘my dominant skills’ at workshops around the world. Obviously I don’t know who you are and I don’t know what you want. But what I do have is a particular set of skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me able to find people like you and help into being a highly skilled therapist and excellent at helping others. I am now looking for YOU. And if I find you.... I will FILL you.... totally, with those skills and knowledge I speak of. So .... why not come spend a couple days with me in New York???!!! It’ll be the most learning and the best fun you’ll ever have with your clothes on!!! :)

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Michelle Braun Advanced Options for Dementia Clients

Register For Michelle’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Persuasion & Influence Certification

Miguel Cocco

Alberto Dell’Isola


rom Milton Erickson to Robert Cialdini, in this presentation you will learn 21st century persuasion and influence techniques to advance your business and get more clients.

This workshop on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say “yes”—and how to apply these understandings.



You’ll learn the universal principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader—and how to defend yourself against them. Perfect for people in all walks of life, the principles of Influence will move you toward profound personal change and act as a driving force for your success.

Register for Miguel’s & Alberto’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Profound Somnambulism with Subconscious Dialogue Stephanie Conckle


This course is for any hypnosis professional seeking to master the deepest levels of hypnosis, beyond the Esdaile state utilizing profound somnambulism and Subconscious dialogue. The SC talks to you with the client’s voice while the client’s conscious mind is taking a nap. (It feels just like talking to an old friend.) And when you are eliciting full sentences with back and forth banter from the SC, you get much more accurate information. Within this deep state of profound somnambulism, phenomenal things occur like instantaneous healing, amnesia without suggestion, and the ability for the client to go back into deep hypnosis with only one unique word or phrase. Plus, it’s RIDICULOUSLY simple and easy to learn. It does not matter if you use age regression, Parts Therapy, or content-free hypnosis – this protocol works with whatever type of hypnosis you are currently using, so you can keep your own style of hypnosis just modified a little. Besides simply teaching the PS protocol, I support students by giving them links to videos of past online live classes, video Q & A sessions, a script in PDF format, the protocol steps in PDF format, and sample video and audio sessions from real clients of mine. They will be able to join my Facebook student forum for group support and have continued access to me. Students will receive a certificate of completion with 10 CEUs.

Register For Stephanie’s Workshop Here HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Core Components of the PS Protocol: -Ratification from the SC with no ambiguity -Clarity and accuracy -Enjoy full sentence dialogue with the SC (just like talking to an old friend) instead of getting binary IMR responses -Instantaneous and automatic healing -Re-induce client within 30 seconds using one unique word or phrase on subsequent sessions -Access the SC and even the Higher Self -The client “feels” hypnotized and experiences extreme time distortion -The client wakes up with partial or full amnesia (over 75% of the time) It is so much better to have a conversation with the SC, like talking to an old friend, instead of getting binary responses and having to play 20 questions with ideomotor responses–hoping that it’s the subconscious that’s digitally talking and not the conscious mind. Instantaneous healing can (and oftentimes will) occur within this deepest level of hypnosis, and you will be able to set up a reinduction phrase that will drop the client back into


the deepest level of hypnosis within 30 seconds. It’s only similar to the “ultra” hypnosis techniques in that you get the client into the deepest levels of somnambulism and dissociate them. The difference is when you contact the SC (or the Higher Self if you wish) the personality of the SC emerges and talks back to you in clear sentences while the client is sleeping, dreaming, or at least completely out-ofthe-way using the client’s voice box. You do NOT use any ideomotor responses as they are not necessary. Also, the client’s body is not cataleptic. The client’s body can move around, talk, and even walk, while staying in profound hypnotic trance, with the eyes opened or closed. While in this amazing state, the SC tells you what’s really going on with the client. It will also heal any part of the client that needs healing, restoration, or repair, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spirituality. And it will usually heal it right there in your chair during the session, very quickly. It takes all of the guesswork out of your change-work!

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

2 Day Soul Entrainment™ Training and Certification Karen Paulino Correia


hat if you could offer clients a new modality or even attract a whole new clientele by offering Soul Entrainment® to your current practice? This training course will prove to you, beyond any doubt that the Soul holds all the answers to our past, present and future. Come and discover how you can help yourself and others access the wisdom of their soul to achieve any goal and at the same time have the privilege of witnessing miracles.

Who should attend?

Every hypnotist, psychologist, holistic practitioner and all those soul searching or on their spiritual path will benefit from this class. This life changing day and its techniques can be used for both personal growth and to work with clients. The wisdom, healing and guidance you will receive from your soul during this two-day program will support you to live a life better than you could ever imagine. What to expect… In this class you will: • Understand why working with the soul can be the most powerful session you can facilitate with your client • Learn the difference between the language of the soul vs. the personality/ego • Learn how to interview a client prior to a session to create clear goals and intentions

• Learn a specific induction to access the higher wisdom of the soul • Learn how to work with the soul to guide you and your clients to the answers or healing they are searching for • Learn techniques and questions to use during your session to help your client get the most out of each experience • Discover how you can use Soul Entrainment to discover the root cause of any fear, problem or concerning issue • Learn how Soul Entrainment naturally integrates with past life and future regression • Experience a group Soul Entrainment session • Learn how it can be used to help clients heal grief and reconnect with their loved ones in spirit • Learn as you observe one-on-one sessions with class participant.

Register For Karen’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


UnStoppable Confidence! KickButt Methods to Make YOU the Winner – Beyond Confident to Certainty!


re you afraid to step on stage, start a business, see a client, or even approach and say hi to a stranger? No more! Become the WINNER in this highly experiential and life-changing presentation. Like a mini-bootcamp -you will leave a changed person. Unstoppable — beyond Confident to Certainty! Sadly, I have seen many good hypnotists afraid to take the next step. Some are afraid to even use their skills. Banish that thought! Now! As a police instructor, I have had to get hundreds of recruits past the fear of real life and death encounters. I have coached Olympic athletes, Undercover Police Officers, and real people to step out of their comfort zone and into their Champion zone utilizing a process I call “Tiger-Mind.” This TigerMind class will combine the forbidden secrets of ancient martial arts schools, the secrets of Soviet bloc Olympic training, the Secrets of FBI/CIA undercover officer trainings, and the latest neuroscience change works to take you to a whole new level of change. And more! Imagine starting out in whatever you dream of with unstoppable confidence. Imagine your Champion zone has you doing street hypnosis, successful client


Rick Green

work, starting your business — just going for it! Imagine taking these skills of the new Identity of being a Champion — and bringing that to your clients! Use these Tiger-Mind methods for working with clients! and then, Imagine mapping these skills across ALL areas of your life. This fun dynamic identity changing class will include at least FOUR group hypnotic sessions of installing resources, a work book and FIVE BONUS mp3 recordings to take home and continue your awesomeness. Value: $500 minimum First Ten to sign up will receive a BONUS one on one Mindscaping, as developed by Mike Mandel, on any Confidence issue. Value: $200 Class Limited to thirty people!

Register For Rick’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

The Jeffrey Stephens Protocol Certification Both Jeffrey, Rob, Rob’s therapists, and JS protocol practitioners from all over the world did solve problems they never heard of before. Rob De Groof


n this hands-on training you will learn Jeffrey Stephens’ 10 step direct hypnosis protocol for creating rapid change in 20 minutes or less.

The moment you know the system your success and self-confidence as a hypnotherapist will get an amazing boost. As one of the only three official trainers Rob will teach you the fundamentals and the underlying thoughts amazing protocol. Every single step of the procedure will be demonstrated, explained and practiced. You will be able to watch two full sessions (weight loss and depression) conducted by the late Jeffrey Stephens on video, footage that has never been shown before. You will also witness a full therapy session performed by Rob with one of the students.

the success of this protocol. At the moment he has six therapists working for him in three different cities. Sign up for this two days preconvention training at HypnoBiz New York and become a certified Jeffrey Stephens protocol practitioner. You will receive a printed manual in English (also available in Dutch, German and French). Every student is granted access to an online library with extra content ( full session videos, digital manuals, different sessions explained...) After this training all attendees will be invited to join our secret Facebook group where students from all over the world can ask questions or give feedback about their experiences with this protocol in the therapy room. Every participant will get an official Jeffrey Stephens protocol certificate and the one and only JS Practitioner pin.

One of the benefits of this protocol is that you don’t rely on scripts so actually you don’t need to know much about the problem your client wants to get rid of. Once you master this easy to learn system you can work with any type of issue. Both Jeffrey, Rob, Rob’s therapists, and JS protocol practitioners from all over the world did solve problems they never heard of before.

Register For Rob’s Workshop Here

Many seasoned hypnotherapists from all over the world changed their way of working with great success immediately after this training. Rob’s successful HypnosisCentre in Belgium is built on

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Mastering The Business of Hypnosis This not to be missed seminar is a one stop shop for mastering your business and the only time being offered in New York in 2019. Robert Merlin


n in depth class on how to run a successful holistic or alternative private practice, part time or full time, Robert has been self employed his entire life and knows what it takes to be successful. Having built a thriving Hypnosis business from scratch that produces in the six figures every year, he will offer guidance on key issues relating to finance, marketing, scheduling, general administration and insession tactics. This not to be missed seminar is a one stop shop for mastering your business and the only time being offered in New York in 2019.

Register For Robert’s Workshop Here

Your Clients Want The Magic, The Wow, The Hypnotic Phenomena!!! Clients come to a hypnotist for the Wow, the Magic! William Mitchell A Hypnotist, unlike a talk therapist, has powerful resources available collectively known as Hypnotic Phenomena. The Hypnotic Phenomena is the Wow, the Magic that allows clients to make powerful breakthroughs! Our unique offering is inducing Hypnotic Phenomena such as Amnesia, Hallucinations, Age Regression, Analgesia, Hypnotic Dreams, Post-Hypnotic Suggestion etc. Too many hypnotists induce trance and hope the subconscious will benevolently do something magic. As a result many clients do not think they were hypnotized and fail to achieve positive outcomes.


Your business and reputation will grow dramatically when you learn to use powerful and relevant Hypnotic Phenomenon.

Register For William’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Facebook Marketing Specialist Certification

Learn How to Grow Your Business FAST Using Facebook


n this talk Eugen will present some of his most effective methods of driving traffic to his sites as well as generating sales and a massive income.

Eugen Popa

Register For Eugen’s Workshop Here

The presentations will cover topics such as: Facebook Algorithm - Chatbots - Facebook Live - LiveChat applications - Viral posting and - Lead Generation

“Instant Memory Change Neuroplasticity Made Easy.”


Robert G. Smith

his course will totally rewrite how you do change work with yourself and with clients. It is for people who want to know the how to apply neuroscience, understand how Synaptic Plasticity works and how to rewrite the autonomic trances in seconds or minutes. You will learn about Deep Structure of Problems, Power of Direct Mindfulness, Simple Neuroplastic Changes, Instant Autonomic Rewrites and the Power of Psychosensory Collapses. Eutaptics® FasterEFT Trainings is the transformational system that goes to the heart of life’s problems; MEMORY. Discover the principles of brain changing and skills to shift the mind’s perception and behavior. This system incorporates the effective parts within the best therapies in the world and is combined into a simple effective approach and taught in an easily understandable way. Eutaptics/FasterEFT addresses the autonomic trances, reprogramming the psycho-sensory connections, deep unconscious programming and the end result will shift behavioral issues like fears, self-esteem and even the

complex issues like illness, PTSD and addiction. This revolutionary system is rewriting the neurological landscape of the brain and the end result is new behavior. Robert Gene has taken the complexity out of personal change and has put the power back into the hands of individuals and trained therapists. He has made it simple, understandable and effective. This system is a mix of the top healing modalities rolled up into one nice system. This will be your new go-to method in your practice.

Register For Robert’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


HypnoKinesthetics Powerful NLP Mind Body Solutions

Patricia Eslava Vessey


his methodology combines, several modified, kinesthetic NLP patterns (including dancing score) and other energy psychology and coaching strategies to create meaningful change, deep healing and powerful solutions by accessing and expressing information stored within the powerful mind-body relationship in a way that mobilizes deep resources.



This process creates an easily reachable, self-organizing pathway toward a resourceful state. As well, it can be a powerful stimulus for doing effective problem solving, discovering and creating metaphors, gaining access to unconscious resources, healing and ultimately self-evolution and expression. Profound change can occur in just one session. Practitioners can use HypnoKinesthetics in a content free session and/or powerful coaching questions can be utilized to create verbal, written action plans. HypnoKinesthetics is effective with athletes, dancers, performers and others who easily access the kinesthetic representational system. It is also an effective way to support anyone in accessing, improving and expressing the treasure chest of mind-body information.

Register For Patricia’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


HypnoBiz New York

POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


The Stephen Brooks Protocol

Jos Van Boxtel

American psychiatrist Milton Erickson is generally considered to be the founder of modern hypnotherapy and one the most successful therapists of the 20th century. With many followers from all around the world, his principles and techniques have become an integral part of various approaches, such as NLP and Solution Focused Therapy.



As the first person in the UK to practice and teach Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Stephen Brooks further developed this unique approach over a period of forty years, having treated thousands of clients. Using an easy and relaxed communication style, his words are nevertheless emphatic, compelling and challenging. His language is condensed, and every sentence contains multiple messages for the client. In an unparalleled workshop, Jos Van Boxtel will offer you an impression of both the linguistic aspects of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, as well as Stephen Brooks’ version of it.

Register For Jos’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Intro To The Havening Techniques® Doug O’ Brien

The Havening Techniques® is a new form of PsychoSensory Therapy. These seemingly simple techniques can be used for fears, phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders , flashbacks, anxiety or panic attacks, physical complaints and pain with great and long lasting effect. These techniques are the result of research and development carried out over the past 14 years by New York Medical Practitioner and Ph D in Organic Chemistry, Dr Ronald Ruden, with support of his brother Dr Steven Ruden. Presented by Doug O’Brien and Ira Scott, certified Havening Trainers More from Doug O’ Brien.. Doug O’ Brien Spot Quiz: 1. Who wins the race in “The Tortoise and the Hare?”_________________ 2. What is the moral of the story? ______________________ If you knew the answer to these two questions then you know why stories are important in marketing... stories STICK. Virtually EVERYONE knows the basic plot and the moral of “The Tortoise and the Hare” and yet that story was written more than 2,500 years ago! Marketing has changed. Gone are the days of branding on TV and radio commercials. Vast swaths of the population are cutting the barbed wire of ad-imprisoned media and are embracing paid subscriptions and ad blockers. So how do you get a message across? What can set YOU apart from everyone else and allow potential customers to find you and your products or service? Interestingly, a few years ago I taught a class in San Francisco about using Hypnotic stories in marketing with the great Craig Eubanks. There was a fair assortment of different kinds of businesses represented by the participants in the room. There were people selling products, people selling coaching and then there were these two people who were both

selling real estate. One of them was a man who was doing just fine in his business but wanted to do better. He’d heard of my work in NLP and of Craig’s mastery of writing ad copy so he thought he’d give the course a try. The other participant was a woman who was very new to real estate, had just quit her job as a legal secretary and had heard of out class from a local powerteam. Surprisingly, the gentleman had real trouble translating what he wanted to get across to his customers into a story. He just got more and more colorful in his descriptions of the property and wrote things like “imagine how you’ll feel when you see the spectacular views from your bedroom window every morning.” Whereas the woman took to the task like a fly to honey. She created stories that had characters and plot twists and suspense and humor. When she told her stories the whole room went quiet and everyone sat on the edge of our chairs, wondering what was going to happen next. When finally her story ended up with the big reveal being that the house she had for sale was built by the hero of her story by his own two hands, people literally applauded. Fast forward to today, that fellow is still doing satisfactorily well in his business but the woman now runs one of the biggest real estate offices in the Bay area. And yes - it is because of STORIES. She send out newsletters every week with clever stories about the properties they are featuring and people READ THEM. They LOVE them. Even after they have bought a house. They still read them and then tell their friends about the properties as well. In my presentation at HypnoBiz, I will teach the 5 secrets to writing stories that stick so you can revolutionize your business and stand out over all the rest.

Register For Doug’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Lazy Hypnotist of Success “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” ― Bill Gates Michał Cieślakowski

Do not come to my workshop. It’s enough that you’ll be on my 1-hour presentation. You will get there tools that will help you locate programs in your subconscious that block you from succeeding. You will get there tools with which you can change those programs effectively. Do not come to this workshop unless you want to be a lazy hypnotist. In this workshop you will get understanding of the most important programs that are harmful to success and the fastest, and easiest solution to replace them with useful ones. And you will get all of those on the silver platter. These changes will cause: - a significant increase in the number of clients - a disproportionately large increase in your earnings, and

few seconds, without any pre-talk, even if the subjects does not believe in hypnosis, and even without mentioning the word hypnosis. This is one of the best and easiest marketing tool you will ever find. BONUS #2 Reverse indirect suggestions. Profound trick that will triple the number of clients from any hypnotic demonstration you perform. BONUS #3 Ultimate Deep Trance Work – video recording of my 2-day workshops I’ve done in 2018 in Brasil (in English). Principles and techniques that will allow to produce deep profound somnambulism and all hypnotic phenomena (amnesia, anesthesia, positive and negative hallucinations, full and vivid regression, etc.) to ALL your clients, and to yourself (even if you think you are unable to experience those). Values of videos: $397 Want to be a Lazy Hypnotist of Success ?

- a surprising increase in the effectiveness of therapies performed without the need of increasing hypnotic skills. Ohh... & I don’t give a @#!$ if you believe me or not. I’m too lazy and too successful to convince you ;) BONUS # 1 HypnoFlash - the world’s fastest and powerful pain elimination technique. The one you can do in just a


Register For Michal’s Workshp Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Treating Severe & Complex Trauma in Clients Zoe Clews

A unique & powerful technique we’ve developed over time to clear generational shame as part of our indepth workshop which also includes.

Paul Gibson

• The ‘family roles’ created by growing up in dysfunction & how they impact the adults lives

• Topics of discussion on our 2 day course include:


• Why the one-session fix promise is wholly inappropriate for trauma and/or complex or severe trauma

• Eye movement techniques to process traumatised memories

• The connection of childhood trauma and adult depression and anxiety disorders

• Parts therapy

• The connection between childhood trauma and eating disorders

• Gestalt dialogue • Associated and disassociated regression techniques • Inner child

• The connection between childhood trauma and addiction

• The effective use of submodalities

• The connection between childhood trauma and codependency

• Cord-cutting release for trauma and betrayal bonds (family and other relationships)

• Trauma bonds & Betrayal Bonds - how they form, what they are and how to treat them

• GenTrauma - a unique & powerful technique created by Zoe Clews and Paul Gibson to clear generational shame and trauma stepped down from maternal and paternal family-lines

• Neurobiology of trauma (including ACE, developing mind, the learning brain) • The role of the therapist - holding a safe space, honouring and respecting the trauma and its impact fully, subconscious negotiation, beliefdissolving, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries • Guiding the client out of minimisation, compartmentalisation and denial • Working with the traumatised person (setting safety and rapport) • The emotions of the abused child/adult (anger, grief, guilt, sadness and toxic shame) • The importance of external support networks • Therapy not just about removing trauma, it’s helping person to live again • Attachment/abandonment issues and why they are common in trauma clients • Working with & knowing how to IDENTIFY the lesser known trauma manifestations: repetition compulsion, narcissistic wounding, severe abandonment trauma & social masochism

• Pacing and leading and your tonality

Our focus is on helping our clients to really live again and not just removing trauma – but to do that, we need to be able to understand and communicate the connection between trauma and the full impact it has on the entirety of an individual’s life. trauma is a big problem, but resolving it fully requires a series of steps – steps we will be teaching you on our two-day workshop. This workshop also discusses in detail the moral & ethical considerations for dealing with clients & the most helpful and supportive techniques.

Register For Zoe Clew’s & Paul Gibson’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


trauma is a big problem, but resolving it fully requires a series of steps – steps we will be teaching you on our two-day workshop.

More from Zoe Clews...

