Citizen of Atlas

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Foreword & Acknowledgements

This book is dedicated to all of those individuals that see our future as a bright shining time to become who we are truly meant to be: the end of war, poverty, corruption, suffering and monetary gain. A world where we truly act as one civilization, one people and part of one Earth. This book is inspired through the ideas of the Resource Based Economy and even though fictitious, its essence provides information of what could be a possible future outcome for all of us. It is a story of vision and of a probable future should we choose to go this route. An acknowledgement to the official Atlas City Project and to its members as this book is based on the progress of the true Resource Based Economy City that is currently in the making. Acknowledgements to the readers of this book for your interest in reading this shows your compassion for the theme of transformation as we transition through one old dying system to a fresh new system that dissolves out beliefs that are only meant to distract us from achieving who we are meant to be. Feel free to distribute this book freely at your own discretion. My personal thanks to you, the reader, and to everyone else for their support and love in expressing their interest with “Citizen of Atlas.�

Love, Harmony and Oneness to you all,

Brad Johnson

February 27th, 2010 9:56pm When in the hell are people going to learn? Why do I have to constantly bash people’s heads in with ancient info bestowed upon us from the Mayan elders before they get the message? We have a little over two years left of our lives and people still walk around the streets like drones not even understanding that they’re about to die in two years time. It’s all about going to the office, create spreadsheets, photocopy something, and hang around the water cooler. What a bunch of crap! Don’t they know they’re about to die?! The Mayans were never wrong. They’ve seen this coming thousands of years before civilized man. We should be preparing for a cataclysm, but no, instead we get swept up with the propaganda BS. Mind control through the television! Plasma TVs that can hypnotize you! Micro chips in our ATM cards. Big brother is watching us every god damn minute that we live! We are being dominated and I am trying so hard to spread this message out to my subscribers. But what do I get? I get some jack asses telling me that 2012 isn’t a doomsday. No, it’s just going to be some day that symbolizes the beginning of new consciousness? What a bunch of crap! Do these tree hugging low lives have any idea how many asteroids are out there? Do they have any idea how many close calls we’ve had? One hit from one of those big bastards and we can kiss our asses goodbye! People need to be ready for this! The Mayans were geniuses at mathematics. They could see this coming. Even says right on their calendar: December 21st, 2012 represents the end of time…That’s right people, the end of all god damn existence! And here I am, as a messenger to bring this news to everybody I know. My family thinks I’ve lost it… yeah, say that to me on December 21st, 2012 god damnit! I’m not the one plugging away on a damn computer sitting in a cubical drinking stale office coffee trying to make some jack ass rich! I’m trying to warn people that if we don’t take measures right now, there won’t be any other time to save us. We need to build shelters. We need to stock up on food. The economy is ready to collapse. It’s everyone for themselves. And if anybody thinks they’re going to get the best of me during this time, think that I’m just going to roll over and let anyone come in and take advantage of me, I don’t think so. I got arms. It’s in our god damn constitution. You won’t get a god damn thing from me as long as I’m still breathing! I worked my ass off for this house, for everything in it.

I’m nearly finished my shelter. About another week before it’s ready. Plenty of space for a one man show, ha ha! I’ll be laughing at those idiots that didn’t prepare for the end times. I mean for God’s sakes, if you can’t take a hint at what’s coming, even though it’s been prophesied for over 5000 years, how stupid are you? Alright, I’m getting tired. I’ve spent all day bitching with other close minded treehugging jack asses, and to top that off, telling my Dad where he can shove it is a doublewhammy. Until tomorrow dear journal, it’s just you and me, and we’ll be the force left behind to re-build the human race. End is coming!

Ethan Danes

February 28th, 2010 11:26am I don’t know what the hell is happening with me. For the last several nights, I’ve done nothing but toss and turn. It feels like I’m not even dreaming anymore. Of course, what is there really to dream about when you know that you are only years away from all life ending on this planet? I feel like I’m Noah trying to build an ark and getting as many people onto it as possible before the big flood hits. Not that I’d want anybody out there with me on this. I friggin’ hate people. But I’d still want people to talk to after 2012. We got to work together on this after the storm passes or there won’t be anyone left. They better not piss me off, that’s all. I’m building society the way that I want it built, and if they don’t like it, they can go straight to hell. It’s about time someone with some god damn brains in his head started building society the way it was meant to be built. My society would have no suffering, no corruption—just a simple trade and barter system. That’s all we need. To hell with money! I’d have my own town, right on the water. Others could be a part of it, as long as they’re not assholes. They’d follow my rules or I’d kick their asses right out the front gate… man, here I am daydreaming when there’s work to do. I’m going to start putting together the shelves in the shelter. Throw in a little ice box and makes sure I have some cold ones the night before December 21st, 2012. There ain’t no way I’m going through that night sober. Got a call from my brother this morning. Thank god I didn’t answer the phone. His message was: “Ethan, what the hell is the matter with you? All you do is yell at Dad and Mom is worried sick about you. I don’t know what kind of stint you’ve been going on for the past two years, but it’s seriously screwing you up. The world isn’t coming to an end. You have family and friends that care about you, and all you do is go out to some shack in the country side, run some stupid 2012 radio show twice a week and tell everyone to stock up on food and guns? What the hell happened to you? Where the hell is my little brother? You use to be open-minded and would gladly help out anyone that needed a hand! Now you’re just some paranoid scruffy looking dumb ass making a complete idiot of himself to thousands of people across the Internet. I watched your last video and you look like absolute crap. You don’ t have a razor where you live? Come on man, seriously. Wake the hell up. You have cut everybody out of your life over this 2012 bull shit. Do you even talk to anybody anymore? I’m here for you, but you

need to come back…I worry about you, Ethan. I hope to god you dump this crap and get real…” I must have listened to that message five times. And each time I thought the same thing: Big brother has gotten to him. He’s a pawn now. He’s become as stupid as the other sheeple that are out there: working their 9 to 5 like a bunch of mindless drones. He’s jealous because I’ve seen the light and he hasn’t seen anything but his stupid ass car lot. And if that wasn’t bad enough, I go to the store to get a few things, and then there’s this dumb kid who walks right into me and knocks all my groceries onto the floor. Then the manager of the store comes over and bitches at me telling me I’m going to pay for all the crap that was dropped. They are such cheap asses in this county. I’m almost glad that humanity is going to become extinct. At least I don’t have to associate with jack asses like him! 9:44pm Well I got the shelves built for the shelter. Going to go grab an ice box tomorrow. Oh yeah, and I called my brother back. I called him an asshole and told him to go bang one of his Sedans on his car lot. That’s all he ever cares about is cars. I mean Dad forked out a sports car for his 18th birthday. Talk about a little spoilt bastard. I don’t know what it is, but I’m constantly getting these headaches just before I go to bed each night. They don’t start off too bad, but right before I hit the bed, it just starts to pound away. I take some painkillers but it still doesn’t do the trick. Maybe it’s just all the stress I’ve been under, I don’t know. And I know I haven’t written this in my journal before because frankly I thought it was just imagination, but it feels like there’s this woman whispering to me in my right ear right in the middle of the night. I’ve literally woken up and turned on the light several times to see if anyone’s there, but there’s nobody. I know I’m not crazy, but I wish I knew what the hell was going on. She always starts with my name saying “Ethan, wake up.” But I see nobody. I guess I need to try some relaxation techniques or something. All this work is driving me pretty insane. I don’t know, maybe it’s nothing. Besides, I got a lot more to worry about. I need to upgrade my gear for my radio show tomorrow night. I need a new microphone and some better software. Well, it’s getting that time again. And yes, my god damn head is pounding. I wish I knew what I could do to make this go away! Drives me nuts! It’s been like this for the past week! I guess I need to pick up some of the extra strength pills. This is torture.

Until tomorrow, journal. It’s up to us to save the world.

Ethan Danes

March 1st, 2010 3:33am I just woke up and I don’t even know if I could really call this a dream. Everything I experienced felt so incredibly real. I saw the woman who has been in my head whispering to me the past few nights. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She had long flowing blond hair and eyes that were as blue as the sky. I can’t fully describe what she was wearing, but it was something the likes of which I have never seen a human wear. It was like this jump suit but it was shining like silver glass and it could bend. It’s like she was wearing an outfit made entirely out of glass, but not transparent. There were blue neon stripes running up and down her arms as if the jump suit she wore was animated or alive. She stood over me like I was laying in some kind of bed. All I saw was her beautiful face that stared back down at me and she smiled. Behind her was nothing but white light. She helped me out of the bed and the bed was such a strange design. It looked like a pod but it was like sleeping on a cloud, it was so soft and so perfect. As I got to my feet, she brushed me off like I was covered in some type of dust. But when she did that, it felt so much better. I felt like the air that I was breathing was absolutely divine. It made me feel so good to be alive. The woman came up to me and kissed me right on the lips and asked if I felt better. I was in so much bliss, I don’t even recall answering. I started to look around at my environment and the white light began to fade out, and there I was standing in front of an oval shaped window that had tinted glass staring what must have been Earth. But it was nothing like the Earth that is here now. There were colors amongst Earth that I had not seen before. Something I can’t even describe. It was like a new spectrum of colors that made Earth more beautiful than anyone could possibly imagine. I looked back at the woman and she put her right hand onto her chest and said “Anica.” But the most amazing thing was that her mouth didn’t even move when she spoke. I heard her voice in my head. I looked back at her with such awe and was about to ask how she was able to speak inside my head, but before I could even get the question out, she answered right away. And the answer was: “this is how all of humanity will communicate in my time.” I was in complete shock. This was actually Earth? She was actually a human? We become something more incredible than we can possibly imagine? How can this be?

