SelfMadeHero Catalogue USA Spring 2012­-Spring 2013

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SelfMadeHero Essential Graphic Novels Spring 2012 – Spring 2013


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Spring 2013

Hairshirt ■ ■ By Pat r i c k M c E o w n

A bold debut graphic novel from an Eisner Award–winning comics artist s e lling points ■■ Patrick McEown established a broad fan base with his popular, award-winning comics series Grendel: War Child ■■ First-class graphic fiction with stunning, evocative full-color art ■■ McEown has worked with other comics notables, such as Mike Mignola (Hellboy) and on high-profile projects such as Batman Beyond

s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 128 pages, 6½ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: MARCH 2013 Graphic Novel ISBN 978-1-906838-27-0 ISBN$24.95  978-1-906838-27-0 US CAN $27.95


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ohn and Naomi were childhood sweethearts—and then they grew up. Life took

them on very different paths, but accidents will

happen. When their two lives intersect again, they decide to have another go at love. But this is no simple romantic rekindling: Both John and Naomi are wearing the hairshirts of miserable memories and dark nightmares, which may be too painful to shed, even if they hold each other tight again. Their terrible struggle is powerfully represented in beautifully nuanced art that reflects a soulless city, troubled love, and tense aimlessness. Patrick McEown is an Eisner Award–winning artist whose credits include the popular comics series Grendel: War Child and collaborations with Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy. He lives in Montreal, Canada.

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Black Paths ■ ■ By Dav i d B .

Award-winning fan favorite David B. tells a surreal tale inspired by a true story set in WWI–era Europe s e lling points ■■ Stunning art from David B., creator of the critically acclaimed Epileptic and an acknowledged master and award-winning comics artist with a strong fan base ■■ David B. illustrated Best of Enemies: A History of U.S. and Middle East Relations, also from SelfMadeHero, which received a terrific review in the New York Times Book Review ■■ In keeping with recent noteworthy, big graphic novels, such as Craig Thompson’s Habibi, which use the graphic format to tell epic stories of a culture ■■ Crossover appeal for readers of history and politics

s pecifications Color illustrations throughout


128 pages, 6½ × 9½" Hardcover hen the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrated after World War I, control of the Adriatic

port of Fiume (now Rieka, Croatia) was hotly disputed.

Enter “Pirate King” Gabriele d’Annunzio, an Italian poet who stormed the city with 3,000 Italian nationalists. D’Annunzio declared Fiume a free republic and himself

RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: MARCH 2013 Graphic Novel ISBN 978-1-906838-33-1 ISBN$24.95  978-1-906838-33-1 US CAN $27.95


commander. He envisioned a utopian city-state, but Fiume quickly became a surreal center of violence,

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looting, and decadence, with shades of the Fascist movement to come. Acclaimed comics artist David B. uses this real event as a backdrop and seamlessly weaves history, hysteria, and highly stylized art into the tragic love story of a beautiful torch singer and a young soldier haunted by the horrors of trench warfare. David B. (Pierre-François Beauchard) is a prominent French comics artist whose graphic memoir, Epileptic, was nominated for an Eisner and won an Ignatz Award, as well as top prizes at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. He is also the illustrator of Best of Enemies: A History of U.S. and Middle East Relations. He lives in Paris, France.

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When David Lost His Voice ■ ■ By J u d i t h Va n i s t e n da e l

A powerful graphic novel in the tradition of David Small’s #1 New York Times bestseller, Stitches s e lling points ■■ Vanistendael’s previous work has been nominated for

Advance d pr ais e

prestigious awards at Angoulême

“A book like a tone poem, exactly

International Comics Festival

fitting Shelley’s words: ‘a nightingale

■■ Striking art underscores the

who sits in darkness and sings to

emotional power of the narrative

cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds.’ The painting and drawing

■■ Timely topic makes this an important book for a broad

from panel to panel, page to page,


is lovely, light and lyrical, while the subject is love, loss, and death and the mixed emotions each one of those summons. Vanistendael is particularly effective in pinpointing the naïve, touching way that children attempt to cope with something as irremediable as the

s pecifications

idea of the death of a loved one.”