Working With Severe & Complex Trauma Saying something is ‘the best ever’ is always likely to be more divisive than it is unifying, but in the case of a book called The Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome by Wayne Kritsberg, I’m willing to take the risk. If you want to decode the impact of trauma, it’s the best book on the subject ever written. Period. Essentially, what Kritsberg argues is that alcoholism or dysfunction of any kind in the family system never affects one person in a family, it affects everyone – physically, spiritually and mentally. The argument he prosecutes is that the corrosive effect of family dysfunction through childhood, whether through parental alcoholism, other addictions or growing up in a dysfunctional home,


represents 6,570 days of shame, belittlement, ignorance and criticism. It is 160,000 hours of unhealthy parenting and 72 seasons in which sorrow is embedded in the souls of the children who live with it. And eventually, it manifests in those children and, therefore, the adults those children become as the false self. The person we are told we are; the person we are forced to be. Children, he says, become defined by artificial roles and traits that dysfunction creates for us and they misremember this abuse - for that, ladies and gentlemen, is the real name of dysfunction – for many reasons rooted in shame, guilt and misplaced gratitude for the food and shelter they are given. They learn to cope. To abide. To survive. One way to survive in those situations is to shut down our hearts. We find other crutches upon which to rest the weight of the shame and guilt, and those crutches come in many shapes and sizes. As hypnotherapists, our job is to remove these clients

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

from denial and it takes time. We work with the subconscious to honour the past, to gradually heal the original wounds by acknowledging them and to allow the client to realise their answer to the problem – the addiction or negative behaviour 0 isn’t working. Trauma is rarely a one-shot deal. In most cases, the individual has suffered repeated traumatic experiences that lead to ingrained false self-belief. The behaviours that bring a client to a hypnotherapist are symptoms and so good therapists rarely treat just one incident but instead clear layers of entrenched problems and issues around belief structures. Common false beliefs are the sole preserve of the Superego. We are defective, not good enough, undeserving and unlovable. These beliefs encourage and attract further trauma and often lead us to try to resolve our issues through repetition compulsion which sees us replicate the situations and circumstances associated with the original trauma in a subconscious – but wasted – effort to rewrite our own history. One of the key traumas carried by many adults since childhood is generational shame and trauma that fuels an emotional chain reaction: Toxic Shame is Multi-generational. It is passed from one generation to the next. Shame-based people find other shamebased people and get married. As a couple, each carries the shame from his or her own family system into their marriage and children. The power of good hypnotherapy lies in clearing all

the way back down family lines. Many clients aren’t just carrying their own ‘stuff’, but their entire family’s as well. Effective treatment means deep therapy and a multi-faceted approach. That’s why we’re delighted to be showcasing GenTrauma during our two-day workshop on working with severe & complex trauma - a unique & powerful technique we’ve developed over time to clear generational shame as part of our in-depth workshop which also includes. Topics of discussion on our 2 day course include: • Why the one-session fix promise is wholly inappropriate for trauma and/or complex or severe trauma • The connection of childhood trauma and adult depression and anxiety disorders • The connection between childhood trauma and eating disorders • The connection between childhood trauma and addiction • The connection between childhood trauma and codependency • Trauma bonds & Betrayal Bonds - how they form, what they are and how to treat them • Neurobiology of trauma (including ACE, developing mind, the learning brain) • The role of the therapist - holding a safe space, honouring and respecting the trauma and its impact fully, subconscious negotiation, beliefdissolving, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries • Guiding the client out of minimisation, compartmentalisation and denial

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


• Working with the traumatised person (setting safety and rapport) • The emotions of the abused child/adult (anger, grief, guilt, sadness and toxic shame) • The importance of external support networks • Therapy not just about removing trauma, it’s helping person to live again • Attachment/abandonment issues and why they are common in trauma clients • Working with & knowing how to IDENTIFY the lesser known trauma manifestations: repetition compulsion, narcissistic wounding, severe abandonment trauma & social masochism • The ‹family roles› created by growing up in dysfunction & how they impact the adults lives

Techniques • Eye movement techniques to process traumatised memories • Gestalt dialogue • Parts therapy • Associated and dissociated regression techniques

• • • •

Inner child The effective use of submodalities Pacing and leading and your tonality Cord-cutting release for trauma and betrayal bonds (family and other relationships) • GenTrauma - a unique & powerful technique created by Zoe Clews and Paul Gibson to clear generational shame and trauma stepped down from maternal and paternal family-lines Our focus is on helping our clients to really live again and not just removing trauma – but to do that, we need to be able to understand and communicate the connection between trauma and the full impact it has on the entirety of an individual’s life. trauma is a big problem, but resolving it fully requires a series of steps – steps we will be teaching you on our two-day workshop.

The power of good hypnotherapy lies in clearing all the way back down family lines. Many clients aren’t just carrying their own ‘stuff’, but their entire family’s as well. Effective treatment means deep therapy and a multi-faceted approach.


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Hypno-Oncology, Using Hypnotherapy in Cancer Settings (Certification Course) Garry Coles

Become a Hypno-Oncology Certified Practitioner. In the US, 1 in 2 people will develop cancer in their lifetime. Fourteen out of every 100 women will develop breast cancer! Recent research has shown that 40% of cancer patients seek out complementary therapies such as hypnotherapy. I hear so many hypnotherapists contacting me saying a loved one is suffering from cancer and they wish they could help, but don’t know how too. Learn NOW and have the tools when you desperately need them most! This Hypno-Oncology Practitioner certification course will give you the tools, techniques and confidence to assist family members, loved ones or clients going through the cancer journey. Remember 1 in 2, so this will become your biggest near future market in hypnotherapy! Over 65 million Americans will want your services. Are you ready? Hypnotherapy can be a very useful complementary addition to the patient’s cancer journey in this expanding area. Emotional and psychological support can help patients learn to cope with distress. Such support can reduce levels of the symptoms that they may be experiencing, as well as treatment-related symptoms among patients. Hypnotherapy can be a useful addition in preparing for pre-surgery as well as assisting with post-surgery healing and pain control. Other common areas

experienced such as insomnia, anticipatory nausea, dysgeusia, dietary issues can often be helped with hypnotherapy. On completion of the workshop, you will have the knowledge to be able to:Effectively communicate and work with cancer patients, having an understanding of the physical and psychological aspects of cancer. Ethically work with cancer patients, knowing what you can legally say and work with. Create hypnotherapy treatment plans through having a knowledge of the patients’ cancer journey You will have numerous unique techniques which have been finely honed for cancer patients, you will see them demonstrated and have a chance to practice them. You will have access to numerous scripts to help patients throughout every step of their journey. To provide appropriate psychological support to both patient and carers. To assist the patient in controlling their symptoms and side effects.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Utilise and understand the potential benefits of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). You will have access to videos of techniques, further scripts and ongoing support. Age is a defining factor in the majority of cancer cases and people are living longer and therefore are increasing their chances of being affected by the disease. From diagnosis, to treatment, to recovery, the physical and psychological effects and symptoms of cancer are widely documented and often bring on a range of negative emotions. This workshop will give an overview of cancer and the cancer journey, it is essential to understand the process, journey, terminology and treatment being undertaken to be able to communicate effectively with patients. Many countries have regulations governing working with cancer patients (hypnotherapists can get themselves into serious legal difficulties by not knowing this) which will be explained. Communication and the use of language is very important when dealing with both cancer patients and members of the medical profession, this will be explained and guidance given. The most common areas that you can successfully work with will be highlighted, and techniques and approaches discussed. Current research will be examined. You will be shown how to work with the patient to address and help them control their symptoms, (in conjunction with other treatments given).

given. This is an area that could have a profound affect with dealing with patients such as those suffering from cancer. How do you get to work with cancer patients? Is it possible to work in hospital as part of the cancer journey? As well as being one of the top UK hypnotherapists, having successfully worked with tens of thousands of patients, Garry Coles is considered to be one of the world experts in the use of hypnosis within cancer settings and is one of only a handful of hypnotherapists in the UK to hold an MSc in Clinical Hypnotherapy. For his research and dissertation, Garry was imbedded in the Breast Cancer MultiDisciplinary Team at a major cancer hospital where he carried out pioneering medical research involving hypnosis with breast cancer operations. Garry has spent nearly fourteen years working within an oncology unit at a major cancer hospital dealing with thousands of patients at all points of their cancer journey. This is in addition to being affected personally by cancer within his own close family.

Register For Garry’s Workshop Here

An introduction to psychoneuroimmunology will be


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

More from Garry Coles…. After fourteen years of working as a consultant hypnotherapist in the oncology unit of a major UK cancer hospital, I do get quiet satisfaction in knowing that I have given my best in helping people progress along their, often frightening and arduous cancer journey. There is a growing body of empirical evidence indicating how effective hypnotherapy can be for the duration of the patient’s entire cancer journey, from initial diagnosis, throughout treatment and hopefully for many, a satisfactory outcome. Although, it can also be of assistance in more negative prognosis situations. It’s not just the patient that can be helped, either, the carers and family are equally important. To add to this plethora of empirical knowledge I was fortunate enough to become embedded in the Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Team to carry out my own pioneering research into studying pre-surgical hypnosis and the effects it had in the recovery quality in breast cancer operations. This research was carefully controlled, and peer reviewed as part of my MSc in Clinical Hypnotherapy (a rarity in the UK, and indeed, most of the world). The results were very encouraging indicating that presurgical hypnosis did indeed improve the recovery quality of patients after breast cancer operations, not only psychologically but also in the perception of pain. I must admit that I originally joined the oncology unit when new to hypnotherapy, with a view of gaining experience and then moving on, except, I never left! It’s not for everyone, helping patients through their cancer journey, many therapists don’t last long in the environment as it can be very emotional when you lose patients you have built relationships with, but it can also be very rewarding. I get involved in all aspects of the patients ‘cancer journey’, from diagnosis, to fears, phobias and anxieties, pre and post-surgery, treatment side effects, the recovery and much more. There are also the less enjoyable palliative elements and end of life care. Over the years, I have learned a lot about cancer and cancer treatments by attending numerous

hospital speciality courses. From my own research and experience I was able to come up with unique, targeted, hypnotherapy scripts, protocols and techniques that were best suited to working with cancer patients. I also studied other allied areas such as psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) which could be destined to have a major effect on future treatment plans. Working with cancer patients is an area that is going to grow and grow, as statistics indicate that cancer in the USA (and in much of the western world) will affect 1 in 2 of those born since 1960! Recent research indicates that 40% of cancer patients will seek out complementary medicines, such as hypnotherapy. That equates to over 65 million Americans looking for you to help them! One thing that I do find upsetting is that being considered one of the world experts in this area, is that I am constantly being contacted by hypnotherapists from all over the globe, often in a distraught state, saying that their partner, mother or father, sibling, child, or close friend is suffering from cancer and they wish they could help but don’t know what to do. They are often well qualified and experienced but feel powerless in this situation. Obviously, I give as much help and advice as I can, but there is only so much I can do via email or a short chat. During my travels across the world presenting at conferences, talking about my work and giving advice and tips (as I will be doing at HypnoBiz2019), I am constantly asked to devise a comprehensive workshop for hypnotherapists wishing to work in this area. Finally, I succumbed to the pressure and presented a well received, sold out workshop last year at a prestigious London university. I presented the same workshop this year in Las Vegas and from the feedback forms received 100% of respondents rated it as excellent! I am honoured to be asked to bring my workshop to New York for the first time as a post conference offering on Tuesday 7th May 2019, as well as speaking on the subject as part of HypnoBiz 2019.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Addiction Freedom Certification-

Become an expert and learn how you will revolutionize addiction treatment. Wendi Friesen

You will learn how important this work is, why you cannot wing it with clients. This proven program teaches you the exact process to be known as an expert and create a very lucrative business with Addiction Freedom. The need for addiction work is bigger than ever. Families looking for help for their loved one are frustrated by the lack of choices and the expense. After sending the addict to yet another 12 step month long rehab, and paying $25,000$40,000 for a month of AA meetings just does not feel right for most who are struggling.


You already have the Hypnotherapy and NLP skills to help people with addictions, but it is critical that you are not guessing and that you have a proven methodology. Now you will learn how to apply these methods to addiction, with alcohol or drug use. You will learn why your services will be in big demand, what to charge, how to promote your programs, how to facilitate Addiction Freedom groups and serve private clients.

Register For Wendi’s Workshop Here 36

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Law of Attraction Certification

The Law of Attraction is all about personal empowerment. Victoria Gallagher

Realize that everything in your life is there by invitation, your invitation! Now, you may have doubts about that, but, I’m here to tell you that if you can wrap your mind around that, its a very empowering experience, one which can cause you to change the course of your life as you learn to Activate the Law of Attraction in a powerful and positive way. In essence, like energy attracts like energy, its really quite simple.


Its all about taking personal responsibility for your actions and your thoughts. Every time you get aggravated or upset, you create negative energy and since like attracts like, you know what can come back to you. You can make a conscious decision to think more positively and that is what is all about. Activate the Law of Attraction. Learn to attract more of what you DO want into your life in this advanced master class.

Register For Victoria’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


More from Victoria Gallagher... 3 Law of Attraction Exercises That Can Help your SelfImprovement One of the most prominent among the laws of the universe is the LAW OF ATTRACTION. In layman’s term, it only means this: to attract the things you want in their life, you need to apply the same energy to it. Which means that to attract positive things into your life, you need to exude a positive aura and belief too. When you focus on the Law of Attraction, there are a few ways to manifest what you want more often and create the life you want. Practicing law of attraction exercises is one of them. With these simple Law of Attraction exercises that we want to share with you today, practicing the Law of Attraction will not be only easier and effortless each time – you will also have a much better grasp on how this universal law works:


Make a list of the things you want to manifest into your life

The Universe is like a magical department store where you can get absolutely anything you want. When you’re running errands or at work, keep a list or journal of the things you want. Writing down the things you want will help you let go of your desires and avoid focusing on them too much, which can cause you to have a feeling of lack and resistance. Right when you think of something you want, you’ll feel positive and happy about it, so write it down immediately while keeping those positive feelings. The pressure to make it an effort in manifesting what you want will be taken off your shoulders when you jot down the things you want daily.



Practice meditation constantly


Start from small manifestations before moving onto bigger ones

Meditation is incredibly important when it comes to using the Law of Attraction. Meditation gives you a clear head and enables all the positive, calm emotions in you, which raises your vibration and energy levels. By meditating daily for at least 15 minutes per day, you’ll get into the habit of clearing your mind and letting go of negative thoughts and feelings. This helps you make room for thoughts and feelings you do want, so make time to meditate to gain the benefit of obtaining a clear mind.

When you first get into practicing the Law of Attraction, start manifesting small things into your life first. “Small” manifestations are different for each person, so you can decide what “small” thing you want to attract. For instance, if you see stray cats in your neighborhood a lot, you can attract one by thinking, “I have seen one black stray cat in my neighborhood today.” You should also visualize seeing the stray cat to amplify your feelings and send out stronger vibrations to the Universe. Afterward, let go of your desires and go on with your day. If you focus too much on what you want to manifest, it can create a feeling of lack rather than a feeling of already having. Be sure to take a few minutes to visualize and think about the small manifestation before letting it go, though. With a life of limiting beliefs and negative thoughts, it will take practice to get back into using the Law of Attraction naturally and effortlessly. Since the Law of Attraction is a natural universal law, it is always working, so using these exercises will help make it work to your advantage. Hopefully, these law of attraction exercises can help you on your road to self-improvement.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

You Can Be The Weight Expert in Your Area

Sheila Granger

Jo-Anne Eadie

The Virtual Gastric Band pioneered by Sheila Granger for the physical controls of weight release and the Exhale Weight Program for the emotional aspects allows the client to experience a lifestyle change that allows them to eat what they want, stop when they are full. We will install the Virtual Gastric Band and let the Hypnotist experience what the client does. If you are already working with weight clients, this complete program will elevate your success rate to over 90% as we are getting and you will be seen as the expert in your area. Together they present a complete turnkey package.


Included are many resources including a manual with the entire program laid out step by step for you to begin immediately. You will be confident working with weight clients because of the instant success that they experience. Included are all scripts and information handouts for your clients. Five concepts that are not found in any weight programs will increase your success rate easily.

Register For Sheila’s & Jo-Anne’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Dual Voice Hypnosis Mario Lima & Adolfo Carvalho

Dual Voice Hypnosis is the art of using synchronized dual voice patterns in order to provide optimal suggestive influence channels in the subconscious mind. This technique uses hypnotic language that can make even unresponsive people to hypnotic suggestion respond very well to the hypnotic effect on influence and change work. As a creative approach that can be used in a variety of situations, such as therapy, stage, business strategies, street hypnosis or conversational influence in the daily life routine, it can also allow for the opportunity of teamwork with a fellow hypnotist and the reunion between professionals in hypnosis.

More from Mario Lima & Adolfo Carvalho….. DUAL VOICE HYPNOSIS PRESENTATION AND WORKSHOP Do you as a hypnotist want to provide your clients or subjects the best hypnotic experience they have ever had? And even more if they have already had an experiment with hypnosis before? People who go to a hypnotherapy office want to feel hypnotized, that is, they want to feel the experience of deep trance happening. Most of the times, hypnotists give a disclaimer to protect themselves from failing to

Register For Mario Lima’s & Adolfo Carvalho’s Workshop Here Included are many resources including a manual with the entire program laid out step by step for you to begin immediately. 40

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

provide to the client this feeling. But the reality is, if you do it well once, you win the client’s trust and you open the door to make the change work in a fast, meaningful and lasting way, with long term results. You win a client for life and your reputation goes up and up. Your clients list increases, and so does your prestige. What’s better than that? Two of people’s human needs are: first, the absolute need to have certainty in their life and secondly the absolute need to have uncertainty. Although being the opposite, it’s in this paradox that all people live in. That is, we have the need to feel safe, stable and secure and we also have the need to have variety in our lives. If done well, the hypnotic set up will fulfil these two needs and therefore provide to the client or subject the feeling of feeling special, because these two needs are being met, even if they don’t know why. And there´s one thing about one thing meeting two of the people’s needs: they get hooked to it. Nowadays, with the increase of information in what hypnosis is concerned, people look for safer ways of improving their life, adopting therapies and natural ways of living. What if you could present to your clients an approach, which is safe, has a lot of variety, is fun and works fast and effectively in solving the client’s problems? Would they want that? An approach even faster than hypnosis? What if, as a hypnotist or hypnotherapist, you could offer your clients a fresh, fast, innovative and so effective method to make change work on them? What if you could spend one of your appointments day working with a fellow colleague, having lots of fun, making your contribution to a better world by helping people solve their emotional problems? In addition, by doing so, what if you could charge more and work less but more intelligently and effectively? Would you want that, hypnotist?

WHAT IS DUAL VOICE HYPNOSIS®? Dual Voice Hypnosis is the art of using synchronized dual voice patterns, in order to provide optimal suggestive influence channels in the subconscious mind. HOW DOES DVH® WORK? This new innovative technique uses hypnotic language in such profound way that can make even unresponsive people to hypnotic suggestion respond very well to the hypnotic effect on influence and change work. WHY LEARN DUAL VOICE HYPNOSIS®? This creative approach is a technology that can be fun, used in a variety of situations, such as therapy, stage, street hypnosis or conversational influence in the daily life routine, and can enhance the opportunity of teamwork with a fellow hypnotist and the reunion between professionals in hypnosis. Now, the next question is… WILL YOU BE THE ONLY ONE NOT OFFERING THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY TO YOUR CLIENTS? We, ADOLFO CARVALHO & MÁRIO LIMA, are the creators and mentors of DUAL VOICE HYPNOSIS®, and we will be presenting this creative and amazing methodology on 4th MAY 2019 in HYPNOBIZ – NEW YORK! We will also be teaching a 4-hour post conference workshop, on 6th MAY in the afternoon. So LET’S MEET! Let’s CONNECT! Let’s WORK TOGETHER, not only to GROW YOUR BUSINESS but also to IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS. LET’S HAVE SOME FUN!

Well, that’s where we COME IN.

JOIN IN HYPNOBIZ 2019! We are excited to see you there! HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Healing Soul Wounds Sharron Magyar

Soul wounds to a person are caused by a traumatic experience that keep a person stuck in their negative emotions, resulting in dysfunctional coping strategies which are resistant to help through traditional healing modalities. In this powerful four hour workshop, you will learn to identify soul wounds that keep you stuck in life and how to release them. Let Sharron provide you with a thorough background and open your eyes to this fascinating topi


Register For Sharron’s Workshop Here 42

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Helen Mitas

Feeling pressure from clients to work a miracle in the first session? Feeling exhausted from trying to give clients too much (but it never seems enough) Feeling anxious about asking for what you’re worth? Looking at a blank appointment calendar, wondering how to attract new clients? Attracting clients who don’t value you or your expertise? Feeling frustrated or blocked from getting to the next level? What You Get:


• BREAKTHROUGH QUESTIONS THAT TRIGGER POWERFUL SHIFTS IN YOUR CLIENTS • LIVE DEMOS AND EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING See live demonstrations of Helen’s successful techniques and practice applying them with coaching and guidance from Helen. AND MUCH MORE…

Register For Helen’s Workshop Here HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Mindful Manifestation Certification Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas

IF YOU are ready to create an abundance of money, love and joy and help others do the same then this class is for YOU! you’ll experience first-hand the secrets of manifesting what you want and need. You’ll be amazed at how quickly Shelley’s MINDFUL MANIFESTATION approach puts you and your business in high gear… You’ll have time to practice and will leave the course energized and ready to put your skills into action.

Register For Shelley’s Workshop Here

Position Yourself as the expert in Your Field Publish Your Book Suzy Prudden Becoming a published author positions you as an expert in your field. It gives you more credibility and helps to get more speaking opportunities, radio interviews, podcast interviews and TV interviews. It helps you get your expertise featured in newspaper articles. It places you in front of the crowd.



This workshop will explain the whys and hows of becoming a published author. It will help participants understand the myths and truths of publishing. It will explains why your book is NOT your Business Card but IS your Business Builder.

