January 2014/ $3
FANzine A magazine for ALL the fandoms
Welcome 2014! 1.
New Year, New Resolutions
This Month
The Clock Strikes 12
4. 5.
Shut Up And Take My Money 12 14 Did You Know?
This Girl Is On Fire
7. Reviews
8. You Should...
9. Travel Page: Barcelona
10. Competition
11. From You
Written by: Selin Temizoğlu
With my friend’s dog Molly.
New Year, New Resolutions...
Catching Fire, Frozen, Gravity, American Hustle and 12 Years A Slave; great TV
Happy new year everyone! We left another
shows (and new seasons of TV shows) like
year behind and now looking forward to
Orange Is The New Black, American Hor-
spend a great year full of joy, health, happi-
ror Story: Coven, Hannibal, Breaking Bad
ness and excitement. 2013 brought us a
and lastly great new artists like Lorde, The
lot of new movies, TV shows, books, art-
Neighbourhood, Kodaline and much more
ists and games that we loved and cher-
was what we saw and were amazed by in
ished. Great books like Doctor Sleep by
2013. Now a new year awaits us, we will
Stephen King, Inferno by Dan Brown, Alle-
see what 2014 will bring to us. Let’s hope
giant by Veronica Roth, The House of Ha-
and look forward.
des by Rick Riordan; great movies like
NEW YEAR MEANS NEW RESOLUTIONS Everybody knows that new year also means new resolutions and trying to fulfill them. Which we fail terribly at. I don’t know about you guys but I don’t think I fulfilled most of my resolutions last year. So, like always, I will make new resolutions and I promise, I will let you know if I fulfill any of them. Truth to be told, except for the movies, books etc. 2013 wasn’t a very bright year for me. I graduated from middle school which is awesome, but I wasn’t very happy. I made some great friends though, including my best friend. Summer was good as well but the rest... let’s say not the best days of my life but since I’ve started high school everything is going great and I’m thoroughly happy with my life. Here are some of my new year resolutions that I am planning to fulfill during 2014: • I will finish my Goodreads reading challenge for 2014 (read 40 books).
• Hopefully, go to London and Paris. • Learn some new skills. • Play guitar and improve guitar skills. • Start doing some sports. There are probably more things that I will add but for now, these are my resolutions for 2014 and I hope that I succeed at fulfilling them.
WHAT DID YOU DO ON NEW YEAR’S EVE? By the way, what did you guys do on new years eve? I spent it at one of my friend’s house with some friends and had a lot of fun. As a new years tradition, we watched Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show while eating brownies with ice-cream and drooled over the models. We also danced some, watched stand-up comedy that was on TV (special for new year’s eve) and Madonna concert. It was one of the best new year’s eve I have ever spent. What about you guys? Tell about your new year’s resolu-
• Study hard to keep on getting good grades (as always). • Improve my Spanish and French. • Pass my Royal Academy Grade 5 piano exam with merit.
tions and what you did on new year’s eve by sending an e-mail at “fan_mail_zine@fanzine.com”. And now, let’s start 2014 with a great issue of FANzine shall we? Let’s go...
T his Month P!NK - TRUTH ABOUT LOVE TOUR Famous singer P!NK goes on tour to celebrate her new album “Truth About Love”. The tour dates for this month are 29th, 30th and 31st. It will be held in various places in California. If you enjoy listening to her songs and would like to see her live, go on “ http://www.gotickets.com/concert/pink.php” to buy tickets.
LION KING MUSICAL Award winning musical “The Lion King” is on again! Telling a story of family, friendship and love, “The Lion King” will fascinate adults, teenagers and kids with its magnificent presentation and music. The dates for this month are 25th, 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of January. To buy tickets, go to “http://www.gotickets.com/theater/ the_lion_king_at_minskoff_theatre_EI.php”.
THIS STAR WON’T GO OUT BY ESTHER, LORI AND WAYNE EARL A collection of the journals, fiction, letters, and sketches of the late Esther Grace Earl, who passed away in 2010 at the age of 16. Photographs and essays by family and friends will help to tell Esther’s story along with an introduction by award-winning author John Green who dedicated his #1 bestselling novel “The Fault in Our Stars” to her - Goodreads Pre-order “This Star Won’t Go Out” at: http://www.amazon.com/This-Star-Wont-Go-O ut/dp/0525426361
LAKERS VS CELTICS Are you a fan of Los Angeles Lakers or Boston Celtics? Well then you should totally watch the upcoming Lakers-Celtics game. The game will take place in Boston on 17th January. You can buy tickets from “http://www.nba.com/tickets/tix.html”. For more information go to “http://www.nba.com/ gameline/20140125/” .