Color illustrations throughout

—David Small, author of the New

280 pages, 6½ × 9½"

York Times bestseller, Stitches

Hardcover RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: MARCH 2013 Graphic Novel ISBN 978-1-906838-54-6 ISBN$24.95  978-1-906838-54-6 US CAN $27.95


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he doctor’s report is final: David has cancer. Now the whole family is under the same

terrible verdict. David’s wife becomes progres-

sively consumed by the looming shadow of death while his daughters struggle to be as helpful as possible. Meanwhile, David soldiers on, not wanting the tumor to rob him of everything, including the chance to see his granddaughter grow up. Vanistendael’s extraordinary art and sensitive text provide a powerful portrayal of a family preparing for life after unimaginable loss. Judith Vanistendael holds several art degrees. Her semi-autobiographical book, Dance by the Light of the Moon, was also published by SelfMadeHero and was nominated for two awards at Angoulême, including the grand prize. She lives in Brussels, Belgium.

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The Case of Charles Dexter Ward ■ ■ By H . P. Lov e c r a f t  ■   Ada p t e d a n d i l lu s t r at e d by I . N . J . C u l b a r d s e lling points ■■ Will appeal to readers who bought The Lovecraft Anthology,

Alchemy and resurrection for H. P. Lovecraft fans!

Volume I and Volume II, both from SelfMadeHero ■■ H. P. Lovecraft has a vast cult following similar to that of Edgar Allen Poe and has inspired modern masters, such as Stephen King and Alan Moore


■■ Adaptor and artist I. N. J. Culbard

“The Lovecraft Anthology, Vol. 1

has worked on several

provides the goods.”

SelfMadeHero titles and has a


fan base for his comics work

s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 144 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: APRIL 2013 Graphic Novel ISBN 978-1-906838-35-5


ISBN$19.95  978-1-906838-35-5 US CAN $21.95


ith creepy, spooky art, and sinister, sus-

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penseful text, I. N. J. Culbard brings new

life—and death—to H. P. Lovecraft’s psychological

mystery of forbidden knowledge and pursuits. Young Charles Dexter Ward is fascinated by the history of Joseph Curwen, his wizard ancestor of the 17th century. Curwen was notorious for haunting graveyards, practicing alchemy, and never aging! Ward can’t help his fixation: He himself looks just like Curwen. In an attempt to duplicate his ancestor’s cabbalistic feats, he resurrects the fearsome Curwen . . . and then the true horror begins! H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was one of the most influential horror writers of the 20th century. I. N. J. Culbard’s work has appeared in several anthologies, including Dark Horse Presents, Judge Dredd Magazine, and 2000 A.D. He has also adapted several classics for SelfMadeHero. He lives in Nottinghamshire, England.

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Sandcastle ■ ■ W r i t t e n by P i e r r e O s c a r L é v y  ■  i l lu s t r at e d by F r e d e r i k P e e t e r s

s e lling points ■■ Sandcastle was nominated

A day at the beach turns deadly in this gripping sci-fi graphic novel

for the grand prize at the 2011 Angouleme International Comics Festival ■■ The strong black-and-white illustrations and tense narrative will appeal to readers of comics masters such as Charles Burns. ■■ Crossover appeal to graphic novel, science fiction, and

“Five stars . . . a low key sci-fi gem

mystery readers

with heart!” —SFX Magazine

s pecifications 104 black-and-white illustrations 104 pages, 6 ½ × 9 ½" Hardcover RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: May 2013 Graphic Novel ISBN 978-1-906838-38-6 ISBN$19.95  978-1-906838-38-6 US CAN $21.95