Register For Suzy’s Workshop Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Helping Clients to Overcome Depression Suzy Teixeira

This wonderfully structured program will cover a complete depression treatment and identify powerful questions to help your clients through a variety of psychotherapy techniques. You’ll receive highly useful hypnosis scripts, along with a comprehensive workbook that will become your go to guide.


Join Suzy for a dynamic day of learning that you won’t soon forget!

Register For Suzy’s Workshop Here More From Suzy Teixeira... What is depression and how hypnosis help? DEPRESSION:

These days, it’s common to hear, I feel sad, anxiety, and gloominess, etc. But have we ever wondered, what depression is? What are all these states? And does every second person have this feeling of sadness? With the advancements, now it has become easier to know the causes and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Hypnotherapy is the solution to it! Depression is an emotional disorder and entails as mood swings. In the state of depression, one is always found to be sad and has loss of interest in activities. Depression hurts a person’s behaviour, thinking, and feeling. However, it seems there is no sign of energy and positivity

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Depression, if left untreated, can cause severe damage to mental health. At the same time, affect your physical health.

in life. A person starts to feel hopeless and acts dull. Depression varies from normal mood fluctuations to severe ones. Normal fluctuation is what everyone experiences as a part of life. Temporary sadness, which lasts, for the time shouldn’t consider as depression. It is a constant state of sadness remains for an extended period of time. However, depression damages a person’s mental health. Moreover, it starts affecting the physical condition as well. So, it is necessary to know the symptoms of depression and treat it on time.

SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSIONS: It is obvious to observe depression in a person who is going through the phase. The gloomy mood which tends not to improve at all is a sign of distress. Depression, if left untreated, can cause severe damage to mental health. At the same time, affect your physical health. It leads to the stage of anxiety, which causes fear and nervousness. Anxiety takes place if depression ignores. However, it further creates complications such as: • • • • • • •

Sudden panic attacks Gain or loss of weight Suicidal attempts Physical pains Relationship issues Feeling restless Feeling unmotivated

But the question is: What causes depression? There should be a list of causes to understand why depression targets us.



Well, the reasons for depression may vary from person to person. Each person has a different personality, thus leading to a difference in needs and wants. However, there is no particular cause of depression, thou; it links to the number of factors. Unpleasant personal life events may cause distress. Events like severe abuse and long-term unemployment lead to depression. Moreover, failures, struggles, and loneliness are also some of them. Other than this, personal factors can cause distress. Factors such as family history, intake of drugs and alcohol, lead to depression. Also, personality and serious medical illness, are the main factors.

TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION: Depression is unlikely to go away on its own. Instead, it needs proper clinical treatment. There are many ways to treat depression. These include consultation, physiotherapy, medications, and hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy considers as one of the useful and best ways to treat depression. It gives a calm and soothing environment to the patient, which allows one to relax. Due to this relaxation, the patient can exert out the causes of depression.

LIGHT ON HYPNOTHERAPY: Hypnosis is a state in which a hypnotherapist hypnotises the client. It makes the client reach a state of ultimate relaxation, deep concentration, and complete attention. In such condition, the client is not aware of any movement happening in the surroundings. The client

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Depression varies from normal mood fluctuations to severe ones. Normal fluctuation is what everyone experiences as a part of life.

is in its focused world; such state is also called trance state. It takes clients into such deep state is essential to know the cause of depression. In such state, the client can explore himself/herself. Moreover, it allows taking control of the depressing state he/she is going within.

hypnotherapy treatment involves a calm surrounding. So, the client is aware of its environment. He/she is aware of his/her treatment and is not unconscious. The client responds to therapist suggestions and is in charge of his condition.


The state of trance achieves through induction. However, induction is the technique in which therapist sets the patient into relaxing mode. In induction, the therapist offers a suggestion to the clients, which he/ she follows. It is helpful to know the state of the client he is in right now.

A Hypnotherapist assists the client through counselling. During hypnosis condition, the left side of the brain gets blocked and the right side of the brain is more alert to recall all past happenings. So, it is helpful to know the cause of depression. It takes a client into a state where it can explore painful thoughts, feelings, and memories. However, that might be hindered in its subconscious mind helps the clients to discover more about themselves. Hypnosis is an effective treatment when it comes to treating mental and physical disorders. It takes a person to past and pinpoints troublesome area which may hinder its present. However, it allows the healing of the old emotional wound. As depression increases, it takes the shape of anxiety. But don’t worry, it is possible to treat it. Through Hypnosis, once the leading cause of the pain is known, and so treated to extract it from the root. Hypnotherapy helps to treat self-destructive habits, like drinking, smoking, eating disorders. Likewise, phobias, lack of confidence, work stress, etc. are easy to treat, without any medications.

HOW HYPNOTHERAPY WORKS: A delusion about hypnotherapy is: the client is not in the receptive state. No doubt, a successful

Once the induction stage sets, the muscles of the patient start to relax. The client begins to feel numb. He/she speaks of all positive life events, setting its trail to the past. A deep trance opens the patient’s visual, auditory or kinesthetic experiences. It is the deepest level, and the client responds to its live events. The event which is causing troublesome to the client is most found at this level. At this point, the client responds to the therapist and focuses.

CONCLUSION: To conclude, the results of hypnotherapy are amazing. Infinite success stories exist witnessing benefits of hypnotherapy. Moreover, it has helped to show the direction to people and treating them without any medication. If you know someone that is suffering from depression let them know about hypnotherapy. Wishing you health and happiness. Kind regards, Suzy Teixeira

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


Become A Certified Non-Smoking Specialist Learn how to help people to quit smoking in just 3 hours. Dr. Birgit Zottmann

“Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths every year, or about 1 in 5 deaths. In 2016, more than 15 of every 100 U.S. adults aged 18 years or older (15.5%) currently smoked cigarettes. This means an estimated 37.8 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes. More than 16 million Americans live with a smoking-related disease.” https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/ fact_sheets/adult_data/cig_smoking/index.htm In 1 day you will become a certified non-smoking specialist. Step by step you will learn how you can help your clients to become a non smoker in 3 hours without gaining weight! I know what I’m talking about. I was a chain smoker and got rid of it with hypnosis. My protocol is a proven tool that helped more than 1,000 smokers in the last 15 years. You can use it in one to one sessions as well as in-group sessions in the business world and in hospitals. I will provide you with all the necessary tools. Start your non-smoking business the very next day.

BONUS: Everybody who is visiting this class will get a copy of my new book and a recording of a non-smoking hypnosis.

Register For Dr. Zottmann’s Workshop Here 48

More from Dr. Zottmann... Tha Anti-Aging Cure Does smoking make you look older and unhealthy? Yes, of course! If you need one more reason to motivate you to quit smoking, add premature wrinkles to the list. The more cigarettes you smoke and the longer you smoke, the more skin wrinkling you’re likely to have, primarily because your skin cannot breathe. With every breath of nicotine, your blood vessels immediately become thinner, which impairs the blood flow to your skin and this reduces the oxygen level in your blood. With less blood flow, your skin doesn’t get as much oxygen and important nutrients, such as vitamin A. Many of the more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke also damage collagen and elastin, which are fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. As a result, skin begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely and become dry, dull and yellowed. It’s never too late to stop smoking - we are all aging, but don’t need to let cigarettes determine how we look. I will show you step by step some techniques how your clients get rid of smoking in just one threehour session without gaining weight.

Join me in this much needed workshop!

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Vendor Tables

Showcase YOUR products and services at HypnoBiz New York

Book A Vendor Table Here Today! HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


2019 HypnoBiz New York Saturday Night Yacht Party Celebration

Experience New York City from one of the best views! Combining a modern feel with flexible spaces and a covered top deck with views to rival New York City’s coolest rooftop bars, this private Yacht is perfect for our Saturday night celebration party.

Yacht Party Includes:

Dinner, Dancing & Cocktails

Register Here Today! 50

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

The Canadian Hypnosis Conference Is Now HypnoBiz Canada®

Join us in Canada for the most talked about event of the year! What Is HypnoBiz Canada®? HypnoBiz Canada: registered: is Co- Organized by Jo-Anne Eadie and Selena D. Valentine and set against the backdrop of the Toronto Metropolitan area. For six years, it is the place where speakers, coaches and entrepreneurs have come to offer dynamic and amazing presentations that will teach you about the latest trends. While specializing in business strategies, HypnoBiz Canada® is proud to offer multiple tracks related to clinical and health topics as well.

View Details & Register Here

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


HypnoBiz AustraliaÂŽ

March 14th-15th 2020 HypnoBiz AustraliaÂŽ is Co- Organized by Helen Mitas and Selena D. Valentine. It is the most international and most progressive Hypnosis conference that brings together hundreds of top practitioners from all over the world to share their best advice and tips for success.

The first event of its kind is coming Down Under in March 2020!

View Details Here


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Want to showcase your products and services in the Hypnobiz Magazine? Ready to reach a growing community of fellow hypnotists?

Click here to advertise with us! HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


2019 HypnoBiz New York Conference Venue The Venue

Holiday Inn Secaucus Meadowlands Located just 4 miles from New York City’s Times Square and in the heart of The Plaza at Harmon Meadow, the Holiday Inn® Secaucus Meadowlands hotel staff delivers an unrivaled level of convenience and service. You’ll love being within walking distance to the shops and dining at The Plaza, adjacent to our hotel. The wonders of New York City, Times Square and The Meadowlands Sports Complex (MetLife Stadium and Meadowlands Racetrack) are just a short NJ Transit bus ride from the hotel’s location. Awaken your senses at PRESS Coffee Bar and bring your appetite to the full-service Urban Plum Restaurant & Bar. You’ll love the newly refreshed spacious guest rooms with a mini-fridge, microwave, Keurig coffee maker and comfortable plush bedding. Guests enjoy free Wi-Fi access (300Mbps). Free local shuttle service within a 4-mile radius including Secaucus Train Station and Teterboro Airport, a 24hr 1,500-sq-ft Fitness Center, 24-hour Business Center are just a few of the amenities provided with your comfort and convenience in mind. Distance from Airport: Newark Liberty International Airport 9 MI/ 14.48 KM Address: 300 Plaza Dr, Secaucus, NJ 07094

Telephone: (201) 348-2000

Reserve your special room rate now!


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

SCHEDULE HYPNOKINISTHETICS - POWERFUL NLP MIND BODY SOLUTIONS Thursday, May 02 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Patricia Eslava Vessey This methodology combines, several modified, kinesthetic NLP patterns (including dancing score) and other energy psychology and coaching strategies to create meaningful change, deep healing and powerful solutions by accessing and expressing information stored within the powerful mind-body relationship in a way that mobilizes deep resources. This process creates an easily reachable, self-organizing pathway toward a resourceful state. As well, it can be a powerful stimulus for doing effective problem solving, discovering and creating metaphors, gaining access to unconscious resources, healing and ultimately self-evolution and expression. Profound change can occur in just one session. Practitioners can use HypnoKinesthetics in a content free session and/or powerful coaching questions can be utilized to create verbal, written action plans. HypnoKinesthetics is effective with athletes, dancers, performers and others who easily access the kinesthetic representational system. It is also an effective way to support anyone in accessing, improving and expressing the treasure chest of mind-body information.

MASTERING THE BUSINESS OF HYPNOSIS Thursday, May 02 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Robert Merlin An in depth class on how to run a successful Holistic or alternative private practice, part time or full time. I have been self employed my entire life and I know what it takes to be successful. I have built a thriving Hypnosis business from scratch that produces in the six figures every year. You will learn about where to open, leases, advertising, marketing and what works, social networks and how to use them, insurance, liability, scheduling appointments, have clients gladly pay you $3000.00 after meeting you just one time, phone talk that gets lookers into buyers, use of scripts, what to say, what can be done and what can not be done, staying in your lane, you will learn what to really charge clients with a simple formula that works, three things you must do to be successful, Learn how to break into the medical community to get more referrals, How to overcome the internal Blocks that are keeping you from success and so much more.


INCREDIBLE CONFIDENCE Thursday, May 02 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Rick Green Are you afraid to step on stage, start a business, see a client, or even approach and say hi to a stranger? No more! Become the WINNER in this highly experiential and life-changing presentation. Like a mini-bootcamp -you will leave a changed person. Unstoppable — beyond Confident to Certainty! Sadly, I have seen many good hypnotists afraid to take the next step. Some are afraid to even use their skills. Banish that thought! Now! As a police instructor, I have had to get hundreds of recruits past the fear of real life and death encounters. I have coached Olympic athletes, Undercover Police Officers, and real people to step out of their comfort zone and into their Champion zone utilizing a process I call “Tiger-Mind.” This Tiger-Mind class will combine the forbidden secrets of ancient martial arts schools, the secrets of Soviet bloc Olympic training, the Secrets of FBI/CIA undercover officer trainings, and the latest neuroscience change works to take you to a whole new level of change. And more! Imagine starting out in whatever you dream of with unstoppable confidence. Imagine your Champion zone has you doing street hypnosis, successful client work, starting your business — just going for it!


Stephanie became a leader in the industry when she pioneered The Profound Somnambulism Protocol, a groundbreaking deep trance protocol utilizing subconscious dialogue. Stephanie balances a work-life attitude with three small kids and a successful career. She believes life is to be enjoyed and teaches that you can "have it all" once you know how to set clear intentions and goals, then follow through.

SOUL ENTRAINMENT CERTIFICATION Thursday, May 02 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Karen Paolino Correia What if you could offer clients a new modality or even attract a whole new clientele by offering Soul Entrainment® to your current practice? This training course will prove to you, beyond any doubt that the Soul holds all the answers to our past, present and future. Come and discover how you can help yourself and others access the wisdom of their soul to achieve any goal and at the same time have the privilege of witnessing miracles?Every hypnotist, psychologist, holistic practitioner and all those soul searching or on their spiritual path will benefit from this class. This life changing day and its techniques can be used for both personal growth and to work with clients. The wisdom, healing and guidance you will receive from your soul during this two-day program will support you to live a life better than you could ever imagine.


any other helping profession. Helping people is a calling to which many people respond but

Thursday, May 02 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Bob Burns

unfortunately, not many people can keep up with. Most of the time, it is not enough to just

Whilst specialising in his world-famous Swan Protocol and The Wall Bob covers a veritable

We all love what we do! Some of us do psychotherapy, counseling, coaching, hypnosis or

want to help people. You actually need to learn how to promote and sell your services so that you can help as many people as possible. In this training, you learn how to identify your audience, how to connect with it and how to talk their language so that they listen to what you have to say.

LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS OF EUTAPTICS FASTER EFT Thursday, May 02 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Robert G. Smith

Goldilocks (how to never be nervous in any form of delivering either therapy or a talk), Auras (practical teaching on how to SEE auras on the day!), How to work with groups (the secret of building the best therapy practices), Smoking Cessation (Bob Burns truly carries a success rate of over 95% in smoking cessation which will be fully explained & taught in this workshop), Self Hypnosis (the secret of building group practices), Past Life Regression (Bob has advised to TV in this field which will be fully explained and demonstrated), Lucid Dreaming (as a long term Lucid Dreamer himself Bob will fully explain and give instruction on this topic), The Colour Protocol (The protocol that was used on Louis Oosthuizen in winning The Open in 2010. A Must Have for golf therapists!), And of course STUFF…. from a mind with 45 years experiencing of hypnotising!

his course will totally rewrite how you do change work with yourself and with clients. It is for people who want to know the how to apply neuroscience, understand how Synaptic Plasticity works and how to rewrite the autonomic trances in seconds or minutes. You will learn about Deep Structure of Problems, Power of Direct Mindfulness, Simple Neuroplastic Changes, Instant Autonomic Rewrites and the Power of Psychosensory Collapses. Eutaptics® FasterEFT Trainings is the transformational system that goes to the heart of life’s problems; MEMORY. Discover the principles of brain changing and skills to shift the mind’s perception and behavior. This system incorporates the effective parts within the best therapies in the world and is combined into a simple effective approach and taught in an easily understandable way.

smorgasbord of items in 2 days, including: Scripts (how they don’t work and how they DO),

THE JEFFREY STEPHENS PROTOCOL Thursday, May 02 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Rob De Groof Jeffrey's exclusive ten-step process for creating rapid, positive change in as little as 20 minutes or less. Rob was personally trained by Jeffrey to teach this protocol in Belgium. When Jeffrey died the family gave Rob the rights to continue Jeffrey’s work around the world. Rob will talk about the fundamentals of this direct hypnosis protocol. Rob's successful Hypnosis Centre in Belgium with 5 therapists in 3 different cities is built on the success of this protocol.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


SCHEDULE THE PLACEBO DIET - WEIGHT LOSS COACHING WITH A BIG DIFFERENCE Thursday, May 02 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Janet Thomson Learn how to change the mind and the body in this an informative and inspirational 2 day workshop. Weight loss is one of the most searched terms on the internet and is a rich source of income for therapists, but only if you offer effective techniques that work, and that can be sustained. Many people can lose weight short term, but don’t make the changes that last for good, so the weight goes back on, and more besides. That’s not good for them, or your business. When you build a reputation for delivering lasting results, your clients will not only love you, but love to tell other people about you too. That way you both win. This 2 day inspirational course is unique because it combines powerful adaptations of hypnotherapy, NLP, TFT (Tapping) and other new techniques that have been customized specifically for weight loss, and will teach you which foods cause food cravings, and how (and why) changing a few simple elements of your diet can change how your brain functions. This alone makes changing habits easier and more natural. “The Placebo Diet” is a totally holistic mind and body approach. You finally can help your clients can break free from the endless dieting cycle and get the results they want and deserve, for good.

ATTITUDE OF A CHAMPION - CERTIFIED SPORTS HYPNOSIS PRACTITIONER Friday, May 03 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Caryn Seavitte-Bird Imagine being a Certified Sports Hypnosis Practitioner and knowing the keys to success with athletes. In this one-day course, you will learn the exact methods to get results in just three sessions including how to overcome mental blocks, performance anxiety and blocks due to injuries. This in-depth, step-by-step system includes a manual, demonstrations, templates and scripts. Become equipped to market to and mentally train athletes from elementary age to Olympians. This workshop is your Gold Medal tool to tap into this market, increase your profitability and see a continuous stream of clients. With a certification in Sports Hypnosis, you will recover the cost of this workshop with your first client in the first session.

DEMENTIA CLIENTS Friday, May 03 - 08:30AM to 12:30PM Michelle Braun Advanced Options for Dementia Clients

FROM MILTON ERICKSON TO ROBERT CIALDINI Friday, May 03 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Alberto Dell'Isola, Miguel Cocco From Milton Erickson to Robert Cialdini, in this presentation you will learn 21st century persuasion and influence techniques to advance your business and get more clients. This workshop on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings. You'll learn the universal principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader—and how to defend yourself against them. Perfect for people in all walks of life, the principles of Influence will move you toward profound personal change and act as a driving force for your success.

HYPNOTIC PHENOMENON Friday, May 03 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM William Mitchell Clients come to a hypnotist for the Wow, the Magic! A Hypnotist, unlike a talk therapist, has powerful resources available collectively known as Hypnotic Phenomena. The Hypnotic Phenomena is the Wow, the Magic that allows clients to make powerful breakthroughs! Our unique offering is inducing Hypnotic Phenomena such as Amnesia, Hallucinations, Age Regression, Analgesia, Hypnotic Dreams, Post-Hypnotic Suggestion etc. Too many hypnotists induce trance and hope the subconscious will benevolently do something magic. As a result many clients do not think they were hypnotized and fail to achieve positive outcomes. Your business and reputation will grow dramatically when you learn to use powerful and relevant Hypnotic Phenomenon.

STAGE SHOW WITH RICH GUZZI Friday, May 03 - 07:30PM to 08:30PM Rich Guzzi Come Enjoy This Fantastic Stage Show With The Amazing Rich Guzzi!!! Totally Entertaining!!!


KEYNOTE PRESENTATION BY MELISSA TIERS Saturday, May 04 - 08:00AM to 09:00AM Melissa Tiers Keynote Presentation By Melissa Tiers

APPLYING NEUROLOGICAL PRINCIPLES TO CREATE POWERFUL HYPNOTIC SCRIPTS Saturday, May 04 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Jennifer Kane Hypnotists and their clients have known for years how powerful and life-changing hypnosis can be, but new technology can now objectively demonstrate WHY hypnosis works. In this presentation, Dr. Kane will explain key neurological principles and then demonstrate how they can be applied with hypnotic language to aid in stimulating the subconscious mind. This will allow you to control the hypnosis process more effectively. Whether you read scripts, slightly modify scripts, create your own scripts, or use conversational hypnosis, this presentation will help you to make changes that will dramagticallly improve your results.