Anica continued to speak to me inside my head. “I exist within twenty years from your future. I am someone whom you will meet if you decide to pursue what you see here now.” I was very confused. Twenty years from the future? What about 2012? I thought this was the time to end all of humanity? As I thought that, Anica just smiled at me and replied: “your world is not going to end, Ethan. It is only going to begin. It is only those that don’t wish to see this world that will not see it.” That statement she gave me perplexed me beyond anything I had ever heard. But before I could even say “what do you mean?” the answer came out. “We as humans have been responsible for our entire lives. Where you come from, you were simply under the idea that all events, causes and consequences were random occurrences brought out through the universe. It was all part of the suppression that was hidden from you for so long. But there were those of your time who knew this. There were those of your time that understood how to truly create what they experienced. It was those people that were the ones to create a new society on a new Earth.” I didn’t even know what to say in response. I turned back to the window and it felt like the structure that I was in was rotating. The view was changing and I saw before my eyes a glorious city that was completely built together as one. There was nothing outside of it that was; well I guess I could say, disconnected. Everything was together. There were homes that contained what looked like pods where I could actually see other people moving around. But it wasn’t through my human eyes; I could see them through a perception of energy. I knew who was walking around even though my human eyes could not detect them. I could even see the entire city through all its levels and sub-levels all through my mind. It’s something I couldn’t even describe. My vision was beyond three dimensions. Anica stood right beside me and chuckled as she seemed very excited at how excited I was feeling. In my mind, I asked the question “what is this place?” And of course, Anica replied almost immediately. “This is Atlas City.” After she said that, I found myself awoken back in my bed. The moonlight penetrating through my window, and here I am now, writing down this incredible experience in my journal. Was it just a dream? No. It couldn’t have been. I know I would never be able to prove it, but to me, where I just was was as real to me as this life that I live right now. I could smell I could see beyond three dimensions, I could touch; I could taste the divinely sweetened air. It wasn’t a dream. It couldn’t have been.

I honestly don’t know how I will start my day with this experience. I have seen divinity in the best way I could possibly describe. How could anything else happening in my life now even come close to comparing to this? 6:57pm Well here I am an hour away from doing my radio show online. I couldn’t even think about anything else today besides that “dream” I had last night. I’ve just been thinking about it the entire day. Have I been wrong about the entire 2012 doomsday? How could I be? The Mayans were the most accurate ancient civilization that existed. They have been dead on with everything with such amazing accuracy. How could 2012 not be the end? Those who did not want to see the future would not see the future? What does that mean? As beautiful as that experience was, there was just so much that didn’t make sense to me. How can we be aware of our own reality? Create it? We’re not Gods. I just don’t get it. Throughout the day, I hope I would have the same experience again. I don’t want to believe that the quest that I have been on for two years has been a joke. I know I’m right. I have the ancient evidence of things to come. Maybe something happened after 2012 to start us all over again? Maybe the few that survived were able to come up with something. There must be more people out there with bomb shelters than I must be aware of. This is all just making my head explode. I can’t help but hear the words she said to me in that dream. And I can’t believe how much of it I remember. I remember every moment, every smell, every sight, everything. I’ve never been able to remember my dreams. Only vaguely at best. What does this all mean? Well, I better get ready for the show. Boy, do I have a lot to discuss tonight after what I have just experienced. Maybe there are more like me out there who are intending to survive. That’s all for tonight journal. Wish me sweet dreams as I hope lightning strikes twice.

Ethan Danes

March 2nd, 2010 5:55am I honestly can’t believe I’m back here right now writing this. I don’t even know where to begin to describe what I have experienced over the past… six hours? No…I felt like I was there for an entire day. How could this be? Let me try and take this from the beginning… I awoke back into the area of white light. Again, I arose from the sleeping pod that was so amazingly comfortable. Anica was there waiting for me wearing the exact same jump suit as last time. Only this time, her hair was tied back in a beautiful looking pony tail. She helped me up out of bed again and was amazed not to find as much “dust” on me as last time. She smiled as she cleaned bits of it off and said “Are you keeping yourself clean, Ethan?” I laughed even though I didn’t even really know what she meant and why there was dust on me. But once again, after she cleaned it off, I felt so amazingly divine. And what I also noticed was that after the dust came off me, my telepathic ability sharpened, my vision that could see beyond the three dimensions was back. It’s like my entire body was enhanced after the dust was gone. The white light faded away and Anica and I stood in front of what looked like a park. There was open grass and it seemed like there were new types of plants that I had never seen before. This whole area was so beautiful. One of the flowers looked like it was glowing. Almost like a firefly plant would be the best way of describing it. It was a twilight environment outside. The suns were setting… the suns? There were two suns in the sky, not one. Before I could even ask the question, the answer I got from Anica was: “Yes, we have two suns. They’ve been there all along.” We’ve had a second sun all along? “It was something you couldn’t see back in your time period. After the shift, the other sun revealed itself in the sky. It’s something you will see for yourself in the next few years. Wait until you see the night fall.” Anica said to me with such joy within my mind. There were children playing along in the park but with no supervision of an adult. These kids must have been around six or seven years old. They had what looked like a basketball, but of a different design. It had the geometry of a basketball, but inside, it was glowing. But even weirder, the kids weren’t even touching the ball. It was levitating in the middle of the air. The kids were giggling as they ran throughout the park, around the trees with the ball following them from behind. The ball bounced on the ground and

the light in the center of the ball ignited with glorious colors. The colors left a trace in the air giving off a path through its movement. This was just absolutely incredible. I turned to Anica to ask her a question but I knew she would answer me right away. “Where are their parents you ask?” She said in my mind. I said yes. Shouldn’t the parents be looking after their kids? “Atlas City may not function to what you are used to, Ethan.” Anica told me. “Here is where we all educate our children. There is no limitation to simply have the family attain them like a possession. Our children learn from all of us, not just a select few. We are one family here. There is no division.” For some strange reason, I asked Anica if she was married. She had a puzzled look on her face and asked me inside my mind: “Marriage, what is that?” It only took her a minute, she then smiled and said “Oh, I see. No, there is none of that here.” No marriage? Now that was really strange. Anica turned back to me and looked at me again with a serious look: “Why would you need to marry someone whom you already love?” I couldn’t even answer that. Anica could tell I was confused and continued: “Ethan, really look back at these systems you are familiar with, they served no real purpose but to fulfill a distraction from yourself. Everyone here loves each other. There is no idea of possession, or property…or currency. Quite honestly, I’m very perplexed on how my ancestors weren’t able to see the flaws in these systems as soon as they began. Did you not see that you wouldn’t make the history books with such flawed idealisms? There is not much talk of your past here: simply because we do not focus on it. Now is the only time we truly have.” This was like an eye opener to me. She was right. As I scanned my thoughts looking back at the systems we held dear for so long, I couldn’t help but wonder why we clung to it. Why all of us didn’t see its taint on our civilization and why we did nothing to eliminate these systems. “Because you were afraid of yourselves.” Anica said. “The idea of self-responsibility was the mindset of a burden amongst your people. People were afraid to look after themselves. But it wasn’t your fault. It was the environment in which you were raised in that gave you these belief systems. None of us here blame you or anyone else for that. We are grateful for every one of our ancestors. We wouldn’t be who we are without such challenges to overcome.”

I felt like I was literally in heaven. Anica never judged me; she never accused me of anything and was always so glad to be with me. She literally loved me unconditionally. I could feel it in my mind. She was perfect. She knew of the difficulty I was having in trying to understand this whole new environment that awaits us in the years to come, and I still couldn’t believe it. But I was still concerning myself about the 2012 timeline: if there really was a cataclysm or if something else happened. Anica took me by the hand and was leading me past the park. There we entered the inner area of the city. There was such amazing technology that I could see. Something that looked like a monorail, but was completely transparent as it carried others throughout the city. Buildings that was so amazingly designed and beautiful to gaze at. Domes, pods, and large skyscrapers that were astonishing. “Everything here is fueled through the universe,” Anica told me, “we tap into the Earth’s electro-magnetheric grid and we have all the energy we need.” She smiled as she gazed upon the city. We saw citizens walking through the city in such incredible looking attire. Similar to what Anica wore, but different in styles. Everybody greeted each other, but not physically. It only showed on their faces. I could hear all the greetings that each citizen gave to each other. Much like how we would greet a relative or friend that we hadn’t seen in years. These humans did that all the time with each other. This was absolute paradise. Even though I was so amazed at seeing how this city and its citizens interacted with each other, I couldn’t hold back the question of 2012 anymore to Anica. She looked right at me and could tell I was pondering the idea. “Ethan, there was no cataclysm to what you may understand. Those whose path it was not to exist in this time due to their own distortions and lack of understanding of themselves left this world through their own accord.” I was still having a hard time understanding what she meant. “People who believed a cataclysm was going to occur positioned themselves through synchronicity for the timing of their passing to take place. Those that were afraid to lose their currency for example eventually did so, and their demise was that of suicide.” “Suicide, why?” I asked. “Because it was their greatest fear. It dominated their thoughts amongst any other thought in their mind.”

I believe I was starting to understand. I asked “So what you’re saying is that around the time of 2012, individuals literally created their own demise based on the overwhelming fear they possessed?” “And it fell in line through synchronicity for them to be where they were meant to be to meet that demise.” Anica concluded. “No one outside of themselves created that fate. That fate was created through themselves. Those who were not of fear, who knew of the power of the now and had love in their hearts helped to co-create what you see here now.” Wow…This just all rung true with me. I don’t know how, but it did. My last two years of my life was wasted. As I thought that, Anica turned to me and held me close to her. “No Ethan. Your life was not wasted. You needed that experience to progress to who you are now. What you are destined to become now.” I loved Anica so much. She knew me better than I truly knew myself. But I had to ask: “It seems like there has been an intervention in my life: to help change me so that I could see this future.” Anica nodded her head. “Yes, if there was no intervention, you would have committed your own fate that would have occurred on December 21st, 2012 where you died in a car crash panicking that the end was here as you collided with another car. Your time of death was at 11:27am.” 11:27? The month and date of my birthday…This was so uncanny. I had never felt so awake in my life than I had at that very moment. Anica could sense the inspiration I was feeling. She smiled and hugged me. She looked up at me and said in my mind: “now you are ready to meet everybody.” The next I remember was a brief flash of light and before I knew it, I was in some form of restaurant. A restaurant that was so incredibly beautiful. The tables in the restaurant looked like color animated screensavers you’d see on your computer: streaming with all types of different colors that would interact with your touch. As I looked through the restaurant, I saw neither human servers nor any human cooks. I simply saw these rails that traveled throughout every area of the restaurant where these machines would drop off food to the people sitting at the table. What looked like some sort of kitchen, but with a far simpler design. There were no big clunky appliances