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t’s a perfect beach day, or so thought the family, young couple, a few tourists, and a refugee who

all end up in the same secluded, idyllic cove filled with rock pools and sandy shore, encircled by green, densely vegetated cliffs. But this utopia hides a dark secret. First there is the dead body of a woman found floating in the crystal-clear water. Then there is the odd fact that all the children are aging rapidly. Soon everybody is growing older—every half hour—and there doesn’t seem to be any way out of the cover. Levy’s dramatic storytelling works seamlessly with Peeters’ sinister art to create a profoundly disturbing and fantastical mystery. Pierre Oscar Lévy is an award-winning documentary

filmmaker. He lives in France. Frederik Peeters’s previous graphic novels have received multiple nominations for top awards at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. He lives in Switzerland.

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The Complete Don Quixote ■ ■ By M i g u e l d e C e r va n t e s  ■   a da p t e d a n d i l lu s t r at e d by R o b Dav i s

s e lling points ■■ Don Quixote is one of the most enduring books of all time; this

A delightful and energetic new take on the beloved classic!

exciting graphic adaptation will quickly become the definitive new edition ■■ Stunning art work and an innovative palette ■■ The graphic format makes this book immediately accessible to a broad array of readers

s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 320 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: May 2013 Graphic Novel


ISBN 978-1-906838-65-2 ore than 400 years ago, Spanish author

ISBN$27.50  978-1-906838-65-2 US CAN $31.50


Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616) sent

his irrepressible optimist of a hero out to tilt at

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windmills—and Don Quixote and his philosophical squire, Sancho Panza, still remain among the world’s most popular and entertaining figures, as well as the archetypes for the tall, thin straight man and his short, stocky comic sidekick. In this terrific adaptation of the Cervantes classic, Rob Davis uses innovative paneling and an interesting color palette to bring the Knight-Errant to life. This is sequential storytelling and art at its finest, as we follow Don Quixote on his search for adventure and chivalrous quests—and he will not be defeated by such foes as logic, propriety, or sanity. Miguel de Cervantes was a celebrated Spanish Renaissance playwright, poet, and novelist. Rob Davis has drawn Judge Dredd and Dr. Who comics and worked as an illustrator for newspapers and children’s publishers. He lives in Dorset, England.

SPRING 2013  ■  6

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Fall 2012

The Nao of Brown ■ ■ By G ly n D i l lo n

An unforgettable heroine striving to make “normal” feel right s e lling points ■■ First-class graphic fiction with stunning, evocative full-color art ■■ Storytelling that blends gritty urbanism with magic realism; will appeal to fans of Guillermo del Toro and Terry Gilliam films ■■ Crossover appeal for readers interested in Buddhist thinking and mind/body/spirit topics

s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 208 pages, 8 × 10½" Hardcover RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: September 2012 Graphic Novel ISBN 978-1-906838-42-3 ISBN$24.95  978-1-906838-42-3 US CAN $27.95


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wenty-eight-year-old Nao Brown, who’s hafu (half

Japanese, half English), is not well. She’s suffering

from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and fighting

violent urges to harm other people. But that’s not who she really wants to be. Nao has dreams. She wants to quiet her unruly mind; she wants to get her design and illustration career off the ground; and she wants to find love, perfect love. Nao’s life continues to seesaw. Her boyfriend dumps her; a toy deal falls through. But she also meets Gregory, an interesting washing-machine repairman, and Ray, an art teacher at the Buddhist Center. She begins to draw and meditate to ease her mind and open her heart—and in doing so comes to a big realization: Life isn’t black-andwhite after all . . . it’s much more like brown. Glyn Dillon’s comics illustrations have appeared in several works from Vertigo, including The Sandman. He has also worked as an artist, animator, and designer in film and television. He lives in London, England.