DUAL VOICE HYPNOSIS Saturday, May 04 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Adolfo Carvalho, Mario Lima Dual Voice Hypnosis is the art of using syncronized dual voice patterns, in order to provide optimal suggestive influence channels in the subconscious mind. This technique uses hypnotic language in such profound way that can make even unresponsive people to hypnotic suggestion respond very well to the hypnotic effect on influence and change work. This creative approach is a technology that can be fun, used in a variety of situations, such as therapy, stage, street hypnosis or conversational influence in the daily life routine, and can enhance the opportunity of teamwork with a fellow hypnotist and the reunion between professionals in hypnosis.

INSTANT MEMORY CHANGE - NEUROPLASTY MADE EASY Saturday, May 04 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Robert G. Smith This course will totally rewrite how you do change work with yourself and with clients. It is for people who want to know the how to apply neuroscience, understand how Synaptic Plasticity works and how to rewrite the autonomic trances in seconds or minutes. You will learn about Deep Structure of Problems, Power of Direct Mindfulness, Simple Neuroplastic Changes, Instant Autonomic Rewrites and the Power of Psychosensory Collapses.

LEGAL ASPECTS OF YOUR BUSINESS Saturday, May 04 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Harold A. Bollaci Creating and structuring the right legal aspects for your business can be critical for your long term success. Sole Proprietorship, LLC'S, S Corporations and more will be discussed in depth.

THOUGHT LEADERSHIP IN THE HYPNOSIS INDUSTRY Saturday, May 04 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Daniel Ryan I grew up in and around the business and practice of hypnosis. After over 25 years of experience before the age of 40, I can say I have seen the same mistakes made over and over again, and clear differences in those voices that rose above the rest." -Daniel Ryan This 50 minute presentation will focus on why those practitioners and therapists that make a difference and separate themselves find success. Much like the psychological feedback loops we study in the mind, the (too-often-negative) messaging around hypnosis has suffered from PR feedback loops for decades that most hypnotists end up limited by. This presentation will be an opportunity to learn how to spot these traps before they happen, step out of the old PR around hypnosis, and create a new authentic image and approach that belongs to only you.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition



Saturday, May 04 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Rob De Groof

Saturday, May 04 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM Emma Romano

As Rob chose not to have a waiting list longer than 14 days, he had to hire extra therapists quite soon. It all started with one business which kept growing and at present, he has 6 therapists working for him in 3 different cities. He will teach how to select them, how to train them, how to evaluate them and how to be sure quality stays high. He will also explain his view on "having a waiting list".

The easiest and quickest way of deleting limiting beliefs for your client. WHAT IS TIMELINE RESET? Timeline reset is a powerful method for creating instant change. Timeline Reset works with the unconscious mind in a variety of ways including, healing emotional traumas and eradicating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Behavioral change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. The Timeline Reset techniques allow you to work at the unconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences and change “inappropriate” programming in minutes, rather than days, months or years. Timeline Reset training will teach you a collection of techniques that allow you to gain emotional control over your life and implement these in your own therapy session with your clients. Inappropriate emotional reactions, such as bursts of anger, periods of apathy, depression, sadness, PTSD anxiety, guilt, shame and chronic fear, are responsible for preventing people from achieving the quality of life they desire. Limiting decisions, such as “I’m not good enough”, “I’ll never be rich”, or “I don’t deserve a great marriage”, create false limitations and hamper clients’ ability to create reachable and attainable goals and outcomes. Timeline Reset techniques enable you to eliminate many types of issues in your clients past, thus allowing them to move forward toward their goals and desires. I will present all participants with their own script to take home with them so they can use this modality with their own clients.

BLUEPRINT OF THE DAVE ELMAN INDUCTION Saturday, May 04 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM Cheryl Elman The effectiveness of the Dave Elman Induction has stood the hands of time, and has been the foundation of many hypnotist practices worldwide. Learn the true keys to how and why the DEI works with its blend of processes and built in Tests and Convincers



Saturday, May 04 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Rick Green Join me as I present a unique method to weave a story around almost any technique or protocol. By entertaining the conscious mind you can go deep and access the unconscious mind. Part of the storyline actually allows the client to order the Critical Faculty to "step aside" as we go into to make all the changes they desire. Even the most analytical client goes deeper into the story - and allows change to happen. No matter the technique or protocol you use -- you can find a way to incorporate this into your sessions. And, this makes it easy to transition seamlessly from one technique to the next.


Saturday, May 04 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM William Mitchell

Saturday, May 04 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Donna Bloom


Experience the healing power of Modern Ho’oponopono. It is a Hawaiian healing practice of love, forgiveness and appreciation. The ultimate process for letting go of unwanted energies to facilitate a natural flow of healing and peace. Participants will learn the

Saturday, May 04 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM Bob Burns The door opens and a stranger walks in…. to be met by another stranger. One is a nervous client, the other a therapist, who can ‘go with the flow’, but that is only because they own and are highly trained in: a process. A magical template which takes them from station to station in an incredible journey whereby the client now possesses no more nerves. Rather in their place is now the knowledge that this is indeed the therapist. This is the one who is about to help them. And not just because this therapist knows exactly what to do and say, but also how to deliver these skills in this… ‘The perfect Consultation’ (including demonstration)

THE START-UP PLAN OF A BUSINESS IN PERSONAL DEVLOPMENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP Saturday, May 04 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM Irina Stefan The Start-Up Plan of a business in personal development entrepreneurship or how to get your business to the next level. When you develop a business it is important to think about how you will make your consumers, smarter, richer, healthier, or more beautiful and starting with this idea I will offer to audience the perspective of how to : Create a business plan : the product, the market, resources and strategies; Marketing strategies with minimum budget : creating value through partnerships with complementary services and creating call-to-action programs; Discussion about risks/limiting beliefs and what questions you have to answer in order to establish the mindset of a winner (21 questions). A progressive trance.


fundamentals of Ho’oponopono, and how to use it in daily life with magical results. Learn how to direct its loving energies into your personal and professional life. It’s for ordinary people who want extraordinary lives. Participants will learn how Ho’oponopono: Uplifts you energetically using the 4 Healing Phrases, Heals mental, emotional and physical issues quickly and easily, Clears subconscious memories causing unhappiness, Taps you into the true source of inspiration, Infuses the energies of love, forgiveness and gratitude into daily life, Offers support, guidance and new perspectives on issues or concerns, Benefits the consulting hypnotist regarding business development.

GO BEYOND HYPNOSIS WITH A HOLISTIC APPROACH FOR YOUR CLIENTS ACHIEVE, LONG LASTING RESULTS Saturday, May 04 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Jeffrey Rose You will learn how to create a complete holistic program for your clients to achieve maximum results. You will be able to guide your clients away from lifestyle habits that promote negative conditions, such as dehydration, sleep deprivation, exercise deficiency, nutrient deficiency, and over indulging in caffeine and alcohol; and provide new health-promoting protocols that will generate powerful and more complete changes from your clinical interventions. This training workshop will serve as a model of excellence for all hypnotists who wish to offer a more complete practice. Important benefit: Your clients will be happier and more satisfied, and your practice will thrive, when they are able to achieve more powerful and complete changes in their life. Other information about this program to announce: Learn the very latest research and cutting-edge protocols to put your clients on a whole new vibrant and healthy path in life. You will also have opportunities to increase revenues by offering proven health-promoting products in your practice.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


SCHEDULE HOW TO GET YOUR SERVICES INTO CORPORATE WELLNESS PROGRAMS Saturday, May 04 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Adam Moore The country is undergoing a chronic health crisis and in response 73% of all US employers now offer a workplace wellness program. Corporations are strongly motivated to invest in their employee’s health as it helps lower insurance costs and increase their bottom line. With an average investment of $693 per employee, the top three most popular goals of corporate wellness programs are: Increasing motivation to start exercising, Smoking cessation, Developing healthy eating habits. These also happen to be among the top 5 most requested goals of people seeking the use of hypnosis. It’s an obvious match—hypnosis can offer tremendous benefits to a corporate wellness programs and HR and benefits managers are constantly looking for creative new solutions to help their employees hit their wellness goals. But getting your foot in the door isn’t easy! Corporations are regularly bombarded with proposals and pitches from health and wellness professionals looking to be hired and most “cold call” proposals won’t even get read since companies are rarely willing to hire from outside vendors. Additionally, hypnosis is often mistakenly considered “too fringe” by the corporate world and companies are often unwilling to risk offering something to their employees they don’t really understand. No matter how good a match hypnosis and corporate wellness may be, getting your services into a wellness program can be incredibly difficult.

HYPNOBUSINESS - HOW TO MAKE $100,000 IN AN HOUR SELLING ONLINE Saturday, May 04 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Alberto Dell'Isola In this lecture, you'll learn how to engage a huge public in your hypnosis business: hypnosis training courses, clinical practice, street hypnosis or even stage hypnosis. You'll also learn about funnels, branding and how to create a bigger list of clientes (leads). Besides, you'll understand the importance of engagement in social media in the hypnosis business: facebook, instagram and youtube. Finally, you'll learn about the seed launch concept and how to use a launch webinar to sell thousands of dollars in products in just one hour.

LISTEN LESS, EARN MORE Saturday, May 04 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM

HYPNOSIS AND ACCELERATED LEARNING Saturday, May 04 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Fabio De Carvalho Learn how to use Hypnosis to optimize and accelerate your learning process to quickly learn new skills. People undergo intense experiences of insight all the time. Often they do not do so in a conscious and controlled manner, and in this workshop, the participants will discover how to use and work with their mental and emotional states in order to speed up their learning. The main topics in this program involve Educational Hypnosis and Accelerated Learning techniques for study, learning and other moments of daily life. Anyone who wants to improve their performance in learning and concentration. People who are overloaded with subjects to study and have little time and who are preparing for exams or want to acquire new skills (e.g.: learning a new language, play a musical instrument) will definitely find this presentation useful.

MASTERING THE BUSINESS OF HYPNOSIS Saturday, May 04 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Robert Merlin Mastering The Business of Hypnosis An in depth class on how to run a successful Holistic or alternative private practice, part time or full time. I have been self employed my entire life and I know what it takes to be successful. I have built a thriving Hypnosis business from scratch that produces in the six figures every year. You will learn about where to open, leases, advertising, marketing and what works, social networks and how to use them, insurance, liability, scheduling appointments, have clients gladly pay you $3000.00 after meeting you just one time, phone talk that gets lookers into buyers, use of scripts, what to say, what can be done and what can not be done, staying in your lane, you will learn what to really charge clients with a simple formula that works, three things you must do to be successful, Learn how to break into the medical community to get more referrals, How to overcome the internal Blocks that are keeping you from success and so much more. This seminar will not only help rocket you to success but it will also help you to develop the right intention that will satisfy your higher power to make you truly happy with your life path as a healer. Outlines and handouts to help you get started or put you on the right track if you are not meeting your goals. This class is for the new practitioner or a seasoned professional who is not reaching their financial goals. Any Holistic Practitioner will benefit from this knowledge. All materials included. A must for Hypnotists and Hypnotherapists! Only time offered this year in NY. You do not want to miss this opportunity to grow your business and your self with this powerful proven formula for success and Happiness.

The more the client tells you about their problem, the more likely they are to convince you that they can't let it go! Steven will explain a simplified process to get the client's

the Red Herrings and getting straight to the Gold Nuggets.



Saturday, May 04 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Stephanie Conkle

Saturday, May 04 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Karen Paolino Correia

We teach and train our clients for success by using their powerful subconscious minds, but we sometimes forget that we have this same power at our fingertips, especially when it comes to running our businesses. Stephanie will show you proven strategies for increasing your revenue in the most effective way, by utilizing certain key techniques, and incorporating them into your unconscious processing.

unconscious to reveal the answers to the problem they tell you they have. You can spend a lot less time with a client, charge more and get fantastic results just by listening to less to

The Soul knows everything about you past, present, and future, and is can guide you to your highest and best. Learn a powerful technique to access the super consciousness of the Soul. Help your clients receive the answers they are seeking for healing, growth, and change. Come and experience a demonstration of Soul Entrainment™ and receive insight into the future. Discover this transformational process and realize how it can take your hypnotism practice to the next level.

DREAMS AS A CONDUIT TO PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION & POWER Saturday, May 04 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Michelle Braun Dreams As A Conduit To Personal Transformation and Power: Many people are interested in the meaning of their dreams, and as such, dream analysis books are always a top seller.

THE SPECIAL ONE IN YOUR NICHE Saturday, May 04 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Miguel Cocco HYPNOTIC REALITIES Saturday, May 04 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Mohammed Sheikh

The fact is a person's dreams are much too personal and complicated than any book can

To highlight how reality are the stories we create for ourselves and to show case

describe. Dreams can be much more useful, also, than the popularly accepted idea that

awareness of that concept with clients - NLP's "Map is not the Territory". To be able to have

dreams are a manner of sorting the day's events, thoughts and feelings. This brief

clients understand that their beliefs create their realities and then a few rapid techniques

presentation will focus on one use of dreams: receiving guidance and information to

that they can teach their clients to begin to rapidly change those beliefs/stories that no

expand your creativity and knowledge in life or business.

longer serve them.


HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

SCHEDULE USE YOUR MIND TO CHANGE YOUR BODY - THE PLACEBO DIET METHOD Saturday, May 04 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Janet Thomson The first lesson in life we all learn is that being nourished brings physical and emotional comfort. Hardly surprising that as adults we are predisposed to turning to food whenever we want to change how we feel and re-experience that sense of comfort and relief. The neurological "maps" which determine our behaviours are created based on the power of association. We make the choices we associate with pleasure, and avoid those we associate with pain. Most of these associations are formed during childhood when we are not in control of our choices, not just about food, but generally. So the question is, do we have to live with the patterns and habits that were instilled in us before we came of neurological age? and the good news is NO WE DO NOT! but changing habits, especially food related habits, requires an understanding of exactly how those habits become imbedded in the first place. The reality is you don't break a habit, neurons don't get snapped in two! but you can CHANGE a habit. Using a variety of techniques you can re-route those same neurons to make new associations and create a new map and new behaviours. That's Self Directive Neuroplasiticty, a life skill that we can all benefit from. In this session the techniques and principles you will learn will help you in many areas of your work, not just with your weight loss clients.

HOW TO IDENTIFY YOUR BEST MARKET IN HYPNOSIS Saturday, May 04 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Luis Lamim LEARN HOW TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS FAST USING FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANY TECHNICAL SKILLS Saturday, May 04 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Eugen Popa We all love what we do! Some of us do psychotherapy, counseling, coaching, hypnosis or any other helping profession. Helping people is a calling to which many people respond but unfortunately, not many people can keep up with. Most of the time, it is not enough to just want to help people. You actually need to learn how to promote and sell your services so that you can help as many people as possible. In this training, you learn how to identify your audience, how to connect with it and how to talk their language so that they listen to what you have to say.

SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS - ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL Saturday, May 04 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Fern Tausig

Saturday, May 04 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Lois Lorback Therapeutic and Creative Journaling is a powerful transformational tool utilized in a wide variety of therapeutic modalities. This presentation provides both the guidance and motivation for you to incorporate this powerful adjunct into your hypnotherapy practice. Learn ways as to how Therapeutic and Creative Journaling taps into the subconscious mind, thereby assisting not only your clients to achieve their goals, but you as well.

ELMAN, ELMAN, & ELMAN: ELMANIAN HYPNOSIS Saturday, May 04 - 03:00PM to 03:50PM Larry Elman Elmanian Hypnosis is widely used, and portions of it are often inserted in other hypnosis methods. It is derived from the teachings in the DAVE ELMAN COURSE IN MEDICAL HYPNOSIS, which accepted only physicians and dentists. The Course was available from 1949 until Dave Elman’s heart attack in 1962. Questions concerning these teachings and some mentoring continued until Elman’s death in December 1967. Books and recordings were also produced by Elman based on materials in the Course. Various hypnosis instructors taught these methods in the years since. In 2008, Dave Elman’s son, H Larry Elman, was interviewed by a prominent hypnotist and then persuaded to come out of retirement to discuss his father’s work. Shortly after that, his wife, Cheryl J Elman, became a Certified Hypnotist. Eventually they began team-teaching Elmanian methods both domestically and internationally. This Presentation will begin with short biographies of these three people because that provides the attendees with an understanding of how skills acquired in many different careers can assist in producing a competent and resourceful hypnotist. Building on this point of view, the major characteristics of Elmanian Hypnosis will be examined, including the reasons for each. For example: Why use Direct Suggestion? Why be Client-Centered? What was the origin of Rapid Inductions?

GRIEF RELEASE Saturday, May 04 - 03:00PM to 03:50PM Christina Gikas Connecting with their departed loved one to release grief, guilt, blame, anger, fear, remorse, to answer any questions they have, and, in the event that there was discontent between the client and the departed, the opportunity to release the negative feelings, to ask for forgiveness and to forgive.

HYPNODONTICS: TECHNIQUES FOR WORKING WITH DENTAL PROFESSIONALS Saturday, May 04 - 03:00PM to 03:50PM Juan Acosta In this lecture attendees will learn the top insider secrets of working with dentists and their

My program offers several approaches to weight loss that covers several different issues related to weight problems. I will use a Power Point Presentation describing the proven techniques that I use with clients. The techniques include EFT, NLP and hypnosis. Often weight loss has an emotional component and sometimes it's just poor eating habits. I have tremendous success with clients that struggle with feelings of addiction to carbs and feelings of being out of control around food. The following is a list of the objectives covered in my presentation: Attendees will : 1. Learn the reasons that diets fail 2. Identify 5 reasons for weight problems 3. Learn 5 holistic step approach to permanent weight loss 4. Experience the powerful pre talk thats sets the client's expectations to lose weight without dieting by changing their relationship with food and with their body.

THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN PROTOCOL - HELPING ATHLETES OVERCOME INJURIES Saturday, May 04 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Caryn Seavitte-Bird With athletes starting their training younger and younger, we are seeing significantly more with injuries in their high school, collegiate and professional careers. An injury can take a toll on the mental mindset on an athlete. Many times, the key for an athlete finding success again after the injury has healed, is only a matter of getting the confidence back and releasing negative emotions. In this class, you will learn a powerful and proven technique to help athletes continue to heal, move on and stop emotionally reacting based on the past trauma from the injury.


patients as professional hypnotherapists.

LAUNCH YOUR HYPNOSIS CAREER NOW! Saturday, May 04 - 03:00PM to 03:50PM Jim Kellner This presentation is designed to help you to finally get out there and start sharing your gifts, talents, and abilities with those that need you. Yes, the public needs YOU! You'll receive a checklist that covers the more tangible aspects and we'll discuss the mindset necessary to move you forward. Geared mostly towards Hypnotherapists but Stage Hypnotists will get some guidance as well.

THE PROVEN 6 POINT TURNAROUND METHOD TO BE FREE, HAPPY & SUCCESSFUL Saturday, May 04 - 03:00PM to 03:50PM Ulrike Milner I will demonstrate to the audience exactly and in depth how to change your current state of mind to a productive, positive one, and why and how the hypnotist and their clients will profit from it. Also why it is crucial for therapist and client alike to truly understand " You have the choice”. And follow up and do it. I will present in detail the “how to” and make sure everyone will actually put it to use and every one in class can identify the six points method for changing the state of mind. Participants will be able to describe how we can help ourselves and our clients to turn around our lives in virtually in 5 minutes.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


SCHEDULE THE UNIVERSAL JOURNEY OF EVERY DAY HEROES Saturday, May 04 - 03:00PM to 03:50PM Maria Bird Life is a story…a universal one. There is the ultimate journey from birth to death called life and life contains several chapters & episodes. Each chapter is filled with challenges that we set out to conquer or has been bestowed upon us to fulfill. Most challenges & goals follow a Universal Pattern called the Hero’s Journey and each journey has a unique set of archetypes. Archetypes can be characterized as universal personality or persona types that are recognizable and common across cultures, times, genders, etc. The Hero’s Journey & it’s archetypes provide insight by recognizing patterns of behavior we embody and evolve into & out of throughout our lives. This presentation will give you valuable insights and make you think in ways you never have before. You will learn about: The Hero’s Journey, Archetypes, Light & Shadow, Archetypal Patterns (What we are born with vs. what is learned), Breaking patterns, Transitioning, Overcoming Challenges & Realizing Goals, How the Hero’s Journey & Archetypes can be implemented into your practice. I hold to a philosophy that once we can recognize archetypal forms of behavior we can break these patterns to invoke valuable change.

HEALTHY MIND, HEALTHY HYPNOTISTS Saturday, May 04 - 04:00PM to 04:50PM Derrick Watkins This workshop will provide participants with information and techniques that they can use to stay mentally and physically fit.

HYPNOSIS IN THE TREATMENT OF ANXIETY AND PANIC Saturday, May 04 - 04:00PM to 04:50PM Rosa Basto Hypnosis in the Treatment of Anxiety and Panic 1. Description of own working method diamond therapy 2. Presentation of a clinical case 3. Final considerations

PACKAGE PLANS FOR CLIENT RETENTION Saturday, May 04 - 04:00PM to 04:50PM Håkan Kållving The combination of clients & last minute cancellations of sessions are quite frustrating and could be easily avoided. Learn how you can free yourself from this hassle, forever. It is just about commitment and the "trick" is how it is presented (which is the key element in this presentation). You'll be surprised to find out that the clients that are seriously committed (and most of them are) will have no problem paying you for a 3 or 4 session package in advance. Sorting out the ones that are not committed (and having them disqualify themselves) is always better since they are not the kind of clients you would have wanted anyway. This will put both you and your clients at ease and it is a much better foundation for the actual therapy work when the money issue is out of the way. The information is presented in a way so that clients get to do the choosing themselves and realize that it is the far better choice."