or other forms of objects in the kitchen. Simply a very small area that contained computerized robotic chefs. They would prepare meals that were ready in just a couple of minutes. People would go to the table, sit down and look at a virtual menu that appeared right on the table, they would simply select the meal, it was processed, the menu would shrink down and the streaming color patterns would re-appear: no waiter, no host, no cooks. Well, none human at least. Anica took me to a table and we sat down. I was completely out of my element. Anica could tell I was a little confused and smiled. She simply pressed her finger down on the table and two menus came up, but were embedded within the screen of the table. She flung the other one towards me as she smiled. She saw me like a cute little kid trying to figure everything out for the first time. I took a look at the menu and was able to flip it over by tapping its corner. There was a very large selection to choose from. It was like the robots could literally create whatever it was you desired. Anica leaned into me and said “The meat isn’t what you think it is.” I was perplexed and asked what she meant. “There’s no such thing as butchering an animal anymore to eat it. The meat is synthetic but it tastes exactly as you would remember it. It is more of the shape and configuration of a modified vegetable with its taste qualities re-enhanced to match the look, feel and taste of meat. So you may feel you’re eating meat, but in actuality, it’s more of a vegetable.” Vegetable meat? Wow, this was too good to be true. I was craving a nice steak and that’s exactly what I ordered. If I remember correctly, Anica ordered a fruit dish. She could see me looking curious and she smiled with her pearly white teeth. “I’m a fruitatarian, Ethan. It’s all I eat.” I literally had the best dinner I ever had in my life. The steak or vegetable that I had tasted was more divine than any other piece of meat I ever had for dinner. And strange enough, I didn’t need to eat that much to feel full. The steak was small but very filling. Anica stopped eating for a moment and looked at me. She could tell I was thinking about the Mayan calendar. “It had nothing to do with a doomsday, Ethan. Many people of your time greatly misunderstood the calendar’s purpose. It was a configuration that described the cycles of humanity until it reached the final cycle where we are now. What the Mayans called the sixth sun which is the highest level of human consciousness. Why do you believe all of us here can communicate with each other through our minds? We are in the new Earth now, Ethan. We are at the highest form of

consciousness and what awaits us is divinity like nothing else you can imagine as we continue on this Earth.” Anica was as intelligent and enlightened as she was beautiful. There was no human that I had ever seen on Earth quite like her. She instantly knew the answer to all my questions and would answer them with unconditional love behind it at all times. I felt so calm and at peace with her. I could feel myself changing. As I write this down on paper, I feel that I am becoming a new man. I guess it only goes to show that the phrase: “you can’t change overnight” is greatly exaggerated. After an amazing dinner, Anica took me by the hand with her beautiful smile on her face and we rushed out of the restaurant. I had to remember that there was no need to pay for the meal or to leave a tip as currency no longer existed…Thank god! We went outside the restaurant and it was starting to become dark. I didn’t have too much time to look up at the sky as Anica took me towards the monorail-type transport. We got inside this transparent pod where the two of us sat. The door closed behind us and within seconds, we are at the other side of the city. We literally traveled several miles in a matter of seconds. We got outside the monorail pod and before us, I saw a dozen other citizens of Atlas City gathered around a large neon fire that changed color as it continued to sparkle. There was what appeared to be two ancient native Indian elders playing djembe drums along the fire as the others were dancing in such joy and harmony. More people were starting to join. I felt their loving welcomes as they walked past me showing me how thrilled they were to see me here with them. There were children that were joining in playing and dancing around the fire as well. The fire was so large and unlike anything I had ever seen. A fire that changed color as it grew? I’d never see anything like that on my Earth. Anica still had me by the hand and we ran towards the gathering fire circle where she was able to teach me how to dance by downloading information from her mind directly into mine. Before I knew it, I instantly knew how to dance without having to practice one step several times over again. Absolutely incredible! But what happened next was even more incredible. I looked up at the sky and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I saw the outer rim of our entire galaxy. We were near the galactic center. The stars were more glorious and illuminated than anything I have ever seen. It was beyond beautiful. Anica could see how captivated I was with the stars and gave me a big hug and kissed me on the lips once again. My

excitement was rushing through me like a river. I have never been so happy in my entire life. “You’re just in time for the spirit celebration.” Anica told me. “Spirit celebration?” I thought. Just then, several large orbs came down from the sky and surrounded the entire dance party glowing in different colors and even changing their shape, much like a morphing ball. They were so incredibly beautiful. I heard Anica explain them to me in my mind: “They are pure spirits: souls of creation. They are what we truly are, Ethan.” Spirits… we could see spirits? This was amazing. Anica proceeded to tell me: “There is nothing that is hidden from us anymore, Ethan. We dance alongside the universe. There is only harmony. We see it as it sees us.” It was wonderful to see children playing along with the spirits. Their laughter caused the orbs of energy to change color and fluctuate in shape. The beauty was indescribable and the laughter I heard was unlike anything heard before: laughter in both mind and in voice. It thrilled me beyond belief to know that this is our future. This is what awaits us. And all it takes is for us to be ourselves. Beyond systems of belief, beyond fear and guilt only to be in the now with joy and excitement, we can see something like this with Atlas City. After a simply incredible experience with the spirit celebration, Anica and I ventured off into an open field and we both lied down on the ground and looked up at the glorious stars in the sky. I was literally in heaven. I turned to Anica as she knew what I was thinking. “Anica, I don’t want to leave. I love this place so much.” Anica turned over to me and just smiled. “It is something that you are truly going to experience. You are simply having a preview of it now as to show you what lies ahead in the years to come. Many of your people believed that your planet was headed towards disaster. But those who were in charge of your archetype systems underestimated how many people were truly awoken. It was them that started the change. Your planet was never headed towards doom, Ethan. It was only the true idea that some of your people created that doom for themselves.” Anica put her hand on my shoulder and continued, “Remember when you said that we were not Gods? We are, Ethan, because God is everything. There is nothing that does not exist that is not part of that God. We are all part of the creation, and that makes everything that you see around you and beyond that oneness as God. Many of your

people looked for the creator outside of yourselves, but it was always within you the whole time: your own kingdom of heaven lies within, Ethan, never outside.” I had the urge to ask this question, but of course Anica knew before I could say in my mind “Are there other beings out there?” “We have already made contact with them, Ethan. You must understand that everything in the universe is family to us. Beings from other worlds and other dimensions are us and have visited us. And it was us that made contact with them; they did not make it with us. And they are just as beautiful and divine as anything else within the universe. As I said, we dance with the universe and we see it as it sees us—through the purity of unconditional love.” I remember Anica kissing me on the cheek as I fell asleep in her arms. And here I am now, back to my reality writing my experience on these pages. I am a new man. I see this world so different than I did. And I know it will take time for people to believe me, but quite frankly that doesn’t matter. I need to share the truth to those who will listen. We have a glorious future ahead of us.

Ethan Danes

March 3rd, 2010 6:13pm I feel like I am living a double life now. Only one life seems more real than the other. I have the feeling tonight, or maybe it’s more of a knowing, that when I go to sleep, I’m going back to Atlas City. To me, that’s the real life. There is no judgment, there is no corruption, there is no screwing each other over to get ahead in life, no currency, nothing that undermimes preventing us from who we truly are. It literally is a heaven brought onto Earth. I’ve only told a select few of my online friends regarding what I’ve experienced. Most of them responded with so much awe, they were at a loss to speak. But something’s telling me not to give away the full details. I don’t know why, but I know it has to do with the future. And what I get from my own intuition is that it is the teachings that I have learned that needs to be shared, not the entire experience. I know some people may look at me like I am still completely nuts. But I think the one thing that will stand out to them is how quickly I have changed my perspective. I have taken my 2012 conspiracy website down and there are so many emails that I’m getting wondering why the site isn’t up. So here I am writing a new mission statement that I’m going to put up on that website to try and explain the changes I’m going through. From what I’ve learned with my encounter with Anica and Atlas City, comparing the two lives, I can see in my awoken life, it really seems like we are addicted to chaos. The Earth is already perfection, and all we have to do is change to become that natural perfection with it. But we’re so enthralled by tragedy, pain and death. This equals entertainment in our world. But then I look at Atlas City and I not only saw, but I felt the joy in every citizen there. No desire to go see a “shoot ‘em up” movie, or to “hurry up before I’m late for work” mentality, or being programmed with faulty media. No, there was none of that. It’s like those citizens are living out their joy every second of their lives. Can’t we as humans see how powerful that is in this time? Look what it has created in the future. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I remember something Anica told me in my dream state that I didn’t add to my previous entry. She said “You don’t have to wait twenty years to see this change, Ethan. You have the opportunity to see it sooner. The future is not pre-determined. It is open to many pathways that you can take. Every single human in your time has the ability to change. No one can force them. But there is divinity inside every single one of them. All they

have to do is look inside of themselves to find that spark of divinity and shine it out upon the planet to become that change they wish to experience.” After my experience last night, I’ve had the urge to play some native Indian music. As I heard the music, I also had the urge to get up and dance just like I did with Anica when I was in Atlas City. Something shocked me… I knew how to dance to it. I knew every step, every rhythm. I even knew the chants. I don’t know how I could possibly explain this to anybody. I don’t even know if I could even explain it to myself. But when I hear that music, another part of me comes alive and I know exactly how to participate. This only confirms to me that what I am experiencing through Atlas must be real. Every moment that I spent there, I have pure clarity regarding it. It’s like I am gone on vacation and remember everything I experienced. I can proudly say that my experiences with Atlas City is the vacation of a lifetime. 10:14pm I just got off the phone with my Mom and she told me she read the new mission statement that I posted on my website indicating the changes I have gone through. I expected some form of criticism on her part, but instead I got praise. It’s like my Mom knew of this path all along but always kept it to herself. And what’s even stranger is she can confirm the visions I’ve had of the future. She herself has had dreams of Earth being more divine than she could possibly imagine. New colors, new sights and smells. She saw herself there still the same age she is now. She told me that in her dreams, aging will be greatly extended. That the man she met in her dream told her humans will live on average of a thousand years. She didn’t experience a city, but she experienced the nature of the planet. I told her that I experienced something similar. We both confirmed on how the stars would look and the two suns. This was incredible. I broke down to tears on the phone. This was a side of my Mother I had never seen before. She was crying too with such happiness that her youngest son has truly awoken to see how things will be. It’s a moment I won’t ever forget. Anica, you have no idea how much you have changed my life. I feel like a new person. I finally GET life. I understand it now. When I look back at what I had been just a couple of days ago, I just shake my head. I can’t believe how lost I was. I sounded like a false prophet proclaiming the end of times and there’s nothing that we could do but wait for the end to come. I now know how ridiculous that was. A planet as beautiful of Earth with all that it possesses can never be lost. It can only grow and we must learn to grow with it.

