Self Care

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Table of Contents Pg. 1Letter from the editor by Brooke Bielss

Pg. 6-7 How has social media affected your mental health?

Pg. 2Staff biographies

Pg. 8-9 Q&A section

Pg. 4: Our Apple Music playlist

Pg. 10-11 Positive Stories

Pg. 12-13 Coping Mechanisms


Letter from the Editor Hi friends! Welcome to our self care issue! This issue has a lot of well worth reading qualities to it. If you have ever wanted to know how to take care of yourself better, this issue is for you! Throughout this issue we talk about coping mechanisms, how social media affects your life, positive stories, and more! You can learn more about yourself through while you are reading out issue! Some of us writers have personally dealt with some of these same things and want to show you what worked and didn’t work for complete your reading us, so you don’t have to go through the same Experience with our staffprocess! We have made a playlist for you to enjoy Made playlist! while you read! Enjoy your reading and remember, Love yourself, Love your life!

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Staff Biographies Lily Vaughn Lily is an 8th grader at Benold Middle School. She is a cheerleader in and outside of school. She made the front cover, and her favorite food is pasta.

Tanner Squyres Tanner drew for the back cover and he enjoys writing!

Brooke Bielss Brooke is also an 8th grader at Benold Middle School! She loves being outside and frolicing in the open fields!


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Want to take a second and relax at home? Listen to our staff made self care playlist. Exclusively on Apple Music.



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How has social media affected mental health? By Tanner Squyres Social media is often seen as a positive thing. It's a way for people to connect with their friends and family from virtually anywhere! But there’s a subject that is often overlooked, the effects of social media on your mental health. It’s been clear since the beginning of social media use that it could have an affect on people's mental health but where does this come from, why do these giant social media companies continue to grow when millions of people are having negative experiences with social media? Social media gives people a positive feeling. It activates the brain to release dopamine which is linked to activities such as eating food and social interaction. This is what makes many social media platforms addictive. You could think of social media like a slot machine:people post things online for the reward of a heart or a like when someone gets a large amount of likes for the first time they might experience a large amount of dopamine because a lot of people like what they posted this will boost their self esteem but then when the next post doesn’t get as many likes their brain will not get as much dopamine as it is used to and over time that can cause depression and anxiety.“When the outcome is unpredictable, the behavior is more likely to repeat,” - Dr.Jacqueline sperling. But it's not just adults who experience mental health issues from social media teens often suffer the same consequences of using social media. In fact the earlier teens start using social media the greater the impact on their mental health. Now the question is how do we change our mental image of social media and start using it in a healthy way.


There’s a lot of ways you can start using social media in a healthy way. Starting to be healthy can be hard but just a few simple steps can help a lot! 1. Be mindful of what you’re looking at and how you’re feeling when you’re looking at it. 2. Don’t forget to keep up with your real life friends and family, though social media is a good way to connect long distance it doesn’t replace real personal connection that you get from talking in person so when you get a chance you should go get dinner with your friends. 3. Don’t use social media before bed, the blue light from your screens can negatively affect how you sleep and getting good sleep is good for your physical health and your mental health. 4. When you’re out doing things be in the moment, when you’re doing thing’s especially with your friends and family you will never be in the moment that you are in again so it is important to be in the moment in those times before the moments are done. 5. Take a break if you start feeling anxious or depressed. Harris, S. (2021). 7 healthy habits for social media. Retrieved March 05, 2021, from cial-media/


Questions From Our Readers This week I’ve been really tired, and I need some ways to take a break and calm down. Any tips? Hi! I definitely understand how you’re feeling. Sometimes you just need to recharge, and that’s ok! You could listen to a meditation podcast, take a nap, get some of your favorite takeout, or even just turn on some music and dance around your house. I hope this helps you! From Google Images

I’m 15, and I just moved to a new state, and I need to make some new friends. Any tips? Hello! Moving can be a huge stressor, especially when it’s to a new and unfamiliar place. Maybe join a club or a group that you’re interested in. That’s always a great way for you to get to know people who have similar interests and views. If you go to school and there is someone you’d like to get to know, maybe ask them where a classroom is or something similar to that. It can be a simple, easy way to meet someone. Thank you for your question!