THE BODY LANGUAGE CODE Saturday, May 04 - 04:00PM to 04:50PM Petra Frese Did you ever desire to read your client's mind? If you wish to have way more efficient, sustainable and rewarding hypnosis sessions, this workshop is for you. - Experience to decipher the underlying truth of what your vis-à-vis is telling you with his/ her words. Learn and practice to read the non-verbal messages. Make your business- and private life easier by using this knowledge. Improve the power of our profession by learning the body language code.

TRANSITIONAL DETACHMENT AND GOAL RELEASE AT THE END OF LIFE AND DURING GRIEF Saturday, May 04 - 04:00PM to 04:50PM Lisa Ford Sigsworth Join me as I present a unique method to weave a story around almost any technique or protocol. By entertaining the conscious mind you can go deep and access the unconscious mind. Part of the storyline actually allows the client to order the Critical Faculty to "step aside" as we go into to make all the changes they desire. Even the most analytical client goes deeper into the story - and allows change to happen. No matter the technique or protocol you use -- you can find a way to incorporate this into your sessions. And, this makes it easy to transition seamlessly from one technique to the next.


UNDERSTANDING THE NEW TAX LAWS & YOUR PRACTICE Saturday, May 04 - 04:00PM to 04:50PM Venise Maybank Did you know that the tax law has changed dramatically in 2018? Learn the fundamentals of the new tax laws to protect yourself and your practice from the IRS.

STEVE G. JONES VIRTUAL PRESENTATION Sunday, May 05 - 08:00AM to 09:00AM Steve G. Jones BECOME PROFITABLE! - EASY WAYS TO MARKET BY ENGAGEMENT WITH YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY Sunday, May 05 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Sheila Granger The number of different issues we can potentially help with our hypnosis skill set never ceases to amaze me…how can we ever run out of clients! Often, when i’m talking to other hypnotherapists though, they tell me they can be really busy one week, then they work with all those clients, then they have a lull. Their business is a bit of a rollercoaster! With the right marketing know-how, and by having the right referral processes in place, the rollercoaster can be a thing of the past. Join me while I share the six most important things you can do right now to stop the rollercoaster and create longevity in your business. I promise that i'll unveil all the golden marketing nuggets with you, that have worked for me, year in, year out to build a 35 client a week practice.

HYPNOTIST OF SUCCESS Sunday, May 05 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Michal Cieslakowski If you take the pendulum in your hand and begin to imagine how it moves, you will almost immediately start to notice this movement. You will not move it consciously, but you will subconsciously make small, subtle hand movements to make the pendulum swing. Almost every hypnotist knows about ideomotor movements. Just as they are aware of the principle that any idea, program, or image at the subconscious level tends to become reality.How many times have you heard from your clients who justify their problems with the words "this is life, this is how the world works"? And yet you knew better. You knew that these were only his or hers internal programs, in which he or she believed to be true.You probably don't realize how many subconscious programs you have for your hypnosis practice, for your business. And you are certainly not aware of those who are blocking this business. How do I know that? Because if you were aware of them, you would change them a long time ago and prosper as a Hypnotist of Success. You can, of course, justify yourself by saying that "the life of a hypnotist is like that, and that's how the business world works in this profession". But you may also realize that you have mechanisms within you, with which you have subconsciously created your current position on the market.Come to my presentation and become aware of the most important of these programs. Discover the direction in which your inner pendulum of hypnotic business is swinging and imagine how easily it can change direction towards Success.

MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN INSTANTLY! 7 STEPS TO PREPARE CLIENTS FOR CHANGE Sunday, May 05 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Birgit Zottmann When your clients are thinking of making a change, it is often like seeing themselves on a flying trapeze, letting go and hurtling themselves into space! They often wonder what would happen if they fail. When we change, we say goodbye to a part of yourself that we know you won't get back. Sometimes we think and feel that to say goodbye is to die a little. When we make a change, something has to go. I will show you 7 steps that make change easier and more likely to sustain.

MIND FLIPPING - A COACHING APPROACH TO LASTING CHANGE Sunday, May 05 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Rick Paddock In this presentation, Rick will share the key components of using a coaching approach to helping your clients (and yourself) create lasting change in any area of their lives. In addition to sharing his own Mind Flipping stories, as well as other inspiring examples, Rick will share the five steps involved in this approach to flipping minds and lives. Included in those steps are a combination of tools and techniques from the diverse fields of hypnosis, coaching, NLP, neuroscience and meditation.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


NESTED LOOP STORYTELLING Sunday, May 05 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM James Hazlerig Nested loop storytelling is a powerful and often overlooked hypnotic technique. Join master storyteller James Hazlerig as he spins tales of healing and redemption. Participants will experience the power and awesomeness of nested loop storytelling.

PERFORMING HYPNOSIS: DON'T BE A CHICKEN! Sunday, May 05 - 09:00AM to 09:50AM Grant Saunders Perfoming Hypnosis- Dont be a chicken! Performance hypnosis is not about getting people to cluck like chickens for the amusment of an audience or just the realm of the stage. A powerful performance or demonstration of hypnosis can be a very effective tool to fill you therapy room with high paying clients and done in the right way will help establish you as "the Hypnotist" Grant Saunders has been a proffesional stage and performance hypnotist for over 15 years and is considered to be one of the top stage hypnotists in the uk performing in each ena every possible typ of venue from outside festivals to Balmoral castle.

BUILD A SUCCESSFUL HYPNOSIS PRACTICE FROM THE GROUND UP Sunday, May 05 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM Paul Gibson, Zoe Clews

Sunday, May 05 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM Jourdan Rystrom Learn the Art, the Craft, and the Techniques to Help Your Clients Achieve Massive Relaxation and Transformative Results

ADDICTION FREEDOM - BECOME AN EXPERT AND LEARN HOW TO REVOLUTIONIZE ADDICTION TREATMENT Sunday, May 05 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Wendi Friesen Become an expert and learn how you will revolutionize addiction treatment. You will learn how important this work is, why you cannot wing it with clients. This proven program teaches you the exact process to be known as an expert and create a very lucrative business with Addiction Freedom. The need for addiction work is bigger than ever. Families looking for help for their loved one are frustrated by the lack of choices and the expense. After sending the addict to yet another 12 step month long rehab, and paying $25,000-$40,000 for a month of AA meetings just does not feel right for most who are struggling. You already have the Hypnotherapy and NLP skills to help people with addictions, but it is critical that you are not guessing and that you have a proven

A session that will change the way delegates think about how they work, successful UK hypnotherapists Zoe Clews and Paul Gibson will lift the lid on what it takes to build a successful hypnotherapy business from the ground up. A successful hypnotherapy business is so much more than a client list and a daily schedule of consultations and by encouraging owners to focus on – and be true to – what their work really stands for, Zoe and Paul will give them the tools and insight they need to become truly unique in their market. This is a session that is about more than just common-sense business tips; it’s an interactive hour that explores how being an advocate for social change around mental health – and then walking that walk in how you position your services – can elevate a practice from the ordinary to the extraordinary. In their session, Zoe and Paul will talk about: The importance of treating the individual but also being proactive in lobbying for holistic change in an integrated and strategic way; Selling the outcome, not the ego; How what you do is what you are The scourge of the one-session fixers Identifyng your brand story and building your narrative Using the right online, social media, content and traditional marketing can bring exponential growth Business modeling


methodology. Now you will learn how to apply these methods to addiction, with alcohol or drug use. You will learn why your services will be in big demand, what to charge, how to promote your programs, how to facilitate Addiction Freedom groups and serve private clients.

CREATING PROGRAMS THAT CHANGE LIVES & KEEP YOU FULLY BOOKED FOR MONTHS IN ADVANCE Sunday, May 05 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Helen Mitas Your clients need to know that you have a system that will provide a solution to their problems. A system that will not only address their presenting problem, but the underlying issues or habits that lie at the root cause This presentation will explain: An understanding of how people make decisions to buy from Hypnotherapists, How to create programs based on your skills, resources & strengths, How to present a compelling offering allowing you to be fully booked months in advance, Gold on running a successful business from a

Sunday, May 05 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM Suzy Teixeira

7 figure earning Hypnotherapist.

I would like to talk about depression and anxiety in my presentation. I intend also explain how I have successfully used a metaphor at the beggining of my hypnotherapy sessions, followed by different psychotherapy techniques and ending with another metaphor. My main I’ve objective of this presentation is to share knowledge with other people and promote my business.


HYPNO-ONCOLOGY - THE LARGEST MARKET FOR HYPNOTHERAPY, BUT YOU'RE NOT IN IT! Sunday, May 05 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Garry Coles Cancer in the western world is reaching epidemic proportions, 1 in 2 born in the USA since 1960 will be affected by cancer. Recent research (Sage) shows 40% of cancer patients seek complementary therapies – 20% of the population. A huge target market, so why aren't you in it?! With hypnotherapy becoming more widely accepted, there is a growing opportunity for hypnotherapists to be involved in this expanding area, whether as a

Become the "Go To" Person in your area because you get results. Unique ideas and practices that Wow and Amaze the Client. Energy Psychology and Common Sense practices that are logical and believable to the client to help them with their problem. Handouts given for you to take home and follow and use immediately.

volunteer, as a specialism, or as part of their general therapy portfolio. Forget weight loss,



Sunday, May 05 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas IF YOU are ready to create an abundance of money, love and joy and help others do the same then this class is for YOU! you’ll experience first-hand the secrets of manifesting what you want and need. You’ll be amazed at how quickly Shelley’s MINDFUL MANIFESTATION approach puts you and your business in high gear… You’ll have time to practice and will leave the course energized and ready to put your skills into action.

smoking cessation, phobias etc. - This is the biggest future market for hypnotherapy!

Sunday, May 05 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Jami Epstein Will demonstrate how to administer (HYPOANASTASIA) while using clinical hypnosis it the treatment of Sexual Abuse , Incest and Domestic Violence while retrieving repressed memories.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


SCHEDULE THE WORK OF STEPHEN BROOKS Sunday, May 05 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM Jos Van Boxtel This presentation will make you familiar with the work of Stephen Brooks, a genius and a pioneer in Erickonian hypnosis with a career as a therapist and trainer spanning 40 years. He was the first in the UK to adopt Milton Erickson’s principles and he was responsible for bringing hypnotherapy to the medical professionals. Brooks has successfully treated thousands of clients all over the world, not just helping them to resolve their problems but to truly changes their lives. Since he has always shunned the limelight Stephen Brooks’ isn’t widely known on a global basis. However, he inspired thousands of people, including myself, to follow in his footsteps and become caring and professional hypnotherapists. Considering him the absolute reference of modern hypnotherapy, I have intensely studied

LAW OF ATTRACTION Sunday, May 05 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Victoria Gallagher The Law of Attraction is all about personal empowerment. Realize that everything in your life is there by invitation, your invitation! Now, you may have doubts about that, but, I'm here to tell you that if you can wrap your mind around that, its a very empowering experience, one which can cause you to change the course of your life as you learn to Activate the Law of Attraction in a powerful and positive way. In essence, like energy attracts like energy, its really quite simple. Its all about taking personal responsibility for your actions and your thoughts. Every time you get aggravated or upset, you create negative energy and since like attracts like, you know what can come back to you. You can make a conscious decision to think more positively and that is what is all about. Activate the Law of Attraction.

his work and made it my own. I took upon the task of analyzing Brooks’ brilliance and documenting it in a series of case studies, making it available for students and professionals of the field. This presentation will give you an impression Ericksonian hypnosis, including the principle of utilisation, conversational induction, indirect suggestion, the power of the unconscious and multi-level communication. Both Milton Erickson’s approach and the way Brooks has translated it to modern times will be presented.


USING SHOW BUSINESS TO INCREASE YOUR HYPNOSIS BUSINESS Sunday, May 05 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Rich Guzzi How would you like to get paid to advertise your clinical hypnosis practice and get massive amounts of new, highly motivated clients? Doing just a few Stage

Sunday, May 05 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Mercedes Herman

hypnosis shows will give you a huge amount of exposure plus introduce your

Hypnosis is global, and we encounter people who are diverse. They speak different languages, have different cultural patterns, and belief systems are different from the practitioner. One of the fastest way to grow your business is to reach out to that diverse community. This workshop will show you the skills needed to approach, a diverse group, marketing needed to approach and capture that market (community).

properly, stage hypnosis can be a very powerful tool in getting the message


HYPNOTIC FACELIFT - USING VIBRANT EMOTIONAL STATES FOR INNER RADIANCE & INSTANT REJUVENATION Sunday, May 05 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Anna Margolina More and more American women embrace active and rewarding lifestyle after they turn 50. They start new careers, explore their true passions, experience spiritual awakening and fall in love. Dr. Anna Margolina worked as a science writer and researcher for the cosmetic industry since 1997. She developed deep knowledge and understanding of skin biology, as well as current approaches in anti-aging. Her own struggles with a life-long emotional problem eventually led her to discovering benefits of NLP and hypnosis and changing her career. It is in the intersection of the cosmetic science and hypnotherapy that she found a new approach to rejuvenation - using one's own emotional states to add vibrancy, radiance and allure to one's appearance. Anna's motto: "It is not about the wrinkles, it is about the glow". Stress, trauma, worries and negative emotions affect skin, accelerate its aging and diminish its radiance. By helping people let go of worries and stresses and effects of

products and services to hundreds of people at one time who might never have thought of hypnosis as an option to help them with their goals.Done out to the public about our amazing profession. Learn from the number one comic hypnotist working the road today how to utilize skills you already have now and turn it into a major profit center for your entire hypnosis career. Rich Guzzi has been averaging 300 shows a year for almost 3 decades and is widely known as the number one resource for stage hypnosis training today.

HEALING SOUL WOUNDS Sunday, May 05 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Sharron Magyar Have any of your clients ever been stuck in life and no matter how hard you try you simply can’t help them move forward? They could be suffering from a soul wound or a combination of soul wounds. A soul wound has the power to color every decision and interaction in a person’s life in a negative way and prevent them from fulfilling their life’s destiny.

PREPARE TO ACHIEVE & EXPECT TO SUCCEED – THE 3 KEYS AND 1 QUESTION FOR SELF-MASTERY Sunday, May 05 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Shazel Muhammad What is self-mastery, and exactly how does one begin and sustain this critical path? After this presentation you will own The 3 Keys to unlock the door to success, and know the 1 singular question you must ask yourself to endure the journey’s obstacles. You will know how to move yourself and your clients beyond any roadblock –fear, negative self-talk, criticism, or any other challenge – to achieve success in every area of life.

trauma and by teaching them how to create, amplify and perpetuate vibrant, bright and positive internal states, we can help women in their 50s look vibrant, youthful, beautiful and alluring. Hypnotic facelift is very compatible with anti-aging cosmetic products and can greatly enhance their effect.

SPECIAL PRESENTATION BY MELISSA TIERS Sunday, May 05 - 01:00PM to 01:50PM Melissa Tiers


THE USE OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION & HYPNOTIC COMMUNICATION Sunday, May 05 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Giancarlo Russo In this presentation I’ll show the 4 channels of non verbal communication and their role in the process of hypnotic induction.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

SCHEDULE USING STORIES IN YOUR MARKETING TO MAKE YOUR MESSAGE STICK! Sunday, May 05 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Doug O'Brien Story-driven marketing in the post-advertising World In this presentation we will discover how storytelling is not only the best way to connect with your customers and drive sales, it is quickly becoming the only way. We’ll see comparisons of story-driven marketing v. traditional marketing. We’ll learn the structure of well crafted stories specifically as relates to marketing. And you will learn how to write your own marketing stories so that your readers become your customers.

THE ART OF PRESENTATION Sunday, May 05 - 03:00PM to 03:50PM Steven Rollins Therapists can use all manner of techniques and gifts, but they can rarely present them effectively. I’m going to be discussing methods on delivering a presentation that the audience or your new clients will remember. Ideas and Techniques to get you noticed and remembered.


WEALTH FROM WITHIN Sunday, May 05 - 02:00PM to 02:50PM Randi Light

Create Deeper, More Meaningful Connections With Your Customers... And Sell Your Products and Services for MORE MONEY... By Using Simple

Mechanics + Mindset = Money. Do you want to create or enhance a viable business but

Stories In Your Marketing. Discover How To Quickly & Easily Create Stories

doubt yourself and your next steps? Do you want 6 proven success strategies and a

That Melt Away Any Reluctance and Powerfully Propel Your Prospects To

system to implement right now? Randi's experiential presentation will assist you in


increasing your financial comfort zone and your confidence as well as provide direction, clarity and simple solutions to get you from where you are to where you want to be. When you’re congruent with your ‘Why’ and know the science behind what you do, you naturally become inspired and empowered. Get hypnotized to makeover your mindset and integrate the mechanics so you can make even more money and get even better results.

HYPNOKINESTHETICS Sunday, May 05 - 03:00PM to 03:50PM Patricia Eslava Vessey This methodology combines, several modified, kinesthetic NLP patterns (including dancing score) and other energy psychology and coaching strategies to create meaningful change, deep healing and powerful solutions by accessing and expressing information stored within the powerful mind-body relationship in a way that mobilizes deep resources. This process creates an easily reachable, self-organizing pathway toward a resourceful state. As well, it can be a powerful stimulus for doing effective problem solving, discovering and creating metaphors, gaining access to unconscious resources, healing and ultimately self-evolution and expression. Profound change can occur in just one session. Practitioners can use HypnoKinesthetics in a content free session and/or powerful coaching questions can be utilized to create verbal, written action plans. HypnoKinesthetics is effective with athletes, dancers, performers and others who easily access the kinesthetic representational system. It is also an effective way to support anyone in accessing, improving and expressing the treasure chest of mind-body information.


ADDICTION FREEDOM CERTIFICATION- BECOME AN EXPERT AND LEARN HOW YOU WILL REVOLUTIONIZE ADDICTION TREATMENT. Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Wendi Friesen Addiction Freedom Certification- Become an expert and learn how you will revolutionize addiction treatment. You will learn how important this work is, why you cannot wing it with clients. This proven program teaches you the exact process to be known as an expert and create a very lucrative business with Addiction Freedom. The need for addiction work is bigger than ever. Families looking for help for their loved one are frustrated by the lack of choices and the expense. After sending the addict to yet another 12 step month long rehab, and paying $25,000-$40,000 for a month of AA meetings just does not feel right for most who are struggling. You already have the Hypnotherapy and NLP skills to help people with addictions, but it is critical that you are not guessing and that you have a proven methodology. Now you will learn how to apply these methods to addiction, with alcohol or drug use. You will learn why your services will be in big demand, what to charge, how to promote your programs, how to facilitate Addiction Freedom groups and serve private clients.

HAVENING TECHNIQUE Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Doug O'Brien The Havening Techniques® is a new form of Psycho-Sensory Therapy. These seemingly simple techniques can be used for fears, phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders , flashbacks, anxiety or panic attacks, physical complaints and pain with great and long lasting effect. These techniques are the result of research and development carried out

Becoming a published author positions you as an expert in your field. It gives you more credibility and helps to get more speaking opportunities, radio interviews, podcast interviews and TV interviews. It helps you get your expertise featured in newspaper articles. It places you in front of the crowd. This presentation will explain the whys and hows of becoming a published author. It will help participants understand the myths and truths of publishing. It will explains why your book is NOT your Business Card but IS your Business Builder.

over the past 14 years by New York Medical Practitioner and Ph D in Organic Chemistry, Dr Ronald Ruden, with support of his brother Dr Steven Ruden.