Anica also told me that we have been under the protection of beings from beyond the earth for thousands of years. That December 21st, 2012 represented the end of a long sustained quarantine that would cease. It was the date where humanity began to mature. The date where we could actually call ourselves a human civilization working with the planet, not against it. I don’t doubt that there still will be fear mongers out there who won’t get what has happened to me and will miss the allure of chaos. Many people out there are hooked on tragedy, guilt and fear like it’s a drug. But from what I’ve learned, they must get through this experience themselves as it is only them who can change who they are. We’re only here to help them should they request the help. Well, it’s getting late and I know Atlas is awaiting me. There’s so much more I want to learn and I know I still have a long way to go. But I can say that I am on the path that brings me the most excitement. And I can’t wait until that very moment where many of us awake to the glorious future that awaits us by being who we are meant to be in this very moment.

Ethan Danes

March 4th, 2010 8:08am Another amazing experience I had as I returned to Atlas City! And when I returned back to Atlas, Anica was there standing over me as it was morning and we were still on the open field from when I last left her. She helped me up, smiled and asked “Have you noticed the numbers yet, Ethan?” “The numbers? I don’t understand.” I mentioned. “Every time you have written a journal entry after experiencing Atlas City, your numbers fall under a synchronicity. When you write your next journal entry, it will be at 8:08am. 8 being the number of perfection.” And as I look at my watch now as I write this, she was right. It’s now 8:08am… oh my god. This is just too amazing to be true. I asked Anica what these numbers mean. She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes and said in my mind: “it signifies that you are on the path you have chosen to be.” Within the past few days, I have noticed these synchronous numbers all over. 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33. I’ve seen them on addresses, on my watch, on signs. They happened way too often to be coincidence. Anica explained it to me perfectly. Every time I had felt excitement about Atlas and who I am becoming, I would turn and there I would see that synchronous set of numbers now understanding that they are signifying that I am on my path. Incredible! As I stood in the middle of the field, I saw the two suns shining brightly in the sky. You would think that two suns would make the earth unusually brighter than normal, but not so. It was as bright a day as the days on my Earth. And the new spectrum of colors made Earth even more beautiful. Anica looked down at my clothes and then looked back up at me. “We have to get you in some new clothes to officially make you a citizen of Atlas. You are beyond these threads.” Anica took me by the hand and we journeyed back into Atlas City. As I walked with Anica back into the city, dozens of other Atlasians smiled at me and greeted me telepathically. One of them even said to me in my mind “You are truly going to enjoy today when our guests arrive.”

Our guests? What did that mean? Anica assured me that I would know once I see it. We entered this large dome-like structure that had oval walls and was very metallic in appearance. As I stepped inside, the music that was playing was… well all I could describe it as was heavenly. Beyond any form of soothing meditation music that I’ve heard. It sounded like it was a combination of individuals chanting “ommm” but with such amazingly flawless tonal quality. I could actually feel my head buzz as I continued to listen to the music. As if it was unlocking me in a certain way. Anica took me up to the center module and there was a terminal where it seemed like you could custom make your own clothing. I couldn’t even describe how beautiful Anica looked in what she wore. Her wardrobe only complimented her body as she was perfectly proportioned in every way. Throughout my journeys of Atlas City, I didn’t see one overweight person. My guess is that obesity was curable during this time and everyone was literally in perfect health. There were no health flaws that I could see, let alone feel in anybody. Anica turned the terminal’s view screen toward me. She looked at me and said “I know blue is your favorite color. How do you like this configuration?” The outfit was amazing. It was swirling with colors of all different gradients of blue. It was just as alive as I was. I was just so hypnotized by looking at it, I couldn’t even look at Anica to answer. Anica was giggling as she loved how I was so enthralled with everything I saw. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Anica said in my mind. Before I knew it, it was as if the outfit was manifested onto me. I didn’t need to manually put it on. All Anica did was hit a button on the terminal, and my old threds of a white t-shirt and blue jeans were gone and instantaneously, this incredible attire simply appeared onto me. “What kind of material is this?” I asked Anica. “Not something that could be made into conventional clothing in your time. Part of it is ethereal combined with organic material, what you would know as a type of crystalline. It is part of your body. It is manifested directly from the ethereal realm and partially solidified as an extension of you.” I checked to see if there were any sleeves, but there weren’t any. It was like it was part of my body. And it was actually so soothing to wear. It’s like having a spa embedded into you as you walked around. The ethereal energy that was traveling throughout the entire suit felt like a dozen soft hands gently massaging me all over. But not just physically,

energetically as well. The best way I could describe it was that it felt like a health suit. I could even feel like it was cleansing my organs to ensure they are in perfect health. This was just absolutely unbelievable. No wonder everybody was in perfect health. You’re being treated on as you go on throughout your day. Brilliant! In a funny kind of notion, I looked down at the bottom of my suit and found no indication of a zipper or a button. The suit was simply a full attire with no slits or openings. It was as if it was nearly skin tight, but as smooth as glass, yet nowhere near as fragile. “I know what you’re thinking Ethan, and the answer is no. We don’t have any.” Anica told me. “No bathrooms?” I said. “There’s no need for them. Your suit transmutes liquids stored into your bladder and fecal matter into ethereal energy. Your own body produces the energy for this suit to function. You yourself are the power source to this suit. There is no need anymore for human waste management. Our vegetation is fed upon ethereally replicated fertilizer that works just the same as standard fertilizers back in your time, except without the pungence of odor. Through this method, vegetation grows at a 300% efficiency ratio and three times quicker than what you would know in your time.” “Ethereal fertilizer?” I asked. “Sounds interesting.” Anica smiled and continued: “Throughout the early 21st century, scientists discovered that seeds that were subjected to the energetics contained within outer space would cause their productivity of growth to increase by over 300%. Through the technology we eventually developed, we duplicated this effect on all of our vegetation. Synthetic enzymes contained within the grass allowed us to program the exact length of the grass to grow without the need of having it mowed down as you might say back in your time. The grass always grows at the programmed length it was set to in order to reduce the need of constant maintenance.” I was so amazed at how much Anica knew. I had wondered if her job mainly involved natural sciences. When I thought that, Anica looked at me in a perplexed manner and said in my mind “Job? There’s nothing like that here, Ethan.” I said telepathically in response: “No one here has jobs?” “We are a community of one mind, Ethan,” Anica replied, “what you understand as a job isn’t what is known here. They are known as interests.”

“I’m not sure I understand.” I said. Anica continued: “What your people did in your time was receive pre-conceived studies from certain practices of education. There is none of that here. Citizens amongst our city only focus on what interests them and learn the full extent of that study from mentors who teach them. Over time, that study grows and continues to have more findings added to that field as one particular area of interest can never truly be fulfilled. There is always something new to learn.” I was beginning to understand. But I was curious about how their education worked. Did everybody go to a school I wondered? Anica looked at me and replied: “The idea is that it’s not about confinement through classroom environments to learn. Everyone here that had interests in certain topics learned directly through the environment with a mentor teaching them those concepts within that interest. All mentors are highly experienced in such interests in order to teach them to others. I understand that you had textbooks and classrooms and teachers in your past that truly didn’t understand all the fundamentals of particular topics. Those forms of education are greatly flawed and are not repeated in this time. Here, children are free to express themselves however they choose and pursue any interest that fits their passion. As I stated, children do not just learn from their parents, they learn from all of us. We are that one family.” Anica and I headed towards the door as she was energetically gesturing me to follow her as we are on our way to meet with “the guests.” I was so intrigued by how this society worked, yet I couldn’t help but ask Anica a big question. “No Ethan, I don’t have any.” Anica replied. “No children?” I asked. Anica just started to giggle. “I find it funny how the people in your time embedded themselves into relationships with others. How they would both pretend not to say what they really thought and this intimidation factor would come into play. Women and men in this time don’t need those ‘smooth moves’ to form a relationship because there is no commitment in this time.” This left me a little curious. “But how would two people end up having a child in this time?” I asked.

“Mutual intention through both individuals are felt. This is then pursued based on their passion to do so. Telepathically we can sense this, just as I can sense your intention to have that experience with me.” Anica stated with a smile on her face. I was very embarrassed. I tried so hard to hold those feelings back as I was with Anica, but she was so incredibly beautiful, those thoughts unfortunately came out. “I’m sorry Anica, I didn’t mean to…” Anica looked at me puzzled: “You’re apologizing, Ethan? Why?” “I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I…” “Am infatuated with me? Yes I know. I sensed that the moment I saw you.” Anica interrupted while smiling widely. “You’re not offended at all?” I asked. “Offended? Based on what? We do experience sexual encounters here in this time, Ethan. It is not taboo. There is no need for embarrassment. I’m simply curious to why embarrassment comes into the picture. Sexuality is a natural human trait, is it not?” “So you’re saying that’s something that you and me could…you know?” Anica smiled once again: “try? Of course, Ethan. Why not?” Damn, I was getting excited. I had to remember that those old dating belief systems were a thing of the past. It was all about sensed mutual attraction through each other that would get two people together. Well, that is a hell of a lot easier! Ha ha! “What about protection in this time? To avoid in you getting pregnant if that’s not the intention?” I asked. “Unintentional pregnancy?” Anica laughed. “That doesn’t happen anymore Ethan. I think you are a little more used to the idea of sexuality in your time than here. Sexuality is much different in this time. You do not only feel it physically, but energetically, Ethan. Your entire body is in pleasure and we are connected as one. Consciously, unintentional pregnancy cannot occur as the partnership prevents such actions energetically. Think of what you would know as an energetically created diaphragm. Pregnancy only occurs if it is of the intention of both individuals. It is never unintentional. “So there is more consciousness control over sexuality in this time?” I asked.

