Selimtanriseven portfolio sept 2015

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s e l im t a n r 覺 s e v e n

Selim Tanr覺seven Architectural Design Computing Projects Landscape Architecture Projects Illustrations & Posters Infographics & Logos Cartoons Photo-drawings Photography Covers & App. Graphics & Other Works

selim tanriseven ~ visual artist eskişehir mah. dericiler sok. 9/7 çetinkaya apt. kurtuluş / istanbul +90 542 840 1965 /selimtanriseven



experience Doğan Media Company, Tempo Magazine, ‘Balık Hafızası’ ~ Infographic (illustrator, graphic designer), december 2013 - present (1 year 9 months) Kınalı Eller Local Food Company, (graphic designer), march 2014-present ( 1 year 5 months) The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Turkish Republic, ‘Gençlik Spor’ Magazine, A ‘ çık Ara’ (illustrator), may 2013 - august 2014 (1 year 3 months) Çevsa A.Ş., (designer), november 2012-march 2014 (1 year, 4 months) Ekoyapı Magazine, A ‘ çık Pencere’, (illustrator), January 2012- January 2013 (1 year) Çevsa A.Ş. (internship), july 2010-september 2010 (2 months) Çepkan A.Ş. (internship), august 2009-september 2009 (1 months) Aksa Landscape & City Furniture, (internship), august 2007-september 2007 (1 months)

education Master of Science (M.Sc.), Architectural Design Computing , Istanbul Technical University Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.), Landscape Architecture , Istanbul Technical University

languages English (advanced)

personal experience ‘Çizgi İçi’ Serie~Illustration for Daily News, 2011-present Selim Tanrıseven Studio, (Illustrations-Logo Design-Posters-Animation-Photography Products), 2008-present) Kadıköy TAK, ‘Otuzdokuz Kent, Bir İstanbul’, (designer), 2015 Kadıköy TAK, ‘On Proje Onlarca Etki’ program, (visual specialist), 2014 Arkidect~Design Factory for Kids, NewYork, (logo design), 2014 Tempo Magazine, ‘Gezi Özel Eki’, (illustration), Tempo-August 2013 Delice Film, ‘Ters’ Short Movie, (Scenario-Actor), 2012 Istanbul B.E.N.A. Proseeding Book, (Vice Editor), 2012 Ulas Ereyan Garden Design, olea43 (concept project), 2012 all, Magazine, December, Street Styling (Model), 2011 National Landscape Architecture Association of Academics Meeting (photography), 2011 Istanbul Amateur Theatre Union, (Poster-Programme Mag.-Ticket Design), 2011 ‘Taşkışla Sahnesi’, Antigone, (Decor-Costume-Poster Design), 2011 Istanbul ECLAS Conferance, Proseeding Book (Vice Editor), 2010

Istanbul ECLAS Conferance (photograpy), 2010 ‘Taşkışla Sahnesi’, ‘Kırık Testi’, (Decor-Costume-Poster Design), 2011 ‘Taşkışla Sahnesi’, (Actor), 2009-2011 Istanbul Technical University, Landscape Architecture Clup, (President), 2009-2011 Istanbul Technical University, chamber of landscape architect student group, (president) 2008-2010 (2 years) Istanbul Technical University, landscape arhcitecture department, (student representative) 2007-2011 (4 years)

workshops Tokyo University of Agriculture, Nihombashi Bridge Workshop, 2013 Çaka Design Workshop by ‘Herkes İçin Mimarlık’, 2012 Can Kılcıoğlu Short Movie Worshop, 2012 Istanbul Service Jam~Herkes İçin Mimarlık, ‘Herkes İçin Taksim’ Worshop, 2012 Deltaport by Bike: A performative study by Amsterdam Academy of Architecture, 2011 Sweedish Seed, Playground Equipment Design Workshop, 2010 James Richard ~ A.S.L.A, Sketching Worksop, 2010 ‘Esenler Aksoy İlköğretim Okulu’, garden design workshop, 2010

certificate & courses Kosgeb, Certificate of Entrepreneurship, 2012 ‘Istanbul Bilişim Eğitim Merkezi’ 3ds Max Course, 2012

software programme Adobe Photosop CS6 ~ Adobe Illustrator CS6 ~ Adobe Premier CS6 ~ Adobe Indesign CS6 ~ 3ds Max 2014 ~ Autocad 2014 ~ Microsoft Office 2011

Interest Visual Arts, Photography, Illustration, Graphic Desin, Landscape Design, Animation, Cartoon, Land Art

Membership The Association of Cartoonist ~ ‘Herkes İçin Mimarlık’ ~ ‘Beypazarı Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği’ ~ Chamber of Landscape Architecture

Unpublished Books Çizgi İçi 2011-2014, illustration book ‘Meçhul Sevgiliye Bitmeyen Uyku Şiirleri’ , poem book ‘Çerçeveye Dökülenler’, photography album

Awards Photography ‘Herkes için Hürriyet’, Hürriyet Campus Magazine, National Photograpy Contest, third prize (2010) TMMOB, chambers of architecture, National Photography Contest, equivalent value prize (2011) Youthart, National Photography Contest, first prize (2012)

Design I.T.U YTYK, City Furniture, Concrete Design Contest, first prize (2011) Taşkışla Alumni Association Hat Design Contest, second prize (2011) ‘Barınma Hakkı’, Changing Cities, Creating Oppurtunities Poster Contest, encouragement award (2012)

Cartoon ‘İdesbaş’ 3. National Cartoon Contest, first prize, 2008 7. National Sinop Cartoon Contest, third prize, 2009 ‘KYÖD’ Art Awards, supportive prize, 2010 Çorum Journalist Group, 3. National Cartoon Contest, special prize, 2010 16. Nehar Tüblek National Cartoon Contest, special prize, 2011 9.National Sinop Cartoon Contest, honorable mention, 2011 1.International ‘Engel tanımayan karikatürler’ cartoon contest, special prize, 2011 TSE National Cartoon Contest, third prize, 2012 17.Nehar Tüblek National Cartoon Contest, honorable mention, 2012 ‘Slow City’ Izmir Seferihisar 1. National Cartoon Contest, first prize, 2012 S.D.U 16. International Cartoon Contest, special prize, 2013 Amasya 5. National Cartoon Contest, third prize, 2014

Architectural Design Computing Projects

Landscape Architecture Projects

Küçüksu Palace

Olea43 Concept Project

Urban Space Project between Taşkışla and Gümüşsuyu

Illustrations & Posters



Infographics & Logos




Covers & App. Graphics & Other Works

Walkthrough for ToT Mobile App.

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