LAW OF ATTRACTION CERTIFICATION Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Victoria Gallagher


The Law of Attraction is all about personal empowerment. Realize that everything in your

Sunday, May 05 - 03:00PM to 03:50PM Steven Rollins

here to tell you that if you can wrap your mind around that, its a very empowering

life is there by invitation, your invitation! Now, you may have doubts about that, but, I'm experience, one which can cause you to change the course of your life as you learn to Activate the Law of Attraction in a powerful and positive way. In essence, like energy

This class helps attendees to identify the process to prepare and conduct winning

attracts like energy, its really quite simple. Its all about taking personal responsibility for

presentations. The intended audience is Hypnotists who desire to teach classes at

your actions and your thoughts. Every time you get aggravated or upset, you create

conferences or for clients. The course will cover: Class outlines and structure, preparation

negative energy and since like attracts like, you know what can come back to you. You can

and rehearsal skills, use of training aids (such as powerpoint), and presentation

make a conscious decision to think more positively and that is what is all about. Activate

techniques. These skills will enable the instructor to provide the attendees with a powerful

the Law of Attraction. Learn to attract more of what you DO want into your life in this

and memorable message in a clear format.

advanced master class.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


SCHEDULE LAZY HYPNOTIST OF SUCCESS Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Michal Cieslakowski

THE STEPHEN BROOKS PROTOCOL Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 12:30PM Jos Van Boxtel

"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do

This presentation will make you familiar with the work of Stephen Brooks, a genius and a pioneer in Erickonian hypnosis with a career as a therapist and trainer spanning 40 years. He was the first in the UK to adopt Milton Erickson’s principles and he was responsible for bringing hypnotherapy to the medical professionals. Brooks has successfully treated thousands of clients all over the world, not just helping them to resolve their problems but to truly changes their lives. Since he has always shunned the limelight Stephen Brooks’ isn’t widely known on a global basis. However, he inspired thousands of people, including myself, to follow in his footsteps and become caring and professional hypnotherapists. Considering him the absolute reference of modern hypnotherapy, I have intensely studied his work and made it my own. I took upon the task of analyzing Brooks’ brilliance and documenting it in a series of case studies, making it available for students and professionals of the field. This presentation will give you an impression Ericksonian hypnosis, including the principle of utilisation, conversational induction, indirect suggestion, the power of the unconscious and multi-level communication. Both Milton Erickson’s approach and the way Brooks has translated it to modern times will be presented.

it." ― Bill Gates Do not come to my workshop. It's enough that you'll be on my 1-hour presentation. You will get there tools that will help you locate programs in your subconscious that block you from succeeding. You will get there tools with which you can change those programs effectively. Do not come to this workshop unless you want to be a lazy hypnotist. In this workshop you will get understanding of the most important programs that are harmful to success and the fastest, and easiest solution to replace them with useful ones. And you will get all of those on the silver platter. These changes will cause: - a significant increase in the number of clients - a disproportionately large increase in your earnings, and - a surprising increase in the effectiveness of therapies performed without the need of increasing hypnotic skills. Ohh... & I don't give a @#!$ if you believe me or not. I'm too lazy and too successful to convince you ;) BONUS # 1 HypnoFlash - the world's fastest and powerful pain elimination technique. The one you can do in just a few seconds, without any pre-talk, even if the subjects does not believe in hypnosis, and even without mentioning the word hypnosis. This is one of the best and easiest marketing tool you will ever find. BONUS #2 Reverse indirect suggestions. Profound trick that will triple the number of clients from any hypnotic demonstration you perform. BONUS #3 Ultimate Deep Trance Work – video recording of my 2-day workshops I've done in 2018 in Brasil (in English). Principles and techniques that will allow to produce deep profound somnambulism and all hypnotic phenomena (amnesia, anesthesia, positive and negative hallucinations, full and vivid regression, etc.) to ALL your clients, and to yourself (even if you think you are unable to experience those). Values of videos: 397$ Want to be a Lazy Hypnotist of Success ?

MINDFUL MANIFESTATION CERTIFICATION Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas IF YOU are ready to create an abundance of money, love and joy and help others do the same then this class is for YOU! you’ll experience first-hand the secrets of manifesting what you want and need. You’ll be amazed at how quickly Shelley’s MINDFUL MANIFESTATION approach puts you and your business in high gear… You’ll have time to practice and will leave the course energized and ready to put your skills into action.

STOP SMOKING CERTIFICATION Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Birgit Zottmann

TREATING SEVERE AND COMPLEX TRAUMA IN CLIENTS Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Paul Gibson, Zoe Clews A unique & powerful technique we’ve developed over time to clear generational shame as part of our in-depth workshop which also includes. Topics of discussion on our 2 day course include: Why the one-session fix promise is wholly inappropriate for trauma and/or complex or severe trauma; The connection of childhood trauma and adult depression and anxiety disorders; The connection between childhood trauma and eating disorders; The connection between childhood trauma and addiction; The connection between childhood trauma and codependency; Trauma bonds & Betrayal Bonds - how they form, what they are and how to treat them; Neurobiology of trauma (including ACE, developing mind, the learning brain); The role of the therapist - holding a safe space, honouring and respecting the trauma and its impact fully, subconscious negotiation, belief-dissolving, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries; Guiding the client out of minimisation, compartmentalisation and denial; Working with the traumatised person (setting safety and rapport); etc.

YOU CAN BE THE WEIGHT-LOSS EXPERT IN YOUR AREA! Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Jo-Anne Eadie, Sheila Granger The Virtual Gastric Band pioneered by Sheila Granger for the physical controls of weight

Learn how to help people to quit smoking in just 3 hours."Cigarette smoking is the eading

release and the Exhale Weight Program for the emotional aspects allows the client to

cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, accounting for more than

experience a lifestyle change that allows them to eat what they want, stop when they are

480,000 deaths every year, or about 1 in 5 deaths. In 2016, more than 15 of every 100 U.S.

full. We will install the Virtual Gastric Band and let the Hypnotist experience what the client

adults aged 18 years or older (15.5%) currently smoked cigarettes. This means an

does. If you are already working with weight clients, this complete program will elevate your

estimated 37.8 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes. More than 16

success rate to over 90% as we are getting and you will be seen as the expert in your area.

million Americans live with a smoking-related disease.” https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/

Together they present a complete turnkey package. Included are many resources including

data_statistics/fact_sheets/adult_data/cig_smoking/index.htm. In 3 days you will become a

a manual with the entire program laid out step by step for you to begin immediately. You will

certified non-smoking specialist. Step by step you will learn how you can help your clients

be confident working with weight clients because of the instant success that they

to become a non smoker in 3 hours without gaining weigh! I know what I’m talking about. I

experience. Included are all scripts and information handouts for your clients. Five

was a chain smoker and got rid of it with hypnosis.

concepts that are not found in any weight programs will increase your success rate easily.


DUAL VOICE HYPNOSIS Monday, May 06 - 01:30PM to 05:30PM Adolfo Carvalho, Mario Lima

Monday, May 06 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Helen Mitas THE EXPERT HYPNOTHERAPIST THERAPY SYSTEM DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? ARE YOU STILL: Feeling pressure from clients to work a miracle in the first session? Feeling exhausted from trying to give clients too much (but it never seems enough) Feeling anxious about asking for what you’re worth? Looking at a blank appointment calendar, wondering how to attract new clients? Attracting clients who don’t value you or your expertise? Feeling frustrated or blocked from getting to the next level? What You Get: BREAKTHROUGH QUESTIONS THAT TRIGGER POWERFUL SHIFTS IN YOUR CLIENTS LIVE DEMOS AND EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING See live demonstrations of Helen’s successful techniques and practice applying them with coaching and guidance from Helen. AND MUCH MORE...


Dual Voice Hypnosis is the art of using syncronized dual voice patterns, in order to provide optimal suggestive influence channels in the subconscious mind. This technique uses hypnotic language in such profound way that can make even unresponsive people to hypnotic suggestion respond very well to the hypnotic effect on influence and change work. This creative approach is a technology that can be fun, used in a variety of situations, such as therapy, stage, street hypnosis or conversational influence in the daily life routine, and can enhance the opportunity of teamwork with a fellow hypnotist and the reunion between professionals in hypnosis.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

SCHEDULE HEALING SOUL WOUNDS Tuesday, May 07 - 08:30AM to 12:30PM Sharron Magyar Healing Soul Wounds Soul wounds to a person are caused by a traumatic experience that keep a person stuck in their negative emotions, resulting in dysfunctional coping strategies which are resistant to help through traditional healing modalities. In this powerful four hour workshop, you will learn to identify soul wounds that keep you stuck in life and how to release them. Let Sharron provide you with a thorough background and open your eyes to this fascinating topic.

HELPING CLIENTS TO OVERCOME DEPRESSION Tuesday, May 07 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Suzy Teixeira This wonderfully structured program will cover a complete depression treatment and identify powerful questions to help your clients through a variety of psychotherapy techniques. You’ll receive highly useful hypnosis scripts, along with a comprehensive workbook that will become your go to guide. Join Suzy for a dynamic day of learning that you won’t soon forget!

HYPNO-ONCOLOGY: USING HYPNOTHERAPY IN Tuesday, May 07 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Garry Coles Become a Hypno-Oncology Certified Practitioner. In the US, 1 in 2 people will develop cancer in their lifetime. Fourteen out of every 100 women will develop breast cancer! Recent research has shown that 40% of cancer patients seek out complementary therapies such as hypnotherapy. I hear so many hypnotherapists contacting me saying a loved one is suffering from cancer and they wish they could help, but don’t know how too. Learn NOW and have the tools when you desperately need them most! This Hypno-Oncology Practitioner certification course will give you the tools, techniques and confidence to assist family members, loved ones or clients going through the cancer journey. Remember 1 in 2, so this will become your biggest near future market in hypnotherapy! Over 65 million Americans will want your services. Are you ready? Hypnotherapy can be a very useful complementary addition to the patient’s cancer journey in this expanding area. Emotional and psychological support can help patients learn to cope with distress.

POSITION YOURSELF AS THE EXPERT IN YOUR FIELD - PUBLISH YOUR BOOK Tuesday, May 07 - 08:30AM to 05:30PM Suzy Prudden Becoming a published author positions you as an expert in your field. It gives you more credibility and helps to get more speaking opportunities, radio interviews, podcast interviews and TV interviews. It helps you get your expertise featured in newspaper articles. It places you in front of the crowd. This presentation will explain the whys and hows of becoming a published author. It will help participants understand the myths and truths of publishing. It will explains why your book is NOT your Business Card but IS your Business Builder.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


2019 HypnoBiz New York Speakers Adam Moore

Adam Moore – In 1999 Adam left a successful career in advertising to open the doors of Moore Creative Living—a coaching and consulting company with offices currently based in New York, Chicago, and Westport, CT that provides pioneering tools and programming and business development in the area of wellness. As a result Adam was quickly recognized as “One of the 99 Individuals to Watch in 1999” by Time Out New York Magazine, and has since continued to be on the watch list for innovation in the area of personal development and wellness. Adam’s unique approach and well-rounded experience has allowed him and his team to work extensively with many leading companies and organizations looking to create more effective wellness solutions for their employees and staff (Nielsen Media, Chase Bank, Royal Caribbean, and Time Inc. to name a few). In 2010 Adam was contracted by Equinox Health Clubs to develop and run the company’s first wellness department for their elite flagship super club in New York City which provided members with comprehensive customized fitness and nutrition plans, coupled with personal coaching and hypnosis support to ensure greater effectivity. During its run the department saw over 550 participants and boasted an 87% success rate of personal goals met.

Adolfo Carvalho

Adolfo Carvalho has a degree in education, Hypnotist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypnosis Trainer, Guest speaker in events, such as tv shows, radio, Hypnosis conventions and vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnoanalysis (APHCH). Also an entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO of www. audiosdehipnose.com®. Trained in hypnosis by personalities like: Larry Elman and Cheryl Elman, Roy Hunter, , Betty Erickson, Edwin Yager Teresa Robles, Paul Aurand and others.


Alberto Dell’Isola

Alberto Dell’Isola has a degree in Psychology, a Masters Degree in Philosophy of Law and has been teaching hypnosis for a time in Brazil, having taught more than 1,500 people every year. He’s also written a bestseller called “Mentes Brilhantes” (Bright Minds in english) which is a number one best seller in Brazil. Alberto has the second largest hypnosis Youtube channel in the world and is certainly one of the most influential hypnotists in his country. His youtube channel has around 320k subscribers. Alberto is also regularly asked to go to TV shows in Brazil to speak about hypnosis, memory and other topics in Psychology.

Anna Margolina

Education: Russian State Medical University (Moscow, Russia) graduated in 1996, majoring in medical biophysics. Postgraduate research in Russian State Medical University and Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine (Moscow, Russia). Theme: Interaction of nitrite ions with antioxidant enzymes. PHD in biology 1999. Science Editor in Cosmetics and Medicine Magazine 1997-2002. 1999: Text book for cosmetic professionals: “Lipid barrier and Cosmetic products” – by Anna Margolina and Helen Hernandes (in Russian). 2000: Book “New Cosmetology”( in Russian) By Anna Margolina and Helen Hernandes. Second expanded edition in 2005. Selected articles are included in books “Cosmetic peelings”, “Body shaping in cosmetology”. (in Russian). Authors of numerous articles on skin biology. Published in “Cosmetics and medicine”, “Science and Life”, “Ecology and Life”, “Mother and baby”, “Seagull”. (Russian). 2013: Licensed Practitioner of NeuroLinguistic Programming (trained by Connie and Michael Brannan, licensed by a Society of NLP and Dr. Richard Bandler). 2013 Licensed Design Human Engineer Level 1 (trained by a co-creator of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler). 2013: Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Trauma Release Specialist (Bennet Stellar University). 2014: Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning (The Society of NLP and Dr. Richard Bandler)

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

2019 HypnoBiz New York Speakers

Dr. Birgit Zottmann

Dr. Birgit Zottmann has a doctor degree in educational science (University of Frankfurt, Germany), is a certified hypnotherapist, a hypnosis instructor, a trained mindfulness teacher (University of Massachusetts), a strategic coach (T. Robbins) and author of several well-known books. She has been practicing hypnosis for more than 16 years in Frankfurt and New York. Her knowledge and compassion for change processes is her brand.

Bob Burns

Bob Burns hypnotized his first person in the early 70’s by pretending to be a hypnotist whilst touring as a musician with an R & B band. This scared the hell out of him and had a lot to do with him going on to university where he studied psychology, sociology and philosophy at honours degree level. Since then he has gone on to do stage hypnosis, street, impromptu and also uses it in the world of magic and mentalism where he has worked in the corporate world for many years. He does many hypnosis workshops throughout the year, mainly throughout Europe whilst also working as a Clinical Hypnotist where he also mentors and teaches his methods live in his therapy rooms in Montrose, Scotland (the home of James Esdaile). Bob is considered to be the only clinical hypnotist who offers this specialised training in Europe. In hypnotherapy he had for many years always worked with what he was always happy to call: ‘standard operational procedures.’

Caryn Seavitte-Bird

Caryn holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin–Parkside and has professional experience in the fields of psychology and corporate marketing. Caryn’s career in hypnosis began when she and her husband chose to birth their third child using

HypnoBirthing. After this experience, Caryn realized the power of the mind and saw the remarkable success in birthing a child using hypnosis. On the encouragement of her obstetrician, Caryn became a Certified HypnoBirthing Practitioner in 2003, and then a Consulting Hypnotist through NGH with advanced training in Sports Hypnosis, Age Regression, Hypnoanesthesia & Pain Management, Pediatric Hypnosis, and Weight Loss. After marrying a college wrestler and raising three champion athletes, Caryn noticed the increasing value of hypnosis and mental training techniques for athletes. In 2004, Caryn began her own hypnosis practice, Win with Hypnosis, in Burlington, Wisconsin. She specializes in Sports Performance Hypnosis/Mental Toughness Training and has helped hundreds of athletes achieve their highest goals and dreams. Caryn continues to teach natural birthing classes to pregnant mothers and their birth partners. In addition, she helps clients with life challenges in other areas including stress management, insomnia, coping with/conquering fears, bed wetting, school performance, weight loss, and smoking. Caryn is currently working on publishing her first hypnosis manual that will focus on achieving success as an athlete with methods in hypnosis and developing the attitude of a champion.

Cheryl Elman

Cheryl Elman has a BS in Varying Exceptionalities K-12 and Elementary Ed plus 30 years experience in Business. She is president and the marketing force behind the Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute. As a Certified Hypnotist and International Speaker/Trainer, Cheryl has presented at major conferences and co-trained with Larry Elman in 17 countries. Cheryl has a hypnosis practice and is an Accredited Trainer and Consultant for the Goulding Process of SleepTalk™ for Children. Her ability as an artist blends with her energy and sense of humor to create fun, informative and interactive presentations.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition


2019 HypnoBiz New York Speakers Christina Gikas

Christina Gikas is a certified transpersonal hypnotherapist, counselor, NLP practitioner, and TimeLine therapist. She holds a BA in Psychology, a doctorate in Metaphysics (Msc.D.) and many certificates, including Parts Therapy and Relationship Specialist. She has studied with renowned professionals, including Joan Boreysenko, John Bradshaw, Tad James, and Dick Sutphen. Christina has presented her unique techniques to Release Grief and to Connect With A Departed Loved One at many hypnotherapy conferences in the past 12 years, and was selected one of the first five practitioners at the Quantum Healing Centre in Irvine, CA. Awarded “Excellence in Enlightenment”, 2011 IHF Conference. Presented at the 2006 ABH annual convention, the 2007 IACH, the 2009, 2010, 2011, and the 2016 IHF conferences, and the 2017 and 2018 HypnoThoughts Live Conference in Las Vegas.

Craig Eubanks

Craig Eubanks is a Direct-Response Copywriter and Direct-Response Marketing Consultant based in San Francisco California. Himself certified as both a Master Hypnotist and a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming he has made it his mission to teach those who dedicate their life to change work, the time tested techniques of DirectResponse Marketing so they can prosper and profit with their businesses while doing good in the world. My unique combination of Direct Response Marketing, Copywriting, and background as a Computer Engineer gives me a very useful perspective balancing the psychology of persuasion with building and testing systems that bring in the biggest bang for the buck. I have over 100 articles, podcasts, and videos available for hypnotists all for free on this blog HypnosisMarketingTips.com. Check it out. Even if you’re not a Hypnotist, you’ll find the information useful for your business. If you want to hire me to help you explode your business growth, go to HireCraigEubanks.com to find out how to contact me, how I work, and what my current rates are.


Daniel Ryan

Daniel Ryan Cht, Crt maintains fulltime private practice in New York City. His offices are located at the Center for Integrative Hypnosis in Chelsea where he offers hypnotherapy, regression therapy, and meditation to individuals and groups. He received his undergraduate degree (BFA) from Emerson College where his research focused on literature, philosophy, and sociology. Daniel studied and taught techniques of meditation at the School of Practical Philosophy in New York City from 2007 to 2014 while exploring Vedic philosophy, neuroscience, east/west mysticism, and psychology. In 2011, after receiving board certifications in hypnotherapy (Cht) and regression therapy (Crt), he co-founded the Center for Integrative Healing in Chatham, NJ. Daniel has a unique story as a second-generation practitioner. Today he champions ethical practice alongside thought leadership and exploration into new territory. Over decades of experience with guided trance and narrative archetypal journeys, Daniel is fortunate to have trained with and know personally many of the pioneers within hypnotherapy and regression therapy.

Derrick Watkins

Derrick Watkins MSW, CH.t is a Certified Hypnotist, Personal Trainer and Peak Performance Expert. He has been performing hypnosis shows and helping people change the way they think and how they treat their bodies for more than 20 years! Derrick is also Certified as a Handwringing Expertand NLP.

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

Donna Bloom

Donna Bloom is a Board Certified Hypnotist, Meditation Instructor, BWRT Practitioner Member and Certified Life Coach. Donna’s unique approach helps clients experience a profound sense of trust and inner calm. She creatively leads clients to follow their inner guidance system

2019 HypnoBiz New York Speakers

to achieve goals and dreams. She teaches meditation classes and offers seminars on Law of Attraction and Modern Ho’oponopono. Working with Donna is a journey of self-discovery.

Doug O’Brien Doug O’Brien is a certified Trainer of Hypnosis, certified Trainer of The Havening Techniques® and a Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming based in New York City. As a Hypnotherapist, he helped found the Department of Complementary Medicine at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital under Dr. Oz doing pre-surgical hypnosis in the Cardiothoracic unit. Known for his engaging teaching style, he has traveled the world teaching Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis, Sleight of Mouth, the Havening Techniques and storytelling. He is the author of “The User’s Guide to Sleight of Mouth” and “The Storyteller’s Handbook.”

Emma Romano

Emma is a highly sought after international self-healing coach and trainer of The Family Freedom Protocol and TimeLine Reset. Emma has spoken all over Australia and in America spreading the word of peace, self healing and kindness. Her expertise is in treating clients with negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD and limiting beliefs, using her own creation the Timeline Reset. Emma’s other healing modalities are Hypnotherapy, Energy Work, and Life Coaching. With these modalities Emma is able to get to the very core issue of her client’s problem and facilitate their self-healing process. Emma herself was diagnosed with the debilitating disease of Multiple Sclerosis in 2014 which lead to chronic fatigue, huge amounts of constant fear and depression. After hearing from Dr’s that the best she could do for herself was to get her home ready for a wheelchair, Emma decided to take things into her own hands. After years of study and research and healing herself, Emma has devised a program for clients and therapists to teach them these

tools of self-healing. Emma’s mission is to spread the word far and wide that hypnotherapy, mindset and lifestyle are the places people need to address if they are serious about overcoming illness and blockages in life and in turn living a life of health and happiness.

Eugen Popa Eugen Popa is president of Romanian Hypnosis Association and an international trainer and speaker. He has started his business in Romania and in 6 years he generated more than 500.000 USD by leveraging social media. In this talk Eugen will present some of his most effective methods of driving traffic to his sites as well as generating sales and a massive income (Remember its Romania yes? :) The presentations will cover topics such as: Facebook Algorithm, Chatbots, Facebook Live, LiveChat applications, Viral posting and Lead Generation.