THE Clock Strikes 12
12th Doctor, will be played by Peter Ca-
As you all know, the least expected day fi-
paldi! He even made his first appearance
nally came. The Time of the Doctor aired on Christmas day and was watched by Whovians worldwide. Throughout the epi-
at the end of the episode and we already love him!
sode, there were a lot of sad moments and
a lot of inspiring quotes said by Matt
In the beginning of the episode, the Doctor
Smith, who is now our ex-Doctor. Yes,
has a face off with both the Daleks and the
sadly Matt Smith is not the Doctor any-
Cybermen (separately), had a comedy con-
more. But don’t fret! We have a new Doc-
versation with Handles the Cyberman
tor that will probably make up for Matt’s
head and receives a call from his lovely
leaving. Yes! The new Doctor, which isthe
companion Clara Oswald. Clara asks the
Doctor to be her pretend-boyfriend for the
called Christmas, surrounded by a truth
Christmas meal she is going to have with
field forcing everyone to never lie. The mes-
her family. The Doctor picks up Clara from
sage's origin is quickly identified as a
her home (after causing major embarrass-
crack in reality in the church tower. Han-
ment when he forgets to update his holo-
dles identifies the language of the mes-
graphic suit to be visible to her family and
sage as Gallifreyan and with the Doctor's
appearing naked) and after placing her
help, translates the message as a ques-
Christmas turkey into a device that will ei-
tion: "Doctor who?". The Doctor finds out
ther cook it or bring it back to life, takes
that the Time Lords are using the crack
her to the planet's orbit. When asked to
and calling to him for help. If the Doctor an-
identify the planet, Handles sayd that it is
swers the question and speaks his real
Gallifrey, but in fact it’s Trenzalore. The two
name, the Time Lords will know they found
get invited aboard the Papal Mainframe, a
the right universe and come through. How-
space church, with Clara getting a pill from
ever, this would also trigger a new Time
the Doctor to make her appear naked in
War and Tasha will not let this happen: the
the church because nudity there is consid-
planet will be destroyed. The Doctor asks
ered a mark of respect. Tasha, the Mother
its name, and she states "Trenzalore", the
Superious, and the Doctor discuss the sig-
planet where he will die. The Doctor tricks
nal coming from the mysterious planet,
Clara and sends her home, and stays in
while Clara sees and forgets about the Si-
Trenzalore to defend it from attacks by the
lents that surround her. She goes into the
room where the Doctor and Tasha are talk-
After taking Clara home, the TARDIS be-
ing, but forgets why she does. Tasha asks
gins heading back to Trenzalore, but Clara
if the Doctor wishes to be the first to ex-
grabs it and tries to go back. However, to
plore the cause of a message that no one
protect her from the time vortex, the
can translate and is continually being
TARDIS is forced to increase its shields,
broadcast across time and space. On ar-
slowing down the journey. Arriving back at
riving on the planet, the Doctor and Clara
Christmas, Clara meets an aged Doctor
are attacked by Weeping Angels hiding in
who spent 300 years as its protector. They
the snow of a frozen forest, but using the
are then brought to the Papal Mainfra-
key under his wig, the Doctor materializes
me—now the Church of the Silence. He
the TARDIS around them. Using the
learns during this protracted stalemate, a
TARDIS, the Doctor and Clara find a town
chapter of the Church broke away and
tried to avert these events by killing him off
drops it on the floor. After that he suddenly
in the past: by destroying his TARDIS and
regenerates into the Twelfth Doctor. After
engineering a child to kill him. He finds out
saying he has 'new kidneys' and he dis-
that Tasha and her crew have been taken
likes their color, the Doctor explains that
by the Daleks, converted into “Daleks”.
the TARDIS is crashing. Trying to control
They all escape and return to the planet,
the TARDIS, he asks Clara if she knows
as the Dalek fleet receives reinforcements
how to fly it. We then see Clara’s face,
and masses for war.
completely shocked by his new appear-
The Doctor lies about not sending Clara
ance and the question.
back again, but he does and she returns to Earth. As the centuries pass, most of the
races depart or are destroyed. On the
After all, I’m very excited to see Peter Ca-
same day (but from Clara’s point of view), the TARDIS reappears and Clara enters to find Tasha inside. Tasha takes her to Trenzalore, and says "No one should die alone". Clara sees the Doctor at the point when the Daleks finally win control of the town. With nothing left, the Doctor goes out to face the Daleks in a final stand. Clara returns to the crack and begs the Time Lords to save the Doctor. The Doctor prepares to die outside, when the crack appears in the night sky. Regeneration energy flows from the crack and into the Doctor meaning that the Time Lords saved him from his death. The Doctor uses the excess energy of his regeneration to destroy the Daleks. After that, Clara finds the Doctor, looking young again, in the TARDIS. He hallucinates Amy Pond, the first and the last face he will ever see. He then removes his bow tie, and
paldi as the new doctor. I’m sure he will be an awesome version of him and will makes us fall in love with him more and more with every episode he appears in.