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I want to get to know one of my friends better, but I don’t really know how to start conversations like that. Any tips? Getting to know your friends better is a great way to bond and grow your friendship! Also, even wanting to get to know people is a great step so props to you. My personal favorite way to start those conversations is to bring up something you know they did and ask how it went. Usually, they’ll ask you something in return, and the conversation will just grow from there! From Google Images


Positive Highlights of the Month By Lily Vaughn

From Google Images We know that right now people are having a tough time. From a worldwide pandemic to dangerous winter storms, it is a vital time to be focusing on the positive side of things in the world. Following positive events can boost your mood and make you happier overall. Here’s positive news to help get People are calling a delivery driver in Vietnam named Nguyen you through your day. Ngoc Manh a hero after he caught a toddler falling from a 12th floor balcony. The Guardian had an From interview with him, and this is how he explained the incident. He was sitting in his car, waiting to make a delivery, and he heard screams coming from a woman above. In his interview, Nguyen says, “I saw a girl climbing out of the balcony.” He climbed up onto a 6 foot roof to be closer if she fell. As she fell, he lost his footing. He flung himself forward in an attempt to catch her as the girl fell. “Luckily, the baby fell into my lap. I hurriedly embraced her then saw blood leaking from her mouth, I was very frightened,” He says. The girl was immediately taken to a children’s hospital, and thanks to Nguyen From Ngoc Manh, her only injury sustained is a dislocated hip, and she is very safe now.

Now to our next great story. After the wild Texas storms, many people were left devastated. Bursting pipes, no electricity, and many other problems have been hanging over people’s heads since the ice and snow melted. Plumbers, electricians, and many other types of workers have been extremely overrun with work. A New Jersey plumber named Andrew Mitchell and his family decided to make the twenty-two hour drive to help. They have been working diligently to keep up with the needs of people. His wife, Kisha Pinnock says, “It's really a blessing to be a blessing to other people and Andrew truly enjoys the work."




Lastly, at age 118, Kane Tanaka will be carrying the Olympic torch at this years Olympic Games in Tokyo. She is currently the oldest living person in the world, and she is more than ecstatic to do the honors. Her family will push her in her wheelchair for most of her 100 meter trek. She is determined to walk the few final steps when she passes the torch to the next runner. Tanaka got a special new pair of shoes for the event as a gift from her family. She has lived through two world wars, two global pandemics, and two bouts of cancer. Tanaka lives in a nursing home where she spends her days enjoying treats such as soda pop and cake, and playing her favorite board game, Othello. Her granddaughter says, “I might be biased because I'm related to her but I think it's kind of amazing -- I wanted to share that with the world and for people to feel inspired and to feel her joy.”


By Brooke Bielss Being a living, breathing human being can have its struggles. Every single person deals with their struggles differently. Some of the methods are healthy and can actually help. Others can do more damage than improvement. Trauma can exist and occur from many different events, and it can cause many different mental struggles. Ann Saudi Med, a health doctor, said “Healthcare providers, including consultants, have been shown to be at a higher risk of stress and its consequences than the general population”. Hopefully this can help you find healthy ways to cope with life.

Many people say the best way to cope is just by going to a therapist. Which in many cases, going to a therapist can be deemed helpful, but a therapist might not be available to everyone. There are dozens of ways to cope at home!


First it is good to know that some coping methods are natural and you may not even be aware that you are doing them! Making jokes about your trauma, being angry, any of the 5 stages of grief, and more are natural coping methods that your body uses to try and fight the pain. Although some of these techniques do help, a lot of them just make things worse or don’t help at all. Humor is a common mechanism that people use to avoid dealing with their trauma. Good Therapy says “Some coping methods, though they work for a time, are not effective for a long-term period.”. It may seem to help for a bit, but ultimately it is a temporary coping mechanism. Natural mechanisms are usually not the way to go. Now that we have gotten the ways you unconsciously cope out of the way, here are some healthy ways to cope that work for a longer period of time.

A lot of healthy coping mechanisms are based off of the 5 stages of grief. The first thing you should do if you can is talk to someone you trust. The best way to deal with trauma is to get it off your chest so you don’t have so much weight on yourself. Talking to someone can help with any denial you have from the incident. Keeping all tragic information to yourself can do a lot of harm. Exercising is another great way to cope. Running, swimming, cycling, playing a sport, etc. helps with any anger you might be feeling from your trauma. It is important to know your mental state at all times. Depression almost always comes with trauma and you need to be self aware when it comes. A big percent of people withdraw from social situations after trauma. Going to socialize is excruciatingly important to keeping your mind on Earth. Meditation is also proven to help. Acceptance is crucial to your recovery because it lets your mind rest. Being yourself is your best self, make sure you take care of yourself.



Credits Other sources: Instagram: goodnews_movement Primary sources: Sullivan, H. (2021, March 2). “Superhero” delivery driver catches toddler falling from 12th-floor balcony in Vietnam. The Guardian. o-delivery-driver-catches-toddler-falling-from-12th-floor-ba lcony-in-vietnam BBC News. (2021, February 25). Texas weather: New Jersey plumber offers a helping hand. Secondary sources: Essig, B. (2021, March 05). Aged 118, the world's oldest living person will carry the Olympic flame in Japan. Retrieved March 05, 2021, from erson-will-carry-the-olympic-flame-in-japan/article_2203d6 30-0f05-5a60-9f16-f186e4dcce9e.html#:~:text=(CNN)%20%2D% 2D%20At%20118%20years,her%20home%20prefecture%20of %20Fukuoka

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