Fabio De Carvalho

Fábio De Carvalho is a Published Author, Writer, and a Hypnotist. Expert in Business Consulting, People Management, Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital, and a creative problem solver. Fabio holds an MBA in General Management, and developed an international career as an executive, manager and business consultant, working in several countries. In the last two decades, he has studied, practiced and taught hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming and coaching applied to personal, professional development and educational training programs. Former President of the Brazilian Society of Hypnology, Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, among several other organizations in USA, Brazil, Chile, and Spain. Fabio is the current President of the NGH North Texas chapter. He is a certified hypnosis instructor, hypnotist certified by the International Association of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (Spain), among many others. He is the host of the HypnoCast – the

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biggest hypnosis podcast in the Portuguese language. Author of the books “As if it were“, “Reflections of a Hypnotist: Hypnosis and Positive Changes”, and the forthcoming books “Hypnosis & Accelerated Learning” and “Self-Hypnosis: Dealing with the Unconscious”, and coordinates study groups of so-called “altered states of consciousness”. Fábio lives in North Dallas, Texas (USA).

Fern Tausig

I am a Health Educator with a MS in Secondary Health Education. I use my background knowledge and experience in the areas of nutrition, stress management holistic wellness to guide my clients to the resources and inner strength to achieve their goals. I have a passion for teaching, hypnosis and helping others that has been the reason and foundation for my successful hypnosis practice in Orange, CT. I am a certified trainer by IACT and have been a practicing hypnotist for more than 15 years. I regularly present programs to corporations and adult education classes in a variety of topics from stress management to weight loss and eliminating bad habits.

Garry Coles

Garry is noted as being one of the world authorities on the subject of Hypno-Oncology. One of only a handful of hypnotherapists in the UK (and probably Europe) to hold an MSc in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Referred to in the industry as ‘The Hypnotherapist’s Hypnotherapist’ due to the number of hypnotherapists Garry offers treatment, training and mentoring for, Garry also counts numerous Doctors, Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Counsellors amongst his patients (and has taught many of them hypnotherapy) and is seen as the ‘goto’ hypnotherapist for the more challenging cases from all over the UK (and abroad). Practising as a full-time therapist for many years, Garry has busy private practices in five locations in the UK. Garry is also one of the few hypnotherapists contracted to


the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) for hypnotherapeutic work, consulting for over twelve years in an oncological setting being the resident hypnotherapist in a major hospital offering hypnotherapy treatment for a myriad of cancer related issues. He has received specialist cancer hospital training. He also spent a year imbedded in the hospital’s Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Team attending weekly meetings with the surgeons and oncology team to discuss cases and treatments.

Giancarlo Russo

Giancarlo Russo is a Physiotherapist and Hypnotherapist certified. He practice hypnosis since more than 25 years and he teaches hypnosis in the University to medical doctors and other professionals.

Grant Saunders

Grant Saunders was born in 1976 in a small fishing village called Manchester. Grant saw his first stage hypnosis show whilst on holiday in Cornwall at the impressionable age of 8… and was he mesmerised. Grant soon realised that he had a passion for the mind and has spent years studying and perfecting his art. Grant Saunders has spent the last 15 years entertaining people and developing his unique brand of performance hypnosis. Grant is considered by many to be one of the TOP stage hypnotists in the UK and he is a one of only a few FULL TIME stage hypnotists and he has even performed at Balmoral castle. Grant Saunders stage hypnotist brings a fresh new look to a world that has been shrouded in mystery for years, and does this in a hilarious, modern and down to earth way. Carlton Tv’s Thursday night live, BBC, ITV, Sine Fm, The Sun, Boomtang, KISS FM, India Today, The Herald (Australia), Vibe, The Examiner, Stress Busters, Fresh FM, Hallam FM

HypnoBiz Magazine - 2019 Conferences & Events Edition

2019 HypnoBiz New York Speakers Håkan Kållving

Håkan Källving runs the hypnotism institute of Stockholm (Hypnosinstitutet i Stockholm) in Stockholm, Sweden. He is an international certified clinical hypnotherapist trained by the best in the field with a never-ending strive to learn more. Began using self-hypnosis 21 years ago by learning Italian in a few short months utilizing “power programming” techniques. He has been teaching self-hypnosis classes since 2004. An expert on subconscious changes in helping people reach their goals, solve problems and become free from addictions through effective use of hypnosis. He has been featured in various media as an expert in hypnosis. A former, track & field national team athlete (men’s high hurdles), with a passion for sport’s peak performance by creative use of the mind. He is passionate and dynamic with an ongoing strive for “what works-formulas”.

Harold A. Bollaci

Harold A. Bollaci has been practicing law in Nassau County and New York City for over ten years. He specializes in elder law, most specifically estate planning, estate administration and estate litigation. Mr. Bollaci began his legal career at a large, Mineola based law firm where his work focused primary in real estate transactions and land use and zoning. He appeared on behalf of clients in front of numerous Town and Village Boards, including Planning Boards and Boards of Zoning Appeals. Since forming his own firm in 2004, Harold has concentrated his legal practice on areas of elder law and estate planning. Mr. Bollaci has made it a priority to assist his clients in asset preservation, and planning for all possible estate contingencies. In addition to the personal service he guarantees to his clients, Mr. Bollaci shares his clients’ goals of keeping control of their property and being in charge of their future planning. He understands that estate planning can be emotionally difficult for his clients. He is committed to working with his clients over time and at their pace. Mr. Bollaci is a native of Locust Valley, New York. He received his B.A. in International

Affairs from The George Washington University in 1997 and his Juris Doctor from New York Law School in 2001. He was admitted to practice law in the State of New York in February 2002. In 2005 Harold was awarded the Order of Merit from the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity at The George Washington University. Harold is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and is a frequent speaker and lecturer on elder law and estate planning. Harold is also a member of the Nassau County Bar Association where he participates in the Trusts and Estates Committee; the Elder Law, Social Services and Health Advocacy Committee; and the Real Property Law Committee. In addition to his professional endeavors, Mr. Bollaci served as an Executive Committeeman of the Nassau County Republican Committee and is a Charter Member of the North Shore Rotary Club. He is a member of St. John’s of Lattingtown and a member of the Log Cabin Republican Club of New York City. Harold is the principal in the Law Office of Harold A. Bollaci, P.C. and currently serves as Of Counsel to the Paladino Law Group, PC, in Garden City, New York. The firm has offices in Garden City, Queens, and Manhattan.

Helen Mitas

Helen Mitas is dedicated to raising the profile of the Hypnotherapy Industry globally and specialises in helping Hypnotherapists to a six-figure turnover within 12 months just as she has done with her own business. Helen is the founder of Hypnofit, which is a thriving Hypnotherapy clinic in Melbourne, Australia. Hypnofit has helped thousands of people suffering from the debilitating effects of depression, anxiety, addictions, and weight problems. Helen is the Worlds # 1 Hypnosis Mentor and the Founder of the revolutionary 15 Steps to Hypnosis Business Success online program. She is a qualified Professional Speaker with Professional Speakers Association of Australia and an experienced International Speaker. Helen is the published author of the book Mindset Dominance and was the the keynote speaker at the Heartland Hypnosis Conference in St Louis. Mid-America Hypnosis conference in Illinois and the New Zealand Hypnosis Federation. She received an enormous amount of positive feedback

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from her presentations at HypnoBiz New York, NGH & Hypnothoughts Live. She is the Co-Organizer of HypnoBiz Australia, the first international conference in Australia.

Irina Stefan

I’m 36 years old. I’m an economist with 17 years experience in Commerce and from about 2 years I hypnotize. I’m student at my second faculty, Faculty of Psychology. I owned many businesses and at 31 years old I made my first half-million dollars. As trainer I had over 150 unique participants at my workshops in my first year of practice. I like to work much more with groups than individually. I’m passionate to obsession about hypnosis and I’m very happy to make people happier.”

James Hazlerig

James Hazlerig, MA, is a hypnotist, author, meditation teacher, professional musician, and champion storyteller. In his Austin practice, he helps clients quit smoking, manage stress, and overcome fear. He has taught classes in many venues, including hypnotic storytelling and metaphor at Anne King’s Hypnosis Center. In 2014, he co-authored Speak Ericksonian: Mastering the Hypnotic Methods of Milton Erickson. In 2016, he published The Little Book of Laughnosis: Using the Hypnotic Power of Unconditional Laughter to Change Lives. He is the founder of the Order of Spellbinding Storytellers.

Jami Epstein

James Epstein is certified under The National Hypnosis Association and The National Board of Hypnotherapist Examiners. Epstein is a member of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation and practices the Ericksonian Approach to Hypnotherapy.


Janet Thomson

Janet Thomson is a best selling UK author and media presenter with an impressive track record working in the field of weight loss. Initially from a fitness based background (MSc Nutrition and Exercise Science) she was formerly Head Of Training for a national Slimming Chain and went on to open her own chain of health clubs. Here she began combining her already successful nutrition & fitness plans with psychological change work. Her latest book and online program “The Placebo Diet” combines sound physical advice with a unique program to change how you think and feel about food. She is now an in demand presenter and trainer as well as running her own clinics. She has the ability to take often complicated information, and transfer it into user friendly practical advice and techniques that are immediately use-able. Her presentations are always fun, energised and motivational and her passion and commitment shine through along with her extensive knowledge and experience in her field.

Jeffrey Rose

Jeffrey Rose is a highly sought out practitioner for the medical and dental applications of hypnosis in New York. As a Clinical Hypnotist, Nutritionist, Sleep Specialist and Addiction Recovery Coach, he has risen to a level of expertise that has attracted the attention of hospitals, private practice doctors, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers. Mr. Rose is recognized as one of America’s foremost clinical hypnotherapists. Jeffrey received his Bachelor’s Degree from New York University. He is certified by the International Medical Dental Hypnosis Association, National Guild of Hypnotists, and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. He has over 20 years of experience in conducting individual hypnosis sessions, delivering group sessions, and teaching workshops as well as corporate wellness programs in the New York area and throughout the country. He is the founder and Director of the Advanced Hypnosis Center on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New

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York City and the author of numerous published health promoting articles. As a Clinical Hypnotist, Jeffrey Rose is one of the premier practitioners of hypnosis and holistic health.

Dr. Jennifer Kane

Dr. Jennifer Kane is a Chiropractic Physician who helps her patients to heal through chiropractic care, acupuncture, nutrition, and hypnosis. She draws from a broad range of education and experience, including 17 years of patient care in both private practice and as a faculty member at Logan College of Chiropractic for 10 years. In addition to a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, a B.S. in Human Biology, and a B.A. in Psychology, she is a Fellow with the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture, a Certified Yoga Instructor through YogaFit, and a Certified Personal Trainer through ACSM. After working with thousands of patients, as well as her own experience with a cancer diagnosis, Dr. Kane became a Certified Hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists to better address the impact that the mind and emotions play on healing. In her hypnosis practice, she applies her extensive knowledge of neurology to create powerfully effective scripts. She is the owner of Dynamic Health Chiropractic LLC, and over the course of her career, has given countless workshops and presentations to diverse groups.

Jim Kellner

Jim is a hypnotherapist, stage hypnotist, and speaker. He has helped thousands of clients in his hypnotherapy practice and taught classes and workshops at hospitals, businesses, and schools.

Jimmy Petruzzi

Best Selling Author, Radio Broadcaster, Award Winning Coach, NLP Trainer, Hypnotherapist, TV Presenter, Musician, studied several different modalities over the past 20 years, ranging from NLP , CBT,

Hypnotherapy, including studying The Intensives and Master Classes at The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Phoenix, AZ. Including completing teacher training at Bolton University ,sports performance conditioning Loughborough university , and several coaching courses in sport and business. Also completing the following modules Mind, Brain and Behaviour and Social Psychology, Data Analysis for Psych, Personality, Individual Differences, and Intelligence on the MSc in Mental Health Psychology with the University of Liverpool. Jimmy Petruzzi is a lifelong learner and is presently studying a Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health MSc with King’s College is one of the top 25 universities in the world. And continues to expand his knowledge by incorporating several modalities, principles from the arts, Martial arts, sport and business into his delivery. A world-renowned performance coach for over 20 years he has worked and continues to work around the world with many top businesses, entrepreneurs, corporations, professional football teams and individuals at national and international level in the English premiership and worldwide.

Jo-Anne Eadie

Certified Master Hypnotist; Certified Instructor with National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH ) and the International Hypnosis Federation - IHF. Certified Trainer of Hypnosis with IHF. My business is Power of Freedom. With Emotional Freedom, you have personal power. Since 1999, I have led clients through a holistic approach to wellness, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of each individual client. Director of HypnoBiz Canada. A Regular Speaker at Hypnosis Conventions and Conferences and enjoying ongoing training, continuously upgrading skills and knowledge Personal - Married 54 years to my husband Brian, five children, nine grandchildren. Authored a book on my own weight journey - “Exhale Weight” for the emotional aspects of any weight management program.

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2019 HypnoBiz New York Speakers Joni Neidigh

Joni Johnston Neidigh is a Licensed Psychotherapist in the State of Florida, and has been in private practice for over 27 years. She is also a Certified Clinical Hypnotist and an instructor for HPTI. Joni specializes in athletic performance and has assisted in the development of athletes from agegroup to Olympians and professionals in the sport of swimming. In addition to working with USA registered swimmers and coaches in the United States, Joni has hosted and worked with coaches and teams from other countries including Spain, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Scotland, Singapore and more.Joni is the author of AIM Gold Medal Mental Toughness Success Guide and Anger and Violence Intervention Program Success Guide. She has produced over 20 products to assist with athletic performance. Joni offers a sports certification through HPTI which includes internship opportunities.

Jos Van Boxtel

Jos van Boxtel is a hypnotherapist with an established practice and training institute in Utrecht in the Netherlands. He is also a tutor at the British Hypnosis Research & Training Institute and the first author of a series of case studies on Stephen Brooks’ work. Jos is an expert in the field of Ericksonian Hypnosis, NLP, EMDR and Neurosemantics and has successfully treated thousands of people with a wide range of problems.

Jourdan Rystrom

Jourdan Rystrom is a Master Sound Healer, Sound Bowl Therapist, Spiritual Hypnotherapist, and has mastered the vibration in the instrument of the human body. As a graduate of Berklee College of Music in Songwriting and Vocal Performance, Jourdan is a soulful Singer-Songwriter with original song placements on TV shows and radio airplay worldwide. She is also a Film Producer, YouTube creator, Spiritual Teacher, and Inspirational Speaker. Jourdan is certified in Hypnotherapy, PLR/


LBL, Crystal Healing, and is a Reiki Master Teacher. She works with the powerful vibration of crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, and other musical instruments paired with the angelic tonalities of her voice to heal through sound acoustics and frequency. Jourdan has continued her career in songwriting and performing with live concerts on a weekly basis and collaborates with others to get the best product possible - music that is going to move people. Help them dance. Help them FEEL again. Her latest single, “Dead Sober”, births the new genre ‘Pop-Conscious’ with the message to feel everything no matter what - even in the face of addiction and self-sabotage - something the world desperately needs to hear at this time. Jourdan will be 3 years sober this November and hopes to inspire others to heal through her music.

Juan Acosta

As founder of Hypnodontist. com and best-selling author of “HYPNODONTICS” Juan shares everything he learned working inside dental offices, with several thousand patients and hundreds of dental professionals. He’s been a regular speaker at dental and hypnosis trade conferences since 2012 and a graduate of the inaugural class of HPTI.

Karen Paolino Correia

Karen Paolino Correia is a NGH Certified Hypnotherapist since 1997, Certified Past Life Regressionist, Spirit Medium and Certified Angel Messenger and she is the founder and trainer of Soul Entrainment®. Her passion is to empower others to connect and heal with their loved ones in spirit through the higher consciousness of the soul. For almost two decades she has been helping people through Soul Entrainment® and Soul Mediumship® and is now teaching others from all over the world to facilitate this powerful work

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2019 HypnoBiz New York Speakers Larry Elman Colonel H Larry Elman, Dave Elman’s son, took his father’s course several times before attending MIT. During careers in engineering and the Air Force, Larry had to restrict his hypnosis activities. Now CEO of the Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute, Larry lectures and teaches hypnosis internationally, as well as producing CDs and DVDs demonstrating Dave Elman’s medical hypnosis methods. Larry also teaches Certification Courses for several hypnosis professional organizations as well as courses in more advanced hypnosis subjects.

Lisa Ford Sigsworth

Registered Nurse since 1993. Hospice background since 1989. Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse. End of Life Care Nurse Train the Trainer (ELNEC). Certified Hypnotist. Certified Hypnotist Instructor. Author of the book: “Crossing Over : Your Guide to Dying with Dignity.” Studied end of life in Hindu and Tibetan tradition in New Delhi, India; “The Joy of Living and Dying” with Llama Rinpoche and “The Middle Way” with the Dali Llama in Dharmsala, India. Studied advanced breathwork and meditation in Bir, India with Llama Tsering. Married with 5 children, 4 grandchildren and lives on a hobby farm in south Louisiana.

Lois Lorback

I am a Certified Hypnotherapist. I graduated from HMI College of Hypnotherapy where I am also an Associate Instructor. One of the classes I teach is, Therapeutic and Creative Journaling for the advanced students. I am also an NLP Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and Therapeutic Imagery Master. My hypnotherapy specialties include: fears, phobias, motivation, insomnia, procrastination, confidence, and female empowerment. My professional background is quite varied; from Loan Officer in the mortgage

industry to computer business owner. Although my previous careers were challenging and diverse, I feel hypnotherapy to be the most rewarding. I find great satisfaction in assisting my clients to reach their full potential in order for them to lead a more fulfilled and productive life.

Luis Lamim

I studied parapsychology in the 90’s, I continued studying Emotional Intelligence and Transactional Analysis, now known as mindfulness and finally Practitioner in NLP. After that, I keep focus on travel and training, continuous learning and given training in a lot of companies around the world for more than 25 countries. Many of those countries such as India, China, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia for example, face many problems due to their beliefs but we could manage and the final customer got the results. I’d like to share with all of you my experience to get success on your own business. Right now, I keep focus on Diabetes Type 2 and Weight Management Therapy.

Maria Bird

Maria Bird delivers strategic techniques that improve performance in every area of life including career, family and personal relationships. Maria coaches top-level executives to gain the positions they seek and get the pay raises they deserve. Regardless of where you are on your journey, Maria’s question for you is, “Where do you want to be?” Maria’s programs are individually designed for each client’s needs and desires. Her strategies will help you gain self-confidence, build rapport with others, strengthen all types of relationships and effectively communicate your needs and desires for personal and financial gain. Some of Maria Bird’s recent speaking engagements were with HypnoThoughts Live, Marks Paneth, LLP, The Renaissance Project, Affordable Sedona Retreats and The Retreat (shelter for women and children). She has done local work with various Meetup groups and was featured on Building Fortunes Radio with Greg Dwyer.

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2019 HypnoBiz New York Speakers Mario Lima

Mario Lima has a degree in engineering, Hypnotist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypnosis Trainer, Guest speaker in events, such as tv shows, radio, Hypnosis conventions and vice-president of the Scientific Council of the Portuguese Association of Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnoanalysis (APHCH). Also an entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO of www. audiosdehipnose.com®. Trained in hypnosis by personalities like: Larry Elman and Cheryl Elman, Roy Hunter, Anthony Jacquin, Teresa Robles, Edgar Barnet, and others.

Melissa Tiers

Melissa Tiers is the founder of The Center For Integrative Hypnosis with a private hypnosis practice in New York City. She teaches classes in Integrative Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Psychology and mental health coaching. Melissa is an instructor for the NGH and The International Association of Counselors and Therapists and an adjunct faculty member of The New York Open Center and Tri-State College of Acupuncture. Melissa is a three time recipient of the International Medical and Dental Association’s prestigious Pen and Quill Award for her books “Integrative Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Course in Change”, “Keeping the Brain in Mind: Practical Neuroscience for Coaches, Therapists and Hypnosis Practitioners” and “ Integrative Hypnosis for kids and teens: Playing for Change” Melissa was recently featured in Marie Claire magazine and her sleep protocol was featured in More Magazine. She has also been awarded the NGH’s 2014 President’s Award, for excellence in the field and the 2014 Speaker and Author of the year from the Zurich Hypnose Kongress.

Mercedes Herman

Mercedes Herman a native New Yorker, who presently lives in New Jersey, She is a Registered Nurse and changed her (retired) after 43 years of a glorious adventure. A well known storyteller ( master) and has entered Hypnosis for the past Ten years. Master Hypnotist and NLP Practitioner and certified instructor in both. She is also a practitioner of Mesa Blanca, Well known around the lecture circuit and an author.