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A Chinese Life ■ ■ By L i K u n w u a n d P h i l i pp e Ôt i é

s e lling points

From Mao to now: the graphic memoir of a Chinese artist who witnessed the Great Cultural Revolution and its aftermath

■■ In keeping with recent noteworthy, big graphic novels, such as Craig Thompson’s Habibi, that use the graphic format to tell epic stories of a culture ■■ Timely, given China’s prominence in economic and world news ■■ Stunning art from a leading Chinese artist with a distinctive, traditional brushwork style ■■ Crossover appeal for readers of history and politics

s pecifications Black-and-white illustrations throughout 720 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: September 2012


Graphic Novel

Chinese Life is an astonishing graphic novel set against the backdrop of the creation of the

People’s Republic of China in 1949. This distinctively

drawn work chronicles the rise and reign of Chairman Mao Zedong, and his sweeping, often cataclysmic vision

ISBN 978-1-906838-55-3 ISBN$27.50  978-1-906838-55-3 US CAN $31.50


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for the most populated country on the planet. Though the storyline is epic, the storytelling is intimate, reflecting the real life of the book’s artist. Li Kunwu spent more than 30 years as a state artist for the Communist Party. He saw firsthand what was happening to his family, his neighbors, and his homeland during this extraordinary time. Working with Philippe Ôtié, the artist has created a memoir of self and state, a rich, very human account of a major historical moment with contemporary consequences. Mao said, “The masses are the real heroes,” but A Chinese Life shows those masses as real people. Li Kunwu has had more than 30 of his comics published in the three decades he’s worked as a state artist. He lives in Kunming, Yunnan, China. Philippe Ôtié is a French diplomat who lives in Wuhan, China.

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The Lovecraft Anthology Vo lu me I I ■ ■ By H . P. Lov e c r a f t  ■   e d i t e d by Da n Lo c k w o o d

s e lling points

A chilling graphic collection from the renowned master of the twisted and macabre

■■ An exciting companion to The Lovecraft Anthology, Volume I ■■ Lovecraft has a vast cult following similar to that of Edgar Allen Poe, and has inspired modern masters such as Stephen King and Alan Moore ■■ Contributors have their own fan bases, including literary podcast subscribers

s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 128 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: October 2012 Graphic Novel ISBN 978-1-906838-43-0 ISBN$19.95  978-1-906838-43-0 US CAN $21.95 51995 9 781906 838430

Cursed the ground where dead thoughts live new and oddly bodied . . .


o wrote H. P. Lovecraft, the acknowledged

20th-century master of horror, fantasy,

science fiction, and the subgenre known as weird

fiction. Adapted with great craft and beautifully illustrated, this graphic collection, a companion to the first volume, explores Lovecraft’s favorite themes: forbidden knowledge and insanity. The art is brilliant in its variety, each style perfectly matched to the story, whether it’s about a painter obsessed with ghouls, a submarine stuck in a mysterious city on the ocean floor, or semifluid beings floating in from the deep cosmos. Reader, beware! H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was one of the most influential horror writers of the 20th century. Dan Lockwood lives in London, England. The various adaptors and artists are from the United States and Europe.

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Hellraisers ■ ■ By R o b e r t S e l l e r s a n d JA Ke

So Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter O’Toole, and Oliver Reed walk into a bar . . . s e lling points ■■ Subjects are cultural favorites, and celebrity biographies are high-interest ■■ Author has a following for his 2008 prose book on these important actors ■■ Crossover appeal for theater- and film-loving readers

s pecifications Black-and-white illustrations throughout 160 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: January 2013


Graphic Novel aise a glass to the story of four of the greatest actors—and boozers—of all time: Richard Burton,

Richard Harris, Peter O’Toole, and Oliver Reed. This

ISBN 978-1-906838-36-2 ISBN$22.95  978-1-906838-36-2 US CAN $25.95


inventive graphic work seamlessly weaves their four biographies into one fast-paced adventure of drunken