GREAT QUOTES FROM THE TIME OF THE DOCTOR “Everybody’s naked underneath.” - The Doctor “I’ll be keeping you safe. One last victory. Allow me that. Give me that, my impossible girl.” - The Doctor “I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.” - The Doctor “Raggedy man. Goodnight.” - Amelia Pond
shut up and take my money These bandages have texts on them so that next time you bump your pinky toe to the table, you can easily tell your friends that it happened in a ninja fight! Make yourself look like a boss! What a time to be alive for the artists who make digital art! With this special pen, you can scan the color you want to use and BAM! The color is yours.
This cool toaster lets you write and draw stuff on your toast. You can make toasts for special days to your loved ones or just make funny toasts to entertain yourself.
DID YOU KNOW? All Smurfs are born male. (Female Smurfettes usually are created by magic.)
After Star Trek was cancelled, one of the actresses was hired to work at NASA!
In 1939 an author named Ernest Vincent wrote a 50,000 word novel called Gadsby. The only thing unusual about the novel is that there is not a single letter `e’ in the whole thing.
Bill Murray hated the movie `Groundhog Day.’
In Iron Man/Avengers, J.A.R.V.I.S is an acronym for “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System.”
The drawing of Kate Winslet in James Cameron’s, Titanic was actually drawn by James Cameron.
Arctic Monkeys
This Girl Is On Fire
From The Poker House to Winter’s
Bone, X-Men: First Class to The Hun-
Jennifer Shrader Lawrence was born
ger Games, Silver Linings Playbook to
on August 15, 1990 in Lousville, Ken-
American Hustle; Jennifer Lawrence
tucky, United States of America. Her
has took place in great movies with her
father Gary Lawrence and her mother
amazing acting which made her one of
Karen Lawrence have two more chil-
the most successful actresses of all
dren named Ben and Blaine who are
time. She is funny, smart and beautiful
older than her. As a kid, she was good
and everybody loves her, but does eve-
at lying and acting even though she
ryone know her story?
has never had acting lessons in her life until she started acting in Hollywood.
When she was 14, she decided that
she wanted to be an actress and
In 2012, Lawrence starred as Katniss
moved to New York. She had her first
Everdeen in the movie adaptation of
lead role in the drama movie The Poker
the best-selling book Hunger Games
House as thr 14 year old Agnes. She
which made her more famous that she
also starred in The Burning Plain with
ever was.
Charlize Theron and Kim Basinger. After The Hunger Games, Lawrence
played the character Tiffany Maxwell in
another book to movie adaptation Sil-
In 2010, she played in the drama
ver Linings Playbook, directed by
movie Winter’s Bone which earned Lawrence her first Academy Award nomination which made her the second-youngest actress to be nominated for the Academy Award For The Best Actress at that time. She also starred in the movie Like Crazy in 2011 which premiered in Sundance Film Fes-
David O. Russell. This role was a big point in her acting career and won her a Golden Globe and an Academy Award. She also starred in the horror movie House at the End of the Street. In 2013, she returned to the screens as Katniss Everdeen in the second movie
of The Hunger Games series The Hun-
She starred as the shapeshifter Raven
again a big success. She then played
Darkholme/Mystique in X-Men: First Class in 2011 with many good actors such as James McAvoy, Micheal Fassbender and Kevin Bacon. Again in 2011 Lawrence appeared in The Beaver, a dark comedy movie starring Jodie Foster and Mel Gibson.
ger Games: Catching Fire which was in another David O. Russell movie, appearing as Rosalyn Rosenfeld in American Hustle which again won her a Golden Globe and an Academy Award nomination.
ranked #49 on Forbes' list of the
world's most powerful celebrities.
Because of Jennifer Lawrence’s incredible performances in every movie she
plays, Rolling Stone has called her “the
Jennifer Lawrence is one of the big-
most talented young actress in Amer-
gest influences and idols in the eyes of
ica.” In 2013, Time named her as one
today’s teenagers. She is also loved
of the 100 most influencal people in
with her great personality and her
the world. ELLE Magazine named her
beauty. As FANzine crew, we wish her
the most powerful woman in the enter-
a long happy career full of awards and
tainment business in 2013, and in 2013
success and a long life full of health
she ranked number 1 on AskMen's list
and happiness.
of Top 99 Most Desirable Women of the year. In June 2013, Lawrence was
REVIEWS Saving Mr. Banks Saving Mr. Banks is a comedy-drama film starring Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks. The movie is about how Walt Disney managed to convince P. L. Travers into making Mary Poppins a Disney movie. There are also a lot of flashback scenes showing P. L. Travers with her alcoholic but loving father Travers Goff. The film has funny scenes but it also has scenes that make you cry. Especially the last scene made me cry a lot. Emma Thompson is marvellous as P. L. Travers in this movie, one of her best actings for sure. I recommend this film to you highly if you like Disney and family movies.