“There always has been, Ethan, it’s just that your people didn’t understand the concept of using consciousness to ensure sexuality that could intentionally be utilized for pleasure or pro-creation. Many believed that sex was only meant as physical interaction and with the absense of this knowledge of embuing consciousness for the controlled experience, this lead to many of your unexpected pregnancies in your time.” Anica explained. “What about pregnancy in this time though?” I asked Anica. “Are there still labor pains a woman has to endure?” Anica smiled and replied: “Pregnancy in this time is actually far more… orgasmic than painful. There is no pain that a woman feels as the baby grows inside her. All systems within their bodies are balanced by their health suit. Women that you may know to be as far along as nine months pregnant are able to get up and walk just as smoothly as another woman who is not pregnant. But when the birthing process begins, our collective state of being is so divine, that the birthing of the child itself literally feels like the ultimate orgasm for the mother. This was something that some people in your time discovered as they were able to deliver children while in absolute ecstacy based on their state of being.” I had to ask the question: “Do you see yourself having a baby one day, Anica?” Anica stopped and smiled widely: “I will have a child, Ethan. Or should I say, we will have a child together in time.” I was so amazed to hear those thoughts from Anica. I embraced her with such an enormous hug and she reciprocated as well. Just when I thought this future couldn’t get any better, with me about to have this amazing experience with Anica was the proverbial icing on an already delicious cake. It seemed like minutes past and Anica and I walked to what looked like some sort of large oval shaped platform just outside the city. There must have been over a hundred people that were gathered around this platform. I sensed so much anticipation and excitement from everybody collectively as they stood and waited for the “guests” to arrive. This collective consciousness was so efficient. It felt like everybody knew who was coming, but when I tried to find out telepathically through anybody, I would only get the feeling of whoever was coming were “guests.” I couldn’t even get anything from Anica. She was so excited, she clutched onto my right arm and put her head on my shoulder. I was starting to get excited even though I had no idea what to expect.

Just then, some lights were coming down from the sky. It was a curious formation, but as it got closer, it appeared as a black triangular spacecraft with three bright lights embedded within its sides. Oh my god, it was a UFO! “Aliens?” I shouted out loud. Anica looked at me with a smile. “Humans, Ethan. Humans from another world. These are our guests.” I turned to Anica: “You’ve met them before?” “Many times.” She said with a large grin. “So they’re not bad then?” I said reluctantly. “Bad?” Anica replied. “Feel their energy, Ethan, and you can detect who they truly are.” I projected my thoughts towards the craft and when I did I felt so much unbelievable love from whomever was in that craft. It was like these beings were made out of love. They were still in the process of landing, hadn’t even seen us yet, but they just showered us with so much amazing love, it was something I couldn’t even describe. They loved us so much. “Who are they?” I asked Anica. “They’re known as the YahYel,” Anica replied, “these were the first beings to initiate a first contact with us based out of our own intention to do so.” “So all the technology you have in this society, was it from them?” I asked. “No, Ethan. None of it. It was created through our own understandings. The YahYel and other members of the Association of Worlds only popped in at times consciously to mentor us on such ideas of technology, but it was all of us that built it here on Earth.” Anica explained. “The Association of Worlds?” I asked. “Something loosely termed as an Interstellar Alliance. Earth is in the initiation phase of looking to become an official member of this group. It currently contains over 400 civilizations from across the galaxy.” I couldn’t even begin to describe how much joy I was feeling: Anica, this city, this future and now us being part of an intergalactic society. How could anything in this reality possibly get any better than this?

I focused my attention on the ship as it docked perfectly at the center of the platform. Everybody was waiting so patiently for the YahYel to greet us. A hatchway in front of the ship began to open up and we could see coming out of the ship that was encased in bright white light, three beings dressed in white robes. They stepped down their extended rampway and walked onto the platform. They took their hoods off and I could see their faces. They were human, with some miniscule differences: Their heads were a little bit larger, their eyes were a little more oval shaped and they had four fingers on each hand. All three beings stood at about 5 and a half feet tall. As they took off their hoods, they smiled so immensely at the loving humans that were greeting them telepathically. The love was returned so amazingly by the YahYel. It was a high that I couldn’t even begin to describe. The YahYel and the humans exchanged physical hugs. Several more of the YahYel were coming out of the ship and were greeting us as well. The lead YahYel took a glance at me and his smile widened. I could hear him in my mind saying “Step forward, Ethan. We are very happy to see you here.” Anica encouraged me telepathically to go meet them. I was in so much awe, I couldn’t even think straight. My jaw was literally hitting the floor. I forced myself to take several steps forward and the YahYel just chuckled as I was intentionally forcing myself to meet him closer. He was a beautiful being. Slender, a little different from how we looked, but the love he shared was just so unbelievable. I could feel every molecule in his being just as he could feel every one in mine. The YahYel put his hand around my shoulder and said to me telepathically “I’m sure this has caught you by surprise, Ethan. But you are getting a glimpse of what your future holds. Not just for you, but for your people in your own time.” “You know of my presence here?” I asked him. “Of course, Ethan. It was both myself and Anica who wanted to bring you forward in this time to show you what awaits your people twenty of your years in the future. And with the momentum that your people are progressing through their timeline, this is the most likely future they will experience.” I felt like a cup of divinity with the water overflowing past the brim. The excitement I felt couldn’t even be described in words. “Do you have a name?” I asked him. “We normally don’t have names in our society, Ethan. But I understand you do originate from another time where labels are still important. You may call me Ichan. “ He said with such amazing serenity in his voice.

Moments passed and I was able to see inside the YahYel’s ship. They took me inside and the second I went through the doors of their craft, I saw the inside of their ship, but it was several miles long. This I didn’t understand as their craft on the outside was no bigger than thirty feet. When I asked about it, they told me it has to do with a change in harmonic vibration. Condensed reality within the craft. Something they told me which we will discover within the decades to come. The inside of their craft looked very similar to the feel of Atlas city. It was nature and technology in harmony with each other. There were large black metallic platforms with a hollow rectangular spacing that contained natural vegetation from their world. Vegetation with such amazing color qualities that would illuminate through another’s presence. Small creatures that I can’t even really describe. They looked similar to some of the animals on our planet, but with different skin features, and some miniscule differences in the size of their limbs and body types. I had never seen the inside of a UFO spacecraft before and it’s something I will never forget. It was as if some one compacted Atlas City in its entire scope and scrunched it up inside of a thirty foot craft, but as you go inside, you see it in its entirety. I remember a brief flash of white light and Anica and myself were at the city center in the middle of the night. The main building that was at the core of the city was descended down to the ground and there was a large open circular space. There were these very large lights that were set up all amongst the circular area. I have a hard time describing the lights because they were so different than anything I’ve ever seen. Almost like they were made out of pure energy. Hundreds of us including the YahYel were gathered amongst this circle. Members of the YahYel race walked directly into the center of the circle while the rest of us were seated amongst them. It appeared that the YahYel were going to give us some sort of presentation. The energetic lights suddenly ignited and there was this incredible three dimensional holographic display that appeared several feet above our heads. The YahYel showed us their planet on the holographic display. It was a beautiful world almost similar to Earth. It was bright and luminescent and it seemed a little larger than Earth. They explained that they exist on their world of YahYel which is about 7 light years away from us. What they also explained was that they are genetically related to us. That they are a hybridized version in conjunction with the beings that we know as the Greys and intermixed with Human DNA. And that they are the immediate result of the hybrid children that was reported so immensely amongst my society in the early days. They are that immediate family. This all seemed beyond extraordinary to me. They also explained that they were the ones who were a part of the Phoenix lights back in 1997. The ships that were seen in that encounter were their ships. A way of giving a

prelude to humanity’s future as we would be interacting with them within the decades to come. They also showed us some of the races that we would be interacting with within the upcoming years within the Association. Beings they called the Sessani, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Centaurians. All of these beings they showed looked so much like us with very small differences. They were all generally human in form. And here I was thinking that aliens were simply these blobby or banana headed aliens that wanted to leap out of our chest or something. That was not the case. “Just distortions used to promote fear through people of ever meeting beings from other worlds” from what the YahYel explained. After the presentation, we took part in a very large scale mass meditation together as two races became one mind. The was a large 50 foot holographic display of our galaxy hovering above our heads emitting natural harmonic tones discovered throughout the galaxy to aid in opening up our mass consciousness a step further. As we dived into the meditation, more orbs of light: spirits; brought themselves into the meditation as they emited colorized patterns of light to expand our minds so that all of us became one with the entire universe. In that moment, I felt absolutely no separation from anything. I was one with Anica, with everyone in the city, with the entire planet, with the entire galaxy, with every other galaxy, with the entire universe. It was something I would have a hard time explaining in regards to how it felt. I felt like God. That would be the best way to explain it. I was aware of every life form in the universe. Every sub-atomic particle that existed. I was one. After this gathering, the YahYel bid us farewell as they returned to their world. I left the gathering more excited than I could ever possibly be. Anica was holding my hand and wanted to take me back to her place. We walked up to this large 100 foot structure that contained pod domociles within it. I asked Anica: “Is this your place?” “There is no idea of property. Our home is this entire city as well as this entire planet. These domociles are shared amongst us.” I asked: “you mean that you could travel to the other side of the world and just walk in, stay where you wanted and stay there as long as you wanted?” “Yes.” She answered. “No passports or customs or anything like that?” I asked.