Michal Cieslakowski My name is Michał Cieślakowski and I am a hypnotist from Poland. I have been practicing hypnosis for over 14 years and since 4 I have started to explore such areas as internal programs about money, values and development of hypnosis business. Before I started to learn about these mechanisms, I fought for every client for therapy and for every student for workshops.Today, having the highest price in Poland for hypnotherapy, I have as many customers as I want. The hypnosis and hypnotherapy trainings I run have the highest reputation in my country. I created my own methods of using hypnosis to obtain lucid dreams and to sleep in extreme systems of polyphasic sleep (2 hours a day). I’m an author of several specialistic hypnosis workshop programs like: “Medical Hypnosis”, “Business Hypnosis”, “Ultimate Deep Trance Work”, “Self-Hypnosis of the 21st century”. I’ve been invited many times as a presenter to the most important Polish universities (Warsaw University, Warsaw School of Economics), to the largest polish TV stations (TVP, TVN) and to the most successful commercial companies (Coca Cola co., Procter & Gamble).

Melissa was the 2018 Keynote speaker for the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Associa- tion conference and the U.K. Hypnosis Conference.


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Michelle Braun

Michelle Braun has been a practicing hypnotist, energy worker and NLP practitioner for over 10 years with advanced training and lengthy experience in the areas of addiction, dementia, neuroscience, neuroplasticity,

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dreamwork, methods of meditation and medical and metaphysical hypnosis. She is a botanist, horticulturist, aromatherapist, an intuitive shamanic practitioner and an avid advocate of continuing education for personal and professional growth. Michelle lives in the rural southern mountains of San Diego County where she practices Hindu meditative chanting, intuitive communication in nature and continues her lifelong study and practice of plant medicine in the areas of native plants, medicinal herbs, essential oils, production, etc.

Miguel Cocco

Hypnotherapist/ Psychologist and Hypnosis trainer with 2 Bestsellers Change your Life with Self Hypnosis and Lose Weight with the Power of your Mind. Co-founder of the Portuguese Hypnosis Associativo and presenter in world Conferences.

Mohammed Sheikh

Mohammed Sheikh, a Mind Mechanic, is certified Master Practitioner in NLP, certified Master Hypnotist, certified Psy-TaP Practitioner (UK), a HeartMath® Certified Trainer and certified WingWave™ Coach. He empowers individuals and organizations to have rapid changes in their lives by having them discover the tools they need so that they can live the life they want. Mohammed has travelled extensively and taken thousands of hours of trainings in order to be able to use the latest methods, technologies and neuroscience to allow his clients to transform unwanted behaviours and move towards desired internal states instead. Besides the work he does at Coach the Mind, the platform he launched to enable positive change in others through his years of experience and trainings of the many modalities, he works with various local community organizations to help them succeed.

Patricia Eslava Vessey

Her parallel careers in social work and management (over 30 years) with the State of Washington and as a health coach and fitness trainer has allowed her to help employees, students and clients access and utilize powerful mind body solutions to resolve and heal challenges. As an author, instructor and trainer, Patricia has created and taught a variety of presentations at numerous conferences for many years (more on her website). She has taught monthly hypnosis weight loss classes since 2012 and hypnotized thousands of people. Patricia is a sought after presenter with numerous positive reviews. She is passionate about helping others discover, access and thrive in their own unique inner resources so they can achieve their goals and live their best life.

Paul Gibson

Paul Gibson is a highly-respected hypnotist specialising in medical hypnosis, sports performance and addiction. He has a medical background and his experience in a clinical environment informs the way in which he delivers therapy, with results that speak for themselves. Much of Paul’s work is to resolve the emotional factors that often trigger the conditions he treats, which include eczema, IBS, psoriasis, alopecia and Fibromyalgia. He has counselled elite sportsmen and women to better performance through his expert therapy programme, giving his clients the psychological edge that eliminates performance anxiety and big-game nerves and allows them to focus on the objective at hand. He has also enjoyed remarkable results through sports hypnosis with people who play amateur sport and are looking to improve. He believes in client-focused therapy that drives lasting results.

Petra Frese

Owner of Lehigh Valley Hypnosis LLC (Allentown PA, USA) and 3V Schweiz GmbH (Frick, Switzerland). M.Sc.Eng., Researcher of molecular genetics, biochemistry and biotechnology. BCH, CI, Certified

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Spirit Guide Coach, Certified expert and trainer of communication, body language and micro expressions. Her passion is to integrate latest science, an analytical approach and spiritual guidance into hypnotherapy. More than 20 years of experience in science and industries. Retired volunteer firefighter (10yrs.)

Randi Light

Author, Healer and Master Facilitator Randi Light, MS, CH, leads transformational workshops, trainings and retreats for both children and adults. Her life work combines 35 years of research, training and life skills to provide sustainable wellness solutions for personal and professional performance improvement. Randi Light’s Essential 4 Protocol and training manual, establishes over a 90% success rate with private clients who are stressed, in chronic pain, have trouble sleeping, or whose negative emotions block their success and happiness. Randi was voted ‘Hypnotist of the Year’ for 2012. Randi also created a 4-step process for getting athletes, performers and speakers and in The Zone. She communicates from the heart and lives her life in service to others. Randi has been trained in a number of healing modalities including Pediatric Hypnosis, Theta Healing, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, EFT, Reiki and NLP. Additionally, Randi serves on a number of Boards for women and for the environment. In 2016, shei was the recipient of the ‘Black Pearl Award’ because of her dedication and commitment to serving women.

Rich Guzzi

Rich Guzzi has been performing on stages for over 40 years and has averaged 300 shows a year almost the last 30. By combining stand up comedy, music, hypnosis and a little bit of self help seminar, Rich has managed to put smiles on the faces of millions of people all over the world. He was featured in Parade Magazine, been on TMZ and Access Hollywood and almost became super famous about 10 times in his career.


Rick Green

Rick Green is a law officer with over 37 years’ experience in high risk duties. His assignments have varied from Jail to patrol, to undercover, to a High Risk Action Team to major Crime Unit Detective – promoting up to Captain. As such he has directly encountered all aspects of traumatic events, including officer involved shootings, homicides, police suicides, and suicide by police. He has taught stress management and resiliency in Police Academies, Police Departments, martial artists, and to the general public for over thirty years. He was on the Olympic Judo training team, coached Olympic athletes, jumped from airplanes, and wrestled a bear. He has utilized hypnotic skills early on and has since been trained by Mike Mandel, Melissa Tiers, Steve Roehm, David Snyder, Randi Light – and many others brilliant mentors. He is trained and certified by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and is a leader in the Kalamazoo Sheriff Critical Incident Stress Team, the Volunteer Services, the Reserve Division, and is the founder of Hypnosis for Heroes.

Rick Paddock

As a Board Certified Hypnotist, Hypnosis Instructor, Mind Coach, Author and Podcaster, Rick is passionate about helping his students and clients live a life full of joy, love and fulfillment. He is the author and producer of many successful personal improvement products enjoyed by thousands around the world, including three books, and over fifty audio & video programs. He is a sought-after speaker, and has presented at Hypnothoughts Live, an annual hypnosis convention and the 2018 Virtual Hypnosis Convention. He is also the host and producer of the Mind Flipping podcast, in which he interviews world-class experts in hypnosis, NLP, meditation, neuroscience, and coaching.

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2019 HypnoBiz New York Speakers Rob De Groof

Having started at the theatre Rob finally ended up in the world of entertainment. Already during his childhood he felt attracted to hypnosis and mentalism. After a series of courses abroad his career took a turn and at the moment he’s completely occupied with hypnosis and mentalism. As a hypnotherapist and owner at Hypnosis Centre Belgium he relieves people of all sorts of problems. The Hypnosis Centre (based in Aarschot, Antwerp and Gent) is the leader in hypnotherapy and hypnosis trainings in Belgium. A total of 5 therapists works together with Rob. As a trainer he has trained several hypnotists for either direct hypnosis as well as street or show hypnosis.Rob is the presenter of the YouTube channel Tips 4 The Mind where he talks weekly about topics concerning the mind.

Robert G. Smith

Robert G. Smith is the creator of FasterEFT. He is a Life Coach, a respected leader in the field of personal growth, a popular radio guest and sought after speaker. He is one of America’s leading experts on stress, spirituality and healing. Robert has reached thousands of people with his positive message about personal power, love and healing with the largest free online healing library available on YouTube with about 10 million views and counting, and translated in 14 different languages. He’s traveled all over the world giving public seminars since 2002. Robert has produced over 96 DVDs and continues to ship them worldwide since 2004. He has trained with some of America’s greatest transformational teachers such as Dr. Richard Bandler, co-developer of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), Gary Craig, developer of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Dr. Larry Nims, developer of Be Set Free Fast (BSFF). He has taken these powerful systems that work, combining, simplifying and amplifying them to create FasterEFT, similarly to what Gary Craig has done with Thought Field Therapy (TFT) with EFT. Robert is known for his sense of humor, his ability to simplify the complex and his dynamic training style.

Robert Merlin

The Merlin Centre is directed by Robert Michael Merlin BA,B CH,CI,PLRt,LBLt,CNLP,SEP,MH t, a Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Board Certified Master Hypnotist and Board Certified Hypnosis Instructor. Mr. Merlin has a BA degree in Psychology in is currently enrolled in the Transpersonal Counseling PhD program. He is certified in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives, Hypnotic Age Regression, Parts Therapy, Smoking Cessation, Weight Management, Tooley Mental Gastric Band, Certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Certified Life Coach, Golf Improvement Specialist, Soul Entrainment Practitioner and a Pain Management Specialist. He is a Board Certified National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists trainer and a Certified Instructor for the National Guild of Hypnotists. He has helped thousands of clients to achieve their goals. He was trained by the late Dr. Allen Chips DCH, PhD. Dr. Chips worked with Dr. Michael Newton, the author of Journey of Souls. Mr. Merlin is a registered member of National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotists, The National Guild of Hypnotists, The International Association of Counselors and Therapists, The International Hypnosis Federation and is a Union Member of the National Federation of Hypnotists Local 104,OPEIU,AFL-CIO,CLC. He also does group work for the Mental Health Association in Greensboro and is part of the Moses Cone Hospital Palliative Care Team.

Rosa Basto

The experience acquired by Dr. Rosa Basto during her 18 years in the office led to the creation of a unique work method that combines the most appropriate and effective techniques for the treatment of numerous emotional disorders. With her method, Diamond Therapy®, Dr. Rosa Basto has created a psychotherapeutic approach, which, by integrating tools of clinical hypnosis, regressive hypnosis and NLP, works faster and more effectively than other psychotherapies in

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Portugal. Dra. Rosa Basto has a degree in Psychology, but does an unconventional psychotherapy, Creator of the Diamond Therapy method, Master Trainer in NLP and Professional Therapist in Ericksonian Hypnosis coaching. Cronista and responsible for the Zen office of Zen Energy Magazine, responsible for the Hypnosis Clinic section on the most watched television channel in Portugal, TVI. She participates in radio, television and national and international lectures.

Sharron Magyar

Sharron Magyar is a visionary artist and consulting hypnotherapist who helps people to identify soul wounds that have them stuck in life. Her art as well as writing reach to the core of the self, as well as provide a path to wholeness. She is the owner of Golden Heart Hypnosis and director of Golden Heart School of Hypnosis. Sharron’s published book: My Golden Heart: Putting The Pieces Back Together Again.

Shazel Muhammad

Shazel’s passion for helping others develop to their fullest potential began as an award-winning public speaker at just 14 years old. Shazel connected with diverse multigenerational audiences across the U.S., writing and delivering motivational speeches that won competitions and garnered standing ovations. Those experiences formed the foundations of Shazel’s love of speaking and coaching. Shazel’s style of metacognitive-facilitation and coaching is engaging and energizing. She combines a scientific understanding of individual thinking and behavioral patterns, with healthy doses of nononsense self-awareness and accountability measures to empower clients to make positive permanent life changes. Shazel strongly believes in each individual’s responsibility to cultivate personal excellence.Today, with several thousands of hours of experience helping others achieve the results that matter most to them, Shazel continues her life’s passion as a respected authority in personal effectiveness, change and influence. Shazel shares practical advice, sustainable skills, “secret rules for success”, and funny anecdotes


from over two decades of lessons learned in corporate America. Shazel is a certified Consulting Hypnotist, certified Facilitator, Speaker, Community Advocate, certified Paralegal, and earned both Series 7 and Series 63 investment licensure

Sheila Granger

Sheila gained her certification as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in the UK with the General Hypnotherapy Standards council nine years ago, and has already been recognised by The India Times as ‘Britain’s Leading Hypnotist’ and has appeared on National Television on BBC News. She built her own full time practice based in a doctors surgery in Yorkshire from a standing start in under two years, seeing thirty five clients per week. A popular speaker at conferences and Universities around the world, Sheila has trained over 2500 practitioners in nine countries, and has franchised trainers in four countries. Most known for the Virtual Gastric Band programme - Sheila takes hypnosis into new areas. Pioneering an Educational Performance Programme in Schools and Colleges, and taking hypnosis into business, helping them with sales, productivity and mindset.

Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas

President of the International Hypnosis Federation and www. hypnosisfederation.com

Shelley is the author of 22 books including Hypnosis: Smile On Your Face and Money In Your Pocket and contributing editor of McGill’s Hypnotherapy Encyclopedia. She has appeared on hundreds of radio and television broadcasts and in newspapers and magazines worldwide. Her teaching style is hands-on and highly experiential.

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Stephanie Conkle

Stephanie Conkle is a Master Hypnotist, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, and published author on hypnotism. She holds a BA from Georgia State University. She

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earned her hypnosis certifications through the School of Hypnosis, the ICBCH, and numerous other training courses and clinics. She is a member in good standing of the NGH. Stephanie also belongs to the IMDHA. She practices clinical hypnotherapy full time in the Greater Atlanta area and enjoys performing stage hypnosis. Stephanie has been picked up by the Bravo television network as their “go to” television hypnotist for their Atlanta network shows. Her life’s mission is to bring positive awareness to hypnotism and the hypnosis industry.

Steve G. Jones

Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D., clinical hypnotherapist has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980s. He is the author of over 22 books on hypnotherapy. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy and president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists. Dr. Steve is a former member of the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association. In order to keep up with the very latest in hypnotherapeutic research, he regularly attends training conferences. In the mid 80’s, Dr. Steve began study at the University of Florida. His primary research focus was cognitive psychology, understanding how people learn. Much of his early research was published in psychology journals in the late 80’s. Meanwhile, he continued practicing hypnosis outside of academia on a regular basis. From 1990 to 1995, he was fortunate to counsel families and individuals as a preacher for the Northwest Church of Christ in Gainesville, Florida. During this time, he finished his degree in psychology at the University of Florida and went on to graduate studies in counseling. He has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Florida (1994), a master’s degree in education from Armstrong Atlantic State University (2007), a specialist degree in education (2009) and a doctorate in education (2013) from Georgia Southern University (a Carnegie Doctoral Research University).

Steven Rollins

Steven Rollins is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist with NGH for the last 6 years and a retired Marine instructor with 24 years of active service. Since retiring, he has started both his consulting company, Oasis Consulting and Technical Services, where he now works at HeadQuarters Marine Corps, and his Hypnosis practice, Explore Hypnosis in Manassas, VA. He brings his years of classroom instruction and presentations to this forum to help attendees improve their skills and develop their own style.

Suzy Prudden

You’ve seen her on Oprah, Good Morning America and The Today Show. Suzy Prudden is an internationally acclaimed Speaker and Seminar Leader, a N.Y. Times Best Selling Author (from before the internet), Fitness Expert, Body/Mind Pioneer, Hypnotherapist, Success and Empowerment Coach and now a Publisher. Suzy is CEO and Co-Founder (with her sister, Joan Meijer) of S & P Productions Inc., which specializes in publishing, promoting and marketing authors in the fields of their expertise through Itty Bitty Publishing. Itty Bitty Publishing is the fastest growing publishing company in the U.S. today. Itty Bitty Publishing is the new “Dummies.” The difference is, Dummies books are 350 pages you need to read with a yellow highlighter. Itty Bitty Books are the yellow highlights.Having written 14 books with major New York Publishing houses and worked with thousands of people world- wide, Suzy uses her 50 years of media and coaching experience to bring her authors to the forefront of their fields and fully own their place in the world.

Suzy Teixeira

Suzy Teixeira Are you a therapist who is looking to better treat your clients, get more treatment breakthroughs, grow your private practice, reach new clients, or continue your education? In my presentation I will provide you

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the tools to treat depression quickly and access to a new client base seeking the quicker results of hypnotherapy. I’ve been helping hundreds of clients with overcoming depression, I’d love to share with you the knowledge that I’ve been receiving through the years with many, many clients.

Ulrike Milner

I was born and raised in Germany. For 13 years I lived abroad and worked and studied in England, France, Switzerland, Australia, USA, Abu Dhabi and Hong Kong. I’m 44 years old and for 12 years now I have my hypnosis practice in Germany. I was trained 2006 by Carol Denicker in Long Island, continued my education in the USA, England, Switzerland and Germany with people like Roy Hunter, Lisa Halpin, Tony Robbins, Dr. Will Horton and John Grinder. I’m a registered German naturopathic doctor, a certified hypnotherapist, NLP Master Trainer, NGH Certified Instructor, Hypno Coach and Power Mentor. In January 2017 I opened my own education center which provides seminars and workshops for companies, business and individuals.I started my public speaking skills back in the 90th with Pivot Point and later continued with Dr Will Horten. Last I participated in the Klaus Rempe workshop: Top speaker in one day. Ever since I did many rhetoric classes to further educate myself and held seminars for other naturopathic doctors.

Venise Maybank

I am the tax guru that have assisted many individuals solve IRS problems. I have given great business advice and directed small business and entrepreneurs to start up their business with the right entity. I am a quickbooks advisor and have helped individuals manage their finances in a simple way. Want to make some extra cash, I have over 20 ways you can make extra income to help build funds for your business. I can direct you to build your business credit and to get instant business credit and build your business credit score. I am successful real estate investor and have been managing properties


for over 10 years. I can advise you how to get your first investment property and lock in on multiple properties.

Victoria Gallagher

Victoria Gallagher, is a Certified Master Hypnotist who creates effective self-help and meditative recordings, delivered through online courses, audio programs, and live seminars. As founder of Hyptalk.com, in 1999 (and about 30 other websites) Victoria has written and recorded over 500 hypnosis recordings, 20 audio books, 60 Personal Growth Video Training Modules, and iPhone hypnosis apps. These recordings have provided a highly profitable, prosperous, and passive income.

Wendi Friesen

I am worldwide leader in creating rapid change for life’s difficult problems. Since 1994 my site at Wendi.com has influenced the lives of millions worldwide and brought insight, wisdom and spiritual growth to people in need. I can help you. I am often described by my colleagues as a powerful healer, teacher and a creative marketing expert, and they tell me I am one of the most loved transformational trainers in the world. As a flat broke single mother of two, with no resources, money, help or partners, I created a transformation business for devoted followers who seek real change. My work caught the attention of the media and I quickly became an authority on how to make rapid and massive change in your mind, body and spiritual life. Wendi.com grew to experience millions in sales in a short time, reaching the hearts and minds of people who understood how her sincerity and passion could transform their lives.Wendi has created over 300 programs on audio and Video that will teach you how to really use your brain! The programs lead you through a process of changing your brain’s neural networks, the chemicals of depression, and the habitual and compulsive thoughts that prevent them from being happy.

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William Mitchell

William Mitchell has hypnotized thousands of individuals since 1997 in groups, private sessions and stage shows. He practices at his clinics in Illinois and teaches as a Certified Instructor for the NGH at Mitchell Institute of Professional Hypnosis. He is also the founder of the Heartland Hypnosis Conference in St.Louis, MO. William Mitchell maintains a busy calendar performing for hypnosis shows and speaking at colleges, schools, fairs, and corporations. At The Mid-America Hypnosis Conference he was awarded “Hypnotist of the Year 2009” A Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine, Rev. Mitchell was previously an adjunct faculty member at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine serving on their Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Panel. In addition, Rev. Mitchell also serves as Pastor of First Baptist Church (American Baptist Church ) in Stonington, IL. Where his lives with his wife Linda and their children. Pastor Mitchell was honored with the 2009 NGH Religion and Hypnotism Award.

Zoe Clews

Zoë Clews is the founder of Zoe Clews & Associates based in London’s Harley Street and one of the most successful and soughtafter hypnotherapists working in the UK today. She has spent the last 15 years providing exclusive, discreet and highly-effective hypnotherapy treatment to a clientele that includes figures in the public eye, high net worth individuals and professionals who are at the very top of their careers. An expert in all forms of hypnotherapy treatment, Zoë is a specialist in treating issues relating to anxiety, trauma, self-esteem and confidence. Zoë works with four Associates who are experts in their own fields and handpicked for their experience and track records of success. Together, Zoë Clews & Associates provides a one-stop-shop for an extensive range of conditions that include, among many others, addictions, weight loss, eating disorders, children’s issues, fertility problems, phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, sleep issues, Body Dysmorphic Disorder and relationships.

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