Paper Towns by John Green Paper Towns is a young adult / teenage novel written by John Green. The book's main character Quentin Jacobsen has always had a crush on his childhood friend Margo Roth Spiegelman who is an adventurous, clever and witty young woman. Their in their seniour year and weeks away from graduation when all of a sudden, Margo comes to Quentin's room and tells him to go on several "quests" with her. They have a fun but tiring night, pulling pranks and getting revenge from people who betrayed Margo as a friend and as a boyfriend. Quentin becomes happy because he and Margo haven't been this close for a really long time but unfortunately Margo runs away from the town. Throughout the book, Quentin "Q" Jacobsen, his friends Ben Starling and Marcus "Radar" Lincoln and Margo's friend Lacey Pemberton try to find Margo, following the clues she has left behind. In conclusion, this is an adventurous and a lesson-giving book of John Green which should be read by everyone. I had fun every second of reading and I'm sure people who like his writing style or young adult/teen books, will like this book as well.
Art by harpymarx at deviantART
YOU SHOULD... Listen to HAIM! These 3 sisters from California will rock your world with their 80s-90s kinda soft rock tunes. You should definitely buy their new album Days Are Gone. Trust me, they are good!
Take a boat trip in Nyhavn! If you ever go to Copenhagen, don’t forget to take a boat trip in the beautiful canals and pass through Nyhavn, one of the most famous places in Denmark.
Watch Orphan Black Do you like British girls kicking some serious butt? Or beautiful scientists doing amazing experiments? Or soccer moms that have drinking problems? Well this show has all of them, and most of all they are all clones! Or... are they?
Play The Last Of Us If you liked the movie I Am Legend then you will definitely love The Last Of Us. Taking you to the future, a postapocalyptic world, The Last Of Us will make you enjoy every second of your playing time. Not only the story, but the characters Ellie and Joel are great as well.
BARCELONA Ahh Barcelona... Beautiful city of a beautiful country, centre of Catalunya and the place for everybody who loves sun, architecture and great food. I forgot to tell you guys, but since this month it’s my turn on the Travel Page, I will talk about my trip to Barcelona I did this summer.
First of all, from the beginning to the end, it was an amazing trip. I went to stay at this boutique hotel my friend suggested me and look how cute their lobby was!
The most touristic place in Barcelona is probably La Ramba. La Ramba is a big street where there are a lot of hand-built shops and little cafes. It is truly a great place for walking and having a sip of your sangria while watching the life go on. 27
The long beach of Barcelona is a great place for jogging, sunbathing, having fun with your friends and swimming. It’s even beautiful at night.
While I was in Barcelona, I didn’t forget to visit Museo Dali Figueres, which is the former house of Salvador Dali and now the museum of his art.
Also, check out this amazing shop I found while I was walking through the streets of a village near Barcelona. It has tshirts of nearly all of the TV shows, books, movies and I couldn’t help myself so I bought a Khaleesi t-shirt from there! :D
Don’t forget to drink sangria and eat paella when you go to Barcelona. Sangria is an alcoholic drink so if you are not old enough don’t drink it, but definitely eat paella because it tastes like heaven.
I didn’t forget to visit one of the world’s most famous football team’s stadium as well. FC Barcelona stadium was absolutely awesome, it even had a little museum that had all of their trophies and you could also take a picture while holding a trophy!
One of the best things you can see in Barcelona is Gaudi’s splendid architecture and his buildings. It really gives the city a whole new atmosphere and makes is special.
Barcelona is a truly magnificent city that needs to be visited at least once in a lifetime. I really enjoyed staying there, I hope you guys give it a try as well.
COMPETITION Want to win a John Green box set? Then you should answer these 5 questions correctly about 5 different John Green books first. Be quick! Only the first 30 will get their box sets!
1) In “The Fault In Our Stars” Hazel has a friend who is described as being "an extremely sophisticated twenty-five-year old British socialite stuck inside a sixteen-year-old body in Indianapolis." What is her name? A) Lauren B) Catherine C) Karina D) Kaitlyn
3) In “Will Grayson Will Grayson” what famous scientist is constantly being brought up to symbolize Will and Jane's relationship? A) Newton B) Schrödinger C) Darwin D) Einstein
2) In “Paper Towns” what does Quentin name his minivan? A) RHAPAW B) Muhammad Ali C) Lurlene D) The Dreidel
4) In “Looking for Alaska” what did Alaska call her car? A) Orange Lemon B) Blue Lemon C) The Crap-Mobile D) Blue Citrus
5) In “An Abundance of Katherines” How many Katherines has Colin dated all together? A) 8 B) 22 C) 20 D) 19 32
FROM YOU From Emin, age 16, Turkey.
From circumhorizontalfire on tumblr.
From Layla, age 15, USA