“There’s none of that anymore, Ethan. Many of the national borders that were once territories in your time have been removed. There is no Canada or the United States or Mexico. Simply the continent of North America and Central America. We are one people sharing one planet. Borders and territories are not part of our way of life.” This was all starting to make sense. But before I could even ask the next question in my mind, Anica already answered it. “Yes, there are other cities like Atlas City all over the world. Not in every region of the planet, but within many of them. Are you familiar within your time with something called the Resource Based Economy?” “Yes, I had heard something about it.” I answered. “That was the genesis to our way of life in this time period. We don’t really have a label in this time for the way we live other than the idea of natural balance with the planet. We are a unity, a committee of passionate beings who work along side the Earth to allow us to live in harmony mutually. This is who we are, Ethan.” Anica always knew how to answer my questions so precisely so I never had to come back to them later on. Again, she knew me so well. We went inside the domocile and it looked very much like a large scale hotel room. Everything was so convenient. There was a type of shelf that was beside what looked like a kitchenette. Anica explained that it was a food production unit. That you could create anything you desired through the device whether it be food or drink. Near the center of the room was a terminal that displayed information and updates regarding Atlas City. It was like a knowledge database. You could even download information pertaining to other cities that were all over the world. You could even reserve travel time to travel from Atlas City to another city across the world all in under an hour through a high-speed tube maglev train. You could even book times to go on board a space shuttle and orbit the planet to dock on an orbiting city that was just above Earth’s atmosphere the size of Atlas City itself. A city called “Tyco.” This whole future was beyond anything I would even consider to be labelled as orgasmic joy. I could feel Anica standing behind me smiling as I was so astonished with everything I saw. I could feel that she loved me so much, but not in the way of a commitment relationship. She loved me so much as a person, a pure spirit. There was no material thinking in her mind whatsoever. She was much like what I felt in the Yahyel: unconditionally loving. She turned me around gently and we started kissing like crazy.

She lead me into the bedroom and… Well, let’s just say, we explored the sexuality a little more in detail. Through focused intended thought, the clothes were gone and what I experienced was something that I have never felt before in life: consciousness love. We literally became one being and the orgasmic nature was felt through both of us simultaneously. It was a sensation that echoed throughout the entire body. That both of us felt on a soul level. It was a bonding like no other. It was completely beyond traditional physical sex. That old style couldn’t even compare to what I experienced. I literally felt like I was in heaven. Heaven beyond anyone’s understanding. And after it was over, I found myself back here. I cannot stop smiling while I write this. I honestly believe that I feel like the most joyful person on the planet. As I am awoken now, I still feel the passionate tingling from Anica. It hasn’t gone away. I was really there. I believe I am literally shifting through time as I still completely remember everything that I just experienced. This is like a dream within a dream to me.

Ethan Danes

March 5th, 2010 8:58pm I have completely re-designed my website based on the teachings that I have received from my experiences with Atlas City. I’ve also heavily researched the idea of the Resource Based Economy and Anica was right. It does sound exactly like what the used for the genesis of their city. I’ve devoted myself to make my website as an information epi-center for everything pertaining to the Resource Based Economy and the teachings of balanced consciousness. I may get the odd ball emailing me say I’ve lost it, but in comparison to how I was before, I’m thinking far more clearly than I ever have. I’m sorry to all the odd balls out there that I can’t fuel you with fear. I’m no longer that person anymore. Right now, my focus is to ensure that our future ends up being like that one I have been a part of. All of my radio shows that I broadcast are going to be based on what I have experienced. No more 2012 fear, economic collapse crap, stocking up on weapons or death to the NWO. It just doesn’t matter. Those are all distractions, I know that now. I have to admit, it’s so funny that I hear myself talk and think this way. I am someone who has truly awoken. If only I could truly share visually what I experienced in Atlas City. Who I have met, what the city truly looks like, what the Earth truly looks like, meeting with the YahYel, seeing their spacecraft, seeing all the accomodations that Atlas City has to offer, interacting with spirits, receiving knowledge I had never known before in a matter of seconds, if I could share all of that to another person, my journey to make this a reality would truly be complete. Tomorrow I intend to dismantle my shelter. Every time I look at it, I simply see my paranoia and fearful attitude towards everybody and everything that I have come in contact with. It’s a symbol of fear and emotional distortion. I think I’ll be able to breathe easier, or rather, clear off the dust of myself once I see that thing taken apart piece by piece so it no longer stands. I’m going to keep this entry short because I am eager to return to Atlas City. And what’s even more amazing is that since last night, my headaches have ceased. They are no longer a factor. Perhaps it was because of the emotional dust that I carried around with me. With Anica literally brushing it off me, not only do I feel an emotional release, but I feel more healthier. My appetite has returned and I’m starting to put more meat on my

bones. Before this experience, I was almost skin and bones. Too afraid to eat, almost too afraid to even breathe. That 2012 conspiracy mentality hooked me to it as a security blanket. And I think that’s what happens to many of us. We are so fearful of our own lives that we need some form of validity, a manifestation brought into our reality to place blame on so we avoid facing ourselves. That’s exactly what I did. It was always some one else’s fault. I could never take criticism well. If anybody disagreed with me, I would literally tear them a new asshole verbally. I had to be right and everyone else had to be wrong. It was a mask I was hiding behind. And now I can proudly say I have taken that mask off and thrown it away forever. Anica, I know your 20 years in the future, and I know this marvelous future awaits us. But I wanted to say for the record that you have changed me in a way I thought I could never be changed. You have literally shown me the light. You’ve taken me upon a journey I think only a select few of us on this Earth can ever truly take. You’ve shown me what I have feared the most: the future. And by doing so, you’ve restored my love for humanity. Even though I know these people around me aren’t like the citizens of Atlas City, and even though I know this town that I am in is nowhere near as efficient or as beautiful as Atlas City, I finally see people for who they truly are. They are those spirits that I saw coming down from the sky. They are those children who play and frolic around their environment contained purely in happiness without a doubt of disbelief or worry in their hearts. They are our family. They are us. And I thank you Anica for all that you have done and I want you to know I love you very much. Well, that’s all for tonight. Atlas City is calling my name. It’s time for me to visit the future.

Ethan Danes

March 6th, 2010 9:39am As I awake now, my head is swimming with so much information, so best for me to start jotting everything down so I don’t forget even the slightest detail. As I drifted off to sleep, I was intercepted I guess I could say in transit between here and Atlas City. There was this amazing being of light that spoke to me. She had a very loving feeling of energy to herself and told me that the journey I have been having between this reality and the reality of Atlas City would be coming to a conclusion through this form. But she told me not to worry as I now have the capability to visit the future of Atlas City at any time through a particular meditation that she instructed me to do. It all involved envisioning Anica’s face and chanting an affirmation based on the expression of joy I have felt while visiting this future timeline. This affirmation can be anything I wish as long as it captures the significance of my joy. So I am keeping this on record as I don’t want to lose track of getting in contact with my future family as I will need their assistance in bringing this reality to life. After she gave me this message, the light being propelled me through a tunnel of light where I must have been propelling at hundreds of thousands of miles per second. It was a speed unlike anything else I had experienced. As I went through this winding tunnel, I ended up back into the white room lying in the pod bed with Anica lying beside me just starting to wake up. We both had no clothes on. I assume we simply picked up where I left off when I awoke the previous night. Anica turned over to me and smiled. She kissed me on the lips and was so happy to see my face once again. Anica began to speak, however; not in my mind, but verbally. “Ethan, I know this is your last day in the city coming to us through this form of conduit, so I want to make this last day very special to you. I want to show you the rest of the city and I’d like to take a trip with you up to Tyco.” Tyco: the orbiting city above Earth. I had such a passion to go there as soon as I heard of its existence. This morning with Anica was already getting off to a good start. Anica started to brush my hair back with her right hand and just smiled at me while she observed my hair and my face. She showed such unbelievable love towards me as all I could feel from her was warmth, joy and compassion. Anica got up from the covers walking around in the bare as she went into the small room within the bedroom as it led to the shower. I decided to get up and for some

reason, I was getting pretty hungry. As I heard the water running, Anica popped her head out and told me that if I wanted something to eat, just to go up to the food processor and it would make me anything I would like. I went into the common area and approached the kitchenette. There I went up to the food processor and touched it’s view screen. It asked me out loud what I would like for breakfast. There was only one thing I was in the mood for, and that was pancakes. It’s my favorite food for breakfast. It only took a matter of seconds for the processor to whip up the breakfast. A plate slid out of the side of the processor and in moments, the pancakes were on the plate. The processor started to pour syrup all over the pancakes. It asked if I wanted any whipping cream or fruit on the pancakes. This machine really knew me. I said yes and out came the whipping cream and the sliced fruit. Breakfast was all put together in under a minute. Beneath the food processor popped out an edible fork and knife that you could eat with the meal. Before I could sit down, I was getting a little uncomfortable walking around in the nude, but I remember what Anica told me. Through conscious intent, my health suit can be re-manifested onto my person. I set the breakfast down on the table and closed my eyes. I gave the intention to have my health suit back on and within a brief moment, the suit materialized in its crystalline form and there I saw the swirling ethereal energetic patterns moving throughout this crystal suit. It really looked like one of those full body rubber suits I use to see people wear, except this was far more appealing. There were times when I’d walk through the city where I’d see the citizens wear these suits and the color patterns that showed through their attire—it was breathtaking. It’s a good thing we’re all telepathic here, you wouldn’t be able to get a word in verbally to anyone as you’d be in too much awe looking around at your environment. I saw Anica come out of the shower. She stepped into what looked like some sort of convenient glass chamber and pressed a button in the center of the chamber. Within seconds, she was completely dry as no towel was necessary. And of course me being a typical guy couldn’t keep my eyes off of Anica’s body. She knew I had such an infatuation with her body that she had no problem just walking around constantly in the bare. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? We get turned on so much by each other that we end up doing it again? Man, what a tragedy that would be right? Ha ha! After Anica had her breakfast, a bowl of mixed fruit, she manifested her health suit on and we left the domicile. It was so amazing to me that we could just walk out the door to a place without having to lock it up or even clean it up. The self-sustaining domicile took care of all the maintenance automatically.