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binges, orgies, parties, and fun. The story begins at a London pub one sorry Christmas and is told through the eyes of Martin, a wannabe hellraiser sitting at the end of the bar alone, drinking himself into oblivion. He’s joined in turn by Burton, Harris, Reed, and O’Toole, who take Martin on tours of their tumultuous childhoods, rises to stardom, and chaotic personal lives. Robert Sellers is the author of several celebrity biographies, including the original hardcover Hellraisers: The Life and Inebriated Times of Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter O’Toole, and Oliver Reed, as well as books on Sting, Tom Cruise, and the film industry. He lives in St. Albans, England. JAKe is an artist whose work has appeared in Esquire and Time Out; he also works for LucasFilm on Star Wars. Recently he illustrated the book How to Speak Wookiee. He lives in London, England.

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Spring 2012

Chico & Rita ■ ■ By Jav i e r M a r i s c a l & F e r n a n d o T r u e b a

s e lling points ■■ The award-winning animated movie of Chico & Rita premiered in New York in February 2012 ■■“A work of art in its own right . . . I defy anyone to reach the end of it without a tear in their eye.”

A love story set in Cuba and New York about a young musician and a beautiful young singer

—Rachel Cooke, The Observer

s pecifications 210 color illustrations throughout 216 pages, 6½ x 9½"

Hardcover RIGHTS: North America Pub Month: February 2012

Original Fiction • Graphic novels


uba, 1948. Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an

extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unite them, but their journey brings heartache and torment. From Havana to New York, Paris, Hollywood, and Las

ISBN: 978-1-906838-29-4

Vegas, two passionate individuals battle impossible odds

ISBN$24.95  978-1-906838-29-4 US CAN $27.95

to unite in music and love.


Mariscal’s art perfectly captures the steamy, vibrant 9 781906 838294

atmosphere of 1940s’ Havana and transports the reader back to a time filled with music and romance. Based on the true story of Grammy Award–winning Cuban pianist and bandleader Bebo Valdes, this graphic novel is adapted from the animated feature film Chico & Rita, directed by Trueba and Mariscal. Fernando Trueba is a multiaward-winning writer, director, and producer, with a career spanning more than three decades in film, television, documentaries, theater, and music. Javier Mariscal is an artist and designer working in multiple fields, including illustration, graphics, comic books, paintings, animation, interiors, product design, furniture, and web design. He has a long-standing association with The New Yorker.

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Kiki de Montparnasse ■ ■ By C at e l & B o c q u e t

Kiki de Montparnasse, muse to famous photographer and artist Man Ray


s pecifications Black-and-white illustrations

n bohemian Montparnasse of the 1920s, Kiki


escaped poverty to become one of the most

416 pages, 6½ x 9½"

charismatic figures of the avant garde years

Paperback with flaps

between the wars. Partner to Man Ray, and one of

RIGHTS: North America

the first emancipated women of the 20th century,

PUB MONTH: March 2012

Kiki made her mark with her freedom of style, word,

Graphic novels •

and thought that could be learned from only one


school—the school of life. José-Luis Bocquet is a writer, comic book editor, and former journalist. Catel Muller is a renowned

ISBN 978-1-906838-25-6 ISBN 978-1-906838-25-6 US $24.95  CAN $27.95 52495

author of children’s books and mature graphic novels. They jointly won the Angoulême Festival

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Grand Prize, France’s most prestigious graphic novel award.

Best of Enemies A histo ry o f U S an d M i d d l e E ast re l ati o ns , Part o ne : 1 7 8 3 – 1 9 5 3 ■ ■ By J e a n - P i e r r e F i l i u a n d Dav i d B .

Volume one of an original graphic novel recounting the history of US–Middle East relations


s pecifications Black-and-white illustrations throughout 120 pages, 6½ x 9½"

avid B. and Filiu draw striking parallels between ancient and contemporary

political history in this look at the US–Middle East

Hardcover RIGHTS: North America

conflict. The reader is transported to the pirate-

PUB MONTH: May 2012

choked Mediterranean sea, where Christians and

Graphic novels •

Muslims continue the crusades, only this time

History and Criticism

on water. As the centuries pass, the traditional victims of the Muslim pirates—the British, French,

ISBN 978-1-906838-45-4 ISBN 978-1-906838-45-4 US $24.95  CAN $27.95


and Spanish—all become empire-building powers whose sights lie beyond the Mediterranean.