Anica held my hand and whispered telepathically to me: “wait until you see Atlas City’s healing center.” As we walked to the center tube that ran up this enormous skyscraper. Anica pressed the button for the elevator pad to come flying up the hollow transparent tube. It arrived and we stood on the pad making our descent to the bottom floor of the building. A structure with intriguing futuristic pod-like housing, I was curious as to the design of these quarters, and I know Anica could feel my intrigue as I continue to think about it. “It’s interesting that these living quarters are added on.” I noted. “Many of the quarters here were built through a factory facility within mere minutes. Our city is always expanding. More people are coming here to stay each day. We’ve had visitors from over 54 different countries visiting Atlas. We were the very first city of this kind that had ever been built. It all started here 18 years ago.” Anica explained within my mind. “In 2012?” I asked her. “Yes, in 2012. At first, Atlas was just beginning. It was a city strategically built in small stages. The only resource based city to exist amongst a world that was still transitioning through a failing monetary system. During the shift, there were a lot of changes that occurred on the planet.” “The shift?” I said puzzled. Anica looked at me, “Ethan, you must have known about the shift. It was all that you talked about before coming here. Only the prophecy you envisioned was simply misrepresented.” “But how did this global telepathy begin, Anica? Was it engineered in some way?” I asked. Anica simply smiled and replied telepathically: “Only engineered by the universe, Ethan. Around the end of 2012 to the very beginning of 2013, individuals will experience a trans-dimensional shift in their consciousness. Your body will change. You will become a hybridization of a being intermixed with flesh and light as the physical world and the ethereal plane intertwine and merge together. Heaven being brought onto Earth as it were. Your molecules will accelerate and you will simply be brought to a new Earth contained in what is known as the fourth density plane of existence. This is what has enhanced human ability. We as beings are now capable of so much more before the

shift. Our telepathy naturally developed. We became one mind. There were no secrets anymore. Telepathy, telekinesis, manifestation, healing and every other trait that the people back in your time called psychic abilities are now something that every human being on this planet now shares. We have literally evolved from homo sapiens to the true human. This is who we really are, Ethan.” This completely blew me away. But I had to ask: “what about the monetary system? When did that fall?” “The monetary system was completely extinguished by 2013. Between 2012 and 2015, many other individuals were attempting to adapt to the idea of trade and barter systems, but it showed that those systems were just as imbalanced as a monetary economy. By 2015, another Resource Based City was constructed in New Zealand. In 2016, another Resource based city was constructed in British Columbia, Canada. Others followed such as New York City as it had been completely re-designed and re-built as a Resource Based City by 2018. During this time, more construction on other cities ensued in the regions you know as the United Kingdom, Brazil, Africa, China, Japan and Russia.” Anica looked deep into me with such sincerity and love as her beautiful blue eyes looked directly into my own. “You’re going to witness them all being built, Ethan. The path that you have set yourself on now is that of an advisor to others: A good will ambassador in the best way that it can be defined.” Anica assured me as I heard her beautiful voice in my mind. But I was very curious to ask something about her. “Anica, how old are you in my present time?” Anica just smiled. “I’m only a 4 year old girl in your time now, Ethan. I was born and raised in the country you know as Canada. I begin my journey with helping out in the construction of the Canadian Resource Based City and then I learn about you more and more, and by this time, you and I meet for the very first time here in Atlas.” Anica explained everything so clearly to me. We had an amazing, yet very transitional future ahead of us: this city being constructed from early stages in 2012 becoming that pioneer for others to have cities of a mutual nature across the world in the years to come. Cities like this require a unified commitment to build. Something like this city that is so organized and formed almost like an organism couldn’t be built by a select few. There’s so much wisdom in between these structures as I see Atlas City in its entirety: A city that follows the path of nature, not against it; a city that inspires unity, not

separation. Even though it was years away, as I continued to be within this glorious city in this now moment, I knew it was my home. Before I knew it, I was engulfed with a bright flash of white light and within a brief moment, I stood before a large 20 foot pyramid contained in a circular courtyard outside. I saw five other citizens seated around the pyramid meditating. But the pyramid was nothing like what we see today with pyramids. This one was glowing with energy all around its surface—an arc of white luminescence spanning several feet in diameter. I also saw a large column of spiraling energy penetrating the tip of the pyramid as its energy spread out through the ground. I felt Anica’s presence right beside me. “Our gift to the Earth from this city.” Anica said so softly. “A pyramid?” I asked in a perplexed manner. “Pyramids are natural funnels of cosmic energy, Ethan. They are fueled through the energy of our own thoughts: what you know as torsion field energy back in your time. It is this pyramid that helps supply part of our energy to the city as well as harmonizes energetics with the planet.” I looked around and behind us where the entrance was located was a large building with a very unique design: The roof was formed as a type of modified oval, yet it was completely transparent. The material was the same as my health suit: crystal in design. It was large, approximately 50 feet in full length. “The healing center, Ethan.” Anica explained to me telepathically as she held my hand. “Follow me; I have something I want to show you inside!” Anica started to laugh excitedly as she hurried along guiding me through the healing center. There was so much joy running through her, but I couldn’t find out what the joy was as she was keeping it from me as a form of “surprise.” There was a large lobby that contained private booths where people would go inside. They were labeled as chakra activation chambers. From what I felt, people would go inside them to initiate a kundalini energetic experience. Anica stopped at a terminal where she confirmed her reservation for a harmonic frequency chamber. “Wait until you see this, Ethan!” Anica showed me as she swung her head around to look at me. Her beautiful long blond hair swaying over her left shoulder with the most beautiful, excited smile I had ever seen anyone give to me.

“Come, come!” Anica said with anticipation as she grabbed my hand again and led me into this enormous dark room that was shaped like a dome. Its walls were that of crystalline form, yet the room was only slightly dim with tiny lights shining out from the floor. The door automatically closed behind us and Anica directed me to stand right beside her on her right side. “Take a deep breath, Ethan and clear your mind.” Anica instructed me telepathically. I stood right beside her as Anica was clearing her throat. Just then, it had felt as if an angel had literally come into the room. For the first time, I was hearing Anica sing. She sung a very high hymn like you would see someone perform in a church choir. Her voice was flawless. She literally sounded like an angel in a human’s body. As she sung, the walls started to change color to bright colors of blue, red, green, violet and other colors that I couldn’t even describe. I could feel through Anica what was transpiring with these bright luminescent colors that streamed across the walls and the ceiling of the room. The colors represented her adjusted vibrational tone quality. Starting from the root chakra which was the color red, leading up to ultra violet which represented the crown chakra, and other colors that none of us on Earth in my time have ever seen. Anica explained to me in my mind while she was singing that the enhanced spectrum of colors represent the additional 5 chakras contained beyond the physical 7. Anica kept telling me to relax as much as possible and to close my eyes. Her singing continued and I could sense the colors ceased. After a few more seconds, Anica’s singing stopped and white luminescence began to fill the room. I opened my eyes and I could no longer see Anica. I looked all around the room for her and she was gone. But I could see another individual walking toward me dressed in a wide robe made out of shining white light. This being had a hood over its head and I could not make out who it was. This being drew closer and closer until it was face to face with me. It removed the hood covering its head…and it was me. I was completely clean shaven and a glorious white aura surrounded me. The third eye on this other version of me was shining brightly with a color I can’t describe as it was not in our spectrum. The other version of me looked at me and smiled brightly. He put his hand on my shoulder. “Hello, Ethan. You are now finally able to speak to me in person.” He said verbally to me. “Who are you?” I said with such amazement.

“I am you, Ethan. I have been with you all along. There has been no separation between us. Where you have gone, I have gone. Where you are destined to go, I am there with you. When you faced hardships, I faced them with you. Where you faced moments of bliss and conscious expansion, I shared them with you.” He stated so calmly with a smile on his face. “You’re me?” I asked. “Your higher self, Ethan. Anica helped summoned me here to speak with you.” My higher self stated. “Speak to me about what?” My higher self paused for a moment: “For whom you are going to become and your acceptance in wishing to become this person. Your whole journey through Atlas City was a glimpse to show you what is awaiting you in your future. You are going to experience a lot of obstacles between the timeline to which you truly belong up to this timeline now. Obstacles that will be a challenge to overcome at times for you.” “What sort of challenges?” I said. “Right now, on your planet in your time of 2010, people are unsure of what they want to see take place in their realities. Many still cling to the idea of a monetary system believing that it can be a system which can bring them satisfaction in life. Some of these people will literally give their lives to protecting this system. You are going to be an individual who is going to move against this flow of misunderstanding. And it will be challenging. But we know you are one of the individuals that will help others find the way to true unity. There are others like you on the planet doing this right now. Showing people the light even though some may not want to look at it.” My Higher self explained. And I said in an obvious manner, “Like it took me two years to finally allow myself to look at it.” “Ethan, you have been part of the Earth experiment for well over 300,000 years. Throughout the times, you lived over 350 lifetimes through different experiences: Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Maya, the Knights Templar, your renaissance, wars of the 18th and 19th century leading up to who you are in this body at this timing—each incarnation presenting your soul with a continuum of expression leading you up to this very point. This is the lifetime where you are going to remember everything about who you truly are. You did not come here in this body to learn anything new. Only to re-connect to

what you already know. For everyone that has been born on this planet, they had to move through the darkness so they could spot that pin of light that was calling to them. And you have finally done that. You are opening your doors to self: the doors to your own kingdom of Heaven. And Heaven was never a place that was out there. It was right here all along.” My higher self pointed directly to my heart. “That is the gateway to all knowledge, to all feeling, to all of Creation. And many of the individuals on your planet have a challenging time finding it because they believe that divinity is outside of them. They distract themselves with guilt from their past or fear of what the future might be when all along, they have only and will ever be contained within the time of the now. It is the only moment that exists within all of Creation, Ethan. It’s all we have.” I was astounded by this information my higher self had explained to me. But I had to ask “Is everybody in my time going to wake up the way I have?” “They all have the ability to, but not everyone will. It’s not within everyone’s plan to wake up in this life. To some, Earth is a school that they will live through as a progression to awaken in what you may know as lives in the future. Others may travel to other worlds or other dimensions to find that one experience that will allow them to step into the light. You will find people in your life, Ethan that will join you amongst your journey towards what awaits you in the future. But it’s what you do in this now moment that makes all the difference. What you accomplish in the now leads to what can await you in your future. Everything is an opportunity, not a definite. However, your momentum is carrying you to this timeline. It’s up to you if you want to see this world exist through your reality.” My higher self explained with such amazingly powerful love through his being projecting directly into my soul. “As it were, as it is and as it will always be, I am here, a part of you, one with you, together with you coming along through all of your destinations. Your heart is your guide, Ethan. Use it and you will find clarity throughout your experiences.” My higher self put his hand directly in the center of my chest. “I love you and I am with you… Always.” Just then, a large white flash of light occurred and my higher self melded himself into my body and I was back in the present moment of the frequency chamber with Anica standing directly in front of me. I was completely speechless. I didn’t know what to say. Everything in me was alive for the first time in my life. I began to break down and cry as I had felt all the weight that I

had been carrying within me had been lifted out and transmuted into light. Anica felt my joy and embraced me with a warm hug as I cried on her shoulder. It was a moment I would never forget. And while I cried in Anica’s arms, Anica moved her mouth close to my ear and whispered the words vocally “I love you so much, Ethan.” She kissed me on the cheek as she hugged me more firmly with such love. I took a moment to catch my breath and turned to her in return saying “I love you so much, too, Anica.” Another flash hit me and I found myself on board a space shuttle that was ready to launch directly into Earth’s orbit to take Anica and me to Tyco City. We were seated amongst what must have been 50 other people as I could feel the excitement of all of us collectively eager to see the newly built Tyco City above Earth’s orbit. I was surprised to find no form of seat belts or any other type of restraints built into the seat. Anica who was sitting directly to my left told me telepathically: “You won’t even notice us taking off. It’s that motionless.” “Is there a pilot on this shuttle?” I asked. “The shuttle is automatically piloted. There are citizens that oversee operations, but everything you see in Atlas City and every other city on the planet and beyond it, our technology is completely automated.” Anica could tell I was a little nervous about flying. She put her right hand on top of my left hand and began to close her eyes. Within seconds, I felt a wave of calmness that just flowed throughout my entire body. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled. “Feel better?” She asked me. I was so much better. The anxiety was completely gone. Anica leaned over and gave me a big passionate kiss as the space shuttle was taking off. I completely ignored the space shuttle and was right in the moment with Anica. It was as if time stood completely still. Within less than a minute, we started to leave the atmosphere of Earth. Oh, how I wish I had a camera to share with all of you what I saw: the two suns that shined brightly amongst the cosmos; the second sun being that of a binary star that was not as large as our own sun, but shined just as brightly. Anica pressed a button and brought down a monitor where we could see outer space through onboard cameras positioned on the exterior of the space shuttle. Anica pressed a button on the screen and we saw the rear view of the shuttle. There were space ships in orbit of the planet: ships that looked like they were made completely out of light. I asked Anica, “Who are they?”

Anica just smiled as she always did. “Those are guests, Ethan. Just like the YahYel. For centuries, Earth has had thousands of ships above our world: some observing us, some assisting us consciously. Earth is a very popular planet amongst the galaxy. It is one of the few planets that have an immense form of abundance of multi-cultural societies that were all born and raised on one world. That is quite a rarity in comparison to other civilizations out there. Anica was flipping through other visuals shown on the monitor, not just of cameras, but of data files as well. Anica started to giggle and looked back at me. “Ethan, do you know what the fifth planet in our solar system is at this time?” “Isn’t it Jupiter?” I stated. “It is in your time. Not in this one.” Anica said with excitement. Anica suddenly pulled up a very large clear crystal image of a planet that looked a lot like Earth but appeared as five and a half times larger. “This is Maldek.” Anica said. “Maldek? Wasn’t there rumor that it was the original fifth planet that got destroyed thousands of years ago and it became our asteroid belt?” I explained. “Yes,” Anica replied, “but the asteroid belt is no longer in our solar system. Shortly after the transitional shift, our family beyond our earth materialized another world within our star system that resided within this density. The asteroid belt materialized out of our star system and the re-born planet of Maldek returned. Not only did Earth heal her wounds after the shift, but so did our star system: all 16 planets.” “16?” I said surprisingly. “Many of the outer planets were what your scientists in your time referred to as dwarf planets.” Anica chuckled. “I think that’s cute.” I just leaned back in my chair with my head buzzing with amazement. I said out loud vocally “I am absolutely going to love this future.” Anica just laughed out loud and hugged me. “I have more to show you here.” Anica clicked on the screen a couple more times and showed me a construction crew that was working on Earth’s moon as a city was being built there.

“That’s the future city of Luna. It’s scheduled to be completed within the next 2 months: the very first human city on the moon. Within the next year, we will be building more cities on Venus, Mars and Phobos as well as orbital stations. And yes, you and I can visit them all. I nearly felt like I was going to faint. This was a massive pleasure overload. I cannot begin to describe how ecstatic I was about hearing all of this from Anica. This is a dream come true to me and I think I have lost count on how many times I have said that to myself. Minutes passed by and before I knew it, I saw the space shuttle’s port camera through the viewscreen as it docked into what appeared to be a type of oval shaped hangar bay. Tyco City was massive. It must have been over five miles long. It was built completely like a sphere where the large city was contained within. There were other shuttles that were coming and going. Some looked like cargo ships delivering supplies for the city, others were passenger shuttles leaving and docking with the city. Each shuttle looked like a silver arrow. I couldn’t even describe the type of metal used with the exterior, but it was as if it was partially liquid that could form into a solid state. I could see one space shuttle morph a set of tripod-like legs from the bottom to initiate a docking sequence. I turned on the bottom camera and saw our shuttle do the same thing. Like liquid forming into a solid, the tripod legs materialized and we had touched down on the docking bay platform. Anica and I got up from our seats and vacated the shuttle. As we stepped out, I could see all of outer space directly behind us. There was no door needed to seal the shuttle bay. The entire bay was already pressurized with oxygen. “An electromagnetheric field contains the entire structure, Ethan,” Anica explained, “duplicated and synthesized similar to Earth’s own magnetic fields and atmospheric conditions.” “Wow.” I thought. I never thought I would actually be able to visit a place outside of our own planet, yet alone witness something so incredibly sophisticated as a human city floating above Earth. As we walked into the main entrance of the city, nature was abundant everywhere. A transparent crystal dome that must have been well over a thousand feet in height showed Earth in its entirety as the main viewpoint. Within this dome contained gardens, trees, grass, foliage, flowers, aquaponic technology. There were parks to the left and right side of us that stretched out several kilometers in both directions. Directly ahead of us was an artificially created waterfall. As I ventured closer to it with Anica, I found

out that the water was coming out of some form of portal and not a synthetically or organically created cliff face. It was like the water was pouring out of thin air. Anica knowing me better than I knew myself explained: “A remote aperture from Earth is used to instantly transport the water that flows through the manufactured portal directly into this exit aperture to provide an abundance of water for the city. The water is already desalinized on Earth so it is ready to drink. We have eight other portal apertures amongst the city that provide these forms of waterfalls as well. Amazing isn’t it?” Anica smiled. “It is absolutely incredible. Remote portal technology? That’s a jaw dropper, Anica.” I said smiling. Anica just chuckled. “But how can you program the portal to be the exit aperture?” I asked. “It all has to do with understanding vibrational physics. Every point within the universe contains a form of vibrational coordinates. Matching the harmonic equasion of one point, say Location A, within a location from another area, say that synchronizes the vibrational bandwidth of say Location B being this city for example. Using this technology can open that very portal from the vibratory position of Location A to instantaneously travel to the vibratory coordinates of Location B instantaneously as both locations are vibrationally harmonized with each other. What you might understand as instantaneous teleportation. We do use this method to travel to other places, however many citizens do enjoy the shuttle rides from Earth to Tyco as the view of the destination in between is absolutely breathtaking.” Anica explained to me telepathically. It seemed like the explanation went way over my head, but residuals of it in a way sunk in. Perhaps it was a feeling of understanding that would sink in further with time. Anica and I went all over the city. It’s layout quite similar to that of Atlas City: Skyscraper living quarters, research centers, leisure centers, restaurants, astronomy labs, healing centers, educational learning environments, nature as far as the eye could see. It was paradise in outer space. I had noticed that many of our health suits were shining brighter and flowing faster as we were in Tyco City. The neon blue color amongst Anicas arm stripes and the oceanic blue energy flowing amongst the areas of her body became even more hypnotic to look at. Even my health suit was sparkling and shining with amazing energy. “The energy in outer space is far more greater than the energy on Earth.” Anica explained. “You are literally feeling approximately 300% more energy here. This will

completely re-vitalize all the functions of your health suit much more quickly and efficiently.” “I know what you mean,” I replied telepathically, “I have the energy right now to run a ten mile marathon.” Anica giggled and held my hand as we continued to explore more of Tyco. Hours later, Anica and I were at the top level of the city looking out through the observation deck. We were both seated on the floor cuddled up to each other. We saw other craft both human and extra terrestrial flying amongst the stars. The Earth shining out so much heavenly light. It was a view I could never have imagined seeing. Anica was leaning back in front of me as I moved my arms hugging her closer. The woman of my dreams right by my side looking out at the Earth, the stars and other beings interacting with this infinite environment. It was a moment of complete perfection. I started whispering telepathically to Anica: “Anica, you are so incredibly beautiful, and I’m going to miss being with you in this form.” Anica turned to me and smiled. “You’ll never have to worry about missing me, Ethan. I am always going to be with you. All you have to do is think of me, and I’ll be there. But I do have something that you could do to capture this moment forever.” I was getting excited. “Sure, what do I have to do?” “Look into your health suit’s right leg pocket.” Anica told me. I reached in and what I pulled out was my own camera phone that I had with me in my current timeline. I looked at the camera phone to make sure it was mine. And it definitely was. “Oh my god,” I thought, “will this work here?” “I needed to do some modifications, Ethan, but it will do the job as you say in your time.” Anica giggled. I flipped the phone open and Anica went right in front of the camera. She looked into the lens with her bright blue eyes and smiled as I snapped the picture away on my phone. “My gift to you, Ethan. I will always be with you.”

Anica crawled closer to me putting her hands around my cheeks and delivered the most passionate kiss I had ever received‌ and within that moment, I woke up back here. After writing this, I’ve been looking around for my camera phone as I haven’t been able to find it until I felt it in the back corner of my sweat pants that I wear to bed. I flipped the camera phone open and searched for the photo of Anica. And I found it:

I needed no more convincing. This entire experience had happened to me. This future is a road that we are going down. And even though, I carry the knowledge of this future, I know it is up to all of us to make the changes we need to in order for us to see a time where Heaven and Earth are combined. A future where there is no war, corruption or belief systems designed to hold us back. A time of peace, unity, abilities and technology beyond anything we can imagine. A time where we all have the power to change by

knowing who we truly are deep inside. A time where we are all of one mind, one people on one Earth. A time where we can call ourselves true human beings. And this journal will be my guide to reflect back on what I have experienced as a citizen of Atlas.

Ethan Danes

Citizen of Atlas Official Website:

The Atlas City Project Official Website:

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