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Jean-Pierre Filiu is a world-renowned expert on the Middle East. David B. is a prominent French comics artist whose graphic memoir, Epileptic, was nominated for an Eisner and won an Ignatz Award, as well as top prizes at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. He lives in Paris, France.

SPRING 2012  ■  12

The Lovecraft Anthology Vo lume I s pecifications 108 full-color illustrations 120 pages, 6½ x 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: North America

■ ■ by H . P. Lov e c r a ft ■ ■ E d i t e d by Da n Lo c k w o o d

A graphic anthology of tales from the renowned master of the eerie, H.P. Lovecraft


PUB MONTH: March 2012 Graphic novels • Sci Fi and Horror

graphic anthology of tales featuring collaborations between established

writers and artists and debut contributors, The

Lovecraft Anthology showcases Lovecraft’s talent for the macabre. From the insidious mutations of

ISBN 978-1-906838-53-9 ISBN 978-1-906838-53-9

“The Shadow over Innsmouth” to the mind-bending

US $19.95  CAN $21.95


threat of “The Call of Cthulhu,” this collection explores themes of insanity, inherited guilt, and

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arcane ritual to startling effect. H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was one of the most influential horror writers of the 20th century. Dan Lockwood lives in London, England. The various adaptors and artists are from the United States and Europe.

s pecifications 176 full-color illustrations 176 pages, 6½ x 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: April 2012 Graphic novels • Humor

But I Really Wanted to Be an Anthropologist ■ ■ By M a r g au x M ot i n

An original diary chronicling life as an artist, blogger, mother, and shoe fanatic in Paris


ut I Really Wanted to Be an Anthropologist is an introduction to the world of

Margaux, a charming 30-something living in

ISBN 978-1-906838-46-1 ISBN 978-1-906838-46-1 US $24.95  CAN $27.95


Paris, navigating the world as an illustrator. This diary documents her day-to-day existence with her boyfriend and young daughter, drinking

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and smoking, and the difficulties of a persistent and precocious child. Anyone who’s ever worn inappropriate shoes to the supermarket or danced around the house in their underwear will be charmed by Motin’s irreverent humor. Margaux Motin’s illustration credits include covers for the French editions of Bridget Jones’ Diary, Elle, and Cosmopolitan.

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SelfMadeHero presents... This year we celebrate our fifth birthday – five years in which SelfMadeHero has emerged as a leading light of the graphic novel renaissance and the most successful publisher of “literary and non-fiction comics” in Britain. This year we are delighted to launch SelfMadeHero in the US. We showcase leading authors and artists from around the world and are proud to publish a range of graphic novels, from the quirky and humorous, via classic adaptations, to the political, profound, and poetic. Our mission at SelfMadeHero is simple: to publish works that “provoke, entertain, inspire, and inform through the medium of the graphic novel”, and our list for this year includes works of fiction and non-fiction that do just that. Highlights for this fall include A Chinese Life, a remarkable biography of Chinese State artist, Li Kunwu; The Nao of Brown, the eagerly anticipated début graphic novel by Glyn Dillon; and Hellraisers, described by Adam Hughes (Wonder Woman, Before Watchmen) as “One of the best graphic novels I’ve read in ages”. We love to hear from our readers, so be sure to let us know what you think @selfmadehero

SelfMadeHero Contact Details SelfMadeHero 5 Upper Wimpole Street London W1G 6BP T: +44 (0)20 7487 4395

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General enquiries: Rights: Press:

Abrams 115 West 18th Street New York NY 10011 T: 212-206-7715 F: 212-645-8437


13/09/2012 10:58

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13/09/2012 10:57

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